""" This file is part of the 'Elements' Project Elements is a 2D Physics API for Python (supporting Box2D2) Copyright (C) 2008, The Elements Team, Home: http://elements.linuxuser.at IRC: #elements on irc.freenode.org Code: http://www.assembla.com/wiki/show/elements svn co http://svn2.assembla.com/svn/elements License: GPLv3 | See LICENSE for the full text This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . """ from functools import partial from math import fabs from math import sqrt from math import atan from math import atan2 from math import degrees from math import acos from locals import * from elements import box2d def ComputeCentroid(pd): count = pd.vertexCount if count < 3: return False c = box2d.b2Vec2(0, 0) area = 0.0 # pRef is the reference point for forming triangles. # It's location doesn't change the result (except for rounding error). pRef = box2d.b2Vec2(0.0, 0.0) inv3 = 1.0 / 3.0 for i in range(count): # Triangle vertices. p1 = pRef p2 = pd.getVertex(i) if i + 1 < count: p3 = pd.getVertex(i+1) else: p3 = pd.getVertex(0) e1 = p2 - p1 e2 = p3 - p1 D = box2d.b2Cross(e1, e2) triangleArea = 0.5 * D area += triangleArea # Area weighted centroid c += triangleArea * inv3 * (p1 + p2 + p3) # Centroid # if area < FLT_EPSILON: #raise ValueError, "ComputeCentroid: area < FLT_EPSILON" return c / area def checkDef(pd): """Check the polygon definition for invalid vertices, etc. Return: True if valid, False if invalid """ # if pd.vertexCount < 3 or pd.vertexCount > box2d.b2_maxPolygonVertices: #raise ValueError, "Invalid vertexCount" threshold = FLT_EPSILON * FLT_EPSILON verts = pd.getVertices_b2Vec2() normals = [] v0 = verts[0] for i in range(pd.vertexCount): if i == pd.vertexCount-1: v1 = verts[0] else: v1 = verts[i+1] edge=v1 - v0 # if edge.LengthSquared() < threshold: # raise ValueError, "edge.LengthSquared < FLT_EPSILON**2" normals.append( box2d.b2Cross(edge, 1.0) ) normals[-1].Normalize() v0=v1 centroid = ComputeCentroid(pd) d=box2d.b2Vec2() for i in range(pd.vertexCount): i1 = i - 1 if i1 < 0: i1 = pd.vertexCount - 1 i2 = i n1 = normals[i1] n2 = normals[i2] v = verts[i] - centroid d.x = box2d.b2Dot(n1, v) - box2d.b2_toiSlop d.y = box2d.b2Dot(n2, v) - box2d.b2_toiSlop # Shifting the edge inward by b2_toiSlop should # not cause the plane to pass the centroid. # Your shape has a radius/extent less than b2_toiSlop. # if d.x < 0.0 or d.y <= 0.0: # raise ValueError, "Your shape has a radius/extent less than b2_toiSlop." A = box2d.b2Mat22() A.col1.x = n1.x; A.col2.x = n1.y A.col1.y = n2.x; A.col2.y = n2.y #coreVertices[i] = A.Solve(d) + m_centroid return True def calc_center(points): """ Calculate the center of a polygon Return: The center (x,y) """ tot_x, tot_y = 0,0 for p in points: tot_x += p[0] tot_y += p[1] n = len(points) return (tot_x/n, tot_y/n) def poly_center_vertices(pointlist): """ Rearranges vectors around the center Return: pointlist ([(x, y), ...]) """ poly_points_center = [] center = cx, cy = calc_center(pointlist) for p in pointlist: x = p[0] - cx y = cy - p[1] poly_points_center.append((x, y)) return poly_points_center def is_line(vertices, tolerance=25.0): """ Check if passed vertices are a line. Done by comparing the angles of all vectors and check tolerance. Parameters: vertices ... a list of vertices (x, y) tolerance .. how many degrees should be allowed max to be a line Returns: True if line, False if no line """ if len(vertices) <= 2: return True # Step 1: Points -> Vectors p_old = vertices[0] alphas = [] for p in vertices[1:]: x1, y1 = p_old x2, y2 = p p_old = p # Create Vector vx, vy = (x2-x1, y2-y1) # Check Length l = sqrt((vx*vx) + (vy*vy)) if l == 0.0: continue # Normalize vector vx /= l vy /= l # Append angle if fabs(vx) < 0.2: alpha = 90.0 else: alpha = degrees(atan(vy / vx)) alphas.append(fabs(alpha)) # Sort angles alphas.sort() # Get maximum difference alpha_diff = fabs(alphas[-1] - alphas[0]) print "alpha difference:", alpha_diff if alpha_diff < tolerance: return True else: return False def reduce_poly_by_angle(vertices, tolerance=10.0, minlen=20): """ This function reduces a poly by the angles of the vectors (detect lines) If the angle difference from one vector to the last > tolerance: use last point If the angle is quite the same, it's on the line Parameters: vertices ... a list of vertices (x, y) tolerance .. how many degrees should be allowed max Returns: (1) New Pointlist, (2) Soft reduced pointlist (reduce_poly()) """ v_last = vertices[-1] vertices = vxx = reduce_poly(vertices, minlen) p_new = [] p_new.append(vertices[0]) dir = None is_convex = True for i in xrange(len(vertices)-1): if i == 0: p_old = vertices[i] continue x1, y1 = p_old x2, y2 = vertices[i] x3, y3 = vertices[i+1] p_old = vertices[i] # Create Vectors v1x = (x2 - x1) * 1.0 v1y = (y2 - y1) * 1.0 v2x = (x3 - x2) * 1.0 v2y = (y3 - y2) * 1.0 # Calculate angle a = ((v1x * v2x) + (v1y * v2y)) b = sqrt((v1x*v1x) + (v1y*v1y)) c = sqrt((v2x*v2x) + (v2y*v2y)) # No Division by 0 :) if (b*c) == 0.0: continue # Get the current degrees # We have a bug here sometimes... try: angle = degrees(acos(a / (b*c))) except: # cos=1.0 print "cos=", a/(b*c) continue # Check if inside tolerance if fabs(angle) > tolerance: p_new.append(vertices[i]) # print "x", 180-angle, is_left(vertices[i-1], vertices[i], vertices[i+1]) # Check if convex: if dir == None: dir = is_left(vertices[i-1], vertices[i], vertices[i+1]) else: if dir != is_left(vertices[i-1], vertices[i], vertices[i+1]): is_convex = False # We also want to append the last point :) p_new.append(v_last) # Returns: (1) New Pointlist, (2) Soft reduced pointlist (reduce_poly()) return p_new, is_convex """ OLD FUNCTION: """ # Wipe all points too close to each other vxx = vertices = reduce_poly(vertices, minlen) # Create Output List p_new = [] p_new.append(vertices[0]) # Set the starting vertice p_old = vertices[0] alpha_old = None # For each vector, compare the angle difference to the last one for i in range(1, len(vertices)): x1, y1 = p_old x2, y2 = vertices[i] p_old = (x2, y2) # Make Vector vx, vy = (x2-x1, y2-y1) # Vector length l = sqrt((vx*vx) + (vy*vy)) # normalize vx /= l vy /= l # Get Angle if fabs(vx) < 0.2: alpha = 90 else: alpha = degrees(atan(vy * 1.0) / (vx*1.0)) if alpha_old == None: alpha_old = alpha continue # Get difference to previous angle alpha_diff = fabs(alpha - alpha_old) alpha_old = alpha # If the new vector differs from the old one, we add the old point # to the output list, as the line changed it's way :) if alpha_diff > tolerance: #print ">",alpha_diff, "\t", vx, vy, l p_new.append(vertices[i-1]) # We also want to append the last point :) p_new.append(vertices[-1]) # Returns: (1) New Pointlist, (2) Soft reduced pointlist (reduce_poly()) return p_new, vxx # The following functions is_left, reduce_poly and convex_hull are # from the pymunk project (http://code.google.com/p/pymunk/) def is_left(p0, p1, p2): """Test if p2 is left, on or right of the (infinite) line (p0,p1). :return: > 0 for p2 left of the line through p0 and p1 = 0 for p2 on the line < 0 for p2 right of the line """ sorting = (p1[0] - p0[0])*(p2[1]-p0[1]) - (p2[0]-p0[0])*(p1[1]-p0[1]) if sorting > 0: return 1 elif sorting < 0: return -1 else: return 0 def is_convex(points): """Test if a polygon (list of (x,y)) is strictly convex or not. :return: True if the polygon is convex, False otherwise """ #assert len(points) > 2, "not enough points to form a polygon" p0 = points[0] p1 = points[1] p2 = points[2] xc, yc = 0, 0 is_same_winding = is_left(p0, p1, p2) for p2 in points[2:] + [p0] + [p1]: if is_same_winding != is_left(p0, p1, p2): return False a = p1[0] - p0[0], p1[1] - p0[1] # p1-p0 b = p2[0] - p1[0], p2[1] - p1[1] # p2-p1 if sign(a[0]) != sign(b[0]): xc +=1 if sign(a[1]) != sign(b[1]): yc +=1 p0, p1 = p1, p2 return xc <= 2 and yc <= 2 def sign(x): if x < 0: return -1 else: return 1 def reduce_poly(points, tolerance=50): """Remove close points to simplify a polyline tolerance is the min distance between two points squared. :return: The reduced polygon as a list of (x,y) """ curr_p = points[0] reduced_ps = [points[0]] for p in points[1:]: x1, y1 = curr_p x2, y2 = p dx = fabs(x2 - x1) dy = fabs(y2 - y1) l = sqrt((dx*dx) + (dy*dy)) if l > tolerance: curr_p = p reduced_ps.append(p) return reduced_ps def convex_hull(points): """Create a convex hull from a list of points. This function uses the Graham Scan Algorithm. :return: Convex hull as a list of (x,y) """ ### Find lowest rightmost point p0 = points[0] for p in points[1:]: if p[1] < p0[1]: p0 = p elif p[1] == p0[1] and p[0] > p0[0]: p0 = p points.remove(p0) ### Sort the points angularly about p0 as center f = partial(is_left, p0) points.sort(cmp = f) points.reverse() points.insert(0, p0) ### Find the hull points hull = [p0, points[1]] for p in points[2:]: pt1 = hull[-1] pt2 = hull[-2] l = is_left(pt2, pt1, p) if l > 0: hull.append(p) else: while l <= 0 and len(hull) > 2: hull.pop() pt1 = hull[-1] pt2 = hull[-2] l = is_left(pt2, pt1, p) hull.append(p) return hull