# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- #Copyright (c) 2008, Media Modifications Ltd. #Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy #of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal #in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights #to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell #copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is #furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: #The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in #all copies or substantial portions of the Software. #THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR #IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, #FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE #AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER #LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, #OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN #THE SOFTWARE. import uuid import urllib import string import fnmatch import os import random import cairo import gtk import gtk.gdk import pygtk pygtk.require('2.0') import gc import math import time from time import strftime import gobject import operator import logging logger = logging.getLogger('record:model.py') import sugar.env from constants import Constants from instance import Instance from recorded import Recorded from color import Color from ui import UI import utils import record import serialize class Model: def __init__( self, pca ): self.ca = pca self.MODE = Constants.MODE_PHOTO self.UPDATING = True self.RECORDING = False self.FULL = self._isXoFull() self.mediaHashs = {} for key,value in Constants.mediaTypes.items(): self.mediaHashs[key] = [] def updateXoFullStatus( self ): self.FULL = self._isXoFull() def _isXoFull( self ): full = False if (utils.getFreespaceKb() <= Constants.keepFreeKbOnXo): full = True return full def getRecdByMd5( self, md5 ): for mh in range (0, len(self.mediaHashs)): for r in range (0, len(self.mediaHashs[mh])): recd = self.mediaHashs[mh][r] if (recd.thumbMd5 == md5): return recd elif (recd.mediaMd5 == md5): return recd return None def isVideoMode( self ): return self.MODE == Constants.MODE_VIDEO def isPhotoMode( self ): return self.MODE == Constants.MODE_PHOTO def displayThumb( self, recd, forceUpdating ): #to avoid Xlib: unexpected async reply error when taking a picture on a gst callback, always call with idle_add #this happens b/c this might get called from a gstreamer callback if (not recd.type == self.MODE): return if (forceUpdating): self.setUpdating( True ) hash = self.mediaHashs[recd.type] if (len(hash) > 0): self.ca.ui.addThumb(recd, forceUpdating) if (forceUpdating): self.setUpdating( False ) def setupMode( self, type, update ): if (not type == self.MODE): return self.setUpdating( True ) self.ca.ui.removeThumbs() hash = self.mediaHashs[type] for i in range (0, len(hash)): self.ca.ui.addThumb( hash[i], True ) if (update): self.ca.ui.updateModeChange() self.setUpdating(False) def showNextThumb( self, shownRecd ): if (shownRecd == None): self.showLastThumb() else: hash = self.mediaHashs[self.MODE] if (len(hash) > 0): hash = self.mediaHashs[self.MODE] i = operator.indexOf( hash, shownRecd ) i = i+1 if (i>=len(hash)): i = 0 self.ca.ui.showThumbSelection( hash[i] ) def showPrevThumb( self, shownRecd ): if (shownRecd == None): self.showLastThumb() else: hash = self.mediaHashs[self.MODE] if (len(hash) > 0): hash = self.mediaHashs[self.MODE] i = operator.indexOf( hash, shownRecd ) i = i-1 if (i<0): i = len(hash)-1 self.ca.ui.showThumbSelection( hash[i] ) def showLastThumb( self ): hash = self.mediaHashs[self.MODE] if (len(hash) > 0): self.ca.ui.showThumbSelection( hash[len(hash)-1] ) def doShutter( self ): if (self.UPDATING): return if (self.MODE == Constants.MODE_PHOTO): self.startTakingPhoto() elif (self.MODE == Constants.MODE_VIDEO): if (not self.RECORDING): self.startRecordingVideo() else: #post-processing begins now, so queue up this gfx self.ca.ui.showPostProcessGfx(True) self.stopRecordingVideo() elif (self.MODE == Constants.MODE_AUDIO): if (not self.RECORDING): self.startRecordingAudio() else: #post-processing begins now, so queue up this gfx self.ca.ui.showPostProcessGfx(True) self.stopRecordingAudio() def stopRecordingAudio( self ): gobject.source_remove( self.ca.ui.UPDATE_DURATION_ID ) self.ca.ui.progressWindow.updateProgress( 0, "" ) self.setUpdating( True ) self.setRecording( False ) self.ca.ui.FULLSCREEN = False self.ca.ui.updateVideoComponents() self.ca.glive.stopRecordingAudio( ) def saveAudio( self, tmpPath, pixbuf ): self.setUpdating( True ) recd = self.createNewRecorded( Constants.TYPE_AUDIO ) os.rename( tmpPath, os.path.join(Instance.instancePath,recd.mediaFilename)) thumbPath = os.path.join(Instance.instancePath, recd.thumbFilename) scale = float((UI.dim_THUMB_WIDTH+0.0)/(pixbuf.get_width()+0.0)) thumbImg = utils.generateThumbnail(pixbuf, scale, UI.dim_THUMB_WIDTH, UI.dim_THUMB_HEIGHT) thumbImg.write_to_png(thumbPath) imagePath = os.path.join(Instance.instancePath, "audioPicture.png") imagePath = utils.getUniqueFilepath( imagePath, 0 ) pixbuf.save( imagePath, "png", {} ) recd.audioImageFilename = os.path.basename(imagePath) #at this point, we have both audio and thumb sapath, so we can save the recd self.createNewRecordedMd5Sums( recd ) audioHash = self.mediaHashs[Constants.TYPE_AUDIO] audioHash.append( recd ) gobject.idle_add(self.displayThumb, recd, True) self.doPostSaveVideo() self.meshShareRecd( recd ) def startRecordingVideo( self ): self.setUpdating( True ) self.setRecording( True ) #let the red eye kick in before we start the video underway gobject.idle_add( self.beginRecordingVideo ) def beginRecordingVideo( self ): self.ca.ui.recordVideo() self.setUpdating( False ) def startRecordingAudio( self ): self.setUpdating( True ) self.setRecording( True ) self.ca.ui.recordAudio() self.setUpdating( False ) def setUpdating( self, upd ): self.UPDATING = upd self.ca.ui.updateButtonSensitivities() def setRecording( self, rec ): self.RECORDING = rec self.ca.ui.updateButtonSensitivities() def stopRecordingVideo( self ): self.ca.glive.stopRecordingVideo() gobject.source_remove( self.ca.ui.UPDATE_DURATION_ID ) self.setUpdating( True ) self.setRecording( False ) self.ca.ui.FULLSCREEN = False self.ca.ui.updateVideoComponents() def saveVideo( self, pixbuf, tmpPath, wid, hit ): recd = self.createNewRecorded( Constants.TYPE_VIDEO ) os.rename( tmpPath, os.path.join(Instance.instancePath,recd.mediaFilename)) thumbPath = os.path.join(Instance.instancePath, recd.thumbFilename) scale = float((UI.dim_THUMB_WIDTH+0.0)/(wid+0.0)) thumbImg = utils.generateThumbnail(pixbuf, scale, UI.dim_THUMB_WIDTH, UI.dim_THUMB_HEIGHT) thumbImg.write_to_png(thumbPath) self.createNewRecordedMd5Sums( recd ) videoHash = self.mediaHashs[Constants.TYPE_VIDEO] videoHash.append( recd ) self.doPostSaveVideo() gobject.idle_add(self.displayThumb, recd, True) self.meshShareRecd( recd ) def meshShareRecd( self, recd ): #hey, i just took a cool video.audio.photo! let me show you! if (self.ca.recTube != None): logger.debug('meshShareRecd') recdXml = serialize.getRecdXmlMeshString(recd) self.ca.recTube.notifyBudsOfNewRecd( Instance.keyHashPrintable, recdXml ) def cannotSaveVideo( self ): self.doPostSaveVideo() def doPostSaveVideo( self ): self.ca.ui.showPostProcessGfx(False) #prep the ui for your return self.ca.ui.LAST_MODE = -1 self.ca.ui.TRANSCODING = False #resume live video from the camera (if the activity is active) if (self.ca.ui.ACTIVE): self.ca.ui.updateVideoComponents() self.ca.ui.progressWindow.updateProgress( 0, "" ) self.setRecording( False ) self.setUpdating( False ) def abandonRecording( self ): self.ca.ui.LAST_MODE = -1 self.ca.ui.TRANSCODING = False self.ca.ui.completeTimer() self.ca.ui.completeCountdown() self.setRecording(False) self.ca.ui.progressWindow.updateProgress( 0, "" ) self.ca.glive.abandonMedia() def stoppedRecordingVideo( self ): self.setUpdating( False ) def startTakingPhoto( self ): self.setUpdating( True ) self.ca.glive.takePhoto() def savePhoto( self, pixbuf ): recd = self.createNewRecorded( Constants.TYPE_PHOTO ) imgpath = os.path.join(Instance.instancePath, recd.mediaFilename) pixbuf.save( imgpath, "jpeg" ) thumbpath = os.path.join(Instance.instancePath, recd.thumbFilename) scale = float((UI.dim_THUMB_WIDTH+0.0)/(pixbuf.get_width()+0.0)) thumbImg = utils.generateThumbnail(pixbuf, scale, UI.dim_THUMB_WIDTH, UI.dim_THUMB_HEIGHT) thumbImg.write_to_png(thumbpath) gc.collect() #now that we've saved both the image and its pixbuf, we get their md5s self.createNewRecordedMd5Sums( recd ) photoHash = self.mediaHashs[Constants.TYPE_PHOTO] photoHash.append( recd ) gobject.idle_add(self.displayThumb, recd, True) self.meshShareRecd( recd ) def addMeshRecd( self, recd ): #todo: sort on time-taken, not on their arrival time over the mesh (?) self.mediaHashs[recd.type].append( recd ) #updateUi, but don't lock up the buttons if they're recording or whatever gobject.idle_add(self.displayThumb, recd, False) def createNewRecorded( self, type ): recd = Recorded( ) recd.recorderName = Instance.nickName recd.recorderHash = Instance.keyHashPrintable #to create a file, use the hardware_id+time *and* check if available or not nowtime = int(time.time()) recd.time = nowtime recd.type = type mediaThumbFilename = str(recd.recorderHash) + "_" + str(recd.time) mediaFilename = mediaThumbFilename mediaFilename = mediaFilename + "." + Constants.mediaTypes[type][Constants.keyExt] mediaFilepath = os.path.join( Instance.instancePath, mediaFilename ) mediaFilepath = utils.getUniqueFilepath( mediaFilepath, 0 ) recd.mediaFilename = os.path.basename( mediaFilepath ) thumbFilename = mediaThumbFilename + "_thumb.jpg" thumbFilepath = os.path.join( Instance.instancePath, thumbFilename ) thumbFilepath = utils.getUniqueFilepath( thumbFilepath, 0 ) recd.thumbFilename = os.path.basename( thumbFilepath ) stringType = Constants.mediaTypes[type][Constants.keyIstr] recd.title = Constants.istrBy % {"1":stringType, "2":str(recd.recorderName)} recd.colorStroke = Instance.colorStroke recd.colorFill = Instance.colorFill logger.debug('createNewRecorded: ' + str(recd) + ", thumbFilename:" + str(recd.thumbFilename)) return recd def createNewRecordedMd5Sums( self, recd ): recd.thumbMd5 = recd.mediaMd5 = uuid.uuid4() #load the thumbfile thumbFile = os.path.join(Instance.instancePath, recd.thumbFilename) tBytes = os.stat(thumbFile)[6] recd.thumbBytes = tBytes recd.tags = "" #load the mediafile mediaFile = os.path.join(Instance.instancePath, recd.mediaFilename) mBytes = os.stat(mediaFile)[6] recd.mediaBytes = mBytes def deleteRecorded( self, recd ): recd.deleted = True #clear the index hash = self.mediaHashs[recd.type] index = hash.index(recd) hash.remove( recd ) if (not recd.meshUploading): self.doDeleteRecorded( recd ) def doDeleteRecorded( self, recd ): #remove files from the filesystem if not on the datastore if (recd.datastoreId == None): mediaFile = recd.getMediaFilepath() if (os.path.exists(mediaFile)): os.remove(mediaFile) thumbFile = recd.getThumbFilepath( ) if (os.path.exists(thumbFile)): os.remove(thumbFile) else: #remove from the datastore here, since once gone, it is gone... serialize.removeMediaFromDatastore( recd ) def doVideoMode( self ): if (self.MODE == Constants.MODE_VIDEO): return self.MODE = Constants.MODE_VIDEO self.setUpdating(True) gobject.idle_add( self.setupMode, self.MODE, True ) def doPhotoMode( self ): if (self.MODE == Constants.MODE_PHOTO): return self.MODE = Constants.MODE_PHOTO self.setUpdating(True) gobject.idle_add( self.setupMode, self.MODE, True ) def doAudioMode( self ): if (self.MODE == Constants.MODE_AUDIO): return self.MODE = Constants.MODE_AUDIO self.setUpdating(True) gobject.idle_add( self.setupMode, self.MODE, True )