# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #Copyright (c) 2007, Playful Invention Company #Copyright (c) 2008-10, Walter Bender #Copyright (c) 2009-10 Raúl Gutiérrez Segalés #Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy #of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal #in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights #to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell #copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is #furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: #The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in #all copies or substantial portions of the Software. #THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR #IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, #FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE #AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER #LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, #OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN #THE SOFTWARE. # TODO: # - better comments! # - many methods could have their logic simplified! # - verbose flag should be in the scope of the object instance import pygtk pygtk.require('2.0') import gtk import pango import gobject import os import os.path import time from math import atan2, pi DEGTOR = 2*pi/360 from gettext import gettext as _ try: from sugar.graphics.objectchooser import ObjectChooser from sugar.datastore import datastore from sugar import profile except ImportError: pass from taconstants import * from talogo import LogoCode, stop_logo, convert, str_to_num from tacanvas import TurtleGraphics from tablock import Blocks, Block from taturtle import Turtles, Turtle from tautils import magnitude, get_load_name, get_save_name, data_from_file,\ data_to_file, round_int, get_id, get_pixbuf_from_journal,\ movie_media_type, audio_media_type, image_media_type,\ save_picture, calc_image_size from tasprite_factory import SVG, svg_str_to_pixbuf, svg_from_file from sprites import Sprites, Sprite """ Dock tests """ def numeric_arg(value): if type(convert(value, float)) is float: return True return False def zero_arg(value): if numeric_arg(value): if convert(value, float) == 0: return True return False def neg_arg(value): if numeric_arg(value): if convert(value, float) < 0: return True return False """ TurtleArt Window class abstraction """ class TurtleArtWindow(): # Time out for triggering help timeout_tag = [0] def __init__(self, win, path, lang, parent=None, mycolors=None): self._setup_initial_values(win, path, lang, parent, mycolors) self._setup_misc() self._show_toolbar_palette(0, False) def _setup_initial_values(self, win, path, lang, parent, mycolors): self.window = win self.path = path self.load_save_folder = os.path.join(path, 'samples') self.save_folder = None self.save_file_name = None self.window.set_flags(gtk.CAN_FOCUS) self.width = gtk.gdk.screen_width() self.height = gtk.gdk.screen_height() if parent is not None: parent.show_all() self.running_sugar = True self.activity = parent else: self.window.show_all() self.running_sugar = False self.activity = None self._setup_events() self.keypress = "" self.keyvalue = 0 self.dead_key = "" self.area = self.window.window self.gc = self.area.new_gc() if self._OLPC_XO_1(): self.lead = 1.0 self.scale = 0.67 else: self.lead = 1.0 self.scale = 1.0 self.block_scale = BLOCK_SCALE self.trash_scale = 0.5 self.cm = self.gc.get_colormap() self.rgb = [255,0,0] self.bgcolor = self.cm.alloc_color('#fff8de') self.msgcolor = self.cm.alloc_color('black') self.fgcolor = self.cm.alloc_color('red') self.textcolor = self.cm.alloc_color('blue') self.textsize = 32 self.myblock = None self.nop = 'nop' self.loaded = 0 self.step_time = 0 self.hide = False self.palette = True self.coord_scale = 1 self.buddies = [] self.saved_string = '' self.dx = 0 self.dy = 0 self.media_shapes = {} self.cartesian = False self.polar = False self.overlay_shapes = {} self.toolbar_shapes = {} self.toolbar_offset = 0 self.status_spr = None self.status_shapes = {} self.toolbar_spr = None self.palette_sprs = [] self.palettes = [] self.palette_button = [] self.orientation = 0 self.trash_index = PALETTE_NAMES.index('trash') self.trash_stack = [] self.selected_palette = None self.previous_palette = None self.selectors = [] self.selected_selector = None self.previous_selector = None self.selector_shapes = [] self.selected_blk = None self.selected_spr = None self.drag_group = None self.drag_turtle = 'move', 0, 0 self.drag_pos = 0, 0 self.block_list = Blocks(self.scale) self.sprite_list = Sprites(self.window, self.area, self.gc) self.turtles = Turtles(self.sprite_list) if mycolors == None: Turtle(self.turtles, 1) else: Turtle(self.turtles, 1, mycolors.split(',')) self.active_turtle = self.turtles.get_turtle(1) self.selected_turtle = None self.canvas = TurtleGraphics(self, self.width, self.height) self.titlex = -(self.canvas.width*TITLEXY[0])/(self.coord_scale*2) self.leftx = -(self.canvas.width*TITLEXY[0])/(self.coord_scale*2) self.rightx = 0 self.titley = (self.canvas.height*TITLEXY[1])/(self.coord_scale*2) self.topy = (self.canvas.height*(TITLEXY[1]-0.125))/(self.coord_scale*2) self.bottomy = 0 self.lc = LogoCode(self) """ Register the events we listen to. """ def _setup_events(self): self.window.add_events(gtk.gdk.BUTTON_PRESS_MASK) self.window.add_events(gtk.gdk.BUTTON_RELEASE_MASK) self.window.add_events(gtk.gdk.POINTER_MOTION_MASK) self.window.add_events(gtk.gdk.KEY_PRESS_MASK) self.window.connect("expose-event", self._expose_cb) self.window.connect("button-press-event", self._buttonpress_cb) self.window.connect("button-release-event", self._buttonrelease_cb) self.window.connect("motion-notify-event", self._move_cb) self.window.connect("key_press_event", self._keypress_cb) """ Misc. sprites for status, overlays, etc. """ def _setup_misc(self): # media blocks get positioned into other blocks for name in MEDIA_SHAPES: if name[0:7] == 'journal' and not self.running_sugar: filename = 'file'+name[7:] else: filename = name self.media_shapes[name] = \ svg_str_to_pixbuf(svg_from_file("%s/images/%s.svg" % ( self.path, filename))) for i, name in enumerate(STATUS_SHAPES): self.status_shapes[name] = svg_str_to_pixbuf(svg_from_file( "%s/images/%s.svg" % (self.path, name))) self.status_spr = Sprite(self.sprite_list, 0, self.height-200, self.status_shapes['status']) self.status_spr.hide() self.status_spr.type = 'status' for name in OVERLAY_SHAPES: self.overlay_shapes[name] = Sprite(self.sprite_list, int(self.width/2-600), int(self.height/2-450), svg_str_to_pixbuf(svg_from_file( "%s/images/%s.svg" % (self.path, name)))) self.overlay_shapes[name].hide() self.overlay_shapes[name].type = 'overlay' if not self.running_sugar: o = self.width-55*len(TOOLBAR_SHAPES) for i, name in enumerate(TOOLBAR_SHAPES): self.toolbar_shapes[name] = Sprite(self.sprite_list, i*55+o, 0, svg_str_to_pixbuf(svg_from_file( "%s/icons/%s.svg" % (self.path, name)))) self.toolbar_shapes[name].set_layer(TAB_LAYER) self.toolbar_shapes[name].name = name self.toolbar_shapes[name].type = 'toolbar' self.toolbar_shapes['stopiton'].hide() """ Is a chattube available for sharing? """ def _sharing(self): if self.running_sugar and hasattr(self.activity, 'chattube') and\ self.activity.chattube is not None: return True return False """ Is the an OLPC XO-1? """ def _OLPC_XO_1(self): return os.path.exists('/etc/olpc-release') or \ os.path.exists('/sys/power/olpc-pm') """ Repaint """ def _expose_cb(self, win, event): self.sprite_list.redraw_sprites() return True """ Eraser_button (Always hide status block when clearing the screen.) """ def eraser_button(self): if self.status_spr is not None: self.status_spr.hide() self.lc.prim_clear() self.display_coordinates() """ Run turtle! """ def run_button(self, time): if self.running_sugar: self.activity.recenter() # Look for a 'start' block for blk in self.just_blocks(): if self._find_start_stack(blk): self.step_time = time print "running stack starting from %s" % (blk.name) self._run_stack(blk) return # If there is no 'start' block, run stacks that aren't 'def action' for blk in self.just_blocks(): if self._find_block_to_run(blk): self.step_time = time print "running stack starting from %s" % (blk.name) self._run_stack(blk) return """ Stop button """ def stop_button(self): stop_logo(self) """ Change the icon for user-defined blocks after Python code is loaded. """ def set_userdefined(self): for blk in self.just_blocks(): if blk.name in PYTHON_SKIN: x, y = self._calc_image_offset('pythonon', blk.spr) blk.set_image(self.media_shapes['pythonon'], x, y) self._resize_skin(blk) self.nop = 'pythonloaded' """ Enter fullscreen mode """ def set_fullscreen(self): if self.running_sugar: self.activity.fullscreen() self.activity.recenter() """ Turn on/off Cartesian coordinates """ def set_cartesian(self, flag): if flag: if self.coord_scale == 1: self.overlay_shapes['Cartesian_labeled'].set_layer( OVERLAY_LAYER) else: self.overlay_shapes['Cartesian'].set_layer(OVERLAY_LAYER) self.cartesian = True else: if self.coord_scale == 1: self.overlay_shapes['Cartesian_labeled'].hide() else: self.overlay_shapes['Cartesian'].hide() self.cartesian = False """ Turn on/off polar coordinates """ def set_polar(self, flag): if flag: self.overlay_shapes['polar'].set_layer(OVERLAY_LAYER) self.polar = True else: self.overlay_shapes['polar'].hide() self.polar = False """ Hide/show button """ def hideshow_button(self): if not self.hide: for blk in self.just_blocks(): blk.spr.hide() self.hide_palette() self.hide = True else: for blk in self.just_blocks(): if blk.status != 'collapsed': blk.spr.set_layer(BLOCK_LAYER) self.show_palette() if self.activity is not None and self.activity.new_sugar_system: self.activity.palette_buttons[0].set_icon(PALETTE_NAMES[0]+'on') self.hide = False self.canvas.canvas.inval() """ Hide or show palette """ def hideshow_palette(self, state): if not state: self.palette == False if self.running_sugar: self.activity.do_hidepalette() self.hide_palette() else: self.palette == True if self.running_sugar: self.activity.do_showpalette() self.show_palette() """ Show palette """ def show_palette(self, n=0): self._show_toolbar_palette(n) self.palette_button[self.orientation].set_layer(TAB_LAYER) self.palette_button[2].set_layer(TAB_LAYER) if self.activity is None or not self.activity.new_sugar_system: self.toolbar_spr.set_layer(CATEGORY_LAYER) self.palette = True """ Hide the palette. """ def hide_palette(self): self._hide_toolbar_palette() self.palette_button[self.orientation].hide() self.palette_button[2].hide() if self.activity is None or not self.activity.new_sugar_system: self.toolbar_spr.hide() self.palette = False """ Callback from 'hide blocks' block """ def hideblocks(self): self.hide = False self.hideshow_button() if self.running_sugar: self.activity.do_hide() """ Callback from 'show blocks' block """ def showblocks(self): self.hide = True self.hideshow_button() if self.running_sugar: self.activity.do_show() """ Resize all of the blocks """ def resize_blocks(self): # We need to restore collapsed stacks before resizing. for b in self.just_blocks(): if b.status == 'collapsed': bot = self._find_sandwich_bottom(b) if self._collapsed(bot): dy = bot.values[0] self._restore_stack(self._find_sandwich_top(b)) bot.values[0] = dy # Do the resizing. for b in self.just_blocks(): b.rescale(self.block_scale) for b in self.just_blocks(): self._adjust_dock_positions(b) # Re-collapsed stacks after resizing. for b in self.just_blocks(): if self._collapsed(b): self._collapse_stack(self._find_sandwich_top(b)) for b in self.just_blocks(): if b.name == 'sandwichtop': self._grow_stack_arm(b) # Resize the skins on some blocks: media content and Python for b in self.just_blocks(): if b.name in BLOCKS_WITH_SKIN: self._resize_skin(b) """ Show the toolbar palettes, creating them on init_only """ def _show_toolbar_palette(self, n, init_only=False): if (self.activity is None or not self.activity.new_sugar_system) and\ self.selectors == []: # Create the selectors svg = SVG() x, y = 50, 0 for i, name in enumerate(PALETTE_NAMES): a = svg_str_to_pixbuf(svg_from_file("%s/icons/%soff.svg" % ( self.path, name))) b = svg_str_to_pixbuf(svg_from_file("%s/icons/%son.svg" % ( self.path, name))) self.selector_shapes.append([a,b]) self.selectors.append(Sprite(self.sprite_list, x, y, a)) self.selectors[i].type = 'selector' self.selectors[i].name = name self.selectors[i].set_layer(TAB_LAYER) w, h = self.selectors[i].get_dimensions() x += int(w) # Create the toolbar background self.toolbar_offset = ICON_SIZE self.toolbar_spr = Sprite(self.sprite_list, 0, 0, svg_str_to_pixbuf(svg.toolbar(self.width, ICON_SIZE))) self.toolbar_spr.type = 'toolbar' self.toolbar_spr.set_layer(CATEGORY_LAYER) if self.palette_sprs == []: # Create the empty palettes if len(self.palettes) == 0: for i in range(len(PALETTES)): self.palettes.append([]); # Create empty palette backgrounds for i in PALETTE_NAMES: self.palette_sprs.append([None,None]) # Create the palette orientation button self.palette_button.append(Sprite(self.sprite_list, 0, self.toolbar_offset, svg_str_to_pixbuf(svg_from_file( "%s/images/palettehorizontal.svg" %(self.path))))) self.palette_button.append(Sprite(self.sprite_list, 0, self.toolbar_offset, svg_str_to_pixbuf(svg_from_file( "%s/images/palettevertical.svg" % (self.path))))) self.palette_button[0].name = _('orientation') self.palette_button[1].name = _('orientation') self.palette_button[0].type = 'palette' self.palette_button[1].type = 'palette' self.palette_button[self.orientation].set_layer(TAB_LAYER) self.palette_button[1-self.orientation].hide() # Create the palette next button self.palette_button.append(Sprite(self.sprite_list, 16, self.toolbar_offset, svg_str_to_pixbuf(svg_from_file( "%s/images/palettenext.svg" %(self.path))))) self.palette_button[2].name = _('next') self.palette_button[2].type = 'palette' self.palette_button[2].set_layer(TAB_LAYER) if init_only: return # Hide the previously displayed palette self._hide_previous_palette() self.selected_palette = n self.previous_palette = self.selected_palette if self.activity is None or not self.activity.new_sugar_system: self.selected_selector = self.selectors[n] # Make sure all of the selectors are visible. self.selectors[n].set_shape(self.selector_shapes[n][1]) for i in range(len(PALETTES)): self.selectors[i].set_layer(TAB_LAYER) # Show the palette with the current orientation. if self.palette_sprs[n][self.orientation] is not None: self.palette_sprs[n][self.orientation].set_layer(CATEGORY_LAYER) if self.palettes[n] == []: # Create 'proto' blocks for each palette entry for i, name in enumerate(PALETTES[n]): self.palettes[n].append(Block(self.block_list, self.sprite_list, name, 0, 0, 'proto', [], PALETTE_SCALE)) self.palettes[n][i].spr.set_layer(TAB_LAYER) self.palettes[n][i].unhighlight() # Some proto blocks get a skin. if name in BOX_STYLE_MEDIA: self._proto_skin(name+'small', n, i) elif name[:8] == 'template': self._proto_skin(name[8:], n, i) elif name[:7] == 'picture': self._proto_skin(name[7:], n, i) elif name in PYTHON_SKIN: self._proto_skin('pythonsmall', n, i) self._layout_palette(n) for blk in self.palettes[n]: blk.spr.set_layer(TAB_LAYER) if n == PALETTE_NAMES.index('trash'): for blk in self.trash_stack: for b in self._find_group(blk): if b.status != 'collapsed': b.spr.set_layer(TAB_LAYER) """ Hide the toolbar palettes """ def _hide_toolbar_palette(self): self._hide_previous_palette() if self.activity is None or not self.activity.new_sugar_system: # Hide the selectors for i in range(len(PALETTES)): self.selectors[i].hide() elif self.selected_palette is not None: self.activity.palette_buttons[self.selected_palette].set_icon( PALETTE_NAMES[self.selected_palette]+'off') self.selected_palette = None self.previous_palette = None """ Hide just the previously viewed toolbar palette """ def _hide_previous_palette(self): # Hide previous palette if self.previous_palette is not None: for i in range(len(PALETTES[self.previous_palette])): self.palettes[self.previous_palette][i].spr.hide() self.palette_sprs[self.previous_palette][ self.orientation].hide() if self.activity is None or not self.activity.new_sugar_system: self.selectors[self.previous_palette].set_shape( self.selector_shapes[self.previous_palette][0]) elif self.previous_palette is not None and\ self.previous_palette != self.selected_palette: self.activity.palette_buttons[self.previous_palette].set_icon( PALETTE_NAMES[self.previous_palette]+'off') if self.previous_palette == PALETTE_NAMES.index('trash'): for b in self.trash_stack: for bb in self._find_group(b): bb.spr.hide() """ Position prototypes in a horizontal palette. """ def _horizontal_layout(self, x, y, blocks): _max_w = 0 for b in blocks: _w, _h = self._width_and_height(b) if y+_h > PALETTE_HEIGHT+self.toolbar_offset: x += int(_max_w+3) y = self.toolbar_offset+3 _max_w = 0 (_bx, _by) = b.spr.get_xy() _dx = x-_bx _dy = y-_by for g in self._find_group(b): g.spr.move_relative((int(_dx), int(_dy))) y += int(_h+3) if _w > _max_w: _max_w = _w return x, y, _max_w """ Position prototypes in a vertical palette. """ def _vertical_layout(self, x, y, blocks): _row = [] _row_w = 0 _max_h = 0 for _b in blocks: _w, _h = self._width_and_height(_b) if x+_w > PALETTE_WIDTH: # Recenter row. _dx = int((PALETTE_WIDTH-_row_w)/2) for _r in _row: for _g in self._find_group(_r): _g.spr.move_relative((_dx, 0)) _row = [] _row_w = 0 x = 4 y += int(_max_h+3) _max_h = 0 _row.append(_b) _row_w += (4+_w) (_bx, _by) = _b.spr.get_xy() _dx = int(x-_bx) _dy = int(y-_by) for _g in self._find_group(_b): _g.spr.move_relative((_dx, _dy)) x += int(_w+4) if _h > _max_h: _max_h = _h # Recenter last row. _dx = int((PALETTE_WIDTH-_row_w)/2) for _r in _row: for _g in self._find_group(_r): _g.spr.move_relative((_dx, 0)) return x, y, _max_h """ Layout prototypes in a palette. """ def _layout_palette(self, n): if n is not None: if self.orientation == 0: _x, _y = 20, self.toolbar_offset+5 _x, _y, _max = self._horizontal_layout(_x, _y, self.palettes[n]) if n == PALETTE_NAMES.index('trash'): _x, _y, _max = self._horizontal_layout(_x+_max, _y, self.trash_stack) _w = _x+_max+25 if self.palette_sprs[n][self.orientation] is None: svg = SVG() self.palette_sprs[n][self.orientation] = Sprite( self.sprite_list, 0, self.toolbar_offset, svg_str_to_pixbuf(svg.palette(_w, PALETTE_HEIGHT))) self.palette_sprs[n][self.orientation].type = 'category' if n == PALETTE_NAMES.index('trash'): svg = SVG() self.palette_sprs[n][self.orientation].set_shape( svg_str_to_pixbuf(svg.palette(_w, PALETTE_HEIGHT))) self.palette_button[2].move((_w-20, self.toolbar_offset)) else: _x, _y = 5, self.toolbar_offset+15 _x, _y, _max = self._vertical_layout(_x, _y, self.palettes[n]) if n == PALETTE_NAMES.index('trash'): _x, _y, _max = self._vertical_layout(_x, _y+_max, self.trash_stack) _h = _y+_max+25-self.toolbar_offset if self.palette_sprs[n][self.orientation] is None: svg = SVG() self.palette_sprs[n][self.orientation] =\ Sprite(self.sprite_list, 0, self.toolbar_offset, svg_str_to_pixbuf(svg.palette(PALETTE_WIDTH, _h))) self.palette_sprs[n][self.orientation].type = 'category' if n == PALETTE_NAMES.index('trash'): svg = SVG() self.palette_sprs[n][self.orientation].set_shape( svg_str_to_pixbuf(svg.palette(PALETTE_WIDTH, _h))) self.palette_button[2].move((PALETTE_WIDTH-20, self.toolbar_offset)) self.palette_sprs[n][self.orientation].set_layer(CATEGORY_LAYER) """ Button press """ def _buttonpress_cb(self, win, event): self.window.grab_focus() x, y = self._xy(event) self.button_press(event.get_state()>k.gdk.CONTROL_MASK, x, y) if self._sharing(): if event.get_state()>k.gdk.CONTROL_MASK: self.activity._send_event("p:%d:%d:T" % (x, y)) else: self.activity._send_event("p:%d:%d:F" % (x, y)) return True def button_press(self, mask, x, y, verbose=False): if verbose: print "processing remote button press: %d, %d" % (x, y) self.block_operation = 'click' # Unselect things that may have been selected earlier if self.selected_blk is not None: self._unselect_block() self.selected_turtle = None # Always hide the status layer on a click if self.status_spr is not None: self.status_spr.hide() # Find out what was clicked spr = self.sprite_list.find_sprite((x,y)) self.dx = 0 self.dy = 0 if spr is None: return True self.selected_spr = spr # From the sprite at x, y, look for a corresponding block blk = self.block_list.spr_to_block(spr) if blk is not None: if blk.type == 'block': self.selected_blk = blk self._block_pressed(mask, x, y, blk) elif blk.type == 'trash': self._restore_from_trash(self.find_top_block(blk)) elif blk.type == 'proto': if blk.name == 'restoreall': self._restore_all_from_trash() elif blk.name == 'restore': self._restore_latest_from_trash() elif blk.name == 'empty': self._empty_trash() elif MACROS.has_key(blk.name): self._new_macro(blk.name, x+20, y+20) else: blk.highlight() self._new_block(blk.name, x, y) blk.unhighlight() return True # Next, look for a turtle t = self.turtles.spr_to_turtle(spr) if t is not None: self.selected_turtle = t self.canvas.set_turtle(self.turtles.get_turtle_key(t)) self._turtle_pressed(x, y) return True # Finally, check for anything else if hasattr(spr, 'type'): if spr.type == "canvas": pass # spr.set_layer(CANVAS_LAYER) elif spr.type == 'selector': self._select_category(spr) elif spr.type == 'category': if self._hide_button_hit(spr, x, y): self.hideshow_palette(False) elif spr.type == 'palette': if spr.name == _('next'): i = self.selected_palette+1 if i == len(PALETTE_NAMES): i = 0 if self.activity is None or\ not self.activity.new_sugar_system: self._select_category(self.selectors[i]) else: if self.selected_palette is not None: self.activity.palette_buttons[ self.selected_palette].set_icon( PALETTE_NAMES[self.selected_palette]+'off') self.activity.palette_buttons[i].set_icon( PALETTE_NAMES[i]+'on') self.show_palette(i) else: self.orientation = 1-self.orientation self.palette_button[self.orientation].set_layer(TAB_LAYER) self.palette_button[1-self.orientation].hide() self.palette_sprs[self.selected_palette][ 1-self.orientation].hide() self._layout_palette(self.selected_palette) self.show_palette(self.selected_palette) elif spr.type == 'toolbar': self._select_toolbar_button(spr) return True """ Select a category from the toolbar (Not used in new Sugar systems). """ def _select_category(self, spr): i = self.selectors.index(spr) spr.set_shape(self.selector_shapes[i][1]) if self.selected_selector is not None: j = self.selectors.index(self.selected_selector) if i == j: return self.selected_selector.set_shape(self.selector_shapes[j][0]) self.previous_selector = self.selected_selector self.selected_selector = spr self.show_palette(i) """ Select a toolbar button (Used when not running Sugar). """ def _select_toolbar_button(self, spr): if spr.name == 'run-fastoff': self.lc.trace = 0 self.run_button(0) elif spr.name == 'run-slowoff': self.lc.trace = 0 self.run_button(3) elif spr.name == 'debugoff': self.lc.trace = 1 self.run_button(6) elif spr.name == 'stopiton': self.stop_button() self.toolbar_shapes['stopiton'].hide() elif spr.name == 'eraseron': self.eraser_button() elif spr.name == 'hideshowoff': self.hideshow_button() """ Put a group of blocks into the trash. """ def _put_in_trash(self, blk, x=0, y=0): self.trash_stack.append(blk) group = self._find_group(blk) for b in group: if b.status == 'collapsed': # Collapsed stacks are restored for rescaling # and then recollapsed after they are moved to the trash. bot = self._find_sandwich_bottom(b) if self._collapsed(bot): dy = bot.values[0] self._restore_stack(self._find_sandwich_top(b)) bot.values[0] = dy b.type = 'trash' b.rescale(self.trash_scale) blk.spr.move((x,y)) for b in group: self._adjust_dock_positions(b) # Re-collapsing any stacks we had restored for scaling for b in group: if self._collapsed(b): self._collapse_stack(self._find_sandwich_top(b)) # And resize any skins. for b in group: if b.name in BLOCKS_WITH_SKIN: self._resize_skin(b) self.show_palette(PALETTE_NAMES.index('trash')) """ Restore all the blocks in the trash can. """ def _restore_all_from_trash(self): for b in self.block_list.list: if b.type == 'trash': self._restore_from_trash(b) """ Restore most recent blocks from the trash can. """ def _restore_latest_from_trash(self): if len(self.trash_stack) == 0: return self._restore_from_trash(self.trash_stack[len(self.trash_stack)-1]) def _restore_from_trash(self, blk): group = self._find_group(blk) for b in group: b.rescale(self.block_scale) b.spr.set_layer(BLOCK_LAYER) x,y = b.spr.get_xy() if self.orientation == 0: b.spr.move((x,y+PALETTE_HEIGHT+self.toolbar_offset)) else: b.spr.move((x+PALETTE_WIDTH,y)) b.type = 'block' for b in group: self._adjust_dock_positions(b) # If the stack had been collapsed before going into the trash, # collapse it again now. for b in group: if self._collapsed(b): self._collapse_stack(self._find_sandwich_top(b)) # And resize any skins. for b in group: if b.name in BLOCKS_WITH_SKIN: self._resize_skin(b) self.trash_stack.remove(blk) """ Permanently remove all blocks presently in the trash can. """ def _empty_trash(self): for b in self.block_list.list: if b.type == 'trash': b.type = 'deleted' b.spr.hide() self.trash_stack = [] """ Is x,y over the trash can? """ def _in_the_trash(self, x, y): """ if self.selected_palette == self.trash_index and \ self.palette_sprs[self.trash_index][self.orientation].hit((x,y)): return True """ if self.selected_palette is not None and\ self.palette_sprs[self.selected_palette][self.orientation].hit( (x,y)): return True return False """ Block pressed """ def _block_pressed(self, mask, x, y, blk): if blk is not None: blk.highlight() self._disconnect(blk) self.drag_group = self._find_group(blk) (sx, sy) = blk.spr.get_xy() self.drag_pos = x-sx, y-sy for blk in self.drag_group: if blk.status != 'collapsed': blk.spr.set_layer(TOP_LAYER) self.saved_string = blk.spr.labels[0] """ Unselect block """ def _unselect_block(self): # After unselecting a 'number' block, we need to check its value if self.selected_blk.name == 'number': self._number_check() elif self.selected_blk.name == 'string': self._string_check() self.selected_blk.unhighlight() self.selected_blk = None """ Make a new block. """ def _new_block(self, name, x, y): if name in CONTENT_BLOCKS: newblk = Block(self.block_list, self.sprite_list, name, x-20, y-20, 'block', DEFAULTS[name], self.block_scale) else: newblk = Block(self.block_list, self.sprite_list, name, x-20, y-20, 'block', [], self.block_scale) # Add a 'skin' to some blocks if name in PYTHON_SKIN: if self.nop == 'pythonloaded': self._block_skin('pythonon', newblk) else: self._block_skin('pythonoff', newblk) elif name in BOX_STYLE_MEDIA: self._block_skin(name+'off', newblk) newspr = newblk.spr newspr.set_layer(TOP_LAYER) self.drag_pos = 20, 20 newblk.connections = [None]*len(newblk.docks) if DEFAULTS.has_key(newblk.name): for i, argvalue in enumerate(DEFAULTS[newblk.name]): # skip the first dock position since it is always a connector dock = newblk.docks[i+1] argname = dock[0] if argname == 'unavailable': continue if argname == 'media': argname = 'journal' elif argname == 'number' and\ (type(argvalue) is str or type(argvalue) is unicode): argname = 'string' elif argname == 'bool': argname = argvalue elif argname == 'flow': argname = argvalue (sx, sy) = newspr.get_xy() if argname is not None: if argname in CONTENT_BLOCKS: argblk = Block(self.block_list, self.sprite_list, argname, 0, 0, 'block', [argvalue], self.block_scale) else: argblk = Block(self.block_list, self.sprite_list, argname, 0, 0, 'block', [], self.block_scale) argdock = argblk.docks[0] nx, ny = sx+dock[2]-argdock[2], sy+dock[3]-argdock[3] if argname == 'journal': self._block_skin('journaloff', argblk) argblk.spr.move((nx, ny)) argblk.spr.set_layer(TOP_LAYER) argblk.connections = [newblk, None] newblk.connections[i+1] = argblk self.drag_group = self._find_group(newblk) self.block_operation = 'new' """ Create a "macro" (predefined stack of blocks). """ def _new_macro(self, name, x, y): macro = MACROS[name] macro[0][2] = x macro[0][3] = y top = self.process_data(macro) self.block_operation = 'new' self._check_collapsibles(top) self.drag_group = self._find_group(top) """ Process data (from a macro, a file, or the clipboard) into blocks. """ def process_data(self, data): # Create the blocks (or turtle). blocks = [] for b in data: if not self._found_a_turtle(b): blk = self.load_block(b) blocks.append(blk) # Make the connections. for i in range(len(blocks)): cons=[] # Normally, it is simply a matter of copying the connections. if blocks[i].connections == None: for c in data[i][4]: if c is None: cons.append(None) else: cons.append(blocks[c]) elif blocks[i].connections == 'check': # Corner case to convert old-style boolean and arithmetic blocks cons.append(None) # Add an extra connection. for c in data[i][4]: if c is None: cons.append(None) else: cons.append(blocks[c]) # If the boolean op was connected, readjust the plumbing. if blocks[i].name in BOOLEAN_STYLE: if data[i][4][0] is not None: c = data[i][4][0] cons[0] = blocks[data[c][4][0]] c0 = data[c][4][0] for j, cj in enumerate(data[c0][4]): if cj == c: blocks[c0].connections[j] = blocks[i] if c 0: return blocks[0] else: return None """ Adjust the dock x,y positions """ def _adjust_dock_positions(self, blk): (sx, sy) = blk.spr.get_xy() for i, c in enumerate(blk.connections): if i>0 and c is not None: bdock = blk.docks[i] for j in range(len(c.docks)): if c.connections[j] == blk: cdock = c.docks[j] nx, ny = sx+bdock[2]-cdock[2], sy+bdock[3]-cdock[3] c.spr.move((nx, ny)) self._adjust_dock_positions(c) """ Turtle pressed """ def _turtle_pressed(self, x, y): (tx, ty) = self.selected_turtle.get_xy() dx, dy = x-tx-30, y-ty-30 if dx*dx+dy*dy > 200: self.drag_turtle = ('turn', self.canvas.heading-atan2(dy,dx)/DEGTOR, 0) else: self.drag_turtle = ('move', x-tx, y-ty) """ Mouse move """ def _move_cb(self, win, event): x, y = self._xy(event) self._mouse_move(x, y) return True def _mouse_move(self, x, y, verbose=False, mdx=0, mdy=0): if verbose: print "processing remote mouse move: %d, %d" % (x, y) self.block_operation = 'move' # First, check to see if we are dragging or rotating a turtle. if self.selected_turtle is not None: dtype, dragx, dragy = self.drag_turtle (sx, sy) = self.selected_turtle.get_xy() if dtype == 'move': if mdx != 0 or mdy != 0: dx, dy = mdx, mdy else: dx, dy = x-dragx-sx, y-dragy-sy self.selected_turtle.move((sx+dx, sy+dy)) else: if mdx != 0 or mdy != 0: dx, dy = mdx, mdy else: dx, dy = x-sx-30, y-sy-30 self.canvas.seth(int(dragx+atan2(dy,dx)/DEGTOR+5)/10*10) # If we are hoving, show popup help. elif self.drag_group is None: self._show_popup(x, y) return # If we have a stack of blocks selected, move them. elif self.drag_group[0] is not None: blk = self.drag_group[0] # Don't move a bottom blk is the stack is collapsed if self._collapsed(blk): return self.selected_spr = blk.spr dragx, dragy = self.drag_pos if mdx != 0 or mdy != 0: dx, dy = mdx, mdy else: (sx,sy) = blk.spr.get_xy() dx, dy = x-dragx-sx, y-dragy-sy # Take no action if there was a move of 0,0. if dx == 0 and dy == 0: return self.drag_group = self._find_group(blk) # Prevent blocks from ending up with a negative x... for b in self.drag_group: (bx, by) = b.spr.get_xy() if bx+dx < 0: dx += -(bx+dx) """ # ...or under the palette. if self.selected_palette is not None and\ self.selected_palette != self.trash_index: w, h = self.palette_sprs[self.selected_palette][ self.orientation].get_dimensions() if self.orientation == 0: if bx < w and\ by+dy < self.toolbar_offset+PALETTE_HEIGHT: dy += -(by+dy)+self.toolbar_offset+PALETTE_HEIGHT else: if by < h+self.toolbar_offset and bx+dx < PALETTE_WIDTH: dx += -(bx+dx)+PALETTE_WIDTH """ # Move the stack. for b in self.drag_group: (bx, by) = b.spr.get_xy() b.spr.move((bx+dx, by+dy)) if mdx != 0 or mdy != 0: dx, dy = 0, 0 else: self.dx += dx self.dy += dy """ Let's help our users by displaying a little help. """ def _show_popup(self, x, y): spr = self.sprite_list.find_sprite((x,y)) blk = self.block_list.spr_to_block(spr) if spr and blk is not None: if self.timeout_tag[0] == 0: self.timeout_tag[0] = self._do_show_popup(blk.name) self.selected_spr = spr else: if self.timeout_tag[0] > 0: try: gobject.source_remove(self.timeout_tag[0]) self.timeout_tag[0] = 0 except: self.timeout_tag[0] = 0 elif spr and hasattr(spr,'type') and (spr.type == 'selector' or\ spr.type == 'palette' or\ spr.type == 'toolbar'): if self.timeout_tag[0] == 0 and hasattr(spr, 'name'): self.timeout_tag[0] = self._do_show_popup(spr.name) self.selected_spr = spr else: if self.timeout_tag[0] > 0: try: gobject.source_remove(self.timeout_tag[0]) self.timeout_tag[0] = 0 except: self.timeout_tag[0] = 0 else: if self.timeout_tag[0] > 0: try: gobject.source_remove(self.timeout_tag[0]) self.timeout_tag[0] = 0 except: self.timeout_tag[0] = 0 """ Fetch the help text and display it. """ def _do_show_popup(self, block_name): if SPECIAL_NAMES.has_key(block_name): block_name_s = SPECIAL_NAMES[block_name] elif BLOCK_NAMES.has_key(block_name): block_name_s = BLOCK_NAMES[block_name][0] elif block_name in TOOLBAR_SHAPES: block_name_s = '' else: block_name_s = _(block_name) if HELP_STRINGS.has_key(block_name): if block_name_s == '': label = HELP_STRINGS[block_name] else: label = block_name_s + ": " + HELP_STRINGS[block_name] else: label = block_name_s if self.running_sugar: self.activity.hover_help_label.set_text(label) self.activity.hover_help_label.show() else: self.win.set_title(_("Turtle Art") + " — " + label) return 0 """ Button release """ def _buttonrelease_cb(self, win, event): x, y = self._xy(event) self.button_release(x, y) if self._sharing(): self.activity._send_event("r:"+str(x)+":"+str(y)) return True def button_release(self, x, y, verbose=False): if self.dx != 0 or self.dy != 0: if self._sharing(): if verbose: print "processing move: %d %d" % (self.dx, self.dy) self.activity._send_event("m:%d:%d" % (self.dx, self.dy)) self.dx = 0 self.dy = 0 if verbose: print "processing remote button release: %d, %d" % (x, y) # We may have been moving the turtle if self.selected_turtle is not None: (tx, ty) = self.selected_turtle.get_xy() (cx, cy) = self.canvas.canvas.get_xy() self.canvas.xcor = tx-self.canvas.canvas._width/2+30-cx self.canvas.ycor = self.canvas.canvas._height/2-ty-30+cy self.canvas.move_turtle() if self.running_sugar: self.display_coordinates() self.selected_turtle = None return # If we don't have a group of blocks, then there is nothing to do. if self.drag_group == None: return blk = self.drag_group[0] # Remove blocks by dragging them onto the trash palette. if self.block_operation=='move' and self._in_the_trash(x, y): self._put_in_trash(blk, x, y) self.drag_group = None return # Pull a stack of new blocks off of the category palette. if self.block_operation=='new': for b in self.drag_group: (bx, by) = b.spr.get_xy() if self.orientation == 0: b.spr.move((bx+20, by+PALETTE_HEIGHT+self.toolbar_offset)) else: b.spr.move((bx+PALETTE_WIDTH, by+20)) # Look to see if we can dock the current stack. self._snap_to_dock() self._check_collapsibles(blk) for b in self.drag_group: if b.status != 'collapsed': b.spr.set_layer(BLOCK_LAYER) self.drag_group = None # Find the block we clicked on and process it. if self.block_operation=='click': self._click_block(x, y) """ Click block """ def _click_block(self, x, y): blk = self.block_list.spr_to_block(self.selected_spr) if blk is None: return self.selected_blk = blk if blk.name=='number' or blk.name=='string': self.saved_string = blk.spr.labels[0] blk.spr.labels[0] += CURSOR elif blk.name in BOX_STYLE_MEDIA: self._import_from_journal(self.selected_blk) if blk.name == 'journal' and self.running_sugar: self._load_description_block(blk) elif blk.name=='identity2' or blk.name=='hspace': group = self._find_group(blk) if self._hide_button_hit(blk.spr, x, y): dx = blk.reset_x() elif self._show_button_hit(blk.spr, x, y): dx = 20 blk.expand_in_x(dx) else: dx = 0 for b in group: if b != blk: b.spr.move_relative((dx*blk.scale, 0)) elif blk.name=='vspace': group = self._find_group(blk) if self._hide_button_hit(blk.spr, x, y): dy = blk.reset_y() elif self._show_button_hit(blk.spr, x, y): dy = 20 blk.expand_in_y(dy) else: dy = 0 for b in group: if b != blk: b.spr.move_relative((0, dy*blk.scale)) self._grow_stack_arm(self._find_sandwich_top(blk)) elif blk.name in EXPANDABLE or blk.name == 'nop': if self._show_button_hit(blk.spr, x, y): n = len(blk.connections) group = self._find_group(blk.connections[n-1]) if blk.name == 'myfunc1arg': blk.spr.labels[1] = 'f(x,y)' blk.spr.labels[2] = ' ' dy = blk.add_arg() blk.primitive = 'myfunction2' blk.name = 'myfunc2arg' elif blk.name == 'myfunc2arg': blk.spr.labels[1] = 'f(x,y,z)' dy = blk.add_arg(False) blk.primitive = 'myfunction3' blk.name = 'myfunc3arg' elif blk.name == 'userdefined': dy = blk.add_arg() blk.primitive = 'userdefined2' blk.name = 'userdefined2args' elif blk.name == 'userdefined2args': dy = blk.add_arg(False) blk.primitive = 'userdefined3' blk.name = 'userdefined3args' else: dy = blk.add_arg() for b in group: b.spr.move_relative((0, dy)) blk.connections.append(blk.connections[n-1]) argname = blk.docks[n-1][0] argvalue = DEFAULTS[blk.name][len(DEFAULTS[blk.name])-1] argblk = Block(self.block_list, self.sprite_list, argname, 0, 0, 'block', [argvalue], self.block_scale) argdock = argblk.docks[0] (bx, by) = blk.spr.get_xy() nx = bx+blk.docks[n-1][2]-argdock[2] ny = by+blk.docks[n-1][3]-argdock[3] argblk.spr.move((nx, ny)) argblk.spr.set_layer(TOP_LAYER) argblk.connections = [blk, None] blk.connections[n-1] = argblk self._grow_stack_arm(self._find_sandwich_top(blk)) elif blk.name in PYTHON_SKIN and self.myblock==None: self._import_py() else: self._run_stack(blk) elif blk.name in COLLAPSIBLE: top = self._find_sandwich_top(blk) if self._collapsed(blk): self._restore_stack(top) elif top is not None: self._collapse_stack(top) else: self._run_stack(blk) """ Collapsible stacks live between 'sandwichtop' and 'sandwichbottom' blocks What follows are a number of utilities for managing collapsible stacks. Alas, corner-cases abound. """ """ From the top, find and restore any collapsible stacks on forks. """ def _uncollapse_forks(self, top, looping=False): if top == None: return if looping and top.name == 'sandwichtop' or top.name == 'sandwichtop2': self._restore_stack(top) return if len(top.connections) == 0: return b = top.connections[len(top.connections)-1] while b is not None: if b.name in COLLAPSIBLE: return if b.name == 'sandwichtop' or b.name == 'sandwichtop2': self._restore_stack(b) return # Follow a fork if b.name in ['repeat','if','ifelse','forever','while','until']: top = self._find_sandwich_top_below( b.connections[len(b.connections)-2]) if top is not None: self._uncollapse_forks(top, True) if b.name == 'ifelse': top = self._find_sandwich_top_below( b.connections[len(b.connections)-3]) if top is not None: self._uncollapse_forks(top, True) b = b.connections[len(b.connections)-1] return """ Find the sandwich top above this block. """ def _find_sandwich_top(self, blk): # Always follow the main branch of a flow: the first connection. b = blk.connections[0] while b is not None: if b.name in COLLAPSIBLE: return None if b.name in ['repeat', 'if', 'ifelse', 'forever', 'while']: if blk != b.connections[len(b.connections)-1]: return None if b.name == 'sandwichtop' or b.name == 'sandwichtop2': return b blk = b b = b.connections[0] return None """ Find the sandwich bottom below this block. """ def _find_sandwich_bottom(self, blk): # Always follow the main branch of a flow: the last connection. b = blk.connections[len(blk.connections)-1] while b is not None: if b.name == 'sandwichtop' or b.name == 'sandwichtop2': return None if b.name in COLLAPSIBLE: return b b = b.connections[len(b.connections)-1] return None """ Find the sandwich top below this block. """ def _find_sandwich_top_below(self, blk): if blk.name == 'sandwichtop' or blk.name == 'sandwichtop2': return blk # Always follow the main branch of a flow: the last connection. b = blk.connections[len(blk.connections)-1] while b is not None: if b.name == 'sandwichtop' or b.name == 'sandwichtop2': return b b = b.connections[len(b.connections)-1] return None """ Hide all the blocks between the sandwich top and sandwich bottom. """ def _collapse_stack(self, top): # First uncollapse any nested stacks self._uncollapse_forks(top) hit_bottom = False bot = self._find_sandwich_bottom(top) group = self._find_group(top.connections[len(top.connections)-1]) for b in group: if not hit_bottom and b == bot: hit_bottom = True # Replace 'sandwichbottom' shape with 'sandwichcollapsed' shape if len(b.values) == 0: b.values.append(1) else: b.values[0] = 1 olddx = b.docks[1][2] olddy = b.docks[1][3] b.name = 'sandwichcollapsed' b.svg.set_show(True) b.svg.set_hide(False) b._dx = 0 b._ey = 0 b.spr.set_label(' ') b.resize() b.spr.set_label(_('click to open')) b.resize() # Redock to sandwich top in group you = self._find_sandwich_top(b) (yx, yy) = you.spr.get_xy() yd = you.docks[len(you.docks)-1] (bx, by) = b.spr.get_xy() dx = yx+yd[2]-b.docks[0][2]-bx dy = yy+yd[3]-b.docks[0][3]-by b.spr.move_relative((dx, dy)) # Since the shapes have changed, the dock positions have too. newdx = b.docks[1][2] newdy = b.docks[1][3] dx += newdx-olddx dy += newdy-olddy else: if not hit_bottom: b.spr.set_layer(HIDE_LAYER) b.status = 'collapsed' else: b.spr.move_relative((dx, dy)) # Remove 'sandwichtop' arm top.name = 'sandwichtop2' top.refresh() # self._reset_stack_arm(top) """ Restore all the blocks between the sandwich top and sandwich bottom. """ def _restore_stack(self, top): group = self._find_group(top.connections[len(top.connections)-1]) hit_bottom = False bot = self._find_sandwich_bottom(top) for b in group: if not hit_bottom and b == bot: hit_bottom = True if len(b.values) == 0: b.values.append(0) else: b.values[0] = 0 olddx = b.docks[1][2] olddy = b.docks[1][3] # Replace 'sandwichcollapsed' shape with 'sandwichbottom' shape b.name = 'sandwichbottom' b.spr.set_label(' ') b.svg.set_show(False) b.svg.set_hide(True) b.refresh() # Redock to previous block in group you = b.connections[0] (yx, yy) = you.spr.get_xy() yd = you.docks[len(you.docks)-1] (bx, by) = b.spr.get_xy() dx = yx+yd[2]-b.docks[0][2]-bx dy = yy+yd[3]-b.docks[0][3]-by b.spr.move_relative((dx, dy)) # Since the shapes have changed, the dock positions have too. newdx = b.docks[1][2] newdy = b.docks[1][3] dx += newdx-olddx dy += newdy-olddy else: if not hit_bottom: b.spr.set_layer(BLOCK_LAYER) b.status = None else: b.spr.move_relative((dx, dy)) # Add 'sandwichtop' arm top.name = 'sandwichtop' top.refresh() self._grow_stack_arm(top) """ When we undock, retract the 'arm' that extends down from 'sandwichtop'. """ def _reset_stack_arm(self, top): if top is not None and top.name == 'sandwichtop': if top.ey > 0: top.reset_y() """ When we dock, grow an 'arm' the length of the stack from 'sandwichtop'. """ def _grow_stack_arm(self, top): if top is not None and top.name == 'sandwichtop': bot = self._find_sandwich_bottom(top) if bot is None: return if top.ey > 0: top.reset_y() (tx, ty) = top.spr.get_xy() (tw, th) = top.spr.get_dimensions() (bx, by) = bot.spr.get_xy() dy = by-(ty+th) if dy > 0: top.expand_in_y(dy/top.scale) """ Check the state of collapsible blocks upon change in dock state. """ def _check_collapsibles(self, blk): group = self._find_group(blk) for b in group: if b.name in COLLAPSIBLE: if self._collapsed(b): b.svg.set_show(True) b.svg.set_hide(False) self._reset_stack_arm(self._find_sandwich_top(b)) elif self._collapsible(b): b.svg.set_hide(True) b.svg.set_show(False) self._grow_stack_arm(self._find_sandwich_top(b)) else: b.svg.set_hide(False) b.svg.set_show(False) # Ouch: When you tear off the sandwich bottom, you # no longer have access to the group with the sandwich top # so check them all. for bb in self.just_blocks(): if bb.name == 'sandwichtop': if self._find_sandwich_bottom(bb) is None: self._reset_stack_arm(bb) b.refresh() """ Is this stack collapsed? """ def _collapsed(self, blk): if blk is not None and blk.name in COLLAPSIBLE and\ len(blk.values) == 1 and blk.values[0] != 0: return True return False """ Can this stack be collapsed? """ def _collapsible(self, blk): if blk is None or blk.name not in COLLAPSIBLE: return False if self._find_sandwich_top(blk) is None: return False return True """ Run a stack of blocks. """ def _run_stack(self, blk): if blk is None: return self.lc.ag = None top = self.find_top_block(blk) self.lc.run_blocks(top, self.just_blocks(), True) gobject.idle_add(self.lc.doevalstep) """ Did the sprite's hide (contract) button get hit? """ def _hide_button_hit(self, spr, x, y): r,g,b,a = spr.get_pixel((x, y)) if (r == 255 and g == 0) or g == 255: return True else: return False """ Did the sprite's show (expand) button get hit? """ def _show_button_hit(self, spr, x, y): r,g,b,a = spr.get_pixel((x, y)) if g == 254: return True else: return False """ Snap a block to the dock of another block. """ def _snap_to_dock(self): my_block = self.drag_group[0] d = 200 for my_dockn in range(len(my_block.docks)): for i, your_block in enumerate(self.just_blocks()): # don't link to a block to which you're already connected if your_block in self.drag_group: continue # check each dock of your_block for a possible connection for your_dockn in range(len(your_block.docks)): this_xy = self._dock_dx_dy(your_block, your_dockn, my_block, my_dockn) if magnitude(this_xy) > d: continue d = magnitude(this_xy) best_xy = this_xy best_you = your_block best_your_dockn = your_dockn best_my_dockn = my_dockn if d<200: if not self._arithmetic_check(my_block, best_you, best_my_dockn, best_your_dockn): return for blk in self.drag_group: (sx, sy) = blk.spr.get_xy() blk.spr.move((sx+best_xy[0], sy+best_xy[1])) # If there was already a block docked there, move it to the trash. blk_in_dock = best_you.connections[best_your_dockn] if blk_in_dock is not None: blk_in_dock.connections[0] = None self._put_in_trash(blk_in_dock) best_you.connections[best_your_dockn] = my_block if my_block.connections is not None: my_block.connections[best_my_dockn] = best_you """ Additional docking check for arithmetic blocks: dock strings only if they convert to numbers. Also, avoid /0 and root(-1) """ def _arithmetic_check(self, b1, b2, d1, d2): if b1 == None or b2 == None: return True if b1.name in ['sqrt', 'number', 'string'] and\ b2.name in ['sqrt', 'number', 'string']: if b1.name == 'number' or b1.name == 'string': if not numeric_arg(b1.values[0]) or neg_arg(b1.values[0]): return False elif b2.name == 'number' or b2.name == 'string': if not numeric_arg(b2.values[0]) or neg_arg(b2.values[0]): return False elif b1.name in ['division2', 'number', 'string'] and\ b2.name in ['division2', 'number', 'string']: if b1.name == 'number' or b1.name == 'string': if not numeric_arg(b1.values[0]): return False if d2 == 2 and zero_arg(b1.values[0]): return False elif b2.name == 'number' or b2.name == 'string': if not numeric_arg(b2.values[0]): return False if d1 == 2 and zero_arg(b2.values[0]): return False elif b1.name in ['product2', 'minus2', 'random', 'remainder2', 'string'] and\ b2.name in ['product2', 'minus2', 'random', 'remainder2', 'string']: if b1.name == 'string': if not numeric_arg(b1.values[0]): return False elif b1.name == 'string': if not numeric_arg(b2.values[0]): return False elif b1.name in ['greater2', 'less2'] and b2.name == 'string': # Non-numeric stings are OK if only both args are strings; # Lots of test conditions... if d1 == 1 and b1.connections[2] is not None: if b1.connections[2].name == 'number': if not numeric_arg(b2.values[0]): return False elif d1 == 2 and b1.connections[1] is not None: if b1.connections[1].name == 'number': if not numeric_arg(b2.values[0]): return False elif b2.name in ['greater2', 'less2'] and b1.name == 'string': if d2 == 1 and b2.connections[2] is not None: if b2.connections[2].name == 'number': if not numeric_arg(b1.values[0]): return False elif d2 == 2 and b2.connections[1] is not None: if b2.connections[1].name == 'number': if not numeric_arg(b1.values[0]): return False elif b1.name in ['greater2', 'less2'] and b2.name == 'number': if d1 == 1 and b1.connections[2] is not None: if b1.connections[2].name == 'string': if not numeric_arg(b1.connections[2].values[0]): return False elif d1 == 2 and b1.connections[1] is not None: if b1.connections[1].name == 'string': if not numeric_arg(b1.connections[1].values[0]): return False elif b2.name in ['greater2', 'less2'] and b1.name == 'number': if d2 == 1 and b2.connections[2] is not None: if b2.connections[2].name == 'string': if not numeric_arg(b2.connections[2].values[0]): return False elif d2 == 2 and b2.connections[1] is not None: if b2.connections[1].name == 'string': if not numeric_arg(b2.connections[1].values[0]): return False return True """ Import a file from the Sugar Journal """ def _import_from_journal(self, blk): if self.running_sugar: chooser = ObjectChooser('Choose image', None, gtk.DIALOG_MODAL | gtk.DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT) try: result = chooser.run() if result == gtk.RESPONSE_ACCEPT: dsobject = chooser.get_selected_object() self._update_media_icon(blk, dsobject, dsobject.object_id) dsobject.destroy() finally: chooser.destroy() del chooser else: fname, self.load_save_folder = \ get_load_name('.*', self.load_save_folder) if fname is None: return self._update_media_icon(blk, fname) """ When we load a journal block, look for a corresponding description block """ def _load_description_block(self, blk): if blk == None or blk.name != 'journal' or len(blk.values) == 0 or\ blk.connections[0] is None: return cblk = blk.connections[0] dblk = self._find_blk_below(cblk, 'description') # Only autoupdate the block if it is empty if dblk != None and (len(dblk.values) == 0 or dblk.values[0] == None): # Copy the dsobject id and update the icon self._update_media_icon(dblk, None, blk.values[0]) """ Find a specific block below this block. """ def _find_blk_below(self, blk, name): if blk == None or len(blk.connections) == 0: return group = self._find_group(blk) for b in group: if b.name == name: return b return None """ Update the icon on a 'loaded' media block. """ def _update_media_icon(self, blk, name, value=''): if blk.name == 'journal': self._load_image_thumb(name, blk) elif blk.name == 'audio': self._block_skin('audioon', blk) else: self._block_skin('descriptionon', blk) if value == '': value = name if len(blk.values)>0: blk.values[0] = value else: blk.values.append(value) blk.spr.set_label(' ') """ Replace icon with a preview image. """ def _load_image_thumb(self, picture, blk): pixbuf = None self._block_skin('descriptionon', blk) if self.running_sugar: w, h = calc_image_size(blk.spr) pixbuf = get_pixbuf_from_journal(picture, w, h) else: if movie_media_type(picture): self._block_skin('journalon', blk) elif audio_media_type(picture): self._block_skin('audioon', blk) blk.name = 'audio' elif image_media_type(picture): w, h = calc_image_size(blk.spr) pixbuf = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file_at_size(picture, w, h) else: blk.name = 'description' if pixbuf is not None: x, y = self._calc_image_offset('', blk.spr) blk.set_image(pixbuf, x, y) self._resize_skin(blk) """ Disconnect block from stack above it. """ def _disconnect(self, blk): if blk.connections[0]==None: return if self._collapsed(blk): return blk2=blk.connections[0] blk2.connections[blk2.connections.index(blk)] = None blk.connections[0] = None """ Find the distance between the dock points of two blocks. """ def _dock_dx_dy(self, block1, dock1n, block2, dock2n): dock1 = block1.docks[dock1n] dock2 = block2.docks[dock2n] d1type, d1dir, d1x, d1y = dock1[0:4] d2type, d2dir, d2x, d2y = dock2[0:4] if block1 == block2: return (100,100) if d1dir == d2dir: return (100,100) if (d2type is not 'number') or (dock2n is not 0): if block1.connections is not None and \ dock1n < len(block1.connections) and \ block1.connections[dock1n] is not None: return (100,100) if block2.connections is not None and \ dock2n < len(block2.connections) and \ block2.connections[dock2n] is not None: return (100,100) if d1type != d2type: if block1.name in STRING_OR_NUMBER_ARGS: if d2type == 'number' or d2type == 'string': pass elif block1.name in CONTENT_ARGS: if d2type in CONTENT_BLOCKS: pass else: return (100,100) (b1x, b1y) = block1.spr.get_xy() (b2x, b2y) = block2.spr.get_xy() return ((b1x+d1x)-(b2x+d2x), (b1y+d1y)-(b2y+d2y)) """ Keyboard """ def _keypress_cb(self, area, event): keyname = gtk.gdk.keyval_name(event.keyval) keyunicode = gtk.gdk.keyval_to_unicode(event.keyval) if event.get_state()>k.gdk.MOD1_MASK: alt_mask = True alt_flag = 'T' else: alt_mask = False alt_flag = 'F' results = self._key_press(alt_mask, keyname, keyunicode) if keyname is not None and self._sharing(): self.activity._send_event("k:%s:%s:%s" % (alt_flag, keyname, str(keyunicode))) return keyname def _key_press(self, alt_mask, keyname, keyunicode, verbose=False): if keyname is None: return False if verbose: print "processing remote key press: %s" % (keyname) self.keypress = keyname # First, process Alt keys. if alt_mask and self.selected_blk is not None: if keyname=="i" and self._sharing(): self.activity.waiting_for_blocks = True self.activity._send_event("i") # request sync for sharing elif keyname=="p": self.hideshow_button() elif keyname=='q': exit() return True # Process keyboard input for 'number' blocks if self.selected_blk is not None and\ self.selected_blk.name == 'number': self._process_numeric_input(keyname) return True # Process keyboard input for 'string' blocks elif self.selected_blk is not None and\ self.selected_blk.name == 'string': self.process_alphanumeric_input(keyname, keyunicode) if self.selected_blk is not None: self.selected_blk.resize() return True # Otherwise, use keyboard input to move blocks or turtles else: self._process_keyboard_commands(keyname) if self.selected_blk is None: return False ''' Make sure numeric input is valid. ''' def _process_numeric_input(self, keyname): oldnum = self.selected_blk.spr.labels[0].replace(CURSOR,'') if len(oldnum) == 0: oldnum = '0' if keyname == 'minus': if oldnum == '0': newnum = '-' elif oldnum[0] != '-': newnum = '-' + oldnum else: newnum = oldnum elif keyname == 'period' and '.' not in oldnum: newnum = oldnum + '.' elif keyname == 'BackSpace': if len(oldnum) > 0: newnum = oldnum[:len(oldnum)-1] else: newnum = '' elif keyname in ['0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9']: if oldnum == '0': newnum = keyname else: newnum = oldnum + keyname elif keyname == 'Return': self._unselect_block() return else: newnum = oldnum if newnum == '.': newnum = '0.' if len(newnum) > 0 and newnum != '-': try: float(newnum) except ValueError,e: newnum = oldnum self.selected_blk.spr.set_label(newnum + CURSOR) """ Make sure alphanumeric input is properly parsed. """ def process_alphanumeric_input(self, keyname, keyunicode): if len(self.selected_blk.spr.labels[0]) > 0: c = self.selected_blk.spr.labels[0].count(CURSOR) if c == 0: oldleft = self.selected_blk.spr.labels[0] oldright = '' elif len(self.selected_blk.spr.labels[0]) == 1: oldleft = '' oldright = '' else: try: # Why are getting a ValueError on occasion? oldleft, oldright =\ self.selected_blk.spr.labels[0].split(CURSOR) except ValueError: print "[%s]" % self.selected_blk.spr.labels[0] oldleft = self.selected_blk.spr.labels[0] oldright = '' else: oldleft = '' oldright = '' newleft = oldleft if keyname in ['Shift_L', 'Shift_R', 'Control_L', 'Caps_Lock',\ 'Alt_L', 'Alt_R', 'KP_Enter', 'ISO_Level3_Shift']: keyname = '' keyunicode = 0 # Hack until I sort out input and unicode and dead keys, if keyname[0:5] == 'dead_': self.dead_key = keyname keyname = '' keyunicode = 0 if keyname == 'space': keyunicode = 32 elif keyname == 'Tab': keyunicode = 9 if keyname == 'BackSpace': if len(oldleft) > 1: newleft = oldleft[:len(oldleft)-1] else: newleft = '' elif keyname == 'Home': oldright = oldleft+oldright newleft = '' elif keyname == 'Left': if len(oldleft) > 0: oldright = oldleft[len(oldleft)-1:]+oldright newleft = oldleft[:len(oldleft)-1] elif keyname == 'Right': if len(oldright) > 0: newleft = oldleft + oldright[0] oldright = oldright[1:] elif keyname == 'End': newleft = oldleft+oldright oldright = '' elif keyname == 'Return': newleft = oldleft+RETURN elif keyname == 'Down': self._unselect_block() return elif keyname == 'Up' or keyname == 'Escape': # Restore previous state self.selected_blk.spr.set_label(self.saved_string) self._unselect_block() return else: if self.dead_key is not '': keyunicode =\ DEAD_DICTS[DEAD_KEYS.index(self.dead_key[5:])][keyname] self.dead_key = '' if keyunicode > 0: if unichr(keyunicode) != '\x00': newleft = oldleft+unichr(keyunicode) else: newleft = oldleft elif keyunicode == -1: # clipboard text if keyname == '\n': newleft = oldleft+RETURN else: newleft = oldleft+keyname self.selected_blk.spr.set_label("%s%s%s" % (newleft, CURSOR, oldright)) """ Use the keyboard to move blocks and turtle """ def _process_keyboard_commands(self, keyname): mov_dict = {'KP_Up':[0,10],'j':[0,10],'Up':[0,10], 'KP_Down':[0,-10],'k':[0,-10],'Down':[0,-10], 'KP_Left':[-10,0],'h':[-10,0],'Left':[-10,0], 'KP_Right':[10,0],'l':[10,0],'Right':[10,0], 'KP_Page_Down':[0,0], 'KP_Page_Up':[0,0], 'KP_End':[0,0], 'KP_Home':[-1,-1],'Return':[-1,-1], 'Esc':[0,0]} if not mov_dict.has_key(keyname): return if keyname == 'KP_End': self.run_button(0) elif self.selected_spr is not None: blk = self.block_list.spr_to_block(self.selected_spr) tur = self.turtles.spr_to_turtle(self.selected_spr) if not self.lc.running and blk is not None: if keyname == 'Return' or keyname == 'KP_Page_Up': (x, y) = blk.spr.get_xy() self._click_block(x, y) elif keyname == 'KP_Page_Down': if self.drag_group == None: self.drag_group = self._find_group(blk) for b in self.drag_group: b.spr.hide() self.drag_group = None else: self._jog_block(blk, mov_dict[keyname][0], mov_dict[keyname][1]) elif tur is not None: self._jog_turtle(mov_dict[keyname][0], mov_dict[keyname][1]) return True """ Jog turtle """ def _jog_turtle(self, dx, dy): if dx == -1 and dy == -1: self.canvas.xcor = 0 self.canvas.ycor = 0 else: self.canvas.xcor += dx self.canvas.ycor += dy self.canvas.move_turtle() self.display_coordinates() self.selected_turtle = None """ Jog block """ def _jog_block(self, blk, dx, dy): if self._collapsed(blk): return self.drag_group = self._find_group(blk) # check to see if any block ends up with a negative x for blk in self.drag_group: (sx, sy) = blk.spr.get_xy() if sx+dx < 0: dx += -(sx+dx) # move the stack for blk in self.drag_group: (sx, sy) = blk.spr.get_xy() blk.spr.move((sx+dx, sy-dy)) self._snap_to_dock() self.drag_group = None """ Make sure a 'number' block contains a number. """ def _number_check(self): n = self.selected_blk.spr.labels[0].replace(CURSOR,'') if n in ['-', '.', '-.']: n = 0 if n is not None: try: f = float(n) if f > 1000000: n = 1 self.showlabel("#overflowerror") elif f < -1000000: n = -1 self.showlabel("#overflowerror") except ValueError: n = 0 self.showlabel("#notanumber") else: n = 0 self.selected_blk.spr.set_label(n) self.selected_blk.values[0] = n def _string_check(self): s = self.selected_blk.spr.labels[0].replace(CURSOR,'') self.selected_blk.spr.set_label(s) self.selected_blk.values[0] = s.replace(RETURN,"\12") """ Load Python code from a file """ def load_python_code(self): fname, self.load_save_folder = get_load_name('.py', self.load_save_folder) if fname==None: return f = open(fname, 'r') self.myblock = f.read() f.close() """ Import Python code into a block """ def _import_py(self): if self.running_sugar: self.activity.import_py() else: self.load_python_code() self.set_userdefined() """ Start a new project """ def new_project(self): stop_logo(self) # Put current project in the trash. while len(self.just_blocks()) > 0: b = self.just_blocks()[0] top = self.find_top_block(b) self._put_in_trash(top) self.canvas.clearscreen() self.save_file_name = None """ Load a project from a file """ def load_files(self, ta_file, create_new_project=True): if create_new_project: self.new_project() top = self.process_data(data_from_file(ta_file)) self._check_collapsibles(top) def load_file(self, create_new_project=True): fname, self.load_save_folder = get_load_name('.ta', self.load_save_folder) if fname==None: return if fname[-3:] == '.ta': fname=fname[0:-3] self.load_files(fname+'.ta', create_new_project) if create_new_project: self.save_file_name = os.path.basename(fname) """ Turtles are either [-1, 'turtle', ...] or [-1, ['turtle', key], ...] """ def _found_a_turtle(self, b): if b[1] == 'turtle': self.load_turtle(b) return True elif type(b[1]) == list and b[1][0] == 'turtle': self.load_turtle(b, b[1][1]) return True elif type(b[1]) == tuple: btype, key = b[1] if btype == 'turtle': self.load_turtle(b, key) return True return False """ Restore a turtle from its saved state """ def load_turtle(self, b, key=1): id, name, xcor, ycor, heading, color, shade, pensize = b self.canvas.set_turtle(key) self.canvas.setxy(xcor, ycor) self.canvas.seth(heading) self.canvas.setcolor(color) self.canvas.setshade(shade) self.canvas.setpensize(pensize) """ Restore individual blocks from saved state """ def load_block(self, b): # A block is saved as: (i, (btype, value), x, y, (c0,... cn)) # The x,y position is saved/loaded for backward compatibility btype, value = b[1], None if type(btype) == tuple: btype, value = btype elif type(btype) == list: btype, value = btype[0], btype[1] if btype in CONTENT_BLOCKS or btype in COLLAPSIBLE: if btype == 'number': try: values = [int(value)] except ValueError: values = [float(value)] elif btype in COLLAPSIBLE: if value is not None: values = [int(value)] else: values = [] else: values = [value] else: values = [] if btype in OLD_DOCK: check_dock = True else: check_dock = False if OLD_NAMES.has_key(btype): btype = OLD_NAMES[btype] blk = Block(self.block_list, self.sprite_list, btype, b[2]+self.canvas.cx, b[3]+self.canvas.cy, 'block', values, self.block_scale) # Some blocks get transformed. if btype == 'string': blk.spr.set_label(blk.values[0].replace('\n', RETURN)) elif btype in EXPANDABLE or btype == 'nop': if btype == 'vspace': if value is not None: blk.expand_in_y(value) elif btype == 'hspace' or btype == 'identity2': if value is not None: blk.expand_in_x(value) elif btype == 'templatelist' or btype == 'list': for i in range(len(b[4])-4): dy = blk.add_arg() elif btype == 'myfunc2arg' or btype == 'myfunc3arg' or\ btype == 'userdefined2args' or btype == 'userdefined3args': dy = blk.add_arg() if btype == 'myfunc3arg' or btype == 'userdefined3args': dy = blk.add_arg(False) if btype in PYTHON_SKIN: if self.nop == 'pythonloaded': self._block_skin('pythonon', blk) else: self._block_skin('pythonoff', blk) elif btype in BOX_STYLE_MEDIA: if len(blk.values) == 0 or blk.values[0] == 'None' or\ blk.values[0] == None: self._block_skin(btype+'off', blk) elif btype == 'audio' or btype == 'description': self._block_skin(btype+'on', blk) elif self.running_sugar: try: dsobject = datastore.get(blk.values[0]) if not movie_media_type(dsobject.file_path[-4:]): w, h, = calc_image_size(blk.spr) pixbuf = get_pixbuf_from_journal(dsobject, w, h) if pixbuf is not None: x, y = self._calc_image_offset('', blk.spr) blk.set_image(pixbuf, x, y) else: self._block_skin('journalon', blk) dsobject.destroy() except: try: w, h, = calc_image_size(blk.spr) pixbuf = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file_at_size( blk.values[0], w, h) x, y = self._calc_image_offset('', blk.spr) blk.set_image(pixbuf, x, y) except: print "Warning: Couldn't open dsobject (%s)" %\ (blk.values[0]) self._block_skin('journaloff', blk) else: if not movie_media_type(blk.values[0][-4:]): try: w, h, = calc_image_size(blk.spr) pixbuf = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file_at_size( blk.values[0], w, h) x, y = self._calc_image_offset('', blk.spr) blk.set_image(pixbuf, x, y) except: self._block_skin('journaloff', blk) else: self._block_skin('journalon', blk) blk.spr.set_label(' ') blk.resize() blk.spr.set_layer(BLOCK_LAYER) if check_dock: blk.connections = 'check' return blk """ Start a new project with a 'start' brick """ def load_start(self): top = self.process_data([[0, "start", PALETTE_WIDTH+20, self.toolbar_offset+PALETTE_HEIGHT+20, [None, None]]]) """ Start a project to a file """ def save_file(self): if self.save_folder is not None: self.load_save_folder = self.save_folder fname, self.load_save_folder = get_save_name('.ta', self.load_save_folder, self.save_file_name) if fname is None: return if fname[-3:]=='.ta': fname=fname[0:-3] data = self.assemble_data_to_save() data_to_file(data, fname+'.ta') self.save_file_name = os.path.basename(fname) """ Pack the project (or stack) into a data stream to be serialized """ def assemble_data_to_save(self, save_turtle=True, save_project=True): data = [] blks = [] if save_project: blks = self.just_blocks() else: blks = self._find_group(self.find_top_block(self.selected_blk)) for i, b in enumerate(blks): b.id = i for b in blks: if b.name in CONTENT_BLOCKS or b.name in COLLAPSIBLE: if len(b.values)>0: name = (b.name, b.values[0]) else: name = (b.name) elif b.name in EXPANDABLE: ex, ey = b.get_expand_x_y() if ex > 0: name = (b.name, ex) elif ey > 0: name = (b.name, ey) else: name = (b.name, 0) else: name = (b.name) if hasattr(b, 'connections'): connections = [get_id(c) for c in b.connections] else: connections = None (sx, sy) = b.spr.get_xy() # Add a slight offset for copy/paste if not save_project: sx+=20 sy+=20 data.append((b.id, name, sx-self.canvas.cx, sy-self.canvas.cy, connections)) if save_turtle: for k in iter(self.turtles.dict): self.canvas.set_turtle(k) data.append((-1,['turtle', k], self.canvas.xcor, self.canvas.ycor, self.canvas.heading, self.canvas.color, self.canvas.shade, self.canvas.pensize)) return data """ Display the coordinates of the current turtle on the toolbar """ def display_coordinates(self): x = round_int(self.canvas.xcor/self.coord_scale) y = round_int(self.canvas.ycor/self.coord_scale) h = round_int(self.canvas.heading) if self.running_sugar: self.activity.coordinates_label.set_text("%s: %d %s: %d %s: %d" % ( _("xcor"), x, _("ycor"), y, _("heading"), h)) self.activity.coordinates_label.show() else: self.win.set_title("%s — %s: %d %s: %d %s: %d" % (_("Turtle Art"), _("xcor"), x, _("ycor"), y, _("heading"), h)) """ Display a message on a status block """ def showlabel(self, shp, label=''): if shp == 'syntaxerror' and str(label) != '': if self.status_shapes.has_key(str(label)[1:]): shp = str(label)[1:] label = '' else: shp = 'status' elif shp[0] == '#': shp = shp[1:] label = '' if shp=='notanumber': shp = 'overflowerror' self.status_spr.set_shape(self.status_shapes[shp]) self.status_spr.set_label(str(label)) self.status_spr.set_layer(STATUS_LAYER) if shp == 'info': self.status_spr.move((PALETTE_WIDTH, self.height-400)) else: self.status_spr.move((PALETTE_WIDTH, self.height-200)) """ Relative placement of portfolio objects (used by depreciated blocks) """ def calc_position(self, t): w,h,x,y,dx,dy = TEMPLATES[t] x *= self.canvas.width y *= self.canvas.height w *= (self.canvas.width-x) h *= (self.canvas.height-y) dx *= w dy *= h return(w,h,x,y,dx,dy) """ Grab the current canvas and save it. """ def save_as_image(self, name=""): if len(name) == 0: filename = "ta.png" else: filename = name+".png" if self.running_sugar: datapath = os.path.join(self.activity.get_activity_root(), "instance") else: datapath = os.getcwd() file_path = os.path.join(datapath, filename) save_picture(self.canvas, file_path) if self.running_sugar: dsobject = datastore.create() if len(name) == 0: dsobject.metadata['title'] = "%s %s" % ( self.activity.metadata['title'], _("image")) else: dsobject.metadata['title'] = name dsobject.metadata['icon-color'] = profile.get_color().to_string() dsobject.metadata['mime_type'] = 'image/png' dsobject.set_file_path(file_path) datastore.write(dsobject) dsobject.destroy() """ Where is the mouse event? """ def _xy(self, event): return map(int, event.get_coords()) """ Utilities related to finding blocks in stacks. """ """ Find a stack to run (any stack without a 'def action'on the top). """ def _find_block_to_run(self, blk): top = self.find_top_block(blk) if blk == top and blk.name[0:3] is not 'def': return True else: return False """ Find the top block in a stack. """ def find_top_block(self, blk): if len(blk.connections) == 0: return blk while blk.connections[0] is not None: blk = blk.connections[0] return blk """ Find a stack with a 'start' block on top. """ def _find_start_stack(self, blk): top = self.find_top_block(blk) if top.name == 'start': return True else: return False """ Find the connected group of block in a stack. """ def _find_group(self, blk): if blk is None: return [] group=[blk] if blk.connections is not None: for blk2 in blk.connections[1:]: if blk2 is not None: group.extend(self._find_group(blk2)) return group """ Filter out 'proto', 'trash', and 'deleted' blocks """ def just_blocks(self): just_blocks_list = [] for b in self.block_list.list: if b.type == 'block': just_blocks_list.append(b) return just_blocks_list """ What are the width and height of a stack? """ def _width_and_height(self, blk): minx = 10000 miny = 10000 maxx = -10000 maxy = -10000 for b in self._find_group(blk): (x, y) = b.spr.get_xy() w, h = b.spr.get_dimensions() if xmaxx: maxx = x+w if y+h>maxy: maxy = y+h return(maxx-minx, maxy-miny) """ Utilities related to putting a image 'skin' on a block """ """ Calculate the postion for placing an image onto a sprite. """ def _calc_image_offset(self, name, spr, iw=0, ih=0): _l, _t = spr.label_left_top() if name == '': return _l, _t _w = spr.label_safe_width() _h = spr.label_safe_height() if iw == 0: iw = self.media_shapes[name].get_width() ih = self.media_shapes[name].get_height() return int(_l+(_w-iw)/2), int(_t+(_h-ih)/2) """ Calculate new image size """ def _calc_w_h(self, name, spr): target_w = spr.label_safe_width() target_h = spr.label_safe_height() if name == '': return target_w, target_h image_w = self.media_shapes[name].get_width() image_h = self.media_shapes[name].get_height() scale_factor = float(target_w)/image_w new_w = target_w new_h = image_h*scale_factor if new_h > target_h: scale_factor = float(target_h)/new_h new_h = target_h new_w = target_w*scale_factor return int(new_w), int(new_h) """ Utility for calculating proto skin images """ def _proto_skin(self, name, n, i): x, y = self._calc_image_offset(name, self.palettes[n][i].spr) self.palettes[n][i].spr.set_image(self.media_shapes[name], 1, x, y) """ Some blocks get a skin """ def _block_skin(self, name, blk): x, y = self._calc_image_offset(name, blk.spr) blk.set_image(self.media_shapes[name], x, y) self._resize_skin(blk) """ Resize the 'skin' when block scale changes. """ def _resize_skin(self, b): if b.name in PYTHON_SKIN: w, h = self._calc_w_h('pythonoff', b.spr) x, y = self._calc_image_offset('pythonoff', b.spr, w, h) elif b.name == 'journal': if len(b.values) == 1 and b.values[0] is not None: w, h = self._calc_w_h('', b.spr) x, y = self._calc_image_offset('journaloff', b.spr, w, h) else: w, h = self._calc_w_h('journaloff', b.spr) x, y = self._calc_image_offset('journaloff', b.spr, w, h) else: w, h = self._calc_w_h('descriptionoff', b.spr) x, y = self._calc_image_offset('descriptionoff', b.spr, w, h) b.scale_image(x, y, w, h)