#Copyright (c) 2013 Marion Zepf #Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy #of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal #in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights #to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell #copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is #furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: #The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in #all copies or substantial portions of the Software. #THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR #IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, #FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE #AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER #LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, #OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN #THE SOFTWARE. """ type system for Primitives and their arguments """ import ast from gettext import gettext as _ from taconstants import (Color, CONSTANTS) from tautils import debug_output class Type(object): """ A type in the type hierarchy. """ def __init__(self, constant_name, value): """ constant_name -- the name of the constant that points to this Type object value -- an arbitrary integer that is different from the values of all other Types. The order of the integers doesn't matter. """ self.constant_name = constant_name self.value = value def __eq__(self, other): if other is None: return False if not isinstance(other, Type): raise TypeError("cannot compare Type to object of type " + repr(type(other))) return self.value == other.value def __str__(self): return str(self.constant_name) __repr__ = __str__ class TypeDisjunction(tuple,Type): """ Disjunction of two or more Types (from the type hierarchy) """ def __init__(self, iterable): self = tuple(iterable) def __str__(self): s = ["("] for disj in self: s.append(str(disj)) s.append(" or ") s.pop() s.append(")") return "".join(s) TYPE_OBJECT = Type('TYPE_OBJECT', 0) TYPE_BOOL = Type('TYPE_BOOL', 5) TYPE_BOX = Type('TYPE_BOX', 8) # special type for the unknown content of a box TYPE_CHAR = Type('TYPE_CHAR', 1) TYPE_COLOR = Type('TYPE_COLOR', 2) TYPE_FLOAT = Type('TYPE_FLOAT', 3) TYPE_INT = Type('TYPE_INT', 4) TYPE_NUMBER = Type('TYPE_NUMBER', 6) # shortcut to avoid a TypeDisjunction # between TYPE_FLOAT and TYPE_INT TYPE_NUMERIC_STRING = Type('TYPE_NUMERIC_STRING', 7) TYPE_STRING = Type('TYPE_STRING', 9) # TODO add list types BOX_AST = ast.Name(id='BOX', ctx=ast.Load) ACTION_AST = ast.Name(id='ACTION', ctx=ast.Load) def get_type(x): """ Return the most specific type in the type hierarchy that applies to x and a boolean indicating whether x is an AST. If the type cannot be determined, return TYPE_OBJECT as the type. """ # non-AST types if isinstance(x, (int, long)): return (TYPE_INT, False) elif isinstance(x, float): return (TYPE_FLOAT, False) elif isinstance(x, basestring): if len(x) == 1: return (TYPE_CHAR, False) try: float(x) except ValueError: return (TYPE_STRING, False) else: return (TYPE_NUMERIC_STRING, False) elif isinstance(x, Color): return (TYPE_COLOR, False) elif hasattr(x, "return_type"): return (x.return_type, False) # AST types elif isinstance(x, ast.Num): return (get_type(x.n)[0], True) elif isinstance(x, ast.Str): return (get_type(x.s)[0], True) elif isinstance(x, ast.Name): try: # we need to have imported CONSTANTS for this to work value = eval(x.id) except NameError: return (TYPE_OBJECT, True) else: return (get_type(value)[0], True) elif isinstance(x, ast.Subscript): if x.value == BOX_AST: return (TYPE_BOX, True) elif isinstance(x, ast.Call): if isinstance(x.func, ast.Name): if x.func.id == 'float': return (TYPE_FLOAT, True) elif x.func.id in ('int', 'ord'): return (TYPE_INT, True) elif x.func.id == 'chr': return (TYPE_CHAR, True) elif x.func.id in ('repr', 'str', 'unicode'): return (TYPE_STRING, True) # unary operands never change the type of their argument elif isinstance(x, ast.UnaryOp): if issubclass(x.op, ast.Not): # 'not' always returns a boolean return (TYPE_BOOL, True) else: return get_type(x.operand) # boolean and comparison operators always return a boolean if isinstance(x, (ast.BoolOp, ast.Compare)): return (TYPE_BOOL, True) # other binary operators elif isinstance(x, ast.BinOp): type_left = get_type(x.left)[0] if type_left == TYPE_STRING: return (TYPE_STRING, True) type_right = get_type(x.right)[0] if type_left == type_right == TYPE_INT: return (TYPE_INT, True) else: return (TYPE_FLOAT, True) return (TYPE_OBJECT, isinstance(x, ast.AST)) def is_instancemethod(method): # TODO how to access the type `instancemethod` directly? return type(method).__name__ == "instancemethod" def is_bound_method(method): return ((is_instancemethod(method) and method.im_self is not None) or (hasattr(method, '__self__') and method.__self__ is not None)) def is_staticmethod(method): # TODO how to access the type `staticmethod` directly? return type(method).__name__ == "staticmethod" def identity(x): return x TYPE_CONVERTERS = { # Type hierarchy: If there is a converter A -> B, then A is a subtype of B. # The converter from A to B is stored under TYPE_CONVERTERS[A][B]. # The relation describing the type hierarchy must be transitive, i.e. # converting A -> C must yield the same result as converting A -> B -> C. # TYPE_OBJECT is the supertype of everything. TYPE_BOX: { TYPE_FLOAT: float, TYPE_INT: int, TYPE_NUMBER: float, TYPE_STRING: str}, TYPE_CHAR: { TYPE_INT: ord, TYPE_STRING: identity}, TYPE_COLOR: { TYPE_FLOAT: float, TYPE_INT: int, TYPE_NUMBER: int, TYPE_STRING: Color.get_number_string}, TYPE_FLOAT: { TYPE_INT: int, TYPE_NUMBER: identity, TYPE_STRING: str}, TYPE_INT: { TYPE_FLOAT: float, TYPE_NUMBER: identity, TYPE_STRING: str}, TYPE_NUMBER: { TYPE_FLOAT: float, TYPE_INT: int, TYPE_STRING: str}, TYPE_NUMERIC_STRING: { TYPE_FLOAT: float, TYPE_STRING: identity} } class TATypeError(BaseException): """ TypeError with the types from the hierarchy, not with Python types """ def __init__(self, bad_value, bad_type=None, req_type=None, message=''): """ bad_value -- the mis-typed value that caused the error bad_type -- the type of the bad_value req_type -- the type that the value was expected to have message -- short statement about the cause of the error. It is not shown to the user, but may appear in debugging output. """ self.bad_value = bad_value self.bad_type = bad_type self.req_type = req_type self.message = message def __str__(self): msg = [] if self.message: msg.append(self.message) msg.append(" (") msg.append("bad value: ") msg.append(repr(self.bad_value)) if self.bad_type is not None: msg.append(", bad type: ") msg.append(repr(self.bad_type)) if self.req_type is not None: msg.append(", req type: ") msg.append(repr(self.req_type)) if self.message: msg.append(")") return "".join(msg) __repr__ = __str__ def get_converter(old_type, new_type): """ If there is a converter old_type -> new_type, return it. Else return None. If a chain of converters is necessary, return it as a tuple or list (starting with the innermost, first-to-apply converter). """ # every type can be converted to TYPE_OBJECT if new_type == TYPE_OBJECT: return identity # every type can be converted to itself if old_type == new_type: return identity # is there a converter for this pair of types? converters_from_old = TYPE_CONVERTERS.get(old_type) if converters_from_old is None: return None converter = converters_from_old.get(new_type) if converter is not None: return converter else: # form the transitive closure of all types that old_type can be # converted to, and look for new_type there backtrace = converters_from_old.copy() new_backtrace = backtrace.copy() break_all = False while True: newest_backtrace = {} for t in new_backtrace: for new_t in TYPE_CONVERTERS.get(t, {}): if new_t not in backtrace: newest_backtrace[new_t] = t backtrace[new_t] = t if new_t == new_type: break_all = True break if break_all: break if break_all or not newest_backtrace: break new_backtrace = newest_backtrace # use the backtrace to find the path from old_type to new_type if new_type in backtrace: converter_chain = [] t = new_type while t in backtrace and isinstance(backtrace[t], Type): converter_chain.insert(0, TYPE_CONVERTERS[backtrace[t]][t]) t = backtrace[t] converter_chain.insert(0, TYPE_CONVERTERS[old_type][t]) return converter_chain return None def convert(x, new_type, old_type=None, converter=None): """ Convert x to the new type if possible. old_type -- the type of x. If not given, it is computed. """ if not isinstance(new_type, Type): raise ValueError('%s is not a type in the type hierarchy' % (repr(new_type))) # every type can be converted to TYPE_OBJECT if new_type == TYPE_OBJECT: return x if not isinstance(old_type, Type): (old_type, is_an_ast) = get_type(x) else: is_an_ast = isinstance(x, ast.AST) # every type can be converted to itself if old_type == new_type: return x # special case: 'box' block (or 'pop' block) as an AST if is_an_ast and old_type == TYPE_BOX: new_type_ast = ast.Name(id=new_type.constant_name) return get_call_ast('convert', [x, new_type_ast], return_type=new_type) # if the converter is not given, try to find one if converter is None: converter = get_converter(old_type, new_type) if converter is None: # no converter available raise TATypeError(bad_value=x, bad_type=old_type, req_type=new_type, message=("found no converter" " for this type combination")) def _apply_converter(converter, y): if is_an_ast: if converter == identity: return y elif is_instancemethod(converter): func = ast.Attribute(value=y, attr=converter.im_func.__name__, ctx=ast.Load) return get_call_ast(func) else: func_name = converter.__name__ return get_call_ast(func_name, [y]) else: return converter(y) if isinstance(converter, (list, tuple)): # apply the converter chain recursively result = x for conv in converter: result = _apply_converter(conv, result) return result elif converter is not None: return _apply_converter(converter, x) class TypedAST(ast.AST): @property def return_type(self): if self._return_type is None: return get_type(self.func)[0] else: return self._return_type class TypedCall(ast.Call,TypedAST): """ Like a Call AST, but with a return type """ def __init__(self, func, args=None, keywords=None, starargs=None, kwargs=None, return_type=None): if args is None: args = [] if keywords is None: keywords = [] ast.Call.__init__(self, func=func, args=args, keywords=keywords, starargs=starargs, kwargs=kwargs) self._return_type = return_type class TypedSubscript(ast.Subscript,TypedAST): """ Like a Subscript AST, but with a type """ def __init__(self, value, slice_, ctx=ast.Load, return_type=None): ast.Subscript.__init__(self, value=value, slice=slice_, ctx=ctx) self._return_type = return_type class TypedName(ast.Name,TypedAST): """ Like a Name AST, but with a type """ def __init__(self, id_, ctx=ast.Load, return_type=None): ast.Name.__init__(self, id=id_, ctx=ctx) self._return_type = return_type def get_call_ast(func_name, args=None, kwargs=None, return_type=None): """ Return an AST representing the call to a function with the name func_name, passing it the arguments args (given as a list) and the keyword arguments kwargs (given as a dictionary). func_name -- either the name of a callable as a string, or an AST representing a callable expression return_type -- if this is not None, return a TypedCall object with this return type instead """ if args is None: args = [] # convert keyword argument dict to a list of (key, value) pairs keywords = [] if kwargs is not None: for (key, value) in kwargs.iteritems(): keywords.append(ast.keyword(arg=key, value=value)) # get or generate the AST representing the callable if isinstance(func_name, ast.AST): func_ast = func_name else: func_ast = ast.Name(id=func_name, ctx=ast.Load) # if no return type is given, return a simple Call AST if return_type is None: return ast.Call(func=func_ast, args=args, keywords=keywords, starargs=None, kwargs=None) # if a return type is given, return a TypedCall AST else: return TypedCall(func=func_ast, args=args, keywords=keywords, return_type=return_type)