# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #! /usr/bin/python # # Copyright (C) 2009-12 Walter Bender # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Suite 500 Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA import gtk import gobject import subprocess from gettext import gettext as _ from config import ICONS_DIR, CAPTURE_GAIN, MIC_BOOST, XO1, XO15, XO175, XO30,\ INSTRUMENT_DICT from sugar.graphics.toolbutton import ToolButton from sugar.graphics.combobox import ComboBox from sugar.graphics.toolcombobox import ToolComboBox from sugar.graphics import style import logging log = logging.getLogger('measure-activity') log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) NOTES = ['C', 'C♯/D♭', 'D', 'D♯/E♭', 'E', 'F', 'F♯/G♭', 'G', 'G♯/A♭', 'A', 'A♯/B♭', 'B'] SHARP = '♯' FLAT = '♭' A0 = 27.5 C8 = 4186.01 TWELTHROOT2 = 1.05946309435929 COLOR_RED = style.Color('#FF6060') COLOR_YELLOW = style.Color('#FFFF00') COLOR_GREEN = style.Color('#00FF00') SPAN = '%s' class TuningToolbar(gtk.Toolbar): ''' The toolbar for tuning instruments ''' def __init__(self, activity): gtk.Toolbar.__init__(self) self.activity = activity self._show_tuning_line = False self._updating_note = True self._tuning_tool = None # Set up Instrument Combo box self.instrument_combo = ComboBox() self.instrument = [_('None')] for k in INSTRUMENT_DICT.keys(): self.instrument.append(k) self._instrument_changed_id = self.instrument_combo.connect( 'changed', self.update_instrument_control) for i, instrument in enumerate(self.instrument): self.instrument_combo.append_item(i, instrument, None) self.instrument_combo.set_active(0) if hasattr(self.instrument_combo, 'set_tooltip_text'): self.instrument_combo.set_tooltip_text(_('Tune an instrument.')) self._instrument_tool = ToolComboBox(self.instrument_combo) self.insert(self._instrument_tool, -1) if self.activity.has_toolbarbox: separator = gtk.SeparatorToolItem() separator.props.draw = True self.insert(separator, -1) self._notes_combo = ComboBox() n = 0 for octave in range(9): for i in range(len(NOTES)): if octave == 0 and i < 9: # Start with A0 continue self._notes_combo.append_item( n, note_octave(i, octave), None) n += 1 self._notes_combo.set_active(48) # A4 self._notes_changed_id = self._notes_combo.connect( 'changed', self.update_note) if hasattr(self._notes_combo, 'set_tooltip_text'): self._notes_combo.set_tooltip_text(_('Notes')) self._notes_tool = ToolComboBox(self._notes_combo) self.insert(self._notes_tool, -1) # The entry is used to display a note or for direct user input self._freq_entry = gtk.Entry() self._freq_entry.set_text('440') # A self._freq_entry_changed_id = self._freq_entry.connect( 'changed', self.update_freq_entry) if hasattr(self._freq_entry, 'set_tooltip_text'): self._freq_entry.set_tooltip_text( _('Enter a frequency to display.')) self._freq_entry.set_width_chars(8) self._freq_entry.show() toolitem = gtk.ToolItem() toolitem.add(self._freq_entry) self.insert(toolitem, -1) toolitem.show() self._new_tuning_line = ToolButton('tuning-tools') self._new_tuning_line.show() self.insert(self._new_tuning_line, -1) self._new_tuning_line.set_tooltip(_('Show tuning line.')) self._new_tuning_line.connect('clicked', self.tuning_line_cb) if self.activity.has_toolbarbox: separator = gtk.SeparatorToolItem() separator.props.draw = True self.insert(separator, -1) self._harmonic = ToolButton('harmonics') self._harmonic.show() self.insert(self._harmonic, -1) self._harmonic.set_tooltip(_('Show harmonics.')) self._harmonic.connect('clicked', self.harmonic_cb) if self.activity.has_toolbarbox: separator = gtk.SeparatorToolItem() separator.props.draw = True self.insert(separator, -1) self._play_tone = ToolButton('media-playback-start') self._play_tone.show() self.insert(self._play_tone, -1) self._play_tone.set_tooltip(_('Play a note.')) self._play_tone.connect('clicked', self.play_cb) if self.activity.has_toolbarbox: separator = gtk.SeparatorToolItem() separator.props.draw = False separator.set_expand(True) self.insert(separator, -1) self.label = gtk.Label('') self.label.set_use_markup(True) self.label.show() toolitem = gtk.ToolItem() toolitem.add(self.label) self.insert(toolitem, -1) toolitem.show() self.show_all() def update_note(self, *args): ''' Calculate the frequency based on note combo ''' if not hasattr(self, '_freq_entry'): # Still setting up toolbar return i = self._notes_combo.get_active() freq = A0 * pow(TWELTHROOT2, i) self._updating_note = True self._freq_entry.set_text('%0.3f' % (freq)) self.label.set_markup(SPAN % (style.COLOR_WHITE.get_html(), note_octave(index_to_note(i), index_to_octave(i)))) if self._show_tuning_line: self.activity.wave.tuning_line = freq return def update_tuning_control(self, *args): ''' Update note ''' if not hasattr(self, '_freq_entry'): # Still setting up toolbar? return instrument = self.instrument[self.instrument_combo.get_active()] if not instrument in INSTRUMENT_DICT: return if self.tuning[self._tuning_combo.get_active()] == _('All notes'): self._notes_combo.set_active( freq_index(INSTRUMENT_DICT[instrument][0])) self.activity.wave.instrument = instrument self.activity.wave.tuning_line = 0.0 self._new_tuning_line.set_icon('tuning-tools') self._new_tuning_line.set_tooltip(_('Show tuning line.')) self._show_tuning_line = False else: freq = INSTRUMENT_DICT[instrument][ self._tuning_combo.get_active() - 1] # All notes is 0 self._notes_combo.set_active( freq_index(INSTRUMENT_DICT[instrument][ self._tuning_combo.get_active() - 1])) self.activity.wave.instrument = None self.activity.wave.tuning_line = freq self._new_tuning_line.set_icon('tuning-tools-off') self._new_tuning_line.set_tooltip(_('Hide tuning line.')) self._show_tuning_line = True self._updating_note = False def update_freq_entry(self, *args): # Calcualte a note from a frequency if not self._updating_note: # Only if user types in a freq. try: freq = float(self._freq_entry.get_text()) # Only consider notes in piano range if freq < A0 * 0.97: self.label.set_text('< A0') return if freq > C8 * 1.03: self.label.set_text('> C8') return self.label.set_markup(freq_note(freq, flatsharp=True)) except ValueError: return self._updating_note = False def update_instrument_control(self, *args): ''' Callback for instrument control ''' instrument = self.instrument[self.instrument_combo.get_active()] if self._tuning_tool is not None: self.remove(self._tuning_tool) if instrument == _('None'): self.activity.wave.instrument = None if hasattr(self, '_notes_tool'): self.insert(self._notes_tool, 2) return self.remove(self._notes_tool) self.activity.wave.instrument = instrument # If we are not already in freq. base, switch. if not self.activity.wave.get_fft_mode(): self.activity.timefreq_control() # Add a Tuning Combo box for this instrument self._tuning_combo = ComboBox() self.tuning = [_('All notes')] for f in INSTRUMENT_DICT[instrument]: self.tuning.append(freq_note(f)) self._tuning_changed_id = self._tuning_combo.connect( 'changed', self.update_tuning_control) for i, s in enumerate(self.tuning): self._tuning_combo.append_item(i, s, None) self._tuning_combo.set_active(0) if hasattr(self._tuning_combo, 'set_tooltip_text'): self._tuning_combo.set_tooltip_text(instrument) self._tuning_tool = ToolComboBox(self._tuning_combo) self.insert(self._tuning_tool, 1) self._tuning_combo.show() self._tuning_tool.show() self.show_all() def harmonic_cb(self, *args): ''' Callback for harmonics control ''' self.activity.wave.harmonics = not self.activity.wave.harmonics if self.activity.wave.harmonics: self._harmonic.set_icon('harmonics-off') self._harmonic.set_tooltip(_('Hide harmonics.')) if self.activity.wave.instrument is None and \ self.activity.wave.tuning_line == 0.0: self._load_tuning_line() else: self._harmonic.set_icon('harmonics') self._harmonic.set_tooltip(_('Show harmonics.')) def tuning_line_cb(self, *args): ''' Callback for tuning insert ''' if self._show_tuning_line: self.activity.wave.tuning_line = 0.0 self._new_tuning_line.set_icon('tuning-tools') self._new_tuning_line.set_tooltip(_('Show tuning line.')) self._show_tuning_line = False else: self._load_tuning_line() def _load_tuning_line(self): ''' Read the freq entry and use value to set tuning line ''' freq = self._freq_entry.get_text() try: self.activity.wave.tuning_line = float(freq) if freq < 0: freq = -freq self._new_tuning_line.set_icon('tuning-tools-off') self._new_tuning_line.set_tooltip(_('Hide tuning line.')) self._show_tuning_line = True except ValueError: self.activity.wave.tuning_line = 0.0 self._freq_entry.set_text('0') # If we are not already in freq. base, switch. if not self.activity.wave.get_fft_mode(): self.activity.timefreq_control() def play_cb(self, *args): ''' Save settings, turn off display, and then play a tone at the current frequency ''' freq = float(self._freq_entry.get_text()) channels = [] for c in range(self.activity.audiograb.channels): channels.append(self.activity.wave.get_visibility(channel=c)) self.activity.wave.set_visibility(False, channel=c) wave_status = self.activity.wave.get_active() self.activity.wave.set_context_off() self.activity.wave.set_active(False) gobject.timeout_add(200, self.play_sound, freq, channels, wave_status) def play_sound(self, freq, channels, wave_status): ''' Play the sound and then restore wave settings ''' if hasattr(subprocess, 'check_output'): try: output = subprocess.check_output( ['speaker-test', '-t', 'sine', '-l', '1', '-f', '%f' % ( freq)]) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: log.warning('call to speaker-test failed?') else: import commands (status, output) = commands.getstatusoutput( 'speaker-test -t sine -l 1 -f %f' % (f)) if status != 0: log.warning('call to speaker-test failed?') for c in range(self.activity.audiograb.channels): self.activity.wave.set_visibility(channels[c], channel=c) self.activity.wave.set_context_on() self.activity.wave.set_active(wave_status) class InstrumentToolbar(gtk.Toolbar): ''' The toolbar for adding new instruments ''' def __init__(self, activity): gtk.Toolbar.__init__(self) self.activity = activity self.new_instruments = [] self._name_entry = gtk.Entry() self._name_entry.set_text(_('my instrument')) self._name_entry_changed_id = self._name_entry.connect( 'changed', self.update_name_entry) if hasattr(self._name_entry, 'set_tooltip_text'): self._name_entry.set_tooltip_text( _('Enter instrument name.')) self._name_entry.set_width_chars(24) self._name_entry.show() toolitem = gtk.ToolItem() toolitem.add(self._name_entry) self.insert(toolitem, -1) toolitem.show() self._notes_combo = ComboBox() n = 0 for octave in range(9): for i in range(len(NOTES)): if octave == 0 and i < 9: # Start with A0 continue self._notes_combo.append_item( n, note_octave(i, octave), None) n += 1 self._notes_combo.set_active(48) # A4 if hasattr(self._notes_combo, 'set_tooltip_text'): self._notes_combo.set_tooltip_text(_('Notes')) self._notes_tool = ToolComboBox(self._notes_combo) self.insert(self._notes_tool, -1) self._notes_tool.show() self._new_note = ToolButton('list-add') self._new_note.show() self.insert(self._new_note, -1) self._new_note.set_tooltip(_('Add a new note.')) self._new_note.connect('clicked', self.new_note_cb) def update_name_entry(self, *args): ''' Add name to INSTRUMENT_DICT and combo box ''' # Wait until a note has been added... return def new_note_cb(self, *args): ''' Add a new note to instrument tuning list ''' name = self._name_entry.get_text() if name not in INSTRUMENT_DICT: INSTRUMENT_DICT[name] = [] self.activity.tuning_toolbar.instrument.append(name) i = len(self.activity.tuning_toolbar.instrument) self.activity.tuning_toolbar.instrument_combo.append_item( i, name, None) self.new_instruments.append(name) i = self._notes_combo.get_active() freq = A0 * pow(TWELTHROOT2, i) if freq not in INSTRUMENT_DICT[name]: INSTRUMENT_DICT[name].append(freq) def note_octave(note, octave): if '/' in NOTES[note]: flat, sharp = NOTES[note].split('/') return '%s%d/%s%d' % (flat, octave, sharp, octave) else: return '%s%d' % (NOTES[note], octave) def freq_note(freq, flatsharp=False): if flatsharp: # calculate if we are sharp or flat for i in range(88): f = A0 * pow(TWELTHROOT2, i) if freq < f * 1.03 and freq > f * 0.97: label = NOTES[index_to_note(i)] if freq < f * 0.98: label = '%s %s %s' % (FLAT, label, FLAT) return SPAN % (COLOR_RED.get_html(), label) elif freq < f * 0.99: label = '%s %s %s' % (FLAT, label, FLAT) return SPAN % (COLOR_YELLOW.get_html(), label) elif freq > f * 1.02: label = '%s %s %s' % (SHARP, label, SHARP) return SPAN % (COLOR_RED.get_html(), label) elif freq > f * 1.01: label = '%s %s %s' % (SHARP, label, SHARP) return SPAN % (COLOR_YELLOW.get_html(), label) else: return SPAN % (style.COLOR_WHITE.get_html(), label) else: for i in range(88): f = A0 * pow(TWELTHROOT2, i) if freq < f * 1.03 and freq > f * 0.97: # Found a match return note_octave(index_to_note(i), index_to_octave(i)) return '?' def freq_index(freq): for i in range(88): f = A0 * pow(TWELTHROOT2, i) if freq < f * 1.03 and freq > f * 0.97: # Found a match return i return 0 def index_to_octave(i): return int((i - 3) / 12) + 1 # -3 because we start with A def index_to_note(i): return (i - 3) % 12 # -3 because we start with A