import pygtk pygtk.require('2.0') import gtk import hippo import os from gettext import gettext as _ import logging from sugar.activity import activity from olpcgames import PyGameActivity from olpcgames import eventwrap from StoryBuilder import GAME_WIDTH, GAME_HEIGHT class StoryBuilderActivity(PyGameActivity): game_name = 'StoryBuilder:Game' game_title = _('Story Builder') game_size = (GAME_WIDTH, GAME_HEIGHT) pygame_mode = 'SDL' def __init__(self, handle): """Get into the right directory so we can find the artwork""" super(StoryBuilderActivity, self).__init__(handle) os.chdir(activity.get_bundle_path()) def write_file(self, file_path): logging.debug('Save sent') if eventwrap.wait(types = [eventwrap.Reply]) == None: logging.error('Cannot save to journal') def read_file(self, file_path): logging.debug('Load sent') return eventwrap.wait(types = [eventwrap.Reply]) != None