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authorJamie Boisture <jboisture@jboisture-laptop.(none)>2009-07-24 22:28:49 (GMT)
committer Jamie Boisture <jboisture@jboisture-laptop.(none)>2009-07-24 22:28:49 (GMT)
commit625640a2781db76b3b8e5053d307ef80993646da (patch)
parentca210cf65d417c9d6710cde14560233f4d847c77 (diff)
added a robots example and a bounching ball example to data/graphicsHEADmaster
2 files changed, 178 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/data/graphics/bouncing b/data/graphics/bouncing
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b14afc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/graphics/bouncing
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+from pippy.gasp import * # import everything from pippy.gasp
+import math # import math
+class Mover:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.speed = random_between(1,3)
+ self.direction = random_between(10,360)
+ self.rad = random_between(10,20)
+ self.color = (random_between(0,255),random_between(0,255),random_between(0,255))
+ self.x = random_between(self.rad,screen_size()[0]-self.rad)
+ self.y = random_between(self.rad,screen_size()[1]-self.rad)
+ self.shape = Circle((self.x,self.y),self.rad,color = self.color,filled = True)
+ self.move_x = math.cos(math.degrees(self.direction))*self.speed
+ self.move_y = math.sin(math.degrees(self.direction))*self.speed
+ def move(self):
+ self.x += self.move_x
+ self.y += self.move_y
+ self.keep_to_screen()
+ move_to(self.shape,(self.x,self.y))
+ def keep_to_screen(self):
+ if self.x < self.rad or self.x > screen_size()[0]-self.rad:
+ self.move_x = self.move_x * -1
+ if self.y < self.rad or self.y > screen_size()[1]-self.rad:
+ self.move_y = self.move_y * -1
+num_movers = random_between(10,30)
+movers = []
+for i in range(num_movers):
+ movers.append(Mover())
+while "enter" not in keys_pressed():
+ for mover in movers: mover.move()
+ update_when("next_tick")
diff --git a/data/graphics/robots b/data/graphics/robots
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..71ca553
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/graphics/robots
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+from pippy.gasp import * #import everything from pippy.gasp
+class Robot:
+ #A class used to store information about a robot
+ pass
+class Player:
+ #A class used to store information about a player
+ pass
+def show_level(level_num):
+ # shows what level is about to start
+ level_text = Text("Level "+str(level_num),(screen_size()[0]/2-50,screen_size()[1]/2),size = 30)
+ sleep(2)
+ remove_from_screen(level_text)
+def place_player(robots):
+ #pick a point of the screen of the player
+ player = Player
+ player.x = random_between(0,screen_size()[0]/10-1)
+ player.y = random_between(0,screen_size()[1]/10-1)
+ #make sure the player is not placed directly on top of a robot
+ while player_caught(player,robots):
+ player.x = random_between(0,screen_size()[0]/10-1)
+ player.y = random_between(0,screen_size()[1]/10-1)
+ #put the player on the screen by creating a circle
+ player.shape = Circle((10*player.x+5, 10*player.y+5), 5, filled=1)
+ return player
+def move_player(player,robots):
+ #handles the movement of the player
+ key = update_when("key_pressed") #waits untill a key is pressed and then returns that key as a string
+ if "t" == key:
+ #if "t" is pressed the player teleports
+ remove_from_screen(player.shape)
+ player = place_player(robots)
+ #change the players x and y location
+ if "q" == key:
+ if player.x > 0 and player.y < screen_size()[1]/10-1:
+ player.x -= 1
+ player.y += 1
+ if "w" == key:
+ if player.y < screen_size()[1]/10-1:
+ player.y += 1
+ if "e" == key:
+ if player.x < screen_size()[0]/10-1 and player.y < screen_size()[1]/10-1:
+ player.x += 1
+ player.y += 1
+ if "d" == key:
+ if player.x < screen_size()[0]/10-1:
+ player.x += 1
+ if "c" == key:
+ if player.x < screen_size()[0]/10-1 and player.y > 0:
+ player.x += 1
+ player.y -= 1
+ if "x" == key:
+ if player.y > 0:
+ player.y -= 1
+ if "z" == key:
+ if player.x > 0 and player.y > 0:
+ player.x -= 1
+ player.y -= 1
+ if "a" == key:
+ if player.x > 0:
+ player.x -= 1
+ # move the players shape on screen to the new location
+ move_to(player.shape,(10*player.x+5,10*player.y+5))
+ return player
+def place_robots(num_robots):
+ #create a certain number of robots defined by num_robots
+ robots = []
+ for i in range(num_robots):
+ robot = Robot()
+ robot.x = random_between(0,screen_size()[0]/10-1)
+ robot.y = random_between(0,screen_size()[1]/10-1)
+ robot.junk = False
+ robot.shape = Box((10*robot.x,10*robot.y),10,10)
+ robots.append(robot)
+ return robots
+def move_robots(robots, player):
+ # move all the robots towards the player
+ for robot in robots:
+ if not robot.junk:
+ if robot.x > player.x:
+ robot.x -= 1
+ if robot.x < player.x:
+ robot.x += 1
+ if robot.y > player.y:
+ robot.y -= 1
+ if robot.y < player.y:
+ robot.y += 1
+ move_to(robot.shape,(10*robot.x,10*robot.y))
+def player_caught(player, robots):
+ #check if the player is caught
+ for robot in robots:
+ if robot.x == player.x and robot.y == player.y:
+ return True
+ return False
+def robot_crashed(robots):
+ #check if any of the robots have crashed into each other
+ for robot1 in robots:
+ for robot2 in robots:
+ if robot1.x == robot2.x and robot1.y == robot2.y and robot1!=robot2:
+ if not robot1.junk:
+ robot1.junk = True
+ remove_from_screen(robot1.shape)
+ robot1.shape = Box((10*robot1.x,10*robot1.y),10,10,filled=True)
+def alive_robots(robots):
+ # returns True if all the robots are dead
+ for robot in robots:
+ if robot.junk == False: return False
+ return True
+begin_graphics() #So that you can draw things
+level = 1 #the starting level
+robot_num = 5 #the number of robots to place on screen
+dead = False #set dead to False
+while not dead: #run while the player is not dead
+ clear_screen() #clear the screen at the start of each level
+ show_level(level) #show what level is about to start
+ robots = place_robots(robot_num) #create the robots
+ player = place_player(robots) #create the player
+ level_complete = False
+ while not level_complete and not dead: #run this level while the player is not dead and the level is not complete
+ player = move_player(player, robots) #move the player
+ move_robots(robots, player) #move all of the robots
+ dead = player_caught(player,robots) #check if the player had been caught
+ robot_crashed(robots) #check if any of the robots have crashed
+ level_complete = alive_robots(robots) # check if there are any robots alive
+ robot_num += 3 #increase the number of robots for the next level
+ level+= 1 #increase the number level number by 1
+print "you died on level " + str(level)
+end_graphics() # Finished!