# Copyright 2008 by Jens Andersson and Wade Brainerd. # This file is part of Colors! XO. # # Colors is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Colors is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Colors. If not, see . #!/usr/bin/env python """Colors! XO painting activity. Based on Colors! by Collecting Smiles.""" # Note- I had to rename the self.canvas object *self.easel* for now, because the stupid sugar.window.Window # super class of Activity has its own "canvas" member. If anyone has a better name, feel free to change it. # Reference links: # # Colors! - http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Colors! # PyGTK - http://www.pygtk.org/pygtk2reference/ # Sugar - http://dev.laptop.org/~cscott/joyride-1477-api/ # GStreamer - http://pygstdocs.berlios.de/pygst-reference/index.html # Activities - http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Sugar_Activity_Tutorial # Sharing - http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Shared_Sugar_Activities # Import standard Python modules. import logging, os, sys, math, time, copy, json, tempfile from gettext import gettext as _ # Prefer local modules. from sugar.activity import activity sys.path.insert(0, activity.get_bundle_path()) try: import json json.dumps except (ImportError, AttributeError): import simplejson as json # Import the C++ component of the activity. from colorsc import * # Import PyGTK. import gobject, pygtk, gtk, pango # Needed to avoid thread crashes with GStreamer gobject.threads_init() # Import PyGame. Used for camera and sound. try: from pygame import camera, transform, surface, mask except ImportError: print "No pygame available." # Import DBUS and mesh networking modules. import dbus, telepathy, telepathy.client from dbus import Interface from dbus.service import method, signal from dbus.gobject_service import ExportedGObject from sugar.presence.tubeconn import TubeConnection from sugar.presence import presenceservice from sugar.datastore import datastore # Import Sugar UI modules. from sugar import graphics from sugar.graphics import * from sugar.graphics import toggletoolbutton from sugar.graphics.menuitem import MenuItem # Import GStreamer (for camera access). #import pygst, gst # Initialize logging. log = logging.getLogger('Colors') log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) logging.basicConfig() # Track memory leaks. #import gc #gc.set_debug(gc.DEBUG_LEAK) # DBUS identifiers are used to uniquely identify the activity for network communcations. DBUS_IFACE = "org.laptop.community.Colors" DBUS_PATH = "/org/laptop/community/Colors" DBUS_SERVICE = DBUS_IFACE # This is the overlay that appears when the user presses the Palette toobar button. It covers the entire screen, # and offers controls for brush type, size, opacity, and color. # # The color wheel and triangle are rendered into GdkImage objects by C++ code in palette.h / palette.cpp which # is compiled into the colorsc module. class BrushControlsPanel(gtk.HBox): PALETTE_SIZE = int(7.0 * style.GRID_CELL_SIZE) & ~1 PREVIEW_SIZE = int(2.5 * style.GRID_CELL_SIZE) & ~1 BRUSHTYPE_SIZE = int(1.0 * style.GRID_CELL_SIZE) & ~1 def __init__ (self): gtk.HBox.__init__(self) self.set_property("spacing", 5) self.set_border_width(30) # Locally managed Brush object. self.brush = Brush() # Palette wheel widget. palbox = gtk.VBox() self.palette = Palette(BrushControlsPanel.PALETTE_SIZE) self.paletteimage = gtk.gdk.Image(gtk.gdk.IMAGE_FASTEST, gtk.gdk.visual_get_system(), BrushControlsPanel.PALETTE_SIZE, BrushControlsPanel.PALETTE_SIZE) self.palette.render_wheel(self.paletteimage) self.palette.render_triangle(self.paletteimage) self.palettearea = gtk.DrawingArea() self.palettearea.set_size_request(BrushControlsPanel.PALETTE_SIZE, BrushControlsPanel.PALETTE_SIZE) self.palettearea.add_events(gtk.gdk.POINTER_MOTION_MASK|gtk.gdk.BUTTON_PRESS_MASK|gtk.gdk.BUTTON_RELEASE_MASK) self.palettearea.connect('expose-event', self.on_palette_expose) self.palettearea.connect('motion-notify-event', self.on_palette_mouse) self.palettearea.connect('button-press-event', self.on_palette_mouse) self.palettearea.connect('button-release-event', self.on_palette_mouse) palbox.pack_start(self.palettearea, False, False) # Brush size scrollbar, label and pressure sensitivity checkbox. sizebox = gtk.VBox() sizelabel = gtk.Label(_('Size')) sizebox.pack_end(sizelabel, False) self.size = gtk.Adjustment(50, 1, 130, 1, 10, 10) self.sizebar = gtk.VScale(self.size) self.sizebar.set_property("draw-value", False) self.sizebar.set_property("inverted", True) self.sizebar.connect('value-changed', self.on_size_change) sizebox.pack_end(self.sizebar) self.sizecheck = gtk.CheckButton(_('Sensitive')) self.sizecheck.connect('toggled', self.on_variable_size_toggle) sizebox.pack_end(self.sizecheck, False) # Brush opacity scrollbar, label and pressure sensitivity checkbox. opacitybox = gtk.VBox() opacitylabel = gtk.Label(_('Opacity')) opacitybox.pack_end(opacitylabel, False) self.opacity = gtk.Adjustment(0, 0, 1.1, 0.001, 0.1, 0.1) self.opacitybar = gtk.VScale(self.opacity) self.opacitybar.set_property("draw-value", False) self.opacitybar.set_property("inverted", True) self.opacitybar.connect('value-changed', self.on_opacity_change) opacitybox.pack_end(self.opacitybar) self.opacitycheck = gtk.CheckButton(_('Sensitive')) self.opacitycheck.connect('toggled', self.on_variable_opacity_toggle) opacitybox.pack_end(self.opacitycheck, False) # Force column scrollbars to be equal width. group = gtk.SizeGroup(gtk.SIZE_GROUP_HORIZONTAL) group.add_widget(sizebox) group.add_widget(opacitybox) # Brush preview widget. brushbox = gtk.VBox() brushbox.set_property("spacing", 20) self.preview = BrushPreview(BrushControlsPanel.PREVIEW_SIZE) self.previewimage = gtk.gdk.Image(gtk.gdk.IMAGE_FASTEST, gtk.gdk.visual_get_system(), BrushControlsPanel.PREVIEW_SIZE, BrushControlsPanel.PREVIEW_SIZE) self.previewarea = gtk.DrawingArea() self.previewarea.set_size_request(BrushControlsPanel.PREVIEW_SIZE, BrushControlsPanel.PREVIEW_SIZE) self.previewarea.connect('expose-event', self.on_preview_expose) brushbox.pack_start(self.previewarea, False) # Brush type selection widgets. self.brushbtns = [] brushtbl = gtk.Table(1, 2) brushtbl.set_col_spacings(5) brushtbl.attach(self.create_brushtype_widget(BrushType.BRUSHTYPE_SOFT), 0, 1, 0, 1) brushtbl.attach(self.create_brushtype_widget(BrushType.BRUSHTYPE_HARD), 1, 2, 0, 1) brushbox.pack_start(brushtbl, False) self.pack_start(sizebox, False, False) self.pack_start(opacitybox, False, False) self.pack_start(palbox, True, False) self.pack_start(brushbox, False) self.in_toggle_cb = False def create_brushtype_widget (self, type): brusharea = gtk.DrawingArea() brusharea.set_size_request(BrushControlsPanel.BRUSHTYPE_SIZE, BrushControlsPanel.BRUSHTYPE_SIZE) brusharea.connect('expose-event', self.on_brushtype_expose) brusharea.preview = BrushPreview(BrushControlsPanel.BRUSHTYPE_SIZE) brusharea.preview.brush.size = int(BrushControlsPanel.BRUSHTYPE_SIZE*0.75) brusharea.preview.brush.type = type brusharea.preview.brush.color = Color(0,0,0,0) brusharea.previewimage = gtk.gdk.Image(gtk.gdk.IMAGE_FASTEST, gtk.gdk.visual_get_system(), BrushControlsPanel.BRUSHTYPE_SIZE, BrushControlsPanel.BRUSHTYPE_SIZE) brusharea.preview.render(brusharea.previewimage) brushbtn = gtk.ToggleButton() brushbtn.set_image(brusharea) brushbtn.connect('toggled', self.on_brushtype_toggle) brushbtn.brushtype = type self.brushbtns.append(brushbtn) return brushbtn def set_brush (self, brush): self.brush = brush self.opacity.set_value(brush.opacity) self.size.set_value(brush.size) self.palette.set_color(brush.color) self.opacitycheck.set_active((brush.control & Brush.BRUSHCONTROL_VARIABLEOPACITY) != 0) self.sizecheck.set_active((brush.control & Brush.BRUSHCONTROL_VARIABLESIZE) != 0) self.update_brushtype_btns() def on_size_change (self, event): self.brush.size = int(self.size.get_value()) self.previewarea.queue_draw() def on_opacity_change (self, event): self.brush.opacity = self.opacity.get_value() self.previewarea.queue_draw() def on_variable_size_toggle (self, event): if self.sizecheck.get_active(): self.brush.control |= Brush.BRUSHCONTROL_VARIABLESIZE else: self.brush.control &= ~Brush.BRUSHCONTROL_VARIABLESIZE def on_variable_opacity_toggle (self, event): if self.opacitycheck.get_active(): self.brush.control |= Brush.BRUSHCONTROL_VARIABLEOPACITY else: self.brush.control &= ~Brush.BRUSHCONTROL_VARIABLEOPACITY def on_palette_expose (self, widget, event): gc = self.palettearea.get_style().fg_gc[gtk.STATE_NORMAL] old_foreground = gc.foreground old_line_width = gc.line_width # Draw palette image. self.palette.render_triangle(self.paletteimage) self.palettearea.window.draw_image(gc, self.paletteimage, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, -1) # Draw circles to indicate selected color. # todo- Better looking circles. r = int(self.palette.WHEEL_WIDTH*0.75) gc.foreground = self.palettearea.get_colormap().alloc_color(16384,16384,16384) gc.line_width = 2 wheel_pos = self.palette.get_wheel_pos() tri_pos = self.palette.get_triangle_pos() self.palettearea.window.draw_arc(gc, False, int(wheel_pos.x-r/2+2), int(wheel_pos.y-r/2+2), r-4, r-4, 0, 360*64) self.palettearea.window.draw_arc(gc, False, int(tri_pos.x-r/2+2), int(tri_pos.y-r/2+2), r-4, r-4, 0, 360*64) gc.foreground = self.palettearea.get_colormap().alloc_color(65535,65535,65535) gc.line_width = 2 self.palettearea.window.draw_arc(gc, False, int(wheel_pos.x-r/2), int(wheel_pos.y-r/2), r, r, 0, 360*64) self.palettearea.window.draw_arc(gc, False, int(tri_pos.x-r/2), int(tri_pos.y-r/2), r, r, 0, 360*64) gc.foreground = old_foreground gc.line_width = old_line_width def on_palette_mouse (self, widget, event): if event.state & gtk.gdk.BUTTON1_MASK: widget.grab_focus() self.palette.process_mouse(int(event.x), int(event.y)) self.palettearea.queue_draw() self.brush.color = self.palette.get_color() self.previewarea.queue_draw() if event.type == gtk.gdk.BUTTON_RELEASE: self.palette.process_mouse_release() def on_preview_expose (self, widget, event): self.preview.brush = self.brush self.preview.brush.size = self.brush.size*2 # Mimic 2x canvas scaling. self.preview.render(self.previewimage) self.previewarea.window.draw_image(widget.get_style().fg_gc[gtk.STATE_NORMAL], self.previewimage, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, -1) def on_brushtype_expose (self, widget, event): widget.window.draw_image(widget.get_style().fg_gc[gtk.STATE_NORMAL], widget.previewimage, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, -1) # Manually implemented radio button using ToggleButtons. def update_brushtype_btns (self): for b in self.brushbtns: b.set_active(b.brushtype == self.brush.type) def on_brushtype_toggle (self, widget): if self.in_toggle_cb: return self.in_toggle_cb = True self.brush.type = widget.brushtype self.update_brushtype_btns() self.previewarea.queue_draw() self.in_toggle_cb = False # This is the overlay that appears when playing back large numbers of drawing commands. # It simply shows how much work is left to do and that progress is taking place. class ProgressPanel(gtk.VBox): def __init__ (self): gtk.VBox.__init__(self) self.set_border_width(50) self.label = gtk.Label() self.label.set_markup(""+_("Working...")+"") self.progress = gtk.ProgressBar() self.progress.set_fraction(0.5) self.progress.set_orientation(gtk.PROGRESS_LEFT_TO_RIGHT) vbox = gtk.VBox() vbox.set_property("spacing", 20) vbox.pack_start(self.label, False) vbox.pack_start(self.progress, False) self.pack_start(vbox, True, False) # This is the overlay that appears when the Help button is pressed. class HelpPanel(gtk.VBox): def __init__ (self): gtk.VBox.__init__(self) # Add the context sensitive help. self.helplabel = gtk.Label() self.helplabel.set_padding(10, 10) self.helplabel.set_markup( ''' Keyboard controls: Gamepad controls: Space - Open palette Up - Zoom in v - Video paint Down - Zoom in Hand drag - Scroll drag Left - Center canvas Arrows - Scroll Right - Scroll drag Alt click - Pick up color Square - Open palette Ctrl Up - Zoom in Check - Undo Ctrl Down - Zoom in Circle - Pick Ctrl A - Center canvas X - Paint Ctrl Z - Undo Ctrl C - Copy to clipboard Ctrl E - Erase image Alt Enter - Full screen Alt + letter - Save brush letter - Restore brush ''' ) self.helpbox = gtk.EventBox() self.helpbox.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, self.helpbox.get_colormap().alloc_color('#000000')) self.helpbox.add(self.helplabel) vbox = gtk.VBox() vbox.set_property("spacing", 20) vbox.pack_start(self.helpbox, True, True) self.pack_start(vbox, True, True) # This is the main Colors! activity class. # # It owns the main application window, the painting canvas, and all the various toolbars and options. class Colors(activity.Activity, ExportedGObject): # Application mode definitions. MODE_INTRO = 0 MODE_PLAYBACK = 1 MODE_CANVAS = 2 MODE_PICK = 3 MODE_SCROLL = 4 MODE_PALETTE = 5 MODE_REFERENCE = 6 # Button definitions BUTTON_PALETTE = 1<<0 #BUTTON_REFERENCE = 1<<1 BUTTON_VIDEOPAINT = 1<<2 BUTTON_SCROLL = 1<<3 BUTTON_PICK = 1<<4 BUTTON_ZOOM_IN = 1<<5 BUTTON_ZOOM_OUT = 1<<6 BUTTON_CENTER = 1<<7 BUTTON_TOUCH = 1<<8 BUTTON_CONTROL = 1<<9 BUTTON_UNDO = 1<<10 # Number of drawing steps to execute between progress bar updates. More updates means faster overall drawing # but a less responsive UI. PROGRESS_DELTA = 50 def __init__ (self, handle): activity.Activity.__init__(self, handle) self.set_title(_("Colors!")) # Uncomment to test out a bunch of the C++ heavy lifting APIs. Takes awhile on the XO though. #self.benchmark() # Get activity size. What we really need is the size of the canvasarea, not including the toolbox. # This will be figured out on the first paint event, once everything is resized. self.width = gtk.gdk.screen_width() self.height = gtk.gdk.screen_height() # Set the initial mode to None, it will be set to Intro on the first update. self.mode = None # Set up various systems. self.init_input() self.init_zoom() self.init_scroll() # Build the toolbar. self.build_toolbar() # Set up drawing canvas (which is also the parent for any popup widgets like the brush controls). self.build_canvas() # Build the brush control popup window. self.build_brush_controls() # Build the progress display popup window. self.build_progress() # Build the help popup window. self.build_help() # Start camera processing. self.init_camera() # Set up mesh networking. self.init_mesh() # Scan for input devices. self.init_input_devices() # This has to happen last, because it calls the read_file method when restoring from the Journal. self.set_canvas(self.easelarea) # Reveal the main window (but not the panels). self.show_all() self.brush_controls.hide() self.progress.hide() self.help.hide() self.overlay_active = False # Start it running. self.update_timer = None self.update() # store event.get_axis() of last event to ignore fake pressure # when system doesnt support gtk.gdk.AXIS_PRESSURE but # event.get_axis(gtk.gdk.AXIS_PRESSURE) returns 0.0 value self._prev_AXIS_PRESSURE = None #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # User interface construction def build_canvas (self): # The canvasarea is the main window which covers the entire screen below the toolbar. self.easelarea = gtk.Layout() self.easelarea.set_size_request(gtk.gdk.screen_width(), gtk.gdk.screen_height()) self.easelarea.set_flags(gtk.CAN_FOCUS) self.set_double_buffered(False) self.easelarea.set_double_buffered(False) # Set up GTK events for the canvasarea. self.easelarea.add_events(gtk.gdk.POINTER_MOTION_MASK|gtk.gdk.POINTER_MOTION_HINT_MASK) self.easelarea.add_events(gtk.gdk.BUTTON_PRESS_MASK|gtk.gdk.BUTTON_RELEASE_MASK) self.easelarea.add_events(gtk.gdk.KEY_PRESS_MASK|gtk.gdk.KEY_RELEASE_MASK) # The actual drawing canvas is at 1/2 resolution, which improves performance by 4x and still leaves a decent # painting resolution of 600x400 on the XO. self.easel = Canvas(gtk.gdk.screen_width()/2, gtk.gdk.screen_height()/2) self.set_brush(self.easel.brush) # Map of keyboard keys to brushes. self.brush_map = {} # The Canvas internally stores the image as 32bit. When rendering, it scales up and blits into canvasimage, # which is in the native 565 resolution of the XO. Then canvasimage is drawn into the canvasarea DrawingArea. self.easelimage = gtk.gdk.Image(gtk.gdk.IMAGE_FASTEST, gtk.gdk.visual_get_system(), self.width, self.height) # Now that we have a canvas, connect the rest of the events. self.easelarea.connect('expose-event', self.on_easelarea_expose) self.connect('key-press-event', self.on_key_event) self.connect('key-release-event', self.on_key_event) self.easelarea.connect('button-press-event', self.on_mouse_event) self.easelarea.connect('button-release-event', self.on_mouse_event) self.easelarea.connect('motion-notify-event', self.on_mouse_event) def build_brush_controls (self): self.brush_controls = BrushControlsPanel() self.brush_controls.set_size_request(gtk.gdk.screen_width(), gtk.gdk.screen_height()) self.easelarea.put(self.brush_controls, 0, 0) def build_progress (self): self.progress = ProgressPanel() self.progress.set_size_request(gtk.gdk.screen_width(), gtk.gdk.screen_height()) self.easelarea.put(self.progress, 0, 0) def build_help (self): self.help = HelpPanel() self.help.set_size_request(gtk.gdk.screen_width(), gtk.gdk.screen_height()) self.easelarea.put(self.help, 0, 0) def build_toolbar (self): self.add_accel_group(gtk.AccelGroup()) # Painting controls (palette, zoom, etc) self.palettebtn = toggletoolbutton.ToggleToolButton('palette') self.palettebtn.set_tooltip(_("Palette")) self.palettebtn.connect('clicked', self.on_palette) self.brushpreview = BrushPreview(Canvas.VIDEO_HEIGHT) self.brushpreviewimage = gtk.gdk.Image(gtk.gdk.IMAGE_FASTEST, gtk.gdk.visual_get_system(), Canvas.VIDEO_HEIGHT, Canvas.VIDEO_HEIGHT) self.brushpreviewarea = gtk.DrawingArea() self.brushpreviewarea.set_size_request(Canvas.VIDEO_HEIGHT, Canvas.VIDEO_HEIGHT) self.brushpreviewarea.connect('expose-event', self.on_brushpreview_expose) self.brushpreviewitem = gtk.ToolItem() self.brushpreviewitem.add(self.brushpreviewarea) # todo- Color picker button, similar semantics to scroll button. self.zoomsep = gtk.SeparatorToolItem() self.zoomsep.set_expand(True) self.zoomsep.set_draw(False) self.zoomoutbtn = toolbutton.ToolButton('zoom-out') self.zoomoutbtn.set_tooltip(_("Zoom Out")) self.zoomoutbtn.connect('clicked', self.on_zoom_out) self.zoomoutbtn.props.accelerator = 'Down' self.zoominbtn = toolbutton.ToolButton('zoom-in') self.zoominbtn.set_tooltip(_("Zoom In")) self.zoominbtn.props.accelerator = 'Up' self.zoominbtn.connect('clicked', self.on_zoom_in) self.centerbtn = toolbutton.ToolButton('zoom-original') self.centerbtn.set_tooltip(_("Center Image")) self.centerbtn.connect('clicked', self.on_center) self.centerbtn.props.accelerator = 'A' self.fullscreenbtn = toolbutton.ToolButton('view-fullscreen') self.fullscreenbtn.set_tooltip(_("Fullscreen")) self.fullscreenbtn.connect('clicked', self.on_fullscreen) self.fullscreenbtn.props.accelerator = 'Enter' self.editsep = gtk.SeparatorToolItem() self.editsep.set_expand(True) self.editsep.set_draw(False) self.undobtn = toolbutton.ToolButton('edit-undo') self.undobtn.set_tooltip(_("Undo")) self.undobtn.connect('clicked', self.on_undo) self.undobtn.props.accelerator = 'Z' self.copybtn = toolbutton.ToolButton('edit-copy') self.copybtn.set_tooltip(_("Copy")) self.copybtn.connect('clicked', self.on_copy) self.copybtn.props.accelerator = 'C' #self.refsep = gtk.SeparatorToolItem() # #self.takerefbtn = toolbutton.ToolButton('take-reference') #self.takerefbtn.set_tooltip(_("Take Reference Picture")) #self.takerefbtn.connect('clicked', self.on_take_reference) #self.take_reference = False # #self.showrefbtn = toggletoolbutton.ToggleToolButton('show-reference') #self.showrefbtn.set_tooltip(_("Show Reference Picture")) #self.showrefbtn.connect('clicked', self.on_show_reference) # self.videopaintsep = gtk.SeparatorToolItem() # self.videopaintbtn = toggletoolbutton.ToggleToolButton('video-paint') self.videopaintbtn.set_tooltip(_("Video Paint")) self.videopaintbtn.connect('clicked', self.on_videopaint) #self.videopaintpreview = gtk.DrawingArea() #self.videopaintpreview.set_size_request(Canvas.VIDEO_WIDTH, Canvas.VIDEO_HEIGHT) #self.videopaintpreview.connect('expose-event', self.on_videopaintpreview_expose) #self.videopaintitem = gtk.ToolItem() #self.videopaintitem.add(self.videopaintpreview) #self.videopaintimage = gtk.gdk.Image(gtk.gdk.IMAGE_FASTEST, gtk.gdk.visual_get_system(), Canvas.VIDEO_WIDTH, Canvas.VIDEO_HEIGHT) self.videopaint_enabled = False self.clearsep = gtk.SeparatorToolItem() self.clearsep.set_expand(True) self.clearsep.set_draw(False) self.clearbtn = toolbutton.ToolButton('erase') self.clearbtn.set_tooltip(_("Erase Image")) self.clearbtn.connect('clicked', self.on_clear) self.clearbtn.props.accelerator = 'E' self.helpbtn = toggletoolbutton.ToggleToolButton('help') self.helpbtn.set_active(False) self.helpbtn.set_tooltip(_("Show Help")) #self.helpbtn.props.accelerator = 'H' self.helpbtn.connect('clicked', self.on_help) #editbox = activity.EditToolbar() #editbox.undo.props.visible = False #editbox.redo.props.visible = False #editbox.separator.props.visible = False #editbox.copy.connect('clicked', self.on_copy) #editbox.paste.connect('clicked', self.on_paste) paintbox = gtk.Toolbar() paintbox.insert(self.palettebtn, -1) paintbox.insert(self.brushpreviewitem, -1) paintbox.insert(self.zoomsep, -1) paintbox.insert(self.zoomoutbtn, -1) paintbox.insert(self.zoominbtn, -1) paintbox.insert(self.centerbtn, -1) paintbox.insert(self.fullscreenbtn, -1) paintbox.insert(self.editsep, -1) paintbox.insert(self.undobtn, -1) paintbox.insert(self.copybtn, -1) #paintbox.insert(self.refsep, -1) #paintbox.insert(self.takerefbtn, -1) #paintbox.insert(self.showrefbtn, -1) paintbox.insert(self.videopaintsep, -1) paintbox.insert(self.videopaintbtn, -1) paintbox.insert(self.helpbtn, -1) #paintbox.insert(self.videopaintitem, -1) paintbox.insert(self.clearsep, -1) paintbox.insert(self.clearbtn, -1) # Playback controls self.startbtn = toolbutton.ToolButton('media-playback-start') self.startbtn.set_tooltip(_("Start Playback")) self.startbtn.connect('clicked', self.on_play) self.pausebtn = toolbutton.ToolButton('media-playback-pause') self.pausebtn.set_tooltip(_("Pause Playback")) self.pausebtn.connect('clicked', self.on_pause) #self.backonebtn = toolbutton.ToolButton('media-seek-backward') #self.backonebtn.set_tooltip(_("Back One Stroke")) #self.backonebtn.connect('clicked', self.on_back_one) #self.backonebtn.props.accelerator = 'Left' #self.forwardonebtn = toolbutton.ToolButton('media-seek-forward') #self.forwardonebtn.set_tooltip(_("Forward One Stroke")) #self.forwardonebtn.connect('clicked', self.on_forward_one) #self.forwardonebtn.props.accelerator = 'Right' # Position bar self.playbackpossep = gtk.SeparatorToolItem() self.playbackpossep.set_draw(True) self.beginbtn = toolbutton.ToolButton('media-seek-backward') self.beginbtn.set_tooltip(_("Skip To Beginning")) self.beginbtn.connect('clicked', self.on_skip_begin) self.playbackpos = gtk.Adjustment(0, 0, 110, 1, 10, 10) self.playbackposbar = gtk.HScale(self.playbackpos) self.playbackposbar.connect('value-changed', self.on_playbackposbar_change) self.playbackposbar.ignore_change = 0 self.playbackpositem = gtk.ToolItem() self.playbackpositem.set_expand(True) self.playbackpositem.add(self.playbackposbar) self.endbtn = toolbutton.ToolButton('media-seek-forward') self.endbtn.set_tooltip(_("Skip To End")) self.endbtn.connect('clicked', self.on_skip_end) playbox = gtk.Toolbar() playbox.insert(self.startbtn, -1) playbox.insert(self.pausebtn, -1) playbox.insert(self.beginbtn, -1) playbox.insert(self.endbtn, -1) playbox.insert(self.playbackpossep, -1) playbox.insert(self.playbackpositem, -1) # Sample files to learn from. Reads the list from an INDEX file in the data folder. samplebox = gtk.Toolbar() self.samplebtns = [] samples = [] fd = open(activity.get_bundle_path() + '/data/INDEX', 'r') try: samples = json.loads(fd.read()) finally: fd.close() log.debug("Samples: %r", samples) for s in samples: btn = toolbutton.ToolButton('media-playback-start') btn.filename = activity.get_bundle_path() + '/data/' + s['drw'] btn.set_tooltip(s['title']) img = gtk.Image() img.set_from_file(activity.get_bundle_path() + '/data/' + s['icon']) btn.set_icon_widget(img) btn.connect('clicked', self.on_sample) samplebox.insert(btn, -1) self.samplebtns.append(btn) self.webbtn = toolbutton.ToolButton('web') self.webbtn.set_tooltip(_("Colors! Gallery")) self.webbtn.connect('clicked', self.on_web) self.samplesep = gtk.SeparatorToolItem() self.samplesep.set_draw(False) self.samplesep.set_expand(True) samplebox.insert(self.samplesep, -1) samplebox.insert(self.webbtn, -1) toolbar = activity.ActivityToolbox(self) toolbar.add_toolbar(_("Paint"),paintbox) #toolbar.add_toolbar(_("Edit"),editbox) toolbar.add_toolbar(_("Watch"),playbox) toolbar.add_toolbar(_("Learn"),samplebox) toolbar.show_all() self.set_toolbox(toolbar) # Add Keep As button to activity toolbar. activity_toolbar = toolbar.get_activity_toolbar() keep_palette = activity_toolbar.keep.get_palette() menu_item = MenuItem(_('Keep to PNG')) menu_item.connect('activate', self.on_export_png) keep_palette.menu.append(menu_item) menu_item.show() #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Camera access # # The new camera module from Pygame, by Nirav Patel, is used for camera access. # It was only recently added, so we have to handle the case where the module doesn't exist. def init_camera (self): self.camera_enabled = False try: camera_list = camera.list_cameras() if len(camera_list): self.cam = camera.Camera(camera_list[0],(320,240),"RGB") self.camcapture = surface.Surface((320,240),0,16,(63488,2016,31,0)) self.camsmall = surface.Surface((240,180),0,self.camcapture) self.camhsv = surface.Surface((240,180),0,self.camcapture) self.camera_enabled = True else: log.debug('No cameras found, videopaint disabled.') except NameError: log.debug('Pygame camera module not found, videopaint disabled.') pass #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Mesh networking # # The mesh networking system is a little bit wacky, but works reasonably well at the moment. It might need to # be redone in the future for less stable networking environments. # # Each user maintains the current state of the canvas, as well as a 'shared image' state which represents the # 'master' state of the canvas that is shared by all the users. The command index in the drawing command list # that corresponds to the master state is also recorded. # # Each user is allowed to paint 'ahead' of the master state, by appending commands to their local command list. # After each stroke, the commands of the stroke are broadcast as the new master state to the other users. # # Whenever a new master state is received, it will contain a list of commands that follow the old master state # to reach the new one. The user simply rewinds their canvas to the old master state, replaces their local image # with the shared one, and appends the received commands to reach the new master state. # # The net effect is that when the user paints something, they broadcast their own commands, and then *receive* # their own commands, rewinding and then playing them back immediately. So, every users canvas state is simply the # sum of all the broadcasts from themselves and the other users. Since the broadcasts are serialized, every # user has the same state all the time. def init_mesh (self): self.connected = False # If True, the activity is shared with other users. self.initiating = False # If True, this instance started the activity. Otherwise, we joined it. # Set up the drawing send and receive state. # See send_and_receive_draw_commands for more information. self.draw_command_sent = 0 self.draw_command_received = 0 self.draw_command_queue = DrawCommandBuffer() # Get the presence server and self handle. self.pservice = presenceservice.get_instance() self.owner = self.pservice.get_owner() self.connect('shared', self.on_shared) # Called when the user clicks the Share button in the toolbar. self.connect('joined', self.on_join) # Called when the activity joins a remote activity. def on_shared (self, activity): self.initiating = True self.setup_sharing() # Offer a DBus tube that everyone else can connect to. self.tubes_chan[telepathy.CHANNEL_TYPE_TUBES].OfferDBusTube(DBUS_SERVICE, {}) # Cancel the intro if playing. self.set_mode(Colors.MODE_CANVAS) def on_list_tubes_reply(self, tubes): # Called by on_join. for tube_info in tubes: self.on_tube(*tube_info) def on_list_tubes_error(self, e): # Called by on_join. pass def on_join (self, activity): self.initiating = False self.setup_sharing() # List existing tubes. There should only be one, which will invoke the on_new_tube callback. self.tubes_chan[telepathy.CHANNEL_TYPE_TUBES].ListTubes( reply_handler=self.on_list_tubes_reply, error_handler=self.on_list_tubes_error) # Cancel the intro if playing. self.set_mode(Colors.MODE_CANVAS) def setup_sharing (self): """Called to initialize mesh networking objects when the activity becomes shared (on_shared) or joins an existing shared activity (on_join).""" # Cache connection related objects. self.conn = self._shared_activity.telepathy_conn self.tubes_chan = self._shared_activity.telepathy_tubes_chan self.text_chan = self._shared_activity.telepathy_text_chan # This will get called as soon as the connection is established. self.tubes_chan[telepathy.CHANNEL_TYPE_TUBES].connect_to_signal('NewTube', self.on_tube) # Called when a buddy joins us or leaves (does nothing right now). self._shared_activity.connect('buddy-joined', self.on_buddy_joined) self._shared_activity.connect('buddy-left', self.on_buddy_left) def on_tube (self, id, initiator, type, service, params, state): """Called by the NewTube callback or the ListTubes enumeration, when a real connection finally exists.""" if (type == telepathy.TUBE_TYPE_DBUS and service == DBUS_SERVICE): # If the new tube is waiting for us to finalize it, do so. if state == telepathy.TUBE_STATE_LOCAL_PENDING: self.tubes_chan[telepathy.CHANNEL_TYPE_TUBES].AcceptDBusTube(id) if not self.connected: # Create the TubeConnection object to manage the connection. self.tube = TubeConnection(self.conn, self.tubes_chan[telepathy.CHANNEL_TYPE_TUBES], id, group_iface=self.text_chan[telepathy.CHANNEL_INTERFACE_GROUP]) ExportedGObject.__init__(self, self.tube, DBUS_PATH) # Set up DBUS Signal receiviers. self.tube.add_signal_receiver(self.ReceiveHello, 'BroadcastHello', DBUS_IFACE, path=DBUS_PATH) self.tube.add_signal_receiver(self.ReceiveCanvasMode, 'BroadcastCanvasMode', DBUS_IFACE, path=DBUS_PATH) self.tube.add_signal_receiver(self.ReceiveClear, 'BroadcastClear', DBUS_IFACE, path=DBUS_PATH) self.tube.add_signal_receiver(self.ReceiveDrawCommands, 'BroadcastDrawCommands', DBUS_IFACE, path=DBUS_PATH) self.tube.add_signal_receiver(self.ReceivePlayback, 'BroadcastPlayback', DBUS_IFACE, path=DBUS_PATH) log.debug("Connected.") self.connected = True # Limit UI choices when sharing. self.disable_shared_commands() # Announce our presence to the server. if not self.initiating: self.BroadcastHello() # Notes about DBUS signals: # - When you call a @signal function, its implementation is invoked, and the registered callback is invoked on all # the peers (including the one who invoked the signal!). So it's usually best for the @signal function to do # nothing at all. # - The 'signature' describes the parameters to the function. @signal(dbus_interface=DBUS_IFACE, signature='') def BroadcastHello (self): """Broadcast signal sent when a client joins the shared activity.""" pass def ReceiveHello (self): if not self.initiating: return # Only the initiating peer responds to Hello commands. log.debug("Received Hello. Responding with canvas state (%d commands).", self.easel.playback_length()) self.BroadcastCanvasMode() self.BroadcastClear() buf = self.easel.send_drw_commands(0, self.easel.get_num_commands()) self.BroadcastDrawCommands(buf.get_bytes(), buf.ncommands) self.update() @signal(dbus_interface=DBUS_IFACE, signature='') def BroadcastCanvasMode (self): """Broadcast signal for forcing clients into Canvas mode.""" pass def ReceiveCanvasMode (self): log.debug("ReceiveCanvasMode") if self.mode != Colors.MODE_CANVAS: self.set_mode(Colors.MODE_CANVAS) self.update() @signal(dbus_interface=DBUS_IFACE, signature='') def BroadcastClear (self): """Broadcast signal for clearing the canvas.""" pass def ReceiveClear (self): log.debug("ReceiveClear") self.easel.clear() self.easel.save_shared_image() self.update() @signal(dbus_interface=DBUS_IFACE, signature='ayi') def BroadcastDrawCommands (self, cmds, ncommands): """Broadcast signal for drawing commands.""" pass def ReceiveDrawCommands (self, cmds, ncommands): log.debug("ReceiveDrawCommands") s = "".join(chr(b) for b in cmds) # Convert dbus.ByteArray to Python string. self.draw_command_queue.append(DrawCommandBuffer(s, ncommands)) self.update() @signal(dbus_interface=DBUS_IFACE, signature='bii') def BroadcastPlayback (self, playing, playback_pos, playback_speed): """Broadcast signal controlling playback. Not yet used.""" pass def ReceivePlayback (self): log.debug("ReceivePlayback") if playing: if self.mode != Colors.MODE_PLAYBACK: self.set_mode(Colors.MODE_PLAYBACK) else: if self.mode == Colors.MODE_PLAYBACK: self.set_mode(Colors.MODE_CANVAS) self.easel.playback_to(playback_pos) self.easel.set_playback_speed(playback_speed) self.update() def on_buddy_joined (self, activity, buddy): log.debug('Buddy %s joined', buddy.props.nick) def on_buddy_left (self, activity, buddy): log.debug('Buddy %s left', buddy.props.nick) def send_and_receive_draw_commands (self): if self.connected: # Broadcast drawing commands that were generated by this user since the last call to this function. if self.draw_command_sent < self.easel.get_num_commands(): # TODO: Always prepend the current brush here. buf = self.easel.send_drw_commands(self.draw_command_sent, self.easel.get_num_commands()-self.draw_command_sent) self.BroadcastDrawCommands(buf.get_bytes(), buf.ncommands) # Play any queued draw commands that were received from the host. If there are any, we first reset the # canvas contents back to the last received state and then play them back. if self.draw_command_queue.ncommands: # Also, we have to save and restore the brush around the queued commands. saved_brush = self.easel.brush self.easel.receive_drw_commands(self.draw_command_queue, self.draw_command_sent) self.easel.restore_shared_image() self.easel.play_range(self.draw_command_sent, self.easel.get_num_commands()) self.easel.save_shared_image() self.draw_command_queue.clear() self.set_brush(saved_brush) self.flush_dirty_canvas() # Note that resetting the state above means "undoing" the commands we just broadcast. We will receive them # again by our ReceiveDrawCommands callback immediately, and will play them back so the user shouldn't notice. self.draw_command_sent = self.easel.get_num_commands() def disable_shared_commands (self): """Disables UI controls which cannot be activated by non-host peers.""" # Cannot control playback. self.startbtn.set_sensitive(False) self.pausebtn.set_sensitive(False) self.beginbtn.set_sensitive(False) self.endbtn.set_sensitive(False) self.playbackposbar.set_sensitive(False) self.undobtn.set_sensitive(False) # Cannot activate sample drawings. for s in self.samplebtns: s.set_sensitive(False) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Input device (Wacom etc.) code def init_input_devices(self): self.easelarea.set_extension_events(gtk.gdk.EXTENSION_EVENTS_CURSOR) self.devices = gtk.gdk.devices_list() for d in self.devices: log.debug('Input Device: name=\'%s\'' % (d.name)) d.set_mode(gtk.gdk.MODE_SCREEN) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Input code def init_input (self): self.cur_buttons = 0 self.pending_press = 0 self.pending_release = 0 self.mx = 0 self.my = 0 self.pressure = 255 self.lastmx = 0 self.lastmy = 0 self.lastr = 0 def on_key_event (self, widget, event): key_name = gtk.gdk.keyval_name(event.keyval) # Useful for manually working out keyvals for OLPC keys. log.debug("on_key_event: hardware_keycode=%d name=%s", event.hardware_keycode, key_name) button = 0 if key_name == 'Shift_L' or key_name == 'Shift_R': button = Colors.BUTTON_CONTROL # Space bar for Palette (todo- need something better!). elif key_name == 'space': button = Colors.BUTTON_PALETTE # 'r' for Reference (todo- need something better!). #elif event.keyval == ord('r'): # button = Colors.BUTTON_REFERENCE # 'v' for Videopaint (todo- need something better!). elif event.keyval == ord('v'): button = Colors.BUTTON_VIDEOPAINT # 's' hotkey to save PNG thumbnail of the current canvas as 'thumb.png'. #elif event.keyval == ord('s'): # self.save_thumbnail(activity.get_bundle_path() + '/thumb.png') # OLPC 'hand' buttons for scrolling. elif event.hardware_keycode == 133 or event.hardware_keycode == 134: button = Colors.BUTTON_SCROLL # OLPC 'size' buttons for intensity. #elif event.keyval == 286: button = Colors.BUTTON_SIZE_0 #elif event.keyval == 287: button = Colors.BUTTON_SIZE_1 #elif event.keyval == 288: button = Colors.BUTTON_SIZE_2 #elif event.keyval == 289: button = Colors.BUTTON_SIZE_3 # Arrow keys for scrolling. elif key_name == 'Up': if event.type == gtk.gdk.KEY_PRESS: self.scroll_to(self.scroll + Pos(0, 50)) self.flush_entire_canvas() button = Colors.BUTTON_SCROLL elif key_name == 'Down': if event.type == gtk.gdk.KEY_PRESS: self.scroll_to(self.scroll + Pos(0, -50)) self.flush_entire_canvas() button = Colors.BUTTON_SCROLL elif key_name == 'Left': if event.type == gtk.gdk.KEY_PRESS: self.scroll_to(self.scroll + Pos(50, 0)) self.flush_entire_canvas() button = Colors.BUTTON_SCROLL elif key_name == 'Right': if event.type == gtk.gdk.KEY_PRESS: self.scroll_to(self.scroll + Pos(-50, 0)) self.flush_entire_canvas() button = Colors.BUTTON_SCROLL # Either Alt key for pick. elif key_name == 'Alt_L' or key_name == 'ISO_Level3_Shift': button = Colors.BUTTON_PICK # Gamepad directions. elif key_name == 'KP_Up': button = Colors.BUTTON_ZOOM_IN elif key_name == 'KP_Down': button = Colors.BUTTON_ZOOM_OUT elif key_name == 'KP_Left': button = Colors.BUTTON_CENTER elif key_name == 'KP_Right': button = Colors.BUTTON_SCROLL # Gamepad keys. elif key_name == 'KP_Page_Down': button = Colors.BUTTON_TOUCH elif key_name == 'KP_Page_Up': button = Colors.BUTTON_PALETTE elif key_name == 'KP_Home': button = Colors.BUTTON_PICK elif key_name == 'KP_End': button = Colors.BUTTON_UNDO if button != 0: if event.type == gtk.gdk.KEY_PRESS: self.pending_press = self.pending_press | button else: self.pending_release = self.pending_release | button self.update_input() self.update() return True else: # Not a known key. Try to store / retrieve a brush. key = unichr(event.keyval).lower() if self.cur_buttons & Colors.BUTTON_PICK: self.brush_map[key] = Brush(self.easel.brush) else: if self.brush_map.has_key(key): self.set_brush(self.brush_map[key]) return False def on_mouse_event (self, widget, event): if self.overlay_active: return if event.type == gtk.gdk.BUTTON_PRESS: if event.button == 1: self.pending_press = self.pending_press | Colors.BUTTON_TOUCH if event.type == gtk.gdk.BUTTON_RELEASE: if event.button == 1: self.pending_release = self.pending_release | Colors.BUTTON_TOUCH if event.type == gtk.gdk.MOTION_NOTIFY: if event.is_hint: x, y, state = event.window.get_pointer() else: x, y = event.get_coords() state = event.get_state() # Read pressure information if available. pressure = event.get_axis(gtk.gdk.AXIS_PRESSURE) if pressure or self._prev_AXIS_PRESSURE: pressure = min(pressure, 1.0) self._prev_AXIS_PRESSURE = pressure self.pressure = int(pressure * 255) else: self.pressure = 255 # When 0 pressure is received, simulate a button release. if self.pressure <= 0: self.pending_release = self.pending_release | Colors.BUTTON_TOUCH # Sometimes x, y comes back as inf, inf. try: self.mx = int(x) self.my = int(y) except: self.mx = 0 self.my = 0 # Any mouse movement over the canvas grabs focus, so we keyboard events. if not widget.is_focus(): widget.grab_focus() self.update_input() # Process the update (unless we are animating). if not self.update_timer: self.update() #self.flush_cursor() return True def update_input (self): buttons = self.cur_buttons buttons = buttons | self.pending_press self.pending_press = 0 buttons = buttons & ~self.pending_release self.pending_release = 0 hold = buttons & self.cur_buttons if self.cur_buttons != buttons: changed = self.cur_buttons ^ buttons press = changed & buttons release = changed & self.cur_buttons self.cur_buttons = buttons if press != 0: self.on_press(press) if release != 0: self.on_release(release) if hold != 0: self.on_hold(hold) def on_press (self, button): if button & Colors.BUTTON_ZOOM_IN: self.zoom_in() return if button & Colors.BUTTON_ZOOM_OUT: self.zoom_out() return if button & Colors.BUTTON_CENTER: self.center_image() return if button & Colors.BUTTON_VIDEOPAINT: self.videopaintbtn.set_active(not self.videopaint_enabled) return if self.mode == Colors.MODE_CANVAS: if button & Colors.BUTTON_UNDO: self.undo() return if button & Colors.BUTTON_PALETTE: self.set_mode(Colors.MODE_PALETTE) return #if button & Colors.BUTTON_REFERENCE: # self.set_mode(Colors.MODE_REFERENCE) # return if button & Colors.BUTTON_SCROLL: self.set_mode(Colors.MODE_SCROLL) return if self.cur_buttons & Colors.BUTTON_PICK: self.set_mode(Colors.MODE_PICK) return if self.mode == Colors.MODE_PALETTE: if button & Colors.BUTTON_PALETTE: self.set_mode(Colors.MODE_CANVAS) return #if self.mode == Colors.MODE_REFERENCE: # if button & Colors.BUTTON_REFERENCE: # self.set_mode(Colors.MODE_CANVAS) # return def on_release (self, button): if self.mode == Colors.MODE_SCROLL: if button & Colors.BUTTON_SCROLL: self.set_mode(Colors.MODE_CANVAS) return if self.mode == Colors.MODE_PICK: if button & Colors.BUTTON_PICK: self.set_mode(Colors.MODE_CANVAS) return def on_hold (self, button): pass #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Scroll code def init_scroll (self): self.scroll = Pos(0,0) self.scrollref = None def scroll_to (self, pos): self.scroll = Pos(pos.x, pos.y) #log.debug('self.scroll: x=%f y=%f' % (self.scroll.x, self.scroll.y)) # Clamp scroll position to within absolute limits or else center. if self.easel.width*self.zoom < self.width: self.scroll.x = (self.width-self.easel.width)/2 else: self.scroll.x = max(min(self.scroll.x, 100), -(self.easel.width*self.zoom - self.width + 100)) if self.easel.height*self.zoom < self.height: self.scroll.y = (self.height-self.easel.height)/2 else: self.scroll.y = max(min(self.scroll.y, 100), -(self.easel.height*self.zoom - self.height + 100)) def center_image(self): self.scroll.x = (self.width-self.easel.width*self.zoom)/2 self.scroll.y = (self.height-self.easel.height*self.zoom)/2 self.flush_entire_canvas() #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Zoom code def init_zoom (self): self.zoom = 2.0 self.zoomref = None def zoom_to (self, zoom): # End any current stroke. self.end_draw() # Adjust scroll position to keep the mouse centered on screen while the zoom changes. scrollcenter = self.screen_to_easel(Pos(self.mx, self.my)) self.scroll = Pos(0,0) self.zoom = zoom #log.debug('zoom %f', self.zoom) scrollcenter = Pos(0,0) - self.easel_to_screen(scrollcenter) + Pos(self.mx, self.my) self.scroll_to(scrollcenter) self.zoominbtn.set_sensitive(self.zoom < 8.0) self.zoomoutbtn.set_sensitive(self.zoom > 1.0) self.flush_entire_canvas() def zoom_in (self): if self.zoom == 1.0: self.zoom_to(2.0) elif self.zoom == 2.0: self.zoom_to(4.0) elif self.zoom == 4.0: self.zoom_to(8.0) def zoom_out (self): if self.zoom == 8.0: self.zoom_to(4.0) elif self.zoom == 4.0: self.zoom_to(2.0) elif self.zoom == 2.0: self.zoom_to(1.0) def easel_to_screen(self, pos): r = Pos(pos.x, pos.y) r = r * Pos(self.zoom, self.zoom) r = r + self.scroll return r def screen_to_easel(self, pos): r = Pos(pos.x, pos.y) r = r - self.scroll r = r / Pos(self.zoom, self.zoom) return r #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Drawing commands # # These commands instruct the underlying canvas to execute commands which modify the canvas. # # All drawing operations become commands which are executed immediately and also recorded so that the painting can # be played back. def draw (self, pos): relpos = self.screen_to_easel(pos) relpos = relpos / Pos(self.easel.width, self.easel.height) self.easel.play_command(DrawCommand.create_draw(relpos, int(self.pressure)), True) def end_draw (self): if self.easel.stroke: self.easel.play_command(DrawCommand.create_end_draw(int(self.pressure)), True) # Send to sharing participants. self.send_and_receive_draw_commands() # Record a new default zoom-in focal point. #self.zoomref = (self.easel.strokemin + self.easel.strokemax) * Pos(0.5,0.5) def set_brush (self, brush): #log.debug("set_brush color=%d,%d,%d type=%d size=%d opacity=%d", brush.color.r, brush.color.g, brush.color.b, brush.type, brush.size, brush.opacity) # End any current stroke. if self.easel.stroke: self.end_draw() self.easel.play_command(DrawCommand.create_color_change(brush.color), True) self.easel.play_command(DrawCommand.create_size_change(brush.control, brush.type, brush.size/float(self.easel.width), brush.opacity), True) if self.mode == Colors.MODE_PALETTE: self.brush_controls.set_brush(self.easel.brush) self.brush_controls.queue_draw() self.brushpreviewarea.queue_draw() def pickup_color(self, pos): relpos = self.screen_to_easel(pos) color = self.easel.pickup_color(relpos) self.easel.play_command(DrawCommand.create_color_change(color), True) self.brushpreviewarea.queue_draw() def play_to (self, to): """Plays drawing commands until playbackpos.get_value() is reached. This may involve resetting the canvas if the given position is before the current position, since it is impossible to play commands backwards. Called to skip the playback position, for example when fast forwarding or rewinding or dragging the scrollbar.""" self.playbackposbar.ignore_change += 1 log.debug("play_to %d easel_pos=%d", to, self.easel.playback_pos()) total_left = 0 # This used to be in the while True: loop, such that the overlay would only appear when # there is a lot of work to do. It might go back there later. self.progress.set_size_request(self.width, self.height) self.progress.show_all() self.easelarea.set_double_buffered(True) self.overlay_active = True self.flush_entire_canvas() # Display and run the GTK loop. This hack takes a set number of events per loop, # as checking the gtk.events_pending() function leads to an infinite loop. for i in range(0, 5): if gtk.main_iteration(False): self.playbackposbar.ignore_change -= 1 #log.debug("play_to: main loop quit requested.") return # Keep looping until the position is reached. Since we activate the GTK event loop processing from within # our inner loop, the user can actually move the scrollbar while this function is running! while True: if self.easel.playback_pos() == to: break # Rewind if needed. if self.easel.playback_pos() > to: self.easel.clear_image() self.easel.start_playback() total_left = max(total_left, to - self.easel.playback_pos()) # Advance playback by as much as we can in 1/10th of a second. startpos = self.easel.playback_pos() starttk = time.time() endtk = starttk + 1.0/10.0 while self.easel.playback_pos() < to: self.easel.playback_step_to(to) if time.time() >= endtk: break #log.debug("from %d to %d in %fs", startpos, self.easel.playback_pos(), time.time()-starttk) # This is currently disabled as it leads to the playback position passing the requested position, which # can cause infinite "Working..." loops when the mouse is held down. # Leaving it out can lead to inaccurate playback, when the play-to position is mid-stroke. self.easel.playback_finish_stroke() # Update the progress bar. if total_left > 0: f = 1.0-float(to - self.easel.playback_pos())/total_left self.progress.progress.set_fraction(f) if self.easel.playback_pos() >= to: break # Comment this in to watch the painting and slow things down. #self.flush_entire_canvas() # Display and run the GTK loop. This hack takes a set number of events per loop, # as checking the gtk.events_pending() function leads to an infinite loop. for i in range(0, 5): if gtk.main_iteration(False): self.playbackposbar.ignore_change -= 1 #log.debug("play: main loop quit requested.") return self.overlay_active = False self.progress.hide_all() self.easelarea.set_double_buffered(False) self.flush_entire_canvas() self.playbackposbar.ignore_change -= 1 # Canvas repainting. These methods draw portions of the canvas to the canvasarea. def flush_dirty_canvas (self): """Causes a redraw of the canvas area which has been modified since the last call to this function.""" # Skip on negative area rectangle. if self.easel.dirtymin.x > self.easel.dirtymax.x: return mn = self.easel_to_screen(self.easel.dirtymin) mx = self.easel_to_screen(self.easel.dirtymax) #log.debug("x=%d y=%d width=%d height=%d" % (x, y, w, h)) self.draw_easelarea(gtk.gdk.Rectangle(int(mn.x), int(mn.y), int(mx.x-mn.x+1), int(mx.y-mn.y+1))) self.easel.reset_dirty_rect() def flush_entire_canvas (self): """Causes a redraw of the entire canvas area.""" self.easelarea.queue_draw() self.easel.reset_dirty_rect() def flush_cursor (self): """Causes a redraw of the canvas area covered by the cursor.""" r = int(self.zoom*self.easel.brush.size*self.pressure/256) #log.debug("mx=%d my=%d r=%d lastmx=%d lastmy=%d lastr=%d" % \ # (self.mx, self.my, r, self.lastmx, self.lastmy, self.lastr)) x0 = min(self.lastmx-self.lastr, self.mx-r) y0 = min(self.lastmy-self.lastr, self.my-r) x1 = max(self.lastmx+self.lastr, self.mx+r) y1 = max(self.lastmy+self.lastr, self.my+r) self.draw_easelarea(gtk.gdk.Rectangle(x0, y0, x1-x0+2, y1-y0+2)) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Application states # # Colors is controlled by a finite state machine which keeps track of the current application mode (painting, # playing back, scrolling, zooming, etc) and manages transitions between states. # # Each state is allowed to process code when it is entered or left, for the purpose of initializing variables and # cleaning up afterwards. # # todo- Consider breaking up into enter_intro, enter_playback, enter_canvas, etc. def start_update_timer(self): if self.update_timer: gobject.source_remove(self.update_timer) # The timer priority is chosen to be above PRIORITY_REDRAW (which is PRIORITY_HIGH_IDLE_20, but not defined in PyGTK). self.update_timer = gobject.timeout_add(1, self.update, priority=gobject.PRIORITY_HIGH_IDLE+30) def enter_mode (self): if self.mode == Colors.MODE_INTRO: # Load and play intro movie. It was created on a DS at 60hz, so we need to speed it up drastically to # make it watchable. self.clear_undo() self.easel.clear() self.easel.load(str(activity.get_bundle_path() + "/data/intro.drw")) self.easel.set_playback_speed(8) self.easel.start_playback() self.start_update_timer() if self.mode == Colors.MODE_PLAYBACK: self.easel.set_playback_speed(1) self.easel.start_playback() self.start_update_timer() if self.mode == Colors.MODE_CANVAS: # Clear any existing button pressure to avoid a blotch on the screen when entering Canvas mode. self.cur_buttons = 0 # Reset the brush. self.set_brush(self.easel.brush) # Progress bar fixes at 100 when painting. self.playbackposbar.ignore_change += 1 self.playbackpos.set_value(100) self.playbackposbar.ignore_change -= 1 if self.mode == Colors.MODE_PICK: self.easelarea.window.set_cursor(gtk.gdk.Cursor(gtk.gdk.CROSSHAIR)) if self.mode == Colors.MODE_SCROLL: self.easelarea.window.set_cursor(gtk.gdk.Cursor(gtk.gdk.FLEUR)) if self.mode == Colors.MODE_PALETTE: # This simply darkens the canvas slightly to prepare for an overlay to be drawn on top. #self.easel.render_overlay() # Show the brush controls window. self.easelarea.set_double_buffered(True) self.brush_controls.set_brush(self.easel.brush) self.brush_controls.show_all() self.overlay_active = True self.flush_entire_canvas() self.palettebtn.set_active(True) #if self.mode == Colors.MODE_REFERENCE: # self.easel.render_reference_overlay() # self.flush_entire_canvas() # self.showrefbtn.set_active(True) def leave_mode (self): if self.mode == Colors.MODE_INTRO: self.easel.stop_playback() self.clear_undo() self.easel.clear() self.easel.reset_brush() self.flush_entire_canvas() if self.mode == Colors.MODE_PLAYBACK: self.easel.stop_playback() if self.mode == Colors.MODE_CANVAS: # Finish any in-progress stroke. self.end_draw() if self.mode == Colors.MODE_PICK: self.easelarea.window.set_cursor(None) if self.mode == Colors.MODE_SCROLL: self.scrollref = None self.easelarea.window.set_cursor(None) if self.mode == Colors.MODE_PALETTE: self.set_brush(self.brush_controls.brush) #self.easel.clear_overlay() self.brush_controls.hide() self.easelarea.set_double_buffered(False) self.flush_entire_canvas() self.overlay_active = False self.palettebtn.set_active(False) #if self.mode == Colors.MODE_REFERENCE: # self.easel.clear_overlay() # self.flush_entire_canvas() # self.showrefbtn.set_active(False) def update_mode (self): if self.mode == None: self.set_mode(Colors.MODE_INTRO) if self.mode == Colors.MODE_INTRO: self.easel.update_playback() if not self.easel.playback_done(): self.flush_dirty_canvas() if self.cur_buttons & Colors.BUTTON_TOUCH: self.set_mode(Colors.MODE_CANVAS) return if self.mode == Colors.MODE_PLAYBACK: self.easel.update_playback() if not self.easel.playback_done(): self.flush_dirty_canvas() # Update the progress bar. progress_percent = int(100*float(self.easel.playback)/(self.easel.playback_length()+1)) if self.easel.playing and progress_percent != self.playbackpos.get_value(): self.playbackposbar.ignore_change += 1 self.playbackpos.set_value(progress_percent) self.playbackposbar.ignore_change -= 1 # Painting during playback mode allows you start where the painter left off. # But only when playback is not active. if not self.easel.playing and (self.cur_buttons & Colors.BUTTON_TOUCH): self.clear_undo() self.easel.truncate_at_playback() self.set_mode(Colors.MODE_CANVAS) return if self.mode == Colors.MODE_CANVAS: # Receive any drawing commands from peers, if not currently drawing. if not self.easel.stroke: self.send_and_receive_draw_commands() # Update drawing. if self.cur_buttons & Colors.BUTTON_TOUCH: # At the beginning of the stroke, the shared buffer is used to # save the Undo position (when in single user mode). if not self.easel.stroke: self.save_undo() if self.mx != self.lastmx or self.my != self.lastmy or self.videopaint_enabled: self.draw(Pos(self.mx, self.my)) self.flush_dirty_canvas() else: if self.easel.stroke: self.end_draw() self.flush_dirty_canvas() if self.mode == Colors.MODE_PICK: if self.cur_buttons & Colors.BUTTON_TOUCH: self.pickup_color(Pos(self.mx, self.my)) if self.mode == Colors.MODE_SCROLL: mpos = Pos(self.mx, self.my) if self.scrollref == None: self.scrollref = mpos else: move = self.scrollref - mpos if move.x != 0 or move.y != 0: self.scroll_to(self.scroll - move) self.scrollref = mpos self.flush_entire_canvas() #if self.cur_buttons & Colors.BUTTON_TOUCH: #else: # self.scrollref = None if self.mode == Colors.MODE_PALETTE: pass #if self.mode == Colors.MODE_REFERENCE: # pass def set_mode (self, mode): #log.debug("set mode %d", mode) if self.mode != None: self.leave_mode() self.mode = mode self.enter_mode() def update (self): if self.easel == None: return if not self.overlay_active: self.update_mode() # Request additional mouse events once processing is complete. #gtk.gdk.event_request_motions() # When called from timer events, stop timer when not in playback anymore. if self.mode == Colors.MODE_PLAYBACK or self.mode == Colors.MODE_INTRO: return True else: self.update_timer = None return False #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Event handlers def on_canvasarea_resize (self): rect = self.easelarea.get_allocation() #log.debug("Canvas resized to %dx%d", rect[2], rect[3]) self.width = rect[2] self.height = rect[3] # Rebuild easelimage. self.easelimage = gtk.gdk.Image(gtk.gdk.IMAGE_FASTEST, gtk.gdk.visual_get_system(), rect[2], rect[3]) # Resize panels. self.brush_controls.set_size_request(rect[2], rect[3]) self.progress.set_size_request(rect[2], rect[3]) def draw_easelarea(self, bounds): if not self.easelarea.bin_window: return rect = self.easelarea.get_allocation() if self.easelimage is None or (rect[2] != self.width or rect[3] != self.height): self.on_canvasarea_resize() bounds = bounds.intersect(rect) if bounds.width <= 0 or bounds.height <= 0: return gc = self.easelarea.get_style().fg_gc[gtk.STATE_NORMAL] # Blit dirty rectangle of canvas into the image. dest_x = int(bounds.x) dest_y = int(bounds.y) dest_w = int(bounds.width) dest_h = int(bounds.height) if self.zoom == 1.0: spos = self.screen_to_easel(Pos(dest_x, dest_y)) self.easel.blit_1x(self.easelimage, int(spos.x), int(spos.y), dest_x, dest_y, dest_w, dest_h, self.overlay_active) elif self.zoom == 2.0: dest_x = dest_x & ~1 dest_y = dest_y & ~1 dest_w = (dest_w+1) & ~1 dest_h = (dest_h+1) & ~1 spos = self.screen_to_easel(Pos(dest_x, dest_y)) self.easel.blit_2x(self.easelimage, int(spos.x), int(spos.y), dest_x, dest_y, dest_w, dest_h, self.overlay_active) #self.easel.blit_2x( # self.easelimage, # 0, 0, rect.width, rect.height, # int(-self.scroll.x), int(-self.scroll.y), # self.overlay_active) elif self.zoom == 4.0: dest_x = dest_x & ~3 dest_y = dest_y & ~3 dest_w = (dest_w+3) & ~3 dest_h = (dest_h+3) & ~3 spos = self.screen_to_easel(Pos(dest_x, dest_y)) self.easel.blit_4x(self.easelimage, int(spos.x), int(spos.y), dest_x, dest_y, dest_w, dest_h, self.overlay_active) elif self.zoom == 8.0: dest_x = dest_x & ~7 dest_y = dest_y & ~7 dest_w = (dest_w+7) & ~7 dest_h = (dest_h+7) & ~7 spos = self.screen_to_easel(Pos(dest_x, dest_y)) self.easel.blit_8x(self.easelimage, int(spos.x), int(spos.y), dest_x, dest_y, dest_w, dest_h, self.overlay_active) # Then draw the image to the screen. self.easelarea.bin_window.draw_image( gc, self.easelimage, bounds.x, bounds.y, bounds.x, bounds.y, bounds.width, bounds.height) # Debug rectangle to test the dirty rectangle code. It should tightly box the brush at all times. #self.easelarea.bin_window.draw_rectangle(gc, False, bounds.x, bounds.y, bounds.width, bounds.height) # Draw introduction text. if self.mode == Colors.MODE_INTRO: context = self.easelarea.create_pango_context() layout = self.easelarea.create_pango_layout(_('Click anywhere to begin painting!')) layout.set_font_description(pango.FontDescription('Times 14')) size = layout.get_size() x = (self.width-size[0]/pango.SCALE)/2 y = self.height-50-size[1]/pango.SCALE self.easelarea.bin_window.draw_layout(gc, x, y, layout) self.lastr = int(self.zoom*self.easel.brush.size*self.pressure/256) self.lastmx = self.mx self.lastmy = self.my #self.easelarea.bin_window.draw_arc(self.easelarea.get_style().black_gc, False, # self.mx-self.lastr/2, self.my-self.lastr/2, # self.lastr, self.lastr, 0, 360*64) # Hack to keep toolbar up to date. For some reason it fails to draw pretty often. #self.toolbox.queue_draw() def on_easelarea_expose (self, widget, event): self.draw_easelarea(event.area) return False def on_palette (self, button): if button.get_active(): if self.mode != Colors.MODE_PALETTE: self.set_mode(Colors.MODE_PALETTE) else: self.set_mode(Colors.MODE_CANVAS) def on_brushpreview_expose (self, widget, event): self.brushpreview.brush = self.easel.brush self.brushpreview.brush.size = int(self.easel.brush.size * self.zoom) self.brushpreview.render(self.brushpreviewimage) bounds = widget.get_allocation() x = (bounds.width-self.brushpreview.size)/2 y = (bounds.height-self.brushpreview.size)/2 self.brushpreviewarea.window.draw_image(widget.get_style().fg_gc[gtk.STATE_NORMAL], self.brushpreviewimage, 0, 0, x, y, -1, -1) def on_zoom_in (self, button): self.zoom_in() if self.my <= 0: self.center_image() def on_zoom_out (self, button): self.zoom_out() if self.my <= 0: self.center_image() def on_center (self, button): self.center_image() #def on_take_reference (self, button): # self.take_reference = True #def on_show_reference (self, button): # if button.get_active(): # if self.mode != Colors.MODE_REFERENCE: # self.set_mode(Colors.MODE_REFERENCE) # else: # self.set_mode(Colors.MODE_CANVAS) def on_videopaint (self, button): if self.camera_enabled: self.videopaint_enabled = button.get_active() if button.get_active(): self.cam.start() # flips the image to start with self.cam.set_controls(hflip = 1) gobject.timeout_add(33, self.on_videopaint_tick, priority=gobject.PRIORITY_HIGH_IDLE+31) else: self.cam.stop() def on_videopaint_tick (self): if not self.camera_enabled or not self.videopaint_enabled or not self.window: return False if self.cam.query_image(): # get the new frame self.camcapture = self.cam.get_image(self.camcapture) # scale it to a quarter the size before colorspace conversion self.camsmall = transform.scale(self.camcapture,(240,180),self.camsmall) # convert colorspace to HSV, good for object tracking self.camhsv = camera.colorspace(self.camsmall,"HSV",self.camhsv) # currently just threshold the OLPC green color. cammask = mask.from_threshold(self.camhsv,(90,128,128),(50,120,120)) # find the largest object in the mask camcomponent = cammask.connected_component() camcount = camcomponent.count() # make sure its not just noise if camcount > 2000: campos = camcomponent.centroid() # scale and adjust it so the borders can still be reached size = self.window.get_size() mx = int(max(0.0, min(1.0, (campos[0]-40)/160.0)) * size[0]) my = int(max(0.0, min(1.0, (campos[1]-40)/100.0)) * size[1]) # smooth a bit mx = int(self.lastmx*0.5 + mx*0.5) my = int(self.lastmy*0.5 + my*0.5) self.mx, self.my = self.translate_coordinates(self.easelarea, mx, my) self.pressure = int(min(255,camcount/20)) self.lastmx = self.mx self.lastmy = self.my gtk.gdk.display_get_default().warp_pointer(self.get_screen(), mx, my) #self.flush_cursor() self.update() return True def on_fullscreen(self, widget): self.fullscreen() self.scroll = Pos(0, 0) def on_clear (self, button): msg = alert.ConfirmationAlert() msg.props.title = _('Clear Canvas?') msg.props.msg = _('This will erase the entire image, including the history.') def alert_response_cb(alert, response_id, self): self.remove_alert(alert) if response_id is gtk.RESPONSE_OK: if self.mode != Colors.MODE_CANVAS: self.set_mode(Colors.MODE_CANVAS) self.clear_undo() self.easel.clear() self.flush_entire_canvas() msg.connect('response', alert_response_cb, self) self.add_alert(msg) msg.show_all() def on_play (self, button): # Change to playback mode when the Play button is first pressed. if self.mode != Colors.MODE_PLAYBACK: self.set_mode(Colors.MODE_PLAYBACK) # Resume playback. self.easel.resume_playback() def on_pause (self, button): if self.mode != Colors.MODE_PLAYBACK: self.set_mode(Colors.MODE_PLAYBACK) self.easel.pause_playback() def on_skip_begin (self, button): if self.mode != Colors.MODE_PLAYBACK: self.set_mode(Colors.MODE_PLAYBACK) self.playbackpos.set_value(0) def on_back_one(self, button): to = self.easel.playback_pos() - 1 if to < self.easel.playback_length(): self.play_to(to) def on_forward_one (self, button): to = self.easel.playback_pos() + 1 if to < self.easel.playback_length(): self.play_to(to) def on_skip_end (self, button): if self.mode != Colors.MODE_PLAYBACK: self.set_mode(Colors.MODE_PLAYBACK) self.playbackpos.set_value(100) def on_sample (self, button): self.set_mode(Colors.MODE_PLAYBACK) self.clear_undo() self.easel.clear() self.easel.load(str(button.filename)) self.easel.set_playback_speed(8) self.flush_entire_canvas() self.toolbox.set_current_toolbar(2) # Switch to 'watch' toolbar. def on_playbackposbar_change (self, progress): if self.playbackposbar.ignore_change > 0: return if self.mode != Colors.MODE_PLAYBACK: self.set_mode(Colors.MODE_PLAYBACK) to = int(self.playbackpos.get_value()/100.0*self.easel.playback_length()) self.play_to(to) self.easel.pause_playback() #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Journal integration def read_file(self, file_path): log.debug("Loading from journal %s", file_path) self.set_mode(Colors.MODE_CANVAS) self.clear_undo() self.easel.clear() self.easel.load(str(file_path.encode())) self.easel.start_playback() self.easel.finish_playback() self.playbackpos.set_value(100) self.set_mode(Colors.MODE_CANVAS) log.debug("Played back %d commands", self.easel.playback_length()) self.save_undo() def write_file(self, file_path): log.debug("Saving to journal %s", file_path) self.easel.save(file_path.encode()) log.debug("Saved %d commands", self.easel.playback_length()) def take_screenshot (self): if self.easelarea and self.easelarea.bin_window: self._preview.take_screenshot(self.easelarea) def save_thumbnail(self, filename): pbuf = gtk.gdk.Pixbuf(gtk.gdk.COLORSPACE_RGB, False, 8, self.width, self.height) pbuf = pbuf.get_from_image(self.easelimage, self.easelarea.get_colormap(), 0, 0, 0, 0, self.width, self.height) pbuf = pbuf.scale_simple(80, 60, gtk.gdk.INTERP_BILINEAR) pbuf.save(filename, "png") #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Undo # Only available in non-shared mode. Undo saves a single stroke in the shared buffer # for instant undo. Further undos require a replay of the drawing, which may take # awhile. # Redo not implement yet but shouldn't be hard to do. def on_undo(self, button): self.undo() def undo(self): # Cannot undo when progress window is up. if self.playbackposbar.ignore_change > 0: return if not self.connected and len(self.undo_buffer) > 0: to = self.undo_buffer.pop() print "undoing from %d to %d" % (self.easel.get_num_commands(), to) if self.undo_image_valid: # TODO: Add an API for truncating at arbitrary points when the C library is next changed. self.easel.playback = to self.easel.restore_shared_image() else: self.play_to(to) self.easel.truncate_at_playback() self.flush_entire_canvas() self.undo_image_valid = False self.update_undo() def save_undo(self): if not self.connected: to = max(0, self.easel.get_num_commands()-1) print "saving undo at ", to self.undo_buffer.append(to) self.easel.save_shared_image() self.undo_image_valid = True self.update_undo() def clear_undo(self): self.undo_buffer = [] self.undo_image_valid = False self.update_undo() def update_undo(self): if not self.connected: self.undobtn.set_sensitive(len(self.undo_buffer) > 0) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Clipboard integration (ported from Oficina) def on_copy(self, button): w = self.easel.width*2 h = self.easel.height*2 image = gtk.gdk.Image(gtk.gdk.IMAGE_FASTEST, gtk.gdk.visual_get_system(), w, h) self.easel.blit_2x(image, 0, 0, 0, 0, w, h, False) pbuf = gtk.gdk.Pixbuf(gtk.gdk.COLORSPACE_RGB, False, 8, w, h) pbuf = pbuf.get_from_image(image, self.easelarea.get_colormap(), 0, 0, 0, 0, w, h) cb = gtk.clipboard_get() cb.set_image(pbuf) def on_paste(self, button): pass #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Open Web page to find more paintings. def on_web(self, event): # Create a Journal entry with a link to the gallery page. fileObject = datastore.create() fileObject.metadata['title'] = _('Colors! Gallery') fileObject.metadata['mime_type'] = 'text/uri-list' fileObject.metadata['icon-color'] = self.metadata['icon-color'] fileObject.file_path = os.path.join(self.get_activity_root(), 'instance', '%i' % time.time()) fd = open(fileObject.file_path, 'w') try: fd.write("http://colors.collectingsmiles.com/") finally: fd.close() datastore.write(fileObject, transfer_ownership=True) id = fileObject.object_id fileObject.destroy() del fileObject # Show the link in the Journal. activity.show_object_in_journal(id) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # PNG Export to Journal def on_export_png(self, event): # Create pixbuf. w = self.easel.width*2 h = self.easel.height*2 image = gtk.gdk.Image(gtk.gdk.IMAGE_FASTEST, gtk.gdk.visual_get_system(), w, h) self.easel.blit_2x(image, 0, 0, 0, 0, w, h, False) pbuf = gtk.gdk.Pixbuf(gtk.gdk.COLORSPACE_RGB, False, 8, w, h) pbuf = pbuf.get_from_image(image, self.easelarea.get_colormap(), 0, 0, 0, 0, w, h) # Create a new journal item. ds = datastore.create() act_meta = self.metadata ds.metadata['title'] = act_meta['title'] + ' (PNG)' ds.metadata['title_set_by_user'] = act_meta['title_set_by_user'] ds.metadata['mime_type'] = 'image/png' ds.metadata['icon-color'] = act_meta['icon-color'] #preview = self.get_preview() #if preview is not None: # ds.metadata['preview'] = dbus.ByteArray(preview) # Save the picture to a temporary file. ds.file_path = os.path.join(self.get_activity_root(), 'instance', '%i' % time.time()) pbuf.save(ds.file_path, "png") # Store the journal item. datastore.write(ds, transfer_ownership=True) ds.destroy() del ds #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Help dialog def on_help(self, widget): if widget.get_active(): self.help.set_size_request(self.width, self.height) self.help.show_all() self.easelarea.set_double_buffered(True) self.overlay_active = True self.flush_entire_canvas() else: self.help.hide_all() self.overlay_active = False self.flush_entire_canvas() #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Benchmarking # # Simply causes the C++ code to do a bunch of work and prints out the time used. Useful for testing the benefits # of optimization. def benchmark (self): # Benchmark a Canvas object. canvas = Canvas(600, 400) canvas.clear() canvas.load(activity.get_bundle_path() + "/data/intro.drw") start = time.time() for i in range(0,100): canvas.start_playback() canvas.finish_playback() log.debug("Canvas playback benchmark: %f sec", time.time()-start) #canvasimage = gtk.gdk.Image(gtk.gdk.IMAGE_FASTEST, gtk.gdk.visual_get_system(), 600, 400) #start = time.time() #for i in range(0,100): # canvas.blit_2x(canvasimage, 0, 0, 600, 400) #log.debug("Canvas 1.0x blit benchmark: %f sec", time.time()-start) canvasimage = gtk.gdk.Image(gtk.gdk.IMAGE_FASTEST, gtk.gdk.visual_get_system(), 1200, 800) start = time.time() for i in range(0,100): canvas.blit_2x(canvasimage, 0, 0, 0, 0, 600, 400, False) log.debug("Canvas 2.0x blit benchmark: %f sec", time.time()-start) # Benchmark a Palette object. palette = Palette(500) paletteimage = gtk.gdk.Image(gtk.gdk.IMAGE_FASTEST, gtk.gdk.visual_get_system(), BrushControlsPanel.PALETTE_SIZE, BrushControlsPanel.PALETTE_SIZE) start = time.time() for i in range(0,100): palette.render_wheel(paletteimage) log.debug("Palette wheel benchmark: %f sec", time.time()-start) start = time.time() for i in range(0,100): palette.render_triangle(paletteimage) log.debug("Palette triangle benchmark: %f sec", time.time()-start)