#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Ficha_Bicho.py por: # Flavio Danesse # CeibalJAM! - Uruguay # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA import pygame import gc from pygame.locals import * gc.enable() from gettext import gettext as _ import BiblioJAM from BiblioJAM.JAMLabel import JAMLabel import BiblioJAM.JAMGlobals as JAMG import Globals as VG MAGENTA= (255, 0, 255) class Ficha_Bicho(pygame.sprite.OrderedUpdates): def __init__(self): pygame.sprite.OrderedUpdates.__init__(self) self.bicho= None x, y, self.separador= (10, 70, 13) self.label_tiempo= JAMLabel(_("Years: 0 Days: 0 Hours: 0")) self.label_tiempo.set_text(tamanio= 30) self.label_tiempo.set_posicion( (x,y) ) self.add(self.label_tiempo) y += self.label_tiempo.get_tamanio()[1] + self.separador self.label_hambre= JAMLabel(_("Level of Appetite: ")) self.label_hambre.set_text(tamanio= 25) self.label_hambre.set_posicion( (x,y) ) self.add(self.label_hambre) y += self.label_hambre.get_tamanio()[1] + self.separador self.label_sed= JAMLabel(_("Level Sed: ")) self.label_sed.set_text(tamanio= 25) self.label_sed.set_posicion( (x,y) ) self.add(self.label_sed) self.barra_nutricion= Barra() self.barra_nutricion.rect.x= self.label_tiempo.get_posicion()[0] + 170 self.barra_nutricion.rect.centery= self.label_hambre.get_posicion()[1]+ (self.label_hambre.get_tamanio()[1]/2) self.add(self.barra_nutricion) self.barra_hidratacion= Barra() self.barra_hidratacion.rect.x= self.label_tiempo.get_posicion()[0] + 170 self.barra_hidratacion.rect.centery= self.label_sed.get_posicion()[1]+ (self.label_sed.get_tamanio()[1]/2) self.add(self.barra_hidratacion) self.circulo= Circulo( (60,60) ) self.add(self.circulo) def set_bicho(self, bicho): tamanio= (bicho.rect.w, bicho.rect.h) self.circulo.image= pygame.transform.scale(self.circulo.imagen_original, (tamanio)) self.bicho= bicho def update(self): if self.bicho: self.actualizar_datos() def actualizar_datos(self): edad = _("Day: %(Days) Hours: %(Hours)" % {'Days':self.bicho.dias, 'Hours':self.bicho.horas}) if edad != self.label_tiempo.get_text(): self.label_tiempo.set_text(texto= edad) nutricion = _("Nutrition: %s" % (self.bicho.hambre)) if nutricion != self.label_hambre.get_text(): self.label_hambre.set_text(texto= nutricion) self.barra_nutricion.set_valor(self.bicho.hambre) hidratacion = _("Hydration: %s" % (self.bicho.sed)) if hidratacion != self.label_sed.get_text(): self.label_sed.set_text(texto= hidratacion) self.barra_hidratacion.set_valor(self.bicho.sed) self.circulo.rect.center= self.bicho.rect.center class Barra(pygame.sprite.Sprite): # Barra de Progreso def __init__(self): pygame.sprite.Sprite.__init__(self) self.imagen_original= self.get_barra() self.image= self.imagen_original.copy() self.rect= self.image.get_rect() self.ultimo_valor= 0 def set_valor(self, valor): # actualiza el progreso en la barra if valor == self.ultimo_valor: return if valor >= 0 and valor <= 100: verde = (0,255,0,1) amarillo = (255,255,0,1) rojo = (255,0,0,1) if valor <= 33: color = rojo if valor > 33 and valor <= 66: color = amarillo if valor > 66: color = verde rectangulo = (0,0,valor,10) self.image = self.imagen_original.copy() pygame.draw.rect(self.image, color, rectangulo, 0) elif valor > 100: verde = (0,255,0,1) rectangulo = (0,0,100,10) self.image = self.imagen_original.copy() pygame.draw.rect(self.image, verde, rectangulo, 0) else: self.image = self.imagen_original.copy() self.ultimo_valor = valor def get_barra(self): superficie= JAMG.get_Rectangulo_Transparente( (100, 10) ) superficie= JAMG.get_my_surface_whit_border(superficie, (255,255,0,255), 2) return superficie class Circulo(pygame.sprite.Sprite): def __init__(self, tamanio): pygame.sprite.Sprite.__init__(self) self.imagen_original = self.get_surface(tamanio) self.image = self.imagen_original.copy() self.rect = self.image.get_rect() def get_surface(self, tamanio_panel): superficie= JAMG.get_Rectangulo_Transparente( tamanio_panel ) superficie= JAMG.get_my_surface_whit_border(superficie, (255,255,0,255), 5) return superficie