#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Code released in the Public Domain. You can do whatever you want with this package. # Originally written by Pierre Métras for the OLPC XO laptop. from gettext import gettext # pgettext(msgctxt, msgid) from gettext is not supported in Python implementation < v2.6. # http://bugs.python.org/issue2504 # Meanwhile we get official support, we have to simulate it. # See http://www.gnu.org/software/gettext/manual/gettext.html#Ambiguities for # more information about pgettext. # The separator between message context and message id.This value is the same as # the one used in gettext.h, so PO files should be still valid when Python gettext # module will include pgettext() function. GETTEXT_CONTEXT_GLUE = "\004" def pgettext(msgctxt, msgid): """A custom implementation of GNU pgettext(). """ if msgctxt is not None and msgctxt is not "": translation = gettext(msgctxt + GETTEXT_CONTEXT_GLUE + msgid) if translation.startswith(msgctxt + GETTEXT_CONTEXT_GLUE): return msgid else: return translation else: return gettext(msgid) # Map our pgettext() custom function to _p() _p = lambda msgctxt, msgid: pgettext(msgctxt, msgid)