10 * added labels to the beads (with inspiration and help from tuukkah) 9 * customization toolbar -- design your own abacus 8 * added hexadecimal * code cleanup to make it easier to modify/extend 7 * fixed restore bug with fraction abacus * added missing type to rods 6 * added binary abacus * added fraction abacus * autogenerate SVG * general code clean-up/consolidation 5 * highlight recently moved beads * fixed scaling problem with rods, dividing bar 4 * save/restore abacus value * movable indicator 3 * Added frame * Code clean up for easier maintenance 2 * Added Mayan (nepohualtzintzin) abacus * Save/restore mode to/from Journal 1 * Abacus activity * Chinese (suanpan), Japanese (soroban), and Russian (schety) models