# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #Copyright (c) 2010, Walter Bender # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the # Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, # Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. from gettext import gettext as _ # # sprite layers # HIDE_LAYER = 100 CANVAS_LAYER = 500 OVERLAY_LAYER = 525 TURTLE_LAYER = 550 BLOCK_LAYER = 600 CATEGORY_LAYER = 700 TAB_LAYER = 710 STATUS_LAYER = 900 TOP_LAYER = 1000 # # block palette categories # PALETTE_NAMES = ['turtle', 'pen', 'colors', 'numbers', 'flow', 'blocks', 'extras', 'portfolio', 'trash'] PALETTES = [['forward', 'back', 'clean', 'left', 'right', 'show', 'seth', 'setxy', 'heading', 'xcor', 'ycor', 'setscale', 'arc', 'scale'], ['penup','pendown', 'setpensize', 'fillscreen', 'pensize', 'settextsize', 'setcolor', 'setshade', 'textsize', 'color', 'shade'], [ 'red', 'orange', 'yellow', 'green', 'cyan', 'blue', 'purple'], ['plus2', 'minus2', 'product2', 'division2', 'identity2', 'remainder2', 'sqrt', 'random', 'number', 'greater2', 'less2', 'equal2', 'not', 'and2', 'or2'], ['wait', 'forever', 'repeat', 'if', 'ifelse', 'hspace', 'vspace', 'stopstack'], ['hat1', 'stack1', 'hat', 'hat2', 'stack2', 'stack', 'storeinbox1', 'storeinbox2', 'string', 'box1', 'box2', 'box', 'storein', 'start'], ['kbinput', 'push', 'printheap', 'keyboard', 'pop', 'clearheap', 'myfunc', 'nop', 'leftpos', 'toppos', 'width', 'rightpos', 'bottompos', 'height', 'addturtle', 'print'], ['journal', 'audio', 'description', 'templatelist', 'template1x1a', 'template1x1', 'template1x2', 'template2x1', 'template2x2', 'hideblocks', 'showblocks'], ['restore']] # # block style attributes # COLORS = [["#00FF00","#00A000"], ["#00FFFF","#00A0A0"], ["#00FFFF","#00A0A0"], ["#FF00FF","#A000A0"], ["#FFC000","#A08000"], ["#FFFF00","#A0A000"], ["#FF0000","#A00000"], ["#0000FF","#0000FF"], ["#FFFF00","#A0A000"]] BOX_COLORS = {'red':["#FF0000","#A00000"],'orange':["#FFD000","#AA8000"], 'yellow':["#FFFF00","#A0A000"],'green':["#00FF00","#008000"], 'cyan':["#00FFFF","#00A0A0"],'blue':["#0000FF","#000080"], 'purple':["#FF00FF","#A000A0"]} PALETTE_HEIGHT = 120 PALETTE_WIDTH = 180 SELECTOR_WIDTH = 55 ICON_SIZE = 55 SELECTED_COLOR = "#0000FF" SELECTED_STROKE_WIDTH = 1.5 STANDARD_STROKE_WIDTH = 1.0 THUMB_W = 80 THUMB_H = 60 PYTHON_X = 17 PYTHON_Y = 8 MEDIA_X = 37 MEDIA_Y = 6 TEMPLATE_X = 24 TEMPLATE_Y = 18 PIXBUF_X = 17 PIXBUF_Y = 2 BLOCK_SCALE = 2.0 PALETTE_DEFAULT_SCALE = 1.5 PALETTE_SCALE = {'template2x2':1.0, 'template1x2':1.0} # # block style definitions # BASIC_STYLE_HEAD = ['start', 'hat1', 'hat2', 'restore'] BASIC_STYLE_HEAD_1ARG = ['hat'] BASIC_STYLE_TAIL = ['stopstack'] BASIC_STYLE = ['clean', 'penup', 'pendown', 'stack1', 'stack2', 'vspace', 'hideblocks', 'showblocks', 'clearheap', 'printheap', 'kbinput'] BASIC_STYLE_1ARG = ['forward', 'back', 'left', 'right', 'seth', 'show', 'setscale', 'setpensize', 'setcolor', 'setshade', 'print', 'settextsize', 'settextcolor', 'print', 'wait', 'storeinbox1', 'storeinbox2', 'wait', 'stack', 'push', 'nop', 'addturtle'] BASIC_STYLE_2ARG = ['arc', 'setxy', 'fillscreen', 'storein'] BOX_STYLE = ['number', 'xcor', 'ycor', 'heading', 'pensize', 'color', 'shade', 'textcolor', 'textsize', 'box1', 'box2', 'string', 'leftpos', 'scale', 'toppos', 'rightpos', 'bottompos', 'width', 'height', 'pop', 'keyboard', 'red', 'orange', 'yellow', 'green', 'cyan', 'blue', 'purple'] BOX_STYLE_MEDIA = ['description', 'audio', 'journal'] NUMBER_STYLE = ['plus2', 'product2', 'myfunc'] NUMBER_STYLE_BLOCK = ['random'] NUMBER_STYLE_PORCH = ['minus2', 'division2', 'remainder2'] NUMBER_STYLE_1ARG = ['sqrt', 'identity2'] NUMBER_STYLE_1STRARG = ['box'] COMPARE_STYLE = ['greater2', 'less2', 'equal2'] BOOLEAN_STYLE = ['and2', 'or2'] NOT_STYLE = ['not'] FLOW_STYLE = ['forever', 'hspace'] FLOW_STYLE_1ARG = ['repeat'] FLOW_STYLE_BOOLEAN = ['if'] FLOW_STYLE_ELSE = ['ifelse'] PORTFOLIO_STYLE_2x2 = ['template2x2'] BULLET_STYLE = ['templatelist'] PORTFOLIO_STYLE_1x1 = ['template1x1', 'template1x1a'] PORTFOLIO_STYLE_2x1 = ['template2x1'] PORTFOLIO_STYLE_1x2 = ['template1x2'] # # Macros (groups of blocks) # MACROS = { 'kbinput':[[0, 'forever', 0, 0, [None, 1, None]], [1, 'kbinput', 0, 0, [0, 2]], [2, 'vspace', 0, 0, [1, 3]], [3, 'if', 0, 0, [2, 4, 7, 8]], [4, 'greater2', 0, 0, [3, 5, 6, None]], [5, 'keyboard', 0, 0, [4, None]], [6, ['number', '0'], 0, 0, [4, None]], [7, 'stopstack', 0, 0, [3, None]], [8, 'vspace', 0, 0, [3, 9]], [9, 'wait', 0, 0, [8, 10, None]], [10, ['number', '1'], 0, 0, [9, None]]] } # # blocks that are expandable # EXPANDABLE = ['vspace', 'hspace', 'templatelist', 'identity2'] # # Old block styles that need dock adjustments # OLD_DOCK = ['and', 'or'] # # blocks that contain media # CONTENT_BLOCKS = ['number', 'string', 'description', 'audio', 'journal'] # # block name dictionary used for labels # BLOCK_NAMES = { 'addturtle':[_('turtle')], 'and2':[_('and')], 'arc':[_('arc'),_('angle'),_('radius')], 'audio':[' '], 'back':[_('back')], 'blue':[_('blue')], 'bottompos':[_('bottom')], 'box':[_('box')], 'box1':[_('box 1')], 'box2':[_('box 2')], 'clean':[_('clean')], 'clearheap':[_('empty heap')], 'color':[_('color')], 'cyan':[_('cyan')], 'division2':['/'], 'equal2':['='], 'fillscreen':[_('fill screen'),_('color'),_('shade')], 'forever':[_('forever')], 'forward':[_('forward')], 'greater2':[">"], 'green':[_('green')], 'hat':[_('action')], 'hat1':[_('action 1')], 'hat2':[_('action 2')], 'heading':[_('heading')], 'height':[_('height')], 'hideblocks':[_('hide blocks')], 'hspace':[' '], 'identity2':['←'], 'if':[' ',_('if'),_('then')], 'ifelse':[' ',_('if'),_('then else')], 'journal':[' '], 'kbinput':[_('query keyboard')], 'keyboard':[_('keyboard')], 'left':[_('left')], 'leftpos':[_('left')], 'less2':['<'], 'minus2':['–'], 'myfunc':[_('Python'),_('code'),_('value')], 'nop':[_(' ')], 'not':[_('not')], 'number':['100'], 'orange':[_('orange')], 'or2':[_('or')], 'pendown':[_('pen down')], 'pensize':[_('pen size')], 'penup':[_('pen up')], 'plus2':['+'], 'pop':[_('pop')], 'printheap':[_('show heap')], 'print':[_('print')], 'product2':['×'], 'purple':[_('purple')], 'push':[_('push')], 'random':[_('random'),_('min'),_('max')], 'red':[_('red')], 'remainder2':[_('mod')], 'repeat':[' ',_('repeat')], 'restore':[_('restore')], 'rightpos':[_('right')], 'right':[_('right')], 'scale':[_('scale')], 'setcolor':[_('set color')], 'seth':[_('set heading')], 'setpensize':[_('set pen size')], 'setscale':[_('set scale')], 'setshade':[_('set shade')], 'settextsize':[_('set text size')], 'setxy':[_('set xy'),_('x'),_('y')], 'shade':[_('shade')], 'show':[_('show')], 'showblocks':[_('show blocks')], 'sqrt':['√'], 'stack':[_('action')], 'stack1':[_('action 1')], 'stack2':[_('action 2')], 'start':[_('start')], 'stopstack':[_('stop action')], 'storein':[_('store in')], 'storeinbox1':[_('store in box 1')], 'storeinbox2':[_('store in box 2')], 'string':[_('text')], 'template1x1':[' '], 'template1x1a':[' '], 'template1x2':[' '], 'template2x1':[' '], 'template2x2':[' '], 'templatelist':[' '], 'textsize':[_('text size')], 'toppos':[_('top')], 'turtle':[_('turtle')], 'vspace':[' '], 'wait':[_('wait')], 'width':[_('width')], 'xcor':[_('xcor')], 'ycor':[_('ycor')], 'yellow':[_('yellow')]} # # Logo primitives # PRIMITIVES = { 'addturtle':'turtle', 'and2':'and', 'arc':'arc', 'back':'back', 'blue':'blue', 'bottompos':'bpos', 'box1':'box1', 'box2':'box2', 'box':'box', 'clean':'clean', 'clearheap':'clearheap', 'color':'color', 'cyan':'cyan', 'division2':'division', 'equal2':'equal?', 'fillscreen':'fillscreen', 'forever':'forever', 'forward':'forward', 'greater2':'greater?', 'green':'green', 'hat':'nop3', 'hat1':'nop1', 'hat2':'nop2', 'heading':'heading', 'height':'vres', 'hideblocks':'hideblocks', 'hspace':'nop', 'identity2':'id', 'if':'if', 'ifelse':'ifelse', 'kbinput':'kbinput', 'keyboard':'keyboard', 'left':'left', 'leftpos':'lpos', 'less2':'less?', 'templatelist':'bullet', 'minus2':'minus', 'myfunc':'myfunc', 'nop':'userdefined', 'not':'not', 'orange':'orange', 'or2':'or', 'pendown':'pendown', 'pensize':'pensize', 'penup':'penup', 'plus2':'plus', 'pop':'pop', 'printheap':'printheap', 'print':'print', 'product2':'product', 'purple':'purple', 'push':'push', 'random':'random', 'red':'red', 'remainder2':'mod', 'repeat':'repeat', 'rightpos':'rpos', 'right':'right', 'scale':'scale', 'setcolor':'setcolor', 'seth':'seth', 'setpensize':'setpensize', 'setscale':'setscale', 'setshade':'setshade', 'settextsize':'settextsize', 'settextcolor':'settextcolor', 'setxy':'setxy', 'shade':'shade', 'show':'show', 'showblocks':'showblocks', 'sqrt':'sqrt', 'stack':'stack', 'stack1':'stack1', 'stack2':'stack2', 'start':'start', 'stopstack':'stopstack', 'storein':'storeinbox', 'storeinbox1':'storeinbox1', 'storeinbox2':'storeinbox2', 'template1x1':'t1x1', 'template1x1a':'t1x1a', 'template1x2':'t1x2', 'template2x1':'t2x1', 'template2x2':'t2x2', 'textsize':'textsize', 'toppos':'tpos', 'vspace':'nop', 'wait':'wait', 'width':'hres', 'xcor':'xcor', 'ycor':'ycor', 'yellow':'yellow'} # # block default values # DEFAULTS = { 'addturtle':[1], 'arc':[90,100], 'audio':[None], 'back':[100], 'box':[_('my box')], 'description':[None], 'fillscreen':[60,80], 'forward':[100], 'hat':[_('action')], 'if':[None, None, 'vspace'], 'ifelse':[None,'vspace', None, 'vspace'], 'journal':[None], 'left':[90], 'media':[None], 'myfunc':[_('x'),100], 'nop':[100], 'number':[100], 'random':[0,100], 'repeat':[4, None, 'vspace'], 'right':[90], 'setcolor':[0], 'setheading':[0], 'setpensize':[5], 'setscale':[33], 'setshade':[50], 'settextsize':[32], 'setxy':[0,0], 'show':[_('text')], 'stack':[_('action')], 'storeinbox1':[100], 'storeinbox2':[100], 'storein':[_('my box'),100], 'string':[_('text')], 'template1x1':[_('Title'), 'None'], 'template1x1a':[_('Title'), 'None'], 'template1x2':[_('Title'), 'None', 'None'], 'template2x1':[_('Title'), 'None', 'None'], 'template2x2':[_('Title'), 'None', 'None', 'None', 'None'], 'templatelist':[_('Title'), '∙ '], 'wait':[1]} # # Blocks that can interchange strings and numbers for their arguments # STRING_OR_NUMBER_ARGS = ['plus2', 'equal2', 'less2', 'greater2', 'box', 'template1x1', 'template1x2', 'template2x1', 'template2x2', 'template1x1a', 'templatelist', 'nop', 'print', 'stack', 'hat'] CONTENT_ARGS = ['show', 'push', 'storein', 'storeinbox1', 'storeinbox2'] # # Status blocks # MEDIA_SHAPES = ['audiooff', 'audioon', 'audiosmall', 'journaloff', 'journalon', 'journalsmall', 'descriptionoff', 'descriptionon', 'descriptionsmall', 'pythonoff', 'pythonon', 'pythonsmall', 'list', '1x1', '1x1a', '2x1', '1x2', '2x2'] OVERLAY_SHAPES = ['Cartesian', 'polar'] STATUS_SHAPES = ['status', 'info', 'nostack', 'noinput', 'emptyheap', 'emptybox', 'nomedia', 'nocode', 'overflowerror', 'syntaxerror'] # # Legacy names # OLD_NAMES = {'product':'product2', 'storeinbox':'storein', 'division':'division2', 'plus':'plus2', 'and':'and2', 'or':'or2', 'less':'less2', 'greater':'greater2', 'equal':'equal2', 'remainder':'remainder2', 'identity':'identity2', 'division':'division2', 'if else':'if', 'audiooff':'audio', 'descriptionoff':'description','template3':'templatelist', 'template1':'template1x1', 'template2':'template2x1', 'template6':'template1x2', 'template7':'template2x2', 'template4':'template1x1a', 'hres':'width', 'vres':'height' } # # Define the relative size and postion of media objects # (w, h, x, y, dx, dy) # TEMPLATES = {'t1x1': (0.5, 0.5, 0.0625, 0.125, 1.05, 0), 't2z1': (0.5, 0.5, 0.0625, 0.125, 1.05, 1.05), 't1x2': (0.45, 0.45, 0.0625, 0.125, 1.05, 1.05), 't2x2': (0.45, 0.45, 0.0625, 0.125, 1.05, 1.05), 't1x1a': (0.9, 0.9, 0.0625, 0.125, 0, 0), 'bullet': (1, 1, 0.0625, 0.125, 0, 0.1), 'insertimage': (0.333, 0.333)} # # Names for blocks without names for popup help # SPECIAL_NAMES = { 'audio':_('audio'), 'division2':_('divide'), 'equal2':_('equal'), 'greater2':_('greater than'), 'hspace':_('horizontal space'), 'identity2':_('identity'), 'if':_('if then'), 'ifelse':_('if then else'), 'journal':_('journal'), 'less2':_('less than'), 'minus2':_('minus'), 'myfunc':_('Python code'), 'nop':_('Python code'), 'number':_('number'), 'plus2':_('plus'), 'product2':_('multiply'), 'sqrt':_('square root'), 'template1x1':_('presentation 1x1'), 'template1x1a':_('presentation 1x1'), 'template1x2':_('presentation 1x2'), 'template2x1':_('presentation 2x1'), 'template2x2':_('presentation 2x2'), 'templatelist':_('presentation bulleted list'), 'textsize':_('text size'), 'vspace':_('vertical space')} # # Help messages # HELP_STRINGS = { 'addturtle':_("choose which turtle to command"), 'and2':_("logical AND operator"), 'arc':_("move turtle along an arc"), 'audio':_("Sugar Journal audio object"), 'back':_("move turtle backward"), 'blocks':_("palette of variable blocks"), 'bottompos':_("ycor of bottom of screen"), 'box1':_("variable 1 (numeric value)"), 'box2':_("variable 2 (numeric value)"), 'box':_("named variable (numeric value)"), 'clean':_("clear the screen and reset the turtle"), 'clearheap':_("empty FILO"), 'color':_("holds current pen color (can be used in place of a number block)"), 'colors':_("a palette of pen colors"), 'description':_("Sugar Journal description field"), 'division2':_("divides top numeric input (numerator) by bottom numeric input (denominator)"), 'equal2':_("logical equal-to operator"), 'extras':_("palette of extra options"), 'fillscreen':_("fills the background with (color, shade)"), 'flow':_("palette of flow operators"), 'forever':_("loop forever"), 'forward':_("move turtle forward"), 'greater2':_("logical greater-than operator"), 'hat1':_("top of action 1 stack"), 'hat2':_("top of action 2 stack"), 'hat':_("top of nameable action stack"), 'heading':_("holds current heading value of the turtle (can be used in place of a number block)"), 'hideblocks':_("declutter canvas by hiding blocks"), 'width':_("the canvas width"), 'hspace':_("jog stack right"), 'identity2':_("identity operator used for extending blocks"), 'ifelse':_("if-then-else operator that uses boolean operators from Numbers palette"), 'if':_("if-then operator that uses boolean operators from Numbers palette"), 'journal':_("Sugar Journal media object"), 'kbinput':_("query for keyboard input (results stored in keyboard block)"), 'keyboard':_("holds results of query-keyboard block"), 'leftpos':_("xcor of left of screen"), 'left':_("turn turtle counterclockwise (angle in degrees)"), 'less2':_("logical less-than operator"), 'minus2':_("subtracts bottom numeric input from top numeric input"), 'myfunc':_("a programmable block: add your own math equation in the block, e.g., sin(x)"), 'nop':_("runs code found in the tamyblock.py module found in the Journal"), 'not':_("logical NOT operator"), 'numbers':_("palette of numeric operators"), 'number':_("used as numeric input in mathematic operators"), 'or':_("logical OR operator"), 'orientation':_("changes the orientation of the palette of blocks"), 'pendown':_("turtle will draw when moved"), 'pen':_("palette of pen commands"), 'pensize':_("holds current pen size (can be used in place of a number block)"), 'penup':_("turtle will not draw when moved"), 'plus2':_("adds two alphanumeric inputs"), 'pop':_("pop value off FILO"), 'portfolio':_("palette of presentation templates"), 'print':_("prints value in status block at bottom of the screen"), 'printheap':_("show FILO in status block"), 'product2':_("multiplies two numeric inputs"), 'push':_("push value onto FILO (first-in last-out) heap"), 'random':_("returns random number between minimum (top) and maximum (bottom) values"), 'remainder2':_("modular (remainder) operator"), 'repeat':_("loop specified number of times"), 'restore':_("restore blocks from trash"), 'rightpos':_("xcor of right of screen"), 'right':_("turn turtle clockwise (angle in degrees)"), 'scale':_("holds current scale value (can be used in place of a number block)"), 'setcolor':_("set color of the line drawn by the turtle"), 'seth':_("set the heading of the turtle (0 is towards the top of the screen.)"), 'setpensize':_("set size of the line drawn by the turtle"), 'setscale':_("set the scale of media"), 'setshade':_("set shade of the line drawn by the turtle"), 'settextcolor':_("set color of text drawn by the turtle"), 'settextsize':_("set size of text drawn by turtle"), 'setxy':_("move turtle to position xcor, ycor; (0, 0) is in the center of the screen."), 'shade':_("holds current pen shade (can be used in place of a number block)"), 'show':_("draw text or show media from the Journal"), 'showblocks':_("restores hidden blocks"), 'sqrt':_("calculate square root"), 'stack1':_("invoke action 1 stack"), 'stack2':_("invoke action 2 stack"), 'stack':_("invoke named action stack"), 'start':_("connects action to toolbar run buttons"), 'stopstack':_("do not continue current action"), 'storeinbox1':_("store numeric value in variable 1"), 'storeinbox2':_("store numeric value in variable 2"), 'storein':_("store numeric value in named variable"), 'string':_("string value"), 'template1x1':_("presentation template: select Journal object (with description)"), 'template1x1a':_("presentation template: select Journal object (no description)"), 'template1x2':_("presentation template: select two Journal objects"), 'template2x1':_("presentation template: select two Journal objects"), 'template2x2':_("presentation template: select four Journal objects"), 'templatelist':_("presentation template: list of bullets"), 'textcolor':_("holds current text color (can be used in place of a number block)"), 'textsize':_("holds current text size (can be used in place of a number block)"), 'toppos':_("ycor of top of screen"), 'trash':_("a place to throw away blocks"), 'turtle':_("palette of turtle commands"), 'height':_("the canvas height"), 'vspace':_("jog stack down"), 'wait':_("wait specified number of seconds"), 'xcor':_("holds current x-coordinate value of the turtle (can be used in place of a number block)"), 'ycor':_("holds current y-coordinate value of the turtle (can be used in place of a number block)")} # # 'dead key' Unicode dictionaries # DEAD_KEYS = ['grave','acute','circumflex','tilde','diaeresis','abovering'] DEAD_DICTS = [{'A':192,'E':200,'I':204,'O':210,'U':217,'a':224,'e':232,'i':236, 'o':242,'u':249}, {'A':193,'E':201,'I':205,'O':211,'U':218,'a':225,'e':233,'i':237, 'o':243,'u':250}, {'A':194,'E':202,'I':206,'O':212,'U':219,'a':226,'e':234, 'i':238,'o':244,'u':251}, {'A':195,'O':211,'N':209,'U':360,'a':227,'o':245,'n':241,'u':361}, {'A':196,'E':203,'I':207,'O':211,'U':218,'a':228,'e':235, 'i':239,'o':245,'u':252}, {'A':197,'a':229}] NOISE_KEYS = ['Shift_L', 'Shift_R', 'Control_L', 'Caps_Lock', 'Pause', 'Alt_L', 'Alt_R', 'KP_Enter', 'ISO_Level3_Shift', 'KP_Divide', 'Escape', 'Return', 'KP_Page_Up', 'Up', 'Down', 'Menu', 'Left', 'Right', 'KP_Home', 'KP_End', 'KP_Up', 'Super_L', 'KP_Down', 'KP_Left', 'KP_Right', 'KP_Page_Down', 'Scroll_Lock', 'Page_Down', 'Page_Up'] WHITE_SPACE = ['space','Tab'] CURSOR = '█'