/* eggfill.c Fill function and queue list Copyright 2007, NATE-LSI-EPUSP Oficina is developed in Brazil at Escola Politécnica of Universidade de São Paulo. NATE is part of LSI (Integrable Systems Laboratory) and stands for Learning, Work and Entertainment Research Group. Visit our web page: www.lsi.usp.br/nate Suggestions, bugs and doubts, please email oficina@lsi.usp.br Oficina is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2 of the License. Oficina is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Oficina; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. The copy of the GNU General Public License is found in the COPYING file included in the source distribution. Authors: Joyce Alessandra Saul (joycealess@gmail.com) Andre Mossinato (andremossinato@gmail.com) Nathalia Sautchuk Patrício (nathalia.sautchuk@gmail.com) Pedro Kayatt (pekayatt@gmail.com) Rafael Barbolo Lopes (barbolo@gmail.com) Alexandre A. Gonçalves Martinazzo (alexandremartinazzo@gmail.com) Colaborators: Bruno Gola (brunogola@gmail.com) Group Manager: Irene Karaguilla Ficheman (irene@lsi.usp.br) Cientific Coordinator: Roseli de Deus Lopes (roseli@lsi.usp.br) */ #include #include "eggfill.h" #define front(q) ( (q)->front ) #define rear(q) ( (q)->rear ) /* this queue has a Header that points to the Front and Rear elements */ /* empty queue: q->front = NULL and q->rear = NULL */ /* check if queue q is empty */ int queue_is_empty(queue *q){ return ((front(q)==NULL) && (rear(q)==NULL)); } queue *queue_init(void){ queue *q; q = (queue*)malloc(sizeof(queue)); /* check if there is enough space */ if( q == NULL ) printf( "Out of space!!!" ); q->front = NULL; q->rear = NULL; return q; } void queue_destroy(queue *q){ queue_make_empty(q); free(q); } void queue_make_empty(queue *q){ if( q == NULL ) printf( "Must use CreateQueue first" ); else while( !queue_is_empty(q) ) queue_dequeue(q); } void queue_enqueue(int element, queue *q){ no *tmp; tmp = (no*)malloc(sizeof(no)); if(tmp == NULL) { printf("Out of space!!!"); return; } else { tmp->info = element; tmp->next = NULL; if (queue_is_empty(q)){ q->front = tmp; } else { q->rear->next = tmp; } q->rear = tmp; } } void queue_dequeue(queue *q){ no *tmp; if(tmp == NULL) { printf("Out of space!!!"); } else { if(queue_is_empty(q)) { printf( "Empty queue" ); } else { tmp = q->front; q->front = q->front->next; if (q->front==NULL) { q->rear=NULL; } } } free(tmp); }/* end of queue*/ void fill(GdkDrawable *drawable, GdkGC *gc, int x, int y, int width, int height, int color){ printf("Entrando no fill\n"); int color_start; queue *lista_xy; lista_xy = queue_init(); GdkImage *image; image = gdk_drawable_get_image(drawable,0,0,width,height); printf("0x%x\n", image); color_start = gdk_image_get_pixel(image, x, y); if (color!=color_start) { queue_enqueue(x, lista_xy); queue_enqueue(y, lista_xy); gdk_image_put_pixel(image, x, y, color); while (!queue_is_empty(lista_xy)) { if (x+1 < width){ if (gdk_image_get_pixel(image, x+1, y) == color_start){ gdk_image_put_pixel(image, x+1, y, color); queue_enqueue(x+1, lista_xy); queue_enqueue(y, lista_xy); } } if (x-1 >= 0){ if (gdk_image_get_pixel(image, x-1, y) == color_start){ gdk_image_put_pixel(image, x-1, y, color); queue_enqueue(x-1, lista_xy); queue_enqueue(y, lista_xy); } } if (y+1 < height){ if (gdk_image_get_pixel(image, x, y+1) == color_start){ gdk_image_put_pixel(image, x, y+1, color); queue_enqueue(x, lista_xy); queue_enqueue(y+1, lista_xy); } } if (y-1 >= 0){ if (gdk_image_get_pixel(image, x, y-1) == color_start){ gdk_image_put_pixel(image, x, y-1, color); queue_enqueue(x, lista_xy); queue_enqueue(y-1, lista_xy); } } x = lista_xy->front->info; queue_dequeue(lista_xy); y = lista_xy->front->info; queue_dequeue(lista_xy); } } gdk_draw_image(drawable, gc, image, 0,0,0,0,width,height); if (image != NULL) { g_object_unref(image); printf("Imagem %x\n", image); } else { printf("Image = null\n"); } queue_destroy(lista_xy); }