application/x-abiword AbiWord

Lesson 1: Share and Collect Jokes

Exchange favorite jokes with your class

Go around the group and encourage everyone to share a joke they know.

You can also use a printed joke book if one is accessible.

Use the Write program on the XO laptop to create a list of the jokes told.

As a group, discuss each joke. Why is a joke funny or not funny?

Have one student record these ideas on the WRITE program.

Collect jokes for an original jokebook

Working independently, create a list of at least five jokes for your own jokebook. Write your jokes down with the Write program on the XO laptop.

Use the Internet and books to look for jokes you think are funny.

Ask other students and grown ups for jokes too.

Be sure to write down the name, age and relationship of each joke teller.

Do you notice any patterns? Do kids tell different jokes than grown ups? Do girls like different jokes than boys? Are there some jokes that get told over and over?

Draw pictures or take photos to go with each joke

Use the Paint activity or Record activity on your XO to make original images to go with each joke you wish to include in your jokebook.

Record a sound effect to go with each joke

Use Record to record a funny sound effect for your jokes. You can use the same sound for all jokes -- it will play when the answer to a joke (also called the "punchline") is revealed.

Now you are ready to make your jokebook! Go to Lesson 2 to review the steps for creating a jokebook using the Joke Machine activity.