Normally, one would add libraries and python modules to a bundle using LD_LIBRARY_PATH and PYTHONPATH. This gives them priority over the systemwide versions of these items. However, this is a dangerous approach, as if the included versions are incompatible with the system, the program will not run. creates a safer alternative, by adding the bundled binaries to the _end_ of the search path, rather than the beginning, so that systemwide binaries take precedence. To produce a bundle from RPMs, one must download them into the bundle path and then execute cat [name].rpm | rpm2cpio | cpio -di for each RPM. This will produce a new root directory tree based on the current path. One may also need to add other binaries to the tree manually in directories like usr/bin/. If adding python modules, it is important to ensure that every directory recursively containing the python module is world-readable and executable.