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path: root/activity.py
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authorWalter Bender <walter@sugarlabs.org>2013-12-11 20:16:42 (GMT)
committer Walter Bender <walter@sugarlabs.org>2013-12-11 20:16:42 (GMT)
commit324fb287d7b540bbb09a58350e2614507ed5c530 (patch)
treeb96a234fe0fa2c0f3a691049a52c1349c48e1098 /activity.py
parent445dc0cc5770f9aa62264efb37c35d5964e41c0f (diff)
massive commit to reconstruct world before commits were lost
Diffstat (limited to 'activity.py')
1 files changed, 225 insertions, 104 deletions
diff --git a/activity.py b/activity.py
index f63e686..4bf6a49 100644
--- a/activity.py
+++ b/activity.py
@@ -1,57 +1,95 @@
- Physics, a 2D Physics Playground for Kids
- Copyright (C) 2008 Alex Levenson and Brian Jordan
+# Physics, a 2D Physics Playground for Kids
- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
+# Copyright (C) 2008 Alex Levenson and Brian Jordan
+# Copyright (C) 2012 Daniel Francis
+# Copyright (C) 2012-13 Walter Bender
+# Copyright (C) 2013 Sai Vineet
+# Copyright (C) 2012-13 Sugar Labs
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
-import tools
-import olpcgames
-import pygame
-from sugar.graphics.radiotoolbutton import RadioToolButton
-from sugar.graphics.toolbutton import ToolButton
-from sugar.activity import activity
-from gettext import gettext as _
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+import os
import gtk
+import csv
+import tempfile
+import json
+from StringIO import StringIO
+from gettext import gettext as _
+import logging
+import pygame
+import sugargame
+import sugargame.canvas
- # >= 0.86 toolbars
- from sugar.graphics.toolbarbox import ToolbarBox
- from sugar.activity.widgets import ActivityToolbarButton
- from sugar.activity.widgets import StopButton
-except ImportError:
- # <= 0.84 toolbars
- pass
+from sugar.activity import activity
+from sugar.activity.widgets import ActivityToolbarButton
+from sugar.activity.widgets import StopButton
+from sugar.graphics.radiotoolbutton import RadioToolButton
+from sugar.graphics.toolbutton import ToolButton
+from sugar.graphics.alert import ConfirmationAlert
+from sugar.graphics.toolbarbox import ToolbarBox
+from sugar.graphics.toolbarbox import ToolbarButton
+from sugar.graphics.style import GRID_CELL_SIZE
+import tools
+import physics
-class PhysicsActivity(olpcgames.PyGameActivity):
- game_name = 'physics'
- game_title = _('Physics')
- game_size = None # Olpcgame will choose size
+class PhysicsActivity(activity.Activity):
def __init__(self, handle):
super(PhysicsActivity, self).__init__(handle)
self.metadata['mime_type'] = 'application/x-physics-activity'
self.add_events(gtk.gdk.ALL_EVENTS_MASK |
self.connect('visibility-notify-event', self._focus_event)
self.connect('window-state-event', self._window_event)
+ self._canvas = sugargame.canvas.PygameCanvas(self)
+ self.game = physics.main(self)
+ self.preview = None
+ self.build_toolbar()
+ self.set_canvas(self._canvas)
+ gtk.gdk.screen_get_default().connect('size-changed',
+ self.__configure_cb)
+ logging.debug(os.path.join(
+ activity.get_activity_root(), 'data', 'data'))
+ self._canvas.run_pygame(self.game.run)
+ def __configure_cb(self, event):
+ ''' Screen size has changed '''
+ self.write_file(os.path.join(
+ activity.get_activity_root(), 'data', 'data'))
+ pygame.display.set_mode((gtk.gdk.screen_width(),
+ gtk.gdk.screen_height() - 2 * GRID_CELL_SIZE),
+ pygame.RESIZABLE)
+ self.read_file(os.path.join(
+ activity.get_activity_root(), 'data', 'data'))
+ self.game.run(True)
+ def read_file(self, file_path):
+ self.game.read_file(file_path)
+ def write_file(self, file_path):
+ self.game.write_file(file_path)
def get_preview(self):
- """Custom preview code to get image from pygame.
- """
+ """ Custom preview code to get image from pygame. """
+ if self.preview:
+ return self.preview
surface = pygame.display.get_surface()
width, height = surface.get_width(), surface.get_height()
pixbuf = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_data(pygame.image.tostring(surface,
@@ -62,6 +100,7 @@ class PhysicsActivity(olpcgames.PyGameActivity):
pixbuf = pixbuf.scale_simple(300, 225, gtk.gdk.INTERP_BILINEAR)
preview_data = []
def save_func(buf, data):
@@ -70,67 +109,89 @@ class PhysicsActivity(olpcgames.PyGameActivity):
return preview_data
- # Setup the toolbar
def build_toolbar(self):
- try:
- # Use new >= 0.86 toolbar
- self.max_participants = 1
- toolbar_box = ToolbarBox()
- activity_button = ActivityToolbarButton(self)
- toolbar_box.toolbar.insert(activity_button, 0)
- activity_button.show()
- separator = gtk.SeparatorToolItem()
- toolbar_box.toolbar.insert(separator, -1)
- separator.show()
- self._insert_create_tools(toolbar_box.toolbar)
- separator = gtk.SeparatorToolItem()
- separator.props.draw = False
- separator.set_size_request(0, -1)
- separator.set_expand(True)
- toolbar_box.toolbar.insert(separator, -1)
- separator.show()
- stop_button = StopButton(self)
- toolbar_box.toolbar.insert(stop_button, -1)
- stop_button.show()
- self.set_toolbar_box(toolbar_box)
- toolbar_box.show()
- return toolbar_box
- except NameError:
- # Use old <= 0.84 toolbar design
- toolbox = activity.ActivityToolbox(self)
- activity_toolbar = toolbox.get_activity_toolbar()
- activity_toolbar.share.props.visible = False
- create_toolbar = gtk.Toolbar()
- self._insert_create_tools(create_toolbar)
- toolbox.add_toolbar(_("Create"), create_toolbar)
- create_toolbar.show()
- toolbox.set_current_toolbar(1)
- toolbox.show()
- self.set_toolbox(toolbox)
- return activity_toolbar
+ self.max_participants = 1
+ toolbar_box = ToolbarBox()
+ activity_button = ActivityToolbarButton(self)
+ toolbar_box.toolbar.insert(activity_button, 0)
+ activity_button.show()
- def _insert_create_tools(self, create_toolbar):
- # Stop/play button
+ create_toolbar = ToolbarButton()
+ create_toolbar.props.page = gtk.Toolbar()
+ create_toolbar.props.icon_name = 'magicpen'
+ create_toolbar.props.label = _('Create')
+ toolbar_box.toolbar.insert(create_toolbar, -1)
+ self._insert_create_tools(create_toolbar)
+ self._insert_stop_play_button(toolbar_box.toolbar)
+ separator = gtk.SeparatorToolItem()
+ toolbar_box.toolbar.insert(separator, -1)
+ separator.show()
+ self._insert_clear_all_button(toolbar_box.toolbar)
+ separator = gtk.SeparatorToolItem()
+ separator.props.draw = False
+ separator.set_size_request(0, -1)
+ separator.set_expand(True)
+ toolbar_box.toolbar.insert(separator, -1)
+ separator.show()
+ stop = StopButton(self)
+ toolbar_box.toolbar.insert(stop, -1)
+ stop.show()
+ separator = gtk.SeparatorToolItem()
+ activity_button.props.page.insert(separator, -1)
+ separator.show()
+ export_json = ToolButton("save-as-json")
+ export_json.set_tooltip(_("Export tracked objects to journal"))
+ export_json.connect('clicked', self._export_json_cb)
+ activity_button.props.page.insert(export_json, -1)
+ export_json.show()
+ export_csv = ToolButton("save-as-csv")
+ export_csv.set_tooltip(_("Export tracked objects to journal"))
+ export_csv.connect('clicked', self._export_csv_cb)
+ activity_button.props.page.insert(export_csv, -1)
+ export_csv.show()
+ self.set_toolbar_box(toolbar_box)
+ toolbar_box.show_all()
+ create_toolbar.set_expanded(True)
+ return toolbar_box
+ def can_close(self):
+ self.preview = self.get_preview()
+ self.game.loop = False
+ return True
+ def _insert_stop_play_button(self, toolbar):
self.stop_play_state = True
self.stop_play = ToolButton('media-playback-stop')
self.stop_play.connect('clicked', self.stop_play_cb)
- create_toolbar.insert(self.stop_play, -1)
+ toolbar.insert(self.stop_play, -1)
- separator = gtk.SeparatorToolItem()
- create_toolbar.insert(separator, -1)
- separator.show()
+ def _insert_clear_all_button(self, toolbar):
+ self.clear_all = ToolButton('clear_all')
+ self.clear_all.set_tooltip(_("Erase All"))
+ self.clear_all.set_accelerator(_('<ctrl>a'))
+ self.clear_all.connect('clicked', self.clear_all_cb)
+ toolbar.insert(self.clear_all, -1)
+ self.clear_all.show()
+ def _insert_create_tools(self, create_toolbar):
+ def _insert_item(toolbar, item, pos=-1):
+ if hasattr(toolbar, 'insert'):
+ toolbar.insert(item, pos)
+ else:
+ toolbar.props.page.insert(item, pos)
# Make + add the component buttons
self.radioList = {}
@@ -142,18 +203,25 @@ class PhysicsActivity(olpcgames.PyGameActivity):
firstButton = button
+ if c.name == tools.EraseAllTool.name:
+ # Add a separator - Erase all tool is a dangerous tool
+ separator = gtk.SeparatorToolItem()
+ _insert_item(create_toolbar, separator, -1)
+ separator.show()
- button.set_accelerator(c.toolAccelerator)
+ # button.set_accelerator(c.toolAccelerator)
button.connect('clicked', self.radioClicked)
- create_toolbar.insert(button, -1)
+ _insert_item(create_toolbar, button, -1)
self.radioList[button] = c.name
def stop_play_cb(self, button):
- pygame.event.post(olpcgames.eventwrap.Event(pygame.USEREVENT,
- action="stop_start_toggle"))
+ pygame.event.post(pygame.event.Event(pygame.USEREVENT,
+ action="stop_start_toggle"))
self.stop_play_state = not self.stop_play_state
- # Update button
if self.stop_play_state:
@@ -161,23 +229,76 @@ class PhysicsActivity(olpcgames.PyGameActivity):
+ def clear_all_cb(self, button):
+ def clear_all_alert_cb(alert, response_id):
+ self.remove_alert(alert)
+ if response_id is gtk.RESPONSE_OK:
+ pygame.event.post(pygame.event.Event(pygame.USEREVENT,
+ action="clear_all"))
+ clear_all_alert = ConfirmationAlert()
+ clear_all_alert.props.title = _('Are You Sure?')
+ clear_all_alert.props.msg = \
+ _('All you work will be discarded. This cannot be undone!')
+ clear_all_alert.connect('response', clear_all_alert_cb)
+ self.add_alert(clear_all_alert)
def radioClicked(self, button):
- pygame.event.post(olpcgames.eventwrap.Event(pygame.USEREVENT,
- action=self.radioList[button]))
+ pygame.event.post(pygame.event.Event(pygame.USEREVENT,
+ action=self.radioList[button]))
def _focus_event(self, event, data=None):
- """Send focus events to pygame to allow it to idle when in background.
- """
+ """ Send focus events to pygame to allow it to idle when in
+ background. """
+ if not self.game.pygame_started:
+ logging.debug('focus_event: pygame not yet initialized')
+ return
if data.state == gtk.gdk.VISIBILITY_FULLY_OBSCURED:
- pygame.event.post(olpcgames.eventwrap.Event(pygame.USEREVENT,
- action="focus_out"))
+ pygame.event.post(pygame.event.Event(pygame.USEREVENT,
+ action="focus_out"))
- pygame.event.post(olpcgames.eventwrap.Event(pygame.USEREVENT,
- action="focus_in"))
+ self.game.show_fake_cursor = True
+ pygame.event.post(pygame.event.Event(pygame.USEREVENT,
+ action="focus_in"))
+ def _export_json_cb(self, button):
+ jobject = datastore.create()
+ jobject.metadata['title'] = _("Physics export")
+ jobject.metadata['mime_type'] = "text/plain"
+ tmp_dir = os.path.join(self.get_activity_root(), 'instance')
+ fd, file_path = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=tmp_dir)
+ os.close(fd)
+ data = self.game.full_pos_list
+ jsonfile = open(file_path, "wb")
+ jsonfile.write(json.dumps(data))
+ jsonfile.close()
+ jobject.set_file_path(os.path.abspath(csvfile.name))
+ datastore.write(jobject)
+ def _export_csv_cb(self, button):
+ jobject = datastore.create()
+ jobject.metadata['title'] = _("Physics export")
+ jobject.metadata['mime_type'] = "text/csv"
+ tmp_dir = os.path.join(self.get_activity_root(), 'instance')
+ fd, file_path = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=tmp_dir)
+ os.close(fd)
+ data = self.game.full_pos_list
+ csvfile = open(file_path, "wb")
+ writer = csv.writer(csvfile)
+ writer.writerows(data)
+ csvfile.close()
+ jobject.set_file_path(os.path.abspath(csvfile.name))
+ datastore.write(jobject)
def _window_event(self, window, event):
- """Send focus out event to pygame when switching to a desktop view.
- """
+ """ Send focus out event to pygame when switching to a desktop
+ view. """
if event.changed_mask & gtk.gdk.WINDOW_STATE_ICONIFIED:
- pygame.event.post(olpcgames.eventwrap.Event(pygame.USEREVENT,
- action="focus_out"))
+ pygame.event.post(pygame.event.Event(pygame.USEREVENT,
+ action="focus_out"))