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path: root/infoslicer/processing/Article.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'infoslicer/processing/Article.py')
1 files changed, 773 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/infoslicer/processing/Article.py b/infoslicer/processing/Article.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..157b3c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infoslicer/processing/Article.py
@@ -0,0 +1,773 @@
+# Copyright (C) IBM Corporation 2008
+import pygtk
+import gtk
+from random import Random
+from Article_Data import *
+from Section import *
+import logging
+logger = logging.getLogger('infoslicer')
+arrow_xpm = [
+"15 11 4 1",
+" c None s None",
+". c black",
+"r c #800000",
+"R c #FF0000",
+" .. ",
+" .... ",
+" .rr.. ",
+" .....rRr.. ",
+"..rrrrrRRr.. ",
+"..rRRRRRRRr.. ",
+"..rRRRRRRr.. ",
+" .....rRr.. ",
+" .rr.. ",
+" .... ",
+" .. ",
+class Article:
+ """
+ Created by Jonathan Mace
+ The Article class maintains a concrete representation of the article, in the form of a gtk.TextBuffer
+ Positions within the text are represented by gtk.TextIter
+ The class contains methods for inserting and deleting new sentences, paragraphs and sections.
+ The class also has methods for finding the most appropriate insertion point for new sections.
+ The class maintains the section-based structure of the article.
+ At any point, the article_data class corresponding to the current state of the article can be retrieved
+ """
+ """
+ Construct article to be displayed in the GUI from the data object passed in
+ """
+ def __init__(self, article_data = Article_Data()):
+ """
+ Create default text buffer and set to empty
+ """
+ self.__buf = gtk.TextBuffer()
+ self.__buf.set_text("")
+ insertionpoint = self.__buf.get_end_iter()
+ insertionmark = self.__buf.create_mark(None, insertionpoint, False)
+ """
+ Set the attributes such as title, theme, id etc. as specified in the article_data parameter
+ """
+ self.id = article_data.id
+ self.article_title = article_data.article_title
+ self.article_theme = article_data.article_theme
+ self.source_article_id = article_data.source_article_id
+ self.image_list = article_data.get_image_list()
+ """
+ The article is currently blank, so there are no sections
+ """
+ self.__sections = []
+ """
+ Create new sections based on the section data in article_data
+ At this level, nothing is actually inserted into the textbuffer.
+ The text insertion occurs at the sentence level.
+ The sentences are created within the initialisation of the Section object.
+ """
+ sections_data = article_data.sections_data
+ for section_data in sections_data:
+ insertioniter = self.__buf.get_iter_at_mark(insertionmark)
+ self.__sections.append(Section(section_data, self.__buf, insertioniter))
+ self.__buf.delete_mark(insertionmark)
+ """
+ We also append dummy sections, containing nothing, at the start and end of the article.
+ """
+ startdummy = dummySection(self.__buf, self.__buf.get_start_iter(), True)
+ enddummy = dummySection(self.__buf, self.__buf.get_end_iter(), False)
+ self.__sections = [startdummy] + self.__sections + [enddummy]
+ self.markmark = None
+ def printsections(self):
+ """
+ This was a method to help debugging. It prints the contents of the article
+ as represented by the article/section/paragraph/sentence data structures
+ as opposed to just the contents of the text buffer. If for some reason,
+ some elements are not consistent with where they begin and end, then this
+ would become apparent by using this method
+ """
+ pass
+ """
+ for section in self.__sections:
+ print "section start: %s, end: %s, id: %s" % (section.getStart().get_offset(), section.getEnd().get_offset(), section.id)
+ paragraphs = section.paragraphs
+ for paragraph in paragraphs:
+ print " paragraph start: %s, end %s, id: %s" % (paragraph.getStart().get_offset(), paragraph.getEnd().get_offset(), paragraph.id)
+ sentences = paragraph.sentences
+ for sentence in sentences:
+ print " sentence start: %s, end: %s, id: %s, text: %s" % (sentence.getStart().get_offset(), sentence.getEnd().get_offset(), sentence.id, sentence.getText())
+ """
+ def getData(self):
+ """
+ Returns the article_data object corresponding to the current state of the article.
+ """
+ self.checkIntegrity()
+ id = self.id
+ source_article_id = self.source_article_id
+ article_title = self.article_title
+ article_theme = self.article_theme
+ image_list = self.image_list
+ sections_data = []
+ for section in self.__sections[1:len(self.__sections)-1]:
+ sections_data.append(section.getData())
+ data = Article_Data(id, source_article_id, article_title, article_theme, sections_data, image_list)
+ return data
+ def checkIntegrity(self):
+ """
+ When a user freely edits the text of an article, they can perform actions such as completely deleting a sentence,
+ or concatenating two sections, etc.
+ This method reparses the structure of the article.
+ """
+ i = 0
+ sections = []
+ while i < len(self.__sections)-1:
+ section = self.__sections[i]
+ nextsection = self.__sections[i+1]
+ if section.getStart().compare(nextsection.getStart()) == -1:
+ text = self.__buf.get_slice(section.getStart(), nextsection.getStart())
+ if len(text) > 2 and text[-2] != "\n":
+ nextsection.paragraphs = section.paragraphs + nextsection.paragraphs
+ else:
+ sections.extend(section.checkIntegrity(nextsection.getStart()))
+ else:
+ section.remove()
+ del self.__sections[i]
+ i = i - 1
+ i = i + 1
+ section = self.__sections[-1]
+ if section.getStart().compare(self.__buf.get_end_iter()) == -1:
+ if len(text) > 2 and text[-2] != "\n":
+ pars = section.paragraphs
+ par = pars[-1]
+ if text[-1] != "\n":
+ data = Sentence_Data(-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, "\n", None)
+ pars[-2].sentences.append(Sentence(data, self.__buf, par.getStart()))
+ data = Paragraph_Data(-1, -1, -1, -1, [])
+ pars.append(Paragraph(data, self.__buf, par.getEnd()))
+ elif par.getText() == "\n":
+ data = Sentence_Data(-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, "\n", None)
+ pars[-2].sentences.append(Sentence(data, self.__buf, par.getStart()))
+ else:
+ data = Paragraph_Data(-1, -1, -1, -1, [])
+ pars.append(Paragraph(data, self.__buf, par.getEnd()))
+ sections.extend(section.checkIntegrity(self.__buf.get_end_iter()))
+ self.__sections = sections
+ startdummy = dummySection(self.__buf, self.__buf.get_start_iter(), True)
+ enddummy = dummySection(self.__buf, self.__buf.get_end_iter(), False)
+ self.__sections = [startdummy] + self.__sections + [enddummy]
+ self.generateIds()
+ i = 1
+ while i < len(self.__sections)-1:
+ j = 0
+ section = self.__sections[i]
+ while j < len(section.paragraphs) - 1:
+ k = 0
+ paragraph = section.paragraphs[j]
+ while k < len(paragraph.sentences) - 1:
+ sentence = paragraph.sentences[k]
+ if sentence.getStart().compare(sentence.getEnd()) > -1:
+ sentence.remove()
+ del paragraph.sentences[k]
+ k = k - 1
+ k = k+1
+ if paragraph.sentences == []:
+ del section.paragraphs[j]
+ j = j - 1
+ j = j+1
+ if section.paragraphs == []:
+ del self.__sections[i]
+ i = i - 1
+ i = i+1
+ def generateIds(self):
+ for section in self.__sections[1:len(self.__sections)-1]:
+ section.generateIds()
+ def insert(self, objects, lociter):
+ """
+ This method is used for inserting new sentences, paragraphs and/or sections into the article.
+ The position specified by lociter can be any location within the textbuffer.
+ Objects is a list of Section objects to be inserted into the article.
+ The list can also be prepended and appended by Paragraph objects, and then again by Sentence objects.
+ So, objects will be a list of the form:
+ [sentence objects] ++ [paragraph objects] ++ [section objects] ++ [paragraph objects] ++ [sentence objects]
+ If sections are being inserted, then the first sentence array and paragraph array will each contain a dummy object.
+ Likewise, if only paragraphs are being inserted, then the first sentence array will contain a dummy object.
+ The section objects array and the second paragraph and sentence arrays, can all be empty.
+ """
+ sectionnumber = self.__get_exact_section(lociter)
+ if sectionnumber == len(self.__sections)-1:
+ self.__pad()
+ lociter = self.__sections[-2].getStart()
+ section = self.__sections[sectionnumber]
+ extra = 0
+ secstart = section.getStart()
+ secend = section.getEnd()
+ if secstart.compare(lociter)==0 and (secend.get_offset() - secstart.get_offset()) < 4:
+ extra = 3
+ elif secend.get_offset() - lociter.get_offset() < 4:
+ extra = 3
+ paragraph = section.getParagraph(lociter)
+ if paragraph == section.getParagraphs()[-1]:
+ section.pad()
+ paragraph = section.getParagraphs()[-2]
+ lociter = paragraph.getStart()
+ insertioniter = paragraph.getBestSentence(lociter).getStart()
+ insertionmark = self.__buf.create_mark(None, insertioniter, False)
+ self.insertionsectionstart = self.__buf.create_mark(None, section.getStart(), True)
+ self.insertionsectionend = self.__buf.create_mark(None, section.getEnd(), False)
+ self.insertionstartdist = insertioniter.get_offset() - section.getStart().get_offset()
+ self.insertionenddist = section.getEnd().get_offset() - insertioniter.get_offset() - extra
+ split = False
+ if objects != []:
+ object = objects[0]
+ if object.type == "section":
+ del objects[0]
+ dummyparagraphdata = Paragraph_Data(id = -1, sentences_data = [])
+ objects = object.paragraphs_data + [dummyparagraphdata] + objects
+ object = objects[0]
+ if object.type == "paragraph":
+ del objects[0]
+ dummysentencedata = Sentence_Data(id = -1, text = "")
+ objects = object.sentences_data + [dummysentencedata] + objects
+ object = objects[0]
+ while objects != [] and (object.type == "sentence" or object.type == "picture"):
+ # it text = "" then we have reached the end of the first list and must break. We don't insert
+ # this blank sentence, it is just a placeholder
+ if object.text != "":
+ insertioniter = self.__buf.get_iter_at_mark(insertionmark)
+ paragraph.insertSentence(object, insertioniter)
+ else:
+ split = True
+ del objects[0]
+ break
+ del objects[0]
+ if objects != []:
+ object = objects[0]
+ splititer = self.__buf.get_iter_at_mark(insertionmark)
+ splitmark = self.__buf.create_mark(None, splititer, True)
+ if objects != []:
+ object = objects[-1]
+ while objects != [] and (object.type == "sentence" or object.type == "picture"):
+ # Now, we actually add the ending sentences first, then split the paragraph at the splitmark
+ # which was created between the two while loops
+ insertioniter = self.__buf.get_iter_at_mark(splitmark)
+ paragraph.insertSentence(object, insertioniter)
+ del objects[-1]
+ if objects != []:
+ object = objects[-1]
+ paragraph.clean()
+ section.clean()
+ # Now we simply split the paragraph at the splitmark, then call the insertparagraphs method with
+ # the remaining contents of objects
+ if split:
+ splititer = self.__buf.get_iter_at_mark(splitmark)
+ offset = splititer.get_offset()
+ section.splitParagraph(splititer)
+ insertioniter = self.__buf.get_iter_at_offset(offset)
+ if objects != []:
+ self.__insertParagraphs(objects, insertioniter)
+ self.highlightDragResult()
+ def __insertParagraphs(self, objects, lociter):
+ """
+ This method is the same as the above insert method, except that sentence objects are not included.
+ So, objects is a list which can take the form:
+ [ paragraph objects ] ++ [ section objects ] ++ [ paragraph objects ]
+ And again, if the objects list does contain sections, then the first paragraph array will end with a dummy paragraph object.
+ """
+ sectionnumber = self.__get_exact_section(lociter)
+ section = self.__sections[sectionnumber]
+ lociter = self.__buf.get_iter_at_offset(lociter.get_offset()+1)
+ insertioniter = section.getBestParagraph(lociter).getStart()
+ insertionmark = self.__buf.create_mark(None, insertioniter, False)
+ split = False
+ object = objects[0]
+ if object.type == "section":
+ del objects[0]
+ blankparagraph = Paragraph_Data(id = -1, sentences_data = [])
+ objects = object.paragraphs_data + [blankparagraph] + objects
+ object = objects[0]
+ while objects != [] and object.type == "paragraph":
+ # First, deal with the paragraph triples. We insert these into the current section.
+ # Then when we run out of paragraph triples, we split the section.
+ # if sentences = [] then we have reached the end of the first list and must break.
+ # We do not insert this empty paragraph, it is just a placeholder.
+ if object.sentences_data != []:
+ insertioniter = self.__buf.get_iter_at_mark(insertionmark)
+ section.insertParagraph(object, insertioniter)
+ else:
+ split = True
+ del objects[0]
+ break
+ del objects[0]
+ if objects != []:
+ object = objects[0]
+ splititer = self.__buf.get_iter_at_mark(insertionmark)
+ splitmark = self.__buf.create_mark(None, splititer, True)
+ if objects != []:
+ object = objects[-1]
+ while objects != [] and object.type == "paragraph":
+ # Now, we actually add the ending paragraphs, then split the section at the splitmark
+ # which was created between the two while loops
+ insertioniter = self.__buf.get_iter_at_mark(splitmark)
+ section.insertParagraph(object, insertioniter)
+ del objects[-1]
+ if objects != []:
+ object = objects[-1]
+ # Now we simply split the section at the splitmark, then call the insertsections method with
+ # the remaining contents of objects
+ if split:
+ splititer = self.__buf.get_iter_at_mark(splitmark)
+ offset = splititer.get_offset()
+ splititer = self.getParagraph(splititer).getStart()
+ self.__splitSection(splititer)
+ insertioniter = self.__buf.get_iter_at_offset(offset)
+ if objects != []:
+ self.__insertSections(objects, insertioniter)
+ def __insertSections(self, objects, lociter):
+ """
+ objects is a list of section objects, and lociter is a location in the textbuffer
+ We find the closest section gap to the lociter specified, and then insert the sections at this point.
+ """
+ insertioniter = self.getBestSection(lociter).getStart()
+ insertionmark = self.__buf.create_mark(None, insertioniter, False)
+ for object in objects:
+ insertioniter = self.__buf.get_iter_at_mark(insertionmark)
+ self.insertSection(object, insertioniter)
+ def getSelection(self):
+ """
+ If the user has highlighted some text, this method returns the sentence/paragraph/section based
+ representation of the selection
+ """
+ buf = self.__buf
+ bounds = buf.get_selection_bounds()
+ if bounds[0].compare(bounds[1]) == 1:
+ start = bounds[1]
+ end = bounds[0]
+ else:
+ start = bounds[0]
+ end = bounds[1]
+ data = self.getRange(start, end)
+ return data
+ def getRange(self, startiter, enditer):
+ """
+ This method returns the section, paragraph and sentence objects between startiter and enditer
+ """
+ startindex = self.__get_exact_section(startiter)
+ endindex = self.__get_exact_section(enditer)
+ if startindex == endindex:
+ data = self.__sections[startindex].getDataRange(startiter, enditer)
+ else:
+ startdata = []
+ startsection = self.__sections[startindex]
+ if startiter.compare(startsection.getStart()) == 0:
+ startdata.append(self.__sections[startindex].getData())
+ else:
+ startdata.extend(startsection.getDataRange(startiter, startsection.getEnd()))
+ startdata.append(Paragraph_Data(id = -1, sentences_data = []))
+ middledata = []
+ for section in self.__sections[startindex+1:endindex]:
+ middledata.append(section.getData())
+ enddata = []
+ if endindex != len(self.__sections):
+ endsection = self.__sections[endindex]
+ enddata.extend(endsection.getDataRange(endsection.getStart(), enditer))
+ data = startdata + middledata + enddata
+ return data
+ def getBuffer(self):
+ """
+ This method simply returns the gtk.TextBuffer being maintained by this instance of the Article class.
+ """
+ return self.__buf
+ def insertSection(self, section_data, lociter):
+ """
+ This method inserts a single section into the article.
+ The section is represented by section_data, and the insertion point is specified by lociter
+ The section is inserted into the closest gap to lociter.
+ """
+ insertionindex = self.__get_best_section(lociter)
+ if insertionindex == 0: insertionindex = insertionindex + 1
+ insertioniter = self.__sections[insertionindex].getStart()
+ section = Section(section_data, self.__buf, insertioniter)
+ self.__sections.insert(insertionindex, section)
+ def deleteSection(self, lociter):
+ """
+ This method deletes the section which contains lociter.
+ """
+ deletionindex = self.__get_exact_section(lociter)
+ if deletionindex != len(self.__sections) - 1:
+ section = self.__sections[deletionindex]
+ section.delete()
+ del self.__sections[deletionindex]
+ def removeSection(self, lociter):
+ """
+ This method has the same effect as deleteSection
+ """
+ removalindex = self.__get_exact_section(lociter)
+ section = self.__sections[removalindex]
+ section.delete()
+ del self.__sections[removalindex]
+ def deleteSelection(self, startiter, enditer):
+ """
+ This method deletes all sentence, paragraph and data objects from startiter to enditer.
+ """
+ startindex = self.__get_exact_section(startiter)
+ endindex = self.__get_exact_section(enditer)
+ if endindex == len(self.__sections) - 1:
+ endindex = endindex - 1
+ if startindex == endindex:
+ empty = self.__sections[startindex].deleteSelection(startiter, enditer)
+ if empty:
+ self.__sections[startindex].delete()
+ del self.__sections[startindex]
+ elif startindex < endindex:
+ startmark = self.__buf.create_mark(None, startiter, True)
+ endmark = self.__buf.create_mark(None, enditer, True)
+ endsection = self.__sections[endindex]
+ empty = endsection.deleteSelection(endsection.getStart(), self.__buf.get_iter_at_mark(endmark))
+ if empty:
+ self.__sections[endindex].delete()
+ del self.__sections[endindex]
+ self.__buf.delete_mark(endmark)
+ for i in range(startindex + 1, endindex):
+ self.__sections[startindex + 1].delete()
+ del self.__sections[startindex + 1]
+ startsection = self.__sections[startindex]
+ empty = startsection.deleteSelection(self.__buf.get_iter_at_mark(startmark), startsection.getEnd())
+ if empty:
+ self.__sections[startindex].delete()
+ del self.__sections[startindex]
+ self.__buf.delete_mark(startmark)
+ def rememberSelection(self):
+ """
+ This method is uses to remember a specific selection.
+ It is currently used to remember what text the user is dragging around within the article.
+ """
+ bounds = self.__buf.get_selection_bounds()
+ self.selectionlength = bounds[1].get_offset() - bounds[0].get_offset()
+ self.selectionstartoffset = bounds[0].get_offset()
+ self.selectionstartmark = self.__buf.create_mark(None, bounds[0], True)
+ self.selectionendmark = self.__buf.create_mark(None, bounds[1], True)
+ def deleteDragSelection(self):
+ """
+ This method deletes the selection which was saved by the rememberSelection method
+ This occurs when a user is rearranging text within the same article; the text will be inserted somewhere,
+ and then the old text will be deleted.
+ """
+ deletestart = self.__buf.get_iter_at_mark(self.selectionstartmark)
+ deletestartoffset = deletestart.get_offset()
+ if deletestart.get_offset() != self.selectionstartoffset:
+ deleteend = self.__buf.get_iter_at_mark(self.selectionendmark)
+ deletestart = self.__buf.get_iter_at_offset(deleteend.get_offset() - self.selectionlength)
+ else:
+ deleteend = self.__buf.get_iter_at_offset(deletestartoffset + self.selectionlength)
+ self.deleteSelection(deletestart, deleteend)
+ self.__buf.delete_mark(self.selectionstartmark)
+ self.__buf.delete_mark(self.selectionendmark)
+ def highlightDragResult(self):
+ """
+ When stuff is inserted into the article, the method that deals with the insertion keeps track of where it was inserted.
+ This method highlights the inserted text.
+ """
+ startoffset = self.__buf.get_iter_at_mark(self.insertionsectionstart).get_offset() + self.insertionstartdist
+ endoffset = self.__buf.get_iter_at_mark(self.insertionsectionend).get_offset() - self.insertionenddist
+ startiter = self.__buf.get_iter_at_offset(startoffset)
+ enditer = self.__buf.get_iter_at_offset(endoffset)
+ self.__buf.select_range(startiter, enditer)
+ self.__buf.delete_mark(self.insertionsectionstart)
+ self.__buf.delete_mark(self.insertionsectionend)
+ def __get_best_section(self, lociter):
+ """
+ Given any position within the buffer, this method determines where the closest section gap is.
+ It then returns the index of the section, within the self.__sections list, of the preceeding section.
+ """
+ sectionindex = self.__get_exact_section(lociter)
+ section = self.__sections[sectionindex]
+ left = section.getStart().get_offset()
+ middle = lociter.get_offset()
+ right = section.getEnd().get_offset()
+ leftdist = middle - left
+ rightdist = right - middle
+ if (sectionindex < len(self.__sections)) and (leftdist > rightdist):
+ sectionindex = sectionindex +1
+ return sectionindex
+ def __get_exact_section(self, lociter):
+ """
+ Given any position within the buffer, this method determines which section the lociter is inside.
+ """
+ i = 0
+ for i in range(len(self.__sections)-1):
+ start = self.__sections[i+1].getStart()
+ if lociter.compare(start) == -1:
+ return i
+ return len(self.__sections)-1
+ def highlight(self, startiter, enditer):
+ """
+ This method highlights the text between startiter and enditer.
+ """
+ comparison = startiter.compare(enditer)
+ if comparison == 0:
+ sentence = self.getSentence(startiter)
+ self.__buf.select_range(sentence.getStart(), sentence.getEnd())
+ else:
+ self.__buf.select_range(startiter, enditer)
+ def mark(self, lociter):
+ """
+ This method puts an arrow image at the start of sentence that lociter is within.
+ """
+ sentence = self.getSentence(lociter)
+ self.clearArrow()
+ lociter = sentence.getStart()
+ self.markmark = self.__buf.create_mark(None, lociter, True)
+ self.__buf.insert(lociter, " ")
+ lociter = self.__buf.get_iter_at_mark(self.markmark)
+ arrow = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_xpm_data(arrow_xpm)
+ self.__buf.insert_pixbuf(lociter, arrow)
+ def clearArrow(self):
+ """
+ This method removes the arrow image, if there is one.
+ """
+ if self.markmark == None:
+ return
+ markiter = self.__buf.get_iter_at_mark(self.markmark)
+ markenditer = self.__buf.get_iter_at_offset(markiter.get_offset()+2)
+ self.__buf.delete(markiter, markenditer)
+ self.__buf.delete_mark(self.markmark)
+ self.markmark = None
+ def getBestSentence(self, lociter):
+ """
+ This method finds the closest sentence gap to lociter.
+ It then returns the sentence object of the first sentence to occur after the gap.
+ """
+ paragraph = self.getParagraph(lociter)
+ sentence = paragraph.getBestSentence(lociter)
+ return sentence
+ def getBestParagraph(self, lociter):
+ """
+ This method finds the closest paragraph gap to lociter.
+ It then returns the paragraph object of the first paragraph to occur after the gap.
+ """
+ section = self.getSection(lociter)
+ paragraph = section.getBestParagraph(lociter)
+ return paragraph
+ def getBestSection(self, lociter):
+ """
+ This method finds the closest section gap to lociter.
+ It then returns the section object of the first section to occur after the gap.
+ """
+ sectionindex = self.__get_best_section(lociter)
+ if sectionindex == len(self.__sections):
+ return self.__sections[-1]
+ else:
+ return self.__sections[sectionindex]
+ def getSentence(self, lociter):
+ """
+ This method returns the sentence which contains lociter.
+ """
+ paragraph = self.getParagraph(lociter)
+ sentence = paragraph.getSentence(lociter)
+ return sentence
+ def getParagraph(self, lociter):
+ """
+ This method returns the paragraph which contains lociter.
+ """
+ section = self.getSection(lociter)
+ paragraph = section.getParagraph(lociter)
+ return paragraph
+ def getSection(self, lociter):
+ """
+ This method returns the section which contains lociter.
+ """
+ sectionindex = self.__get_exact_section(lociter)
+ section = self.__sections[sectionindex]
+ return section
+ def __splitSection(self, lociter):
+ """
+ This method finds the section which contains lociter.
+ It then finds the closest paragraph gap to lociter.
+ The section is then split into two sections, one containing all the paragraphs before the gap,
+ the other containing all the paragraphs after the gap.
+ """
+ sectionindex = self.__get_exact_section(lociter)
+ section = self.__sections[sectionindex]
+ source_article_id = section.source_article_id
+ source_section_id = section.source_section_id
+ offset = lociter.get_offset()
+ section.splitParagraph(lociter)
+ lociter = self.__buf.get_iter_at_offset(offset)
+ firstdata = section.getDataRange(section.getStart(), lociter)
+ seconddata = section.getDataRange(lociter, section.getEnd())
+ mark = self.__buf.create_mark(None, lociter, False)
+ if firstdata != [] and seconddata != []:
+ self.deleteSection(lociter)
+ insertioniter = self.__buf.get_iter_at_mark(mark)
+ sectiondata = Section_Data(None, source_article_id, source_section_id, firstdata)
+ section = Section(sectiondata, self.__buf, insertioniter)
+ self.__sections.insert(sectionindex, section)
+ insertioniter = self.__buf.get_iter_at_mark(mark)
+ sectiondata = Section_Data(None, source_article_id, source_section_id, seconddata)
+ section = Section(sectiondata, self.__buf, insertioniter)
+ self.__sections.insert(sectionindex+1, section)
+ def __pad(self):
+ """
+ This method adds an empty section at the end of the article.
+ It is currently used in preparation for something being inserted at the end of the article.
+ """
+ sentencedata = Sentence_Data(id = -1, text = " ")
+ paragraphdata = Paragraph_Data(id = -1, sentences_data = [sentencedata])
+ sectiondata = Section_Data(id = -1, paragraphs_data = [paragraphdata])
+ insertioniter = self.__sections[-1].getStart()
+ section = Section(sectiondata, self.__buf, insertioniter)
+ self.__sections.insert(-1, section)
+ def __clean(self):
+ """
+ Removes the effects of one use of pad.
+ If pad has been called more than once, then clean must be called the same number of times.
+ """
+ if len(self.__sections) > 2:
+ section = self.__sections[-2]
+ sectionisempty = section.clean()
+ if sectionisempty:
+ del self.__sections[-2]