# Copyright (C) 2006, 2007, 2008 One Laptop Per Child # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. # from gi.repository import GObject from os.path import join, dirname from gettext import gettext as _ from sugar3.graphics.toolbutton import ToolButton from sugar3.graphics.toolcombobox import ToolComboBox from sugar3.graphics.alert import Alert from sugar3.graphics.icon import Icon from sugar3.activity.widgets import RadioMenuButton from sugar3.graphics.menuitem import MenuItem import logging from GObject import SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, TYPE_PYOBJECT _logger = logging.getLogger('memorize-activity') class MemorizeToolbarBuilder(GObject.GObject): __gtype_name__ = 'MemoryToolbarBuilder' standard_game_names = ['addition', 'letters', 'sounds' ] translated_game_names = [_('Addition'), _('Letters'), _('Sounds') ] __gsignals__ = { 'game_changed': (SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, None, 5 * [TYPE_PYOBJECT]) } def __init__(self, activity): GObject.GObject.__init__(self) self.activity = activity self.toolbar = self.activity.get_toolbar_box().toolbar self.jobject = None # Change demo games button self._demo_games = RadioMenuButton(icon_name='memorize-collection') self._demo_games.props.tooltip = _('Load demo games') for i, game in enumerate(self.translated_game_names): menu_item = MenuItem(game, icon_name=self.standard_game_names[i]) menu_item.connect('activate', self.__activate_game_cb, i) self._demo_games.props.palette.menu.append(menu_item) menu_item.show() self.toolbar.insert(self._demo_games, -1) self._selected_game = self.standard_game_names[0] # Change size combobox self._size_combo = RadioMenuButton(icon_name='change_size') self._size_combo.props.tooltip = _('Change size') self._sizes = ['4 X 4', '5 X 5', '6 X 6'] for i, f in enumerate(self._sizes): menu_item = MenuItem(f, icon_name=self._sizes[i]) menu_item.connect('activate', self._game_size_cb, i) self._size_combo.props.palette.menu.append(menu_item) menu_item.show() self.toolbar.insert(self._size_combo, -1) self._selected_game_size = self._sizes[0][0] # Reset Button self._restart_button = ToolButton('game-new') self._restart_button.connect('clicked', self._game_reset_cb) self._restart_button.set_tooltip(_('Restart Game')) self.toolbar.insert(self._restart_button, -1) self._restart_button.show() def _game_reset_cb(self, widget): self.activity.game.model.count = 0 self.emit('game_changed', None, None, 'reset', None, None) def update_controls(self, active): self._size_combo.set_sensitive(active) self._demo_games.set_sensitive(active) self._restart_button.set_sensitive(active) def _game_size_cb(self, widget, i): self._selected_game_size = int(self._sizes[i][0]) self._size_combo.props.icon_name = self._sizes[i] self.emit('game_changed', None, self._selected_game_size, 'size', None, None) def __activate_game_cb(self, menu, i): self._game_selected_index = i if self.activity.game.model.is_demo: self._change_game() else: alert = Alert() alert.props.title = _('Discard your modified game?') icon = Icon(icon_name='dialog-ok') alert.add_button(1, _('Discard'), icon) icon = Icon(icon_name='dialog-cancel') alert.add_button(0, _('Do not discard'), icon) alert.connect('response', self._change_game_alert_cb) self.activity.add_alert(alert) def _change_game_alert_cb(self, alert, response_id): if alert is not None: self.activity.remove_alert(alert) if response_id == 1: self._change_game() def _change_game(self): title = self.translated_game_names[self._game_selected_index] game_size = int(self._selected_game_size) game_name = self.standard_game_names[self._game_selected_index] self._demo_games.props.icon_name = game_name game_file = join(dirname(__file__), 'demos', game_name + '.zip') self.emit('game_changed', game_file, game_size, 'demo', title, None) def reset(self, widget): self._demo_games.props.icon_name = 'memorize-collection' def update_toolbar(self, widget, data, grid): size = data.get('size') self._size_combo.props.icon_name = size + ' X ' + size