# #-#-#-#-# mk.po (iso_3166) #-#-#-#-# # translation of iso-codes_iso_3166_mk.po to Macedonian # translation of mk.po to # Translation of ISO-3166 (country names) to Macedonian # # This file is distributed under the same license as the iso-codes package. # # Copyright (C) # # Georgi Stanojevski , 2004, 2006. # Arangel Angov , 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011. # #-#-#-#-# mk.po (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-# # SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. # Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # FIRST AUTHOR , YEAR. #, fuzzy msgid "" msgstr "" "#-#-#-#-# mk.po (iso_3166) #-#-#-#-#\n" "Project-Id-Version: iso_3166\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: Debian iso-codes team \n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2013-07-13 08:15+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2011-06-20 11:05+0100\n" "Last-Translator: Arangel Angov \n" "Language-Team: Macedonian \n" "Language: mk\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.4\n" "#-#-#-#-# mk.po (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-#\n" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2013-05-17 00:31-0400\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2011-02-24 04:51+0200\n" "Last-Translator: Chris \n" "Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n" "Language: \n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n==1 || n%10==1 ? 0 : 1;\n" "X-Generator: Pootle 2.0.1\n" #. name for AFG msgid "Afghanistan" msgstr "Авганистан" #. official_name for AFG msgid "Islamic Republic of Afghanistan" msgstr "Исламска република Авганистан" #. name for ALA msgid "Åland Islands" msgstr "Ајланд острови" #. name for ALB msgid "Albania" msgstr "Албанија" #. official_name for ALB msgid "Republic of Albania" msgstr "Република Албанија" #. name for DZA msgid "Algeria" msgstr "Алжир" #. official_name for DZA msgid "People's Democratic Republic of Algeria" msgstr "Народна демократска република Алжир" #. name for ASM msgid "American Samoa" msgstr "Американска Самоа" #. name for AND msgid "Andorra" msgstr "Андора" #. official_name for AND msgid "Principality of Andorra" msgstr "Кралство Андора" #. name for AGO msgid "Angola" msgstr "Ангола" #. official_name for AGO msgid "Republic of Angola" msgstr "Република Ангола" #. name for AIA msgid "Anguilla" msgstr "Ангуила" #. name for ATA msgid "Antarctica" msgstr "Антартика" #. name for ATG msgid "Antigua and Barbuda" msgstr "Антика и Барбуда" #. name for ARG msgid "Argentina" msgstr "Аргентина" #. official_name for ARG msgid "Argentine Republic" msgstr "Република Аргентина" #. name for ARM msgid "Armenia" msgstr "Ерменија" #. official_name for ARM msgid "Republic of Armenia" msgstr "Република Ерменија" #. name for ABW msgid "Aruba" msgstr "Аруба" #. name for AUS msgid "Australia" msgstr "Австралија" #. name for AUT msgid "Austria" msgstr "Австрија" #. official_name for AUT msgid "Republic of Austria" msgstr "Република Австрија" #. name for AZE msgid "Azerbaijan" msgstr "Азербејџан" #. official_name for AZE msgid "Republic of Azerbaijan" msgstr "Република Азербејџан" #. name for BHS msgid "Bahamas" msgstr "Бахами" #. official_name for BHS msgid "Commonwealth of the Bahamas" msgstr "Комонвелт Бахами" #. name for BHR msgid "Bahrain" msgstr "Бахреин" #. official_name for BHR msgid "Kingdom of Bahrain" msgstr "Кралството Бахреин" #. name for BGD msgid "Bangladesh" msgstr "Бангладеш" #. official_name for BGD msgid "People's Republic of Bangladesh" msgstr "Народна република Бангладеш" #. name for BRB msgid "Barbados" msgstr "Барбадос" #. name for BLR msgid "Belarus" msgstr "Белорусија" #. official_name for BLR msgid "Republic of Belarus" msgstr "Република Белорусија" #. name for BEL msgid "Belgium" msgstr "Белгија" #. official_name for BEL msgid "Kingdom of Belgium" msgstr "Кралство Белгија" #. name for BLZ msgid "Belize" msgstr "Белизе" #. name for BEN msgid "Benin" msgstr "Бенин" #. official_name for BEN msgid "Republic of Benin" msgstr "Република Бенин" #. name for BMU msgid "Bermuda" msgstr "Бермуди" #. name for BTN msgid "Bhutan" msgstr "Бутан" #. official_name for BTN msgid "Kingdom of Bhutan" msgstr "Кралство Бутан" #. name for BOL msgid "Bolivia, Plurinational State of" msgstr "Плуринационална држава Боливија" #. official_name for BOL msgid "Plurinational State of Bolivia" msgstr "Плуринационална држава Боливија" #. common_name for BOL msgid "Bolivia" msgstr "Боливија" #. name for BES, official_name for BES msgid "Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba" msgstr "Бониаре, Св. Еустатиус и Саба" #. name for BIH msgid "Bosnia and Herzegovina" msgstr "Босна и Херцеговина" #. official_name for BIH msgid "Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina" msgstr "Репбулика Босна и Херцеговина" #. name for BWA msgid "Botswana" msgstr "Боцвана" #. official_name for BWA msgid "Republic of Botswana" msgstr "Република Боцвана" #. name for BVT msgid "Bouvet Island" msgstr "Бувет острови" #. name for BRA msgid "Brazil" msgstr "Бразил" #. official_name for BRA msgid "Federative Republic of Brazil" msgstr "Федеративна република Бразил" #. name for IOT msgid "British Indian Ocean Territory" msgstr "Британска територија на Индиски океан" #. name for BRN msgid "Brunei Darussalam" msgstr "Брунеи Дарусалам" #. name for BGR msgid "Bulgaria" msgstr "Бугарија" #. official_name for BGR msgid "Republic of Bulgaria" msgstr "Република Бугарија" #. name for BFA msgid "Burkina Faso" msgstr "Буркина Фасо" #. name for BDI msgid "Burundi" msgstr "Бурунди" #. official_name for BDI msgid "Republic of Burundi" msgstr "Република Буринди" #. name for KHM msgid "Cambodia" msgstr "Камбоџа" #. official_name for KHM msgid "Kingdom of Cambodia" msgstr "Кралство Камбоџа" #. name for CMR msgid "Cameroon" msgstr "Камерун" #. official_name for CMR msgid "Republic of Cameroon" msgstr "Република Камерун" #. name for CAN msgid "Canada" msgstr "Канада" #. name for CPV msgid "Cape Verde" msgstr "Кејп Верде" #. official_name for CPV msgid "Republic of Cape Verde" msgstr "Република Кејп Верде" #. name for CYM msgid "Cayman Islands" msgstr "Кајмански острови" #. name for CAF msgid "Central African Republic" msgstr "Централно афричка република" #. name for TCD msgid "Chad" msgstr "Чад" #. official_name for TCD msgid "Republic of Chad" msgstr "Република Чад" #. name for CHL msgid "Chile" msgstr "Чиле" #. official_name for CHL msgid "Republic of Chile" msgstr "Република Чиле" #. name for CHN msgid "China" msgstr "Кина" #. official_name for CHN msgid "People's Republic of China" msgstr "Народна република Кина" #. name for CXR msgid "Christmas Island" msgstr "Божиќни острови" #. name for CCK msgid "Cocos (Keeling) Islands" msgstr "Кокос (Килинг) острови" #. name for COL msgid "Colombia" msgstr "Колумбија" #. official_name for COL msgid "Republic of Colombia" msgstr "Република Колумбија" #. name for COM msgid "Comoros" msgstr "Коморос" #. official_name for COM msgid "Union of the Comoros" msgstr "Заедница на Коморос" #. name for COG msgid "Congo" msgstr "Конго" #. official_name for COG msgid "Republic of the Congo" msgstr "Република Конго" #. name for COD msgid "Congo, The Democratic Republic of the" msgstr "Конго, демократска република" #. name for COK msgid "Cook Islands" msgstr "Кукови острови" #. name for CRI msgid "Costa Rica" msgstr "Костарика" #. official_name for CRI msgid "Republic of Costa Rica" msgstr "Република Костарика" #. name for CIV msgid "Côte d'Ivoire" msgstr "Брег на слонова коста" #. official_name for CIV msgid "Republic of Côte d'Ivoire" msgstr "Република Брег на слонова коска" #. name for HRV msgid "Croatia" msgstr "Хрватска" #. official_name for HRV msgid "Republic of Croatia" msgstr "Република Хрватска" #. name for CUB msgid "Cuba" msgstr "Куба" #. official_name for CUB msgid "Republic of Cuba" msgstr "Република Куба" #. name for CUW, official_name for CUW msgid "Curaçao" msgstr "Куракао" #. name for CYP msgid "Cyprus" msgstr "Кипар" #. official_name for CYP msgid "Republic of Cyprus" msgstr "Република Кипар" #. name for CZE msgid "Czech Republic" msgstr "Чешка република" #. name for DNK msgid "Denmark" msgstr "Данска" #. official_name for DNK msgid "Kingdom of Denmark" msgstr "Кралство Данска" #. name for DJI msgid "Djibouti" msgstr "Џибути" #. official_name for DJI msgid "Republic of Djibouti" msgstr "Република Џибути" #. name for DMA msgid "Dominica" msgstr "Доминикана" #. official_name for DMA msgid "Commonwealth of Dominica" msgstr "Комонвелт Доминикана" #. name for DOM msgid "Dominican Republic" msgstr "Доминиканска Република" #. name for ECU msgid "Ecuador" msgstr "Еквадор" #. official_name for ECU msgid "Republic of Ecuador" msgstr "Република Еквадор" #. name for EGY msgid "Egypt" msgstr "Египет" #. official_name for EGY msgid "Arab Republic of Egypt" msgstr "Арапска република Египет" #. name for SLV msgid "El Salvador" msgstr "Ел Салвадор" #. official_name for SLV msgid "Republic of El Salvador" msgstr "Република Ел Салвадор" #. name for GNQ msgid "Equatorial Guinea" msgstr "Екваторијална Гвинеја" #. official_name for GNQ msgid "Republic of Equatorial Guinea" msgstr "Република Екваторијална Гвинеја" #. name for ERI msgid "Eritrea" msgstr "Еритреа" #. official_name for ERI #, fuzzy msgid "the State of Eritrea" msgstr "Соединетите Американски Држави" #. name for EST msgid "Estonia" msgstr "Естонија" #. official_name for EST msgid "Republic of Estonia" msgstr "Република Естонија" #. name for ETH, historic names for ETH (withdrawn 1993-07-16) msgid "Ethiopia" msgstr "Етиопија" #. official_name for ETH msgid "Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia" msgstr "Федерална демократска република Етиопија" #. name for FLK msgid "Falkland Islands (Malvinas)" msgstr "Фокландски острови (Малвини)" #. name for FRO msgid "Faroe Islands" msgstr "Фаројски острови" #. name for FJI msgid "Fiji" msgstr "Фиџи" #. official_name for FJI msgid "Republic of Fiji" msgstr "Република Фиџи" #. name for FIN msgid "Finland" msgstr "Финска" #. official_name for FIN msgid "Republic of Finland" msgstr "Република Финска" #. name for FRA msgid "France" msgstr "Франција" #. official_name for FRA msgid "French Republic" msgstr "Француска република" #. name for GUF msgid "French Guiana" msgstr "Француска Гвинеја" #. name for PYF msgid "French Polynesia" msgstr "Франсуска Полинезија" #. name for ATF msgid "French Southern Territories" msgstr "Јужни француски територии" #. name for GAB msgid "Gabon" msgstr "Габон" #. official_name for GAB msgid "Gabonese Republic" msgstr "Габонска република" #. name for GMB msgid "Gambia" msgstr "Гамбија" #. official_name for GMB msgid "Republic of the Gambia" msgstr "Република Гамбија" #. name for GEO msgid "Georgia" msgstr "Грузија" #. name for DEU msgid "Germany" msgstr "Германија" #. official_name for DEU msgid "Federal Republic of Germany" msgstr "Федерална република Германија" #. name for GHA msgid "Ghana" msgstr "Гана" #. official_name for GHA msgid "Republic of Ghana" msgstr "Република Гана" #. name for GIB msgid "Gibraltar" msgstr "Гибралтар" #. name for GRC msgid "Greece" msgstr "Грција" #. official_name for GRC msgid "Hellenic Republic" msgstr "Грчка република" #. name for GRL msgid "Greenland" msgstr "Гренланд" #. name for GRD msgid "Grenada" msgstr "Гренада" #. name for GLP msgid "Guadeloupe" msgstr "Гуадалопе" #. name for GUM msgid "Guam" msgstr "Гуам" #. name for GTM msgid "Guatemala" msgstr "Гватемала" #. official_name for GTM msgid "Republic of Guatemala" msgstr "Република Гватемала" #. name for GGY msgid "Guernsey" msgstr "Гурнези" #. name for GIN msgid "Guinea" msgstr "Гвинеја" #. official_name for GIN msgid "Republic of Guinea" msgstr "Република Гвинеја" #. name for GNB msgid "Guinea-Bissau" msgstr "Гвинеја-Бисау" #. official_name for GNB msgid "Republic of Guinea-Bissau" msgstr "Република Гвинеја-Бисау" #. name for GUY msgid "Guyana" msgstr "Гвајана" #. official_name for GUY msgid "Republic of Guyana" msgstr "Република Гвајана" #. name for HTI msgid "Haiti" msgstr "Хаити" #. official_name for HTI msgid "Republic of Haiti" msgstr "Република Хаити" #. name for HMD msgid "Heard Island and McDonald Islands" msgstr "Херд острови и Мекдоналд острови" #. name for VAT msgid "Holy See (Vatican City State)" msgstr "Држава град Ватикан" #. name for HND msgid "Honduras" msgstr "Хондурас" #. official_name for HND msgid "Republic of Honduras" msgstr "Република Хондурас" #. name for HKG msgid "Hong Kong" msgstr "Хонк Конг" #. official_name for HKG msgid "Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of China" msgstr "Специјален административен дел на Кина Хонг Конг" #. name for HUN, official_name for HUN msgid "Hungary" msgstr "Унгарија" #. name for ISL msgid "Iceland" msgstr "Исланд" #. official_name for ISL msgid "Republic of Iceland" msgstr "Република Исланд" #. name for IND msgid "India" msgstr "Индија" #. official_name for IND msgid "Republic of India" msgstr "Република Индија" #. name for IDN msgid "Indonesia" msgstr "Индонезија" #. official_name for IDN msgid "Republic of Indonesia" msgstr "Република Индонезија" #. name for IRN msgid "Iran, Islamic Republic of" msgstr "Иран" #. official_name for IRN msgid "Islamic Republic of Iran" msgstr "Исламска република Иран" #. name for IRQ msgid "Iraq" msgstr "Ирак" #. official_name for IRQ msgid "Republic of Iraq" msgstr "Република Ирак" #. name for IRL msgid "Ireland" msgstr "Ирска" #. name for IMN msgid "Isle of Man" msgstr "Ман остров" #. name for ISR msgid "Israel" msgstr "Израел" #. official_name for ISR msgid "State of Israel" msgstr "Држава Израел" #. name for ITA msgid "Italy" msgstr "Италија" #. official_name for ITA msgid "Italian Republic" msgstr "Италијанска република" #. name for JAM msgid "Jamaica" msgstr "Јамајка" #. name for JPN msgid "Japan" msgstr "Јапонија" #. name for JEY msgid "Jersey" msgstr "Џерси" #. name for JOR msgid "Jordan" msgstr "Џордан" #. official_name for JOR msgid "Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan" msgstr "Хошемитско кралство на Јордан" #. name for KAZ msgid "Kazakhstan" msgstr "Казакстан" #. official_name for KAZ msgid "Republic of Kazakhstan" msgstr "Република Казакстан" #. name for KEN msgid "Kenya" msgstr "Кенија" #. official_name for KEN msgid "Republic of Kenya" msgstr "Република Кенија" #. name for KIR msgid "Kiribati" msgstr "Кирибати" #. official_name for KIR msgid "Republic of Kiribati" msgstr "Република Кирибати" #. name for PRK msgid "Korea, Democratic People's Republic of" msgstr "Кореја, Демократска народна република" #. official_name for PRK msgid "Democratic People's Republic of Korea" msgstr "Демократска нардона република Кореја" #. name for KOR msgid "Korea, Republic of" msgstr "Кореја, Република" #. name for KWT msgid "Kuwait" msgstr "Кувајт" #. official_name for KWT msgid "State of Kuwait" msgstr "Држава Кувајт" #. name for KGZ msgid "Kyrgyzstan" msgstr "Киргистан" #. official_name for KGZ msgid "Kyrgyz Republic" msgstr "Киргистанска република" #. name for LAO msgid "Lao People's Democratic Republic" msgstr "Народна демократска република Лао" #. name for LVA msgid "Latvia" msgstr "Летонија" #. official_name for LVA msgid "Republic of Latvia" msgstr "Република Летонија" #. name for LBN msgid "Lebanon" msgstr "Либан" #. official_name for LBN msgid "Lebanese Republic" msgstr "Либанска република" #. name for LSO msgid "Lesotho" msgstr "Лесото" #. official_name for LSO msgid "Kingdom of Lesotho" msgstr "Кралство Лесото" #. name for LBR msgid "Liberia" msgstr "Либерија" #. official_name for LBR msgid "Republic of Liberia" msgstr "Република Либерија" #. name for LBY, official_name for LBY msgid "Libya" msgstr "Либија" #. name for LIE msgid "Liechtenstein" msgstr "Линхештајн" #. official_name for LIE msgid "Principality of Liechtenstein" msgstr "Кнежество Линхештајн" #. name for LTU msgid "Lithuania" msgstr "Литванија" #. official_name for LTU msgid "Republic of Lithuania" msgstr "Република Литванија" #. name for LUX msgid "Luxembourg" msgstr "Луксембург" #. official_name for LUX msgid "Grand Duchy of Luxembourg" msgstr "Големо војводство Луксембург" #. name for MAC msgid "Macao" msgstr "Макао" #. official_name for MAC msgid "Macao Special Administrative Region of China" msgstr "Специјален административен дел на Кина Макао" #. name for MKD msgid "Macedonia, Republic of" msgstr "Македонија" #. official_name for MKD msgid "The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia" msgstr "Република Македонија" #. name for MDG msgid "Madagascar" msgstr "Мадагаскар" #. official_name for MDG msgid "Republic of Madagascar" msgstr "Република Мадагаскар" #. name for MWI msgid "Malawi" msgstr "Малави" #. official_name for MWI msgid "Republic of Malawi" msgstr "Република Малави" #. name for MYS msgid "Malaysia" msgstr "Малезија" #. name for MDV msgid "Maldives" msgstr "Малдиви" #. official_name for MDV msgid "Republic of Maldives" msgstr "Република Малдиви" #. name for MLI msgid "Mali" msgstr "Мали" #. official_name for MLI msgid "Republic of Mali" msgstr "Република Мали" #. name for MLT msgid "Malta" msgstr "Малта" #. official_name for MLT msgid "Republic of Malta" msgstr "Република Малта" #. name for MHL msgid "Marshall Islands" msgstr "Маршалови острови" #. official_name for MHL msgid "Republic of the Marshall Islands" msgstr "Република Маршалови острови" #. name for MTQ msgid "Martinique" msgstr "Мартиник" #. name for MRT msgid "Mauritania" msgstr "Мавританија" #. official_name for MRT msgid "Islamic Republic of Mauritania" msgstr "Исламска република Мавританија" #. name for MUS msgid "Mauritius" msgstr "Маурициус" #. official_name for MUS msgid "Republic of Mauritius" msgstr "Република Маурициус" #. name for MYT msgid "Mayotte" msgstr "Мајоте" #. name for MEX msgid "Mexico" msgstr "Мексико" #. official_name for MEX msgid "United Mexican States" msgstr "Обединети Мексикански држави" #. name for FSM msgid "Micronesia, Federated States of" msgstr "Микронезија" #. official_name for FSM msgid "Federated States of Micronesia" msgstr "Федерални држави на Микронезија" #. name for MDA msgid "Moldova, Republic of" msgstr "Република Молдавија" #. official_name for MDA msgid "Republic of Moldova" msgstr "Република Молдавија" #. common_name for MDA msgid "Moldova" msgstr "Молдавија" #. name for MCO msgid "Monaco" msgstr "Монако" #. official_name for MCO msgid "Principality of Monaco" msgstr "Кнежество Монако" #. name for MNG msgid "Mongolia" msgstr "Монголија" #. name for MNE, official_name for MNE msgid "Montenegro" msgstr "Црна Гора" #. name for MSR msgid "Montserrat" msgstr "Монтсерат" #. name for MAR msgid "Morocco" msgstr "Мароко" #. official_name for MAR msgid "Kingdom of Morocco" msgstr "Кралство Мароко" #. name for MOZ msgid "Mozambique" msgstr "Мозамбик" #. official_name for MOZ msgid "Republic of Mozambique" msgstr "Република Мозамбик" #. name for MMR msgid "Myanmar" msgstr "Мианмар" #. official_name for MMR msgid "Republic of Myanmar" msgstr "Република Мјанамр" #. name for NAM msgid "Namibia" msgstr "Намибија" #. official_name for NAM msgid "Republic of Namibia" msgstr "Република Намибија" #. name for NRU msgid "Nauru" msgstr "Науру" #. official_name for NRU msgid "Republic of Nauru" msgstr "Република Науру" #. name for NPL msgid "Nepal" msgstr "Непал" #. official_name for NPL msgid "Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal" msgstr "Федерална демократска република Непал" #. name for NLD msgid "Netherlands" msgstr "Холандија" #. official_name for NLD msgid "Kingdom of the Netherlands" msgstr "Кралство Холандија" #. name for NCL msgid "New Caledonia" msgstr "Нова Каледонија" #. name for NZL msgid "New Zealand" msgstr "Нов Зеланд" #. name for NIC msgid "Nicaragua" msgstr "Никарагва" #. official_name for NIC msgid "Republic of Nicaragua" msgstr "Република Никарагва" #. name for NER msgid "Niger" msgstr "Нигер" #. official_name for NER msgid "Republic of the Niger" msgstr "Република Нигер" #. name for NGA msgid "Nigeria" msgstr "Нигерија" #. official_name for NGA msgid "Federal Republic of Nigeria" msgstr "Федерална република Нигерија" #. name for NIU, official_name for NIU msgid "Niue" msgstr "Ниуе" #. name for NFK msgid "Norfolk Island" msgstr "Норфолк острови" #. name for MNP msgid "Northern Mariana Islands" msgstr "Северна Мариана острови" #. official_name for MNP msgid "Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands" msgstr "Комонвелт на северна Маријана острови" #. name for NOR msgid "Norway" msgstr "Норвешка" #. official_name for NOR msgid "Kingdom of Norway" msgstr "Кралство Норвешка" #. name for OMN msgid "Oman" msgstr "Оман" #. official_name for OMN msgid "Sultanate of Oman" msgstr "Султанат Оман" #. name for PAK msgid "Pakistan" msgstr "Пакистан" #. official_name for PAK msgid "Islamic Republic of Pakistan" msgstr "Исламска република Пакистан" #. name for PLW msgid "Palau" msgstr "Палау" #. official_name for PLW msgid "Republic of Palau" msgstr "Република Палау" #. name for PSE msgid "Palestine, State of" msgstr "" #. official_name for PSE #, fuzzy msgid "the State of Palestine" msgstr "Соединетите Американски Држави" #. name for PAN msgid "Panama" msgstr "Панама" #. official_name for PAN msgid "Republic of Panama" msgstr "Република Панама" #. name for PNG msgid "Papua New Guinea" msgstr "Папуа Нова Гвинеја" #. official_name for PNG #, fuzzy msgid "Independent State of Papua New Guinea" msgstr "Независна држава Самоа" #. name for PRY msgid "Paraguay" msgstr "Парагвај" #. official_name for PRY msgid "Republic of Paraguay" msgstr "Република Парагвај" #. name for PER msgid "Peru" msgstr "Перу" #. official_name for PER msgid "Republic of Peru" msgstr "Република Перу" #. name for PHL msgid "Philippines" msgstr "Филипини" #. official_name for PHL msgid "Republic of the Philippines" msgstr "Република Филипини" #. name for PCN msgid "Pitcairn" msgstr "Питкаирн" #. name for POL msgid "Poland" msgstr "Полска" #. official_name for POL msgid "Republic of Poland" msgstr "Република Полска" #. name for PRT msgid "Portugal" msgstr "Португалија" #. official_name for PRT msgid "Portuguese Republic" msgstr "Португалска република" #. name for PRI msgid "Puerto Rico" msgstr "Пуерто Рико" #. name for QAT msgid "Qatar" msgstr "Катар" #. official_name for QAT msgid "State of Qatar" msgstr "Држава Катар" #. name for REU msgid "Réunion" msgstr "Реунион" #. name for ROU msgid "Romania" msgstr "Романија" #. name for RUS msgid "Russian Federation" msgstr "Руска федерација" #. name for RWA msgid "Rwanda" msgstr "Руанда" #. official_name for RWA msgid "Rwandese Republic" msgstr "Република Руанда" #. name for BLM msgid "Saint Barthélemy" msgstr "Св. Бартоломеј" #. name for SHN msgid "Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha" msgstr "Св. Хелена, вознесение и Тристан да Кунха" #. name for KNA msgid "Saint Kitts and Nevis" msgstr "Св. Китс и Невис" #. name for LCA msgid "Saint Lucia" msgstr "Св. Лусија" #. name for MAF msgid "Saint Martin (French part)" msgstr "Св. Мартин (Француски дел)" #. name for SPM msgid "Saint Pierre and Miquelon" msgstr "Св. Пјер и Микелон" #. name for VCT msgid "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines" msgstr "Св. Винсент и Гренадините" #. name for WSM msgid "Samoa" msgstr "Самоа" #. official_name for WSM msgid "Independent State of Samoa" msgstr "Независна држава Самоа" #. name for SMR msgid "San Marino" msgstr "Сан Марино" #. official_name for SMR msgid "Republic of San Marino" msgstr "Република Сан Марино" #. name for STP msgid "Sao Tome and Principe" msgstr "Сао Томе и Принципе" #. official_name for STP msgid "Democratic Republic of Sao Tome and Principe" msgstr "Демократска република Сао Томе и Принципе" #. name for SAU msgid "Saudi Arabia" msgstr "Саудиска Арабија" #. official_name for SAU msgid "Kingdom of Saudi Arabia" msgstr "Кралство Саудиска Арабија" #. name for SEN msgid "Senegal" msgstr "Сенегал" #. official_name for SEN msgid "Republic of Senegal" msgstr "Република Сенегал" #. name for SRB msgid "Serbia" msgstr "Србија" #. official_name for SRB msgid "Republic of Serbia" msgstr "Република Србија" #. name for SYC msgid "Seychelles" msgstr "Сејшели" #. official_name for SYC msgid "Republic of Seychelles" msgstr "Република Сејшели" #. name for SLE msgid "Sierra Leone" msgstr "Сиера Леоне" #. official_name for SLE msgid "Republic of Sierra Leone" msgstr "Република Сиера Леоне" #. name for SGP msgid "Singapore" msgstr "Сингапур" #. official_name for SGP msgid "Republic of Singapore" msgstr "Република Сингапур" #. name for SXM, official_name for SXM msgid "Sint Maarten (Dutch part)" msgstr "Св. Мартин (Холандски дел)" #. name for SVK msgid "Slovakia" msgstr "Словачка" #. official_name for SVK msgid "Slovak Republic" msgstr "Словачка" #. name for SVN msgid "Slovenia" msgstr "Словенија" #. official_name for SVN msgid "Republic of Slovenia" msgstr "Република Словенија" #. name for SLB msgid "Solomon Islands" msgstr "Соломонски острови" #. name for SOM msgid "Somalia" msgstr "Сомалија" #. official_name for SOM #, fuzzy msgid "Federal Republic of Somalia" msgstr "Федерална република Германија" #. name for ZAF msgid "South Africa" msgstr "Јужна Африка" #. official_name for ZAF msgid "Republic of South Africa" msgstr "Ребулика Јужна Африка" #. name for SGS msgid "South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands" msgstr "Јужна Грузија и Јужните острови" #. name for ESP msgid "Spain" msgstr "Шпанија" #. official_name for ESP msgid "Kingdom of Spain" msgstr "Кралство Шпанија" #. name for LKA msgid "Sri Lanka" msgstr "Шри Ланка" #. official_name for LKA msgid "Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka" msgstr "Демократска социјалистичка република Шри Ланка" #. name for SDN msgid "Sudan" msgstr "Судан" #. official_name for SDN msgid "Republic of the Sudan" msgstr "Република Судан" #. name for SUR msgid "Suriname" msgstr "Суринаме" #. official_name for SUR msgid "Republic of Suriname" msgstr "Република Суринаме" #. name for SSD #, fuzzy msgid "South Sudan" msgstr "Република Судан" #. official_name for SSD #, fuzzy msgid "Republic of South Sudan" msgstr "Република Судан" #. name for SJM msgid "Svalbard and Jan Mayen" msgstr "Свалбард и Жан Мајен" #. name for SWZ msgid "Swaziland" msgstr "Свациленд" #. official_name for SWZ msgid "Kingdom of Swaziland" msgstr "Кралство Свациленд" #. name for SWE msgid "Sweden" msgstr "Шведска" #. official_name for SWE msgid "Kingdom of Sweden" msgstr "Кралство Шведска" #. name for CHE msgid "Switzerland" msgstr "Швајцарија" #. official_name for CHE msgid "Swiss Confederation" msgstr "Швајцарска конфедерација" #. name for SYR msgid "Syrian Arab Republic" msgstr "Сирија арапска република" #. name for TWN, official_name for TWN msgid "Taiwan, Province of China" msgstr "Тајван, Кинеска провинција" #. common_name for TWN msgid "Taiwan" msgstr "Тајван" #. name for TJK msgid "Tajikistan" msgstr "Таџикистан" #. official_name for TJK msgid "Republic of Tajikistan" msgstr "Република Таџикистан" #. name for TZA msgid "Tanzania, United Republic of" msgstr "Танзанија" #. official_name for TZA msgid "United Republic of Tanzania" msgstr "Обединета република Танзанија" #. name for THA msgid "Thailand" msgstr "Тајланд" #. official_name for THA msgid "Kingdom of Thailand" msgstr "Кралство Тајланд" #. name for TLS msgid "Timor-Leste" msgstr "Тимор-Лесте" #. official_name for TLS msgid "Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste" msgstr "Демократска република Тимор-Лесте" #. name for TGO msgid "Togo" msgstr "Того" #. official_name for TGO msgid "Togolese Republic" msgstr "Тоголска република" #. name for TKL msgid "Tokelau" msgstr "Токелау" #. name for TON msgid "Tonga" msgstr "Тонга" #. official_name for TON msgid "Kingdom of Tonga" msgstr "Кралство Тонга" #. name for TTO msgid "Trinidad and Tobago" msgstr "Тринидад и Тобаго" #. official_name for TTO msgid "Republic of Trinidad and Tobago" msgstr "Република Тринидад и Тобаго" #. name for TUN msgid "Tunisia" msgstr "Тунис" #. official_name for TUN msgid "Republic of Tunisia" msgstr "Република Тунис" #. name for TUR msgid "Turkey" msgstr "Турција" #. official_name for TUR msgid "Republic of Turkey" msgstr "Република Турција" #. name for TKM msgid "Turkmenistan" msgstr "Туркменистан" #. name for TCA msgid "Turks and Caicos Islands" msgstr "Туркси и Каициски острови" #. name for TUV msgid "Tuvalu" msgstr "Тувалу" #. name for UGA msgid "Uganda" msgstr "Уганда" #. official_name for UGA msgid "Republic of Uganda" msgstr "Република Уганда" #. name for UKR msgid "Ukraine" msgstr "Украина" #. name for ARE msgid "United Arab Emirates" msgstr "Обединети арапски емирати" #. name for GBR msgid "United Kingdom" msgstr "Велика Британија" #. official_name for GBR msgid "United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland" msgstr "Обединето кралство на Велика Британија и Северна Ирска" #. name for USA msgid "United States" msgstr "Соединети држави" #. official_name for USA msgid "United States of America" msgstr "Соединетите Американски Држави" #. name for UMI msgid "United States Minor Outlying Islands" msgstr "Помали надворешни острови на соединетите држави" #. name for URY msgid "Uruguay" msgstr "Уругвај" #. official_name for URY msgid "Eastern Republic of Uruguay" msgstr "Источна република Уругвај" #. name for UZB msgid "Uzbekistan" msgstr "Узбекистан" #. official_name for UZB msgid "Republic of Uzbekistan" msgstr "Република Узбекистан" #. name for VUT msgid "Vanuatu" msgstr "Вануату" #. official_name for VUT msgid "Republic of Vanuatu" msgstr "Република Вануату" #. name for VEN msgid "Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of" msgstr "Боливариска република Венецуела" #. official_name for VEN msgid "Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela" msgstr "Боливариска република Венецуела" #. common_name for VEN msgid "Venezuela" msgstr "Венецуела" #. name for VNM msgid "Viet Nam" msgstr "Виетнам" #. official_name for VNM msgid "Socialist Republic of Viet Nam" msgstr "Социјалистичка република Виетнам" #. name for VGB msgid "Virgin Islands, British" msgstr "Девствени острови, Британски" #. official_name for VGB msgid "British Virgin Islands" msgstr "Британски девствени острови" #. name for VIR msgid "Virgin Islands, U.S." msgstr "Девствени острови, САД" #. official_name for VIR msgid "Virgin Islands of the United States" msgstr "Девствени острови на САД" #. name for WLF msgid "Wallis and Futuna" msgstr "Валис и Футуна" #. name for ESH msgid "Western Sahara" msgstr "Северна Сахара" #. name for YEM msgid "Yemen" msgstr "Јемен" #. official_name for YEM msgid "Republic of Yemen" msgstr "Република Јемен" #. name for ZMB msgid "Zambia" msgstr "Замбија" #. official_name for ZMB msgid "Republic of Zambia" msgstr "Република Замбија" #. name for ZWE msgid "Zimbabwe" msgstr "Зимбабве" #. official_name for ZWE msgid "Republic of Zimbabwe" msgstr "Република Зимбабве" #. historic names for ATB (withdrawn 1979) msgid "British Antarctic Territory" msgstr "Британска антартичка територија" #. historic names for BUR (withdrawn 1989-12-05) msgid "Burma, Socialist Republic of the Union of" msgstr "Социјалистичка република на сојузот на Бурма" #. historic names for BYS (withdrawn 1992-06-15) msgid "Byelorussian SSR Soviet Socialist Republic" msgstr "Беолоруска ССР Советска социјалистичка република" #. historic names for CTE (withdrawn 1984) msgid "Canton and Enderbury Islands" msgstr "Кантон и Ендербури" #. historic names for CSK (withdrawn 1993-06-15) msgid "Czechoslovakia, Czechoslovak Socialist Republic" msgstr "Чехословачка, Чехословачка социјалистичка Република" #. historic names for DHY (withdrawn 1977) msgid "Dahomey" msgstr "Дахомеј" #. historic names for ATN (withdrawn 1983) msgid "Dronning Maud Land" msgstr "Dronning Maud Land" #. historic names for TMP (withdrawn 2002-05-20) msgid "East Timor" msgstr "Источен Тимор" #. historic names for FXX (withdrawn 1997-07-14) msgid "France, Metropolitan" msgstr "Франција, Метрополијан" #. historic names for AFI (withdrawn 1977) msgid "French Afars and Issas" msgstr "Француски Афарс и Исас" #. historic names for ATF (withdrawn 1979) msgid "French Southern and Antarctic Territories" msgstr "Јужни француски територии и антартички територии" #. historic names for DDR (withdrawn 1990-10-30) msgid "German Democratic Republic" msgstr "Демократска република Германија" #. historic names for DEU (withdrawn 1990-10-30) msgid "Germany, Federal Republic of" msgstr "Федерална република Германија" #. historic names for GEL (withdrawn 1979) msgid "Gilbert and Ellice Islands" msgstr "Островите Гилберт и Елис" #. historic names for JTN (withdrawn 1986) msgid "Johnston Island" msgstr "Островот на Џонстон" #. historic names for MID (withdrawn 1986) msgid "Midway Islands" msgstr "Острови Мидвеј" #. historic names for ANT (withdrawn 1993-07-12) msgid "Netherlands Antilles" msgstr "Холандски антили" #. historic names for NTZ (withdrawn 1993-07-12) msgid "Neutral Zone" msgstr "Неутрална зона" #. historic names for NHB (withdrawn 1980) msgid "New Hebrides" msgstr "Нов Хебридес" #. historic names for PCI (withdrawn 1986) msgid "Pacific Islands (trust territory)" msgstr "Пацифички острови (сигурна територија)" #. historic names for PAN (withdrawn 1993-07-22) msgid "Panama, Republic of" msgstr "Република Панама" #. historic names for PCZ (withdrawn 1980) msgid "Panama Canal Zone" msgstr "Панамски канал" #. historic names for ROM (withdrawn 2002-02-01) msgid "Romania, Socialist Republic of" msgstr "Социјалистичка република Романија" #. historic names for KNA (withdrawn 1988) msgid "St. Kitts-Nevis-Anguilla" msgstr "Св. Китс Невис Ангулија" #. historic names for SCG (withdrawn 2006-06-05) msgid "Serbia and Montenegro" msgstr "Србија и Црна Гора" #. historic names for SKM (withdrawn 1975) msgid "Sikkim" msgstr "Сиким" #. historic names for RHO (withdrawn 1980) msgid "Southern Rhodesia" msgstr "Јужна Родезија" #. historic names for ESH (withdrawn 1988) msgid "Spanish Sahara" msgstr "Шпанска сахара" #. historic names for PUS (withdrawn 1986) msgid "US Miscellaneous Pacific Islands" msgstr "Разни острови на САД во пацификот" #. historic names for SUN (withdrawn 1992-08-30) msgid "USSR, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics" msgstr "УССР, Унија на советски социјалистички републики" #. historic names for HVO (withdrawn 1984) msgid "Upper Volta, Republic of" msgstr "Република горна Волта" #. historic names for VAT (withdrawn 1996-04-03) msgid "Vatican City State (Holy See)" msgstr "Држава град Ватикан" #. historic names for VDR (withdrawn 1977) msgid "Viet-Nam, Democratic Republic of" msgstr "Демократска република Виетнам" #. historic names for WAK (withdrawn 1986) msgid "Wake Island" msgstr "Островот Вејк" #. historic names for YMD (withdrawn 1990-08-14) msgid "Yemen, Democratic, People's Democratic Republic of" msgstr "Демократска република Јемен" #. historic names for YEM (withdrawn 1990-08-14) msgid "Yemen, Yemen Arab Republic" msgstr "Јемен, Арапска република Јемен" #. historic names for YUG (withdrawn 1993-07-28) msgid "Yugoslavia, Socialist Federal Republic of" msgstr "Социјалистичка федеративна република Југославија" #. historic names for ZAR (withdrawn 1997-07-14) msgid "Zaire, Republic of" msgstr "Република Заир" #. TRANS: "name" option from activity.info file msgid "TurtleBlocks" msgstr "" #. TRANS: "summary" option from activity.info file #. TRANS: "description" option from activity.info file msgid "" "A Logo-inspired turtle that draws colorful pictures with snap-together " "visual programming blocks" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:119 msgid "Palette of turtle commands" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:124 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:740 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:751 msgid "forward" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:128 msgid "moves turtle forward" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:135 msgid "back" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:139 msgid "moves turtle backward" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:147 msgid "clean" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:150 msgid "clears the screen and reset the turtle" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:158 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:871 msgid "left" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:162 msgid "turns turtle counterclockwise (angle in degrees)" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:170 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:895 msgid "right" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:174 msgid "turns turtle clockwise (angle in degrees)" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:182 msgid "arc" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:182 msgid "angle" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:182 msgid "radius" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:186 msgid "moves turtle along an arc" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:195 TurtleArt/tabasics.py:261 msgid "set xy" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:195 TurtleArt/tabasics.py:261 msgid "x" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:195 TurtleArt/tabasics.py:261 msgid "y" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:199 TurtleArt/tabasics.py:265 msgid "" "moves turtle to position xcor, ycor; (0, 0) is in the center of the screen." msgstr "" # #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:209 msgid "set heading" msgstr "seth" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:213 msgid "sets the heading of the turtle (0 is towards the top of the screen.)" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:221 TurtleArt/tawindow.py:4105 msgid "xcor" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:222 msgid "" "holds current x-coordinate value of the turtle (can be used in place of a " "number block)" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:232 TurtleArt/tawindow.py:4106 msgid "ycor" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:233 msgid "" "holds current y-coordinate value of the turtle (can be used in place of a " "number block)" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:243 TurtleArt/tawindow.py:4106 msgid "heading" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:244 msgid "" "holds current heading value of the turtle (can be used in place of a number " "block)" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:278 msgid "Palette of pen commands" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:283 TurtleArt/tabasics.py:294 msgid "fill screen" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:283 TurtleArt/tabasics.py:294 #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:344 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:1197 msgid "color" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:283 TurtleArt/tabasics.py:295 #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:354 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:1193 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:1198 msgid "shade" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:287 TurtleArt/tabasics.py:299 msgid "fills the background with (color, shade)" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:295 TurtleArt/tabasics.py:363 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:1194 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:1199 msgid "gray" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:309 msgid "set color" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:313 msgid "sets color of the line drawn by the turtle" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:321 msgid "set shade" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:325 msgid "sets shade of the line drawn by the turtle" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:333 msgid "set gray" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:336 msgid "sets gray level of the line drawn by the turtle" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:345 msgid "holds current pen color (can be used in place of a number block)" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:355 msgid "holds current pen shade" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:364 msgid "holds current gray level (can be used in place of a number block)" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:372 msgid "pen up" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:375 msgid "Turtle will not draw when moved." msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:381 msgid "pen down" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:384 msgid "Turtle will draw when moved." msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:390 msgid "set pen size" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:394 msgid "sets size of the line drawn by the turtle" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:404 msgid "start fill" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:406 msgid "starts filled polygon (used with end fill block)" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:413 msgid "end fill" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:415 msgid "completes filled polygon (used with start fill block)" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:422 msgid "pen size" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:423 msgid "holds current pen size (can be used in place of a number block)" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:437 msgid "Palette of pen colors" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:439 msgid "red" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:440 msgid "orange" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:442 msgid "yellow" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:444 msgid "green" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:445 msgid "cyan" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:446 msgid "blue" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:447 msgid "purple" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:449 msgid "white" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:450 msgid "black" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:456 msgid "set text color" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:459 msgid "sets color of text drawn by the turtle" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:467 msgid "set text size" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:470 msgid "sets size of text drawn by the turtle" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:553 msgid "Palette of numeric operators" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:559 msgid "plus" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:563 msgid "adds two alphanumeric inputs" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:571 msgid "minus" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:574 msgid "subtracts bottom numeric input from top numeric input" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:585 msgid "multiply" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:588 msgid "multiplies two numeric inputs" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:597 msgid "divide" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:600 msgid "" "divides top numeric input (numerator) by bottom numeric input (denominator)" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:610 msgid "identity" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:612 msgid "identity operator used for extending blocks" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:620 TurtleArt/tabasics.py:621 msgid "mod" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:624 msgid "modular (remainder) operator" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:631 msgid "√" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:632 msgid "square root" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:635 msgid "calculates square root" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:642 msgid "random" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:642 msgid "min" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:642 msgid "max" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:646 msgid "returns random number between minimum (top) and maximum (bottom) values" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:658 msgid "number" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:659 msgid "used as numeric input in mathematic operators" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:667 msgid "greater than" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:670 msgid "logical greater-than operator" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:679 msgid "less than" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:683 msgid "logical less-than operator" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:691 msgid "equal" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:695 msgid "logical equal-to operator" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:701 msgid "not" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:704 msgid "logical NOT operator" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:710 TurtleArt/tabasics.py:713 msgid "and" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:714 msgid "logical AND operator" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:721 TurtleArt/tabasics.py:724 msgid "or" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:725 msgid "logical OR operator" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:734 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:104 msgid "Palette of flow operators" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:739 msgid "wait" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:743 msgid "pauses program execution a specified number of seconds" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:750 msgid "forever" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:754 msgid "loops forever" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:761 TurtleArt/tabasics.py:765 msgid "repeat" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:766 msgid "loops specified number of times" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:772 TurtleArt/tabasics.py:785 msgid "if" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:772 TurtleArt/tabasics.py:785 msgid "then" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:775 msgid "if then" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:777 msgid "if-then operator that uses boolean operators from Numbers palette" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:785 msgid "else" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:789 TurtleArt/tabasics.py:797 msgid "if then else" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:790 TurtleArt/tabasics.py:798 msgid "if-then-else operator that uses boolean operators from Numbers palette" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:807 msgid "horizontal space" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:808 msgid "jogs stack right" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:815 msgid "vertical space" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:816 msgid "jogs stack down" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:822 msgid "stop action" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:825 msgid "stops current action" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:834 msgid "Palette of variable blocks" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:839 pysamples/grecord.py:213 msgid "start" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:842 msgid "connects action to toolbar run buttons" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:849 TurtleArt/tabasics.py:850 #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:851 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:192 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:193 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:194 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:201 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:214 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:229 msgid "text" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:852 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:195 msgid "string value" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:856 TurtleArt/tabasics.py:859 #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:867 TurtleArt/tabasics.py:871 #: TurtleArt/tawindow.py:1351 TurtleArt/tawindow.py:1448 #: TurtleArt/tawindow.py:1461 TurtleArt/tawindow.py:2077 #: TurtleArt/tawindow.py:4363 msgid "action" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:861 msgid "top of nameable action stack" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:872 TurtleArt/tawindow.py:4377 msgid "invokes named action stack" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:879 msgid "store in box 1" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:884 msgid "stores numeric value in Variable 1" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:892 msgid "store in box 2" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:897 msgid "stores numeric value in Variable 2" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:905 msgid "box 1" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:908 msgid "Variable 1 (numeric value)" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:915 msgid "box 2" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:918 msgid "Variable 2 (numeric value)" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:924 TurtleArt/tawindow.py:4427 msgid "store in" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:924 TurtleArt/tabasics.py:939 msgid "box" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:924 TurtleArt/tawindow.py:4427 msgid "value" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:928 TurtleArt/tabasics.py:942 #: TurtleArt/tawindow.py:1355 TurtleArt/tawindow.py:1486 #: TurtleArt/tawindow.py:2081 TurtleArt/tawindow.py:4390 #: TurtleArt/tawindow.py:4418 msgid "my box" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:929 TurtleArt/tawindow.py:4432 msgid "stores numeric value in named variable" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:945 TurtleArt/tawindow.py:4404 msgid "named variable (numeric value)" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:952 TurtleArt/tabasics.py:971 msgid "action 1" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:955 msgid "top of Action 1 stack" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:961 TurtleArt/tabasics.py:981 msgid "action 2" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:964 msgid "top of Action 2 stack" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:974 msgid "invokes Action 1 stack" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:984 msgid "invokes Action 2 stack" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:992 msgid "trash" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:996 msgid "empty trash" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:997 msgid "permanently deletes items in trash" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:1001 msgid "restore all" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:1002 msgid "restore all blocks from trash" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:1006 msgid "clear all" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:1007 msgid "move all blocks to trash" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tacollaboration.py:152 TurtleArt/tawindow.py:2055 #: TurtleArtActivity.py:751 msgid "Share selected blocks" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/taconstants.py:209 TurtleArt/taconstants.py:231 #: TurtleArt/taconstants.py:252 TurtleArt/taconstants.py:294 #: TurtleArt/taconstants.py:336 TurtleArt/taconstants.py:378 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:980 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:995 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:1010 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:1025 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:1040 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:1055 msgid "Title" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/talogo.py:370 TurtleArtActivity.py:731 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:1538 msgid "Stop turtle" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/talogo.py:380 TurtleArtActivity.py:360 TurtleArtActivity.py:732 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:1529 msgid "Show blocks" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/talogo.py:384 TurtleArtActivity.py:364 TurtleArtActivity.py:996 msgid "Hide blocks" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/talogo.py:508 msgid "did not output to" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/talogo.py:567 msgid "I don't know how to" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/talogo.py:623 msgid "doesn't like" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/talogo.py:623 msgid "as input" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tapalette.py:97 msgid "displays next palette" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tapalette.py:98 msgid "changes the orientation of the palette of blocks" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tautils.py:295 msgid "Load..." msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tautils.py:305 msgid "Save..." msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tautils.py:586 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:730 msgid "click to open" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tawindow.py:1033 TurtleArt/tawindow.py:1034 msgid "orientation" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tawindow.py:1044 TurtleArt/tawindow.py:1644 msgid "next" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tawindow.py:1063 TurtleArt/tawindow.py:1664 msgid "shift" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tawindow.py:1316 msgid "" "Please hit the Stop Button before making changes to your Turtle Blocks " "program" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tawindow.py:1369 msgid "Select blocks to share" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tawindow.py:1530 TurtleArtActivity.py:632 #: TurtleArtActivity.py:781 turtleblocks.py:397 msgid "Save stack" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tawindow.py:1531 TurtleArt/tawindow.py:1546 msgid "Really overwrite stack?" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tawindow.py:1534 TurtleArt/tawindow.py:1574 #: gnome_plugins/uploader_plugin.py:144 msgid "Cancel" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tawindow.py:1538 TurtleArt/tawindow.py:1549 msgid "Overwrite stack" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tawindow.py:1570 TurtleArt/tawindow.py:1578 #: TurtleArt/tawindow.py:1588 TurtleArtActivity.py:634 turtleblocks.py:399 msgid "Delete stack" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tawindow.py:1571 TurtleArt/tawindow.py:1585 msgid "Really delete stack?" msgstr "" #: TurtleArt/tawindow.py:4215 msgid "image" msgstr "" #: TurtleArtActivity.py:188 TurtleArtActivity.py:757 TurtleArtActivity.py:925 #: TurtleArtActivity.py:955 turtleblocks.py:371 msgid "Save as Logo" msgstr "" #: TurtleArtActivity.py:235 TurtleArtActivity.py:756 TurtleArtActivity.py:922 #: TurtleArtActivity.py:952 turtleblocks.py:369 msgid "Save as image" msgstr "" #: TurtleArtActivity.py:243 msgid "snapshot" msgstr "" #: TurtleArtActivity.py:251 TurtleArtActivity.py:691 TurtleArtActivity.py:733 #: TurtleArtActivity.py:931 TurtleArtActivity.py:958 msgid "Save snapshot" msgstr "" #: TurtleArtActivity.py:296 TurtleArtActivity.py:657 TurtleArtActivity.py:808 msgid "Turn off hover help" msgstr "" #: TurtleArtActivity.py:303 turtleblocks.py:390 msgid "Turn on hover help" msgstr "" #: TurtleArtActivity.py:312 turtleblocks.py:404 msgid "Show palette" msgstr "" #: TurtleArtActivity.py:318 TurtleArtActivity.py:984 turtleblocks.py:406 msgid "Hide palette" msgstr "" #: TurtleArtActivity.py:485 msgid "Rescale coordinates down" msgstr "" #: TurtleArtActivity.py:489 TurtleArtActivity.py:648 TurtleArtActivity.py:804 msgid "Rescale coordinates up" msgstr "" #: TurtleArtActivity.py:579 TurtleArtActivity.py:615 TurtleArtActivity.py:725 #: TurtleArtActivity.py:778 turtleblocks.py:401 msgid "Edit" msgstr "" #: TurtleArtActivity.py:584 TurtleArtActivity.py:613 TurtleArtActivity.py:726 #: TurtleArtActivity.py:796 turtleblocks.py:392 msgid "View" msgstr "" #: TurtleArtActivity.py:611 TurtleArtActivity.py:727 msgid "Project" msgstr "" #: TurtleArtActivity.py:617 TurtleArtActivity.py:724 TurtleArtActivity.py:753 #: TurtleArtActivity.py:755 TurtleArtActivity.py:917 msgid "Save/Load" msgstr "" #: TurtleArtActivity.py:625 TurtleArtActivity.py:779 turtleblocks.py:395 msgid "Copy" msgstr "" #: TurtleArtActivity.py:627 TurtleArtActivity.py:780 turtleblocks.py:396 msgid "Paste" msgstr "" #: TurtleArtActivity.py:629 msgid "Restore blocks from trash" msgstr "" #: TurtleArtActivity.py:637 TurtleArtActivity.py:797 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:806 msgid "Fullscreen" msgstr "" #: TurtleArtActivity.py:640 TurtleArtActivity.py:798 turtleblocks.py:377 msgid "Cartesian coordinates" msgstr "" #: TurtleArtActivity.py:642 TurtleArtActivity.py:800 turtleblocks.py:379 msgid "Polar coordinates" msgstr "" #: TurtleArtActivity.py:645 TurtleArtActivity.py:802 msgid "Metric coordinates" msgstr "" #: TurtleArtActivity.py:651 TurtleArtActivity.py:806 turtleblocks.py:383 msgid "Grow blocks" msgstr "" #: TurtleArtActivity.py:654 TurtleArtActivity.py:807 turtleblocks.py:385 msgid "Shrink blocks" msgstr "" #: TurtleArtActivity.py:678 TurtleArtActivity.py:695 TurtleArtActivity.py:734 #: TurtleArtActivity.py:934 msgid "Load example" msgstr "" #: TurtleArtActivity.py:728 TurtleArtActivity.py:990 turtleblocks.py:413 msgid "Clean" msgstr "" #: TurtleArtActivity.py:729 TurtleArtActivity.py:992 turtleblocks.py:414 msgid "Run" msgstr "" #: TurtleArtActivity.py:730 TurtleArtActivity.py:994 turtleblocks.py:415 msgid "Step" msgstr "" #: TurtleArtActivity.py:735 turtleblocks.py:422 util/helpbutton.py:45 msgid "Help" msgstr "" #: TurtleArtActivity.py:736 turtleblocks.py:417 msgid "Stop" msgstr "" #: TurtleArtActivity.py:758 TurtleArtActivity.py:938 TurtleArtActivity.py:960 msgid "Load project" msgstr "" #: TurtleArtActivity.py:761 TurtleArtActivity.py:943 TurtleArtActivity.py:965 msgid "Load plugin" msgstr "" #: TurtleArtActivity.py:762 TurtleArtActivity.py:946 TurtleArtActivity.py:968 msgid "Load Python block" msgstr "" #: TurtleArtActivity.py:895 msgid "Palettes" msgstr "" #: TurtleArtActivity.py:912 msgid "Sharing blocks disabled" msgstr "" #: TurtleArtActivity.py:985 msgid "p" msgstr "" #: TurtleArtActivity.py:990 msgid "e" msgstr "" #: TurtleArtActivity.py:992 msgid "r" msgstr "" #: TurtleArtActivity.py:994 msgid "w" msgstr "" #: TurtleArtActivity.py:997 msgid "s" msgstr "" #: TurtleArtActivity.py:1152 TurtleArtActivity.py:1157 #: TurtleArtActivity.py:1238 msgid "Plugin could not be installed." msgstr "" #: TurtleArtActivity.py:1234 msgid "Please restart Turtle Art in order to use the plugin." msgstr "" #: TurtleArtActivity.py:1252 #, python-format msgid "Plugin %s already installed." msgstr "" #: TurtleArtActivity.py:1253 #, python-format msgid "Do you want to reinstall %s?" msgstr "" #: gnome_plugins/collaboration_plugin.py:67 msgid "My Turtle Art session" msgstr "" #: gnome_plugins/collaboration_plugin.py:115 msgid "Enable collaboration" msgstr "" #: gnome_plugins/collaboration_plugin.py:120 msgid "Activities" msgstr "" #: gnome_plugins/collaboration_plugin.py:125 msgid "Buddies" msgstr "" #: gnome_plugins/collaboration_plugin.py:128 msgid "Share" msgstr "" #: gnome_plugins/collaboration_plugin.py:129 msgid "Configuration" msgstr "" #: gnome_plugins/collaboration_plugin.py:132 msgid "Neighborhood" msgstr "" #: gnome_plugins/collaboration_plugin.py:292 msgid "Nickname" msgstr "" #: gnome_plugins/collaboration_plugin.py:294 msgid "Account ID" msgstr "" #: gnome_plugins/collaboration_plugin.py:296 msgid "Server" msgstr "" #: gnome_plugins/collaboration_plugin.py:298 msgid "Port" msgstr "" #: gnome_plugins/collaboration_plugin.py:300 msgid "Password" msgstr "" #: gnome_plugins/collaboration_plugin.py:302 msgid "Register" msgstr "" #: gnome_plugins/collaboration_plugin.py:304 msgid "Colors" msgstr "" #: gnome_plugins/fb_plugin.py:82 gnome_plugins/fb_plugin.py:83 #: gnome_plugins/fb_plugin.py:92 gnome_plugins/uploader_plugin.py:63 #: gnome_plugins/uploader_plugin.py:64 gnome_plugins/uploader_plugin.py:73 msgid "Upload" msgstr "" #: gnome_plugins/fb_plugin.py:87 msgid "Facebook wall post" msgstr "" #: gnome_plugins/uploader_plugin.py:68 msgid "Upload to Web" msgstr "" #: gnome_plugins/uploader_plugin.py:90 msgid "" "You must have an account at http://turtleartsite.sugarlabs.org to upload " "your project." msgstr "" #: gnome_plugins/uploader_plugin.py:99 msgid "Username:" msgstr "" #: gnome_plugins/uploader_plugin.py:109 msgid "Password:" msgstr "" #: gnome_plugins/uploader_plugin.py:120 msgid "Title:" msgstr "" #: gnome_plugins/uploader_plugin.py:130 msgid "Description:" msgstr "" #: gnome_plugins/uploader_plugin.py:140 msgid "Submit to Web" msgstr "" #: gnome_plugins/uploader_plugin.py:166 msgid "Login failed" msgstr "" #: gnome_plugins/uploader_plugin.py:203 msgid "Failed to upload!" msgstr "" #: plugins/accelerometer/accelerometer.py:49 #: plugins/audio_sensors/audio_sensors.py:75 #: plugins/camera_sensor/camera_sensor.py:63 #: plugins/light_sensor/light_sensor.py:49 plugins/rfid/rfid.py:86 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:336 msgid "Palette of sensor blocks" msgstr "" #: plugins/accelerometer/accelerometer.py:56 #: plugins/accelerometer/accelerometer.py:63 msgid "acceleration" msgstr "" #: plugins/accelerometer/accelerometer.py:58 #: plugins/accelerometer/accelerometer.py:65 msgid "push acceleration in x, y, z to heap" msgstr "" #: plugins/audio_sensors/audio_sensors.py:83 #: plugins/audio_sensors/audio_sensors.py:98 pysamples/grecord.py:205 msgid "sound" msgstr "" #: plugins/audio_sensors/audio_sensors.py:84 #: plugins/audio_sensors/audio_sensors.py:99 msgid "raw microphone input signal" msgstr "" #: plugins/audio_sensors/audio_sensors.py:90 #: plugins/audio_sensors/audio_sensors.py:105 msgid "loudness" msgstr "" #: plugins/audio_sensors/audio_sensors.py:91 #: plugins/audio_sensors/audio_sensors.py:106 msgid "microphone input volume" msgstr "" #: plugins/audio_sensors/audio_sensors.py:119 #: plugins/audio_sensors/audio_sensors.py:127 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:322 msgid "pitch" msgstr "" #: plugins/audio_sensors/audio_sensors.py:120 #: plugins/audio_sensors/audio_sensors.py:128 msgid "microphone input pitch" msgstr "" #: plugins/audio_sensors/audio_sensors.py:151 #: plugins/audio_sensors/audio_sensors.py:165 #: plugins/audio_sensors/audio_sensors.py:179 #: plugins/audio_sensors/audio_sensors.py:193 msgid "resistance" msgstr "" #: plugins/audio_sensors/audio_sensors.py:152 #: plugins/audio_sensors/audio_sensors.py:166 #: plugins/audio_sensors/audio_sensors.py:180 #: plugins/audio_sensors/audio_sensors.py:194 msgid "microphone input resistance" msgstr "" #: plugins/audio_sensors/audio_sensors.py:157 #: plugins/audio_sensors/audio_sensors.py:171 #: plugins/audio_sensors/audio_sensors.py:185 #: plugins/audio_sensors/audio_sensors.py:199 msgid "voltage" msgstr "" #: plugins/audio_sensors/audio_sensors.py:158 #: plugins/audio_sensors/audio_sensors.py:172 #: plugins/audio_sensors/audio_sensors.py:186 #: plugins/audio_sensors/audio_sensors.py:200 msgid "microphone input voltage" msgstr "" #: plugins/camera_sensor/camera_sensor.py:67 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:139 msgid "Palette of media objects" msgstr "" #: plugins/camera_sensor/camera_sensor.py:80 #: plugins/camera_sensor/camera_sensor.py:93 #: plugins/camera_sensor/camera_sensor.py:128 #: plugins/camera_sensor/camera_sensor.py:141 #: plugins/light_sensor/light_sensor.py:56 #: plugins/light_sensor/light_sensor.py:63 msgid "brightness" msgstr "" #: plugins/camera_sensor/camera_sensor.py:82 #: plugins/camera_sensor/camera_sensor.py:130 msgid "light level detected by camera" msgstr "" #: plugins/camera_sensor/camera_sensor.py:95 #: plugins/camera_sensor/camera_sensor.py:143 msgid "Average RGB color from camera is pushed to the stack" msgstr "" #: plugins/camera_sensor/camera_sensor.py:106 #: plugins/camera_sensor/camera_sensor.py:113 #: plugins/camera_sensor/camera_sensor.py:121 #: plugins/camera_sensor/camera_sensor.py:155 #: plugins/camera_sensor/camera_sensor.py:163 msgid "camera output" msgstr "" #: plugins/light_sensor/light_sensor.py:58 #: plugins/light_sensor/light_sensor.py:65 msgid "light level detected by light sensor" msgstr "" #: plugins/rfid/rfid.py:92 plugins/rfid/rfid.py:100 msgid "RFID" msgstr "" #: plugins/rfid/rfid.py:93 plugins/rfid/rfid.py:101 msgid "read value from RFID device" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:109 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:112 msgid "while" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:113 msgid "do-while-True operator that uses boolean operators from Numbers palette" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:119 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:122 msgid "until" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:123 msgid "do-until-True operator that uses boolean operators from Numbers palette" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:130 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:732 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:903 msgid "top" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:132 msgid "top of a collapsible stack" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:146 msgid "journal" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:147 msgid "Sugar Journal media object" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:157 msgid "audio" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:159 msgid "Sugar Journal audio object" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:169 msgid "video" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:171 msgid "Sugar Journal video object" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:181 msgid "description" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:183 msgid "Sugar Journal description field" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:200 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:228 msgid "show" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:204 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:217 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:232 msgid "draws text or show media from the Journal" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:213 msgid "show aligned" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:240 msgid "set scale" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:244 msgid "sets the scale of media" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:251 msgid "save picture" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:253 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:264 msgid "picture name" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:254 msgid "saves a picture to the Sugar Journal" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:262 msgid "save SVG" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:265 msgid "saves turtle graphics as an SVG file in the Sugar Journal" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:272 msgid "scale" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:276 msgid "holds current scale value" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:281 msgid "media wait" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:283 msgid "wait for current video or audio to complete" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:289 msgid "media stop" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:291 msgid "stop video or audio" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:296 msgid "media pause" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:298 msgid "pause video or audio" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:303 msgid "media resume" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:305 msgid "resume playing video or audio" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:311 msgid "speak" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:313 msgid "hello" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:314 msgid "speaks text" msgstr "" #. TRANS: pitch, duration, amplitude #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:322 msgid "sinewave" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:323 msgid "amplitude" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:323 msgid "duration" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:326 msgid "plays a sinewave at frequency, amplitude, and duration (in seconds)" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:343 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:354 msgid "button down" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:346 msgid "returns 1 if mouse button is pressed" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:357 msgid "returns True if mouse button is pressed" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:364 msgid "mouse x" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:367 msgid "returns mouse x coordinate" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:374 msgid "mouse y" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:377 msgid "returns mouse y coordinate" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:385 msgid "query keyboard" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:387 msgid "query for keyboard input (results stored in keyboard block)" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:394 msgid "keyboard" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:398 msgid "holds results of query-keyboard block as ASCII" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:430 msgid "read pixel" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:433 msgid "RGB color under the turtle is pushed to the stack" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:441 msgid "turtle sees" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:443 msgid "returns the color that the turtle \"sees\"" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:451 msgid "time" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:454 msgid "elapsed time (in seconds) since program started" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:463 msgid "Palette of extra options" msgstr "" #. TRANS: push adds a new item to the program stack #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:470 msgid "push" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:473 msgid "pushes value onto FILO (first-in last-out heap)" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:483 msgid "show heap" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:486 msgid "shows values in FILO (first-in last-out heap)" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:496 msgid "empty heap" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:499 msgid "emptys FILO (first-in-last-out heap)" msgstr "" #. TRANS: pop removes a new item from the program stack #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:510 msgid "pop" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:514 msgid "pops value off FILO (first-in last-out heap)" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:525 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:535 msgid "empty heap?" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:528 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:538 msgid "returns True if heap is empty" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:545 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:547 msgid "comment" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:549 msgid "places a comment in your code" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:555 msgid "print" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:559 msgid "prints value in status block at bottom of the screen" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:569 msgid "Python chr operator" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:578 msgid "Python int operator" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:585 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:598 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:612 msgid "Python" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:589 msgid "" "a programmable block: used to add advanced single-variable math equations, e." "g., sin(x)" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:602 msgid "" "a programmable block: used to add advanced multi-variable math equations, e." "g., sqrt(x*x+y*y)" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:616 msgid "" "a programmable block: used to add advanced multi-variable math equations, e." "g., sin(x+y+z)" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:628 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:644 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:659 msgid "Python block" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:630 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:646 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:662 msgid "runs code found in the tamyblock.py module found in the Journal" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:675 msgid "Cartesian" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:677 msgid "displays Cartesian coordinates" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:683 msgid "polar" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:685 msgid "displays polar coordinates" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:691 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:773 msgid "turtle" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:695 msgid "chooses which turtle to command" msgstr "" #. TRANS: pop removes a new item from the program stack #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:703 msgid "active turtle" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:706 msgid "the name of the active turtle" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:715 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:724 msgid "turtle shell" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:717 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:725 msgid "put a custom 'shell' on the turtle" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:733 msgid "top of a collapsed stack" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:738 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:748 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:759 msgid "load" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:741 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:752 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:763 msgid "loads a block" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:762 msgid "setxy" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:771 msgid "palette" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:774 msgid "selects a palette" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:782 msgid "Palette of presentation templates" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:789 msgid "hide blocks" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:791 msgid "declutters canvas by hiding blocks" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:798 msgid "show blocks" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:800 msgid "restores hidden blocks" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:808 msgid "hides the Sugar toolbars" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:817 msgid "list" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:821 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:1056 msgid "presentation bulleted list" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:829 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:1058 msgid "presentation template: list of bullets" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:836 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:998 msgid "presentation template: select Journal object (no description)" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:843 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:983 msgid "presentation template: select Journal object (with description)" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:850 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:1043 msgid "presentation template: select four Journal objects" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:857 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:864 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:1013 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:1028 msgid "presentation template: select two Journal objects" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:874 msgid "xcor of left of screen" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:879 msgid "bottom" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:882 msgid "ycor of bottom of screen" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:887 msgid "width" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:890 msgid "the canvas width" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:898 msgid "xcor of right of screen" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:906 msgid "ycor of top of screen" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:911 msgid "height" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:914 msgid "the canvas height" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:921 msgid "title x" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:930 msgid "title y" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:939 msgid "left x" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:948 msgid "top y" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:957 msgid "right x" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:966 msgid "bottom y" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:981 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:996 msgid "presentation 1x1" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:1011 msgid "presentation 2x1" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:1026 msgid "presentation 1x2" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:1041 msgid "presentation 2x2" msgstr "" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:1073 msgid "Palette of user-defined operators" msgstr "" #: pysamples/brain.py:43 msgid "Please install the Speak Activity and try again." msgstr "" #: pysamples/brain.py:54 msgid "Spanish" msgstr "" #: pysamples/brain.py:58 pysamples/brain.py:72 pysamples/brain.py:74 #: pysamples/brain.py:80 msgid "English" msgstr "" #: pysamples/brain.py:91 msgid "Sorry, I can't understand what you are asking about." msgstr "" #: pysamples/brain.py:100 msgid "" "Sorry, there is no free memory to load my brain. Close other activities and " "try once more." msgstr "" #: pysamples/forward_push.py:45 msgid "push destination rgb value to heap" msgstr "" #: pysamples/grecord.py:215 msgid "stop" msgstr "" #: pysamples/grecord.py:217 msgid "play" msgstr "" #: pysamples/grecord.py:219 msgid "save" msgstr "" #: pysamples/journal-stats.py:78 msgid "other" msgstr "" #: pysamples/uturn.py:24 msgid "uturn" msgstr "" #: pysamples/uturn.py:26 msgid "make a uturn" msgstr "" #: turtleblocks.py:89 msgid "usage is" msgstr "" #: turtleblocks.py:250 msgid "No option action:" msgstr "" #: turtleblocks.py:265 msgid "File not found" msgstr "" #: turtleblocks.py:289 #, python-format msgid "Configuration directory not writable: %s" msgstr "" #: turtleblocks.py:365 msgid "New" msgstr "" #: turtleblocks.py:366 msgid "Open" msgstr "" #: turtleblocks.py:367 msgid "Save" msgstr "" #: turtleblocks.py:368 msgid "Save as" msgstr "" #: turtleblocks.py:373 msgid "Quit" msgstr "" #: turtleblocks.py:374 msgid "File" msgstr "" #: turtleblocks.py:381 msgid "Rescale coordinates" msgstr "" #: turtleblocks.py:387 msgid "Reset block size" msgstr "" #: turtleblocks.py:408 msgid "Show/hide blocks" msgstr "" #: turtleblocks.py:410 msgid "Tools" msgstr "" #: turtleblocks.py:416 msgid "Debug" msgstr "" #: turtleblocks.py:418 msgid "Turtle" msgstr "" #: turtleblocks.py:421 msgid "About..." msgstr "" #: turtleblocks.py:461 msgid "You have unsaved work. Would you like to save before quitting?" msgstr "" #: turtleblocks.py:462 msgid "Save project?" msgstr "" #~ msgid " " #~ msgstr " "