# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA import os import gtk import logging import gobject from gettext import gettext as _ from sugar.graphics.toolbutton import ToolButton from sugar.activity.activity import get_bundle_path, get_activity_root from sugar.graphics.style import * from port.widgets import ToolWidget, ToolButton logger = logging.getLogger('infoslicer') PUBLISH = 0 TITLE = 1 class BookView(gtk.VBox): def sync(self): if not self._changing: return gobject.source_remove(self._changing) index, column = self.tree.get_cursor() self._cursor_changed(index) def __init__(self, book, name, tooltip, custom): gtk.VBox.__init__(self) self.book = book self._changing = None self._check = None title = gtk.Toolbar() # title checkbox if custom: self._check = gtk.CheckButton() self._check.props.can_focus = False self._check.props.tooltip_text = \ _('Articles are ready to be published') self._check.connect('toggled', self._check_toggled_cb) check_box = gtk.HBox() check_box.set_size_request(50, -1) check_box.pack_start(self._check, True, False) title.insert(ToolWidget(check_box), -1) else: title.insert(ToolWidget(gtk.Label(' ')), -1) # title caption caption_label = gtk.Label(name) caption_label.props.tooltip_text = tooltip caption_label.modify_fg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, COLOR_WHITE.get_gdk_color()) caption_box = gtk.HBox() caption_box.pack_start(caption_label, False) caption = gtk.EventBox() caption.add(caption_box) caption.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, COLOR_TOOLBAR_GREY.get_gdk_color()) title.insert(ToolWidget(caption), -1) separator = gtk.SeparatorToolItem() separator.props.draw = False separator.set_expand(True) title.insert(separator, -1) # create article button if custom: create = ToolButton('add', padding=0, tooltip=_('Create new article')) create.connect('clicked', self._create_cb) title.insert(create, -1) else: logger.debug('BookView(%s): listen for new articles' % name) self.book.connect('article-added', self._article_added_cb) # delete article button delete = ToolButton('edit-delete', padding=0, tooltip=_('Delete current article')) delete.connect('clicked', self._delete_cb) title.insert(delete, -1) # move buttons downward = ToolButton('down', padding=0, tooltip=_('Move article downward')) downward.connect('clicked', self._swap_cb, +1) title.insert(downward, -1) upward = ToolButton('up', padding=0, tooltip=_('Move article upward')) upward.connect('clicked', self._swap_cb, -1) title.insert(upward, -1) # tree self.store = gtk.ListStore(bool, str) self.tree = gtk.TreeView(self.store) self.tree.props.headers_visible = False self.tree.connect('cursor-changed', self._cursor_changed_cb) cell = gtk.CellRendererToggle() cell.connect('toggled', self._cell_toggled_cb) cell.props.activatable = True column = self.tree.insert_column_with_attributes(0, '', cell, active=0) column.props.sizing = gtk.TREE_VIEW_COLUMN_FIXED column.props.fixed_width = 50 column.props.visible = custom cell = gtk.CellRendererText() cell.connect('edited', self._cell_edited_cb) cell.props.editable = True self.tree.insert_column_with_attributes(1, '', cell, text=1) for i in self.book.index: self.store.append((i['ready'], i['title'])) # scrolled tree tree_scroll = gtk.ScrolledWindow() tree_scroll.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC, gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC) tree_scroll.add(self.tree) self.pack_start(title, False) self.pack_start(tree_scroll) if len(self.store): self.tree.set_cursor(0, self.tree.get_column(1), False) if custom: self._update_check(self.store[0][PUBLISH]) self.show_all() def _article_added_cb(self, book, article): logger.debug('_article_added_cb: new article %s' % article) self.book.props.article = article self.store.append((False, article)) self.tree.set_cursor(len(self.store)-1, self.tree.get_column(1), False) def _create_cb(self, widget): def find_name(list, prefix, uniq): name = uniq == 0 and prefix or ('%s %d' % (prefix, uniq)) if not [i for i in list if i[TITLE] == name]: return name return find_name(list, prefix, uniq+1) if self._changing: gobject.source_remove(self._changing) self._changing = None name = find_name(self.store, _('New article'), 0) self.book.props.article = name self.store.append((False, name)) self.tree.set_cursor(len(self.store)-1, self.tree.get_column(1), True) self._update_check(self.store[-1][PUBLISH]) def _delete_cb(self, widget): index, column = self.tree.get_cursor() if not index: return index = index[0] if self._changing: gobject.source_remove(self._changing) self._changing = None self.book.remove(self.store[index][TITLE]) self.store.remove(self.tree.props.model.get_iter(index)) if len(self.store): if index >= len(self.store): index -= 1 self.tree.set_cursor(index, self.tree.get_column(1), False) self._update_check(self.store[index][PUBLISH]) def _swap_cb(self, widget, delta): old_index, column = self.tree.get_cursor() if not old_index: return old_index = old_index[0] new_index = old_index + delta if new_index < 0: new_index = len(self.store)-1 elif new_index >= len(self.store): new_index = 0 self.book.index[old_index], self.book.index[new_index] = \ self.book.index[new_index], self.book.index[old_index] self.store.swap(self.tree.props.model.get_iter(old_index), self.tree.props.model.get_iter(new_index)) def _check_toggled_cb(self, widget): for i, entry in enumerate(self.store): entry[PUBLISH] = widget.props.active self.book.index[i]['ready'] = widget.props.active self._check.props.inconsistent = False def _update_check(self, value): if not self._check: return for i in self.store: if i[PUBLISH] != value: self._check.props.inconsistent = True return self._check.props.inconsistent = False self._check.props.active = value def _cell_toggled_cb(self, cell, index): value = not self.store[index][PUBLISH] self.store[index][PUBLISH] = value self.book.index[int(index)]['ready'] = value self._update_check(value) def _cursor_changed_cb(self, widget): if self._changing: gobject.source_remove(self._changing) index, column = self.tree.get_cursor() if index != None: self._changing = gobject.timeout_add(500, self._cursor_changed, index) def _cursor_changed(self, index): self.book.props.article = self.store[index][TITLE] self._changing = None return False def _cell_edited_cb(self, cell, index, newtext): logger.debug('_cell_edited_cb(%s, %s)' % (index, newtext)) # Disallowed chars are < > and & if newtext == "" or newtext.isspace() or '&' in newtext \ or '<' in newtext or '>' in newtext: return # If there is already an article with the new name in the theme, # then we ignore the name change and highlight the existing article overides = [i for i, row in enumerate(self.store) if row[TITLE] == newtext] if overides: self.tree.set_cursor(overides[0], self.tree.get_column(1), False) return self.book.props.article.article_title = newtext self.store[index][TITLE] = newtext