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path: root/infoslicer/processing/HTML_Parser.py
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authorAleksey Lim <alsroot@member.fsf.org>2009-03-02 06:03:47 (GMT)
committer Walter Bender <walter@walter-laptop.(none)>2009-03-02 14:45:14 (GMT)
commit0b218d3045918e3c32985ced34eb70aa2764e387 (patch)
tree4462b4356a28ea7f5367a45225d379228f0ed16d /infoslicer/processing/HTML_Parser.py
parentedb525a310c2c165de2ee26c1885cb676f867287 (diff)
Move sugar-free components to infoslicer/ core-library directory
Diffstat (limited to 'infoslicer/processing/HTML_Parser.py')
1 files changed, 256 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/infoslicer/processing/HTML_Parser.py b/infoslicer/processing/HTML_Parser.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b99e754
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infoslicer/processing/HTML_Parser.py
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
+# Copyright (C) IBM Corporation 2008
+from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup, Tag
+from NewtifulSoup import NewtifulStoneSoup as BeautifulStoneSoup
+import re
+from datetime import date
+class NoDocException(Exception):
+ def __init__(self, value):
+ self.parameter = value
+ def __str__(self):
+ return repr(self.parameter)
+Wrap Beautiful Soup HTML parser up in custom class to add some
+Media Wiki and DITA specific parsing functionality.
+class HTML_Parser:
+ #=======================================================================
+ # These lists are used at the pre-parsing stage
+ keep_tags = [ "html", "body", "p", "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6",\
+ "img", "table", "tr", "th", "td", "ol", "ul", "li", "sup", "sub"]
+ remove_tags_keep_content= ["div", "span", "strong", "a", "i", "b", "u", "color", "font"]
+ remove_classes_regexp = ""
+ #=======================================================================
+ #=======================================================================
+ # These lists are used at the parsing stage
+ root_node = "body"
+ section_separators = ["h3", "h4", "h5"]
+ reference_separators = ["h1", "h2"]
+ block_elements = ["img", "table", "ol", "ul"]
+ #=======================================================================
+ def __init__(self, document_to_parse, title, source_url):
+ if document_to_parse == None:
+ raise NoDocException("No content to parse - supply document to __init__")
+ self.input = BeautifulSoup(document_to_parse)
+ self.source = source_url
+ self.output_soup = BeautifulStoneSoup('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><reference><title>%s</title></reference>' % title)
+ # First ID issued will be id below + 1
+ self.ids = {"reference" : 1,\
+ "section" : 1,\
+ "p" : 1,\
+ "ph" : 1\
+ }
+ self.image_list = self.tag_generator("reference", self.tag_generator("refbody"),[("id", "imagelist")])
+ def create_paragraph(self, text, tag="p"):
+ """
+ Creates a new paragraph containing <ph> tags, surrounded by the specified tag
+ @param text: Text to mark up
+ @param tag: Tag to surround with (defaults to "p")
+ @return: new tag
+ """
+ new_para = self.tag_generator(tag)
+ sentences = re.split(re.compile("[\.\!\?\"] "), text)
+ separators = re.findall(re.compile("[\.\!\?\"](?= )"), text)
+ for i in range(len(sentences) - 1):
+ new_para.append(self.tag_generator("ph", sentences[i] + separators[i]))
+ new_para.append(self.tag_generator("ph", sentences[-1]))
+ return new_para
+ def get_publisher(self):
+ """
+ Extracts publisher from source URL
+ @return: name of publisher
+ """
+ output = self.source.replace("http://", "").split("/")[0].split(".")
+ return ".".join([output[-2], output[-1]])
+ def image_handler(self):
+ """
+ Extracts image tags from the document
+ """
+ for img in self.input.findAll("img"):
+ too_small = False
+ image_path = img['src']
+ alt_text = ""
+ if img.has_key("width") and img.has_key("height") and int(img['width']) <= 70 and int(img['height']) <= 70:
+ too_small = True
+ if img.has_key("alt") and img['alt'] != "":
+ alt_text = img['alt']
+ else:
+ alt_text = image_path.split("/")[-1]
+ if (not too_small) and self.image_list.refbody.find(attrs={"href" : image_path}) == None:
+ self.image_list.refbody.append(self.tag_generator("image", "<alt>%s</alt>" % alt_text, [("href", image_path)]))
+ img.extract()
+ def make_shortdesc(self):
+ """
+ Extracts 1st paragraph from input, and makes it a 'shortdesc' tag
+ @return: new <shortdesc> tag containing contents of 1st paragraph
+ """
+ paragraphs = self.input.findAll("p")
+ for p in paragraphs:
+ contents = p.renderContents()
+ if len(contents) > 20 and (("." in contents) or ("?" in contents) or ("!" in contents)):
+ p.extract()
+ return self.create_paragraph(contents, "shortdesc")
+ return self.tag_generator("shortdesc")
+ def parse(self):
+ """
+ parses the document
+ @return: String of document in DITA markup
+ """
+ #remove images
+ self.image_handler()
+ # pre-parse
+ self.pre_parse()
+ #identify the containing reference tag
+ output_reference = self.output_soup.find("reference")
+ #add the short description
+ output_reference.append(self.make_shortdesc())
+ #add the <prolog> tag to hold metadata
+ output_reference.append(self.tag_generator("prolog"))
+ #add the source url
+ output_reference.prolog.append('<source href="%s" />' % self.source)
+ #add the publisher
+ output_reference.prolog.append(self.tag_generator("publisher", self.get_publisher()))
+ the_date = date.today().strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
+ #add created and modified dates
+ output_reference.prolog.append(self.tag_generator('critdates', '<created date="%s" /><revised modified="%s" />' % (the_date, the_date)))
+ #add the first refbody
+ output_reference.append(self.tag_generator("refbody"))
+ #track whether text should be inserted in a section or into the refbody
+ in_section = False
+ #set current refbody and section pointers
+ current_refbody = output_reference.refbody
+ current_section = None
+ #call specialised method (redundant in this class, used for inheritance)
+ self.specialise()
+ #find the first tag
+ tag = self.input.find(self.root_node).findChild()
+ while tag != None:
+ #set variable to avoid hammering the string conversion function
+ tag_name = tag.name
+ #for debugging:
+ #ignore the root node
+ if tag_name == self.root_node:
+ pass
+ #paragraph action:
+ elif tag_name == "p":
+ if in_section:
+ #tag contents as sentences and add to current section
+ current_section.append(self.create_paragraph(tag.renderContents()))
+ else:
+ #tag contents as sentences and add to current refbody
+ current_refbody.append(self.create_paragraph(tag.renderContents()))
+ #section separator action
+ elif tag_name in self.section_separators:
+ #create a new section tag
+ new_section = self.tag_generator("section")
+ #make a title for the tag from heading contents
+ new_section.append(self.tag_generator("title", tag.renderContents()))
+ #hold a pointer to the new section
+ current_section = new_section
+ #add the new section to the current refbody
+ current_refbody.append(new_section)
+ #currently working in a section, not a refbody
+ in_section = True
+ #reference separator action:
+ elif tag_name in self.reference_separators:
+ #no longer working in a section
+ in_section = False
+ #create a new reference tag
+ new_reference = self.tag_generator("reference")
+ #make a title for the tag from heading contents
+ new_reference.append(self.tag_generator("title", tag.renderContents()))
+ #create a refbody tag for the reference
+ new_refbody = self.tag_generator("refbody")
+ #add refbody to the reference tag
+ new_reference.append(new_refbody)
+ #remember the current refbody tag
+ current_refbody = new_refbody
+ #add the new reference to the containing reference tag in the output
+ output_reference.append(new_reference)
+ #block element action
+ elif tag_name in self.block_elements:
+ if in_section:
+ #add block element to current section
+ current_section.append(self.tag_generator(tag_name, tag.renderContents()))
+ else:
+ #add block element to new section
+ current_refbody.append(self.tag_generator("section", self.tag_generator(tag_name, tag.renderContents())))
+ #find the next tag and continue
+ tag = tag.findNextSibling()
+ #append the image list
+ self.output_soup.reference.append(self.image_list)
+ #return output as a properly indented string
+ return self.output_soup.prettify()
+ def pre_parse(self):
+ """
+ Prepares the input for parsing
+ """
+ for tag in self.input.findAll(True, recursive=False):
+ self.unTag(tag)
+ def specialise(self):
+ """
+ Allows for specialised calls when inheriting
+ """
+ pass
+ def tag_generator(self, tag, contents=None, attrs=[]):
+ """
+ Generates new tags for the output, adding IDs where appropriate
+ @param tag: name of new tag
+ @param contents: Optional, contents to add to tag
+ @param attrs: Optional, attributes to add to tag
+ @return: new Tag object
+ """
+ if self.ids.has_key(tag) and attrs == []:
+ self.ids[tag] += 1
+ attrs = [("id", str(self.ids[tag]))]
+ if attrs != []:
+ new_tag = Tag(self.output_soup, tag, attrs)
+ else:
+ new_tag = Tag(self.output_soup, tag)
+ if contents != None:
+ new_tag.insert(0, contents)
+ attrs = []
+ return new_tag
+ def unTag(self, tag):
+ """
+ recursively removes unwanted tags according to defined lists
+ @param tag: tag hierarchy to work on
+ """
+ for child in tag.findChildren(True, recursive=False):
+ self.unTag(child)
+ if (self.remove_classes_regexp != "") and (tag.has_key("class") and (re.match(self.remove_classes_regexp, tag["class"]) != None)):
+ tag.extract()
+ elif tag.name in self.keep_tags:
+ new_tag = Tag(self.input, tag.name)
+ new_tag.contents = tag.contents
+ tag.replaceWith(new_tag)
+ elif tag.name in self.remove_tags_keep_content:
+ children = tag.findChildren(True, recursive=False)
+ if len(children)==1:
+ tag.replaceWith(children[0])
+ elif len(children) > 1:
+ new_tag = Tag(self.input, "p")
+ for child in tag.findChildren(True, recursive=False):
+ new_tag.append(child)
+ tag.replaceWith(new_tag)
+ else:
+ tag.replaceWith(tag.renderContents())
+ else:
+ tag.extract()