## pygame - Python Game Library ## Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Pete Shinners ## ## This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ## modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public ## License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either ## version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ## ## This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ## Library General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public ## License along with this library; if not, write to the Free ## Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ## ## Pete Shinners ## pete@shinners.org "sysfont, used in the font module to find system fonts" import os, sys #create simple version of the font name def _simplename(name): for char in '_ -': name = name.replace(char, '') name = name.lower() name = name.replace('-', '') name = name.replace("'", '') return name #insert a font and style into the font dictionary def _addfont(name, bold, italic, font, fontdict): if not fontdict.has_key(name): fontdict[name] = {} fontdict[name][bold, italic] = font #read the fonts on windows def initsysfonts_win32(): import _winreg fonts = {} mods = 'demibold', 'narrow', 'light', 'unicode', 'bt', 'mt' fontdir = os.path.join(os.environ['WINDIR'], "Fonts") #this is a list of registry keys containing information #about fonts installed on the system. keys = [] #find valid registry keys containing font information. possible_keys = [ r"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Fonts", r"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts" ] for key_name in possible_keys: try: key = _winreg.OpenKey(_winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, key_name) keys.append(key) except WindowsError: pass for key in keys: fontdict = {} for i in range(_winreg.QueryInfoKey(key)[1]): try: name, font, t = _winreg.EnumValue(key,i) except EnvironmentError: break # try and handle windows unicode strings for some file names. # here are two documents with some information about it: # http://www.python.org/peps/pep-0277.html # https://www.microsoft.com/technet/archive/interopmigration/linux/mvc/lintowin.mspx#ECAA try: font = str(font) except UnicodeEncodeError: # MBCS is the windows encoding for unicode file names. try: font = font.encode('MBCS') except: # no goodness with str or MBCS encoding... skip this font. continue if font[-4:].lower() not in [".ttf", ".ttc"]: continue if os.sep not in font: font = os.path.join(fontdir, font) if name[-10:] == '(TrueType)': name = name[:-11] name = name.lower().split() bold = italic = 0 for m in mods: if m in name: name.remove(m) if 'bold' in name: name.remove('bold') bold = 1 if 'italic' in name: name.remove('italic') italic = 1 name = ''.join(name) name=_simplename(name) _addfont(name, bold, italic, font, fonts) return fonts #read of the fonts on osx (fill me in!) def initsysfonts_darwin(): paths = ['/Library/Fonts', '~/Library/Fonts', '/Local/Library/Fonts', '/Network/Library/Fonts'] fonts = {} for p in paths: if os.path.isdir(p): pass #os.path.walk(p, _fontwalk, fonts) return fonts #read the fonts on unix def initsysfonts_unix(): fonts = {} # we use the fc-list from fontconfig to get a list of fonts. try: # note, we use popen3 for if fc-list isn't there to stop stderr printing. flin, flout, flerr = os.popen3('fc-list : file family style') except: return fonts try: for line in flout: try: filename, family, style = line.split(':', 2) if filename[-4:].lower() in ['.ttf', '.ttc']: bold = style.find('Bold') >= 0 italic = style.find('Italic') >= 0 oblique = style.find('Oblique') >= 0 _addfont(_simplename(family), bold, italic or oblique, filename, fonts) except: # try the next one. pass except: pass return fonts #create alias entries def create_aliases(): aliases = ( ('monospace', 'misc-fixed', 'courier', 'couriernew', 'console', 'fixed', 'mono', 'freemono', 'bitstreamverasansmono', 'verasansmono', 'monotype', 'lucidaconsole'), ('sans', 'arial', 'helvetica', 'swiss', 'freesans', 'bitstreamverasans', 'verasans', 'verdana', 'tahoma'), ('serif', 'times', 'freeserif', 'bitstreamveraserif', 'roman', 'timesroman', 'timesnewroman', 'dutch', 'veraserif', 'georgia'), ('wingdings', 'wingbats'), ) for set in aliases: found = None fname = None for name in set: if Sysfonts.has_key(name): found = Sysfonts[name] fname = name break if not found: continue for name in set: if not Sysfonts.has_key(name): Sysalias[name] = found Sysfonts = {} Sysalias = {} #initialize it all, called once def initsysfonts(): if sys.platform == 'win32': fonts = initsysfonts_win32() elif sys.platform == 'darwin': fonts = initsysfonts_darwin() else: fonts = initsysfonts_unix() Sysfonts.update(fonts) create_aliases() if not Sysfonts: #dummy so we don't try to reinit Sysfonts[None] = None #the exported functions def SysFont(name, size, bold=False, italic=False): """pygame.font.SysFont(name, size, bold=False, italic=False) -> Font create a pygame Font from system font resources This will search the system fonts for the given font name. You can also enable bold or italic styles, and the appropriate system font will be selected if available. This will always return a valid Font object, and will fallback on the builtin pygame font if the given font is not found. Name can also be a comma separated list of names, in which case set of names will be searched in order. Pygame uses a small set of common font aliases, if the specific font you ask for is not available, a reasonable alternative may be used. """ import pygame.font if not Sysfonts: initsysfonts() gotbold = gotitalic = False fontname = None if name: allnames = name for name in allnames.split(','): name = _simplename(name) styles = Sysfonts.get(name) if not styles: styles = Sysalias.get(name) if styles: while not fontname: plainname = styles.get((False, False)) fontname = styles.get((bold, italic)) if not fontname: fontname = plainname elif plainname != fontname: gotbold = bold gotitalic = italic if fontname: break font = pygame.font.Font(fontname, size) if bold and not gotbold: font.set_bold(1) if italic and not gotitalic: font.set_italic(1) return font def get_fonts(): """pygame.font.get_fonts() -> list get a list of system font names Returns the list of all found system fonts. Note that the names of the fonts will be all lowercase with spaces removed. This is how pygame internally stores the font names for matching. """ if not Sysfonts: initsysfonts() return Sysfonts.keys() def match_font(name, bold=0, italic=0): """pygame.font.match_font(name, bold=0, italic=0) -> name find the filename for the named system font This performs the same font search as the SysFont() function, only it returns the path to the TTF file that would be loaded. The font name can be a comma separated list of font names to try. If no match is found, None is returned. """ if not Sysfonts: initsysfonts() fontname = None allnames = name for name in allnames.split(','): name = _simplename(name) styles = Sysfonts.get(name) if not styles: styles = Sysalias.get(name) if styles: while not fontname: fontname = styles.get((bold, italic)) if italic: italic = 0 elif bold: bold = 0 elif not fontname: fontname = styles.values()[0] if fontname: break return fontname