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path: root/colors.py
diff options
authorWade Brainerd <wadetb@gmail.com>2008-04-01 12:22:16 (GMT)
committer Wade Brainerd <wadetb@gmail.com>2008-04-01 12:22:16 (GMT)
commit1aa4f36c80ff11faf5562474f65cf466e480b210 (patch)
tree59520f5a3eae6bee5ffbc77cbf528205bc5c2844 /colors.py
Initial commit of Colors! v3.
Diffstat (limited to 'colors.py')
1 files changed, 1539 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/colors.py b/colors.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4666f6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/colors.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1539 @@
+# Copyright 2008 by Jens Andersson and Wade Brainerd.
+# This file is part of Colors! XO.
+# Colors is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# Colors is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with Colors. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+"""Colors! XO painting activity. Based on Colors! by Collecting Smiles."""
+# Note- I had to rename the self.canvas object *self.easel* for now, because the stupid sugar.window.Window
+# super class of Activity has its own "canvas" member. If anyone has a better name, feel free to change it.
+# Reference links:
+# Colors! - http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Colors!
+# PyGTK - http://www.pygtk.org/pygtk2reference/
+# Sugar - http://dev.laptop.org/~cscott/joyride-1477-api/
+# GStreamer - http://pygstdocs.berlios.de/pygst-reference/index.html
+# Activities - http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Sugar_Activity_Tutorial
+# Sharing - http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Shared_Sugar_Activities
+# Import standard Python modules.
+import logging, os, math, time, copy, json
+from gettext import gettext as _
+# Import the C++ component of the activity.
+from colorsc import *
+# Import PyGTK.
+import gobject, pygtk, gtk, pango
+# Needed to avoid thread crashes with GStreamer
+# Import DBUS and mesh networking modules.
+import dbus, telepathy, telepathy.client
+from dbus import Interface
+from dbus.service import method, signal
+from dbus.gobject_service import ExportedGObject
+from sugar.presence.tubeconn import TubeConnection
+from sugar.presence import presenceservice
+# Import Sugar UI modules.
+from sugar import graphics
+from sugar.activity import activity
+from sugar.graphics import *
+from sugar.graphics import toggletoolbutton
+# Import GStreamer (for camera access).
+import pygst, gst
+# Initialize logging.
+log = logging.getLogger('Colors run')
+# Track memory leaks.
+#import gc
+# DBUS identifiers are used to uniquely identify the activity for network communcations.
+DBUS_IFACE = "org.laptop.community.Colors"
+DBUS_PATH = "/org/laptop/community/Colors"
+# This is the overlay that appears when the user presses the Palette toobar button. It covers the entire screen,
+# and offers controls for brush type, size, opacity, and color.
+# The color wheel and triangle are rendered into GdkImage objects by C++ code in palette.h / palette.cpp which
+# is compiled into the colorsc module.
+class BrushControlsPanel(gtk.HBox):
+ def __init__ (self):
+ gtk.HBox.__init__(self)
+ self.set_property("spacing", 20)
+ self.set_border_width(50)
+ # Locally managed Brush object.
+ self.brush = Brush()
+ # Palette wheel widget.
+ palbox = gtk.VBox()
+ self.palette = Palette(BrushControlsPanel.PALETTE_SIZE)
+ self.paletteimage = gtk.gdk.Image(gtk.gdk.IMAGE_FASTEST, gtk.gdk.visual_get_system(), BrushControlsPanel.PALETTE_SIZE, BrushControlsPanel.PALETTE_SIZE)
+ self.palette.render_wheel(self.paletteimage)
+ self.palette.render_triangle(self.paletteimage)
+ self.palettearea = gtk.DrawingArea()
+ self.palettearea.set_size_request(BrushControlsPanel.PALETTE_SIZE, BrushControlsPanel.PALETTE_SIZE)
+ self.palettearea.add_events(gtk.gdk.POINTER_MOTION_MASK|gtk.gdk.BUTTON_PRESS_MASK|gtk.gdk.BUTTON_RELEASE_MASK)
+ self.palettearea.connect('expose-event', self.on_palette_expose)
+ self.palettearea.connect('motion-notify-event', self.on_palette_mouse)
+ self.palettearea.connect('button-press-event', self.on_palette_mouse)
+ self.palettearea.connect('button-release-event', self.on_palette_mouse)
+ palbox.pack_start(self.palettearea, False, False)
+ self.pack_start(palbox, False)
+ # Brush size scrollbar, label and pressure sensitivity checkbox.
+ sizebox = gtk.VBox()
+ sizelabel = gtk.Label(_('Brush Size'))
+ sizebox.pack_end(sizelabel, False)
+ self.size = gtk.Adjustment(50, 1, 260, 1, 10, 10)
+ self.sizebar = gtk.VScale(self.size)
+ self.sizebar.set_property("draw-value", False)
+ self.sizebar.set_property("inverted", True)
+ self.sizebar.connect('value-changed', self.on_size_change)
+ sizebox.pack_end(self.sizebar)
+ self.sizecheck = gtk.CheckButton(_('Pressure\nSensitive'))
+ self.sizecheck.connect('toggled', self.on_variable_size_toggle)
+ sizebox.pack_end(self.sizecheck, False)
+ self.pack_start(sizebox, False)
+ # Brush opacity scrollbar, label and pressure sensitivity checkbox.
+ opacitybox = gtk.VBox()
+ opacitylabel = gtk.Label(_('Brush Opacity'))
+ opacitybox.pack_end(opacitylabel, False)
+ self.opacity = gtk.Adjustment(0, 0, 1.1, 0.001, 0.1, 0.1)
+ self.opacitybar = gtk.VScale(self.opacity)
+ self.opacitybar.set_property("draw-value", False)
+ self.opacitybar.set_property("inverted", True)
+ self.opacitybar.connect('value-changed', self.on_opacity_change)
+ opacitybox.pack_end(self.opacitybar)
+ self.opacitycheck = gtk.CheckButton(_('Pressure\nSensitive'))
+ self.opacitycheck.connect('toggled', self.on_variable_opacity_toggle)
+ opacitybox.pack_end(self.opacitycheck, False)
+ self.pack_start(opacitybox, False)
+ # Force column scrollbars to be equal width.
+ group = gtk.SizeGroup(gtk.SIZE_GROUP_HORIZONTAL)
+ group.add_widget(sizebox)
+ group.add_widget(opacitybox)
+ # Brush preview widget.
+ brushbox = gtk.VBox()
+ brushbox.set_property("spacing", 20)
+ self.preview = BrushPreview(BrushControlsPanel.PREVIEW_SIZE)
+ self.previewimage = gtk.gdk.Image(gtk.gdk.IMAGE_FASTEST, gtk.gdk.visual_get_system(), BrushControlsPanel.PREVIEW_SIZE, BrushControlsPanel.PREVIEW_SIZE)
+ self.previewarea = gtk.DrawingArea()
+ self.previewarea.set_size_request(BrushControlsPanel.PREVIEW_SIZE, BrushControlsPanel.PREVIEW_SIZE)
+ self.previewarea.connect('expose-event', self.on_preview_expose)
+ brushbox.pack_start(self.previewarea, False)
+ # Brush type selection widgets.
+ self.brushbtns = []
+ brushtbl = gtk.Table(1, 2)
+ brushtbl.set_col_spacings(5)
+ brushtbl.attach(self.create_brushtype_widget(BrushType.BRUSHTYPE_SOFT), 0, 1, 0, 1)
+ brushtbl.attach(self.create_brushtype_widget(BrushType.BRUSHTYPE_HARD), 1, 2, 0, 1)
+ brushbox.pack_start(brushtbl, False)
+ self.pack_start(brushbox, False)
+ self.in_toggle_cb = False
+ def create_brushtype_widget (self, type):
+ brusharea = gtk.DrawingArea()
+ brusharea.set_size_request(BrushControlsPanel.BRUSHTYPE_SIZE, BrushControlsPanel.BRUSHTYPE_SIZE)
+ brusharea.connect('expose-event', self.on_brushtype_expose)
+ brusharea.preview = BrushPreview(BrushControlsPanel.BRUSHTYPE_SIZE)
+ brusharea.preview.brush.size = int(BrushControlsPanel.BRUSHTYPE_SIZE*0.75)
+ brusharea.preview.brush.type = type
+ brusharea.preview.brush.color = Color(0,0,0,0)
+ brusharea.previewimage = gtk.gdk.Image(gtk.gdk.IMAGE_FASTEST, gtk.gdk.visual_get_system(), BrushControlsPanel.BRUSHTYPE_SIZE, BrushControlsPanel.BRUSHTYPE_SIZE)
+ brusharea.preview.render(brusharea.previewimage)
+ brushbtn = gtk.ToggleButton()
+ brushbtn.set_image(brusharea)
+ brushbtn.connect('toggled', self.on_brushtype_toggle)
+ brushbtn.brushtype = type
+ self.brushbtns.append(brushbtn)
+ return brushbtn
+ def set_brush (self, brush):
+ self.brush = brush
+ self.opacity.set_value(brush.opacity)
+ self.size.set_value(brush.size)
+ self.palette.set_color(brush.color)
+ self.opacitycheck.set_active((brush.control & Brush.BRUSHCONTROL_VARIABLEOPACITY) != 0)
+ self.sizecheck.set_active((brush.control & Brush.BRUSHCONTROL_VARIABLESIZE) != 0)
+ self.update_brushtype_btns()
+ def on_size_change (self, event):
+ self.brush.size = int(self.size.get_value())
+ self.previewarea.queue_draw()
+ def on_opacity_change (self, event):
+ self.brush.opacity = self.opacity.get_value()
+ self.previewarea.queue_draw()
+ def on_variable_size_toggle (self, event):
+ if self.sizecheck.get_active():
+ self.brush.control |= Brush.BRUSHCONTROL_VARIABLESIZE
+ else:
+ self.brush.control &= ~Brush.BRUSHCONTROL_VARIABLESIZE
+ def on_variable_opacity_toggle (self, event):
+ if self.opacitycheck.get_active():
+ self.brush.control |= Brush.BRUSHCONTROL_VARIABLEOPACITY
+ else:
+ self.brush.control &= ~Brush.BRUSHCONTROL_VARIABLEOPACITY
+ def on_palette_expose (self, widget, event):
+ self.cur_style = self.palettearea.get_style()
+ self.cur_gc = self.cur_style.fg_gc[gtk.STATE_NORMAL]
+ # Draw palette image.
+ self.palette.render_triangle(self.paletteimage)
+ self.palettearea.window.draw_image(self.cur_gc, self.paletteimage, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, -1)
+ # Draw circles to indicate selected color.
+ # todo- Better looking circles.
+ r = int(self.palette.WHEEL_WIDTH*0.75)
+ self.cur_gc.foreground = self.palettearea.get_colormap().alloc_color(16384,16384,16384)
+ self.cur_gc.line_width = 2
+ wheel_pos = self.palette.get_wheel_pos()
+ tri_pos = self.palette.get_triangle_pos()
+ self.palettearea.window.draw_arc(self.cur_gc, False, int(wheel_pos.x-r/2+2), int(wheel_pos.y-r/2+2), r-4, r-4, 0, 360*64)
+ self.palettearea.window.draw_arc(self.cur_gc, False, int(tri_pos.x-r/2+2), int(tri_pos.y-r/2+2), r-4, r-4, 0, 360*64)
+ self.cur_gc.foreground = self.palettearea.get_colormap().alloc_color(65535,65535,65535)
+ self.cur_gc.line_width = 2
+ self.palettearea.window.draw_arc(self.cur_gc, False, int(wheel_pos.x-r/2), int(wheel_pos.y-r/2), r, r, 0, 360*64)
+ self.palettearea.window.draw_arc(self.cur_gc, False, int(tri_pos.x-r/2), int(tri_pos.y-r/2), r, r, 0, 360*64)
+ def on_palette_mouse (self, widget, event):
+ if event.state & gtk.gdk.BUTTON1_MASK:
+ widget.grab_focus()
+ self.palette.process_mouse(int(event.x), int(event.y))
+ self.palettearea.queue_draw()
+ self.brush.color = self.palette.get_color()
+ self.previewarea.queue_draw()
+ if event.type == gtk.gdk.BUTTON_RELEASE:
+ self.palette.process_mouse_release()
+ def on_preview_expose (self, widget, event):
+ self.preview.brush = self.brush
+ self.preview.brush.size = self.brush.size*2 # Mimic 2x canvas scaling.
+ self.preview.render(self.previewimage)
+ self.previewarea.window.draw_image(widget.get_style().fg_gc[gtk.STATE_NORMAL], self.previewimage, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, -1)
+ def on_brushtype_expose (self, widget, event):
+ widget.window.draw_image(widget.get_style().fg_gc[gtk.STATE_NORMAL], widget.previewimage, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, -1)
+ # Manually implemented radio button using ToggleButtons.
+ def update_brushtype_btns (self):
+ for b in self.brushbtns:
+ b.set_active(b.brushtype == self.brush.type)
+ def on_brushtype_toggle (self, widget):
+ if self.in_toggle_cb:
+ return
+ self.in_toggle_cb = True
+ self.brush.type = widget.brushtype
+ self.update_brushtype_btns()
+ self.previewarea.queue_draw()
+ self.in_toggle_cb = False
+# This is the overlay that appears when playing back large numbers of drawing commands.
+# It simply shows how much work is left to do and that progress is taking place.
+class ProgressPanel(gtk.VBox):
+ def __init__ (self):
+ gtk.VBox.__init__(self)
+ self.set_border_width(50)
+ self.label = gtk.Label()
+ self.label.set_markup("<span foreground='white' size='xx-large'>"+_("Working...")+"</span>")
+ self.progress = gtk.ProgressBar()
+ self.progress.set_fraction(0.5)
+ self.progress.set_orientation(gtk.PROGRESS_LEFT_TO_RIGHT)
+ vbox = gtk.VBox()
+ vbox.set_property("spacing", 20)
+ vbox.pack_start(self.label, False)
+ vbox.pack_start(self.progress, False)
+ self.pack_start(vbox, True, False)
+# This is the main Colors! activity class.
+# It owns the main application window, the painting canvas, and all the various toolbars and options.
+class Colors(activity.Activity, ExportedGObject):
+ # Application mode definitions.
+ # Button definitions
+ BUTTON_PICK = 1<<4
+ BUTTON_SIZE_0 = 1<<7
+ BUTTON_SIZE_1 = 1<<8
+ BUTTON_SIZE_2 = 1<<9
+ BUTTON_SIZE_3 = 1<<10
+ BUTTON_TOUCH = 1<<11
+ # Number of drawing steps to execute between progress bar updates. More updates means faster overall drawing
+ # but a less responsive UI.
+ def __init__ (self, handle):
+ activity.Activity.__init__(self, handle)
+ self.set_title(_("Colors!"))
+ # Uncomment to test out a bunch of the C++ heavy lifting APIs. Takes awhile on the XO though.
+ #self.benchmark()
+ # Get activity size. What we really need is the size of the canvasarea, not including the toolbox.
+ # This will be figured out on the first paint event, once everything is resized.
+ self.width = gtk.gdk.screen_width()
+ self.height = gtk.gdk.screen_height()
+ # Set up various systems.
+ self.init_input()
+ self.init_zoom()
+ self.init_scroll()
+ # Build the toolbar.
+ self.build_toolbar()
+ # Set up drawing canvas (which is also the parent for any popup widgets like the brush controls).
+ self.build_canvas()
+ # Build the brush control popup window.
+ self.build_brush_controls()
+ # Build the progress display popup window.
+ self.build_progress()
+ # Start camera processing.
+ self.init_camera()
+ # Set the initial mode to None, it will be set to Intro on the first update.
+ self.mode = None
+ # Set up mesh networking.
+ self.init_mesh()
+ # Start the framerate timer.
+ gobject.idle_add(self.tick)
+ # This has to happen last, because it calls the read_file method when restoring from the Journal.
+ self.set_canvas(self.easelarea)
+ # Reveal the main window (but not the panels).
+ self.show_all()
+ self.brush_controls.hide()
+ self.progress.hide()
+ self.overlay_active = False
+ #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # User interface construction
+ def build_canvas (self):
+ # The canvasarea is the main window which covers the entire screen below the toolbar.
+ self.easelarea = gtk.Layout()
+ self.easelarea.set_size_request(gtk.gdk.screen_width(), gtk.gdk.screen_height())
+ self.easelarea.set_flags(gtk.CAN_FOCUS)
+ self.set_double_buffered(False)
+ self.easelarea.set_double_buffered(False)
+ # Set up GTK events for the canvasarea.
+ self.easelarea.add_events(gtk.gdk.POINTER_MOTION_MASK|gtk.gdk.POINTER_MOTION_HINT_MASK)
+ self.easelarea.add_events(gtk.gdk.BUTTON_PRESS_MASK|gtk.gdk.BUTTON_RELEASE_MASK)
+ self.easelarea.add_events(gtk.gdk.KEY_PRESS_MASK|gtk.gdk.KEY_RELEASE_MASK)
+ # The actual drawing canvas is at 1/2 resolution, which improves performance by 4x and still leaves a decent
+ # painting resolution of 600x400 on the XO.
+ self.easel = Canvas(self.width/2, self.height/2)
+ self.set_brush(self.easel.brush)
+ # The Canvas internally stores the image as 32bit. When rendering, it scales up and blits into canvasimage,
+ # which is in the native 565 resolution of the XO. Then canvasimage is drawn into the canvasarea DrawingArea.
+ self.easelimage = gtk.gdk.Image(gtk.gdk.IMAGE_FASTEST, gtk.gdk.visual_get_system(), self.width, self.height)
+ # Now that we have a canvas, connect the rest of the events.
+ self.easelarea.connect('expose-event', self.on_canvasarea_expose)
+ self.easelarea.connect('expose-event', self.on_canvasarea_expose)
+ self.easelarea.connect('key-press-event', self.on_key_event)
+ self.easelarea.connect('key-release-event', self.on_key_event)
+ self.easelarea.connect('button-press-event', self.on_mouse_button)
+ self.easelarea.connect('button-release-event', self.on_mouse_button)
+ self.easelarea.connect('motion-notify-event', self.on_mouse_motion)
+ def build_brush_controls (self):
+ self.brush_controls = BrushControlsPanel()
+ self.brush_controls.set_size_request(gtk.gdk.screen_width(), gtk.gdk.screen_height())
+ self.easelarea.put(self.brush_controls, 0, 0)
+ def build_progress (self):
+ self.progress = ProgressPanel()
+ self.progress.set_size_request(gtk.gdk.screen_width(), gtk.gdk.screen_height())
+ self.easelarea.put(self.progress, 0, 0)
+ def build_toolbar (self):
+ # Painting controls (palette, zoom, etc)
+ self.palettebtn = toggletoolbutton.ToggleToolButton('palette')
+ self.palettebtn.set_tooltip(_("Palette"))
+ self.palettebtn.connect('clicked', self.on_palette)
+ self.palette_forced = False
+ # todo- Color picker button, similar semantics to palette button.
+ #self.zoomoutbtn = toolbutton.ToolButton('zoom-out')
+ #self.zoomoutbtn.set_tooltip(_("Zoom Out"))
+ #self.zoominbtn = toolbutton.ToolButton('zoom-in')
+ #self.zoominbtn.set_tooltip(_("Zoom In"))
+ self.refsep = gtk.SeparatorToolItem()
+ self.takerefbtn = toolbutton.ToolButton('reference')
+ self.takerefbtn.set_tooltip(_("Take Reference Picture"))
+ self.takerefbtn.connect('clicked', self.on_take_reference)
+ self.take_reference = False
+ self.showrefbtn = toggletoolbutton.ToggleToolButton('zoom-out')
+ self.showrefbtn.set_tooltip(_("Show Reference Picture"))
+ self.showrefbtn.connect('clicked', self.on_show_reference)
+ self.reference_forced = False
+ self.videopaintsep = gtk.SeparatorToolItem()
+ self.videopaintbtn = toggletoolbutton.ToggleToolButton('zoom-out')
+ self.videopaintbtn.set_tooltip(_("Video Paint"))
+ self.videopaintbtn.connect('clicked', self.on_videopaint)
+ self.videopaintpreview = gtk.DrawingArea()
+ self.videopaintpreview.set_size_request(Canvas.VIDEO_WIDTH, Canvas.VIDEO_HEIGHT)
+ self.videopaintpreview.connect('expose-event', self.on_videopaintpreview_expose)
+ self.videopaintitem = gtk.ToolItem()
+ self.videopaintitem.add(self.videopaintpreview)
+ self.videopaintimage = gtk.gdk.Image(gtk.gdk.IMAGE_FASTEST, gtk.gdk.visual_get_system(), Canvas.VIDEO_WIDTH, Canvas.VIDEO_HEIGHT)
+ self.videopaint_enabled = False
+ self.clearsep = gtk.SeparatorToolItem()
+ self.clearsep.set_expand(True)
+ self.clearsep.set_draw(False)
+ self.clearbtn = toolbutton.ToolButton('erase')
+ self.clearbtn.set_tooltip(_("Start Over"))
+ self.clearbtn.connect('clicked', self.on_clear)
+ paintbox = gtk.Toolbar()
+ paintbox.insert(self.palettebtn, -1)
+ #paintbox.insert(self.zoomoutbtn, -1)
+ #paintbox.insert(self.zoominbtn, -1)
+ paintbox.insert(self.refsep, -1)
+ paintbox.insert(self.takerefbtn, -1)
+ paintbox.insert(self.showrefbtn, -1)
+ paintbox.insert(self.videopaintsep, -1)
+ paintbox.insert(self.videopaintbtn, -1)
+ paintbox.insert(self.videopaintitem, -1)
+ paintbox.insert(self.clearsep, -1)
+ paintbox.insert(self.clearbtn, -1)
+ # Playback controls
+ self.startbtn = toolbutton.ToolButton('media-playback-start')
+ self.startbtn.set_tooltip(_("Start Playback"))
+ self.startbtn.connect('clicked', self.on_play)
+ self.pausebtn = toolbutton.ToolButton('media-playback-pause')
+ self.pausebtn.set_tooltip(_("Pause Playback"))
+ self.pausebtn.connect('clicked', self.on_pause)
+ self.beginbtn = toolbutton.ToolButton('media-seek-backward')
+ self.beginbtn.set_tooltip(_("Skip To Beginning"))
+ self.beginbtn.connect('clicked', self.on_skip_begin)
+ self.endbtn = toolbutton.ToolButton('media-seek-forward')
+ self.endbtn.connect('clicked', self.on_skip_end)
+ self.endbtn.set_tooltip(_("Skip To End"))
+ # Position bar
+ self.playbackpossep = gtk.SeparatorToolItem()
+ self.playbackpossep.set_draw(True)
+ self.playbackpos = gtk.Adjustment(0, 0, 110, 1, 10, 10)
+ self.playbackposbar = gtk.HScale(self.playbackpos)
+ self.playbackposbar.connect('value-changed', self.on_playbackposbar_change)
+ self.playbackposbar.ignore_change = 0
+ self.playbackpositem = gtk.ToolItem()
+ self.playbackpositem.set_expand(True)
+ self.playbackpositem.add(self.playbackposbar)
+ playbox = gtk.Toolbar()
+ playbox.insert(self.startbtn, -1)
+ playbox.insert(self.pausebtn, -1)
+ playbox.insert(self.beginbtn, -1)
+ playbox.insert(self.endbtn, -1)
+ playbox.insert(self.playbackpossep, -1)
+ playbox.insert(self.playbackpositem, -1)
+ # Sample files to learn from. Reads the list from an INDEX file in the data folder.
+ samplebox = gtk.Toolbar()
+ self.samplebtns = []
+ samples = []
+ fd = open(activity.get_bundle_path() + '/data/INDEX', 'r')
+ try:
+ samples = json.read(fd.read())
+ finally:
+ fd.close()
+ log.debug("Samples: %r", samples)
+ for s in samples:
+ btn = toolbutton.ToolButton('media-playback-start')
+ btn.filename = activity.get_bundle_path() + '/data/' + s['drw']
+ btn.set_tooltip(s['title'])
+ img = gtk.Image()
+ img.set_from_file(activity.get_bundle_path() + '/data/' + s['icon'])
+ btn.set_icon_widget(img)
+ btn.connect('clicked', self.on_sample)
+ samplebox.insert(btn, -1)
+ self.samplebtns.append(btn)
+ toolbar = activity.ActivityToolbox(self)
+ toolbar.add_toolbar(_("Paint"),paintbox)
+ toolbar.add_toolbar(_("Watch"),playbox)
+ toolbar.add_toolbar(_("Learn"),samplebox)
+ toolbar.show_all()
+ self.set_toolbox(toolbar)
+ #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Camera access
+ #
+ # todo- Consider going straight to video4linux2's C API, we aren't really using any features of GStreamer.
+ def init_camera (self):
+ self.gstpipe = gst.parse_launch("v4l2src ! fakesink name=fakesink signal-handoffs=true")
+ self.gstfakesink = self.gstpipe.get_by_name('fakesink')
+ self.gstfakesink.connect("handoff", self.on_gst_buffer)
+ self.easelarea.connect("destroy", self.on_gst_destroy)
+ self.gstpipe.set_state(gst.STATE_PLAYING)
+ def on_gst_buffer(self, element, buffer, pad):
+ if self.take_reference:
+ self.easel.set_reference_buffer(buffer, 640, 480)
+ # Bring up the reference screen and update.
+ self.showrefbtn.set_active(True)
+ self.easel.render_reference_overlay()
+ self.flush_entire_canvas()
+ self.take_reference = False
+ if self.videopaint_enabled:
+ self.easel.videopaint_motion(buffer, 640, 480)
+ # todo- This isn't working right, for some reason the GST pipe keeps playing after the window is destroyed, leading
+ # to Python exceptions in on_gst_buffer.
+ def on_gst_destroy (self, widget):
+ self.gstpipe.set_state(gst.STATE_NULL)
+ #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Mesh networking
+ #
+ # The mesh networking system is a little bit wacky, but works reasonably well at the moment. It might need to
+ # be redone in the future for less stable networking environments.
+ #
+ # Each user maintains the current state of the canvas, as well as a 'shared image' state which represents the
+ # 'master' state of the canvas that is shared by all the users. The command index in the drawing command list
+ # that corresponds to the master state is also recorded.
+ #
+ # Each user is allowed to paint 'ahead' of the master state, by appending commands to their local command list.
+ # After each stroke, the commands of the stroke are broadcast as the new master state to the other users.
+ #
+ # Whenever a new master state is received, it will contain a list of commands that follow the old master state
+ # to reach the new one. The user simply rewinds their canvas to the old master state, replaces their local image
+ # with the shared one, and appends the received commands to reach the new master state.
+ #
+ # The net effect is that when the user paints something, they broadcast their own commands, and then *receive*
+ # their own commands, rewinding and then playing them back immediately. So, every users canvas state is simply the
+ # sum of all the broadcasts from themselves and the other users. Since the broadcasts are serialized, every
+ # user has the same state all the time.
+ def init_mesh (self):
+ self.connected = False # If True, the activity is shared with other users.
+ self.initiating = False # If True, this instance started the activity. Otherwise, we joined it.
+ # Set up the drawing send and receive state.
+ # See send_and_receive_draw_commands for more information.
+ self.draw_command_sent = 0
+ self.draw_command_received = 0
+ self.draw_command_queue = DrawCommandBuffer()
+ # Get the presence server and self handle.
+ self.pservice = presenceservice.get_instance()
+ self.owner = self.pservice.get_owner()
+ self.connect('shared', self.on_shared) # Called when the user clicks the Share button in the toolbar.
+ self.connect('joined', self.on_join) # Called when the activity joins a remote activity.
+ def on_shared (self, activity):
+ self.initiating = True
+ self.setup_sharing()
+ # Offer a DBus tube that everyone else can connect to.
+ self.tubes_chan[telepathy.CHANNEL_TYPE_TUBES].OfferDBusTube(DBUS_SERVICE, {})
+ # Cancel the intro if playing.
+ self.set_mode(Colors.MODE_CANVAS)
+ def on_list_tubes_reply(self, tubes): # Called by on_join.
+ for tube_info in tubes:
+ self.on_tube(*tube_info)
+ def on_list_tubes_error(self, e): # Called by on_join.
+ pass
+ def on_join (self, activity):
+ self.initiating = False
+ self.setup_sharing()
+ # List existing tubes. There should only be one, which will invoke the on_new_tube callback.
+ self.tubes_chan[telepathy.CHANNEL_TYPE_TUBES].ListTubes(
+ reply_handler=self.on_list_tubes_reply, error_handler=self.on_list_tubes_error)
+ # Limit UI choices for non-host users.
+ self.disable_shared_commands()
+ # Cancel the intro if playing.
+ self.set_mode(Colors.MODE_CANVAS)
+ def setup_sharing (self):
+ """Called to initialize mesh networking objects when the activity becomes shared (on_shared) or joins an
+ existing shared activity (on_join)."""
+ # Cache connection related objects.
+ self.conn = self._shared_activity.telepathy_conn
+ self.tubes_chan = self._shared_activity.telepathy_tubes_chan
+ self.text_chan = self._shared_activity.telepathy_text_chan
+ # This will get called as soon as the connection is established.
+ self.tubes_chan[telepathy.CHANNEL_TYPE_TUBES].connect_to_signal('NewTube', self.on_tube)
+ # Called when a buddy joins us or leaves (does nothing right now).
+ self._shared_activity.connect('buddy-joined', self.on_buddy_joined)
+ self._shared_activity.connect('buddy-left', self.on_buddy_left)
+ def on_tube (self, id, initiator, type, service, params, state):
+ """Called by the NewTube callback or the ListTubes enumeration, when a real connection finally exists."""
+ if (type == telepathy.TUBE_TYPE_DBUS and service == DBUS_SERVICE):
+ # If the new tube is waiting for us to finalize it, do so.
+ if state == telepathy.TUBE_STATE_LOCAL_PENDING:
+ self.tubes_chan[telepathy.CHANNEL_TYPE_TUBES].AcceptDBusTube(id)
+ if not self.connected:
+ # Create the TubeConnection object to manage the connection.
+ self.tube = TubeConnection(self.conn,
+ self.tubes_chan[telepathy.CHANNEL_TYPE_TUBES],
+ id, group_iface=self.text_chan[telepathy.CHANNEL_INTERFACE_GROUP])
+ ExportedGObject.__init__(self, self.tube, DBUS_PATH)
+ # Set up DBUS Signal receiviers.
+ self.tube.add_signal_receiver(self.ReceiveHello, 'BroadcastHello', DBUS_IFACE, path=DBUS_PATH)
+ self.tube.add_signal_receiver(self.ReceiveCanvasMode, 'BroadcastCanvasMode', DBUS_IFACE, path=DBUS_PATH)
+ self.tube.add_signal_receiver(self.ReceiveClear, 'BroadcastClear', DBUS_IFACE, path=DBUS_PATH)
+ self.tube.add_signal_receiver(self.ReceiveDrawCommands, 'BroadcastDrawCommands', DBUS_IFACE, path=DBUS_PATH)
+ self.tube.add_signal_receiver(self.ReceivePlayback, 'BroadcastPlayback', DBUS_IFACE, path=DBUS_PATH)
+ log.debug("Connected.")
+ self.connected = True
+ # Announce our presence to the server.
+ if not self.initiating:
+ self.BroadcastHello()
+ # Notes about DBUS signals:
+ # - When you call a @signal function, its implementation is invoked, and the registered callback is invoked on all
+ # the peers (including the one who invoked the signal!). So it's usually best for the @signal function to do
+ # nothing at all.
+ # - The 'signature' describes the parameters to the function.
+ @signal(dbus_interface=DBUS_IFACE, signature='')
+ def BroadcastHello (self):
+ """Broadcast signal sent when a client joins the shared activity."""
+ pass
+ def ReceiveHello (self):
+ if not self.initiating: return # Only the initiating peer responds to Hello commands.
+ log.debug("Received Hello. Responding with canvas state (%d commands).", self.easel.playback_length())
+ self.BroadcastCanvasMode()
+ self.BroadcastClear()
+ buf = self.easel.send_drw_commands(0, self.easel.get_num_commands())
+ self.BroadcastDrawCommands(buf.get_bytes(), buf.ncommands)
+ @signal(dbus_interface=DBUS_IFACE, signature='')
+ def BroadcastCanvasMode (self):
+ """Broadcast signal for forcing clients into Canvas mode."""
+ pass
+ def ReceiveCanvasMode (self):
+ log.debug("ReceiveCanvasMode")
+ if self.mode != Colors.MODE_CANVAS:
+ self.set_mode(Colors.MODE_CANVAS)
+ @signal(dbus_interface=DBUS_IFACE, signature='')
+ def BroadcastClear (self):
+ """Broadcast signal for clearing the canvas."""
+ pass
+ def ReceiveClear (self):
+ log.debug("ReceiveClear")
+ self.easel.clear()
+ self.easel.save_shared_image()
+ @signal(dbus_interface=DBUS_IFACE, signature='ayi')
+ def BroadcastDrawCommands (self, cmds, ncommands):
+ """Broadcast signal for drawing commands."""
+ pass
+ def ReceiveDrawCommands (self, cmds, ncommands):
+ log.debug("ReceiveDrawCommands")
+ s = "".join(chr(b) for b in cmds) # Convert dbus.ByteArray to Python string.
+ self.draw_command_queue.append(DrawCommandBuffer(s, ncommands))
+ @signal(dbus_interface=DBUS_IFACE, signature='bii')
+ def BroadcastPlayback (self, playing, playback_pos, playback_speed):
+ """Broadcast signal controlling playback. Not yet used."""
+ pass
+ def ReceivePlayback (self):
+ log.debug("ReceivePlayback")
+ if playing:
+ if self.mode != Colors.MODE_PLAYBACK:
+ self.set_mode(Colors.MODE_PLAYBACK)
+ else:
+ if self.mode == Colors.MODE_PLAYBACK:
+ self.set_mode(Colors.MODE_CANVAS)
+ self.easel.playback_to(playback_pos)
+ self.easel.set_playback_speed(playback_speed)
+ def on_buddy_joined (self, activity, buddy):
+ log.debug('Buddy %s joined', buddy.props.nick)
+ def on_buddy_left (self, activity, buddy):
+ log.debug('Buddy %s left', buddy.props.nick)
+ def send_and_receive_draw_commands (self):
+ if self.connected:
+ # Broadcast drawing commands that were generated by this user since the last call to this function.
+ if self.draw_command_sent < self.easel.get_num_commands():
+ buf = self.easel.send_drw_commands(self.draw_command_sent, self.easel.get_num_commands()-self.draw_command_sent)
+ self.BroadcastDrawCommands(buf.get_bytes(), buf.ncommands)
+ # Play any queued draw commands that were received from the host. If there are any, we first reset the
+ # canvas contents back to the last received state and then play them back.
+ if self.draw_command_queue.ncommands:
+ # Also, we have to save and restore the brush around the queued commands.
+ saved_brush = self.easel.brush
+ self.easel.receive_drw_commands(self.draw_command_queue, self.draw_command_sent)
+ self.easel.restore_shared_image()
+ self.easel.play_range(self.draw_command_sent, self.easel.get_num_commands())
+ self.easel.save_shared_image()
+ self.draw_command_queue.clear()
+ self.set_brush(saved_brush)
+ self.flush_dirty_canvas()
+ # Note that resetting the state above means "undoing" the commands we just broadcast. We will receive them
+ # again by our ReceiveDrawCommands callback immediately, and will play them back so the user shouldn't notice.
+ self.draw_command_sent = self.easel.get_num_commands()
+ def disable_shared_commands (self):
+ """Disables UI controls which cannot be activated by non-host peers."""
+ # Cannot clear the canvas.
+ self.clearbtn.set_sensitive(False)
+ # Cannot control playback.
+ self.startbtn.set_sensitive(False)
+ self.pausebtn.set_sensitive(False)
+ self.beginbtn.set_sensitive(False)
+ self.endbtn.set_sensitive(False)
+ self.playbackposbar.set_sensitive(False)
+ # Cannot activate sample drawings.
+ for s in self.samplebtns:
+ s.set_sensitive(False)
+ #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Input code
+ def init_input (self):
+ self.cur_buttons = 0
+ self.pending_press = 0
+ self.pending_release = 0
+ self.mx = 0
+ self.my = 0
+ self.pressure = 255
+ self.lastmx = 0
+ self.lastmy = 0
+ self.lastr = 0
+ def on_key_event (self, widget, event):
+ log.debug("on_key_event: %d", event.keyval) # Useful for manually working out keyvals for OLPC keys.
+ # OLPC keymap is designed to allow left or right handed stylus use, with lots of redundancy.
+ # So each major key should appear at least once on each side of the keyboard.
+ button = 0
+ # 'p' for Palette (todo- need something better!).
+ if event.keyval == ord('p'):
+ button = Colors.BUTTON_PALETTE
+ # 'r' for Reference (todo- need something better!).
+ if event.keyval == ord('r'):
+ button = Colors.BUTTON_REFERENCE
+ # 'v' for Videopaint (todo- need something better!).
+ if event.keyval == ord('v'):
+ button = Colors.BUTTON_VIDEOPAINT
+ # 's' hotkey to save PNG thumbnail of the current canvas as 'thumb.png'.
+ if event.keyval == ord('s'):
+ self.save_thumbnail(activity.get_bundle_path() + '/thumb.png')
+ # OLPC 'hand' buttons for scrolling.
+ if event.keyval == 311 or event.keyval == 312 or event.keyval == ord('s'):
+ button = Colors.BUTTON_SCROLL
+ # OLPC 'size' buttons for intensity.
+ #if event.keyval == 286: button = Colors.BUTTON_SIZE_0
+ #if event.keyval == 287: button = Colors.BUTTON_SIZE_1
+ #if event.keyval == 288: button = Colors.BUTTON_SIZE_2
+ #if event.keyval == 289: button = Colors.BUTTON_SIZE_3
+ # Arrow keys, gamepad 'face' buttons, or 'z' and 'x' for Zoom.
+ if event.keyval == ord('z') or event.keyval == 264 or event.keyval == 265 or event.keyval == 273:
+ button = Colors.BUTTON_ZOOM_IN
+ if event.keyval == ord('x') or event.keyval == 258 or event.keyval == 259 or event.keyval == 274:
+ button = Colors.BUTTON_ZOOM_OUT
+ # Either Alt key for pick.
+ if event.keyval == 313 or event.keyval == 308:
+ button = Colors.BUTTON_PICK
+ if button != 0:
+ if event.type == gtk.gdk.KEY_PRESS:
+ self.pending_press = self.pending_press | button
+ else:
+ self.pending_release = self.pending_release | button
+ def on_mouse_button(self, widget, event):
+ if self.overlay_active:
+ return
+ if event.button == 1:
+ if event.type == gtk.gdk.BUTTON_PRESS:
+ self.pending_press = self.pending_press | Colors.BUTTON_TOUCH
+ if event.type == gtk.gdk.BUTTON_RELEASE:
+ self.pending_release = self.pending_release | Colors.BUTTON_TOUCH
+ #else:
+ # if event.type == gtk.gdk.BUTTON_PRESS:
+ # self.pending_press = self.pending_press | Colors.BUTTON_PALETTE
+ # if event.type == gtk.gdk.BUTTON_RELEASE:
+ # self.pending_release = self.pending_release | Colors.BUTTON_PALETTE
+ if not widget.is_focus():
+ widget.grab_focus()
+ self.update()
+ return True
+ def on_mouse_motion (self, widget, event):
+ if self.overlay_active:
+ return
+ # Process mouse event normally.
+ if event.is_hint:
+ x, y, state = event.window.get_pointer()
+ else:
+ x = event.x
+ y = event.y
+ state = event.state
+ self.mx = int(x)
+ self.my = int(y)
+ if not widget.is_focus():
+ widget.grab_focus()
+ self.update()
+ self.flush_cursor()
+ return True
+ def update_input (self):
+ buttons = self.cur_buttons
+ buttons = buttons | self.pending_press
+ self.pending_press = 0
+ buttons = buttons & ~self.pending_release
+ self.pending_release = 0
+ hold = buttons & self.cur_buttons
+ if self.cur_buttons != buttons:
+ changed = self.cur_buttons ^ buttons
+ press = changed & buttons
+ release = changed & self.cur_buttons
+ self.cur_buttons = buttons
+ if press != 0:
+ self.on_press(press)
+ if release != 0:
+ self.on_release(release)
+ if hold != 0:
+ self.on_hold(hold)
+ def on_press (self, button):
+ if button & Colors.BUTTON_ZOOM_IN:
+ self.zoom_in()
+ if button & Colors.BUTTON_ZOOM_OUT:
+ self.zoom_out()
+ if button & Colors.BUTTON_VIDEOPAINT:
+ self.videopaintbtn.set_active(not self.videopaint_enabled)
+ def on_release (self, button):
+ pass
+ def on_hold (self, button):
+ pass
+ #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Scroll code
+ #
+ # todo- Scrolling is currently broken. It needs to be bound to a key and the issues need to be fixed.
+ def init_scroll (self):
+ self.scroll = Pos(0,0)
+ self.scrollref = None
+ def scroll_to (self, pos):
+ self.scroll = pos
+ # Clamp scroll position to within absolute limits.
+ scroll.x = min(max(scroll.x, -self.easel.width * 0.125), self.easel.width * 0.125)
+ scroll.y = min(max(scroll.y, -self.easel.height * 0.125), self.easel.height * 0.125)
+ def snap_scroll (self):
+ """Animates the scroll position back towards reasonable bounds."""
+ if self.scroll.x < self.easel.width *-0.05: self.scroll.x = self.scroll.x * 0.9
+ if self.scroll.y < self.easel.height*-0.05: self.scroll.y = self.scroll.y * 0.9
+ if self.scroll.x+self.width > self.easel.width*1.05:
+ self.scroll.x = (self.easel.width - self.width)*0.5 + self.scroll.x*0.5
+ if self.scroll.y+self.height > self.easel.height*1.05:
+ self.scroll.y = (self.easel.height - self.height)*0.5 + self.scroll.x*0.5
+ #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Zoom code
+ #
+ # todo- Zooming is currently broken. It needs to be bound to a key and the issues need to be fixed.
+ #
+ # The main issue is probably that the underlying canvas doesn't support enough scaled blit options and also
+ # doesn't support clipping.
+ def init_zoom (self):
+ self.zoom = 1.0
+ self.zoomref = None
+ def zoom_to (self, zoom):
+ # End any current stroke.
+ self.end_draw()
+ # Adjust scroll position to keep the same point centered on screen while the zoom changes.
+ # This is either the reference point (the center of the last stroke) or else the screen center.
+ #if self.zoomref != None:
+ # scrollcenter = self.zoomref
+ #else:
+ scrollcenter = self.scroll + Pos(self.width*0.5/self.zoom, self.height*0.5/self.zoom)
+ self.zoom = zoom
+ self.scroll_to(scrollcenter - Pos(self.width*0.5/self.zoom, self.height*0.5/self.zoom))
+ self.zoomref = None
+ def zoom_in (self):
+ if self.zoom == 0.75:
+ self.zoom_to(1.0)
+ self.scroll_to(Pos(0,0))
+ elif self.zoom == 1.0:
+ self.zoom_to(2.0)
+ def zoom_out (self):
+ if self.zoom == 2.0:
+ self.zoom_to(1.0)
+ self.scroll_to(Pos(0,0))
+ elif self.zoom == 1.0:
+ self.zoom_to(0.75)
+ #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Drawing commands
+ #
+ # These commands instruct the underlying canvas to execute commands which modify the canvas.
+ #
+ # All drawing operations become commands which are executed immediately and also recorded so that the painting can
+ # be played back.
+ def draw (self, pos):
+ relpos = pos * Pos(self.easel.width, self.easel.height) / Pos(self.zoom, self.zoom) + self.scroll
+ relpos = relpos / Pos(self.easel.width, self.easel.height)
+ self.easel.play_command(DrawCommand.create_draw(relpos, int(self.pressure)), True)
+ def end_draw (self):
+ if self.easel.stroke:
+ self.easel.play_command(DrawCommand.create_end_draw(int(self.pressure)), True)
+ # Send to sharing participants.
+ self.send_and_receive_draw_commands()
+ # Record a new default zoom-in focal point.
+ #self.zoomref = (self.easel.strokemin + self.easel.strokemax) * Pos(0.5,0.5)
+ self.zoomref = Pos(self.mx, self.my)
+ def set_brush (self, brush):
+ self.easel.play_command(DrawCommand.create_color_change(brush.color), True)
+ self.easel.play_command(DrawCommand.create_size_change(brush.control, brush.type, brush.size/float(self.easel.width), brush.opacity), True)
+ def play_to_playbackpos (self):
+ """Plays drawing commands until playbackpos.get_value() is reached. This may involve resetting the canvas if
+ the given position is before the current position, since it is impossible to play commands backwards.
+ Called to skip the playback position, for example when fast forwarding or rewinding or dragging the scrollbar."""
+ self.playbackposbar.ignore_change += 1
+ total_left = 0
+ # This used to be in the while True: loop, such that the overlay would only appear when
+ # there is a lot of work to do. It might go back there later.
+ self.progress.set_size_request(self.width, self.height)
+ self.progress.show_all()
+ self.easelarea.set_double_buffered(True)
+ self.overlay_active = True
+ self.flush_entire_canvas()
+ # Display and run the GTK loop. This hack takes a set number of events per loop,
+ # as checking the gtk.events_pending() function leads to an infinite loop.
+ for i in range(0, 5):
+ if gtk.main_iteration(False):
+ return
+ # Keep looping until the position is reached. Since we activate the GTK event loop processing from within
+ # our inner loop, the user can actually move the scrollbar while this function is running!
+ while True:
+ to = int(self.playbackpos.get_value()/100.0*self.easel.playback_length())
+ if self.easel.playback_pos() == to:
+ break
+ # Rewind if needed.
+ if self.easel.playback_pos() > to:
+ self.easel.clear_image()
+ self.easel.start_playback()
+ total_left = max(total_left, to - self.easel.playback_pos())
+ # Advance playback by as much as we can in 1/10th of a second.
+ startpos = self.easel.playback_pos()
+ starttk = time.time()
+ endtk = starttk + 1.0/10.0
+ while self.easel.playback_pos() < to:
+ self.easel.playback_step_to(to)
+ if time.time() >= endtk:
+ break
+ #log.debug("from %d to %d in %fs", startpos, self.easel.playback_pos(), time.time()-starttk)
+ # This is currently disabled as it leads to the playback position passing the requested position, which
+ # can cause infinite "Working..." loops when the mouse is held down.
+ # Leaving it out can lead to inaccurate playback, when the play-to position is mid-stroke.
+ #self.easel.playback_finish_stroke()
+ # Update the progress bar.
+ if total_left > 0:
+ f = 1.0-float(to - self.easel.playback_pos())/total_left
+ self.progress.progress.set_fraction(f)
+ # Comment this in to watch the painting and slow things down.
+ #self.flush_entire_canvas()
+ # Display and run the GTK loop. This hack takes a set number of events per loop,
+ # as checking the gtk.events_pending() function leads to an infinite loop.
+ for i in range(0, 5):
+ if gtk.main_iteration(False):
+ return
+ self.overlay_active = False
+ self.progress.hide_all()
+ self.easelarea.set_double_buffered(False)
+ self.flush_entire_canvas()
+ self.playbackposbar.ignore_change -= 1
+ # Canvas repainting. These methods draw portions of the canvas to the canvasarea.
+ def flush_dirty_canvas (self):
+ """Causes a redraw of the canvas area which has been modified since the last call to this function."""
+ self.easelarea.queue_draw_area(
+ int(self.easel.dirtymin.x*2), int(self.easel.dirtymin.y*2),
+ int(self.easel.dirtymax.x*2-self.easel.dirtymin.x*2+1),
+ int(self.easel.dirtymax.y*2-self.easel.dirtymin.y*2+1))
+ self.easel.reset_dirty_rect()
+ def flush_entire_canvas (self):
+ """Causes a redraw of the entire canvas area."""
+ self.easelarea.queue_draw()
+ def flush_cursor (self):
+ """Causes a redraw of the canvas area covered by the cursor."""
+ r = int(self.easel.brush.size*2*self.pressure/256)
+ x0 = min(self.lastmx-self.lastr/2, self.mx-r/2)
+ y0 = min(self.lastmy-self.lastr/2, self.my-r/2)
+ x1 = max(self.lastmx+self.lastr/2, self.mx+r/2)
+ y1 = max(self.lastmy+self.lastr/2, self.my+r/2)
+ self.easelarea.queue_draw_area(x0, y0, x1-x0+2, y1-y0+2)
+ #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Application states
+ #
+ # Colors is controlled by a finite state machine which keeps track of the current application mode (painting,
+ # playing back, scrolling, zooming, etc) and manages transitions between states.
+ #
+ # Each state is allowed to process code when it is entered or left, for the purpose of initializing variables and
+ # cleaning up afterwards.
+ #
+ # todo- Consider breaking up into enter_intro, enter_playback, enter_canvas, etc.
+ def enter_mode (self):
+ if self.mode == Colors.MODE_INTRO:
+ # Load and play intro movie. It was created on a DS at 60hz, so we need to speed it up drastically to
+ # make it watchable.
+ self.easel.clear()
+ self.easel.load(activity.get_bundle_path() + "/data/intro.drw")
+ self.easel.set_playback_speed(8)
+ self.easel.start_playback()
+ if self.mode == Colors.MODE_PLAYBACK:
+ self.easel.set_playback_speed(1)
+ self.easel.start_playback()
+ if self.mode == Colors.MODE_CANVAS:
+ # Clear any existing button pressure to avoid a blotch on the screen when entering Canvas mode.
+ self.cur_buttons = 0
+ # Reset the brush.
+ self.set_brush(self.easel.brush)
+ if self.mode == Colors.MODE_SCROLL:
+ self.scrollref = None
+ if self.mode == Colors.MODE_PALETTE:
+ # This simply darkens the canvas slightly to prepare for an overlay to be drawn on top.
+ #self.easel.render_overlay()
+ # Show the brush controls window.
+ self.easelarea.set_double_buffered(True)
+ self.brush_controls.set_brush(self.easel.brush)
+ self.brush_controls.show_all()
+ self.flush_entire_canvas()
+ self.overlay_active = True
+ if self.mode == Colors.MODE_REFERENCE:
+ self.easel.render_reference_overlay()
+ self.flush_entire_canvas()
+ def leave_mode (self):
+ if self.mode == Colors.MODE_INTRO:
+ self.easel.stop_playback()
+ self.easel.clear()
+ self.easel.reset_brush()
+ self.flush_entire_canvas()
+ if self.mode == Colors.MODE_PLAYBACK:
+ self.easel.stop_playback()
+ # Progress bar goes to 100 when painting.
+ self.playbackposbar.ignore_change += 1
+ self.playbackpos.set_value(100)
+ self.playbackposbar.ignore_change -= 1
+ if self.mode == Colors.MODE_CANVAS:
+ self.end_draw()
+ if self.mode == Colors.MODE_SCROLL:
+ pass
+ if self.mode == Colors.MODE_PALETTE:
+ self.set_brush(self.brush_controls.brush)
+ #self.easel.clear_overlay()
+ self.brush_controls.hide()
+ self.easelarea.set_double_buffered(False)
+ self.flush_entire_canvas()
+ self.overlay_active = False
+ if self.mode == Colors.MODE_REFERENCE:
+ self.easel.clear_overlay()
+ self.flush_entire_canvas()
+ def update_mode (self):
+ if self.mode == None:
+ self.set_mode(Colors.MODE_INTRO)
+ if self.mode == Colors.MODE_INTRO:
+ self.easel.update_playback()
+ if not self.easel.playback_done():
+ self.flush_dirty_canvas()
+ if self.cur_buttons & Colors.BUTTON_TOUCH:
+ self.set_mode(Colors.MODE_CANVAS)
+ return
+ if self.mode == Colors.MODE_PLAYBACK:
+ self.easel.update_playback()
+ if not self.easel.playback_done():
+ self.flush_dirty_canvas()
+ # Update the progress bar.
+ progress_percent = int(100*float(self.easel.playback)/(self.easel.playback_length()+1))
+ if self.easel.playing and progress_percent != self.playbackpos.get_value():
+ self.playbackposbar.ignore_change += 1
+ self.playbackpos.set_value(progress_percent)
+ self.playbackposbar.ignore_change -= 1
+ # Painting during playback mode allows you start where the painter left off.
+ if self.cur_buttons & Colors.BUTTON_TOUCH:
+ self.easel.truncate_at_playback()
+ self.set_mode(Colors.MODE_CANVAS)
+ return
+ if self.mode == Colors.MODE_CANVAS:
+ # Receive any drawing commands from peers, if not currently drawing.
+ if not self.easel.stroke:
+ self.send_and_receive_draw_commands()
+ # Update drawing.
+ if self.cur_buttons & Colors.BUTTON_TOUCH:
+ if self.mx != self.lastmx or self.my != self.lastmy:
+ mpos = Pos(float(self.mx)/self.width, float(self.my)/self.height)
+ self.draw(mpos)
+ self.flush_dirty_canvas()
+ elif self.easel.stroke:
+ self.end_draw()
+ self.flush_dirty_canvas()
+ # Bring up palette if requested.
+ if self.cur_buttons & Colors.BUTTON_PALETTE:
+ self.set_mode(Colors.MODE_PALETTE)
+ return
+ # Bring up reference image if requested.
+ if self.cur_buttons & Colors.BUTTON_REFERENCE:
+ self.set_mode(Colors.MODE_REFERENCE)
+ return
+ # Start scrolling if requested.
+ if self.cur_buttons & Colors.BUTTON_SCROLL:
+ self.set_mode(Colors.MODE_SCROLL)
+ return
+ if self.mode == Colors.MODE_SCROLL:
+ if self.cur_buttons & Colors.BUTTON_TOUCH:
+ mpos = Pos(self.mx, self.my)
+ if self.scrollref == None:
+ self.scrollref = mpos
+ else:
+ move = mpos - self.scrollref
+ if move.x != 0 or move.y != 0:
+ self.scroll_to(self.scroll - move)
+ self.scrollref = mpos
+ else:
+ self.scrollref = None
+ # Smoothly pull back towards the image when out of reasonable bounds.
+ self.snap_scroll()
+ self.flush_entire_canvas()
+ if not (self.cur_buttons & Colors.BUTTON_SCROLL):
+ self.set_mode(Colors.MODE_CANVAS)
+ if self.mode == Colors.MODE_PALETTE:
+ if not self.palette_forced:
+ if not self.cur_buttons & Colors.BUTTON_PALETTE:
+ self.set_mode(Colors.MODE_CANVAS)
+ return
+ if self.mode == Colors.MODE_REFERENCE:
+ if not self.reference_forced:
+ if not self.cur_buttons & Colors.BUTTON_REFERENCE:
+ self.set_mode(Colors.MODE_CANVAS)
+ return
+ def set_mode (self, mode):
+ if self.mode != None:
+ self.leave_mode()
+ self.mode = mode
+ self.enter_mode()
+ def update (self):
+ if self.overlay_active:
+ return
+ if self.easel == None:
+ return
+ self.update_input()
+ self.update_mode()
+ def tick (self):
+ # todo- Return False when nothing is going on (to idle the XO), then restart the idle event when something happens.
+ self.update()
+ return True
+ #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Event handlers
+ def on_canvasarea_resize (self):
+ rect = self.easelarea.get_allocation()
+ log.debug("Canvas resized to %dx%d", rect[2], rect[3])
+ self.width = rect[2]
+ self.height = rect[3]
+ # Rebuild easelimage.
+ self.easelimage = gtk.gdk.Image(gtk.gdk.IMAGE_FASTEST, gtk.gdk.visual_get_system(), rect[2], rect[3])
+ # Reconfigure canvas.
+ self.easel.resize(rect[2]/2, rect[3]/2)
+ # Resize panels.
+ self.brush_controls.set_size_request(rect[2], rect[3])
+ self.progress.set_size_request(rect[2], rect[3])
+ return True
+ def on_canvasarea_expose (self, widget, event):
+ if not self.easelarea.bin_window:
+ return True
+ rect = self.easelarea.get_allocation()
+ if self.easelimage is None or (rect[2] != self.width or rect[3] != self.height):
+ self.on_canvasarea_resize()
+ gc = self.easelarea.get_style().fg_gc[gtk.STATE_NORMAL]
+ # Blit dirty rectangle of canvas into the image.
+ self.easel.blit_2x(
+ self.easelimage,
+ int(event.area.x/2), int(event.area.y/2), int(event.area.width/2), int(event.area.height/2),
+ self.overlay_active)
+ # Then draw the image to the screen.
+ self.easelarea.bin_window.draw_image(
+ gc, self.easelimage,
+ event.area.x, event.area.y,
+ event.area.x, event.area.y, event.area.width, event.area.height)
+ # Draw introduction text.
+ if self.mode == Colors.MODE_INTRO:
+ context = self.easelarea.create_pango_context()
+ layout = self.easelarea.create_pango_layout(_('Click anywhere to begin painting!'))
+ layout.set_font_description(pango.FontDescription('Times 14'))
+ size = layout.get_size()
+ x = (self.width-size[0]/pango.SCALE)/2
+ y = self.height-50-size[1]/pango.SCALE
+ self.easelarea.bin_window.draw_layout(gc, x, y, layout)
+ self.draw_cursor()
+ # Hack to keep toolbar up to date. For some reason it fails to draw pretty often.
+ #self.toolbox.queue_draw()
+ def draw_cursor (self):
+ r = int(self.easel.brush.size*2*self.pressure/256)
+ self.easelarea.bin_window.draw_arc(self.easelarea.get_style().black_gc, False, self.mx-r/2, self.my-r/2, r, r, 0, 360*64)
+ self.lastr = r
+ self.lastmx = self.mx
+ self.lastmy = self.my
+ def on_palette (self, button):
+ if button.get_active():
+ self.set_mode(Colors.MODE_PALETTE)
+ self.palette_forced = True
+ else:
+ self.set_mode(Colors.MODE_CANVAS)
+ self.palette_forced = False
+ def on_take_reference (self, button):
+ self.take_reference = True
+ def on_show_reference (self, button):
+ if button.get_active():
+ self.set_mode(Colors.MODE_REFERENCE)
+ self.reference_forced = True
+ else:
+ self.set_mode(Colors.MODE_CANVAS)
+ self.reference_forced = False
+ def on_videopaint (self, button):
+ self.videopaint_enabled = button.get_active()
+ if button.get_active():
+ gobject.timeout_add(33, self.on_videopaint_tick)
+ def on_videopaintpreview_expose (self, widget, event):
+ self.easel.blit_videopaint(self.videopaintimage)
+ size = self.videopaintpreview.window.get_size()
+ x = (size[0]-self.easel.VIDEO_WIDTH)/2
+ y = (size[1]-self.easel.VIDEO_HEIGHT)/2
+ self.videopaintpreview.window.draw_image(
+ self.videopaintpreview.get_style().fg_gc[gtk.STATE_NORMAL],
+ self.videopaintimage,
+ 0, 0, x, y, -1, -1)
+ def on_videopaint_tick (self):
+ if not self.videopaint_enabled:
+ return False
+ # Update "pressure" from image (uses blob size).
+ self.pressure = self.easel.videopaint_pressure
+ # Move the mouse to follow the videopaint cursor.
+ # Note that we do not allow it to reach the corners, to avoid bringing up the Sugar overlay.
+ size = self.window.get_size()
+ self.mx = int(25+max(0.0, min(1.0, self.easel.videopaint_pos.x))*(size[0]-50))
+ self.my = int(25+max(0.0, min(1.0, self.easel.videopaint_pos.y))*(size[1]-50))
+ #gtk.gdk.display_get_default().warp_pointer(self.get_screen(), self.mx, self.my)
+ self.flush_cursor()
+ # Update the preview window.
+ self.videopaintpreview.queue_draw()
+ # Process drawing.
+ self.update()
+ return True
+ def on_clear (self, button):
+ if self.mode != Colors.MODE_CANVAS:
+ self.set_mode(Colors.MODE_CANVAS)
+ self.easel.clear()
+ self.flush_entire_canvas()
+ def on_play (self, button):
+ # Change to playback mode when the Play button is first pressed.
+ if self.mode != Colors.MODE_PLAYBACK:
+ self.set_mode(Colors.MODE_PLAYBACK)
+ # Resume playback.
+ self.easel.resume_playback()
+ def on_pause (self, button):
+ if self.mode != Colors.MODE_PLAYBACK:
+ self.set_mode(Colors.MODE_PLAYBACK)
+ self.easel.pause_playback()
+ def on_skip_begin (self, button):
+ if self.mode != Colors.MODE_PLAYBACK:
+ self.set_mode(Colors.MODE_PLAYBACK)
+ self.playbackpos.set_value(0)
+ def on_skip_end (self, button):
+ if self.mode != Colors.MODE_PLAYBACK:
+ self.set_mode(Colors.MODE_PLAYBACK)
+ self.playbackpos.set_value(100)
+ def on_sample (self, button):
+ self.set_mode(Colors.MODE_PLAYBACK)
+ self.easel.clear()
+ self.easel.load(button.filename)
+ self.easel.set_playback_speed(8)
+ self.flush_entire_canvas()
+ self.toolbox.set_current_toolbar(2) # Switch to 'watch' toolbar.
+ def on_playbackposbar_change (self, progress):
+ if self.playbackposbar.ignore_change > 0:
+ return
+ if self.mode != Colors.MODE_PLAYBACK:
+ self.set_mode(Colors.MODE_PLAYBACK)
+ self.play_to_playbackpos()
+ self.easel.pause_playback()
+ #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Journal integration
+ def read_file(self, file_path):
+ log.debug("Loading from journal %s", file_path)
+ self.set_mode(Colors.MODE_CANVAS)
+ self.easel.clear()
+ self.easel.load(file_path.encode())
+ log.debug("Playing back %d commands", self.easel.playback_length())
+ self.set_mode(Colors.MODE_PLAYBACK)
+ self.playbackpos.set_value(100)
+ def write_file(self, file_path):
+ log.debug("Saving to journal %s", file_path)
+ log.debug("Saving %d commands", self.easel.playback_length())
+ self.easel.save(file_path.encode())
+ def take_screenshot (self):
+ if self.easelarea and self.easelarea.bin_window:
+ self._preview.take_screenshot(self.easelarea.bin_window)
+ def save_thumbnail(self, filename):
+ pbuf = gtk.gdk.Pixbuf(gtk.gdk.COLORSPACE_RGB, False, 8, self.width, self.height)
+ pbuf = pbuf.get_from_image(self.easelimage, self.easelarea.get_colormap(), 0, 0, 0, 0, self.width, self.height)
+ pbuf = pbuf.scale_simple(80, 60, gtk.gdk.INTERP_BILINEAR)
+ pbuf.save(filename, "png")
+ #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Benchmarking
+ #
+ # Simply causes the C++ code to do a bunch of work and prints out the time used. Useful for testing the benefits
+ # of optimization.
+ def benchmark (self):
+ # Benchmark a Canvas object.
+ canvas = Canvas(600, 400)
+ canvas.clear()
+ canvas.load(activity.get_bundle_path() + "/data/intro.drw")
+ start = time.time()
+ for i in range(0,100):
+ canvas.start_playback()
+ canvas.finish_playback()
+ log.debug("Canvas playback benchmark: %f sec", time.time()-start)
+ #canvasimage = gtk.gdk.Image(gtk.gdk.IMAGE_FASTEST, gtk.gdk.visual_get_system(), 600, 400)
+ #start = time.time()
+ #for i in range(0,100):
+ # canvas.blit_2x(canvasimage, 0, 0, 600, 400)
+ #log.debug("Canvas 1.0x blit benchmark: %f sec", time.time()-start)
+ canvasimage = gtk.gdk.Image(gtk.gdk.IMAGE_FASTEST, gtk.gdk.visual_get_system(), 1200, 800)
+ start = time.time()
+ for i in range(0,100):
+ canvas.blit_2x(canvasimage, 0, 0, 600, 400)
+ log.debug("Canvas 2.0x blit benchmark: %f sec", time.time()-start)
+ # Benchmark a Palette object.
+ palette = Palette(500)
+ paletteimage = gtk.gdk.Image(gtk.gdk.IMAGE_FASTEST, gtk.gdk.visual_get_system(), 500, 500)
+ start = time.time()
+ for i in range(0,100):
+ palette.render_wheel(paletteimage)
+ log.debug("Palette wheel benchmark: %f sec", time.time()-start)
+ start = time.time()
+ for i in range(0,100):
+ palette.render_triangle(paletteimage)
+ log.debug("Palette triangle benchmark: %f sec", time.time()-start)