"""Provides substitute for Pygame's "event" module using gtkEvent Provides methods which will be substituted into Pygame in order to provide the synthetic events that we will feed into the Pygame queue. These methods are registered by the "install" method. Extensions: last_event_time() -- returns period since the last event was produced in seconds. This can be used to create "pausing" effects for games. wait( timeout=None ) -- allows you to wait for only a specified period before you return to the application. Can be used to e.g. wait for a short period, then release some resources, then wait a bit more, then release a few more resources, then a bit more... """ import pygame import gtk import Queue import thread import logging import time log = logging.getLogger( 'olpcgames.eventwrap' ) from pygame.event import Event, event_name, pump as pygame_pump, get as pygame_get Reply = pygame.USEREVENT + 0 Save = pygame.USEREVENT + 1 Load = pygame.USEREVENT + 2 class Event(object): """Mock pygame events""" def __init__(self, type, dict=None,**named): """Initialise the new event variables from dictionary and named become attributes""" self.type = type if dict: self.__dict__.update( dict ) self.__dict__.update( named ) def _get_dict( self ): return self.__dict__ dict = property( _get_dict ) class SaveEvent(Event): def __init__(self, filename): Event.__init__(self, Save, { 'file': filename }) class LoadEvent(Event): def __init__(self, filename): Event.__init__(self, Load, { 'file': filename }) class ReplyEvent(Event): def __init__(self): Event.__init__(self, Reply) def install(): """Installs this module (eventwrap) as an in-place replacement for the pygame.event module. Use install() when you need to interact with Pygame code written without reference to the olpcgames wrapper mechanisms to have the code use this module's event queue. XXX Really, use it everywhere you want to use olpcgames, as olpcgames registers the handler itself, so you will always wind up with it registered when you use olpcgames (the gtkEvent.Translator.hook_pygame method calls it). """ log.info( 'Installing OLPCGames event wrapper' ) import eventwrap,pygame pygame.event = eventwrap import sys sys.modules["pygame.event"] = eventwrap # Event queue: class _FilterQueue( Queue.Queue ): """Simple Queue sub-class with a put_left method""" def get_type( self, filterFunction, block=True, timeout=None ): """Get events of a given type Note: can raise Empty *even* when blocking if someone else pops the event off the queue before we get around to it. """ self.not_empty.acquire() try: if not block: if self._empty_type( filterFunction ): raise Queue.Empty elif timeout is None: while self._empty_type( filterFunction ): self.not_empty.wait() else: if timeout < 0: raise ValueError("'timeout' must be a positive number") endtime = time.time() + timeout while self._empty_type( filterFunction ): remaining = endtime - time.time() if remaining <= 0.0: raise Queue.Empty self.not_empty.wait(remaining) item = self._get_type( filterFunction ) self.not_full.notify() return item finally: self.not_empty.release() def _empty_type( self, filterFunction ): """Are we empty with respect to filterFunction?""" for element in self.queue: if filterFunction( element ): return False return True def _get_type( self, filterFunction ): """Get the first instance which matches filterFunction""" for element in self.queue: if filterFunction( element ): self.queue.remove( element ) return element # someone popped the event off the queue before we got to it! raise Queue.Empty def peek_type( self, filterFunction= lambda x: True ): """Peek to see if we have filterFunction-matching element Note: obviously this is *not* thread safe, it's just informative... """ try: for element in self.queue: if filterFunction( element ): return element return None except RuntimeError, err: return None # none yet, at least g_events = _FilterQueue() # Set of blocked events as set by set g_blocked = set() g_blockedlock = thread.allocate_lock() g_blockAll = False def _typeChecker( types ): """Create check whether an event is in types""" try: if 1 in types: pass def check( element ): return element.type in types return check except TypeError, err: def check( element ): return element.type == types return check def pump(): """Handle any window manager and other external events that aren't passed to the user Call this periodically (once a frame) if you don't call get(), poll() or wait() """ pygame_pump() def get( types=None): """Get a list of all pending events types -- either an integer event-type or a sequence of integer event types which restrict the set of event-types returned from the queue. Keep in mind that if you do not remove events you may wind up with an eternally growing queue or a full queue. Normally you will want to remove all events in your top-level event-loop and propagate them yourself. Note: if you use types you lose all event ordering guarantees, events may show up after events which were originally produced before them due to the re-ordering of the queue on filtering! """ pump() eventlist = [] try: if types: check = _typeChecker( types ) while True: eventlist.append(g_events.get_type( check, block=False)) else: while True: eventlist.append(g_events.get(block=False)) except Queue.Empty: pass pygameEvents = pygame_get() if pygameEvents: log.info( 'Raw Pygame events: %s', pygameEvents) eventlist.extend( pygameEvents ) if eventlist: _set_last_event_time() return eventlist _LAST_EVENT_TIME = 0 def _set_last_event_time( time=None ): """Set this as the last event time""" global _LAST_EVENT_TIME if time is None: time = pygame.time.get_ticks() _LAST_EVENT_TIME = time return time def last_event_time( ): """Return the last event type for pausing operations in seconds""" global _LAST_EVENT_TIME return (pygame.time.get_ticks() - _LAST_EVENT_TIME)/1000. def poll(): """Get the next pending event if exists. Otherwise, return pygame.NOEVENT.""" pump() try: result = g_events.get(block=False) _set_last_event_time() return result except Queue.Empty: return Event(pygame.NOEVENT) def wait( timeout = None, types = None): """Get the next pending event, wait up to timeout if none timeout -- if present, only wait up to timeout seconds, if we do not find an event before then, return None. timeout is an OLPCGames-specific extension. """ pump() try: if types: check = _typeChecker( types ) result = g_events.get_type(check, block=True, timeout=timeout) else: result = g_events.get(block=True, timeout=timeout) _set_last_event_time() return result except Queue.Empty, err: return None def peek(types=None): """True if there is any pending event types -- optional set of event-types used to check whether an event is of interest. If specified must be either a sequence of integers/longs or an integer/long. """ if types: check = _typeChecker( types ) return g_events.peek_type( check ) is not None return not g_events.empty() def clear(): """Clears the entire pending queue of events Rarely used """ try: while True: g_events.get(block=False) except Queue.Empty: pass def set_blocked(item): """Block item/items from being added to the event queue""" g_blockedlock.acquire() try: # FIXME: we do not currently know how to block all event types when # you set_blocked(none). [g_blocked.add(x) for x in makeseq(item)] finally: g_blockedlock.release() def set_allowed(item): """Allow item/items to be added to the event queue""" g_blockedlock.acquire() try: if item is None: # Allow all events when you set_allowed(none). Strange, eh? # Pygame is a wonderful API. g_blocked.clear() else: [g_blocked.remove(x) for x in makeseq(item)] finally: g_blockedlock.release() def get_blocked(*args, **kwargs): g_blockedlock.acquire() try: blocked = frozenset(g_blocked) return blocked finally: g_blockedlock.release() def set_grab(grabbing): """This method will not be implemented""" def get_grab(): """This method will not be implemented""" def post(event): """Post a new event to the Queue of events""" g_blockedlock.acquire() try: if event.type not in g_blocked: g_events.put(event, block=False) finally: g_blockedlock.release() def makeseq(obj): """Accept either a scalar object or a sequence, and return a sequence over which we can iterate. If we were passed a sequence, return it unchanged. If we were passed a scalar, return a tuple containing only that scalar. This allows the caller to easily support one-or-many. """ # Strings are the exception because you can iterate over their chars # -- yet, for all the purposes I've ever cared about, I want to treat # a string as a scalar. if isinstance(obj, basestring): return (obj,) try: # Except as noted above, if you can get an iter() from an object, # it's a collection. iter(obj) return obj except TypeError: # obj is a scalar. Wrap it in a tuple so we can iterate over the # one item. return (obj,)