# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #Copyright (c) 2012 Walter Bender #Copyright (c) 2012 Ignacio Rodriguez # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Suite 500 Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA from gi.repository import Gtk, Gdk, GdkPixbuf, GObject import cairo import os import subprocess from string import find from random import uniform from gettext import gettext as _ import logging _logger = logging.getLogger('gnuchess-activity') from sprites import Sprites, Sprite from piece import svg_header, svg_footer, svg_king, svg_queen, svg_bishop, \ svg_knight, svg_rook, svg_pawn ROBOT_MOVE = 'My move is : ' TOP = 3 MID = 2 BOT = 1 STATUS = 'status' ROBOT = 'robot' RESTORE = 'restore' REMOVE = 'remove' UNDO = 'undo' HINT = 'hint' GAME = 'game' NEW = 'new' # Skin indicies WP = 0 BP = 1 WR = 2 BR = 3 WN = 4 BN = 5 WB = 6 BB = 7 WQ = 8 BQ = 9 WK = 10 BK = 11 FILES = 'abcdefgh' RANKS = '12345678' BIN = {'i686': 'i686', 'i586': 'i686', 'armv7l': 'armv7l'} class Gnuchess(): def __init__(self, canvas, parent=None, path=None, colors=['#A0FFA0', '#FF8080']): self._activity = parent self._bundle_path = path self._bin_path = 'bin/i686' self._colors = ['#FFFFFF'] self._colors.append(colors[0]) self._colors.append(colors[1]) self._colors.append('#000000') self._canvas = canvas if parent is not None: parent.show_all() self._parent = parent self._canvas.add_events(Gdk.EventMask.BUTTON_PRESS_MASK) self._canvas.add_events(Gdk.EventMask.BUTTON_RELEASE_MASK) self._canvas.add_events(Gdk.EventMask.POINTER_MOTION_MASK) self._canvas.connect("draw", self.__draw_cb) self._canvas.connect("button-press-event", self._button_press_cb) self._canvas.connect("button-release-event", self._button_release_cb) self._canvas.connect("motion-notify-event", self._mouse_move_cb) self._width = Gdk.Screen.width() self._height = Gdk.Screen.height() self.scale = int((self._height - 55) / 10) self.we_are_sharing = False self.move_list = [] self.game = '' self._press = None self._release = None self._dragpos = [0, 0] self._total_drag = [0, 0] self._last_piece_played = [None, (0, 0)] self._thinking = False self._move = 0 self._counter = 0 self.check = False self.checkmate = False self.white = [] self.black = [] self._board = [] self._squares = [] self._output = '' self._before = [] self._after = [] self.skins = [] # Generate the sprites we'll need... self._sprites = Sprites(self._canvas) self._generate_sprites(colors) p = subprocess.Popen(['uname', '-p'], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) self._bin_path = 'bin/%s' % (BIN[p.communicate()[0].replace('\n', '')]) self._all_clear() def move(self, my_move): ''' Send a command to gnuchess. ''' # Permisos para jugar os.system('chmod -R 755 bin') p = subprocess.Popen(['%s/%s/gnuchess' % (self._bundle_path, self._bin_path)], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) self._activity.timer.set_sensitive(False) if my_move == HINT: level = 'hard\nbook on\n' # may as well get a good hint elif self._activity.playing_mode == 'easy': level = 'easy\nbook off\ndepth 1\n' else: level = 'hard\nbook on\n' if my_move in [REMOVE, UNDO, RESTORE, HINT, GAME, NEW]: hint = False if my_move == REMOVE: self.move_list = self.move_list[:-2] elif my_move == UNDO: self.move_list = self.move_list[:-1] cmd = 'force manual\n' for move in self.move_list: cmd += '%s\n' % (move) if my_move == HINT: cmd += '%sgo\nquit\n' % (level) hint = True elif my_move == GAME: cmd += 'show game\nquit\n' else: cmd += 'show board\nquit\n' output = p.communicate(input=cmd) self._process_output(output[0], my_move=None, hint=hint) elif my_move == ROBOT: # Ask the computer to play cmd = 'force manual\n' for move in self.move_list: cmd += '%s\n' % (move) cmd += '%sgo\nshow board\nquit\n' % (level) output = p.communicate(input=cmd) self._process_output(output[0], my_move='robot') elif my_move == STATUS: # reading board state cmd = 'force manual\n' for move in self.move_list: cmd += '%s\n' % (move) cmd += 'show board\nquit\n' output = p.communicate(input=cmd) self._process_output(output[0], my_move=STATUS) elif my_move is not None: # human's move cmd = 'force manual\n' for move in self.move_list: cmd += '%s\n' % (move) cmd += '%s\n' % (my_move) cmd += 'show board\nquit\n' output = p.communicate(input=cmd) self._process_output(output[0], my_move=my_move) def _process_output(self, output, my_move=None, hint=False): ''' process output from gnuchess command ''' self.check = False self.checkmate = False if my_move == STATUS: # Just reading board state self._output = output return elif 'White Black' in output: # processing show game target = 'White Black' output = output[find(output, target):] self.game = output[:find(output, '\n\n')] return elif hint: # What would the robot do? output = output[find(output, ROBOT_MOVE):] hint = output[len(ROBOT_MOVE):find(output, '\n')] self._activity.status.set_label(hint) self._parse_move(hint) self._thinking = False self._activity.restore_cursor() return elif 'Illegal move' in output: self._activity.status.set_label(_('Illegal move')) if self._last_piece_played[0] is not None: self._last_piece_played[0].move(self._last_piece_played[1]) self._last_piece_played[0] = None elif my_move == ROBOT: if 'wins' in output or 'loses' in output: self.checkmate = True output = output[find(output, ROBOT_MOVE):] robot_move = output[len(ROBOT_MOVE):find(output, '\n')] self.move_list.append(robot_move) if '+' in robot_move: self.check = True if '#' in robot_move or '++' in robot_move: self.checkmate = True if self._activity.playing_white: self._activity.black_entry.set_text(robot_move) self._activity.white_entry.set_text('') else: self._activity.white_entry.set_text(robot_move) self._activity.black_entry.set_text('') self._thinking = False self._activity.restore_cursor() elif my_move is not None: if 'wins' in output or 'loses' in output: self.checkmate = True self.move_list.append(my_move) if self._activity.playing_white: self._activity.white_entry.set_text(my_move) self._activity.black_entry.set_text('') else: self._activity.black_entry.set_text(my_move) self._activity.white_entry.set_text('') if len(self.move_list) % 2 == 0: target = 'white ' else: target = 'black ' while find(output, target) > 0: output = output[find(output, target):] output = output[find(output, '\n'):] if len(output) < 136 or output[0:3] == 'GNU': self._activity.status.set_label('???') else: self._load_board(output) if self.checkmate or self.check: if self.check: self._activity.status.set_label(_('Check')) else: self._activity.status.set_label(_('Checkmate')) if len(self.move_list) % 2 == 0: self._flash_tile([self._xy_to_file_and_rank( self.white[4].get_xy())]) else: self._flash_tile([self._xy_to_file_and_rank( self.black[4].get_xy())]) else: if self._activity.timer.get_text().isdigit() and \ (self._activity.time_interval >= 2): self._activity.stopwatch(self._activity.time_interval, self._activity.alert_time) if len(self.move_list) % 2 == 0: self._activity.status.set_label(_("It is White's move.")) else: self._activity.status.set_label(_("It is Black's move.")) def _all_clear(self): ''' Things to reinitialize when starting up a new game. ''' for i in range(3): self.bg[i].set_layer(-1) self.bg[i].set_label('') self.move_list = [] self.game = '' self.check = False self.checkmate = False def new_game(self): self._all_clear() self.move(NEW) if self._activity.playing_robot and not self._activity.playing_white: self.move(ROBOT) if self.we_are_sharing and self._activity.initiating: self._activity.send_new_game() def restore_game(self, move_list): self.move_list = [] for move in move_list: self.move_list.append(str(move)) self.move(RESTORE) if len(self.move_list) > 0: if '#' in self.move_list[-1] or '++' in self.move_list[-1]: if len(self.move_list) % 2 == 0: self._activity.status.set_label(_('Black wins.')) else: self._activity.status.set_label(_('White wins.')) elif '+' in self.move_list[-1]: if len(self.move_list) % 2 == 0: self._activity.status.set_label( _("White's King is in check.")) else: self._activity.status.set_label( _("Black's King is in check.")) if self.we_are_sharing and self._activity.initiating: self._activity.send_restore() def copy_game(self): self.move(GAME) return self.game def save_game(self): return self.move_list def show_game_history(self, tag_pairs): if not self._activity.showing_game_history: for i in range(3): self.bg[i].set_layer(TOP) self.move(GAME) # Split into two columns if ' 14.' in self.game: i = self.game.index(' 14.') self.bg[0].set_label(tag_pairs + self.game[: i - 1]) if '31.' in self.game: j = self.game.index('31.') self.bg[1].set_label(self.game[i: j - 1]) self.bg[2].set_label(self.game[j:]) else: self.bg[1].set_label(self.game[i:]) else: self.bg[0].set_label(self.game) self._activity.showing_game_history = True else: for i in range(3): self.bg[i].set_layer(-1) self.bg[i].set_label('') self._activity.showing_game_history = False def play_game_history(self): self._counter = 0 self._copy_of_move_list = self.move_list[:] self._all_clear() self._stepper() def _stepper(self): if self._counter < len(self._copy_of_move_list): self.move(self._copy_of_move_list[self._counter]) self._counter += 1 GObject.timeout_add(2000, self._stepper) def _button_press_cb(self, win, event): win.grab_focus() x, y = map(int, event.get_coords()) self._dragpos = [x, y] self._total_drag = [0, 0] spr = self._sprites.find_sprite((x, y)) if spr == None or spr.type == None: return if self._thinking: # Robot is thinking or conjuring up a hint self._wait_your_turn() return elif self.we_are_sharing: if not self._activity.playing_white and \ len(self.move_list) % 2 == 0: self._wait_your_turn() return elif self._activity.playing_white and \ len(self.move_list) % 2 == 1: self._wait_your_turn() return # Only play your color if self._activity.playing_robot or self.we_are_sharing: if self._activity.playing_white and spr.type[0] in 'prnbqk': self._play_your_color() return elif not self._activity.playing_white and spr.type[0] in 'PRNBQK': self._play_your_color() return else: if len(self.move_list) % 2 == 0 and spr.type[0] in 'prnbqk': self._play_your_color() return elif len(self.move_list) % 2 == 1 and spr.type[0] in 'PRNBQK': self._play_your_color() return self._release = None self._press = spr self._press.set_layer(TOP) self._last_piece_played = [spr, spr.get_xy()] return True def _wait_your_turn(self): if self._activity.playing_white: self._activity.status.set_label( _('Please wait for your turn.')) else: self._activity.status.set_label( _('Please wait for your turn.')) def _play_your_color(self): if self._activity.playing_white: self._activity.status.set_label(_('Please play White.')) else: self._activity.status.set_label(_('Please play Black.')) def _mouse_move_cb(self, win, event): """ Drag a tile with the mouse. """ spr = self._press if spr is None: self._dragpos = [0, 0] return True win.grab_focus() x, y = map(int, event.get_coords()) dx = x - self._dragpos[0] dy = y - self._dragpos[1] spr.move_relative([dx, dy]) self._dragpos = [x, y] self._total_drag[0] += dx self._total_drag[1] += dy return True def _button_release_cb(self, win, event): win.grab_focus() self._dragpos = [0, 0] if self._press is None: return x, y = map(int, event.get_coords()) spr = self._sprites.find_sprite((x, y)) self._release = spr self._release.set_layer(MID) self._press = None self._release = None g1 = self._xy_to_file_and_rank(self._last_piece_played[1]) g2 = self._xy_to_file_and_rank((x, y)) if g1 == g2: # We'll let beginners touch a piece and return it. spr.move(self._last_piece_played[1]) return True move = '%s%s' % (g1, g2) # Queen a pawn (FIXME: really should be able to choose any piece) if spr.type == 'p' and g2[1] == '1': move += 'Q' elif spr.type == 'P' and g2[1] == '8': move += 'Q' if len(self.move_list) % 2 == 0: self._activity.white_entry.set_text(move) else: self._activity.black_entry.set_text(move) self._activity.status.set_label('making a move %s' % (move)) self.move(move) # Get game notation from last move to share and to check for # check, checkmate self.move(GAME) if self.game == '': _logger.debug('bad move: reseting') return True last_move = self.game.split()[-1] if self.we_are_sharing: self._activity.send_event('m|%s' % (last_move)) if '+' in last_move: self.check = True self._activity.status.set_label(_('Check')) if '#' in last_move or '++' in last_move: self.checkmate = True self._activity.status.set_label(_('Checkmate')) if self.checkmate or self.check: if self.check: self._activity.status.set_label(_('Check')) else: self._activity.status.set_label(_('Checkmate')) if len(self.move_list) % 2 == 0: self._flash_tile([self._xy_to_file_and_rank( self.white[4].get_xy())]) else: self._flash_tile([self._xy_to_file_and_rank( self.black[4].get_xy())]) # Check to see if it is the robot's turn if self._activity.playing_robot and \ self._activity.playing_white and \ len(self.move_list) % 2 == 0: _logger.debug("not the robot's turn") return True if self._activity.playing_robot and \ not self._activity.playing_white and \ len(self.move_list) % 2 == 1: _logger.debug("not the robot's turn") return True if self._activity.playing_robot and not self.checkmate: self._activity.set_thinking_cursor() self._activity.status.set_label(_('Thinking...')) self._thinking = True self._get_before() GObject.timeout_add(500, self._robot_move) return True def _robot_move(self): self.move(ROBOT) # Flash the squares of any piece that robot has moved self._get_after() pieces = [] # Array, since if could be a castling move before = [] after = [] for i in range(64): if self._before[i] != self._after[i]: if self._activity.playing_white and \ self._before[i] in 'prnbqk': pieces.append(self._before[i]) before.append(i) elif not self._activity.playing_white and \ self._before[i] in 'PRNBQK': pieces.append(self._before[i]) before.append(i) if self._activity.playing_white and \ self._after[i] in 'prnbqk': pieces.append(self._after[i]) after.append(i) elif not self._activity.playing_white and \ self._after[i] in 'PRNBQK': pieces.append(self._after[i]) after.append(i) tiles = [] for i in range(len(before)): tiles.append(self._index_to_file_and_rank(before[i])) tiles.append(self._index_to_file_and_rank(after[i])) self._flash_tile(tiles, flash_color=3) def _get_before(self): self.move(STATUS) if self._activity.playing_white: tmp = self._output.split('Black') else: tmp = self._output.split('White') self._before = tmp[-2][-137:].split() def _get_after(self): self.move(STATUS) if self._activity.playing_white: tmp = self._output.split('White') else: tmp = self._output.split('Black') self._after = tmp[-2][-137:].split() def undo(self): # TODO: Lock out while robot is playing if self._activity.playing_robot and len(self.move_list) > 1: if self._activity.playing_white: if len(self.move_list) % 2 == 0: self.move(REMOVE) else: self.move(UNDO) else: if len(self.move_list) % 2 == 1: self.move(REMOVE) else: self.move(UNDO) elif len(self.move_list) > 0: self.move(UNDO) def hint(self): # TODO: Lock out while robot is playing if self._thinking: self._activity.status.set_label(_('Please wait for your turn.')) return self._activity.set_thinking_cursor() self._activity.status.set_label(_('Thinking')) self._thinking = True GObject.timeout_add(500, self.move, HINT) def _flash_tile(self, tiles, flash_color=2): self._counter = 0 GObject.timeout_add(100, self._flasher, tiles, flash_color) return def _flasher(self, tiles, flash_color): # flash length (must be odd in order to guarentee that the # original color is restored) if self._counter < 13: self._counter += 1 for tile in tiles: i = self._file_and_rank_to_index(tile) if self._counter % 2 == 0: self._board[i].set_image(self._squares[flash_color]) else: self._board[i].set_image(self._squares[black_or_white(i)]) self._board[i].set_layer(BOT) GObject.timeout_add(200, self._flasher, tiles, flash_color) def _parse_move(self, move): tiles = [] label = move source_file = None source_rank = None capture_piece = None capture_file = None capture_rank = None if 'x' in move: capture = True else: capture = False if len(self.move_list) % 2 == 0: white = True if move[0] in FILES: piece = 'P' source_file = move[0] if move[1] in RANKS: source_rank = move[1] elif move[0] == 'O': if move == 'O-O': tiles.append('e1') tiles.append('g1') else: # O-O-O tiles.append('c1') tiles.append('e1') self._flash_tile(tiles) return else: piece = move[0] if move[1] in FILES: source_file = move[1] if move[2] in RANKS: source_rank = move[2] elif move[1] in RANKS: source_rank = move[1] if source_rank is None or source_file is None: if move[2] in FILES: capture_file = move[2] if len(move) > 3: if move[3] in RANKS: capture_rank = move[3] else: white = False if move[0] in FILES: piece = 'p' source_file = move[0] if move[1] in RANKS: source_rank = move[1] elif move[0] == 'O': if move == 'O-O': tiles.append('e8') tiles.append('g8') else: # O-O-O tiles.append('c8') tiles.append('e8') self._flash_tile(tiles) return else: piece = move[0] if move[1] in FILES: source_file = move[1] if move[2] in RANKS: source_rank = move[2] elif move[1] in RANKS: source_rank = move[1] if source_rank is None or source_file is None: if move[2] in FILES: capture_file = move[2] if len(move) > 3: if move[3] in RANKS: capture_rank = move[3] if capture: move = move[find(move, 'x') + 1:] if white: if move[0] in 'KQBNR': capture_piece = move[0] if len(move) > 1: if move[1] in FILES: capture_file = move[1] if len(move) > 2: if move[2] in RANKS: capture_rank = move[2] elif move[1] in RANKS: capture_rank = move[1] else: capture_piece = 'p' if move[0] in FILES: capture_file = move[0] if len(move) > 1: if move[1] in RANKS: capture_rank = move[1] elif move[0] in RANKS: capture_rank = move[0] else: if move[0] in 'KQBNR': capture_piece = move[0] if len(move) > 1: if move[1] in FILES: capture_file = move[1] if len(move) > 2: if move[2] in RANKS: capture_rank = move[2] elif move[1] in RANKS: capture_rank = move[1] else: capture_piece = 'P' if move[0] in FILES: capture_file = move[0] if len(move) > 1: if move[1] in RANKS: capture_rank = move[1] elif move[0] in RANKS: capture_rank = move[0] if capture_file is None: capture_file = source_file if capture_rank is None: capture_rank = source_rank if source_file is None: source_file = capture_file if source_rank is None: source_rank = capture_rank if piece in 'pP': source_file, source_rank = self._search_for_pawn( piece, source_file, source_rank, capture_file, capture_rank, capture=capture) elif piece in 'rR': source_file, source_rank = self._search_for_rook( piece, source_file, source_rank, capture_file, capture_rank) elif piece in 'nN': source_file, source_rank = self._search_for_knight( piece, source_file, source_rank, capture_file, capture_rank) elif piece in 'bB': source_file, source_rank = self._search_for_bishop( piece, source_file, source_rank, capture_file, capture_rank) elif piece in 'qQ': source_file, source_rank = self._search_for_queen( piece, source_file, source_rank, capture_file, capture_rank) elif piece in 'kK': source_file, source_rank = self._search_for_king( piece, source_file, source_rank, capture_file, capture_rank) tiles.append('%s%s' % (source_file, source_rank)) tiles.append('%s%s' % (capture_file, capture_rank)) self._flash_tile(tiles) def _search_for_pawn( self, piece, source_file, source_rank, capture_file, capture_rank, capture=False): # Check for capture if capture and len(self.move_list) % 2 == 0: if source_file == capture_file: f = FILES.index(capture_file) if f > 0: i = self._file_and_rank_to_index('%s%s' % ( FILES[f - 1], RANKS[RANKS.index(capture_rank) - 1])) x, y = self._index_to_xy(i) for p in range(8): pos = self.white[8 + p].get_xy() if x == pos[0] and y == pos[1]: return FILES[f - 1], \ RANKS[RANKS.index(capture_rank) - 1] if f < 7: i = self._file_and_rank_to_index('%s%s' % ( FILES[f + 1], RANKS[RANKS.index(capture_rank) - 1])) x, y = self._index_to_xy(i) for p in range(8): pos = self.white[8 + p].get_xy() if x == pos[0] and y == pos[1]: return FILES[f + 1], \ RANKS[RANKS.index(capture_rank) - 1] else: i = self._file_and_rank_to_index('%s%s' % ( source_file, RANKS[RANKS.index(capture_rank) - 1])) x, y = self._index_to_xy(i) for p in range(8): pos = self.white[8 + p].get_xy() if x == pos[0] and y == pos[1]: return source_file, \ RANKS[RANKS.index(capture_rank) - 1] elif capture: if source_file == capture_file: f = FILES.index(capture_file) if f > 0: i = self._file_and_rank_to_index('%s%s' % ( FILES[f - 1], RANKS[RANKS.index(capture_rank) + 1])) x, y = self._index_to_xy(i) for p in range(8): pos = self.black[8 + p].get_xy() if x == pos[0] and y == pos[1]: return FILES[f - 1], \ RANKS[RANKS.index(capture_rank) + 1] if f < 7: i = self._file_and_rank_to_index('%s%s' % ( FILES[f + 1], RANKS[RANKS.index(capture_rank) + 1])) x, y = self._index_to_xy(i) for p in range(8): pos = self.black[8 + p].get_xy() if x == pos[0] and y == pos[1]: return FILES[f + 1], \ RANKS[RANKS.index(capture_rank) + 1] else: i = self._file_and_rank_to_index('%s%s' % ( source_file, RANKS[RANKS.index(capture_rank) + 1])) x, y = self._index_to_xy(i) for p in range(8): pos = self.black[8 + p].get_xy() if x == pos[0] and y == pos[1]: return source_file, \ RANKS[RANKS.index(capture_rank) + 1] # Check for first move if piece == 'p' and capture_rank == '5': i = self._file_and_rank_to_index('%s7' % (capture_file)) x, y = self._index_to_xy(i) for p in range(8): pos = self.black[8 + p].get_xy() if x == pos[0] and y == pos[1]: return capture_file, '7' elif piece == 'P' and capture_rank == '4': i = self._file_and_rank_to_index('%s2' % (capture_file)) x, y = self._index_to_xy(i) for p in range(8): pos = self.white[8 + p].get_xy() if x == pos[0] and y == pos[1]: return capture_file, '2' # Check for previous space if piece == 'p': i = self._file_and_rank_to_index('%s%s' % ( capture_file, RANKS[RANKS.index(capture_rank) + 1])) x, y = self._index_to_xy(i) for p in range(8): pos = self.black[8 + p].get_xy() if x == pos[0] and y == pos[1]: return capture_file, RANKS[RANKS.index(capture_rank) + 1] elif piece == 'P': i = self._file_and_rank_to_index('%s%s' % ( capture_file, RANKS[RANKS.index(capture_rank) - 1])) x, y = self._index_to_xy(i) for p in range(8): pos = self.white[8 + p].get_xy() if x == pos[0] and y == pos[1]: return capture_file, RANKS[RANKS.index(capture_rank) - 1] return capture_file, capture_rank def _search_for_rook( self, piece, source_file, source_rank, capture_file, capture_rank): # Change rank if len(self.move_list) % 2 == 1: for r in range(7 - RANKS.index(capture_rank)): i = self._file_and_rank_to_index('%s%s' % ( capture_file, RANKS[RANKS.index(capture_rank) + r + 1])) p = self._find_piece_at_index(i) if p in self.black: b = self.black.index(p) if piece in 'rR' and (b == 0 or b == 7): return capture_file, \ RANKS[RANKS.index(capture_rank) + r + 1] elif piece in 'qQ' and b == 3: return capture_file, \ RANKS[RANKS.index(capture_rank) + r + 1] else: break elif p is not None: break for r in range(RANKS.index(capture_rank)): i = self._file_and_rank_to_index('%s%s' % ( capture_file, RANKS[RANKS.index(capture_rank) - r - 1])) p = self._find_piece_at_index(i) if p in self.black: b = self.black.index(p) if piece in 'rR' and (b == 0 or b == 7): return capture_file, \ RANKS[RANKS.index(capture_rank) - r - 1] elif piece in 'qQ' and b == 3: return capture_file, \ RANKS[RANKS.index(capture_rank) - r - 1] else: break elif p is not None: break else: for r in range(7 - RANKS.index(capture_rank)): i = self._file_and_rank_to_index('%s%s' % ( capture_file, RANKS[RANKS.index(capture_rank) + r + 1])) p = self._find_piece_at_index(i) if p in self.white: w = self.white.index(p) if piece == 'R' and (w == 0 or w == 7): return capture_file, \ RANKS[RANKS.index(capture_rank) + r + 1] elif piece == 'Q' and w == 3: return capture_file, \ RANKS[RANKS.index(capture_rank) + r + 1] else: break elif p is not None: break for r in range(RANKS.index(capture_rank)): i = self._file_and_rank_to_index('%s%s' % ( capture_file, RANKS[RANKS.index(capture_rank) - r - 1])) p = self._find_piece_at_index(i) if p in self.white: w = self.white.index(p) if piece == 'R' and (w == 0 or w == 7): return capture_file, \ RANKS[RANKS.index(capture_rank) - r - 1] elif piece == 'Q' and w == 3: return capture_file, \ RANKS[RANKS.index(capture_rank) - r - 1] else: break elif p is not None: break # Change file if len(self.move_list) % 2 == 1: for f in range(7 - FILES.index(capture_file)): i = self._file_and_rank_to_index('%s%s' % ( FILES[FILES.index(capture_file) + f + 1], capture_rank)) p = self._find_piece_at_index(i) if p in self.black: b = self.black.index(p) if piece in 'rR' and (b == 0 or b == 7): return FILES[FILES.index(capture_file) + f + 1], \ capture_rank elif piece in 'qQ' and b == 3: return FILES[FILES.index(capture_file) + f + 1], \ capture_rank else: break elif p is not None: break for f in range(FILES.index(capture_file)): i = self._file_and_rank_to_index('%s%s' % ( FILES[FILES.index(capture_file) - f - 1], capture_rank)) p = self._find_piece_at_index(i) if p in self.black: b = self.black.index(p) if piece in 'rR' and (b == 0 or b == 7): return FILES[FILES.index(capture_file) - f - 1], \ capture_rank elif piece in 'qQ' and b == 3: return FILES[FILES.index(capture_file) - f - 1], \ capture_rank else: break elif p is not None: break else: for f in range(7 - FILES.index(capture_file)): i = self._file_and_rank_to_index('%s%s' % ( FILES[FILES.index(capture_file) + f + 1], capture_rank)) p = self._find_piece_at_index(i) if p in self.white: w = self.white.index(p) if piece == 'R' and (w == 0 or w == 7): return FILES[FILES.index(capture_file) + f + 1], \ capture_rank elif piece == 'Q' and w == 3: return FILES[FILES.index(capture_file) + f + 1], \ capture_rank else: break elif p is not None: break for f in range(FILES.index(capture_file)): i = self._file_and_rank_to_index('%s%s' % ( FILES[FILES.index(capture_file) - f - 1], capture_rank)) p = self._find_piece_at_index(i) if p in self.white: w = self.white.index(p) if piece == 'R' and (w == 0 or w == 7): return FILES[FILES.index(capture_file) - f - 1], \ capture_rank elif piece == 'Q' and w == 3: return FILES[FILES.index(capture_file) - f - 1], \ capture_rank else: break elif p is not None: break if piece in 'rR': return capture_file, capture_rank else: return None, None def _search_for_knight( self, piece, source_file, source_rank, capture_file, capture_rank): if len(self.move_list) % 2 == 1: # if piece == 'n': if RANKS.index(capture_rank) < 6 and FILES.index(capture_file) > 0: i = self._file_and_rank_to_index('%s%s' % ( FILES[FILES.index(capture_file) - 1], RANKS[RANKS.index(capture_rank) + 2])) p = self._find_piece_at_index(i) if p in self.black: b = self.black.index(p) if b in [1, 6]: return FILES[FILES.index(capture_file) - 1], \ RANKS[RANKS.index(capture_rank) + 2] if RANKS.index(capture_rank) < 6 and FILES.index(capture_file) < 7: i = self._file_and_rank_to_index('%s%s' % ( FILES[FILES.index(capture_file) + 1], RANKS[RANKS.index(capture_rank) + 2])) p = self._find_piece_at_index(i) if p in self.black: b = self.black.index(p) if b in [1, 6]: return FILES[FILES.index(capture_file) + 1], \ RANKS[RANKS.index(capture_rank) + 2] if RANKS.index(capture_rank) > 1 and FILES.index(capture_file) < 7: i = self._file_and_rank_to_index('%s%s' % ( FILES[FILES.index(capture_file) + 1], RANKS[RANKS.index(capture_rank) - 2])) p = self._find_piece_at_index(i) if p in self.black: b = self.black.index(p) if b in [1, 6]: return FILES[FILES.index(capture_file) + 1], \ RANKS[RANKS.index(capture_rank) - 2] if RANKS.index(capture_rank) > 1 and FILES.index(capture_file) > 0: i = self._file_and_rank_to_index('%s%s' % ( FILES[FILES.index(capture_file) - 1], RANKS[RANKS.index(capture_rank) - 2])) p = self._find_piece_at_index(i) if p in self.black: b = self.black.index(p) if b in [1, 6]: return FILES[FILES.index(capture_file) - 1], \ RANKS[RANKS.index(capture_rank) - 2] if RANKS.index(capture_rank) < 7 and FILES.index(capture_file) > 1: i = self._file_and_rank_to_index('%s%s' % ( FILES[FILES.index(capture_file) - 2], RANKS[RANKS.index(capture_rank) + 1])) p = self._find_piece_at_index(i) if p in self.black: b = self.black.index(p) if b in [1, 6]: return FILES[FILES.index(capture_file) - 2], \ RANKS[RANKS.index(capture_rank) + 1] if RANKS.index(capture_rank) < 7 and FILES.index(capture_file) < 6: i = self._file_and_rank_to_index('%s%s' % ( FILES[FILES.index(capture_file) + 2], RANKS[RANKS.index(capture_rank) + 1])) p = self._find_piece_at_index(i) if p in self.black: b = self.black.index(p) if b in [1, 6]: return FILES[FILES.index(capture_file) + 2], \ RANKS[RANKS.index(capture_rank) + 1] if RANKS.index(capture_rank) > 0 and FILES.index(capture_file) < 6: i = self._file_and_rank_to_index('%s%s' % ( FILES[FILES.index(capture_file) + 2], RANKS[RANKS.index(capture_rank) - 1])) p = self._find_piece_at_index(i) if p in self.black: b = self.black.index(p) if b in [1, 6]: return FILES[FILES.index(capture_file) + 2], \ RANKS[RANKS.index(capture_rank) - 1] if RANKS.index(capture_rank) > 0 and FILES.index(capture_file) > 1: i = self._file_and_rank_to_index('%s%s' % ( FILES[FILES.index(capture_file) - 2], RANKS[RANKS.index(capture_rank) - 1])) p = self._find_piece_at_index(i) if p in self.black: b = self.black.index(p) if b in [1, 6]: return FILES[FILES.index(capture_file) - 2], \ RANKS[RANKS.index(capture_rank) - 1] else: if RANKS.index(capture_rank) < 6 and FILES.index(capture_file) > 0: i = self._file_and_rank_to_index('%s%s' % ( FILES[FILES.index(capture_file) - 1], RANKS[RANKS.index(capture_rank) + 2])) p = self._find_piece_at_index(i) if p in self.white: w = self.white.index(p) if w in [1, 6]: return FILES[FILES.index(capture_file) - 1], \ RANKS[RANKS.index(capture_rank) + 2] if RANKS.index(capture_rank) < 6 and FILES.index(capture_file) < 7: i = self._file_and_rank_to_index('%s%s' % ( FILES[FILES.index(capture_file) + 1], RANKS[RANKS.index(capture_rank) + 2])) p = self._find_piece_at_index(i) if p in self.white: w = self.white.index(p) if w in [1, 6]: return FILES[FILES.index(capture_file) + 1], \ RANKS[RANKS.index(capture_rank) + 2] if RANKS.index(capture_rank) > 1 and FILES.index(capture_file) < 7: i = self._file_and_rank_to_index('%s%s' % ( FILES[FILES.index(capture_file) + 1], RANKS[RANKS.index(capture_rank) - 2])) p = self._find_piece_at_index(i) if p in self.white: w = self.white.index(p) if w in [1, 6]: return FILES[FILES.index(capture_file) + 1], \ RANKS[RANKS.index(capture_rank) - 2] if RANKS.index(capture_rank) > 1 and FILES.index(capture_file) > 0: i = self._file_and_rank_to_index('%s%s' % ( FILES[FILES.index(capture_file) - 1], RANKS[RANKS.index(capture_rank) - 2])) p = self._find_piece_at_index(i) if p in self.white: w = self.white.index(p) if w in [1, 6]: return FILES[FILES.index(capture_file) - 1], \ RANKS[RANKS.index(capture_rank) - 2] if RANKS.index(capture_rank) < 7 and FILES.index(capture_file) > 1: i = self._file_and_rank_to_index('%s%s' % ( FILES[FILES.index(capture_file) - 2], RANKS[RANKS.index(capture_rank) + 1])) p = self._find_piece_at_index(i) if p in self.white: w = self.white.index(p) if w in [1, 6]: return FILES[FILES.index(capture_file) - 2], \ RANKS[RANKS.index(capture_rank) + 1] if RANKS.index(capture_rank) < 7 and FILES.index(capture_file) < 6: i = self._file_and_rank_to_index('%s%s' % ( FILES[FILES.index(capture_file) + 2], RANKS[RANKS.index(capture_rank) + 1])) p = self._find_piece_at_index(i) if p in self.white: w = self.white.index(p) if w in [1, 6]: return FILES[FILES.index(capture_file) + 2], \ RANKS[RANKS.index(capture_rank) + 1] if RANKS.index(capture_rank) > 0 and FILES.index(capture_file) < 6: i = self._file_and_rank_to_index('%s%s' % ( FILES[FILES.index(capture_file) + 2], RANKS[RANKS.index(capture_rank) - 1])) p = self._find_piece_at_index(i) if p in self.white: w = self.white.index(p) if w in [1, 6]: return FILES[FILES.index(capture_file) + 2], \ RANKS[RANKS.index(capture_rank) - 1] if RANKS.index(capture_rank) > 0 and FILES.index(capture_file) > 1: i = self._file_and_rank_to_index('%s%s' % ( FILES[FILES.index(capture_file) - 2], RANKS[RANKS.index(capture_rank) - 1])) p = self._find_piece_at_index(i) if p in self.white: w = self.white.index(p) if w in [1, 6]: return FILES[FILES.index(capture_file) - 2], \ RANKS[RANKS.index(capture_rank) - 1] return capture_file, capture_rank def _search_for_bishop( self, piece, source_file, source_rank, capture_file, capture_rank): # rank++, file++ if len(self.move_list) % 2 == 1: # if piece in 'bq': r = RANKS.index(capture_rank) + 1 f = FILES.index(capture_file) + 1 while r < 8 and f < 8: i = self._file_and_rank_to_index('%s%s' % (FILES[f], RANKS[r])) p = self._find_piece_at_index(i) if p in self.black: b = self.black.index(p) if piece in 'bB' and (b == 2 or b == 5): return FILES[f], RANKS[r] elif piece in 'qQ' and b == 3: return FILES[f], RANKS[r] else: break elif p is not None: break r += 1 f += 1 if len(self.move_list) % 2 == 0: # if piece in 'BQ': r = RANKS.index(capture_rank) + 1 f = FILES.index(capture_file) + 1 while r < 8 and f < 8: i = self._file_and_rank_to_index('%s%s' % (FILES[f], RANKS[r])) p = self._find_piece_at_index(i) if p in self.white: w = self.white.index(p) if piece == 'B' and (w == 2 or w == 5): return FILES[f], RANKS[r] elif piece == 'Q' and w == 3: return FILES[f], RANKS[r] else: break elif p is not None: break r += 1 f += 1 # rank--, file++ if len(self.move_list) % 2 == 1: # if piece in 'bq': r = RANKS.index(capture_rank) - 1 f = FILES.index(capture_file) + 1 while r > -1 and f < 8: i = self._file_and_rank_to_index('%s%s' % (FILES[f], RANKS[r])) p = self._find_piece_at_index(i) if p in self.black: b = self.black.index(p) if piece in 'bB' and (b == 2 or b == 5): return FILES[f], RANKS[r] elif piece in 'qQ' and b == 3: return FILES[f], RANKS[r] else: break elif p is not None: break r -= 1 f += 1 if len(self.move_list) % 2 == 0: # if piece in 'BQ': r = RANKS.index(capture_rank) - 1 f = FILES.index(capture_file) + 1 while r > -1 and f < 8: i = self._file_and_rank_to_index('%s%s' % (FILES[f], RANKS[r])) p = self._find_piece_at_index(i) if p in self.white: w = self.white.index(p) if piece == 'B' and (w == 2 or w == 5): return FILES[f], RANKS[r] elif piece == 'Q' and w == 3: return FILES[f], RANKS[r] else: break elif p is not None: break r -= 1 f += 1 # rank-- file-- if len(self.move_list) % 2 == 1: # if piece in 'bq': r = RANKS.index(capture_rank) - 1 f = FILES.index(capture_file) - 1 while r > -1 and f > -1: i = self._file_and_rank_to_index('%s%s' % (FILES[f], RANKS[r])) p = self._find_piece_at_index(i) if p in self.black: b = self.black.index(p) if piece in 'bB' and (b == 2 or b == 5): return FILES[f], RANKS[r] elif piece in 'qQ' and b == 3: return FILES[f], RANKS[r] else: break elif p is not None: break r -= 1 f -= 1 if len(self.move_list) % 2 == 0: # if piece in 'BQ': r = RANKS.index(capture_rank) - 1 f = FILES.index(capture_file) - 1 while r > -1 and f > -1: i = self._file_and_rank_to_index('%s%s' % (FILES[f], RANKS[r])) p = self._find_piece_at_index(i) if p in self.white: w = self.white.index(p) if piece == 'B' and (w == 2 or w == 5): return FILES[f], RANKS[r] elif piece == 'Q' and w == 3: return FILES[f], RANKS[r] else: break elif p is not None: break r -= 1 f -= 1 # rank++ file-- if len(self.move_list) % 2 == 1: # if piece in 'bq': r = RANKS.index(capture_rank) + 1 f = FILES.index(capture_file) - 1 while r < 8 and f > -1: i = self._file_and_rank_to_index('%s%s' % (FILES[f], RANKS[r])) p = self._find_piece_at_index(i) if p in self.black: b = self.black.index(p) if piece in 'bB' and (b == 2 or b == 5): return FILES[f], RANKS[r] elif piece in 'qQ' and b == 3: return FILES[f], RANKS[r] else: break elif p is not None: break r += 1 f -= 1 if len(self.move_list) % 2 == 0: # if piece in 'BQ': r = RANKS.index(capture_rank) + 1 f = FILES.index(capture_file) - 1 while r < 8 and f > -1: i = self._file_and_rank_to_index('%s%s' % (FILES[f], RANKS[r])) p = self._find_piece_at_index(i) if p in self.white: w = self.white.index(p) if piece == 'B' and (w == 2 or w == 5): return FILES[f], RANKS[r] elif piece == 'Q' and w == 3: return FILES[f], RANKS[r] else: break elif p is not None: break r += 1 f -= 1 return capture_file, capture_rank def _search_for_queen( self, piece, source_file, source_rank, capture_file, capture_rank): file_and_rank = self._search_for_rook( piece, source_file, source_rank, capture_file, capture_rank) if file_and_rank[0] is not None: return file_and_rank[0], file_and_rank[1] return self._search_for_bishop( piece, source_file, source_rank, capture_file, capture_rank) def _search_for_king( self, piece, source_file, source_rank, capture_file, capture_rank): if len(self.move_list) % 2 == 1: # if piece == 'k': r = RANKS.index(capture_rank) + 1 f = FILES.index(capture_file) + 1 if r < 8 and f < 8: i = self._file_and_rank_to_index('%s%s' % (FILES[f], RANKS[r])) p = self._find_piece_at_index(i) if p in self.black: b = self.black.index(p) if b == 4: return FILES[f], RANKS[r] r = RANKS.index(capture_rank) + 1 f = FILES.index(capture_file) if r < 8: i = self._file_and_rank_to_index('%s%s' % (FILES[f], RANKS[r])) p = self._find_piece_at_index(i) if p in self.black: b = self.black.index(p) if b == 4: return FILES[f], RANKS[r] r = RANKS.index(capture_rank) + 1 f = FILES.index(capture_file) - 1 if r < 8 and f > -1: i = self._file_and_rank_to_index('%s%s' % (FILES[f], RANKS[r])) p = self._find_piece_at_index(i) if p in self.black: b = self.black.index(p) if b == 4: return FILES[f], RANKS[r] r = RANKS.index(capture_rank) f = FILES.index(capture_file) + 1 if r < 8 and f < 8: i = self._file_and_rank_to_index('%s%s' % (FILES[f], RANKS[r])) p = self._find_piece_at_index(i) if p in self.black: b = self.black.index(p) if b == 4: return FILES[f], RANKS[r] r = RANKS.index(capture_rank) f = FILES.index(capture_file) - 1 if f > -1: i = self._file_and_rank_to_index('%s%s' % (FILES[f], RANKS[r])) p = self._find_piece_at_index(i) if p in self.black: b = self.black.index(p) if b == 4: return FILES[f], RANKS[r] r = RANKS.index(capture_rank) - 1 f = FILES.index(capture_file) + 1 if r > -1 and f < 8: i = self._file_and_rank_to_index('%s%s' % (FILES[f], RANKS[r])) p = self._find_piece_at_index(i) if p in self.black: b = self.black.index(p) if b == 4: return FILES[f], RANKS[r] r = RANKS.index(capture_rank) - 1 f = FILES.index(capture_file) if r > -1: i = self._file_and_rank_to_index('%s%s' % (FILES[f], RANKS[r])) p = self._find_piece_at_index(i) if p in self.black: b = self.black.index(p) if b == 4: return FILES[f], RANKS[r] r = RANKS.index(capture_rank) - 1 f = FILES.index(capture_file) - 1 if r > -1 and f > -1: i = self._file_and_rank_to_index('%s%s' % (FILES[f], RANKS[r])) p = self._find_piece_at_index(i) if p in self.black: b = self.black.index(p) if b == 4: return FILES[f], RANKS[r] else: r = RANKS.index(capture_rank) + 1 f = FILES.index(capture_file) + 1 if r < 8 and f < 8: i = self._file_and_rank_to_index('%s%s' % (FILES[f], RANKS[r])) p = self._find_piece_at_index(i) if p in self.white: w = self.white.index(p) if w == 4: return FILES[f], RANKS[r] r = RANKS.index(capture_rank) + 1 f = FILES.index(capture_file) if r < 8: i = self._file_and_rank_to_index('%s%s' % (FILES[f], RANKS[r])) p = self._find_piece_at_index(i) if p in self.white: w = self.white.index(p) if w == 4: return FILES[f], RANKS[r] r = RANKS.index(capture_rank) + 1 f = FILES.index(capture_file) - 1 if r < 8 and f > -1: i = self._file_and_rank_to_index('%s%s' % (FILES[f], RANKS[r])) p = self._find_piece_at_index(i) if p in self.white: w = self.white.index(p) if w == 4: return FILES[f], RANKS[r] r = RANKS.index(capture_rank) f = FILES.index(capture_file) + 1 if r < 8 and f < 8: i = self._file_and_rank_to_index('%s%s' % (FILES[f], RANKS[r])) p = self._find_piece_at_index(i) if p in self.white: w = self.white.index(p) if w == 4: return FILES[f], RANKS[r] r = RANKS.index(capture_rank) f = FILES.index(capture_file) - 1 if f > -1: i = self._file_and_rank_to_index('%s%s' % (FILES[f], RANKS[r])) p = self._find_piece_at_index(i) if p in self.white: w = self.white.index(p) if w == 4: return FILES[f], RANKS[r] r = RANKS.index(capture_rank) - 1 f = FILES.index(capture_file) + 1 if r > -1 and f < 8: i = self._file_and_rank_to_index('%s%s' % (FILES[f], RANKS[r])) p = self._find_piece_at_index(i) if p in self.white: w = self.white.index(p) if w == 4: return FILES[f], RANKS[r] r = RANKS.index(capture_rank) - 1 f = FILES.index(capture_file) if r > -1: i = self._file_and_rank_to_index('%s%s' % (FILES[f], RANKS[r])) p = self._find_piece_at_index(i) if p in self.white: w = self.white.index(p) if w == 4: return FILES[f], RANKS[r] r = RANKS.index(capture_rank) - 1 f = FILES.index(capture_file) - 1 if r > -1 and f > -1: i = self._file_and_rank_to_index('%s%s' % (FILES[f], RANKS[r])) p = self._find_piece_at_index(i) if p in self.white: w = self.white.index(p) if w == 4: return FILES[f], RANKS[r] return capture_file, capture_rank def remote_move(self, move): ''' Receive a move from a network ''' if not self.we_are_sharing: return if self._activity.playing_white and len(self.move_list) % 2 == 0: return elif not self._activity.playing_white and len(self.move_list) % 2 == 1: return _logger.debug('Processing remote move (%s)' % (move)) self.move(move) def set_sharing(self, share=True): _logger.debug('enabling sharing') self.we_are_sharing = share def _find_piece_at_index(self, i): pos = self._index_to_xy(i) return self._find_piece_at_xy(pos) def _find_piece_at_xy(self, pos): for w in self.white: x, y = w.get_xy() if x == pos[0] and y == pos[1]: return w for b in self.black: x, y = b.get_xy() if x == pos[0] and y == pos[1]: return b return None def _index_to_file_and_rank(self, i): return '%s%s' % (FILES[i % 8], RANKS[7 - int(i / 8)]) def _file_and_rank_to_index(self, file_and_rank): ''' calculate the tile index from the file and rank ''' return FILES.index(file_and_rank[0]) + \ 8 * (7 - RANKS.index(file_and_rank[1])) def _index_to_xy(self, i): return self._board[i].get_xy() def _xy_to_file_and_rank(self, pos): ''' calculate the board column and row for an xy position ''' xo = self._width - 8 * self.scale xo = int(xo / 2) x = pos[0] - xo yo = int(self.scale / 2) y = yo return ('%s%d' % (FILES[int((pos[0] - xo) / self.scale)], 8 - int((pos[1] - yo) / self.scale))) def __draw_cb(self, canvas, cr): self._sprites.redraw_sprites(cr=cr) def do_expose_event(self, event): ''' Handle the expose-event by drawing ''' # Restrict Cairo to the exposed area cr = self._canvas.window.cairo_create() cr.rectangle(event.area.x, event.area.y, event.area.width, event.area.height) cr.clip() # Refresh sprite list self._sprites.redraw_sprites(cr=cr) def _destroy_cb(self, win, event): Gtk.main_quit() def _load_board(self, board): ''' Load the board based on gnuchess board output ''' # _logger.debug(board) white_pawns = 0 white_rooks = 0 white_knights = 0 white_bishops = 0 white_queens = 0 black_pawns = 0 black_rooks = 0 black_knights = 0 black_bishops = 0 black_queens = 0 w, h = self.white[0].get_dimensions() xo = self._width - 8 * self.scale xo = int(xo / 2) yo = int(self.scale / 2) for i in range(17): # extra queen self.black[i].move((-self.scale, -self.scale)) self.white[i].move((-self.scale, -self.scale)) k = 1 for i in range(8): x = xo y = yo + i * self.scale for j in range(8): piece = board[k] k += 2 if piece in 'PRNBQK': # white if piece == 'P': self.white[8 + white_pawns].move((x, y)) white_pawns += 1 elif piece == 'R': if white_rooks == 0: self.white[0].move((x, y)) white_rooks += 1 else: self.white[7].move((x, y)) white_rooks += 1 elif piece == 'N': if white_knights == 0: self.white[1].move((x, y)) white_knights += 1 else: self.white[6].move((x, y)) white_knights += 1 elif piece == 'B': if white_bishops == 0: self.white[2].move((x, y)) white_bishops += 1 else: self.white[5].move((x, y)) white_bishops += 1 elif piece == 'Q': if white_queens == 0: self.white[3].move((x, y)) white_queens += 1 else: self.white[16].move((x, y)) self.white[16].set_layer(MID) elif piece == 'K': self.white[4].move((x, y)) elif piece in 'prnbqk': # black if piece == 'p': self.black[8 + black_pawns].move((x, y)) black_pawns += 1 elif piece == 'r': if black_rooks == 0: self.black[0].move((x, y)) black_rooks += 1 else: self.black[7].move((x, y)) black_rooks += 1 elif piece == 'n': if black_knights == 0: self.black[1].move((x, y)) black_knights += 1 else: self.black[6].move((x, y)) black_knights += 1 elif piece == 'b': if black_bishops == 0: self.black[2].move((x, y)) black_bishops += 1 else: self.black[5].move((x, y)) black_bishops += 1 elif piece == 'q': if black_queens == 0: self.black[3].move((x, y)) black_queens += 1 else: self.black[16].move((x, y)) self.black[16].set_layer(MID) elif piece == 'k': self.black[4].move((x, y)) x += self.scale x = xo y += self.scale k += 1 def reskin_from_svg(self, piece, colors, bw='#ffffff'): DICT = {'white_pawn': svg_pawn, 'black_pawn': svg_pawn, 'white_rook': svg_rook, 'black_rook': svg_rook, 'white_knight': svg_knight, 'black_knight': svg_knight, 'white_bishop': svg_bishop, 'black_bishop': svg_bishop, 'white_queen': svg_queen, 'black_queen': svg_queen, 'white_king': svg_king, 'black_king': svg_king} pixbuf = svg_str_to_pixbuf( svg_header(colors) + DICT[piece](bw) + svg_footer(), w=self.scale, h=self.scale) self.reskin(piece, pixbuf) def reskin_from_file(self, piece, file_path, return_pixbuf=False): pixbuf = GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new_from_file_at_size( file_path, self.scale, self.scale) self.reskin(piece, pixbuf) if return_pixbuf: return pixbuf def reskin(self, piece, pixbuf): DICT = {'white_pawn': WP, 'black_pawn': BP, 'white_rook': WR, 'black_rook': BR, 'white_knight': WN, 'black_knight': BN, 'white_bishop': WB, 'black_bishop': BB, 'white_queen': WQ, 'black_queen': BQ, 'white_king': WK, 'black_king': BK} self.skins[DICT[piece]] = pixbuf if piece == 'white_pawn': for i in range(8): self.white[i + 8].set_image(pixbuf) self.white[i + 8].set_layer(MID) elif piece == 'black_pawn': for i in range(8): self.black[i + 8].set_image(pixbuf) self.black[i + 8].set_layer(MID) elif piece == 'white_rook': self.white[0].set_image(pixbuf) self.white[7].set_image(pixbuf) self.white[0].set_layer(MID) self.white[7].set_layer(MID) elif piece == 'black_rook': self.black[0].set_image(pixbuf) self.black[7].set_image(pixbuf) self.black[0].set_layer(MID) self.black[7].set_layer(MID) elif piece == 'white_knight': self.white[1].set_image(pixbuf) self.white[6].set_image(pixbuf) self.white[1].set_layer(MID) self.white[6].set_layer(MID) elif piece == 'black_knight': self.black[1].set_image(pixbuf) self.black[6].set_image(pixbuf) self.black[1].set_layer(MID) self.black[6].set_layer(MID) elif piece == 'white_bishop': self.white[2].set_image(pixbuf) self.white[5].set_image(pixbuf) self.white[2].set_layer(MID) self.white[5].set_layer(MID) elif piece == 'black_bishop': self.black[2].set_image(pixbuf) self.black[5].set_image(pixbuf) self.black[2].set_layer(MID) self.black[5].set_layer(MID) elif piece == 'white_queen': self.white[3].set_image(pixbuf) self.white[16].set_image(pixbuf) self.white[3].set_layer(MID) self.white[16].set_layer(MID) elif piece == 'black_queen': self.black[3].set_image(pixbuf) self.black[16].set_image(pixbuf) self.black[3].set_layer(MID) self.black[16].set_layer(MID) elif piece == 'white_king': self.white[4].set_image(pixbuf) self.white[4].set_layer(MID) elif piece == 'black_king': self.black[4].set_image(pixbuf) self.black[4].set_layer(MID) def _generate_sprites(self, colors): if 'xo' in self._activity.hardware: fontsize = 24 else: fontsize = 18 self.bg = [] for i in range(3): self.bg.append(Sprite(self._sprites, 0, 0, self._box( int(self._width), self._height, color=colors[1]))) self.bg[-1].set_layer(-1) self.bg[-1].set_margins(l=10, t=10, r=10, b=10) self.bg[-1].set_label_attributes(fontsize, horiz_align="left", vert_align="top") self.bg[-1].type = None self.bg[1].move_relative((int(self._width / 3), 0)) self.bg[2].move_relative((int(2 * self._width / 3), 0)) xo = self._width - 8 * self.scale xo = int(xo / 2) yo = int(self.scale / 2) self.rank = Sprite(self._sprites, xo - self.scale, yo, GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new_from_file_at_size( '%s/images/rank.svg' % (self._bundle_path), self.scale, 8 * self.scale)) self.rank.set_layer(0) self.file = Sprite(self._sprites, xo, yo + int(self.scale * 8), GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new_from_file_at_size( '%s/images/file.svg' % (self._bundle_path), 8 * self.scale, self.scale)) self.file.set_layer(0) w = h = self.scale self._squares.append(self._box(w, h, color='black')) self._squares.append(self._box(w, h, color='white')) self._squares.append(self._box(w, h, color=colors[0])) self._squares.append(self._box(w, h, color=colors[1])) xo = self._width - 8 * self.scale xo = int(xo / 2) yo = int(self.scale / 2) y = yo for i in range(8): x = xo for j in range(8): self._board.append( Sprite(self._sprites, x, y, self._squares[black_or_white([i, j])])) self._board[-1].type = None # '%s%d' % (FILES[j], 8 - i) self._board[-1].set_layer(BOT) x += self.scale y += self.scale self.skins.append(GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new_from_file_at_size( '%s/icons/white-pawn.svg' % (self._bundle_path), w, h)) self.skins.append(GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new_from_file_at_size( '%s/icons/black-pawn.svg' % (self._bundle_path), w, h)) self.skins.append(GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new_from_file_at_size( '%s/icons/white-rook.svg' % (self._bundle_path), w, h)) self.skins.append(GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new_from_file_at_size( '%s/icons/black-rook.svg' % (self._bundle_path), w, h)) self.skins.append(GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new_from_file_at_size( '%s/icons/white-knight.svg' % (self._bundle_path), w, h)) self.skins.append(GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new_from_file_at_size( '%s/icons/black-knight.svg' % (self._bundle_path), w, h)) self.skins.append(GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new_from_file_at_size( '%s/icons/white-bishop.svg' % (self._bundle_path), w, h)) self.skins.append(GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new_from_file_at_size( '%s/icons/black-bishop.svg' % (self._bundle_path), w, h)) self.skins.append(GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new_from_file_at_size( '%s/icons/white-queen.svg' % (self._bundle_path), w, h)) self.skins.append(GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new_from_file_at_size( '%s/icons/black-queen.svg' % (self._bundle_path), w, h)) self.skins.append(GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new_from_file_at_size( '%s/icons/white-king.svg' % (self._bundle_path), w, h)) self.skins.append(GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new_from_file_at_size( '%s/icons/black-king.svg' % (self._bundle_path), w, h)) self.white.append(Sprite(self._sprites, 0, 0, self.skins[WR])) self.white[-1].type = 'R' self.white[-1].set_layer(MID) self.white.append(Sprite(self._sprites, 0, 0, self.skins[WN])) self.white[-1].type = 'N' self.white[-1].set_layer(MID) self.white.append(Sprite(self._sprites, 0, 0, self.skins[WB])) self.white[-1].type = 'B' self.white[-1].set_layer(MID) self.white.append(Sprite(self._sprites, 0, 0, self.skins[WQ])) self.white[-1].type = 'Q' self.white[-1].set_layer(MID) self.white.append(Sprite(self._sprites, 0, 0, self.skins[WK])) self.white[-1].type = 'K' self.white[-1].set_layer(MID) self.white.append(Sprite(self._sprites, 0, 0, self.skins[WB])) self.white[-1].type = 'B' self.white[-1].set_layer(MID) self.white.append(Sprite(self._sprites, 0, 0, self.skins[WN])) self.white[-1].type = 'N' self.white[-1].set_layer(MID) self.white.append(Sprite(self._sprites, 0, 0, self.skins[WR])) self.white[-1].type = 'R' self.white[-1].set_layer(MID) for i in range(8): self.white.append(Sprite(self._sprites, 0, 0, self.skins[WP])) self.white[-1].type = 'P' self.white[-1].set_layer(MID) self.white.append(Sprite(self._sprites, 0, 0, self.skins[WQ])) self.white[-1].type = 'Q' self.white[-1].hide() # extra queen for pawn self.black.append(Sprite(self._sprites, 0, 0, self.skins[BR])) self.black[-1].type = 'r' self.black[-1].set_layer(MID) self.black.append(Sprite(self._sprites, 0, 0, self.skins[BN])) self.black[-1].type = 'n' self.black[-1].set_layer(MID) self.black.append(Sprite(self._sprites, 0, 0, self.skins[BB])) self.black[-1].type = 'b' self.black[-1].set_layer(MID) self.black.append(Sprite(self._sprites, 0, 0, self.skins[BQ])) self.black[-1].type = 'q' self.black[-1].set_layer(MID) self.black.append(Sprite(self._sprites, 0, 0, self.skins[BK])) self.black[-1].type = 'k' self.black[-1].set_layer(MID) self.black.append(Sprite(self._sprites, 0, 0, self.skins[BB])) self.black[-1].type = 'b' self.black[-1].set_layer(MID) self.black.append(Sprite(self._sprites, 0, 0, self.skins[BN])) self.black[-1].type = 'n' self.black[-1].set_layer(MID) self.black.append(Sprite(self._sprites, 0, 0, self.skins[BR])) self.black[-1].type = 'r' self.black[-1].set_layer(MID) for i in range(8): self.black.append(Sprite(self._sprites, 0, 0, self.skins[BP])) self.black[-1].type = 'p' self.black[-1].set_layer(MID) self.black.append(Sprite(self._sprites, 0, 0, self.skins[BQ])) self.black[-1].type = 'q' self.black[-1].hide() # extra queen for pawn def _box(self, w, h, color='black'): ''' Generate a box ''' self._svg_width = w self._svg_height = h return svg_str_to_pixbuf( self._header() + \ self._rect(self._svg_width, self._svg_height, 0, 0, color=color) + \ self._footer()) def _header(self): return '\n' def _rect(self, w, h, x, y, color='black'): svg_string = ' \n' def svg_str_to_pixbuf(svg_string, w=None, h=None): """ Load pixbuf from SVG string """ pl = GdkPixbuf.PixbufLoader.new_with_type('svg') if w is not None: pl.set_size(w, h) pl.write(svg_string) pl.close() pixbuf = pl.get_pixbuf() return pixbuf def black_or_white(n): ''' Return 0 is it is a black square; 1 if it is a white square ''' if type(n) is int: i = int(n / 8) j = n % 8 else: i = n[0] j = n[1] if i % 2 == 0: if (i * 8 + j) % 2 == 1: return 0 else: return 1 else: if (i * 8 + j) % 2 == 1: return 1 else: return 0