# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #Copyright (c) 2009, Walter Bender, Raúl Gutiérrez Segalés #Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy #of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal #in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights #to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell #copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is #furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: #The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in #all copies or substantial portions of the Software. #THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR #IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, #FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE #AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER #LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, #OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN #THE SOFTWARE. # popup help dictionary from gettext import gettext as _ hover_dict = { \ "turtle":_("palette of turtle commands"), \ "pen":_("palette of pen commands"), \ "numbers":_("palette of numeric operators"), \ "sensors":_("palette of extra options"), \ "flow":_("palette of flow operators"), \ "myblocks":_("palette of variable blocks"), \ "templates":_("palette of presentation templates"), \ "clean":_("clear the screen and reset the turtle"), \ "forward":_("move turtle forward"), \ "back":_("move turtle backward"), \ "left":_("turn turtle counterclockwise (angle in degrees)"), \ "right":_("turn turtle clockwise (angle in degrees)"), \ "arc":_("move turtle along an arc"), \ "setxy":_("move turtle to position xcor, ycor; (0, 0) is in the center of the screen."), \ "seth":_("set the heading of the turtle (0 is towards the top of the screen.)"), \ "show":_("draw text or show media from the Journal"), \ "setscale":_("set the scale of media"), \ "xcor":_("holds current x-coordinate value of the turtle (can be used in place of a number block)"), \ "ycor":_("holds current y-coordinate value of the turtle (can be used in place of a number block)"), \ "heading":_("holds current heading value of the turtle (can be used in place of a number block)"), \ "scale":_("holds current scale value (can be used in place of a number block)"), \ "penup":_("turtle will not draw when moved"), \ "pendown":_("turtle will draw when moved"), \ "setpensize":_("set size of the line drawn by the turtle"), \ "setcolor":_("set color of the line drawn by the turtle"), \ "setshade":_("set shade of the line drawn by the turtle"), \ "settextcolor":_("set color of text drawn by the turtle"), \ "settextsize":_("set size of text drawn by turtle"), \ "fillscreen":_("fills the background with (color, shade)"), \ "pensize":_("holds current pen size (can be used in place of a number block)"), \ "color":_("holds current pen color (can be used in place of a number block)"), \ "shade":_("holds current pen shade (can be used in place of a number block)"), \ "textsize":_("holds current text size (can be used in place of a number block)"), \ "textcolor":_("holds current text color (can be used in place of a number block)"), \ "number":_("used as numeric input in mathematic operators"), \ "plus2":_("adds two numeric inputs"), \ "minus2":_("subtracts bottom numeric input from top numeric input"), \ "product2":_("multiplies two numeric inputs"), \ "division2":_("divides top numeric input (numerator) by bottom numeric input (denominator)"), \ "remainder2":_("modular (remainder) operator"), \ "identity":_("identity operator used for extending blocks"), \ "identity2":_("identity operator used for extending blocks"), \ "sqrt":_("calculate square root"), \ "random":_("returns random number between minimum (left) and maximum (right) values"), \ "equal":_("logical equal-to operator"), \ "greater":_("logical greater-than operator"), \ "less":_("logical less-than operator"), \ "and":_("logical AND operator"), \ "or":_("logical OR operator"), \ "not":_("logical NOT operator"), \ "print":_("prints value in status block at bottom of the screen"), \ "kbinput":_("query for keyboard input (results stored in keyboard block)"), \ "keyboard":_("holds results of query-keyboard block"), \ "nop":_("runs code found in the tamyblock.py module found in the Journal"), \ "myfunc":_("a programmable block: add your own math equation in the block, e.g., sin(x)"), \ "hres":_("the canvas width"), \ "vres":_("the canvas height"), \ "leftpos":_("xcor of left of screen"), \ "toppos":_("ycor of top of screen"), \ "rightpos":_("xcor of right of screen"), \ "bottompos":_("ycor of bottom of screen"), \ "push":_("push value onto FILO (first-in last-out) heap"), \ "pop":_("pop value off FILO"), \ "prnthear":_("show FILO in status block"), \ "clearheap":_("empty FILO"), \ "wait":_("wait specified number of seconds"), \ "forever":_("loop forever"), \ "repeat":_("loop specified number of times"), \ "if":_("if-then operator that uses boolean operators from Numbers palette"), \ "ifelse":_("if-then-else operator that uses boolean operators from Numbers palette"), \ "stopstack":_("do not continue current action"), \ "hspace":_("jog stack right"), \ "vspace":_("jog stack down"), \ "start":_("connects action to toolbar run buttons"), \ "hat1":_("top of action 1 stack"), \ "stack1":_("invoke action 1 stack"), \ "hat2":_("top of action 2 stack"), \ "stack2":_("invoke action 2 stack"), \ "hat":_("top of nameable action stack"), \ "stack":_("invoke named action stack"), \ "storeinbox1":_("store numeric value in variable 1"), \ "box1":_("variable 1 (numeric value)"), \ "storeinbox2":_("store numeric value in variable 2"), \ "box2":_("variable 2 (numeric value)"), \ "storein":_("store numeric value in named variable"), \ "box":_("named variable (numeric value)"), \ "string":_("string value"), \ "journal":_("Sugar Journal media object"), \ "audiooff":_("Sugar Journal audio object"), \ "descriptionoff":_("Sugar Journal description field"), \ "template1":_("presentation template: select Journal object (with description)"), \ "template2":_("presentation template: select two Journal objects"), \ "template6":_("presentation template: select two Journal objects"), \ "template7":_("presentation template: select four Journal objects"), \ "template4":_("presentation template: select Journal object (no description)"), \ "template3":_("presentation template: seven bullets"), \ "hideblocks":_("declutter canvas by hiding blocks")} blocks_dict = { 'TurtleArt' : _('Turtle Art'), 'turtle' : _('Turtle'), 'setxy' : _('set xy'), 'seth' : _('seth'), 'setscale' : _('set scale'), 'fillscreen' : _('fill screen'), 'pen' : _('Pen'), 'pendown' : _('pen down'), 'penup' : _('pen up'), 'setpensize' : _('set pen size'), 'setcolor' : _('set color'), 'setshade' : _('set shade'), 'pensize' : _('pen size'), 'textsize' : _('text size'), 'textcolor' : _('text color'), 'settextsize' : _('set text size'), 'settextcolor' : _('set text color'), 'color' : _('color'), 'greater' : _('greater'), 'numbers' : _('Numbers'), 'division2' : _('division'), 'equal' : _('equal'), 'plus2' : _('plus2'), 'product2' : _('product2'), 'remainder2' : _('mod'), 'identity' : _('identity'), 'identity2' : _('identity2'), 'less' : _('less'), 'minus2' : _('minus2'), 'sqrt' : _('sqrt'), 'ifelse' : _('else'), 'flow' : _('Flow'), 'hspace' : _('hspace'), 'vspace' : _('vspace'), 'stopstack' : _('stopstack'), 'string' : _('string'), 'sensors' : _('Extras'), 'clearheap' : _('clearheap'), 'emptyheap' : _('empty heap'), 'loadmyblock' : _('load my block'), 'myfunc' : _('myfunc'), 'toppos' : _('toppos'), 'vres' : _('height'), 'hres' : _('width'), 'bottompos' : _('bottom'), 'kbinput' : _('read key'), 'leftpos' : _('leftpos'), 'rightpos' : _('rightpos'), 'printheap' : _('printheap'), 'myblocks' : _('My Blocks'), 'stack' : _('stack'), 'stack2' : _('stack 2'), 'stack1' : _('stack 1'), 'storeinbox1' : _('store in box 1'), 'box1' : _('box 1'), 'storeinbox2' : _('store in box 2'), 'box2' : _('box 2'), 'storein' : _('store in'), 'hat' : _('hat'), 'hat1' : _('hat1'), 'hat2' : _('hat2'), 'nop' : _('nop'), 'templates' : _('Templates'), 'hideblocks' : _('hide blocks'), 'journal' : _('journal'), 'audiooff' : _('joournal'), 'descriptionoff' : _('journal'), 'template1' : _('template'), 'template2' : _('template'), 'template3' : _('template'), 'template4' : _('template'), 'template6' : _('template'), 'template7' : _('template') }