# #-#-#-#-# zh_CN.po (iso_3166) #-#-#-#-# # Translation of ISO-3166 (country names) to Simplified Chinese # # This file is distributed under the same license as the iso-codes package. # # Copyright (C) # Free Software Foundation, Inc., 2002, 2003, 2007, 2008. # Alastair McKinstry , 2002. # Translations taken from KDE: # - Wang Jian , 2000. # - Carlos Z.F. Liu , 2004 - 2006. # LI Daobing , 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011. # YunQiang Su , 2011. # # #-#-#-#-# zh_CN.po (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-# # SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. # Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # FIRST AUTHOR , YEAR. # SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. # Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # FIRST AUTHOR , YEAR. #, fuzzy msgid "" msgstr "" "#-#-#-#-# zh_CN.po (iso_3166) #-#-#-#-#\n" "Project-Id-Version: iso_3166\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: Debian iso-codes team \n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2013-07-13 08:15+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2011-09-29 22:29+0800\n" "Last-Translator: LI Daobing \n" "Language-Team: Chinese (simplified) \n" "Language: zh_CN\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" "#-#-#-#-# zh_CN.po (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-#\n" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2013-05-17 00:31-0400\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2013-05-21 03:19+0200\n" "Last-Translator: lite \n" "Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n" "Language: zh_CN\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" "X-Generator: Pootle 2.0.5\n" #. name for AFG msgid "Afghanistan" msgstr "阿富汗" #. official_name for AFG msgid "Islamic Republic of Afghanistan" msgstr "阿富汗伊斯兰共和国" #. name for ALA msgid "Åland Islands" msgstr "奥兰群岛" #. name for ALB msgid "Albania" msgstr "阿尔巴尼亚" #. official_name for ALB msgid "Republic of Albania" msgstr "阿尔巴尼亚共和国" #. name for DZA msgid "Algeria" msgstr "阿尔及利亚" #. official_name for DZA msgid "People's Democratic Republic of Algeria" msgstr "阿尔及利亚人民民主共和国" #. name for ASM msgid "American Samoa" msgstr "美属萨摩亚" #. name for AND msgid "Andorra" msgstr "安道尔" #. official_name for AND msgid "Principality of Andorra" msgstr "安道尔公国" #. name for AGO msgid "Angola" msgstr "安哥拉" #. official_name for AGO msgid "Republic of Angola" msgstr "安哥拉共和国" #. name for AIA msgid "Anguilla" msgstr "安圭拉" #. name for ATA msgid "Antarctica" msgstr "南极洲" #. name for ATG msgid "Antigua and Barbuda" msgstr "安提瓜和巴布达" #. name for ARG msgid "Argentina" msgstr "阿根廷" #. official_name for ARG msgid "Argentine Republic" msgstr "阿根廷共和国" #. name for ARM msgid "Armenia" msgstr "亚美尼亚" #. official_name for ARM msgid "Republic of Armenia" msgstr "亚美尼亚共和国" #. name for ABW msgid "Aruba" msgstr "阿鲁巴" #. name for AUS msgid "Australia" msgstr "澳大利亚" #. name for AUT msgid "Austria" msgstr "奥地利" #. official_name for AUT msgid "Republic of Austria" msgstr "奥地利共和国" #. name for AZE msgid "Azerbaijan" msgstr "阿塞拜疆" #. official_name for AZE msgid "Republic of Azerbaijan" msgstr "阿塞拜疆共和国" #. name for BHS msgid "Bahamas" msgstr "巴哈马" #. official_name for BHS msgid "Commonwealth of the Bahamas" msgstr "巴哈马国" #. name for BHR msgid "Bahrain" msgstr "巴林" #. official_name for BHR msgid "Kingdom of Bahrain" msgstr "巴林王国" #. name for BGD msgid "Bangladesh" msgstr "孟加拉" #. official_name for BGD msgid "People's Republic of Bangladesh" msgstr "孟加拉人民共和国" #. name for BRB msgid "Barbados" msgstr "巴巴多斯" #. name for BLR msgid "Belarus" msgstr "白俄罗斯" #. official_name for BLR msgid "Republic of Belarus" msgstr "白俄罗斯共和国" #. name for BEL msgid "Belgium" msgstr "比利时" #. official_name for BEL msgid "Kingdom of Belgium" msgstr "比利时王国" #. name for BLZ msgid "Belize" msgstr "伯利兹" #. name for BEN msgid "Benin" msgstr "贝宁" #. official_name for BEN msgid "Republic of Benin" msgstr "贝宁共和国" #. name for BMU msgid "Bermuda" msgstr "百慕大" #. name for BTN msgid "Bhutan" msgstr "不丹" #. official_name for BTN msgid "Kingdom of Bhutan" msgstr "不丹王国" #. name for BOL msgid "Bolivia, Plurinational State of" msgstr "玻利维亚共和国" #. official_name for BOL msgid "Plurinational State of Bolivia" msgstr "玻利维亚共和国" #. common_name for BOL msgid "Bolivia" msgstr "波利维亚" #. name for BES, official_name for BES msgid "Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba" msgstr "博奈尔、圣尤斯特歇斯岛和萨巴" #. name for BIH msgid "Bosnia and Herzegovina" msgstr "波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那" #. official_name for BIH msgid "Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina" msgstr "波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那共和国" #. name for BWA msgid "Botswana" msgstr "博兹瓦那" #. official_name for BWA msgid "Republic of Botswana" msgstr "博兹瓦那共和国" #. name for BVT msgid "Bouvet Island" msgstr "布维群岛" #. name for BRA msgid "Brazil" msgstr "巴西" #. official_name for BRA msgid "Federative Republic of Brazil" msgstr "巴西联邦共和国" #. name for IOT msgid "British Indian Ocean Territory" msgstr "英属印度洋领地" #. name for BRN msgid "Brunei Darussalam" msgstr "文莱" #. name for BGR msgid "Bulgaria" msgstr "保加利亚" #. official_name for BGR msgid "Republic of Bulgaria" msgstr "保加利亚共和国" #. name for BFA msgid "Burkina Faso" msgstr "布基纳法索" #. name for BDI msgid "Burundi" msgstr "布隆迪" #. official_name for BDI msgid "Republic of Burundi" msgstr "布隆迪共和国" #. name for KHM msgid "Cambodia" msgstr "柬埔塞" #. official_name for KHM msgid "Kingdom of Cambodia" msgstr "柬埔塞王国" #. name for CMR msgid "Cameroon" msgstr "喀麦隆" #. official_name for CMR msgid "Republic of Cameroon" msgstr "喀麦隆共和国" #. name for CAN msgid "Canada" msgstr "加拿大" #. name for CPV msgid "Cape Verde" msgstr "佛得角" #. official_name for CPV msgid "Republic of Cape Verde" msgstr "佛得角共和国" #. name for CYM msgid "Cayman Islands" msgstr "开曼群岛" #. name for CAF msgid "Central African Republic" msgstr "中非" #. name for TCD msgid "Chad" msgstr "乍得" #. official_name for TCD msgid "Republic of Chad" msgstr "乍得共和国" #. name for CHL msgid "Chile" msgstr "智利" #. official_name for CHL msgid "Republic of Chile" msgstr "智利共和国" #. name for CHN msgid "China" msgstr "中国" #. official_name for CHN msgid "People's Republic of China" msgstr "中华人民共和国" #. name for CXR msgid "Christmas Island" msgstr "圣诞岛" #. name for CCK msgid "Cocos (Keeling) Islands" msgstr "科科斯群岛" #. name for COL msgid "Colombia" msgstr "哥伦比亚" #. official_name for COL msgid "Republic of Colombia" msgstr "哥伦比亚共和国" #. name for COM msgid "Comoros" msgstr "科摩罗" #. official_name for COM msgid "Union of the Comoros" msgstr "科摩罗联邦" #. name for COG msgid "Congo" msgstr "刚果" #. official_name for COG msgid "Republic of the Congo" msgstr "刚果共和国" #. name for COD msgid "Congo, The Democratic Republic of the" msgstr "刚果民主共和国" #. name for COK msgid "Cook Islands" msgstr "库克群岛" #. name for CRI msgid "Costa Rica" msgstr "哥斯达黎加" #. official_name for CRI msgid "Republic of Costa Rica" msgstr "哥斯达黎加共和国" #. name for CIV msgid "Côte d'Ivoire" msgstr "科特迪瓦" #. official_name for CIV msgid "Republic of Côte d'Ivoire" msgstr "科特迪瓦共和国" #. name for HRV msgid "Croatia" msgstr "克罗地亚" #. official_name for HRV msgid "Republic of Croatia" msgstr "克罗地亚共和国" #. name for CUB msgid "Cuba" msgstr "古巴" #. official_name for CUB msgid "Republic of Cuba" msgstr "古巴共和国" #. name for CUW, official_name for CUW msgid "Curaçao" msgstr "库拉索" #. name for CYP msgid "Cyprus" msgstr "塞浦路斯" #. official_name for CYP msgid "Republic of Cyprus" msgstr "塞浦路斯共和国" #. name for CZE msgid "Czech Republic" msgstr "捷克" #. name for DNK msgid "Denmark" msgstr "丹麦" #. official_name for DNK msgid "Kingdom of Denmark" msgstr "丹麦王国" #. name for DJI msgid "Djibouti" msgstr "吉布提" #. official_name for DJI msgid "Republic of Djibouti" msgstr "吉布提共和国" #. name for DMA msgid "Dominica" msgstr "多米尼克" #. official_name for DMA msgid "Commonwealth of Dominica" msgstr "米尼克共和国" #. name for DOM msgid "Dominican Republic" msgstr "多米尼加共和国" #. name for ECU msgid "Ecuador" msgstr "厄瓜多尔" #. official_name for ECU msgid "Republic of Ecuador" msgstr "厄瓜多尔共和国" #. name for EGY msgid "Egypt" msgstr "埃及" #. official_name for EGY msgid "Arab Republic of Egypt" msgstr "阿拉伯埃及共和国" #. name for SLV msgid "El Salvador" msgstr "萨尔瓦多" #. official_name for SLV msgid "Republic of El Salvador" msgstr "萨尔瓦多共和国" #. name for GNQ msgid "Equatorial Guinea" msgstr "赤道几内亚" #. official_name for GNQ msgid "Republic of Equatorial Guinea" msgstr "赤道几内亚共和国" #. name for ERI msgid "Eritrea" msgstr "厄立特里亚" #. official_name for ERI #, fuzzy msgid "the State of Eritrea" msgstr "美利坚合众国" #. name for EST msgid "Estonia" msgstr "爱沙尼亚" #. official_name for EST msgid "Republic of Estonia" msgstr "爱沙尼亚共和国" #. name for ETH, historic names for ETH (withdrawn 1993-07-16) msgid "Ethiopia" msgstr "埃塞俄比亚" #. official_name for ETH msgid "Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia" msgstr "埃塞俄比亚联邦民主共和国" #. name for FLK msgid "Falkland Islands (Malvinas)" msgstr "福克兰群岛(马尔维纳斯)" #. name for FRO msgid "Faroe Islands" msgstr "法罗群岛" #. name for FJI msgid "Fiji" msgstr "斐济" #. official_name for FJI msgid "Republic of Fiji" msgstr "斐济共和国" #. name for FIN msgid "Finland" msgstr "芬兰" #. official_name for FIN msgid "Republic of Finland" msgstr "芬兰共和国" #. name for FRA msgid "France" msgstr "法国" #. official_name for FRA msgid "French Republic" msgstr "法兰西共和国" #. name for GUF msgid "French Guiana" msgstr "法属圭亚那" #. name for PYF msgid "French Polynesia" msgstr "法属玻利尼西亚" #. name for ATF msgid "French Southern Territories" msgstr "法属南半球领地" #. name for GAB msgid "Gabon" msgstr "加蓬" #. official_name for GAB msgid "Gabonese Republic" msgstr "加蓬共和国" #. name for GMB msgid "Gambia" msgstr "冈比亚" #. official_name for GMB msgid "Republic of the Gambia" msgstr "冈比亚共和国" #. name for GEO msgid "Georgia" msgstr "格鲁吉亚" #. name for DEU msgid "Germany" msgstr "德国" #. official_name for DEU msgid "Federal Republic of Germany" msgstr "德意志联邦共和国" #. name for GHA msgid "Ghana" msgstr "加纳" #. official_name for GHA msgid "Republic of Ghana" msgstr "加纳共和国" #. name for GIB msgid "Gibraltar" msgstr "直布罗陀" #. name for GRC msgid "Greece" msgstr "希腊" #. official_name for GRC msgid "Hellenic Republic" msgstr "希腊共和国" #. name for GRL msgid "Greenland" msgstr "格陵兰" #. name for GRD msgid "Grenada" msgstr "格林纳达" #. name for GLP msgid "Guadeloupe" msgstr "瓜德罗普" #. name for GUM msgid "Guam" msgstr "关岛" #. name for GTM msgid "Guatemala" msgstr "瓜地马拉" #. official_name for GTM msgid "Republic of Guatemala" msgstr "瓜地马拉共和国" #. name for GGY msgid "Guernsey" msgstr "根西岛" #. name for GIN msgid "Guinea" msgstr "几内亚" #. official_name for GIN msgid "Republic of Guinea" msgstr "几内亚共和国" #. name for GNB msgid "Guinea-Bissau" msgstr "几内亚比绍" #. official_name for GNB msgid "Republic of Guinea-Bissau" msgstr "几内亚比绍共和国" #. name for GUY msgid "Guyana" msgstr "圭亚那" #. official_name for GUY msgid "Republic of Guyana" msgstr "圭亚那共和国" #. name for HTI msgid "Haiti" msgstr "海地" #. official_name for HTI msgid "Republic of Haiti" msgstr "海地共和国" #. name for HMD msgid "Heard Island and McDonald Islands" msgstr "赫德岛与麦克唐纳群岛" #. name for VAT msgid "Holy See (Vatican City State)" msgstr "梵地冈" #. name for HND msgid "Honduras" msgstr "洪都拉斯" #. official_name for HND msgid "Republic of Honduras" msgstr "洪都拉斯共和国" #. name for HKG msgid "Hong Kong" msgstr "香港" #. official_name for HKG msgid "Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of China" msgstr "中国香港特别行政区" #. name for HUN, official_name for HUN msgid "Hungary" msgstr "匈牙利" #. name for ISL msgid "Iceland" msgstr "冰岛" #. official_name for ISL msgid "Republic of Iceland" msgstr "冰岛共和国" #. name for IND msgid "India" msgstr "印度" #. official_name for IND msgid "Republic of India" msgstr "印度共和国" #. name for IDN msgid "Indonesia" msgstr "印度尼西亚" #. official_name for IDN msgid "Republic of Indonesia" msgstr "印度尼西亚共和国" #. name for IRN msgid "Iran, Islamic Republic of" msgstr "伊朗" #. official_name for IRN msgid "Islamic Republic of Iran" msgstr "伊朗伊斯兰共和国" #. name for IRQ msgid "Iraq" msgstr "伊拉克" #. official_name for IRQ msgid "Republic of Iraq" msgstr "伊拉克共和国" #. name for IRL msgid "Ireland" msgstr "爱尔兰" #. name for IMN msgid "Isle of Man" msgstr "曼岛" #. name for ISR msgid "Israel" msgstr "以色列" #. official_name for ISR msgid "State of Israel" msgstr "以色列国" #. name for ITA msgid "Italy" msgstr "意大利" #. official_name for ITA msgid "Italian Republic" msgstr "意大利共和国" #. name for JAM msgid "Jamaica" msgstr "牙买加" #. name for JPN msgid "Japan" msgstr "日本" #. name for JEY msgid "Jersey" msgstr "泽西岛" #. name for JOR msgid "Jordan" msgstr "约旦" #. official_name for JOR msgid "Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan" msgstr "约旦哈希姆王国" #. name for KAZ msgid "Kazakhstan" msgstr "哈萨克斯坦" #. official_name for KAZ msgid "Republic of Kazakhstan" msgstr "哈萨克斯坦共和国" #. name for KEN msgid "Kenya" msgstr "肯尼亚" #. official_name for KEN msgid "Republic of Kenya" msgstr "肯尼亚共和国" #. name for KIR msgid "Kiribati" msgstr "基里巴斯" #. official_name for KIR msgid "Republic of Kiribati" msgstr "基里巴斯共和国" #. name for PRK msgid "Korea, Democratic People's Republic of" msgstr "朝鲜" #. official_name for PRK msgid "Democratic People's Republic of Korea" msgstr "朝鲜人民民主共和国" #. name for KOR msgid "Korea, Republic of" msgstr "韩国" #. name for KWT msgid "Kuwait" msgstr "科威特" #. official_name for KWT msgid "State of Kuwait" msgstr "科威特国" #. name for KGZ msgid "Kyrgyzstan" msgstr "吉尔吉斯坦" #. official_name for KGZ msgid "Kyrgyz Republic" msgstr "吉尔吉斯共和国" #. name for LAO msgid "Lao People's Democratic Republic" msgstr "老挝人民民主共和国" #. name for LVA msgid "Latvia" msgstr "拉脱维亚" #. official_name for LVA msgid "Republic of Latvia" msgstr "拉脱维亚共和国" #. name for LBN msgid "Lebanon" msgstr "黎巴嫩" #. official_name for LBN msgid "Lebanese Republic" msgstr "黎巴嫩共和国" #. name for LSO msgid "Lesotho" msgstr "莱索托" #. official_name for LSO msgid "Kingdom of Lesotho" msgstr "莱索托王国" #. name for LBR msgid "Liberia" msgstr "利比里亚" #. official_name for LBR msgid "Republic of Liberia" msgstr "利比里亚共和国" #. name for LBY, official_name for LBY msgid "Libya" msgstr "利比亚" #. name for LIE msgid "Liechtenstein" msgstr "列支敦士登" #. official_name for LIE msgid "Principality of Liechtenstein" msgstr "列支敦士登公国" #. name for LTU msgid "Lithuania" msgstr "立陶宛" #. official_name for LTU msgid "Republic of Lithuania" msgstr "立陶宛共和国" #. name for LUX msgid "Luxembourg" msgstr "卢森堡" #. official_name for LUX msgid "Grand Duchy of Luxembourg" msgstr "卢森堡大公国" #. name for MAC msgid "Macao" msgstr "澳门" #. official_name for MAC msgid "Macao Special Administrative Region of China" msgstr "中国澳门特别行政区" #. name for MKD msgid "Macedonia, Republic of" msgstr "马其顿" #. official_name for MKD msgid "The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia" msgstr "前南斯拉夫的马其顿共和国" #. name for MDG msgid "Madagascar" msgstr "马达加斯加" #. official_name for MDG msgid "Republic of Madagascar" msgstr "马达加斯加共和国" #. name for MWI msgid "Malawi" msgstr "马拉维" #. official_name for MWI msgid "Republic of Malawi" msgstr "马拉维共和国" #. name for MYS msgid "Malaysia" msgstr "马来西亚" #. name for MDV msgid "Maldives" msgstr "马尔代夫" #. official_name for MDV msgid "Republic of Maldives" msgstr "马尔代夫共和国" #. name for MLI msgid "Mali" msgstr "马里" #. official_name for MLI msgid "Republic of Mali" msgstr "马里共和国" #. name for MLT msgid "Malta" msgstr "马尔他" #. official_name for MLT msgid "Republic of Malta" msgstr "马尔他共和国" #. name for MHL msgid "Marshall Islands" msgstr "马绍尔群岛" #. official_name for MHL msgid "Republic of the Marshall Islands" msgstr "马绍尔群岛共和国" #. name for MTQ msgid "Martinique" msgstr "马提尼克" #. name for MRT msgid "Mauritania" msgstr "毛里塔尼亚" #. official_name for MRT msgid "Islamic Republic of Mauritania" msgstr "毛里塔尼亚伊斯兰共和国" #. name for MUS msgid "Mauritius" msgstr "毛里求斯" #. official_name for MUS msgid "Republic of Mauritius" msgstr "毛里求斯共和国" #. name for MYT msgid "Mayotte" msgstr "马约特" #. name for MEX msgid "Mexico" msgstr "墨西哥" #. official_name for MEX msgid "United Mexican States" msgstr "墨西哥合众国" #. name for FSM msgid "Micronesia, Federated States of" msgstr "密克罗尼西亚" #. official_name for FSM msgid "Federated States of Micronesia" msgstr "密克罗尼西亚联邦" #. name for MDA msgid "Moldova, Republic of" msgstr "摩尔多瓦共和国" #. official_name for MDA msgid "Republic of Moldova" msgstr "摩尔多瓦共和国" #. common_name for MDA msgid "Moldova" msgstr "摩尔多瓦" #. name for MCO msgid "Monaco" msgstr "摩纳哥" #. official_name for MCO msgid "Principality of Monaco" msgstr "摩纳哥公国" #. name for MNG msgid "Mongolia" msgstr "蒙古" #. name for MNE, official_name for MNE msgid "Montenegro" msgstr "黑山" #. name for MSR msgid "Montserrat" msgstr "蒙塞拉特岛" #. name for MAR msgid "Morocco" msgstr "摩洛哥" #. official_name for MAR msgid "Kingdom of Morocco" msgstr "摩洛哥王国" #. name for MOZ msgid "Mozambique" msgstr "莫桑比克" #. official_name for MOZ msgid "Republic of Mozambique" msgstr "莫桑比克共和国" #. name for MMR msgid "Myanmar" msgstr "缅甸" #. official_name for MMR msgid "Republic of Myanmar" msgstr "缅甸联邦共和国" #. name for NAM msgid "Namibia" msgstr "纳米比亚" #. official_name for NAM msgid "Republic of Namibia" msgstr "纳米比亚共和国" #. name for NRU msgid "Nauru" msgstr "瑙鲁" #. official_name for NRU msgid "Republic of Nauru" msgstr "瑙鲁共和国" #. name for NPL msgid "Nepal" msgstr "尼泊尔" #. official_name for NPL msgid "Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal" msgstr "尼泊尔联邦民主共和国" #. name for NLD msgid "Netherlands" msgstr "荷兰" #. official_name for NLD msgid "Kingdom of the Netherlands" msgstr "荷兰王国" #. name for NCL msgid "New Caledonia" msgstr "新喀里多尼亚" #. name for NZL msgid "New Zealand" msgstr "新西兰" #. name for NIC msgid "Nicaragua" msgstr "尼加拉瓜" #. official_name for NIC msgid "Republic of Nicaragua" msgstr "尼加拉瓜共和国" #. name for NER msgid "Niger" msgstr "尼日尔" #. official_name for NER msgid "Republic of the Niger" msgstr "尼日尔共和国" #. name for NGA msgid "Nigeria" msgstr "尼日利亚" #. official_name for NGA msgid "Federal Republic of Nigeria" msgstr "尼日利亚联邦共和国" #. name for NIU, official_name for NIU msgid "Niue" msgstr "纽埃" #. name for NFK msgid "Norfolk Island" msgstr "诺福克岛" #. name for MNP msgid "Northern Mariana Islands" msgstr "北马里亚纳群岛" #. official_name for MNP msgid "Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands" msgstr "北马里亚纳群岛自由联邦" #. name for NOR msgid "Norway" msgstr "挪威" #. official_name for NOR msgid "Kingdom of Norway" msgstr "挪威王国" #. name for OMN msgid "Oman" msgstr "阿曼" #. official_name for OMN msgid "Sultanate of Oman" msgstr "阿曼苏丹国" #. name for PAK msgid "Pakistan" msgstr "巴基斯坦" #. official_name for PAK msgid "Islamic Republic of Pakistan" msgstr "巴基斯坦伊斯兰共和国" #. name for PLW msgid "Palau" msgstr "帕劳" #. official_name for PLW msgid "Republic of Palau" msgstr "帕劳共和国" #. name for PSE msgid "Palestine, State of" msgstr "" #. official_name for PSE #, fuzzy msgid "the State of Palestine" msgstr "美利坚合众国" #. name for PAN msgid "Panama" msgstr "巴拿马" #. official_name for PAN msgid "Republic of Panama" msgstr "巴拿马共和国" #. name for PNG msgid "Papua New Guinea" msgstr "巴布亚新几内亚" #. official_name for PNG #, fuzzy msgid "Independent State of Papua New Guinea" msgstr "萨摩亚独立国" #. name for PRY msgid "Paraguay" msgstr "巴拉圭" #. official_name for PRY msgid "Republic of Paraguay" msgstr "巴拉圭共和国" #. name for PER msgid "Peru" msgstr "秘鲁" #. official_name for PER msgid "Republic of Peru" msgstr "秘鲁共和国" #. name for PHL msgid "Philippines" msgstr "菲律宾" #. official_name for PHL msgid "Republic of the Philippines" msgstr "菲律宾共和国" #. name for PCN msgid "Pitcairn" msgstr "皮特克恩" #. name for POL msgid "Poland" msgstr "波兰" #. official_name for POL msgid "Republic of Poland" msgstr "波兰共和国" #. name for PRT msgid "Portugal" msgstr "葡萄牙" #. official_name for PRT msgid "Portuguese Republic" msgstr "葡萄牙共和国" #. name for PRI msgid "Puerto Rico" msgstr "波多黎各" #. name for QAT msgid "Qatar" msgstr "卡塔尔" #. official_name for QAT msgid "State of Qatar" msgstr "卡塔尔国" #. name for REU msgid "Réunion" msgstr "留尼汪" #. name for ROU msgid "Romania" msgstr "罗马尼亚" #. name for RUS msgid "Russian Federation" msgstr "俄罗斯" #. name for RWA msgid "Rwanda" msgstr "卢旺达" #. official_name for RWA msgid "Rwandese Republic" msgstr "卢旺达共和国" #. name for BLM msgid "Saint Barthélemy" msgstr "圣巴泰勒米岛" #. name for SHN msgid "Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha" msgstr "圣赫勒拿-阿森松-特里斯坦达库尼亚" #. name for KNA msgid "Saint Kitts and Nevis" msgstr "圣基茨和尼维斯" #. name for LCA msgid "Saint Lucia" msgstr "圣路西亚" #. name for MAF msgid "Saint Martin (French part)" msgstr "法属圣马丁" #. name for SPM msgid "Saint Pierre and Miquelon" msgstr "圣皮埃尔和密克隆" #. name for VCT msgid "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines" msgstr "圣文森特和格林纳丁斯" #. name for WSM msgid "Samoa" msgstr "萨摩亚" #. official_name for WSM msgid "Independent State of Samoa" msgstr "萨摩亚独立国" #. name for SMR msgid "San Marino" msgstr "圣马力诺" #. official_name for SMR msgid "Republic of San Marino" msgstr "圣马力诺共和国" #. name for STP msgid "Sao Tome and Principe" msgstr "圣多美和普林西比" #. official_name for STP msgid "Democratic Republic of Sao Tome and Principe" msgstr "圣多美和普林西比民主共和国" #. name for SAU msgid "Saudi Arabia" msgstr "沙特阿拉伯" #. official_name for SAU msgid "Kingdom of Saudi Arabia" msgstr "沙特阿拉伯王国" #. name for SEN msgid "Senegal" msgstr "塞内加尔" #. official_name for SEN msgid "Republic of Senegal" msgstr "塞内加尔共和国" #. name for SRB msgid "Serbia" msgstr "塞尔维亚" #. official_name for SRB msgid "Republic of Serbia" msgstr "塞尔维亚共和国" #. name for SYC msgid "Seychelles" msgstr "塞舌尔" #. official_name for SYC msgid "Republic of Seychelles" msgstr "塞舌尔共和国" #. name for SLE msgid "Sierra Leone" msgstr "塞拉利昂" #. official_name for SLE msgid "Republic of Sierra Leone" msgstr "塞拉利昂共和国" #. name for SGP msgid "Singapore" msgstr "新加坡" #. official_name for SGP msgid "Republic of Singapore" msgstr "新加坡共和国" #. name for SXM, official_name for SXM msgid "Sint Maarten (Dutch part)" msgstr "荷属圣马丁" #. name for SVK msgid "Slovakia" msgstr "斯洛伐克" #. official_name for SVK msgid "Slovak Republic" msgstr "斯洛伐克共和国" #. name for SVN msgid "Slovenia" msgstr "斯洛文尼亚" #. official_name for SVN msgid "Republic of Slovenia" msgstr "斯洛文尼亚共和国" #. name for SLB msgid "Solomon Islands" msgstr "所罗门群岛" #. name for SOM msgid "Somalia" msgstr "索马里" #. official_name for SOM #, fuzzy msgid "Federal Republic of Somalia" msgstr "德意志联邦共和国" #. name for ZAF msgid "South Africa" msgstr "南非" #. official_name for ZAF msgid "Republic of South Africa" msgstr "南非共和国" #. name for SGS msgid "South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands" msgstr "南乔治亚岛和南桑德韦奇岛" #. name for ESP msgid "Spain" msgstr "西班牙" #. official_name for ESP msgid "Kingdom of Spain" msgstr "西班牙王国" #. name for LKA msgid "Sri Lanka" msgstr "斯里兰卡" #. official_name for LKA msgid "Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka" msgstr "斯里兰卡民主社会主义共和国" #. name for SDN msgid "Sudan" msgstr "苏丹" #. official_name for SDN msgid "Republic of the Sudan" msgstr "苏丹共和国" #. name for SUR msgid "Suriname" msgstr "苏里南" #. official_name for SUR msgid "Republic of Suriname" msgstr "苏里南共和国" #. name for SSD msgid "South Sudan" msgstr "南苏丹" #. official_name for SSD msgid "Republic of South Sudan" msgstr "南苏丹共和国" #. name for SJM msgid "Svalbard and Jan Mayen" msgstr "斯瓦尔巴特和扬马延岛" #. name for SWZ msgid "Swaziland" msgstr "斯威士兰" #. official_name for SWZ msgid "Kingdom of Swaziland" msgstr "斯威士兰王国" #. name for SWE msgid "Sweden" msgstr "瑞典" #. official_name for SWE msgid "Kingdom of Sweden" msgstr "瑞典王国" #. name for CHE msgid "Switzerland" msgstr "瑞士" #. official_name for CHE msgid "Swiss Confederation" msgstr "瑞士联邦" #. name for SYR msgid "Syrian Arab Republic" msgstr "叙利亚" #. name for TWN, official_name for TWN msgid "Taiwan, Province of China" msgstr "中国台湾省" #. common_name for TWN msgid "Taiwan" msgstr "台湾" #. name for TJK msgid "Tajikistan" msgstr "塔吉克斯坦" #. official_name for TJK msgid "Republic of Tajikistan" msgstr "塔吉克斯坦共和国" #. name for TZA msgid "Tanzania, United Republic of" msgstr "坦桑尼亚" #. official_name for TZA msgid "United Republic of Tanzania" msgstr "坦桑尼亚联合共和国" #. name for THA msgid "Thailand" msgstr "泰国" #. official_name for THA msgid "Kingdom of Thailand" msgstr "泰王国" #. name for TLS msgid "Timor-Leste" msgstr "东帝汶" #. official_name for TLS msgid "Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste" msgstr "东帝汶民主共和国" #. name for TGO msgid "Togo" msgstr "多哥" #. official_name for TGO msgid "Togolese Republic" msgstr "多哥共和国" #. name for TKL msgid "Tokelau" msgstr "托克劳群岛" #. name for TON msgid "Tonga" msgstr "汤加" #. official_name for TON msgid "Kingdom of Tonga" msgstr "汤加王国" #. name for TTO msgid "Trinidad and Tobago" msgstr "特里尼达和多巴哥" #. official_name for TTO msgid "Republic of Trinidad and Tobago" msgstr "特里尼达和多巴哥共和国" #. name for TUN msgid "Tunisia" msgstr "突尼斯" #. official_name for TUN msgid "Republic of Tunisia" msgstr "突尼斯共和国" #. name for TUR msgid "Turkey" msgstr "土耳其" #. official_name for TUR msgid "Republic of Turkey" msgstr "土耳其共和国" #. name for TKM msgid "Turkmenistan" msgstr "土库曼斯坦" #. name for TCA msgid "Turks and Caicos Islands" msgstr "特克斯和凯科斯群岛" #. name for TUV msgid "Tuvalu" msgstr "图瓦鲁" #. name for UGA msgid "Uganda" msgstr "乌干达" #. official_name for UGA msgid "Republic of Uganda" msgstr "乌干达共和国" #. name for UKR msgid "Ukraine" msgstr "乌克兰" #. name for ARE msgid "United Arab Emirates" msgstr "阿联酋" #. name for GBR msgid "United Kingdom" msgstr "英国" #. official_name for GBR msgid "United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland" msgstr "大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国" #. name for USA msgid "United States" msgstr "美国" #. official_name for USA msgid "United States of America" msgstr "美利坚合众国" #. name for UMI msgid "United States Minor Outlying Islands" msgstr "美国本土外小岛屿" #. name for URY msgid "Uruguay" msgstr "乌拉圭" #. official_name for URY msgid "Eastern Republic of Uruguay" msgstr "乌拉圭东岸共和国" #. name for UZB msgid "Uzbekistan" msgstr "乌兹别克斯坦" #. official_name for UZB msgid "Republic of Uzbekistan" msgstr "乌兹别克斯坦共和国" #. name for VUT msgid "Vanuatu" msgstr "瓦努阿图" #. official_name for VUT msgid "Republic of Vanuatu" msgstr "瓦努阿图共和国" #. name for VEN msgid "Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of" msgstr "委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国" #. official_name for VEN msgid "Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela" msgstr "委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国" #. common_name for VEN msgid "Venezuela" msgstr "委内瑞拉" #. name for VNM msgid "Viet Nam" msgstr "越南" #. official_name for VNM msgid "Socialist Republic of Viet Nam" msgstr "越南社会主义共和国" #. name for VGB msgid "Virgin Islands, British" msgstr "英属维京群岛" #. official_name for VGB msgid "British Virgin Islands" msgstr "英属维京群岛" #. name for VIR msgid "Virgin Islands, U.S." msgstr "美属维京群岛" #. official_name for VIR msgid "Virgin Islands of the United States" msgstr "美属维京群岛" #. name for WLF msgid "Wallis and Futuna" msgstr "瓦利斯和富图纳" #. name for ESH msgid "Western Sahara" msgstr "西撒哈拉" #. name for YEM msgid "Yemen" msgstr "也门" #. official_name for YEM msgid "Republic of Yemen" msgstr "也门共和国" #. name for ZMB msgid "Zambia" msgstr "赞比亚" #. official_name for ZMB msgid "Republic of Zambia" msgstr "赞比亚共和国" #. name for ZWE msgid "Zimbabwe" msgstr "津巴布韦" #. official_name for ZWE msgid "Republic of Zimbabwe" msgstr "津巴布韦共和国" #. historic names for ATB (withdrawn 1979) msgid "British Antarctic Territory" msgstr "英属南极洲领地" #. historic names for BUR (withdrawn 1989-12-05) msgid "Burma, Socialist Republic of the Union of" msgstr "缅甸联邦社会主义共和国" #. historic names for BYS (withdrawn 1992-06-15) msgid "Byelorussian SSR Soviet Socialist Republic" msgstr "白俄罗斯苏维埃社会主义共和国" #. historic names for CTE (withdrawn 1984) msgid "Canton and Enderbury Islands" msgstr "坎顿和恩德贝里岛" #. historic names for CSK (withdrawn 1993-06-15) msgid "Czechoslovakia, Czechoslovak Socialist Republic" msgstr "捷克斯洛伐克社会主义共和国" #. historic names for DHY (withdrawn 1977) msgid "Dahomey" msgstr "达荷美" #. historic names for ATN (withdrawn 1983) msgid "Dronning Maud Land" msgstr "毛德皇后地" #. historic names for TMP (withdrawn 2002-05-20) msgid "East Timor" msgstr "东帝汶" #. historic names for FXX (withdrawn 1997-07-14) msgid "France, Metropolitan" msgstr "法国的欧洲部分" #. historic names for AFI (withdrawn 1977) msgid "French Afars and Issas" msgstr "阿法斯和埃萨斯" #. historic names for ATF (withdrawn 1979) msgid "French Southern and Antarctic Territories" msgstr "法属南半球及南极领地" #. historic names for DDR (withdrawn 1990-10-30) msgid "German Democratic Republic" msgstr "德意志民主共和国" #. historic names for DEU (withdrawn 1990-10-30) msgid "Germany, Federal Republic of" msgstr "德意志联邦共和国" #. historic names for GEL (withdrawn 1979) msgid "Gilbert and Ellice Islands" msgstr "吉尔柏特及埃里斯群岛" #. historic names for JTN (withdrawn 1986) msgid "Johnston Island" msgstr "约翰斯顿岛" #. historic names for MID (withdrawn 1986) msgid "Midway Islands" msgstr "中途岛" #. historic names for ANT (withdrawn 1993-07-12) msgid "Netherlands Antilles" msgstr "荷属安德列斯岛" #. historic names for NTZ (withdrawn 1993-07-12) msgid "Neutral Zone" msgstr "中立区" #. historic names for NHB (withdrawn 1980) msgid "New Hebrides" msgstr "新赫布里底群岛" #. historic names for PCI (withdrawn 1986) msgid "Pacific Islands (trust territory)" msgstr "太平洋诸岛 (托管地)" #. historic names for PAN (withdrawn 1993-07-22) msgid "Panama, Republic of" msgstr "巴拿马共和国" #. historic names for PCZ (withdrawn 1980) msgid "Panama Canal Zone" msgstr "巴拿马运河区" #. historic names for ROM (withdrawn 2002-02-01) msgid "Romania, Socialist Republic of" msgstr "罗马尼亚社会主义共和国" #. historic names for KNA (withdrawn 1988) msgid "St. Kitts-Nevis-Anguilla" msgstr "圣基茨-尼维斯-安圭拉" #. historic names for SCG (withdrawn 2006-06-05) msgid "Serbia and Montenegro" msgstr "塞尔维亚和黑山" #. historic names for SKM (withdrawn 1975) msgid "Sikkim" msgstr "锡金" #. historic names for RHO (withdrawn 1980) msgid "Southern Rhodesia" msgstr "南罗德西亚" #. historic names for ESH (withdrawn 1988) msgid "Spanish Sahara" msgstr "西班牙属撒哈拉" #. historic names for PUS (withdrawn 1986) msgid "US Miscellaneous Pacific Islands" msgstr "美属太平洋诸岛" #. historic names for SUN (withdrawn 1992-08-30) msgid "USSR, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics" msgstr "苏维埃社会主义共和国联盟" #. historic names for HVO (withdrawn 1984) msgid "Upper Volta, Republic of" msgstr "上沃尔特共和国" #. historic names for VAT (withdrawn 1996-04-03) msgid "Vatican City State (Holy See)" msgstr "梵蒂冈城国 (教廷)" #. historic names for VDR (withdrawn 1977) msgid "Viet-Nam, Democratic Republic of" msgstr "越南民主共和国" #. historic names for WAK (withdrawn 1986) msgid "Wake Island" msgstr "威克岛" #. historic names for YMD (withdrawn 1990-08-14) msgid "Yemen, Democratic, People's Democratic Republic of" msgstr "也门民主人民共和国" #. historic names for YEM (withdrawn 1990-08-14) msgid "Yemen, Yemen Arab Republic" msgstr "阿拉伯也门共和国" #. historic names for YUG (withdrawn 1993-07-28) msgid "Yugoslavia, Socialist Federal Republic of" msgstr "南斯拉夫联盟共和国" #. historic names for ZAR (withdrawn 1997-07-14) msgid "Zaire, Republic of" msgstr "扎伊尔共和国" #. TRANS: "name" option from activity.info file msgid "TurtleBlocks" msgstr "海龟积木" #. TRANS: "summary" option from activity.info file #. TRANS: "description" option from activity.info file msgid "" "A Logo-inspired turtle that draws colorful pictures with snap-together " "visual programming blocks" msgstr "一个受Logo启发连接可视化编程块并画有彩色图片的海龟" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:119 msgid "Palette of turtle commands" msgstr "海龟指令模板" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:124 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:740 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:751 msgid "forward" msgstr "前进" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:128 msgid "moves turtle forward" msgstr "向前移动海龟" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:135 msgid "back" msgstr "后退" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:139 msgid "moves turtle backward" msgstr "向后移动海龟" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:147 msgid "clean" msgstr "清屏" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:150 msgid "clears the screen and reset the turtle" msgstr "清空屏幕并重置海龟" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:158 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:871 msgid "left" msgstr "左边" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:162 msgid "turns turtle counterclockwise (angle in degrees)" msgstr "逆时针转动海龟(角度)" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:170 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:895 msgid "right" msgstr "右边" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:174 msgid "turns turtle clockwise (angle in degrees)" msgstr "顺时针转动海龟(角度)" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:182 msgid "arc" msgstr "走弧形" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:182 msgid "angle" msgstr "角度" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:182 msgid "radius" msgstr "半径" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:186 msgid "moves turtle along an arc" msgstr "延弧形移动海龟" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:195 TurtleArt/tabasics.py:261 msgid "set xy" msgstr "设置 坐标" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:195 TurtleArt/tabasics.py:261 msgid "x" msgstr "横" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:195 TurtleArt/tabasics.py:261 msgid "y" msgstr "纵" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:199 TurtleArt/tabasics.py:265 msgid "" "moves turtle to position xcor, ycor; (0, 0) is in the center of the screen." msgstr "移动海龟到座标(x,y);(0,0)是屏幕中心。" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:209 msgid "set heading" msgstr "设置朝向" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:213 msgid "sets the heading of the turtle (0 is towards the top of the screen.)" msgstr "设置海龟朝向(0表示朝向屏幕上方)" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:221 TurtleArt/tawindow.py:4105 msgid "xcor" msgstr "横坐标" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:222 msgid "" "holds current x-coordinate value of the turtle (can be used in place of a " "number block)" msgstr "包含海龟当前位置的X座标值(可以用来替换数字块)" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:232 TurtleArt/tawindow.py:4106 msgid "ycor" msgstr "纵坐标" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:233 msgid "" "holds current y-coordinate value of the turtle (can be used in place of a " "number block)" msgstr "包含海龟当前位置的Y座标值(可以用来替换数字块)" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:243 TurtleArt/tawindow.py:4106 msgid "heading" msgstr "朝向" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:244 msgid "" "holds current heading value of the turtle (can be used in place of a number " "block)" msgstr "包含海龟当前的朝向的角度值(可以用来替换数字块)" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:278 msgid "Palette of pen commands" msgstr "画笔指令模板" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:283 TurtleArt/tabasics.py:294 msgid "fill screen" msgstr "涂满全屏" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:283 TurtleArt/tabasics.py:294 #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:344 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:1197 msgid "color" msgstr "颜色" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:283 TurtleArt/tabasics.py:295 #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:354 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:1193 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:1198 msgid "shade" msgstr "深度" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:287 TurtleArt/tabasics.py:299 msgid "fills the background with (color, shade)" msgstr "以(颜色,阴影)填充背景" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:295 TurtleArt/tabasics.py:363 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:1194 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:1199 msgid "gray" msgstr "灰度" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:309 msgid "set color" msgstr "设置颜色" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:313 msgid "sets color of the line drawn by the turtle" msgstr "设置海龟绘制的线条的颜色" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:321 msgid "set shade" msgstr "设置深度" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:325 msgid "sets shade of the line drawn by the turtle" msgstr "设置海龟绘制的线条的深度" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:333 msgid "set gray" msgstr "设置灰度" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:336 msgid "sets gray level of the line drawn by the turtle" msgstr "设置海龟绘制的线条的灰度" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:345 msgid "holds current pen color (can be used in place of a number block)" msgstr "包含当前画笔的颜色(可以用来替换数字块)" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:355 msgid "holds current pen shade" msgstr "设置当前画笔的深度" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:364 msgid "holds current gray level (can be used in place of a number block)" msgstr "包含当前的灰度值(可以用来替换数字块)" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:372 msgid "pen up" msgstr "抬笔" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:375 msgid "Turtle will not draw when moved." msgstr "海龟将不会在移动时绘图。" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:381 msgid "pen down" msgstr "落笔" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:384 msgid "Turtle will draw when moved." msgstr "海龟将在移动时绘图。" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:390 msgid "set pen size" msgstr "设置笔的粗细" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:394 msgid "sets size of the line drawn by the turtle" msgstr "设置海龟绘制的线条的宽度" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:404 msgid "start fill" msgstr "开始填充" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:406 msgid "starts filled polygon (used with end fill block)" msgstr "开始填充多边形的绘制(和完成填充一起使用)" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:413 msgid "end fill" msgstr "完成填充" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:415 msgid "completes filled polygon (used with start fill block)" msgstr "完成填充多边形的绘制(和开始填充一起使用)" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:422 msgid "pen size" msgstr "笔的粗细" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:423 msgid "holds current pen size (can be used in place of a number block)" msgstr "包含当前画笔的大小(可以用来替换数字块)" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:437 msgid "Palette of pen colors" msgstr "画笔颜色模板" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:439 msgid "red" msgstr "红色" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:440 msgid "orange" msgstr "橙黄色" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:442 msgid "yellow" msgstr "黄色" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:444 msgid "green" msgstr "绿色" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:445 msgid "cyan" msgstr "青色" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:446 msgid "blue" msgstr "蓝色" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:447 msgid "purple" msgstr "紫色" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:449 msgid "white" msgstr "白色" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:450 msgid "black" msgstr "黑色" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:456 msgid "set text color" msgstr "设置文字颜色" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:459 msgid "sets color of text drawn by the turtle" msgstr "设置海龟绘制文字的颜色" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:467 msgid "set text size" msgstr "设置文字大小" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:470 msgid "sets size of text drawn by the turtle" msgstr "设置海龟绘制的文字的大小" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:553 msgid "Palette of numeric operators" msgstr "数值运算模板" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:559 msgid "plus" msgstr "加" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:563 msgid "adds two alphanumeric inputs" msgstr "将两个字符数值型输入相加" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:571 msgid "minus" msgstr "减" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:574 msgid "subtracts bottom numeric input from top numeric input" msgstr "将顶部输入减去底部输入" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:585 msgid "multiply" msgstr "乘" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:588 msgid "multiplies two numeric inputs" msgstr "将两个数值型输入相乘" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:597 msgid "divide" msgstr "除" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:600 msgid "" "divides top numeric input (numerator) by bottom numeric input (denominator)" msgstr "将顶部输入(分子)除以底部输入(分母)" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:610 msgid "identity" msgstr "自身" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:612 msgid "identity operator used for extending blocks" msgstr "用来拉长积木块的“自身”操作符" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:620 TurtleArt/tabasics.py:621 msgid "mod" msgstr "同余" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:624 msgid "modular (remainder) operator" msgstr "取模(余数)操作符" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:631 msgid "√" msgstr "√" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:632 msgid "square root" msgstr "平方根" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:635 msgid "calculates square root" msgstr "计算平方根" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:642 msgid "random" msgstr "随机值" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:642 msgid "min" msgstr "最小值" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:642 msgid "max" msgstr "最大值" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:646 msgid "returns random number between minimum (top) and maximum (bottom) values" msgstr "返回最小值(顶部)和最大值(底部)之间的随机数" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:658 msgid "number" msgstr "数字" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:659 msgid "used as numeric input in mathematic operators" msgstr "在数学运算符中作为数值型输入" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:667 msgid "greater than" msgstr "大于" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:670 msgid "logical greater-than operator" msgstr "逻辑“大于”运算符" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:679 msgid "less than" msgstr "小于" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:683 msgid "logical less-than operator" msgstr "逻辑“小于”运算符" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:691 msgid "equal" msgstr "等于" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:695 msgid "logical equal-to operator" msgstr "逻辑“等于”运算符" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:701 msgid "not" msgstr "非" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:704 msgid "logical NOT operator" msgstr "逻辑“非”运算符" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:710 TurtleArt/tabasics.py:713 msgid "and" msgstr "与" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:714 msgid "logical AND operator" msgstr "逻辑“与”运算符" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:721 TurtleArt/tabasics.py:724 msgid "or" msgstr "或" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:725 msgid "logical OR operator" msgstr "逻辑“或”运算符" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:734 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:104 msgid "Palette of flow operators" msgstr "流程控制模板" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:739 msgid "wait" msgstr "等待" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:743 msgid "pauses program execution a specified number of seconds" msgstr "暂停程序执行指定秒数" # Here, 'forever' means 'forever repeat'. #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:750 msgid "forever" msgstr "永远执行" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:754 msgid "loops forever" msgstr "永远执行的循环" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:761 TurtleArt/tabasics.py:765 msgid "repeat" msgstr "重复" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:766 msgid "loops specified number of times" msgstr "循环指定次数" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:772 TurtleArt/tabasics.py:785 msgid "if" msgstr "如果" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:772 TurtleArt/tabasics.py:785 msgid "then" msgstr "那么" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:775 msgid "if then" msgstr "如果 那么" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:777 msgid "if-then operator that uses boolean operators from Numbers palette" msgstr "“如果-那么”运算符,会用到数值模板中的布尔运算符" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:785 msgid "else" msgstr "否则" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:789 TurtleArt/tabasics.py:797 msgid "if then else" msgstr "如果 那么 或者" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:790 TurtleArt/tabasics.py:798 msgid "if-then-else operator that uses boolean operators from Numbers palette" msgstr "“如果-那么-或者”运算符,会用到数值模板中的布尔运算符" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:807 msgid "horizontal space" msgstr "水平空白" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:808 msgid "jogs stack right" msgstr "将块堆向右推" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:815 msgid "vertical space" msgstr "竖直空白" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:816 msgid "jogs stack down" msgstr "将积木堆向下推" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:822 msgid "stop action" msgstr "停止动作" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:825 msgid "stops current action" msgstr "停止当前动作" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:834 msgid "Palette of variable blocks" msgstr "可变块模板" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:839 pysamples/grecord.py:213 msgid "start" msgstr "开始" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:842 msgid "connects action to toolbar run buttons" msgstr "关联动作到工具栏中的运行按钮" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:849 TurtleArt/tabasics.py:850 #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:851 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:192 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:193 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:194 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:201 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:214 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:229 msgid "text" msgstr "文本" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:852 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:195 msgid "string value" msgstr "字符串值" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:856 TurtleArt/tabasics.py:859 #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:867 TurtleArt/tabasics.py:871 #: TurtleArt/tawindow.py:1351 TurtleArt/tawindow.py:1448 #: TurtleArt/tawindow.py:1461 TurtleArt/tawindow.py:2077 #: TurtleArt/tawindow.py:4363 msgid "action" msgstr "动作" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:861 msgid "top of nameable action stack" msgstr "可命名动作堆的顶部" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:872 TurtleArt/tawindow.py:4377 msgid "invokes named action stack" msgstr "执行可命名动作堆" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:879 msgid "store in box 1" msgstr "保存到盒子1" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:884 msgid "stores numeric value in Variable 1" msgstr "保存数值到变量1" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:892 msgid "store in box 2" msgstr "保存到盒子2" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:897 msgid "stores numeric value in Variable 2" msgstr "保存数值到变量2" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:905 msgid "box 1" msgstr "盒子1" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:908 msgid "Variable 1 (numeric value)" msgstr "变量1(数值)" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:915 msgid "box 2" msgstr "盒子2" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:918 msgid "Variable 2 (numeric value)" msgstr "变量2(数值)" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:924 TurtleArt/tawindow.py:4427 msgid "store in" msgstr "放入" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:924 TurtleArt/tabasics.py:939 msgid "box" msgstr "盒子" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:924 TurtleArt/tawindow.py:4427 msgid "value" msgstr "值" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:928 TurtleArt/tabasics.py:942 #: TurtleArt/tawindow.py:1355 TurtleArt/tawindow.py:1486 #: TurtleArt/tawindow.py:2081 TurtleArt/tawindow.py:4390 #: TurtleArt/tawindow.py:4418 msgid "my box" msgstr "我的盒子" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:929 TurtleArt/tawindow.py:4432 msgid "stores numeric value in named variable" msgstr "保存数值到命名的变量" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:945 TurtleArt/tawindow.py:4404 msgid "named variable (numeric value)" msgstr "命名的变量(数值)" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:952 TurtleArt/tabasics.py:971 msgid "action 1" msgstr "动作1" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:955 msgid "top of Action 1 stack" msgstr "动作堆1的顶部" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:961 TurtleArt/tabasics.py:981 msgid "action 2" msgstr "动作2" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:964 msgid "top of Action 2 stack" msgstr "动作堆2的顶部" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:974 msgid "invokes Action 1 stack" msgstr "执行动作堆1" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:984 msgid "invokes Action 2 stack" msgstr "执行动作堆2" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:992 msgid "trash" msgstr "回收站" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:996 msgid "empty trash" msgstr "清空回收站" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:997 msgid "permanently deletes items in trash" msgstr "永久性地删除回收站中的项" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:1001 msgid "restore all" msgstr "全部还原" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:1002 msgid "restore all blocks from trash" msgstr "还原回收站中的所有积木块" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:1006 msgid "clear all" msgstr "全部清除" #: TurtleArt/tabasics.py:1007 msgid "move all blocks to trash" msgstr "将所有积木块移入回收站" #: TurtleArt/tacollaboration.py:152 TurtleArt/tawindow.py:2055 #: TurtleArtActivity.py:751 msgid "Share selected blocks" msgstr "分享选中积木块" #: TurtleArt/taconstants.py:209 TurtleArt/taconstants.py:231 #: TurtleArt/taconstants.py:252 TurtleArt/taconstants.py:294 #: TurtleArt/taconstants.py:336 TurtleArt/taconstants.py:378 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:980 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:995 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:1010 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:1025 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:1040 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:1055 msgid "Title" msgstr "标题" #: TurtleArt/talogo.py:370 TurtleArtActivity.py:731 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:1538 msgid "Stop turtle" msgstr "停止" #: TurtleArt/talogo.py:380 TurtleArtActivity.py:360 TurtleArtActivity.py:732 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:1529 msgid "Show blocks" msgstr "显示积木块" #: TurtleArt/talogo.py:384 TurtleArtActivity.py:364 TurtleArtActivity.py:996 msgid "Hide blocks" msgstr "隐藏积木块" #: TurtleArt/talogo.py:508 msgid "did not output to" msgstr "没有输出到" #: TurtleArt/talogo.py:567 msgid "I don't know how to" msgstr "我不知道怎样" #: TurtleArt/talogo.py:623 msgid "doesn't like" msgstr "不喜欢" #: TurtleArt/talogo.py:623 msgid "as input" msgstr "作为输入" #: TurtleArt/tapalette.py:97 msgid "displays next palette" msgstr "显示下一个模板" #: TurtleArt/tapalette.py:98 msgid "changes the orientation of the palette of blocks" msgstr "改变积木块模板的方向" #: TurtleArt/tautils.py:295 msgid "Load..." msgstr "载入..." #: TurtleArt/tautils.py:305 msgid "Save..." msgstr "保存..." #: TurtleArt/tautils.py:586 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:730 msgid "click to open" msgstr "点击打开" #: TurtleArt/tawindow.py:1033 TurtleArt/tawindow.py:1034 msgid "orientation" msgstr "方向" #: TurtleArt/tawindow.py:1044 TurtleArt/tawindow.py:1644 msgid "next" msgstr "下一个" #: TurtleArt/tawindow.py:1063 TurtleArt/tawindow.py:1664 msgid "shift" msgstr "移动" #: TurtleArt/tawindow.py:1316 msgid "" "Please hit the Stop Button before making changes to your Turtle Blocks " "program" msgstr "在海龟方块中要让修改立即生效,请按“停止”按钮" #: TurtleArt/tawindow.py:1369 msgid "Select blocks to share" msgstr "选择要分享的积木块" #: TurtleArt/tawindow.py:1530 TurtleArtActivity.py:632 #: TurtleArtActivity.py:781 turtleblocks.py:397 msgid "Save stack" msgstr "保存堆" #: TurtleArt/tawindow.py:1531 TurtleArt/tawindow.py:1546 msgid "Really overwrite stack?" msgstr "确定要覆盖堆?" #: TurtleArt/tawindow.py:1534 TurtleArt/tawindow.py:1574 #: gnome_plugins/uploader_plugin.py:144 msgid "Cancel" msgstr "取消" #: TurtleArt/tawindow.py:1538 TurtleArt/tawindow.py:1549 msgid "Overwrite stack" msgstr "覆盖堆" #: TurtleArt/tawindow.py:1570 TurtleArt/tawindow.py:1578 #: TurtleArt/tawindow.py:1588 TurtleArtActivity.py:634 turtleblocks.py:399 msgid "Delete stack" msgstr "删除堆" #: TurtleArt/tawindow.py:1571 TurtleArt/tawindow.py:1585 msgid "Really delete stack?" msgstr "确定要删除堆?" #: TurtleArt/tawindow.py:4215 msgid "image" msgstr "图片" #: TurtleArtActivity.py:188 TurtleArtActivity.py:757 TurtleArtActivity.py:925 #: TurtleArtActivity.py:955 turtleblocks.py:371 msgid "Save as Logo" msgstr "另存为Logo" #: TurtleArtActivity.py:235 TurtleArtActivity.py:756 TurtleArtActivity.py:922 #: TurtleArtActivity.py:952 turtleblocks.py:369 msgid "Save as image" msgstr "另存为图片" #: TurtleArtActivity.py:243 msgid "snapshot" msgstr "屏幕截图" #: TurtleArtActivity.py:251 TurtleArtActivity.py:691 TurtleArtActivity.py:733 #: TurtleArtActivity.py:931 TurtleArtActivity.py:958 msgid "Save snapshot" msgstr "保存屏幕截图" #: TurtleArtActivity.py:296 TurtleArtActivity.py:657 TurtleArtActivity.py:808 msgid "Turn off hover help" msgstr "关闭悬停帮助" #: TurtleArtActivity.py:303 turtleblocks.py:390 msgid "Turn on hover help" msgstr "开启悬停帮助" #: TurtleArtActivity.py:312 turtleblocks.py:404 msgid "Show palette" msgstr "显示模板" #: TurtleArtActivity.py:318 TurtleArtActivity.py:984 turtleblocks.py:406 msgid "Hide palette" msgstr "隐藏模板" #: TurtleArtActivity.py:485 msgid "Rescale coordinates down" msgstr "缩小坐标轴比例" #: TurtleArtActivity.py:489 TurtleArtActivity.py:648 TurtleArtActivity.py:804 msgid "Rescale coordinates up" msgstr "增大坐标轴比例" #: TurtleArtActivity.py:579 TurtleArtActivity.py:615 TurtleArtActivity.py:725 #: TurtleArtActivity.py:778 turtleblocks.py:401 msgid "Edit" msgstr "编辑" #: TurtleArtActivity.py:584 TurtleArtActivity.py:613 TurtleArtActivity.py:726 #: TurtleArtActivity.py:796 turtleblocks.py:392 msgid "View" msgstr "视图" #: TurtleArtActivity.py:611 TurtleArtActivity.py:727 msgid "Project" msgstr "项目" #: TurtleArtActivity.py:617 TurtleArtActivity.py:724 TurtleArtActivity.py:753 #: TurtleArtActivity.py:755 TurtleArtActivity.py:917 msgid "Save/Load" msgstr "保存/读取" #: TurtleArtActivity.py:625 TurtleArtActivity.py:779 turtleblocks.py:395 msgid "Copy" msgstr "复制" #: TurtleArtActivity.py:627 TurtleArtActivity.py:780 turtleblocks.py:396 msgid "Paste" msgstr "粘贴" #: TurtleArtActivity.py:629 msgid "Restore blocks from trash" msgstr "还原回收站中的所有拼块" #: TurtleArtActivity.py:637 TurtleArtActivity.py:797 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:806 msgid "Fullscreen" msgstr "全屏" #: TurtleArtActivity.py:640 TurtleArtActivity.py:798 turtleblocks.py:377 msgid "Cartesian coordinates" msgstr "直角坐标" #: TurtleArtActivity.py:642 TurtleArtActivity.py:800 turtleblocks.py:379 msgid "Polar coordinates" msgstr "极坐标" #: TurtleArtActivity.py:645 TurtleArtActivity.py:802 msgid "Metric coordinates" msgstr "公制坐标" #: TurtleArtActivity.py:651 TurtleArtActivity.py:806 turtleblocks.py:383 msgid "Grow blocks" msgstr "增大积木块" #: TurtleArtActivity.py:654 TurtleArtActivity.py:807 turtleblocks.py:385 msgid "Shrink blocks" msgstr "缩小积木块" #: TurtleArtActivity.py:678 TurtleArtActivity.py:695 TurtleArtActivity.py:734 #: TurtleArtActivity.py:934 msgid "Load example" msgstr "载入示例" #: TurtleArtActivity.py:728 TurtleArtActivity.py:990 turtleblocks.py:413 msgid "Clean" msgstr "清屏" #: TurtleArtActivity.py:729 TurtleArtActivity.py:992 turtleblocks.py:414 msgid "Run" msgstr "运行" #: TurtleArtActivity.py:730 TurtleArtActivity.py:994 turtleblocks.py:415 msgid "Step" msgstr "单步" #: TurtleArtActivity.py:735 turtleblocks.py:422 util/helpbutton.py:45 msgid "Help" msgstr "帮助" #: TurtleArtActivity.py:736 turtleblocks.py:417 msgid "Stop" msgstr "停止" #: TurtleArtActivity.py:758 TurtleArtActivity.py:938 TurtleArtActivity.py:960 msgid "Load project" msgstr "加载作品" #: TurtleArtActivity.py:761 TurtleArtActivity.py:943 TurtleArtActivity.py:965 msgid "Load plugin" msgstr "加载插件" #: TurtleArtActivity.py:762 TurtleArtActivity.py:946 TurtleArtActivity.py:968 msgid "Load Python block" msgstr "载入Python积木块" #: TurtleArtActivity.py:895 msgid "Palettes" msgstr "调色板" #: TurtleArtActivity.py:912 msgid "Sharing blocks disabled" msgstr "分享积木块被禁用" #: TurtleArtActivity.py:985 msgid "p" msgstr "p" #: TurtleArtActivity.py:990 msgid "e" msgstr "e" #: TurtleArtActivity.py:992 msgid "r" msgstr "r" #: TurtleArtActivity.py:994 msgid "w" msgstr "w" #: TurtleArtActivity.py:997 msgid "s" msgstr "s" #: TurtleArtActivity.py:1152 TurtleArtActivity.py:1157 #: TurtleArtActivity.py:1238 msgid "Plugin could not be installed." msgstr "插件不能安装。" #: TurtleArtActivity.py:1234 msgid "Please restart Turtle Art in order to use the plugin." msgstr "使用该插件,请重新启动龟背艺术。" #: TurtleArtActivity.py:1252 #, python-format msgid "Plugin %s already installed." msgstr "插件 %s 已经被安装。" #: TurtleArtActivity.py:1253 #, python-format msgid "Do you want to reinstall %s?" msgstr "想重新 %s 吗?" #: gnome_plugins/collaboration_plugin.py:67 msgid "My Turtle Art session" msgstr "我的海龟绘图会话" #: gnome_plugins/collaboration_plugin.py:115 msgid "Enable collaboration" msgstr "启用协作" #: gnome_plugins/collaboration_plugin.py:120 msgid "Activities" msgstr "活动" #: gnome_plugins/collaboration_plugin.py:125 msgid "Buddies" msgstr "伙伴" #: gnome_plugins/collaboration_plugin.py:128 msgid "Share" msgstr "分享" #: gnome_plugins/collaboration_plugin.py:129 msgid "Configuration" msgstr "设置" #: gnome_plugins/collaboration_plugin.py:132 msgid "Neighborhood" msgstr "邻居" #: gnome_plugins/collaboration_plugin.py:292 msgid "Nickname" msgstr "昵称" #: gnome_plugins/collaboration_plugin.py:294 msgid "Account ID" msgstr "帐号ID" #: gnome_plugins/collaboration_plugin.py:296 msgid "Server" msgstr "服务器" #: gnome_plugins/collaboration_plugin.py:298 msgid "Port" msgstr "端口" #: gnome_plugins/collaboration_plugin.py:300 msgid "Password" msgstr "密码" #: gnome_plugins/collaboration_plugin.py:302 msgid "Register" msgstr "注册" #: gnome_plugins/collaboration_plugin.py:304 msgid "Colors" msgstr "颜色" #: gnome_plugins/fb_plugin.py:82 gnome_plugins/fb_plugin.py:83 #: gnome_plugins/fb_plugin.py:92 gnome_plugins/uploader_plugin.py:63 #: gnome_plugins/uploader_plugin.py:64 gnome_plugins/uploader_plugin.py:73 msgid "Upload" msgstr "上传" #: gnome_plugins/fb_plugin.py:87 msgid "Facebook wall post" msgstr "发布到 Facebook 墙" #: gnome_plugins/uploader_plugin.py:68 msgid "Upload to Web" msgstr "上传到网站" #: gnome_plugins/uploader_plugin.py:90 msgid "" "You must have an account at http://turtleartsite.sugarlabs.org to upload " "your project." msgstr "" "你必须在 http://turtleartsite.sugarlabs.org 中注册一个帐号才能上传你的作品。" #: gnome_plugins/uploader_plugin.py:99 msgid "Username:" msgstr "用户名:" #: gnome_plugins/uploader_plugin.py:109 msgid "Password:" msgstr "密码:" #: gnome_plugins/uploader_plugin.py:120 msgid "Title:" msgstr "标题:" #: gnome_plugins/uploader_plugin.py:130 msgid "Description:" msgstr "描述:" #: gnome_plugins/uploader_plugin.py:140 msgid "Submit to Web" msgstr "提交到网站" #: gnome_plugins/uploader_plugin.py:166 msgid "Login failed" msgstr "登录失败" #: gnome_plugins/uploader_plugin.py:203 msgid "Failed to upload!" msgstr "上传失败!" #: plugins/accelerometer/accelerometer.py:49 #: plugins/audio_sensors/audio_sensors.py:75 #: plugins/camera_sensor/camera_sensor.py:63 #: plugins/light_sensor/light_sensor.py:49 plugins/rfid/rfid.py:86 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:336 msgid "Palette of sensor blocks" msgstr "传感器模板" #: plugins/accelerometer/accelerometer.py:56 #: plugins/accelerometer/accelerometer.py:63 msgid "acceleration" msgstr "加速度" #: plugins/accelerometer/accelerometer.py:58 #: plugins/accelerometer/accelerometer.py:65 msgid "push acceleration in x, y, z to heap" msgstr "把沿x,y,z方向加速度放入堆中" #: plugins/audio_sensors/audio_sensors.py:83 #: plugins/audio_sensors/audio_sensors.py:98 pysamples/grecord.py:205 msgid "sound" msgstr "声音" #: plugins/audio_sensors/audio_sensors.py:84 #: plugins/audio_sensors/audio_sensors.py:99 msgid "raw microphone input signal" msgstr "麦克风原始输入信号" #: plugins/audio_sensors/audio_sensors.py:90 #: plugins/audio_sensors/audio_sensors.py:105 msgid "loudness" msgstr "音量" #: plugins/audio_sensors/audio_sensors.py:91 #: plugins/audio_sensors/audio_sensors.py:106 msgid "microphone input volume" msgstr "麦克风输入音量" #: plugins/audio_sensors/audio_sensors.py:119 #: plugins/audio_sensors/audio_sensors.py:127 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:322 msgid "pitch" msgstr "强度" #: plugins/audio_sensors/audio_sensors.py:120 #: plugins/audio_sensors/audio_sensors.py:128 msgid "microphone input pitch" msgstr "麦克风输入音高" #: plugins/audio_sensors/audio_sensors.py:151 #: plugins/audio_sensors/audio_sensors.py:165 #: plugins/audio_sensors/audio_sensors.py:179 #: plugins/audio_sensors/audio_sensors.py:193 msgid "resistance" msgstr "电阻" #: plugins/audio_sensors/audio_sensors.py:152 #: plugins/audio_sensors/audio_sensors.py:166 #: plugins/audio_sensors/audio_sensors.py:180 #: plugins/audio_sensors/audio_sensors.py:194 msgid "microphone input resistance" msgstr "麦克风输入电阻" #: plugins/audio_sensors/audio_sensors.py:157 #: plugins/audio_sensors/audio_sensors.py:171 #: plugins/audio_sensors/audio_sensors.py:185 #: plugins/audio_sensors/audio_sensors.py:199 msgid "voltage" msgstr "电压" #: plugins/audio_sensors/audio_sensors.py:158 #: plugins/audio_sensors/audio_sensors.py:172 #: plugins/audio_sensors/audio_sensors.py:186 #: plugins/audio_sensors/audio_sensors.py:200 msgid "microphone input voltage" msgstr "麦克风输入电压" #: plugins/camera_sensor/camera_sensor.py:67 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:139 msgid "Palette of media objects" msgstr "多媒体模板" #: plugins/camera_sensor/camera_sensor.py:80 #: plugins/camera_sensor/camera_sensor.py:93 #: plugins/camera_sensor/camera_sensor.py:128 #: plugins/camera_sensor/camera_sensor.py:141 #: plugins/light_sensor/light_sensor.py:56 #: plugins/light_sensor/light_sensor.py:63 msgid "brightness" msgstr "亮度" #: plugins/camera_sensor/camera_sensor.py:82 #: plugins/camera_sensor/camera_sensor.py:130 msgid "light level detected by camera" msgstr "相机侦测到的光照水平" #: plugins/camera_sensor/camera_sensor.py:95 #: plugins/camera_sensor/camera_sensor.py:143 msgid "Average RGB color from camera is pushed to the stack" msgstr "相机的平均色彩RGB值已压入堆栈" #: plugins/camera_sensor/camera_sensor.py:106 #: plugins/camera_sensor/camera_sensor.py:113 #: plugins/camera_sensor/camera_sensor.py:121 #: plugins/camera_sensor/camera_sensor.py:155 #: plugins/camera_sensor/camera_sensor.py:163 msgid "camera output" msgstr "相机输出" #: plugins/light_sensor/light_sensor.py:58 #: plugins/light_sensor/light_sensor.py:65 msgid "light level detected by light sensor" msgstr "光线感应器侦测到的光照水平" #: plugins/rfid/rfid.py:92 plugins/rfid/rfid.py:100 msgid "RFID" msgstr "RFID" #: plugins/rfid/rfid.py:93 plugins/rfid/rfid.py:101 msgid "read value from RFID device" msgstr "从RFID设备中读取值" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:109 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:112 msgid "while" msgstr "当" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:113 msgid "do-while-True operator that uses boolean operators from Numbers palette" msgstr "“当-为真时-执行”操作符,会用到数值模板中的布尔运算符" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:119 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:122 msgid "until" msgstr "直到" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:123 msgid "do-until-True operator that uses boolean operators from Numbers palette" msgstr "“执行-直到-真”操作符,会用到数值模板中的布尔运算符" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:130 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:732 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:903 msgid "top" msgstr "顶部" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:132 msgid "top of a collapsible stack" msgstr "折叠积木堆的顶部" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:146 msgid "journal" msgstr "日志" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:147 msgid "Sugar Journal media object" msgstr "Sugar日志中的多媒体文件" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:157 msgid "audio" msgstr "音频" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:159 msgid "Sugar Journal audio object" msgstr "Sugar日志中的音频文件" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:169 msgid "video" msgstr "视频" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:171 msgid "Sugar Journal video object" msgstr "Sugar日志中的视频文件" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:181 msgid "description" msgstr "描述" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:183 msgid "Sugar Journal description field" msgstr "Sugar日志描述字段" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:200 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:228 msgid "show" msgstr "显示" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:204 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:217 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:232 msgid "draws text or show media from the Journal" msgstr "绘制日志中的文本或多媒体" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:213 msgid "show aligned" msgstr "对齐显示" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:240 msgid "set scale" msgstr "设置比例" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:244 msgid "sets the scale of media" msgstr "设置多媒体的显示比例" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:251 msgid "save picture" msgstr "保存图片" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:253 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:264 msgid "picture name" msgstr "图片名称" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:254 msgid "saves a picture to the Sugar Journal" msgstr "保存图片到Sugar日志中" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:262 msgid "save SVG" msgstr "保存SVG" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:265 msgid "saves turtle graphics as an SVG file in the Sugar Journal" msgstr "以SVG格式保存海龟图形到Sugar日志中" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:272 msgid "scale" msgstr "比例" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:276 msgid "holds current scale value" msgstr "包含当前的比例" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:281 msgid "media wait" msgstr "等待多媒体" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:283 msgid "wait for current video or audio to complete" msgstr "等待当前的视频或音频结束" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:289 msgid "media stop" msgstr "停止媒体" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:291 msgid "stop video or audio" msgstr "停止视频或音频" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:296 msgid "media pause" msgstr "暂停媒体" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:298 msgid "pause video or audio" msgstr "暂停视频或音频" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:303 msgid "media resume" msgstr "恢复媒体" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:305 msgid "resume playing video or audio" msgstr "恢复播放视频或音频" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:311 msgid "speak" msgstr "朗读" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:313 msgid "hello" msgstr "你好" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:314 msgid "speaks text" msgstr "朗读文本" #. TRANS: pitch, duration, amplitude #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:322 msgid "sinewave" msgstr "正弦波" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:323 msgid "amplitude" msgstr "波幅" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:323 msgid "duration" msgstr "持续时间" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:326 msgid "plays a sinewave at frequency, amplitude, and duration (in seconds)" msgstr "播放一个指定频率、波幅和持续时间(秒)的正弦波" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:343 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:354 msgid "button down" msgstr "鼠标按下" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:346 msgid "returns 1 if mouse button is pressed" msgstr "返回1如果鼠标被按下" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:357 msgid "returns True if mouse button is pressed" msgstr "返回True如果鼠标被按下" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:364 msgid "mouse x" msgstr "鼠标X坐标" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:367 msgid "returns mouse x coordinate" msgstr "返回鼠标位置的X坐标" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:374 msgid "mouse y" msgstr "鼠标Y坐标" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:377 msgid "returns mouse y coordinate" msgstr "返回鼠标位置的Y坐标" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:385 msgid "query keyboard" msgstr "查询键盘" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:387 msgid "query for keyboard input (results stored in keyboard block)" msgstr "查询键盘输入(结果保存在“键盘”积木块中)" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:394 msgid "keyboard" msgstr "键盘" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:398 msgid "holds results of query-keyboard block as ASCII" msgstr "QWERTY-键盘积木块的结果保持为ASCII" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:430 msgid "read pixel" msgstr "读取像素" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:433 msgid "RGB color under the turtle is pushed to the stack" msgstr "海龟所在位置的颜色RGB值将被压入堆栈" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:441 msgid "turtle sees" msgstr "海龟看到" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:443 msgid "returns the color that the turtle \"sees\"" msgstr "返回海龟“看到”的颜色" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:451 msgid "time" msgstr "时间" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:454 msgid "elapsed time (in seconds) since program started" msgstr "程序启动后已经过的时间(秒)" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:463 msgid "Palette of extra options" msgstr "额外选项模板" #. TRANS: push adds a new item to the program stack #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:470 msgid "push" msgstr "压入" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:473 msgid "pushes value onto FILO (first-in last-out heap)" msgstr "将值压入FILO(先进后出堆)" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:483 msgid "show heap" msgstr "显示堆" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:486 msgid "shows values in FILO (first-in last-out heap)" msgstr "显示FILO(先进后出堆)中的值" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:496 msgid "empty heap" msgstr "清空堆" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:499 msgid "emptys FILO (first-in-last-out heap)" msgstr "清空FILO(先进后出堆)" #. TRANS: pop removes a new item from the program stack #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:510 msgid "pop" msgstr "弹出" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:514 msgid "pops value off FILO (first-in last-out heap)" msgstr "从FILO(先进后出堆)中弹出值" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:525 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:535 msgid "empty heap?" msgstr "堆空的吗?" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:528 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:538 msgid "returns True if heap is empty" msgstr "在堆为空时返回“真”" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:545 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:547 msgid "comment" msgstr "注释" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:549 msgid "places a comment in your code" msgstr "在你的代码中加入注释" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:555 msgid "print" msgstr "打印" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:559 msgid "prints value in status block at bottom of the screen" msgstr "在位于屏幕底部的状态积木块中打印值" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:569 msgid "Python chr operator" msgstr "Python chr 操作符" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:578 msgid "Python int operator" msgstr "Python int 操作符" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:585 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:598 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:612 msgid "Python" msgstr "Python" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:589 msgid "" "a programmable block: used to add advanced single-variable math equations, e." "g., sin(x)" msgstr "一个可编程积木块:用于加入单变量的高级数学等式,例如sin(x)" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:602 msgid "" "a programmable block: used to add advanced multi-variable math equations, e." "g., sqrt(x*x+y*y)" msgstr "一个可编程积木块:用于加入多变量的高级数学等式,例如sqrt(x*x+y*y)" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:616 msgid "" "a programmable block: used to add advanced multi-variable math equations, e." "g., sin(x+y+z)" msgstr "一个可编程积木块:用于加入多变量的高级数学等式,例如sin(x+y+z)" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:628 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:644 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:659 msgid "Python block" msgstr "Python积木块" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:630 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:646 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:662 msgid "runs code found in the tamyblock.py module found in the Journal" msgstr "执行日志中tamyblock.py模块中的代码" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:675 msgid "Cartesian" msgstr "直角坐标" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:677 msgid "displays Cartesian coordinates" msgstr "显示直角坐标" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:683 msgid "polar" msgstr "极坐标" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:685 msgid "displays polar coordinates" msgstr "显示极坐标" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:691 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:773 msgid "turtle" msgstr "海龟" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:695 msgid "chooses which turtle to command" msgstr "选择由哪个海龟执行命令" #. TRANS: pop removes a new item from the program stack #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:703 msgid "active turtle" msgstr "活动的海龟" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:706 msgid "the name of the active turtle" msgstr "活动海龟的名称" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:715 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:724 msgid "turtle shell" msgstr "海龟外壳" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:717 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:725 msgid "put a custom 'shell' on the turtle" msgstr "替海龟穿上一个自定义的“外壳”" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:733 msgid "top of a collapsed stack" msgstr "折叠积木堆的顶部" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:738 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:748 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:759 msgid "load" msgstr "载入" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:741 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:752 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:763 msgid "loads a block" msgstr "载入一个积木块" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:762 msgid "setxy" msgstr "设置坐标xy" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:771 msgid "palette" msgstr "模块" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:774 msgid "selects a palette" msgstr "选择一个模块" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:782 msgid "Palette of presentation templates" msgstr "演示模板" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:789 msgid "hide blocks" msgstr "隐藏积木块" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:791 msgid "declutters canvas by hiding blocks" msgstr "隐藏积木块使画布整洁一些" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:798 msgid "show blocks" msgstr "显示积木块" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:800 msgid "restores hidden blocks" msgstr "恢复隐藏的积木块" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:808 msgid "hides the Sugar toolbars" msgstr "隐藏Sugar工具栏" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:817 msgid "list" msgstr "列表" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:821 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:1056 msgid "presentation bulleted list" msgstr "演示项目列表" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:829 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:1058 msgid "presentation template: list of bullets" msgstr "演示模板:项目列表" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:836 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:998 msgid "presentation template: select Journal object (no description)" msgstr "演示模板:选择日志中的物品(无描述)" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:843 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:983 msgid "presentation template: select Journal object (with description)" msgstr "演示模板:选择日志中的物品(有描述)" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:850 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:1043 msgid "presentation template: select four Journal objects" msgstr "演示模板:选择四件日志中的物品" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:857 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:864 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:1013 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:1028 msgid "presentation template: select two Journal objects" msgstr "演示模板:选择两件日志中的物品" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:874 msgid "xcor of left of screen" msgstr "屏幕左方的X座标" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:879 msgid "bottom" msgstr "底部" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:882 msgid "ycor of bottom of screen" msgstr "屏幕下方的Y座标" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:887 msgid "width" msgstr "宽度" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:890 msgid "the canvas width" msgstr "画布宽度" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:898 msgid "xcor of right of screen" msgstr "屏幕右方的X座标" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:906 msgid "ycor of top of screen" msgstr "屏幕上方的Y座标" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:911 msgid "height" msgstr "高度" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:914 msgid "the canvas height" msgstr "画布高度" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:921 msgid "title x" msgstr "标题X坐标" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:930 msgid "title y" msgstr "标题Y坐标" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:939 msgid "left x" msgstr "左侧X坐标" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:948 msgid "top y" msgstr "顶部Y坐标" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:957 msgid "right x" msgstr "右侧X坐标" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:966 msgid "bottom y" msgstr "底部Y坐标" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:981 #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:996 msgid "presentation 1x1" msgstr "以 1x1 方式演示" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:1011 msgid "presentation 2x1" msgstr "以 2x1 方式演示" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:1026 msgid "presentation 1x2" msgstr "以 1x2 方式演示" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:1041 msgid "presentation 2x2" msgstr "以 2x2 方式演示" #: plugins/turtle_blocks_extras/turtle_blocks_extras.py:1073 msgid "Palette of user-defined operators" msgstr "用户定义运算符调色板" #: pysamples/brain.py:43 msgid "Please install the Speak Activity and try again." msgstr "请安装的说话活动,然后再试一次。" #: pysamples/brain.py:54 msgid "Spanish" msgstr "西班牙语" #: pysamples/brain.py:58 pysamples/brain.py:72 pysamples/brain.py:74 #: pysamples/brain.py:80 msgid "English" msgstr "英语" #: pysamples/brain.py:91 msgid "Sorry, I can't understand what you are asking about." msgstr "很抱歉,我不明白你问的是什么。" #: pysamples/brain.py:100 msgid "" "Sorry, there is no free memory to load my brain. Close other activities and " "try once more." msgstr "很抱歉,没有空余内存来加载我的大脑。请关闭其他活动,并再试一次。" #: pysamples/forward_push.py:45 msgid "push destination rgb value to heap" msgstr "把目标RGB值放入堆中" #: pysamples/grecord.py:215 msgid "stop" msgstr "停止" #: pysamples/grecord.py:217 msgid "play" msgstr "播放" #: pysamples/grecord.py:219 msgid "save" msgstr "保存" #: pysamples/journal-stats.py:78 msgid "other" msgstr "其他" #: pysamples/uturn.py:24 msgid "uturn" msgstr "翻转" #: pysamples/uturn.py:26 msgid "make a uturn" msgstr "做一个翻转" #: turtleblocks.py:89 msgid "usage is" msgstr "用法是" #: turtleblocks.py:250 msgid "No option action:" msgstr "无选项的动作:" #: turtleblocks.py:265 msgid "File not found" msgstr "文件未找到" #: turtleblocks.py:289 #, python-format msgid "Configuration directory not writable: %s" msgstr "配置不可写的目录:%s" #: turtleblocks.py:365 msgid "New" msgstr "新建" #: turtleblocks.py:366 msgid "Open" msgstr "打开" #: turtleblocks.py:367 msgid "Save" msgstr "保存" #: turtleblocks.py:368 msgid "Save as" msgstr "另存为" #: turtleblocks.py:373 msgid "Quit" msgstr "退出" #: turtleblocks.py:374 msgid "File" msgstr "文件" #: turtleblocks.py:381 msgid "Rescale coordinates" msgstr "重新调整坐标" #: turtleblocks.py:387 msgid "Reset block size" msgstr "复位块大小" #: turtleblocks.py:408 msgid "Show/hide blocks" msgstr "显示/隐藏块" #: turtleblocks.py:410 msgid "Tools" msgstr "工具" #: turtleblocks.py:416 msgid "Debug" msgstr "调试" #: turtleblocks.py:418 msgid "Turtle" msgstr "海龟" #: turtleblocks.py:421 msgid "About..." msgstr "关于..." #: turtleblocks.py:461 msgid "You have unsaved work. Would you like to save before quitting?" msgstr "你有尚未保存的工作。想退出前保存吗?" #: turtleblocks.py:462 msgid "Save project?" msgstr "保存项目?" #~ msgid "Turtle Art" #~ msgstr "海龟绘画" #~ msgid "Turtle Art Mini" #~ msgstr "迷你海龟绘图" #~ msgid "Turtle Confusion" #~ msgstr "海龟谜题" #~ msgid "Select a challenge" #~ msgstr "选择一个挑战" #~ msgid "Palette of Mexican pesos" #~ msgstr "墨西哥比索模板" #~ msgid "Palette of Colombian pesos" #~ msgstr "哥伦比亚比索模板" #~ msgid "Palette of Rwandan francs" #~ msgstr "卢旺达法郎模板" #~ msgid "Palette of US dollars" #~ msgstr "美元模板" #~ msgid "Palette of Australian dollars" #~ msgstr "澳元模板" #~ msgid "Palette of Paraguayan Guaranies" #~ msgstr "巴拉圭瓜拉尼模板" #~ msgid "Palette of Peruvian Nuevo Soles" #~ msgstr "秘鲁新索尔的模板" #~ msgid "Palette of Uruguayan Pesos" #~ msgstr "乌拉圭比索模板" #~ msgid "adjust LED intensity between 0 and 255" #~ msgstr "调整指示灯的光强度(0到255之间)" #~ msgid "returns the object gray level as a number between 0 and 1023" #~ msgstr "返回对象灰度(0到1023之间)" #~ msgid "returns 1 when the button is press and 0 otherwise" #~ msgstr "当按钮按下返回1,否则为0" #~ msgid "returns the ambient light level as a number between 0 and 1023" #~ msgstr "返回环境光亮度(0到1023之间)" #~ msgid "returns the ambient temperature as a number between 0 and 255" #~ msgstr "返回环境温度(0到255之间)" #~ msgid "" #~ "returns the distance from the object in front of the sensor as a number " #~ "between 0 and 255" #~ msgstr "返回传感器前物体的距离(0到255之间)" #~ msgid "returns 0 or 1 depending on the sensor inclination" #~ msgstr "返回传感器方位角(0或者1)" #~ msgid "returns 1 when the sensors detects a magnetic field, 0 otherwise" #~ msgstr "当传感器检测到磁场返回1,否则为0" #~ msgid "switches from 0 to 1, the frequency depends on the vibration" #~ msgstr "从0切换到1,频率取决于振动" #~ msgid "LED" #~ msgstr "指示灯" #~ msgid "button" #~ msgstr "按钮" #~ msgid "grayscale" #~ msgstr "灰度" #~ msgid "ambient light" #~ msgstr "环境光" #~ msgid "temperature" #~ msgstr "温度" #~ msgid "distance" #~ msgstr "距离" #~ msgid "tilt" #~ msgstr "斜度" #~ msgid "magnetic induction" #~ msgstr "磁场感应" #~ msgid "vibration" #~ msgstr "振动" #~ msgid "Butia Robot" #~ msgstr "布迪机器人" #~ msgid "refresh Butia" #~ msgstr "刷新布迪" #~ msgid "refresh the state of the Butia palette and blocks" #~ msgstr "刷新布迪模板和拼块的状态" #~ msgid "battery charge Butia" #~ msgstr "布迪充电" #~ msgid "returns the battery charge as a number between 0 and 255" #~ msgstr "返回电池充电度(0到255之间)" #~ msgid "speed Butia" #~ msgstr "布迪加速" #~ msgid "forward Butia" #~ msgstr "布迪前进" #~ msgid "move the Butia robot forward" #~ msgstr "向前移动布迪机器人" #~ msgid "move the Butia robot forward a predefined distance" #~ msgstr "布迪机器人向前移动一个预先设定的距离" #~ msgid "left Butia" #~ msgstr "布迪左转" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "turn the Butia robot at left" #~ msgstr "向右转动布迪机器人" #~ msgid "backward Butia" #~ msgstr "布迪后退" #~ msgid "move the Butia robot backward" #~ msgstr "先后移动布迪机器人" #~ msgid "move the Butia robot backward a predefined distance" #~ msgstr "布迪机器人向后移动一个预先设定的距离" #~ msgid "right Butia" #~ msgstr "布迪右转" #~ msgid "turn the Butia robot at right" #~ msgstr "向右转动布迪机器人" #~ msgid "turn Butia" #~ msgstr "转动布迪" #~ msgid "turn the Butia robot x degrees" #~ msgstr "将布迪机器人转动X角度" #~ msgid "stop Butia" #~ msgstr "停止布迪" #~ msgid "stop the Butia robot" #~ msgstr "停止布迪机器人" #~ msgid "Butia" #~ msgstr "布迪" #~ msgid "Error on initialization of the camera" #~ msgstr "摄像头初始化出错" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "No camera was found" #~ msgstr "没有找到摄像头" #~ msgid "Error stopping camera" #~ msgstr "停止摄像头出错" #~ msgid "Error starting camera" #~ msgstr "启动摄像头出错" #~ msgid "FollowMe" #~ msgstr "跟我来" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Search for a connected camera." #~ msgstr "搜索已连接的NXT积木。" #~ msgid "calibration" #~ msgstr "校准" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "store a personalized calibration" #~ msgstr "存储个性化校准" #~ msgid "return a personalized calibration" #~ msgstr "返回个性化校准" #~ msgid "follow" #~ msgstr "跟随" #~ msgid "follow a color or calibration" #~ msgstr "跟随颜色或校准" #~ msgid "minimum pixels" #~ msgstr "最小值像素" #~ msgid "set the minimal number of pixels to follow" #~ msgstr "设置要跟随的最小像素数目" #~ msgid "threshold" #~ msgstr "阀门" #~ msgid "set a threshold for a RGB color" #~ msgstr "为RGB颜色设置一个阀门" #~ msgid "camera mode" #~ msgstr "摄像头模式" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "set the color mode of the camera: RGB; YUV or HSV" #~ msgstr "设置摄像头的颜色模式:RGB,YUV或HSV" #~ msgid "x position" #~ msgstr "x 位置" #~ msgid "return x position" #~ msgstr "返回 x 位置" #~ msgid "y position" #~ msgstr "y 位置" #~ msgid "return y position" #~ msgstr "返回 y 位置" #~ msgid "pixels" #~ msgstr "像素" #~ msgid "return the number of pixels of the biggest blob" #~ msgstr "返回最大块的像素数目" #~ msgid "set the color mode of the camera to RGB" #~ msgstr "设置摄像头的颜色模式为RGB" #~ msgid "set the color mode of the camera to YUV" #~ msgstr "设置摄像头的颜色模式为YUV" #~ msgid "set the color mode of the camera to HSV" #~ msgstr "设置摄像头的颜色模式为HSV" #~ msgid "empty calibration" #~ msgstr "空校准" #~ msgid "error in string conversion" #~ msgstr "字符串转换错误" #~ msgid "SumBot" #~ msgstr "桑博" #~ msgid "speed SumBot" #~ msgstr "加速桑博" #~ msgid "submit the speed to the SumBot" #~ msgstr "提交桑博的速度" #~ msgid "set the default speed for the movement commands" #~ msgstr "设置移动命令的默认速度" #~ msgid "forward SumBot" #~ msgstr "向前桑博" #~ msgid "move SumBot forward" #~ msgstr "移动桑博向前" #~ msgid "backward SumBot" #~ msgstr "向后桑博" #~ msgid "move SumBot backward" #~ msgstr "移动桑博向后" #~ msgid "stop SumBot" #~ msgstr "停止桑博" #~ msgid "stop the SumBot" #~ msgstr "让桑博停下来" #~ msgid "left SumBot" #~ msgstr "左转桑博" #~ msgid "turn left the SumBot" #~ msgstr "让桑博向左转" #~ msgid "right SumBot" #~ msgstr "右转桑博" #~ msgid "turn right the SumBot" #~ msgstr "让桑博向右转" #~ msgid "angle to center" #~ msgstr "与中心的角度" #~ msgid "get the angle to the center of the dohyo" #~ msgstr "得到相对圆环中心的角度" #~ msgid "angle to Enemy" #~ msgstr "与敌人的角度" #~ msgid "get the angle to the Enemy" #~ msgstr "得到相对敌人的角度" #~ msgid "x coor. SumBot" #~ msgstr "桑博x坐标" #~ msgid "get the x coordinate of the SumBot" #~ msgstr "得到桑博的x坐标" #~ msgid "y coor. SumBot" #~ msgstr "桑博y坐标" #~ msgid "get the y coordinate of the SumBot" #~ msgstr "得到桑博的y坐标" #~ msgid "x coor. Enemy" #~ msgstr "敌人x坐标" #~ msgid "get the x coordinate of the Enemy" #~ msgstr "得到敌人的x坐标" #~ msgid "y coor. Enemy" #~ msgstr "敌人y坐标" #~ msgid "get the y coordinate of the Enemy" #~ msgstr "得到敌人的y坐标" #~ msgid "rotation SumBot" #~ msgstr "转动桑博" #~ msgid "get the rotation of the Sumbot" #~ msgstr "得到桑博的转动" #~ msgid "rotation Enemy" #~ msgstr "转动敌人" #~ msgid "get the rotation of the Enemy" #~ msgstr "得到敌人的转动" #~ msgid "distance to center" #~ msgstr "与中心的距离" #~ msgid "get the distance to the center of the dohyo" #~ msgstr "得到与圆环中心的距离" #~ msgid "distance to Enemy" #~ msgstr "与敌人的距离" #~ msgid "get the distance to the Enemy" #~ msgstr "得到与敌人的距离" #~ msgid "update information" #~ msgstr "更新信息" #~ msgid "update information from the server" #~ msgstr "从服务器更新信息" #~ msgid "Palette of physics blocks" #~ msgstr "物理块模板" #~ msgid "start polygon" #~ msgstr "定义多边形" #~ msgid "" #~ "Begin defining a new polygon based on the current Turtle xy position." #~ msgstr "根据当前海龟xy方向的位置开始定义新的多边形。" #~ msgid "add point" #~ msgstr "添加点" #~ msgid "" #~ "Add a new point to the current polygon based on the current Turtle xy " #~ "position." #~ msgstr "根据当前海龟xy方向的位置添加新的点到当前的多边形。" #~ msgid "end polygon" #~ msgstr "完成多边形" #~ msgid "Define a new polygon." #~ msgstr "定义一个新的多边形。" #~ msgid "end filled polygon" #~ msgstr "结束填充多边形的绘制" #~ msgid "Not a simple polygon" #~ msgstr "不是一个简单多边形" #~ msgid "Define a new filled polygon." #~ msgstr "定义一个新的填充多边形。" #~ msgid "triangle" #~ msgstr "三角形" #~ msgid "base" #~ msgstr "基地" #~ msgid "Add a triangle object to the project." #~ msgstr "添加一个三角形对象到项目。" #~ msgid "circle" #~ msgstr "圆形" #~ msgid "Add a circle object to the project." #~ msgstr "添加一个圆形对象到项目。" #~ msgid "rectangle" #~ msgstr "长方形" #~ msgid "Add a rectangle object to the project." #~ msgstr "添加一个长方形对象到项目。" #~ msgid "reset" #~ msgstr "重置" #~ msgid "Reset the project; clear the object list." #~ msgstr "重置项目;清除对象列表。" #~ msgid "motor" #~ msgstr "电机" #~ msgid "torque" #~ msgstr "转矩" #~ msgid "speed" #~ msgstr "速度" #~ msgid "" #~ "Motor torque and speed range from 0 (off) to positive numbers; motor is " #~ "placed on the most recent object created." #~ msgstr "电机转矩和速度范围是从0(关)到正数,电机放置在最近被创建的对象上。" #~ msgid "pin" #~ msgstr "图钉" #~ msgid "Pin an object down so that it cannot fall." #~ msgstr "用图钉固定一个对象,防止掉落。" #~ msgid "joint" #~ msgstr "联合" #~ msgid "" #~ "Join two objects together (the most recent object created and the object " #~ "at point x, y)." #~ msgstr "把两个对象连接到一起(在点x,y处最近创建的对象)。" #~ msgid "save as Physics activity" #~ msgstr "保存为“物理”活动" #~ msgid "Save the project to the Journal as a Physics activity." #~ msgstr "当作一个物理活动保存该项目到日志。" #~ msgid "gear" #~ msgstr "齿轮" #~ msgid "Add a gear object to the project." #~ msgstr "添加一个齿轮对象到项目。" #~ msgid "density" #~ msgstr "密度" #~ msgid "" #~ "Set the density property for objects (density can be any positive number)." #~ msgstr "设置对象的密度属性(密度可以是任何正数)。" #~ msgid "friction" #~ msgstr "摩擦" #~ msgid "" #~ "Set the friction property for objects (value from 0 to 1, where 0 turns " #~ "friction off and 1 is strong friction)." #~ msgstr "设置对象的摩擦系数(值从0到1,0无摩擦,1强摩擦)。" #~ msgid "bounciness" #~ msgstr "弹力" #~ msgid "" #~ "Set the bounciness property for objects (a value from 0 to 1, where 0 " #~ "means no bounce and 1 is very bouncy)." #~ msgstr "设置对象的弹性系数(值从0到1,0无弹性,1强弹性)。" #~ msgid "dynamic" #~ msgstr "动态" #~ msgid "" #~ "If dynamic = 1, the object can move; if dynamic = 0, it is fixed in " #~ "position." #~ msgstr "动态值为1时对象可以移动;为0时位置是固定的。" #~ msgid "Palette of WeDo blocks" #~ msgstr "乐高WeDo模板" #~ msgid "" #~ "tilt sensor output: (-1 == no tilt, 0 == tilt forward, 3 == tilt back, 1 " #~ "== tilt left, 2 == tilt right)" #~ msgstr "" #~ "倾斜传感器输出:(-1 ==没有倾斜,0 ==向前倾斜,3 ==向后倾斜,1 ==向左倾" #~ "斜,2 ==向左倾斜)" #~ msgid "distance sensor output" #~ msgstr "距离传感器输出" #~ msgid "Motor A" #~ msgstr "电机 A" #~ msgid "returns the current value of Motor A" #~ msgstr "返回电机A的当前值" #~ msgid "Motor B" #~ msgstr "电机B" #~ msgid "returns the current value of Motor B" #~ msgstr "返回电机B的当前值" #~ msgid "set the value for Motor A" #~ msgstr "设置电机A的值" #~ msgid "set the value for Motor B" #~ msgstr "设置电机B的值" #~ msgid "Palette of LEGO NXT blocks of motors" #~ msgstr "乐高NXT马达部件模板" #~ msgid "Palette of LEGO NXT blocks of sensors" #~ msgstr "乐高NXT传感器部件模板" #~ msgid "touch" #~ msgstr "触摸" #~ msgid "ultrasonic" #~ msgstr "超声波" #~ msgid "light" #~ msgstr "灯光" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "grey" #~ msgstr "灰度" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Please check the connection with the brick" #~ msgstr "请检查与积木的连接。" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "The value of power must be between -127 to 127" #~ msgstr "功率值必须在-127到127之间。" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "An error has occurred: check all connections and try to reconnect" #~ msgstr "发生了一个错误:请检查所有连接并试图重新连接。" #~ msgid "NXT not found" #~ msgstr "没找到 NXT" #~ msgid "refresh NXT" #~ msgstr "刷新 NXT" #~ msgid "Search for a connected NXT brick." #~ msgstr "搜索已连接的NXT积木。" #~ msgid "play tone" #~ msgstr "播放音调" #~ msgid "frequency" #~ msgstr "频率" #~ msgid "Play a tone at frequency for time." #~ msgstr "以时间频率播放音调。" #~ msgid "port" #~ msgstr "端口" #~ msgid "power" #~ msgstr "电源" #~ msgid "rotations" #~ msgstr "旋转" #~ msgid "turn a motor" #~ msgstr "转动电机" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "" #~ "synchronize\n" #~ "\n" #~ "motors" #~ msgstr "同步两个电机" #~ msgid "synchronize two motors connected in PORT B and PORT C" #~ msgstr "同步连接在端口B和端口C的两个电机" #~ msgid "PORT A" #~ msgstr "端口 A" #~ msgid "PORT A of the brick" #~ msgstr "积木的端口 A" #~ msgid "PORT B" #~ msgstr "端口 B" #~ msgid "PORT B of the brick" #~ msgstr "积木的端口 B" #~ msgid "PORT C" #~ msgstr "端口 C" #~ msgid "PORT C of the brick" #~ msgstr "积木的端口 C" #~ msgid "start motor" #~ msgstr "启动电机" #~ msgid "Run a motor forever." #~ msgstr "持续运行电机。" #~ msgid "brake motor" #~ msgstr "制动电机" #~ msgid "Stop a specified motor." #~ msgstr "停止指定的电机。" #~ msgid "reset motor" #~ msgstr "复位电机" #~ msgid "Reset the motor counter." #~ msgstr "复位电机计数器。" #~ msgid "motor position" #~ msgstr "电机位置" #~ msgid "Get the motor position." #~ msgstr "得到电机位置。" #~ msgid "PORT 1" #~ msgstr "端口 1" #~ msgid "PORT 1 of the brick" #~ msgstr "积木的端口 1" #~ msgid "read" #~ msgstr "读取" #~ msgid "sensor" #~ msgstr "传感器" #~ msgid "Read sensor output." #~ msgstr "读取传感器输出。" #~ msgid "PORT 2" #~ msgstr "端口 2" #~ msgid "PORT 2 of the brick" #~ msgstr "积木的端口 2" #~ msgid "light sensor" #~ msgstr "灯光传感器" #~ msgid "PORT 3" #~ msgstr "端口 3" #~ msgid "PORT 3 of the brick" #~ msgstr "积木的端口 3" #~ msgid "touch sensor" #~ msgstr "触控传感器" #~ msgid "distance sensor" #~ msgstr "距离传感器" #~ msgid "PORT 4" #~ msgstr "端口 4" #~ msgid "PORT 4 of the brick" #~ msgstr "积木的端口 4" #~ msgid "sound sensor" #~ msgstr "声音传感器" #~ msgid "color sensor" #~ msgstr "颜色传感器" #~ msgid "set light" #~ msgstr "设置灯" #~ msgid "Set color sensor light." #~ msgstr "设置颜色感应灯。" #~ msgid "battery level" #~ msgstr "电池电量" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Get battery level of the brick" #~ msgstr "获取板子的电池电量。" #~ msgid "HIGH" #~ msgstr "高" #~ msgid "LOW" #~ msgstr "低" #~ msgid "INPUT" #~ msgstr "输入" #~ msgid "OUTPUT" #~ msgstr "输出" #~ msgid "PWM" #~ msgstr "调速" #~ msgid "SERVO" #~ msgstr "伺服" #~ msgid "ERROR: Check the Arduino and the number of port." #~ msgstr "错误:请检查的Arduino和端口号。" #~ msgid "ERROR: Value must be a number from 0 to 255." #~ msgstr "错误:数值必须从0到255。" #~ msgid "ERROR: Value must be either HIGH or LOW." #~ msgstr "错误:值必须是高或低。" #~ msgid "ERROR: The mode must be either INPUT, OUTPUT, PWM or SERVO." #~ msgstr "错误:模式必须是输入,输出,调速或伺服。" #~ msgid "pin mode" #~ msgstr "引脚模式" #~ msgid "mode" #~ msgstr "模式" #~ msgid "Select the pin function (INPUT, OUTPUT, PWM, SERVO)." #~ msgstr "选择引脚功能(输入,输出,调速,伺服)。" #~ msgid "analog write" #~ msgstr "模拟写" #~ msgid "Write analog value in specified port." #~ msgstr "写模拟值到指定的端口。" #~ msgid "analog read" #~ msgstr "模拟读" #~ msgid "" #~ "Read value from analog port. Value may be between 0 and 1023. Use Vref to " #~ "determine voltage. For USB, volt=((read)*5)/1024) approximately." #~ msgstr "" #~ "从模拟端口读值。值可能是0到1023之间。使用Vref来确定电压。对于USB,电压大约" #~ "等于 ((read)*5)/1024。" #~ msgid "digital write" #~ msgstr "数字写" #~ msgid "Write digital value to specified port." #~ msgstr "写数字值到指定的端口。" #~ msgid "digital read" #~ msgstr "数字读" #~ msgid "Read value from digital port." #~ msgstr "从数字端口读取值。" #~ msgid "Set HIGH value for digital port." #~ msgstr "设置数字端口为高值。" #~ msgid "Configure Arduino port for digital input." #~ msgstr "配置用于数字输入的Arduino端口。" #~ msgid "Configure Arduino port to drive a servo." #~ msgstr "配置用于驱动伺服电机的Arduino端口。" #~ msgid "Set LOW value for digital port." #~ msgstr "设置数字端口为低值。" #~ msgid "Configure Arduino port for digital output." #~ msgstr "配置用于数字输出的Arduino端口。" #~ msgid "Configure Arduino port for PWM (pulse-width modulation)." #~ msgstr "配置用于调速(脉宽调制)的Arduino端口" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Palette of Expeyes blocks" #~ msgstr "乐高WeDo模板" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "samples" #~ msgstr "例子" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "" #~ "set the speed of the Butia motors as a value between 0 and 1023, passed " #~ "by an argument" #~ msgstr "通过传递参数设置布迪的电机速度(0到1023之间)" #~ msgid "turn the Butia robot to the left" #~ msgstr "向左转动布迪机器人" #~ msgid "display Butia" #~ msgstr "显示布迪" #~ msgid "Hello World Butia " #~ msgstr "Hello World Butia " #~ msgid "print text in Butia robot 32-character ASCII display" #~ msgstr "在布迪机器人32字节ASCII显示屏中打印文本" #~ msgid "Error making mask" #~ msgstr "生成面罩出错" #~ msgid "G" #~ msgstr "G" #~ msgid "R" #~ msgstr "R" #~ msgid "B" #~ msgstr "B" #~ msgid "follow a RGB color" #~ msgstr "接一个RGB颜色" #~ msgid "save calibration 1" #~ msgstr "保存校准1" #~ msgid "stores a calibration in calibration 1" #~ msgstr "存储校准值到校准1" #~ msgid "save calibration 2" #~ msgstr "保存校准2" #~ msgid "stores a calibration in calibration 2" #~ msgstr "存储校准值到校准2" #~ msgid "calibration 1" #~ msgstr "校准1" #~ msgid "return calibration 1" #~ msgstr "返回校准1" #~ msgid "calibration 2" #~ msgstr "校准2" #~ msgid "return calibration 2" #~ msgstr "返回校准2" #~ msgid "RGB" #~ msgstr "RGB" #~ msgid "YUV" #~ msgstr "YUV" #~ msgid "HSV" #~ msgstr "HSV" #~ msgid "Please check the port." #~ msgstr "请检查端口。" #~ msgid "NXT found" #~ msgstr "找到 NXT" #~ msgid "" #~ "turn motor\n" #~ "rotations" #~ msgstr "" #~ "转动电机\n" #~ "旋转" #~ msgid "" #~ "synchronize motors\n" #~ "steering" #~ msgstr "" #~ "同步电机\n" #~ "转向装置" #~ msgid "Palette of Arduino blocks" #~ msgstr "Arduino模板" #~ msgid "delay Butia" #~ msgstr "布迪延迟" #~ msgid "wait for argument seconds" #~ msgstr "等待参数所示秒" #~ msgid "refresh Butia palette" #~ msgstr "刷新布迪模板" #~ msgid "The camera was not found." #~ msgstr "没有找到相机。" #~ msgid "then else" #~ msgstr "那么 或者" #~ msgid "bottom of a collapsible stack" #~ msgstr "折叠积木堆的底部" #~ msgid "collapsed stack: click to open" #~ msgstr "折叠积木堆:点击打开" #~ msgid "bottom block in a collapsed stack: click to open" #~ msgstr "折叠积木堆中底部的积木块:点击打开" #~ msgid "top of stack" #~ msgstr "积木堆顶部" #~ msgid "label" #~ msgstr "标签" #~ msgid "True" #~ msgstr "真" #~ msgid "False" #~ msgstr "假" #~ msgid "Save as HTML" #~ msgstr "另存为HTML" #~ msgid "d" #~ msgstr "d" #~ msgid "Palette of US currencies" #~ msgstr "美国货币模板" #~ msgid "Palette of Australian currencies" #~ msgstr "澳大利亚货币模板" #~ msgid "Palette of Guaranies" #~ msgstr "瓜拉尼模板" #~ msgid "Palette of Soles" #~ msgstr "新索尔模板" #~ msgid "presentation" #~ msgstr "演示" #~ msgid "follow a turtle color" #~ msgstr "接一个海龟颜色" #~ msgid "calibrate" #~ msgstr "校准" #~ msgid "calibrate a color to follow" #~ msgstr "校准要连接的颜色" #~ msgid "freq" #~ msgstr "频率" #~ msgid "" #~ "sync motors\n" #~ "steering" #~ msgstr "" #~ "同步电机\n" #~ "转向" #~ msgid "b" #~ msgstr "b" #~ msgid "Palette of LEGO NXT blocks" #~ msgstr "乐高NXT模块" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "full screen" #~ msgstr "涂满全屏" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "numbers" #~ msgstr "数字" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "blocks" #~ msgstr "程序块" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "flow" #~ msgstr "流程" # (see 'stop stack') #, fuzzy #~ msgid "stack 2" #~ msgstr "函数2" # (see 'stop stack') #, fuzzy #~ msgid "stack 1" #~ msgstr "函数1" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "My Blocks" #~ msgstr "自定义程序块" #~ msgid "Numbers" #~ msgstr "数字" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "text color" #~ msgstr "设置颜色" #~ msgid "Pen" #~ msgstr "画图" # I have played the Turtle. In this programming language, stacks are similar as functions. So, the stop stack is equal to 'return'. But I am not sure which word is more comfortable. #, fuzzy #~ msgid "stop stack" #~ msgstr "退出函数"