"""Display a "paused" version of the currently-displayed screen This code is largely cribbed from the Pippy activity's display code, but we try to be a little more generally usable than they are, as we have more involved activities using the code. We use svgsprite to render a graphic which is stored in the olpcgames data directory over a dimmed version of the current screen contents. """ import logging log = logging.getLogger( 'olpcgames.pausescreen' ) import pygame from pygame import sprite def get_events( sleep_timeout = 10, pause=None, **args ): """Retrieve the set of pending events or sleep sleep_timeout -- dormant period before we invoke pause_screen pause -- callable to produce visual notification of pausing, normally by taking the current screen and modifying it in some way. Defaults to pauseScreen in this module. If you return nothing from this function then no restoration or display-flipping will occur *args -- if present, passed to pause to configuration operation (e.g. to specify a different overlaySVG file) returns set of pending events (potentially empty) """ if not pause: pause = pauseScreen events = pygame.event.get( ) if not events: log.info( 'No events in queue' ) old_screen = None if hasattr(pygame.event, 'last_event_time') and pygame.event.last_event_time() > sleep_timeout: # we've been waiting long enough, go to sleep visually log.warn( 'Pausing activity after %s with function %s', sleep_timeout, pause ) old_screen = pause( ) if old_screen: pygame.display.flip() # now we wait until there *are* some events (efficiently) # and retrieve any extra events that are waiting... events = [ pygame.event.wait() ] + pygame.event.get() log.warn( 'Activity restarted') if old_screen: restoreScreen( old_screen ) else: log.info( 'Not running under OLPCGames' ) return events def pauseScreen( overlaySVG=None ): """Display a "Paused" screen and suspend This default implementation will not do anything to shut down your simulation or other code running in other threads. It will merely block this thread (the pygame thread) until an event shows up in the eventwrap queue. Returns a surface to pass to restoreScreen to continue... """ from olpcgames import svgsprite if not overlaySVG: from olpcgames.data import sleeping_svg overlaySVG = sleeping_svg.data screen = pygame.display.get_surface() old_screen = screen.copy() # save this for later. pause_sprite = svgsprite.SVGSprite( overlaySVG, ) pause_sprite.rect.center = screen.get_rect().center group = sprite.RenderUpdates( ) group.add( pause_sprite ) # dim the screen and display the 'paused' message in the center. BLACK = (0,0,0) WHITE = (255,255,255) dimmed = screen.copy() dimmed.set_alpha(128) screen.fill(BLACK) screen.blit(dimmed, (0,0)) group.draw( screen ) return old_screen def restoreScreen( old_screen ): """Restore the original screen and return""" screen = pygame.display.get_surface() screen.blit(old_screen, (0,0)) return old_screen