#! /usr/bin/env python # # Copyright (C) 2006, 2007, One Laptop Per Child # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. # import libxml2 import os import logging import random import gobject _logger = logging.getLogger('model') class Pair(gobject.GObject): __gproperties__ = { 'aimg' : (str, None, None, None, gobject.PARAM_READWRITE), 'asnd' : (str, None, None, None, gobject.PARAM_READWRITE), 'achar' : (str, None, None, None, gobject.PARAM_READWRITE), 'acharalign' : (str, None, None, None, gobject.PARAM_READWRITE), 'bimg' : (str, None, None, None, gobject.PARAM_READWRITE), 'bsnd' : (str, None, None, None, gobject.PARAM_READWRITE), 'bchar' : (str, None, None, None, gobject.PARAM_READWRITE), 'bcharalign': (str, None, None, None, gobject.PARAM_READWRITE), 'color': (gobject.TYPE_INT, 'Base', 'Base', 0, 10, 0, gobject.PARAM_READWRITE) } def __init__(self): gobject.GObject.__init__(self) self._properties = {'aimg':None, 'asnd':None, 'achar':None, 'acharalign':'1', 'bimg':None, 'bsnd':None, 'bchar':None, 'bcharalign':1, 'color':100} def do_get_property(self, pspec): """Retrieve a particular property from our property dictionary """ if pspec.name == "aimg": return self._properties["aimg"] elif pspec.name == "asnd": return self._properties["asnd"] elif pspec.name == "achar": return self._properties["achar"] elif pspec.name == "acharalign": return self._properties["acharalign"] elif pspec.name == "bimg": return self._properties["bimg"] elif pspec.name == "bsnd": return self._properties["bsnd"] elif pspec.name == "bchar": return self._properties["bchar"] elif pspec.name == "bcharalign": return self._properties["bcharalign"] elif pspec.name == "color": return self._properties["color"] def set_property(self, name, value): if name == 'aimg': self._properties['aimg'] = value elif name == "asnd": self._properties["asnd"] = value elif name == "achar": self._properties["achar"] = value elif name == "acharalign": self._properties["acharalign"] = int(value) elif name == "bimg": self._properties["bimg"] = value elif name == "bsnd": self._properties["bsnd"] = value elif name == "bchar": self._properties["bchar"] = value elif name == "bcharalign": self._properties["bcharalign"] = value elif name == "color": self._properties["color"] = value class Model(object): ''' The model of the activity. Contains methods to read and save the configuration for a game from xml. Stores the pairs and grid information. ''' _GAMES_PATH = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'games') def __init__(self, dtdpath): self.data = {} self.dtdpath = dtdpath self.data['face'] = '' try: self.dtd = libxml2.parseDTD(None, os.path.join(self.dtdpath, 'memorize.dtd')) except libxml2.parserError, e: _logger.error('No memorize.dtd found ' +str(e)) self.dtd = None self.ctxt = libxml2.newValidCtxt() self.pairs = {} self.grid = [] # used by the leader of the game to keep track of the game state self.players = {} self.player_active = 0 self.selected = 0 self.turn = 0 self.started = 0 self.count = 0 def read(self, gamename): ''' reades the configuration from an xml file ''' self.data['path'] = os.path.join( self._GAMES_PATH, gamename) self.data['pathimg'] = os.path.join(self.data['path'], 'images') self.data['pathsnd'] = os.path.join(self.data['path'], 'sounds') self.pairs = {} try: doc = libxml2.parseFile(os.path.join(self.data['path'], gamename+'.mem')) if doc.validateDtd(self.ctxt, self.dtd): # get the requested nodes xpa = doc.xpathNewContext() res = xpa.xpathEval("//*") # write their content to the data structure self.idpair = 0 for elem in res: attributes = elem.get_properties() pair = Pair() if( elem.name == 'pair' ): for attribute in attributes: if(attribute.name == 'text'): pass else: pair.set_property(attribute.name, attribute.content) self.pairs[str(self.idpair)] = pair self.idpair+=1 elif( elem.name == 'memorize' ): for attribute in attributes: if(attribute.name == 'text'): pass elif(attribute.name == 'name'): self.data['name'] = attribute.content elif(attribute.name == 'scoresnd'): self.data['scoresnd'] = attribute.content elif(attribute.name == 'winsnd'): self.data['winsnd'] = attribute.content elif(attribute.name == 'divided'): self.data['divided'] = attribute.content elif(attribute.name == 'face'): self.data['face'] = attribute.content elif(attribute.name == 'face1'): self.data['face1'] = attribute.content elif(attribute.name == 'face2'): self.data['face2'] = attribute.content xpa.xpathFreeContext() else: _logger.error('Error in validation of the file') return 1 doc.freeDoc() return 0 except libxml2.parserError, e: _logger.error('Error parsing file ' +str(e)) return 2 def save(self, filename): ''' saves the configuration to an xml file ''' doc = libxml2.newDoc("1.0") root = doc.newChild(None, "memorize", None) root.setProp("name", self.data['name']) ### Fixme: add other attributes here for key in self.pairs: elem = root.newChild(None, "pair", None) if self.pairs[key].props.aimg != None: elem.setProp("aimg", self.pairs[key].props.aimg) if self.pairs[key].props.asnd != None: elem.setProp("asnd", self.pairs[key].props.asnd) if self.pairs[key].props.achar != None: elem.setProp("achar", self.pairs[key].props.achar) if self.pairs[key].props.bimg != None: elem.setProp("bimg", self.pairs[key].props.bimg) if self.pairs[key].props.bsnd != None: elem.setProp("bsnd", self.pairs[key].props.bsnd) if self.pairs[key].props.bchar != None: elem.setProp("bchar", self.pairs[key].props.bchar) elem.setProp("color", str(self.pairs[key].props.color)) if doc.validateDtd(self.ctxt, self.dtd): doc.saveFormatFile(filename, 1) doc.freeDoc() def def_grid(self, size): ''' create the grid for the play from the pairs information and shuffles the grid so they always appear in a different place ''' psize=(size*size/2) _logger.debug('Size requested: %d' %psize) self.grid = [] temp1 = [] temp2 = [] i=0 for key in self.pairs.iterkeys(): if i < psize: elem = {} elem['pairkey'] = key elem['state'] = '0' elem['ab'] = 'a' if self.pairs[key].props.aimg != None: elem['img'] = os.path.join(self.data['pathimg'], self.pairs[key].props.aimg) if self.pairs[key].props.asnd != None: elem['snd'] = os.path.join(self.data['pathsnd'], self.pairs[key].props.asnd) if self.pairs[key].props.achar != None: elem['char'] = self.pairs[key].props.achar elem['charalign'] = self.pairs[key].props.acharalign temp1.append(elem) elem = {} elem['pairkey'] = key elem['state'] = '0' elem['ab'] = 'b' if self.pairs[key].props.bimg != None: elem['img'] = os.path.join(self.data['pathimg'], self.pairs[key].props.bimg) if self.pairs[key].props.bsnd != None: elem['snd'] = os.path.join(self.data['pathsnd'], self.pairs[key].props.bsnd) if self.pairs[key].props.bchar != None: elem['char'] = self.pairs[key].props.bchar elem['charalign'] = self.pairs[key].props.bcharalign temp2.append(elem) i+=1 else: break numpairs = len(self.pairs) if numpairs < psize: _logger.debug('We did not have enough pairs. requested=%s had=%s' %(psize, numpairs)) self.data['size'] = str(size) if self.data['divided'] == '1': random.shuffle(temp1) random.shuffle(temp2) temp1.extend(temp2) else: temp1.extend(temp2) random.shuffle(temp1) self.grid = temp1 _logger.debug(' grid( size=%s ): %s' %(self.data['size'], self.grid)) if __name__ == '__main__': model = Model(os.path.dirname(__file__)) model.read('drumgit') print 'name=%s scoresnd=%s winsnd=%s div=%s' %(model.data['name'], model.data['scoresnd'], model.data['winsnd'], model.data['divided']) model.def_grid(4) print 'grid %s'%model.grid #['size'] print 'Test set state of tile 7:' tilenum = 7 model.grid[tilenum]['state'] = '1' print ' %s' %model.grid[tilenum] print 'Test sound:' snd = model.grid[tilenum].get('snd', None) if snd == None: print ' no sound' else: print ' play sound=%s'%snd print 'Test the same function: 0 1' if model.grid[0]['pairkey'] == model.grid[1]['pairkey']: print ' they are the same' else: print ' they are NOT the same' for tile in model.grid: id = model.grid.index(tile) if tile.get('img', None): print 'we got an image=%s '%tile['img'] elif tile.get('char', None): print 'we got an char=%s'%tile.get('char') else: print 'we got no pic so prepare for sound game' print '\n_______________________________\n' ''' if model.read('addition') == 0: print '%s' %model.pairs[0]._properties print 'name=%s' %model.data['name'] print 'scoresnd=%s' %model.data['scoresnd'] print 'winsnd=%s' %model.data['winsnd'] print 'div=%d' %model.data['divided'] model.def_grid(12) for tile in model.grid: id = model.grid.index(tile) if tile.get('img', None): print 'we got an image=%s '%tile.get('img') elif tile.get('char', None): print 'we got an char=%s'%tile.get('char') else: print 'we got no img so prepare for sound game' else: print 'error during reading of the game' print '\n_______________________________\n' if model.read('numbers') == 0: print '%s' %model.pairs[0]._properties print 'name=%s' %model.data['name'] print 'scoresnd=%s' %model.data['scoresnd'] print 'winsnd=%s' %model.data['winsnd'] print 'div=%d' %model.data['divided'] print 'face1=%s' %model.data['face1'] print 'face2=%s' %model.data['face2'] model.def_grid(12) for tile in model.grid: id = model.grid.index(tile) if tile.get('img', None): print 'we got an image=%s '%tile.get('img') elif tile.get('char', None): print 'we got an char=%s'%tile.get('char') else: print 'we got no img so prepare for sound game' else: print 'error during reading of the game' '''