#Copyright (c) 2008-13, Walter Bender #Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy #of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal #in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights #to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell #copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is #furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: #The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in #all copies or substantial portions of the Software. #THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR #IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, #FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE #AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER #LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, #OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN #THE SOFTWARE. try: from sugar.datastore import datastore HAS_DATASTORE = True except: HAS_DATASTORE = False from TurtleArt.tapalette import (logo_commands, logo_functions) from TurtleArt.taconstants import (TITLEXY, CONSTANTS) def save_logo(tw): """ Set up the Turtle Art color palette and color processing. """ # We need to catch several special cases: stacks, boxes, labels, etc. dispatch_table = { 'label': _add_label, 'to action': _add_named_stack, 'action': _add_reference_to_stack, 'storeinbox': _add_named_box, 'box': _add_reference_to_box} constants_table = { 'lpos': _lpos, 'tpos': _tpos, 'rpos': _rpos, 'bpos': _bpos, 'red': _red, 'orange': _orange, 'yellow': _yellow, 'green': _green, 'cyan': _cyan, 'blue': _blue, 'purple': _purple, 'white': _white, 'black': _black, 'titlex': _titlex, 'titley': _titley, 'leftx': _leftx, 'topy': _topy, 'rightx': _rightx, 'bottomy': _bottomy, 'width': _width, 'height': _height} stacks_of_blocks = tw.just_blocks() stack_count = 0 logocode = '' """ Walk through the code, substituting UCB Logo for Turtle Art primitives. """ for stack in stacks_of_blocks: this_stack = '' psuedocode = _walk_stack(tw, stack) if psuedocode == []: continue skip = False for i in range(len(psuedocode)): if skip: skip = False continue blk = psuedocode[i] if isinstance(blk, tuple): (blk, _blk_no) = blk if blk in logo_commands: logo_command = logo_commands[blk] else: logo_command = None if i == 0 and not logo_command in ['to stack1\n', 'to stack2\n', 'to action', 'to start\n']: this_stack = 'to turtleblocks_%d\n' % (stack_count) stack_count += 1 if logo_command in dispatch_table: if i + 1 < len(psuedocode): this_stack += dispatch_table[logo_command]( psuedocode[i + 1]) skip = True else: print 'missing arg to %s' % (logo_command) elif logo_command in constants_table: this_stack += str(constants_table[logo_command](tw)) elif logo_command is not None: this_stack += logo_command else: # assume it is an argument if not blk in ['nop', 'nop1', 'nop2', 'nop3']: if isinstance(blk, str) and blk[0:2] == '#s': this_stack += str(blk[2:]).replace(' ', '_') else: this_stack += str(blk).replace(' ', '_') this_stack += ' ' logocode += this_stack logocode += '\nend\n' # We may need to prepend some additional procedures. for key in logo_functions.iterkeys(): if key in logocode: logocode = logo_functions[key] + logocode if 'tasetshade' in logocode or 'tasetpencolor' in logocode or \ 'tasetbackground' in logocode: logocode = logo_functions['tacolor'] + logocode logocode = 'window\n' + logocode return logocode def _add_label(string): if isinstance(string, str) and string[0:8] in ['#smedia_', '#saudio_', '#svideo_', '#sdescr_']: string = string[8:] if HAS_DATASTORE: dsobject = datastore.get(string[8:]) if 'title' in dsobject.metadata: string = dsobject.metadata['title'] else: string = str(string) if string[0:2] == '#s': string = string[2:] string = '"' + string if string.count(' ') > 0: return 'label sentence %s\n' % (string.replace(' ', ' "')) else: return 'label %s' % (string.replace(' ', '_')) def _add_named_stack(action): if isinstance(action, str) and action[0:2] == '#s': return 'to %s\n' % (str(action[2:]).replace(' ', '_')) else: return 'to %s\n' % (str(action).replace(' ', '_')) def _add_reference_to_stack(action): if isinstance(action, str) and action[0:2] == '#s': return '%s' % (str(action[2:]).replace(' ', '_')) else: return '%s' % (str(action).replace(' ', '_')) def _add_named_box(box_name): if isinstance(box_name, str) and box_name[0:2] == '#s': return 'make "%s' % (str(box_name[2:]).replace(' ', '_')) else: return 'make "%s' % (str(box_name).replace(' ', '_')) def _add_reference_to_box(box_name): if isinstance(box_name, str) and box_name[0:2] == '#s': return ':%s' % (str(box_name[2:]).replace(' ', '_')) else: return ':%s' % (str(box_name).replace(' ', '_')) def _lpos(tw): return int(-tw.canvas.width / (tw.coord_scale * 2)) def _tpos(tw): return int(tw.canvas.height / (tw.coord_scale * 2)) def _rpos(tw): return int(tw.canvas.width / (tw.coord_scale * 2)) def _bpos(tw): return int(-tw.canvas.height / (tw.coord_scale * 2)) def _width(tw): return int(tw.canvas.width / tw.coord_scale) def _height(tw): int(tw.canvas.height / tw.coord_scale) def _titlex(tw): return int(-(tw.canvas.width * TITLEXY[0]) / (tw.coord_scale * 2)) def _titley(tw): return int((tw.canvas.height * TITLEXY[1]) / (tw.coord_scale * 2)) def _leftx(tw): return int(-(tw.canvas.width * TITLEXY[0]) / (tw.coord_scale * 2)) def _topy(tw): return int((tw.canvas.height * (TITLEXY[1] - 0.125)) / (tw.coord_scale * 2)) def _rightx(tw): return 0 def _bottomy(tw): return 0 def _red(tw): return '_' + str(CONSTANTS['red']) def _orange(tw): return '_' + str(CONSTANTS['orange']) def _yellow(tw): return '_' + str(CONSTANTS['yellow']) def _green(tw): return '_' + str(CONSTANTS['green']) def _cyan(tw): return '_' + str(CONSTANTS['cyan']) def _blue(tw): return '_' + str(CONSTANTS['blue']) def _purple(tw): return '_' + str(CONSTANTS['purple']) def _white(tw): return 1 def _black(tw): return 0 def _walk_stack(tw, blk_in_stack): """ Convert blocks to logo psuedocode. """ from tautils import find_top_block top = find_top_block(blk_in_stack) if blk_in_stack == top: return tw.lc.generate_code(top, tw.just_blocks()) else: return []