#!/usr/bin/env python #Copyright (c) 2011 Walter Bender # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA import os from math import pi, sin, cos, sqrt, atan2 from random import uniform from gettext import gettext as _ from sugar.datastore import datastore from sugar import profile from plugins.plugin import Plugin from TurtleArt.tapalette import make_palette from TurtleArt.talogo import primitive_dictionary from TurtleArt.tautils import debug_output, json_dump, get_path, round_int import logging _logger = logging.getLogger('turtleart-activity physics plugin') THRESHOLD = 0.1 # default distance metric for hits class Physics(Plugin): SCALE_FACTOR = 10. LINE_SCALE = 24. TOOTH_SCALE = 10 TOOTH_ANGLE = 75 * pi / 180. def __init__(self, parent): self._tw = parent self._status = True self._scale = self.SCALE_FACTOR / self._tw.canvas.width self._id = 1 self._density = 1. self._friction = 0.5 self._bounce = 0.15 self._dynamic = True self._polygon = [] self._dict = {'bodylist': [], 'jointlist': [], 'controllerlist': [], 'additional_vars': {}} self._prim_box2d_reset() self._gear_radius = 0 def setup(self): # set up physics specific blocks palette = make_palette('physics', colors=['#50A000', '#60C020'], help_string=_('Palette of physics blocks')) primitive_dictionary['box2dcircle'] = self._prim_box2d_circle primitive_dictionary['box2dtriangle'] = self._prim_box2d_triangle primitive_dictionary['box2drectangle'] = self._prim_box2d_rectangle primitive_dictionary['box2dgear'] = self._prim_box2d_gear primitive_dictionary['box2dradius'] = self._prim_box2d_radius primitive_dictionary['savebox2d'] = self._prim_save_box2d primitive_dictionary['box2ddensity'] = self._prim_box2d_density primitive_dictionary['box2dfriction'] = self._prim_box2d_friction primitive_dictionary['box2dbounce'] = self._prim_box2d_bounce primitive_dictionary['box2ddynamic'] = self._prim_box2d_dynamic primitive_dictionary['box2dmotor'] = self._prim_box2d_motor primitive_dictionary['box2dpin'] = self._prim_box2d_motor primitive_dictionary['box2dreset'] = self._prim_box2d_reset primitive_dictionary['box2djoint'] = self._prim_box2d_joint primitive_dictionary['box2dstartpolygon'] = \ self._prim_box2d_start_polygon primitive_dictionary['box2daddpoint'] = self._prim_box2d_add_point primitive_dictionary['box2dendpolygon'] = self._prim_box2d_end_polygon primitive_dictionary['box2dendfilledpolygon'] = \ self._prim_box2d_end_filled_polygon palette.add_block('density', style='basic-style-1arg', label=_('density'), default=100, help_string=_('Set the density property for objects \ (density can be any positive number).'), prim_name='box2ddensity') self._tw.lc.def_prim( 'box2ddensity', 1, lambda self, x: primitive_dictionary['box2ddensity'](x)) palette.add_block('friction', style='basic-style-1arg', label=_('friction'), default=50, help_string=_('Set the friction property for \ objects (value from 0 to 100, where 0 turns friction off and 100 is strong \ friction).'), prim_name='box2dfriction') self._tw.lc.def_prim( 'box2dfriction', 1, lambda self, x: primitive_dictionary['box2dfriction'](x)) palette.add_block('bounce', style='basic-style-1arg', label=_('bounciness'), default=15, help_string=_('Set the bounciness property for \ objects (a value from 0 to 100, where 0 means no bounce and 100 is very \ bouncy).'), prim_name='box2dbounce') self._tw.lc.def_prim( 'box2dbounce', 1, lambda self, x: primitive_dictionary['box2dbounce'](x)) palette.add_block('dynamic', style='basic-style-1arg', label=_('dynamic'), hidden=True, # hide until we debug it default=1, help_string=_('If dynamic = 1, the object can move; \ if dynamic = 0, it is fixed in position.'), prim_name='box2ddynamic') self._tw.lc.def_prim( 'box2ddynamic', 1, lambda self, x: primitive_dictionary['box2ddynamic'](x)) palette.add_block('startpolygon', style='basic-style-extended-vertical', label=_('start polygon'), help_string=_('Begin defining a new polygon based \ on the current Turtle xy position.'), prim_name='box2dstartpolygon') self._tw.lc.def_prim( 'box2dstartpolygon', 0, lambda self: primitive_dictionary['box2dstartpolygon']()) palette.add_block('addpoint', style='basic-style-extended-vertical', label=_('add point'), help_string=_('Add a new point to the current \ polygon based on the current Turtle xy position.'), prim_name='box2daddpoint') self._tw.lc.def_prim( 'box2daddpoint', 0, lambda self: primitive_dictionary['box2daddpoint']()) palette.add_block('endpolygon', style='basic-style-extended-vertical', label=_('end polygon'), help_string=_('Define a new polygon.'), prim_name='box2dendpolygon') self._tw.lc.def_prim( 'box2dendpolygon', 0, lambda self: primitive_dictionary['box2dendpolygon']()) palette.add_block('endfilledpolygon', style='basic-style-extended-vertical', label=_('end filled polygon'), # hidden=True, # until it is debugged help_string=_('Define a new flled polygon.'), prim_name='box2dendfilledpolygon') self._tw.lc.def_prim( 'box2dendfilledpolygon', 0, lambda self: primitive_dictionary['box2dendfilledpolygon']( triangulate=True)) palette.add_block('triangle', style='basic-style-2arg', label=[_('triangle'), _('base'), _('height')], # make an equilateral triangle by default default=[100, round_int(100 * sin(pi / 3))], help_string=_('Add a triangle object to the \ project.'), prim_name='box2dtriangle') self._tw.lc.def_prim( 'box2dtriangle', 2, lambda self, x, y: primitive_dictionary['box2dtriangle'](x, y)) palette.add_block('circle', style='basic-style-1arg', label=_('circle'), default=100, help_string=_('Add a circle object to the project.'), prim_name='box2dcircle') self._tw.lc.def_prim( 'box2dcircle', 1, lambda self, x: primitive_dictionary['box2dcircle'](x)) palette.add_block('rectangle', style='basic-style-2arg', label=[_('rectangle'), _('width'), _('height')], default=[100, 100], help_string=_('Add a rectangle object to the \ project.'), prim_name='box2drectangle') self._tw.lc.def_prim( 'box2drectangle', 2, lambda self, x, y: primitive_dictionary['box2drectangle'](x, y)) palette.add_block('gear', style='basic-style-1arg', label=_('gear'), default=12, help_string=_('Add a gear object to the project.'), prim_name='box2dgear') self._tw.lc.def_prim( 'box2dgear', 1, lambda self, x: primitive_dictionary['box2dgear'](x)) palette.add_block('gearradius', style='number-style-1arg', label=_('gear radius'), default=12, help_string=_('Return the radius of a gear.'), prim_name='box2dradius') self._tw.lc.def_prim( 'box2dradius', 1, lambda self, x: primitive_dictionary['box2dradius'](x)) palette.add_block('reset', hidden=True, style='basic-style-extended-vertical', label=_('reset'), help_string=_('Reset the project; clear the object \ list.'), prim_name='box2dreset') self._tw.lc.def_prim( 'box2dreset', 0, lambda self: primitive_dictionary['box2dreset']()) palette.add_block('motor', style='basic-style-2arg', label=[_('motor'), _('torque'), _('speed')], default=[900, -10], help_string=_('Motor torque and speed range from 0 \ (off) to positive numbers; motor is placed on the most recent object \ created.'), prim_name='box2dmotor') self._tw.lc.def_prim( 'box2dmotor', 2, lambda self, x, y: primitive_dictionary['box2dmotor'](x, y)) palette.add_block('pin', style='basic-style-extended-vertical', label=_('pin'), help_string=_('Pin an object down so that it cannot \ fall.'), prim_name='box2dpin') self._tw.lc.def_prim( 'box2dpin', 0, lambda self: primitive_dictionary['box2dmotor'](0, 0)) palette.add_block('joint', style='basic-style-2arg', label=[_('joint'), _('x'), _('y')], default=[0, 0], help_string=_('Join two objects together (the most \ recent object created and the object at point x, y).'), prim_name='box2djoint') self._tw.lc.def_prim( 'box2djoint', 2, lambda self, x, y: primitive_dictionary['box2djoint'](x, y)) palette.add_block('savebox2d', style='basic-style-1arg', label=_('save as Physics activity'), default='physics project', help_string=_('Save the project to the Journal as \ a Physics activity.'), prim_name='savebox2d') self._tw.lc.def_prim( 'savebox2d', 1, lambda self, x: primitive_dictionary['savebox2d'](x)) def _status_report(self): ''' Required method ''' debug_output('Reporting physics status: %s' % (str(self._status))) return self._status def clear(self): ''' Erase button pressed or clean block executed ''' self._prim_box2d_reset() # Block primitives used in talogo def _prim_box2d_reset(self): ''' Clear the body list ''' self._id = 1 self._density = 1. self._friction = 0.5 self._bounce = 0.15 self._dynamic = True self._polygon = [] self._dict['bodylist'] = [] self._dict['jointlist'] = [] # Always start with a ground plane self._dict['bodylist'].append( {'userData': {'color': [114, 114, 185], 'saveid': 1}, 'linearVelocity': [0.0, 0.0], 'dynamic': False, 'angularVelocity': 0.0, 'shapes': [{'restitution': 0.15, 'type': 'polygon', 'vertices': [[-50.0, -0.1], [50.0, -0.1], [50.0, 0.1], [-50.0, 0.1]], 'friction': 0.5, 'density': 0.0}], 'position': [-10.0, 0.0], 'angle': 0.0}) def _prim_box2d_density(self, density): ''' set the density to be used when creating box2d objects ''' try: self._density = abs(float(density) / 100.) except ValueError: debug_output('bad argument to density: must be positive float', self._tw.running_sugar) self._density = 1. def _prim_box2d_friction(self, friction): ''' set the friction to be used when creating box2d objects ''' try: self._friction = abs(float(friction) / 100.) if self._friction > 1: self._friction == 1 debug_output('max friction value is 100', self._tw.running_sugar) except ValueError: debug_output('bad argument to friction: must be positive float', self._tw.running_sugar) self._friction = 0.5 def _prim_box2d_bounce(self, bounce): ''' set the bounce to be used when creating box2d objects ''' try: self._bounce = abs(float(bounce) / 100.) if self._bounce > 1.: self._bounce == 1. debug_output('max bounce value is 100', self._tw.running_sugar) except ValueError: debug_output('bad argument to bounce: must be a positive float', self._tw.running_sugar) self._bounce = 0.5 def _prim_box2d_dynamic(self, value): ''' set the dynamic flag to be used when creating box2d objects ''' if str(value).lower() in [_('false'), _('no'), '0']: self._dynamic = False else: self._dynamic = True def _prim_box2d_start_polygon(self): ''' start of a collection of points to create a polygon ''' x = self._tw.turtles.get_active_turtle().get_x() y = self._tw.turtles.get_active_turtle().get_y() self._polygon = [(x + self._tw.canvas.width / 2., y + self._tw.canvas.height / 2.)] def _prim_box2d_add_point(self): ''' add an point to a collection of points to create a polygon ''' x = self._tw.turtles.get_active_turtle().get_x() y = self._tw.turtles.get_active_turtle().get_y() x += self._tw.canvas.width / 2. y += self._tw.canvas.height / 2. if self._polygon == []: self._polygon.append((x, y)) elif not (x == self._polygon[-1][0] and y == self._polygon[-1][1]): self._polygon.append((x, y)) def _prim_box2d_end_polygon(self): ''' add a polygon object to box2d dictionary ''' if not self._status: return if self._polygon == []: return else: x = self._tw.turtles.get_active_turtle().get_x() y = self._tw.turtles.get_active_turtle().get_y() x += self._tw.canvas.width / 2. y += self._tw.canvas.height / 2. # Only append the last point if it is not redundant if not self._near((x, y), (self._polygon[-1])): self._polygon.append((x, y)) # Box2d chokes on polygons with just 1 point if len(self._polygon) == 1: return # The overall position will be relative to the first point xpos = self._polygon[0][0] * self._scale ypos = self._polygon[0][1] * self._scale # Create the Physics object... self._id += 1 self._dict['bodylist'].append( {'userData': {'color': self._get_rgb(), 'saveid': self._id}, 'linearVelocity': [0.0, 0.0], 'dynamic': self._dynamic, 'angularVelocity': 0.0, 'shapes': [], 'position': [xpos, ypos], 'angle': 0.0}) for i, p in enumerate(self._polygon): if i == 0: p0 = p[:] continue p1 = p[:] self._dict['bodylist'][-1]['shapes'].append( {'density': self._density, 'friction': self._friction, 'type': 'polygon', 'vertices': [], 'restitution': self._bounce}) a = atan2(p0[1] - p1[1], p0[0] - p1[0]) dx = sin(a) / self.LINE_SCALE dy = -cos(a) / self.LINE_SCALE poly = [[p0[0] * self._scale + dx - xpos, p0[1] * self._scale + dy - ypos], [p1[0] * self._scale + dx - xpos, p1[1] * self._scale + dy - ypos], [p1[0] * self._scale - dx - xpos, p1[1] * self._scale - dy - ypos], [p0[0] * self._scale - dx - xpos, p0[1] * self._scale - dy - ypos]] # Make sure points are counter-clockwise if self._cross_product_area(poly) < 0: poly = self._reverse_order(poly)[:] self._dict['bodylist'][-1]['shapes'][-1][ 'vertices'].append(poly[0]) self._dict['bodylist'][-1]['shapes'][-1][ 'vertices'].append(poly[1]) self._dict['bodylist'][-1]['shapes'][-1][ 'vertices'].append(poly[2]) self._dict['bodylist'][-1]['shapes'][-1][ 'vertices'].append(poly[3]) if not (i + 1) == len(self._polygon): self._dict['bodylist'][-1]['shapes'].append( {'localPosition': [p1[0] * self._scale - xpos, p1[1] * self._scale - ypos], 'density': self._density, 'friction': self._friction, 'radius': 1. / self.LINE_SCALE, 'type': 'circle', 'restitution': self._bounce}) p0 = p1[:] # ... and draw the polygon on the Turtle canvas self._tw.canvas.set_source_rgb() self._tw.canvas.canvas.set_line_width(1.) for s in self._dict['bodylist'][-1]['shapes']: if s['type'] == 'polygon': self._tw.canvas.canvas.new_path() for i, p in enumerate(s['vertices']): x, y = self._tw.turtles.turtle_to_screen_coordinates( ((p[0] + xpos) / self._scale - \ self._tw.canvas.width / 2., (p[1] + ypos) / self._scale - \ self._tw.canvas.height / 2.)) if i == 0: self._tw.canvas.canvas.move_to(x, y) else: self._tw.canvas.canvas.line_to(x, y) self._tw.canvas.canvas.close_path() self._tw.canvas.canvas.fill() elif s['type'] == 'circle': x, y = self._tw.turtles.turtle_to_screen_coordinates( ((s['localPosition'][0] + xpos) / self._scale - \ self._tw.canvas.width / 2., (s['localPosition'][1] + ypos) / self._scale - \ self._tw.canvas.height / 2.)) self._tw.canvas.canvas.set_line_width(2. / ( self.LINE_SCALE * self._scale)) self._tw.canvas.canvas.move_to(x, y) self._tw.canvas.canvas.line_to(x + 1, y + 1) self._tw.canvas.canvas.stroke() self._tw.canvas.canvas.set_line_width( self._tw.turtles.get_active_turtle().get_pen_size()) self._tw.canvas.inval() self._polygon = [] def _prim_box2d_end_filled_polygon(self, triangulate=False): ''' add a filled-polygon object to box2d dictionary ''' if not self._status: return if self._polygon == []: return else: x = self._tw.turtles.get_active_turtle().get_x() y = self._tw.turtles.get_active_turtle().get_y() x += self._tw.canvas.width / 2. y += self._tw.canvas.height / 2. # Make sure there are no points too near each other poly = [] p1 = self._polygon[-1] for p2 in self._polygon: if not self._near(p1, p2): poly.append(p2) p1 = p2[:] self._polygon = poly[:] if len(self._polygon) < 3: return # Physics requires polygons to be ordered counter clockwise if self._cross_product_area(self._polygon) < 0: self._polygon = self._reverse_order(self._polygon)[:] # Divide the polygon into triangles if triangulate: triangles = self._triangulate(self._polygon) if triangles is None: debug_output(_('Not a simple polygon'), self._tw.running_sugar) self._tw.showlabel('syntaxerror', _('Not a simple polygon')) return # Create the Physics object... xpos = self._polygon[0][0] * self._scale ypos = self._polygon[0][1] * self._scale self._id += 1 self._dict['bodylist'].append( {'userData': {'color': self._get_rgb(), 'saveid': self._id}, 'linearVelocity': [0.0, 0.0], 'dynamic': self._dynamic, 'angularVelocity': 0.0, 'shapes': [], 'position': [xpos, ypos], 'angle': 0.0}) if triangulate: for triangle in triangles: self._add_shape(triangle, xpos, ypos) else: self._add_shape(self._polygon, xpos, ypos) # ...and draw it on the Turtle canvas self._tw.canvas.set_source_rgb() self._tw.canvas.canvas.set_line_width(1.) if triangulate: for triangle in triangles: # Make each triangle distinct in the TA rendering self._randomize_color() self._draw_polygon(triangle) # Restore canvas color self._tw.canvas.set_source_rgb() else: self._draw_polygon(self._polygon) self._tw.canvas.canvas.set_line_width( self._tw.turtles.get_active_turtle().get_pen_size()) self._tw.canvas.inval() self._polygon = [] def _bounds_check(self, value): ''' Make sure value is between 0 and 1 ''' if value < 0.: value = 0. elif value > 1.: value = 1 return value def _randomize_color(self): ''' Add a bit of noise to the turtle color ''' dr = uniform(-10, 10) / 100. dg = uniform(-10, 10) / 100. db = uniform(-10, 10) / 100. rgb = self._get_rgb() self._tw.canvas.canvas.set_source_rgb( self._bounds_check((rgb[0] / 255.) + dr), self._bounds_check((rgb[1] / 255.) + dg), self._bounds_check((rgb[2] / 255.) + db)) def _draw_polygon(self, polygon): ''' Draw a polygon on the turtle canvas ''' self._tw.canvas.canvas.new_path() for i, p in enumerate(polygon): x, y = self._tw.turtles.turtle_to_screen_coordinates( (p[0] - self._tw.canvas.width / 2., p[1] - self._tw.canvas.height / 2.)) if i == 0: self._tw.canvas.canvas.move_to(x, y) else: self._tw.canvas.canvas.line_to(x, y) self._tw.canvas.canvas.close_path() self._tw.canvas.canvas.fill() def _add_shape(self, polygon, xpos, ypos): ''' Add a polygon to the shape list ''' self._dict['bodylist'][-1]['shapes'].append( {'density': self._density, 'friction': self._friction, 'type': 'polygon', 'vertices': [], 'restitution': self._bounce}) for i, p in enumerate(polygon): self._dict['bodylist'][-1]['shapes'][-1][ 'vertices'].append([p[0] * self._scale - xpos, p[1] * self._scale - ypos]) def _prim_box2d_triangle(self, base, height): ''' add a triangle object to box2d dictionary ''' try: float(base) float(height) except ValueError: debug_output( 'bad argument to triangle: base, height must be float', self._tw.running_sugar) self._polygon = [] x = self._tw.turtles.get_active_turtle().get_x() y = self._tw.turtles.get_active_turtle().get_y() x += self._tw.canvas.width / 2. y += self._tw.canvas.height / 2. self._polygon.append([x - base / 2., y - height / 2.]) self._polygon.append([x, y + height / 2.]) self._polygon.append([x + base / 2., y - height / 2.]) h = self._tw.turtles.get_active_turtle().get_heading() if h != 0: self._rotate_polygon(x, y, h * pi / 180.) self._prim_box2d_end_filled_polygon() def _prim_box2d_rectangle(self, width, height): ''' add a rectangle object to box2d dictionary ''' try: float(width) float(height) except ValueError: debug_output( 'bad argument to rectangle: width, height must be float', self._tw.running_sugar) self._polygon = [] x = self._tw.turtles.get_active_turtle().get_x() y = self._tw.turtles.get_active_turtle().get_y() x += self._tw.canvas.width / 2. y += self._tw.canvas.height / 2. self._polygon.append([x - width / 2., y - height / 2.]) self._polygon.append([x + width / 2., y - height / 2.]) self._polygon.append([x + width / 2., y + height / 2.]) self._polygon.append([x - width / 2., y + height / 2.]) h = self._tw.turtles.get_active_turtle().get_heading() if h != 0: self._rotate_polygon(x, y, (90 - h) * pi / 180.) self._prim_box2d_end_filled_polygon() def _prim_box2d_radius(self, tooth_count): ''' calculate gear radius ''' try: if abs(int(tooth_count)) < 2: raise ValueError except ValueError: debug_output('bad argument to gear: tooth count must be int > 1', self._tw.running_sugar) points = self._gear(int(tooth_count)) max_x = 0 for p in points: max_x = max(p[0], max_x) radius = int(max(0, max_x - self.TOOTH_SCALE / 4.)) return radius def _prim_box2d_gear(self, tooth_count): ''' add a gear object to box2d dictionary ''' try: if abs(int(tooth_count)) < 2: raise ValueError except ValueError: debug_output('bad argument to gear: tooth count must be int > 1', self._tw.running_sugar) self._polygon = [] x = self._tw.turtles.get_active_turtle().get_x() y = self._tw.turtles.get_active_turtle().get_y() x += self._tw.canvas.width / 2. y += self._tw.canvas.height / 2. points = self._gear(int(tooth_count)) for p in points: self._polygon.append([x + p[0], y + p[1]]) h = self._tw.turtles.get_active_turtle().get_heading() if h != 0: self._rotate_polygon(x, y, h * pi / 180.) self._prim_box2d_end_filled_polygon(triangulate=True) def _prim_box2d_circle(self, radius): ''' add a circle object to box2d dictionary ''' try: float(radius) except ValueError: debug_output('bad argument to circle: radius must be float', self._tw.running_sugar) # Create the Physics object... x = self._tw.turtles.get_active_turtle().get_x() y = self._tw.turtles.get_active_turtle().get_y() x += self._tw.canvas.width / 2. y += self._tw.canvas.height / 2. self._id += 1 self._dict['bodylist'].append( {'userData': {'color': self._get_rgb(), 'saveid': self._id}, 'linearVelocity': [0.0, 0.0], 'dynamic': self._dynamic, 'angularVelocity': 0.0, 'shapes': [{'localPosition': [0, 0], 'density': self._density, 'friction': self._friction, 'radius': radius * self._scale / 2., 'type': 'circle', 'restitution': self._bounce}], 'position': [x * self._scale, y * self._scale], 'angle': 0.0}) # ...and draw it on the Turtle canvas x, y = self._tw.turtles.turtle_to_screen_coordinates( self._tw.turtles.get_active_turtle().get_xy()) self._tw.canvas.set_source_rgb() self._tw.canvas.canvas.set_line_width(radius) self._tw.canvas.canvas.move_to(x, y) self._tw.canvas.canvas.line_to(x + 1, y + 1) self._tw.canvas.canvas.stroke() self._tw.canvas.canvas.set_line_width( self._tw.turtles.get_active_turtle().get_pen_size()) self._tw.canvas.inval() def _prim_box2d_motor(self, torque, speed): ''' add a motor to an object to box2d dictionary ''' try: float(torque) float(speed) except ValueError: debug_output('bad argument to motor: torque, speed must be float', self._tw.running_sugar) # Create the Physics object... x = self._tw.turtles.get_active_turtle().get_x() y = self._tw.turtles.get_active_turtle().get_y() x += self._tw.canvas.width / 2. y += self._tw.canvas.height / 2. self._dict['jointlist'].append( {'userData': None, 'collideConnected': False, 'maxMotorTorque': torque, 'motorSpeed': speed, 'body1': 0, # Assume that the motor is attached to the most recent object 'body2': self._id, 'type': 'revolute', 'anchor': [x * self._scale, y * self._scale], 'enableMotor': False}) if speed != 0: self._dict['jointlist'][-1]['enableMotor'] = True # To do: search for body to attach to... id = self._search((x * self._scale, y * self._scale)) if id is not None: # debug_output('found a match for motor body2 (%d)' % (id), # self._tw.running_sugar) self._dict['jointlist'][-1]['body2'] # ...and draw it on the Turtle canvas x, y = self._tw.turtles.turtle_to_screen_coordinates( self._tw.turtles.get_active_turtle().get_xy()) if speed == 0: self._tw.canvas.canvas.set_source_rgb(0., 0., 0.) else: self._tw.canvas.canvas.set_source_rgb(1., 1., 1.) self._tw.canvas.canvas.set_line_width(3.) self._tw.canvas.canvas.move_to(x, y) self._tw.canvas.canvas.line_to(x + 1, y + 1) self._tw.canvas.canvas.stroke() self._tw.canvas.canvas.set_line_width( self._tw.turtles.get_active_turtle().get_pen_size()) self._tw.canvas.inval() def _prim_box2d_joint(self, x, y): ''' add a joint between two objects ''' try: float(x) float(y) except ValueError: debug_output('bad argument to joint: x, y must be float', self._tw.running_sugar) # Create the Physics object... x1 = x + self._tw.canvas.width / 2. y1 = y + self._tw.canvas.height / 2. x2 = self._tw.turtles.get_active_turtle().get_x() + \ self._tw.canvas.width / 2. y2 = self._tw.turtles.get_active_turtle().get_y() + \ self._tw.canvas.height / 2. self._dict['jointlist'].append( {'userData': None, 'anchor2': [x1 * self._scale, y1 * self._scale], 'anchor1': [x2 * self._scale, y2 * self._scale], 'collideConnected': True, 'body1': self._id, # A reasonable default? 'body2': 2, # Assume most recent? 'type': 'distance'}) # Search for the body to attach to... id = self._search((x1 * self._scale, y1 * self._scale)) if id is not None: # debug_output('found a match for joint body2 (%d)' % (id), # self._tw.running_sugar) self._dict['jointlist'][-1]['body2'] = id id = self._search((x2 * self._scale, y2 * self._scale)) if id is not None: # debug_output('found a match for joint body1 (%d)' % (id), # self._tw.running_sugar) self._dict['jointlist'][-1]['body1'] = id # ...and draw it on the Turtle canvas x1, y1 = self._tw.turtles.turtle_to_screen_coordinates((x, y)) x2, y2 = self._tw.turtles.turtle_to_screen_coordinates( self._tw.turtles.get_active_turtle().get_xy()) self._tw.canvas.canvas.set_source_rgb(0., 0., 0.) self._tw.canvas.canvas.set_line_width(3.) self._tw.canvas.canvas.move_to(x1, y1) self._tw.canvas.canvas.line_to(x2, y2) self._tw.canvas.canvas.stroke() self._tw.canvas.canvas.set_line_width( self._tw.turtles.get_active_turtle().get_pen_size()) self._tw.canvas.inval() def _prim_save_box2d(self, name): ''' Save bodylist to a Physics project ''' data = json_dump(self._dict) if not self._tw.running_sugar: print data else: data_path = get_path(self._tw.activity, 'instance') tmp_file = os.path.join(data_path, 'tmpfile') fd = open(tmp_file, 'w') fd.write(data) fd.close() dsobject = datastore.create() dsobject.metadata['title'] = name dsobject.metadata['icon-color'] = profile.get_color().to_string() dsobject.metadata['mime_type'] = 'application/x-physics-activity' dsobject.metadata['activity'] = 'org.laptop.physics' dsobject.set_file_path(tmp_file) datastore.write(dsobject) dsobject.destroy() os.remove(tmp_file) def _cross_product_area(self, polygon): ''' Cross-product area is positive for counter-clockwise polygons ''' a = 0. for i in range(len(polygon)): if (i + 1) < len(polygon): a += (polygon[i][0] * polygon[i + 1][1]) - \ (polygon[i + 1][0] * polygon[i][1]) else: a += (polygon[i][0] * polygon[0][1]) - \ (polygon[0][0] * polygon[i][1]) return a / 2. def _reverse_order(self, polygon): ''' Turn a clockwise polygon into a counter-clockwise polygon ''' n = len(polygon) for i in range(n / 2): tmp = polygon[i][:] polygon[i] = polygon[n - 1 - i][:] polygon[n - 1 - i] = tmp[:] return polygon def _rotate_polygon(self, cx, cy, angle): ''' Rotate the polygon points around cx,cy ''' for p in self._polygon: h = sqrt((cx - p[0]) * (cx - p[0]) + (cy - p[1]) * (cy - p[1])) a = atan2(cx - p[0], cy - p[1]) p[0] = cx + h * cos(a + angle) p[1] = cy + h * sin(a + angle) def _near(self, p1, p2, threshold=THRESHOLD): ''' Is point 1 near point 2? ''' if sqrt((p1[0] - p2[0]) * (p1[0] - p2[0]) + \ (p1[1] - p2[1]) * (p1[1] - p2[1])) < threshold: return True return False def _search(self, point): ''' Return object id of object under point ''' n = len(self._dict['bodylist']) for i in range(n): j = n - i - 1 # search in reverse order if self._hit(self._dict['bodylist'][j]['shapes'], self._dict['bodylist'][j]['position'], point): return self._dict['bodylist'][j]['userData']['saveid'] return None def _hit(self, shapes, position, point): ''' Is xy in shape? ''' for s in shapes: if s['type'] == 'circle': if self._near((s['localPosition'][0] + position[0], s['localPosition'][1] + position[1]), point, threshold=s['radius']): return True else: # polygon if self._point_in_polygon((point[0] - position[0], point[1] - position[1]), s['vertices']): return True return False def _point_in_polygon(self, point, polygon): '''Ray-casting method of determing if point is in polygon ''' inside = False p1x, p1y = polygon[0] for i in range(len(polygon) + 1): p2x, p2y = polygon[i % len(polygon)] if point[1] > min(p1y, p2y): if point[1] <= max(p1y, p2y): if point[0] <= max(p1x, p2x): if p1y != p2y: xinters = (point[1] - p1y) * (p2x - p1x) \ / (p2y - p1y) + p1x if p1x == p2x or point[0] <= xinters: inside = not inside p1x, p1y = p2x, p2y return inside def _point_in_triangle(self, triangle, point): ''' Is the point in the triangle? ''' return \ self._cross_product_area( (triangle[0], triangle[1], point)) >= 0 and \ self._cross_product_area( (triangle[1], triangle[2], point)) >= 0 and \ self._cross_product_area( (triangle[2], triangle[0], point)) >= 0 def _triangulate(self, polygon): ''' Convert a polygon into triangles ''' # Variation of an ear-cutting algorithm # Based on an algorithm by Gregor Lingl on python.org triangles = [] while len(polygon) > 2: found_a_triangle = False count = 0 while not found_a_triangle and count < len(polygon): count += 1 triangle = polygon[:3] if self._cross_product_area(triangle) >= 0: for point in polygon[3:]: if self._point_in_triangle(triangle, point): break else: triangles.append(triangle) polygon.remove(triangle[1]) found_a_triangle = True polygon.append(polygon.pop(0)) if count == len(polygon): return None return triangles def _gear(self, tooth_count): ''' Draw a gear ''' points = [] x = 0 y = 0 heading = 0 for i in range(tooth_count): tooth, heading = self._gear_tooth(x, y, heading) for p in tooth: points.append(p) x, y = tooth[-1][0], tooth[-1][1] heading -= 2. * pi / tooth_count minx = 1000 miny = 1000 maxx = -1000 maxy = -1000 for p in points: if p[0] < minx: minx = p[0] if p[0] > maxx: maxx = p[0] if p[1] < miny: miny = p[1] if p[1] > maxy: maxy = p[1] # Recenter on 0, 0 cx = (maxx + minx) / 2. cy = (maxy + miny) / 2. for p in points: p[0] -= cx p[1] -= cy return points def _gear_tooth(self, x, y, heading): ''' Draw one tooth of a gear ''' points = [] half = self.TOOTH_SCALE / 2. top = 1.5 * self.TOOTH_SCALE - \ (cos(self.TOOTH_ANGLE) * self.TOOTH_SCALE * 2.) points.append([half * cos(heading) + x, half * sin(heading) + y]) heading += self.TOOTH_ANGLE points.append([self.TOOTH_SCALE * cos(heading) + points[0][0], self.TOOTH_SCALE * sin(heading) + points[0][1]]) heading -= self.TOOTH_ANGLE points.append([top * cos(heading) + points[1][0], top * sin(heading) + points[1][1]]) heading -= self.TOOTH_ANGLE points.append([self.TOOTH_SCALE * cos(heading) + points[2][0], self.TOOTH_SCALE * sin(heading) + points[2][1]]) heading += self.TOOTH_ANGLE points.append([half * cos(heading) + points[3][0], half * sin(heading) + points[3][1]]) return points, heading def _get_rgb(self): ''' For backward compatibility ''' if hasattr(self._tw.canvas, 'get_rgb'): return self._tw.canvas.get_rgb() else: return self._tw.canvas._fgrgb