# Copyright (C) 2008, One Laptop per Child # Author: Sayamindu Dasgupta # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA import logging import cairo import math from gi.repository import Gtk from gi.repository import Gdk from gi.repository import GdkPixbuf from gi.repository import GObject ZOOM_STEP = 0.05 ZOOM_MAX = 4 ZOOM_MIN = 0.05 def _surface_from_file(file_location, ctx): pixbuf = GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new_from_file(file_location) surface = ctx.get_target().create_similar( cairo.CONTENT_COLOR_ALPHA, pixbuf.get_width(), pixbuf.get_height()) ctx_surface = cairo.Context(surface) Gdk.cairo_set_source_pixbuf(ctx_surface, pixbuf, 0, 0) ctx_surface.paint() return surface def _rotate_surface(surface, direction): ctx = cairo.Context(surface) new_surface = ctx.get_target().create_similar( cairo.CONTENT_COLOR_ALPHA, surface.get_height(), surface.get_width()) ctx_surface = cairo.Context(new_surface) if direction == 1: ctx_surface.translate(surface.get_height(), 0) else: ctx_surface.translate(0, surface.get_width()) ctx_surface.rotate(math.pi / 2 * direction) ctx_surface.set_source_surface(surface, 0, 0) ctx_surface.paint() return new_surface class ImageViewer(Gtk.DrawingArea, Gtk.Scrollable): __gtype_name__ = 'ImageViewer' __gproperties__ = { "hscroll-policy": (Gtk.ScrollablePolicy, "hscroll-policy", "hscroll-policy", Gtk.ScrollablePolicy.MINIMUM, GObject.PARAM_READWRITE), "hadjustment": (Gtk.Adjustment, "hadjustment", "hadjustment", GObject.PARAM_READWRITE), "vscroll-policy": (Gtk.ScrollablePolicy, "hscroll-policy", "hscroll-policy", Gtk.ScrollablePolicy.MINIMUM, GObject.PARAM_READWRITE), "vadjustment": (Gtk.Adjustment, "hadjustment", "hadjustment", GObject.PARAM_READWRITE), } def __init__(self): Gtk.DrawingArea.__init__(self) self._file_location = None self._surface = None self._zoom = None self._target_point = None self._anchor_point = None self._in_dragtouch = False self._in_zoomtouch = False self._zoomtouch_scale = 1 self._hadj = None self._vadj = None self._hadj_value_changed_hid = None self._vadj_value_changed_hid = None self.connect('draw', self.__draw_cb) def set_file_location(self, file_location): self._file_location = file_location self.queue_draw() def do_get_property(self, prop): pass def do_set_property(self, prop, value): if prop.name == 'hadjustment': if value is not None: hadj = value self._hadj_value_changed_hid = \ hadj.connect('value-changed', self.__hadj_value_changed_cb) self._hadj = hadj elif prop.name == 'vadjustment': if value is not None: vadj = value self._vadj_value_changed_hid = \ vadj.connect('value-changed', self.__vadj_value_changed_cb) self._vadj = vadj def _update_adjustments(self): alloc = self.get_allocation() scaled_width = self._surface.get_width() * self._zoom scaled_height = self._surface.get_height() * self._zoom page_size_x = alloc.width * 1.0 / scaled_width self._hadj.set_lower(0) self._hadj.set_page_size(page_size_x) self._hadj.set_upper(1.0) self._hadj.set_step_increment(0.1) self._hadj.set_page_increment(0.5) page_size_y = alloc.height * 1.0 / scaled_height self._vadj.set_lower(0) self._vadj.set_page_size(page_size_y) self._vadj.set_upper(1.0) self._vadj.set_step_increment(0.1) self._vadj.set_page_increment(0.5) anchor_scaled = (self._anchor_point[0] * self._zoom, self._anchor_point[1] * self._zoom) # This vector is the top left coordinate of the scaled image. scaled_image_topleft = (self._target_point[0] - anchor_scaled[0], self._target_point[1] - anchor_scaled[1]) max_topleft = (scaled_width - alloc.width, scaled_height - alloc.height) max_value = (1.0 - page_size_x, 1.0 - page_size_y) # This two linear functions map the topleft corner of the # image to the value each adjustment. if max_topleft[0] != 0: self._hadj.disconnect(self._hadj_value_changed_hid) self._hadj.set_value(-1 * max_value[0] * scaled_image_topleft[0] / max_topleft[0]) self._hadj_value_changed_hid = \ self._hadj.connect('value-changed', self.__hadj_value_changed_cb) if max_topleft[1] != 0: self._vadj.disconnect(self._vadj_value_changed_hid) self._vadj.set_value(-1 * max_value[1] * scaled_image_topleft[1] / max_topleft[1]) self._vadj_value_changed_hid = \ self._vadj.connect('value-changed', self.__vadj_value_changed_cb) def __hadj_value_changed_cb(self, adj): logging.debug("hadj_value_changed_cb") def __vadj_value_changed_cb(self, adj): logging.debug("vadj_value_changed_cb") def _center_target_point(self): alloc = self.get_allocation() self._target_point = (alloc.width / 2, alloc.height / 2) def _center_anchor_point(self): self._anchor_point = (self._surface.get_width() / 2, self._surface.get_height() / 2) def _center_if_small(self): # If at the current size the image surface is smaller than the # available space, center it on the canvas. alloc = self.get_allocation() scaled_width = self._surface.get_width() * self._zoom scaled_height = self._surface.get_height() * self._zoom if alloc.width >= scaled_width and alloc.height >= scaled_height: self._center_target_point() self._center_anchor_point() self.queue_draw() def set_zoom(self, zoom): if zoom < ZOOM_MIN or zoom > ZOOM_MAX: return self._zoom = zoom self.queue_draw() def get_zoom(self): return self._zoom def can_zoom_in(self): return self._zoom + ZOOM_STEP < ZOOM_MAX self._update_adjustments() def can_zoom_out(self): return self._zoom - ZOOM_STEP > ZOOM_MIN self._update_adjustments() def zoom_in(self): if not self.can_zoom_in(): return self._zoom += ZOOM_STEP self._update_adjustments() self.queue_draw() def zoom_out(self): if not self.can_zoom_out(): return self._zoom -= ZOOM_MIN self._center_if_small() self._update_adjustments() self.queue_draw() def zoom_to_fit(self): # This tries to figure out a best fit model # If the image can fit in, we show it in 1:1, # in any other case we show it in a fit to screen way alloc = self.get_allocation() surface_width = self._surface.get_width() surface_height = self._surface.get_height() if alloc.width < surface_width or alloc.height < surface_height: # Image is larger than allocated size self._zoom = min(alloc.width * 1.0 / surface_width, alloc.height * 1.0 / surface_height) else: self._zoom = 1.0 self._center_target_point() self._center_anchor_point() self._update_adjustments() self.queue_draw() def zoom_original(self): self._zoom = 1 self._center_if_small() self._update_adjustments() self.queue_draw() def start_dragtouch(self, coords): self._in_dragtouch = True prev_target_point = self._target_point # Set target point to the relative coordinates of this view. alloc = self.get_allocation() self._target_point = (coords[1], coords[2]) # Calculate the new anchor point. prev_anchor_scaled = (self._anchor_point[0] * self._zoom, self._anchor_point[1] * self._zoom) # This vector is the top left coordinate of the scaled image. scaled_image_topleft = (prev_target_point[0] - prev_anchor_scaled[0], prev_target_point[1] - prev_anchor_scaled[1]) anchor_scaled = (self._target_point[0] - scaled_image_topleft[0], self._target_point[1] - scaled_image_topleft[1]) self._anchor_point = (int(anchor_scaled[0] * 1.0 / self._zoom), int(anchor_scaled[1] * 1.0 / self._zoom)) self.queue_draw() def update_dragtouch(self, coords): # Drag touch will be replaced by zoom touch if another finger # is placed over the display. When the user finishes zoom # touch, it will probably remove one finger after the other, # and this method will be called. In that probable case, we # need to start drag touch again. if not self._in_dragtouch: self.start_dragtouch(coords) return self._target_point = (coords[1], coords[2]) self._update_adjustments() self.queue_draw() def finish_dragtouch(self, coords): self._in_dragtouch = False self._center_if_small() self._update_adjustments() def start_zoomtouch(self, center): self._in_zoomtouch = True self._zoomtouch_scale = 1 # Zoom touch replaces drag touch. self._in_dragtouch = False prev_target_point = self._target_point # Set target point to the relative coordinates of this view. alloc = self.get_allocation() self._target_point = (center[1] - alloc.x, center[2] - alloc.y) # Calculate the new anchor point. prev_anchor_scaled = (self._anchor_point[0] * self._zoom, self._anchor_point[1] * self._zoom) # This vector is the top left coordinate of the scaled image. scaled_image_topleft = (prev_target_point[0] - prev_anchor_scaled[0], prev_target_point[1] - prev_anchor_scaled[1]) anchor_scaled = (self._target_point[0] - scaled_image_topleft[0], self._target_point[1] - scaled_image_topleft[1]) self._anchor_point = (int(anchor_scaled[0] * 1.0 / self._zoom), int(anchor_scaled[1] * 1.0 / self._zoom)) self.queue_draw() def update_zoomtouch(self, center, scale): self._zoomtouch_scale = scale # Set target point to the relative coordinates of this view. alloc = self.get_allocation() self._target_point = (center[1] - alloc.x, center[2] - alloc.y) self.queue_draw() def finish_zoomtouch(self): self._in_zoomtouch = False # Apply zoom self._zoom = self._zoom * self._zoomtouch_scale self._zoomtouch_scale = 1 # Restrict zoom values if self._zoom < ZOOM_MIN: self._zoom = ZOOM_MIN elif self._zoom > ZOOM_MAX: self._zoom = ZOOM_MAX self._center_if_small() self._update_adjustments() self.queue_draw() def rotate_anticlockwise(self): self._surface = _rotate_surface(self._surface, -1) # Recalculate the anchor point to make it relative to the new # top left corner. self._anchor_point = ( self._anchor_point[1], self._surface.get_height() - self._anchor_point[0]) self._update_adjustments() self.queue_draw() def rotate_clockwise(self): self._surface = _rotate_surface(self._surface, 1) # Recalculate the anchor point to make it relative to the new # top left corner. self._anchor_point = ( self._surface.get_width() - self._anchor_point[1], self._anchor_point[0]) self._update_adjustments() self.queue_draw() def __draw_cb(self, widget, ctx): # If the image surface is not set, it reads it from the file # location. If the file location is not set yet, it just # returns. if self._surface is None: if self._file_location is None: return self._surface = _surface_from_file(self._file_location, ctx) if self._zoom is None: self.zoom_to_fit() # If no target point was set via pinch-to-zoom, default to the # center of the screen. if self._target_point is None: self._center_target_point() # If no anchor point was set via pinch-to-zoom, default to the # center of the surface. if self._anchor_point is None: self._center_anchor_point() self._update_adjustments() ctx.translate(*self._target_point) zoom_absolute = self._zoom * self._zoomtouch_scale ctx.scale(zoom_absolute, zoom_absolute) ctx.translate(self._anchor_point[0] * -1, self._anchor_point[1] * -1) ctx.set_source_surface(self._surface, 0, 0) if self._in_zoomtouch or self._in_dragtouch: ctx.get_source().set_filter(cairo.FILTER_NEAREST) ctx.paint()