#!/usr/bin/env python from distutils.core import setup, Extension, Distribution, Command import distutils.sysconfig import sys import os import os.path from translate import __version__ from translate import __doc__ try: import py2exe build_exe = py2exe.build_exe.py2exe Distribution = py2exe.Distribution except ImportError: py2exe = None build_exe = Command # TODO: check out installing into a different path with --prefix/--home join = os.path.join PRETTY_NAME = 'Translate Toolkit' translateversion = __version__.sver packagesdir = distutils.sysconfig.get_python_lib() sitepackages = packagesdir.replace(sys.prefix + os.sep, '') infofiles = [(join(sitepackages,'translate'), [join('translate',filename) for filename in 'ChangeLog', 'COPYING', 'LICENSE', 'README'])] initfiles = [(join(sitepackages,'translate'),[join('translate','__init__.py')])] subpackages = [ "convert", "filters", "lang", "misc", join("misc", "typecheck"), "storage", join("storage", "placeables"), join("storage", "versioncontrol"), join("storage", "xml_extract"), "search", join("search", "indexing"), "services", "tools", ] # TODO: elementtree doesn't work in sdist, fix this packages = ["translate"] translatescripts = [apply(join, ('translate', ) + script) for script in ('convert', 'pot2po'), ('convert', 'moz2po'), ('convert', 'po2moz'), ('convert', 'oo2po'), ('convert', 'po2oo'), ('convert', 'oo2xliff'), ('convert', 'xliff2oo'), ('convert', 'prop2po'), ('convert', 'po2prop'), ('convert', 'csv2po'), ('convert', 'po2csv'), ('convert', 'txt2po'), ('convert', 'po2txt'), ('convert', 'ts2po'), ('convert', 'po2ts'), ('convert', 'html2po'), ('convert', 'po2html'), ('convert', 'ical2po'), ('convert', 'po2ical'), ('convert', 'ini2po'), ('convert', 'po2ini'), ('convert', 'tiki2po'), ('convert', 'po2tiki'), ('convert', 'php2po'), ('convert', 'po2php'), ('convert', 'rc2po'), ('convert', 'po2rc'), ('convert', 'xliff2po'), ('convert', 'po2xliff'), ('convert', 'sub2po'), ('convert', 'po2sub'), ('convert', 'symb2po'), ('convert', 'po2symb'), ('convert', 'po2tmx'), ('convert', 'po2wordfast'), ('convert', 'csv2tbx'), ('convert', 'odf2xliff'), ('convert', 'xliff2odf'), ('convert', 'web2py2po'), ('convert', 'po2web2py'), ('filters', 'pofilter'), ('tools', 'pocompile'), ('tools', 'poconflicts'), ('tools', 'pocount'), ('tools', 'podebug'), ('tools', 'pogrep'), ('tools', 'pomerge'), ('tools', 'porestructure'), ('tools', 'posegment'), ('tools', 'poswap'), ('tools', 'poclean'), ('tools', 'poterminology'), ('tools', 'pretranslate'), ('services', 'lookupclient.py'), ('services', 'lookupservice'), ('services', 'tmserver'), ('tools', 'build_tmdb')] translatebashscripts = [apply(join, ('tools', ) + (script, )) for script in [ 'pomigrate2', 'pocompendium', 'posplit', 'popuretext', 'poreencode', 'pocommentclean' ]] def addsubpackages(subpackages): for subpackage in subpackages: initfiles.append((join(sitepackages, 'translate', subpackage), [join('translate', subpackage, '__init__.py')])) for infofile in ('README', 'TODO'): infopath = join('translate', subpackage, infofile) if os.path.exists(infopath): infofiles.append((join(sitepackages, 'translate', subpackage), [infopath])) packages.append("translate.%s" % subpackage) class build_exe_map(build_exe): """distutils py2exe-based class that builds the exe file(s) but allows mapping data files""" def reinitialize_command(self, command, reinit_subcommands=0): if command == "install_data": install_data = build_exe.reinitialize_command(self, command, reinit_subcommands) install_data.data_files = self.remap_data_files(install_data.data_files) return install_data return build_exe.reinitialize_command(self, command, reinit_subcommands) def remap_data_files(self, data_files): """maps the given data files to different locations using external map_data_file function""" new_data_files = [] for f in data_files: if type(f) in (str, unicode): f = map_data_file(f) else: datadir, files = f datadir = map_data_file(datadir) if datadir is None: f = None else: f = datadir, files if f is not None: new_data_files.append(f) return new_data_files class InnoScript: """class that builds an InnoSetup script""" def __init__(self, name, lib_dir, dist_dir, exe_files = [], other_files = [], install_scripts = [], version = "1.0"): self.lib_dir = lib_dir self.dist_dir = dist_dir if not self.dist_dir.endswith(os.sep): self.dist_dir += os.sep self.name = name self.version = version self.exe_files = [self.chop(p) for p in exe_files] self.other_files = [self.chop(p) for p in other_files] self.install_scripts = install_scripts def getcompilecommand(self): try: import _winreg compile_key = _winreg.OpenKey(_winreg.HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "innosetupscriptfile\\shell\\compile\\command") compilecommand = _winreg.QueryValue(compile_key, "") compile_key.Close() except: compilecommand = 'compil32.exe "%1"' return compilecommand def chop(self, pathname): """returns the path relative to self.dist_dir""" assert pathname.startswith(self.dist_dir) return pathname[len(self.dist_dir):] def create(self, pathname=None): """creates the InnoSetup script""" if pathname is None: self.pathname = os.path.join(self.dist_dir, self.name + os.extsep + "iss").replace(' ', '_') else: self.pathname = pathname # See http://www.jrsoftware.org/isfaq.php for more InnoSetup config options. ofi = self.file = open(self.pathname, "w") print >> ofi, "; WARNING: This script has been created by py2exe. Changes to this script" print >> ofi, "; will be overwritten the next time py2exe is run!" print >> ofi, r"[Setup]" print >> ofi, r"AppName=%s" % self.name print >> ofi, r"AppVerName=%s %s" % (self.name, self.version) print >> ofi, r"DefaultDirName={pf}\%s" % self.name print >> ofi, r"DefaultGroupName=%s" % self.name print >> ofi, r"OutputBaseFilename=%s-%s-setup" % (self.name, self.version) print >> ofi, r"ChangesEnvironment=yes" print >> ofi print >> ofi, r"[Files]" for path in self.exe_files + self.other_files: print >> ofi, r'Source: "%s"; DestDir: "{app}\%s"; Flags: ignoreversion' % (path, os.path.dirname(path)) print >> ofi print >> ofi, r"[Icons]" print >> ofi, r'Name: "{group}\Documentation"; Filename: "{app}\doc\index.html";' print >> ofi, r'Name: "{group}\Translate Toolkit Command Prompt"; Filename: "cmd.exe"' print >> ofi, r'Name: "{group}\Uninstall %s"; Filename: "{uninstallexe}"' % self.name print >> ofi print >> ofi, r"[Registry]" # TODO: Move the code to update the Path environment variable to a Python script which will be invoked by the [Run] section (below) print >> ofi, r'Root: HKCU; Subkey: "Environment"; ValueType: expandsz; ValueName: "Path"; ValueData: "{reg:HKCU\Environment,Path|};{app};"' print >> ofi if self.install_scripts: print >> ofi, r"[Run]" for path in self.install_scripts: print >> ofi, r'Filename: "{app}\%s"; WorkingDir: "{app}"; Parameters: "-install"' % path print >> ofi print >> ofi, r"[UninstallRun]" for path in self.install_scripts: print >> ofi, r'Filename: "{app}\%s"; WorkingDir: "{app}"; Parameters: "-remove"' % path print >> ofi ofi.close() def compile(self): """compiles the script using InnoSetup""" shellcompilecommand = self.getcompilecommand() compilecommand = shellcompilecommand.replace('"%1"', self.pathname) result = os.system(compilecommand) if result: print "Error compiling iss file" print "Opening iss file, use InnoSetup GUI to compile manually" os.startfile(self.pathname) class build_installer(build_exe_map): """distutils class that first builds the exe file(s), then creates a Windows installer using InnoSetup""" description = "create an executable installer for MS Windows using InnoSetup and py2exe" user_options = getattr(build_exe, 'user_options', []) + \ [('install-script=', None, "basename of installation script to be run after installation or before deinstallation")] def initialize_options(self): build_exe.initialize_options(self) self.install_script = None def run(self): # First, let py2exe do it's work. build_exe.run(self) lib_dir = self.lib_dir dist_dir = self.dist_dir # create the Installer, using the files py2exe has created. exe_files = self.windows_exe_files + self.console_exe_files install_scripts = self.install_script if isinstance(install_scripts, (str, unicode)): install_scripts = [install_scripts] script = InnoScript(PRETTY_NAME, lib_dir, dist_dir, exe_files, self.lib_files, version=self.distribution.metadata.version, install_scripts=install_scripts) print "*** creating the inno setup script***" script.create() print "*** compiling the inno setup script***" script.compile() # Note: By default the final setup.exe will be in an Output subdirectory. def import_setup_module(modulename, modulepath): import imp modfile, pathname, description = imp.find_module(modulename, [modulepath]) return imp.load_module(modulename, modfile, pathname, description) def map_data_file (data_file): """remaps a data_file (could be a directory) to a different location This version gets rid of Lib\\site-packages, etc""" data_parts = data_file.split(os.sep) if data_parts[:2] == ["Lib", "site-packages"]: data_parts = data_parts[2:] if data_parts: data_file = os.path.join(*data_parts) else: data_file = "" if data_parts[:1] == ["translate"]: data_parts = data_parts[1:] if data_parts: data_file = os.path.join(*data_parts) else: data_file = "" return data_file def getdatafiles(): datafiles = initfiles + infofiles def listfiles(srcdir): return join(sitepackages, srcdir), [join(srcdir, f) for f in os.listdir(srcdir) if os.path.isfile(join(srcdir, f))] docfiles = [] for subdir in ['doc', 'share']: docwalk=os.walk(os.path.join('translate', subdir)) for docs in docwalk: if not '.svn' in docs[0]: docfiles.append(listfiles(docs[0])) datafiles += docfiles return datafiles def buildinfolinks(): linkfile = getattr(os, 'symlink', None) linkdir = getattr(os, 'symlink', None) import shutil if linkfile is None: linkfile = shutil.copy2 if linkdir is None: linkdir = shutil.copytree basedir = os.path.abspath(os.curdir) os.chdir("translate") if os.path.exists("LICENSE") or os.path.islink("LICENSE"): os.remove("LICENSE") linkfile("COPYING", "LICENSE") os.chdir(basedir) for infofile in ["COPYING", "README", "LICENSE"]: if os.path.exists(infofile) or os.path.islink(infofile): os.remove(infofile) linkfile(os.path.join("translate", infofile), infofile) def buildmanifest_in(file, scripts): """This writes the required files to a MANIFEST.in file""" print >>file, "# MANIFEST.in: the below autogenerated by setup.py from translate %s" % translateversion print >>file, "# things needed by translate setup.py to rebuild" print >>file, "# informational files" for infofile in ("README", "TODO", "ChangeLog", "COPYING", "LICENSE", "*.txt"): print >>file, "global-include %s" % infofile print >>file, "# C programs" print >>file, "global-include *.c" print >> file, "# scripts which don't get included by default in sdist" for scriptname in scripts: print >>file, "include %s" % scriptname print >> file, "# include our documentation" print >> file, "graft translate/doc" print >> file, "graft translate/share" # wordlist, portal are in the source tree but unconnected to the python code print >>file, "prune wordlist" print >>file, "prune spelling" print >>file, "prune lingua" print >>file, "prune Pootle" print >>file, "prune pootling" print >>file, "prune virtaal" print >>file, "prune spelt" print >>file, "prune corpuscatcher" print >>file, "prune .svn" print >>file, "# MANIFEST.in: the above autogenerated by setup.py from translate %s" % translateversion class TranslateDistribution(Distribution): """a modified distribution class for translate""" def __init__(self, attrs): baseattrs = {} py2exeoptions = {} py2exeoptions["packages"] = ["translate", "encodings"] py2exeoptions["compressed"] = True py2exeoptions["excludes"] = ["PyLucene", "Tkconstants", "Tkinter", "tcl"] version = attrs.get("version", translateversion) py2exeoptions["dist_dir"] = "translate-toolkit-%s" % version py2exeoptions["includes"] = ["lxml", "lxml._elementpath", "psyco"] options = {"py2exe": py2exeoptions} baseattrs['options'] = options if py2exe: baseattrs['console'] = translatescripts baseattrs['zipfile'] = "translate.zip" baseattrs['cmdclass'] = {"py2exe": build_exe_map, "innosetup": build_installer} options["innosetup"] = py2exeoptions.copy() options["innosetup"]["install_script"] = [] baseattrs.update(attrs) Distribution.__init__(self, baseattrs) def standardsetup(name, version, custompackages=[], customdatafiles=[]): buildinfolinks() # TODO: make these end with .py ending on Windows... try: manifest_in = open("MANIFEST.in", "w") buildmanifest_in(manifest_in, translatescripts + translatebashscripts) manifest_in.close() except IOError, e: print >> sys.stderr, "warning: could not recreate MANIFEST.in, continuing anyway. Error was %s" % e addsubpackages(subpackages) datafiles = getdatafiles() ext_modules = [] dosetup(name, version, packages + custompackages, datafiles + customdatafiles, translatescripts+ translatebashscripts, ext_modules) classifiers = [ "Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable", "Environment :: Console", "Intended Audience :: Developers", "License :: OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)", "Programming Language :: Python", "Topic :: Software Development :: Localization", "Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules", "Operating System :: OS Independent", "Operating System :: Microsoft :: Windows", "Operating System :: Unix" ] def dosetup(name, version, packages, datafiles, scripts, ext_modules=[]): long_description = __doc__ description = __doc__.split("\n", 1)[0] setup(name=name, version=version, license="GNU General Public License (GPL)", description=description, long_description=long_description, author="Translate.org.za", author_email="translate-devel@lists.sourceforge.net", url="http://translate.sourceforge.net/wiki/toolkit/index", download_url="http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=91920&package_id=97082", platforms=["any"], classifiers=classifiers, packages=packages, data_files=datafiles, scripts=scripts, ext_modules=ext_modules, distclass=TranslateDistribution ) if __name__ == "__main__": standardsetup("translate-toolkit", translateversion)