Package translate :: Package storage :: Package placeables :: Module lisa
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Source Code for Module

  1  #!/usr/bin/env python 
  2  # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- 
  3  # 
  4  # Copyright 2008-2009 Zuza Software Foundation 
  5  # 
  6  # This file is part of the Translate Toolkit. 
  7  # 
  8  # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify 
  9  # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by 
 10  # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or 
 11  # (at your option) any later version. 
 12  # 
 13  # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 
 14  # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 
 16  # GNU General Public License for more details. 
 17  # 
 18  # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License 
 19  # along with this program; if not, see <>. 
 21  from lxml import etree 
 23  from translate.misc.xml_helpers import * 
 24  from import base, xliff, StringElem 
 25  from import misc 
 27  __all__ = ['xml_to_strelem', 'strelem_to_xml'] 
 28  # Use the above functions as entry points into this module. The rest are used by these functions. 
31 -def make_empty_replacement_placeable(klass, node, xml_space="preserve"):
32 try: 33 return klass( 34 id=node.attrib[u'id'], 35 rid=node.attrib.get('rid', None), 36 xid=node.attrib.get('xid', None), 37 xml_attrib=node.attrib 38 ) 39 except KeyError: 40 pass 41 return klass()
43 -def make_g_placeable(klass, node, xml_space="default"):
44 return klass( 45 id=node.attrib[u'id'], 46 sub=xml_to_strelem(node, xml_space).sub, 47 xml_attrib=node.attrib 48 )
50 -def not_yet_implemented(klass, node, xml_space="preserve"):
51 raise NotImplementedError
53 -def make_unknown(klass, node, xml_space="preserve"):
54 assert klass is xliff.UnknownXML 55 56 sub = xml_to_strelem(node, xml_space).sub 57 id = node.get('id', None) 58 rid = node.get('rid', None) 59 xid = node.get('xid', None) 60 61 return klass(sub=sub, id=id, rid=rid, xid=xid, xml_node=node)
62 63 _class_dictionary = { 64 #u'bpt': (xliff.Bpt, not_yet_implemented), 65 u'bx' : (xliff.Bx, make_empty_replacement_placeable), 66 #u'ept': (xliff.Ept, not_yet_implemented), 67 u'ex' : (xliff.Ex, make_empty_replacement_placeable), 68 u'g' : (xliff.G, make_g_placeable), 69 #u'it' : (xliff.It, not_yet_implemented), 70 #u'ph' : (xliff.Ph, not_yet_implemented), 71 #u'sub': (xliff.Sub, not_yet_implemented), 72 u'x' : (xliff.X, make_empty_replacement_placeable) 73 } 74
75 -def make_placeable(node, xml_space):
76 _namespace, tag = misc.parse_tag(node.tag) 77 if tag in _class_dictionary: 78 klass, maker = _class_dictionary[tag] 79 else: 80 klass, maker = xliff.UnknownXML, make_unknown 81 return maker(klass, node, xml_space)
83 -def as_unicode(string):
84 if isinstance(string, unicode): 85 return string 86 elif isinstance(string, StringElem): 87 return unicode(string) 88 else: 89 return unicode(string.decode('utf-8'))
91 -def xml_to_strelem(dom_node, xml_space="preserve"):
92 if dom_node is None: 93 return StringElem() 94 if isinstance(dom_node, basestring): 95 dom_node = etree.fromstring(dom_node) 96 normalize_xml_space(dom_node, xml_space, remove_start=True) 97 result = StringElem() 98 if dom_node.text: 99 result.sub.append(StringElem(unicode(dom_node.text))) 100 for child_dom_node in dom_node: 101 result.sub.append(make_placeable(child_dom_node, xml_space)) 102 if child_dom_node.tail: 103 result.sub.append(StringElem(unicode(child_dom_node.tail))) 104 result.prune() 105 return result
106 107 # ========================================================== 108
109 -def placeable_as_dom_node(placeable, tagname):
110 dom_node = etree.Element(tagname) 111 if is not None: 112 dom_node.attrib['id'] = 113 if placeable.xid is not None: 114 dom_node.attrib['xid'] = placeable.xid 115 if placeable.rid is not None: 116 dom_node.attrib['rid'] = placeable.rid 117 118 if hasattr(placeable, 'xml_attrib'): 119 for attrib, value in placeable.xml_attrib.items(): 120 dom_node.set(attrib, value) 121 122 return dom_node
124 -def unknown_placeable_as_dom_node(placeable):
125 assert type(placeable) is xliff.UnknownXML 126 127 from copy import copy 128 node = copy(placeable.xml_node) 129 for i in range(len(node)): 130 del node[0] 131 node.tail = None 132 node.text = None 133 134 return node
135 136 _placeable_dictionary = { 137 xliff.Bpt: lambda placeable: placeable_as_dom_node(placeable, 'bpt'), 138 xliff.Bx : lambda placeable: placeable_as_dom_node(placeable, 'bx'), 139 xliff.Ept: lambda placeable: placeable_as_dom_node(placeable, 'ept'), 140 xliff.Ex : lambda placeable: placeable_as_dom_node(placeable, 'ex'), 141 xliff.G : lambda placeable: placeable_as_dom_node(placeable, 'g'), 142 xliff.It : lambda placeable: placeable_as_dom_node(placeable, 'it'), 143 xliff.Ph : lambda placeable: placeable_as_dom_node(placeable, 'ph'), 144 xliff.Sub: lambda placeable: placeable_as_dom_node(placeable, 'sub'), 145 xliff.X : lambda placeable: placeable_as_dom_node(placeable, 'x'), 146 xliff.UnknownXML: unknown_placeable_as_dom_node, 147 base.Bpt: lambda placeable: placeable_as_dom_node(placeable, 'bpt'), 148 base.Bx : lambda placeable: placeable_as_dom_node(placeable, 'bx'), 149 base.Ept: lambda placeable: placeable_as_dom_node(placeable, 'ept'), 150 base.Ex : lambda placeable: placeable_as_dom_node(placeable, 'ex'), 151 base.G : lambda placeable: placeable_as_dom_node(placeable, 'g'), 152 base.It : lambda placeable: placeable_as_dom_node(placeable, 'it'), 153 base.Ph : lambda placeable: placeable_as_dom_node(placeable, 'ph'), 154 base.Sub: lambda placeable: placeable_as_dom_node(placeable, 'sub'), 155 base.X : lambda placeable: placeable_as_dom_node(placeable, 'x') 156 } 157
158 -def xml_append_string(node, string):
159 if not len(node): 160 if not node.text: 161 node.text = unicode(string) 162 else: 163 node.text += unicode(string) 164 else: 165 lastchild = node.getchildren()[-1] 166 if lastchild.tail is None: 167 lastchild.tail = '' 168 lastchild.tail += unicode(string) 169 return node
171 -def strelem_to_xml(parent_node, elem):
172 if isinstance(elem, (str, unicode)): 173 return xml_append_string(parent_node, elem) 174 if not isinstance(elem, StringElem): 175 return parent_node 176 177 if type(elem) is StringElem and elem.isleaf(): 178 return xml_append_string(parent_node, elem) 179 180 if elem.__class__ in _placeable_dictionary: 181 node = _placeable_dictionary[elem.__class__](elem) 182 parent_node.append(node) 183 else: 184 node = parent_node 185 186 for sub in elem.sub: 187 strelem_to_xml(node, sub) 188 189 return parent_node
190 191
192 -def parse_xliff(pstr):
193 try: 194 return xml_to_strelem(etree.fromstring('<source>%s</source>' % (pstr))) 195 except Exception, exc: 196 raise 197 return None
198 xliff.parsers = [parse_xliff] 199