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path: root/lessons/en_US/bottomrow.lesson
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1 files changed, 1 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/lessons/en_US/bottomrow.lesson b/lessons/en_US/bottomrow.lesson
index 0259282..5df080d 100644
--- a/lessons/en_US/bottomrow.lesson
+++ b/lessons/en_US/bottomrow.lesson
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-{"order":2,"steps":[{"text":"\n","mode":"key","instructions":"Welcome to the The Bottom Row lesson!\n\nIn this lesson, you will learn the zx, c, v, b, n and m keys. Press the Enter key when you are ready to begin!"},{"text":"z","mode":"key","instructions":"Press the z key with your left pinky finger."},{"text":"x","mode":"key","instructions":"Press the x key with your left ring finger."},{"text":"c","mode":"key","instructions":"Press the c key with your left middle finger."},{"text":"v","mode":"key","instructions":"Press the v key with your left index finger."},{"text":"b","mode":"key","instructions":"Press the b key with your left index finger."},{"text":"n","mode":"key","instructions":"Press the n key with your right index finger."},{"text":"m","mode":"key","instructions":"Press the m key with your right index finger."},{"text":"xx nn zz mm vv mm cc vv nn xx vv bb xx mm xx mm vv vv cc xx bb nn nn nn vv nn cc vv vv bb nn xx bb vv mm nn mm mm mm vv","mode":"text","instructions":"Practice typing the keys you just learned."},{"text":"nn mm vv vv vv bb zz xx zz vv vv zz xx xx bb bb mm zz nn cc mm bb vv vv xx zz mm vv bb xx bb mm zz xx cc bb cc mm zz xx","mode":"text","instructions":"Keep practicing the new keys."},{"text":"vv nv bv nm xb mb cm cc nx mv bb mb xb zm nc nn cz xn mc cc bm cz nb nc zv nc bn nx zz mm nv zz vv zz bn mv bz nz cc nm mc mn vv mb bz nn nc cc vv nx","mode":"text","instructions":"Now put the keys together into pairs."},{"text":"nv mv zm mm cz cn zz nn nv nb cz nc cm bc cc mm xn bm nm cc xn vv nc bc mm nx cn bc zz xn mc mv cz nc bc zm xb xc cc vv nx cz nn nm cm zv zz nn bc vv","mode":"text","instructions":"Keep practicing key pairs."},{"text":"zw xc kv ix ni vv nr zw ng ni xs mq mn xi ms xt om xu xe ny cy ml xe cm bj bu xb bt bm zz mj mi xn sv bd bt dc cy zp ym fc am ez cn ym dn um ct on zp","mode":"text","instructions":"Now practice all the keys you know."},{"text":"tc yv lb vy mf ns zm mr lc cd ms dv bc my zk bp km ml va nq nh um uv hn lc mp ce vv un sm oz zm iz yv tn cc va kc ca pc mn ns ev az dm nd mo bg wb sv","mode":"text","instructions":"Almost done. Keep practicing all the keys you know."},{"text":"thimble retaken employee sabra sunroof swamp burnish doctoral glowing demotion catacomb morality trochaic dabbler squeezer pane babel upfront exertion entomb flaming tonk bevy defame optimal bald fervid luncheon provider buzzard grovel bleacher warmish razzle djellaba given crone cite dismay doxology limpet minority notably wintery passable tinker recycle cardinal thoracic murkily khan clout urbanely shaken beanbag unless undimmed lowland bagpiper outplace bray minter panache impure reengage immerse waken analog chi mogul luck bindery vegan noble bronchus assign bologna driving flippant patchy wanton nucleon kidnaper nilly explicit baronage tangled knit waking garrison namedrop mediate biker cookbook combined fawn accursed freebase fend ball","mode":"text","instructions":"Time to type real words."},{"text":"ancients shrimp knack numinous wrangle import vermouth signpost recess pampas mad crocus reclaim babyish hormonal raven cost deadbolt vacant finicky tizzy alchemy brisk mum minim chairman bowsprit mohair grab bindweed phoneme frizz gnarled brackish penalty semipro unhurt swank barring sieve extent smithy realize polemic maple weldable beseem mummify sobriety ramjet express wanna tinder fumigant shaven glaciate promoter blintze aseptic cowpox snooze court evident claw prone rainfall miasmata czar achiever sentient javelin carfare enrage yardarm run coalesce grantor bath besom brigade cavity begonia myrtle shrine crassly maned gelding obsolete bibulous rooms purblind deistic merry legman vaquero betook penuche bigmouth highbrow amuse","mode":"text","instructions":"Keep practicing these words."},{"text":"scaled buyback bonbon seiner namedrop wherein overlaid ventral erectile stoic inn liberate foghorn mini phaeton ponytail refreeze cortical plume longhair amazon reeve fritz untrue outbreak contain cuisine caplet whim event nimbi instance dripping rumored oxymoron liken link stargaze main unsolved superb songbird sparing nuclear chopper dismount recommit millage ablate airplane induce roan pretext hamlet paneling downsize rockfall blazer graphic ionize nematode violate servitor clincher codex occult bookie avidly cadet tenuity sign special enameler optimal beery viscus innards exegeses armhole stinky bold notation untrod cutie nubbin seraphim doxology ubiquity trisect bummer jitney myelitis innuendo gimmick combat smiley whom wavelet kerosene sneaker softness beggarly lockup redrawn escalate myth tobacco doubloon stickup enfeeble taco basilisk shabby sans dimity sailing excess monkey pinch glancing elements famish isomer retract irritant ochre bedroll beriberi bluebell dadaism topmost hotline fuzzy seignior escaped slump cougar chasm scalawag bananas subside finished unsoiled besieger rebirth drachma snowdrop rescue devout kumquat advise abstain misstate obscene fetch galena miry wetlands tankard homeroom bogie below pinching revere tubing disabled wanton granny binge lucid rioting sultana poetic banquet amuse bullhorn jackpot familiar bad larynx titmice macaroon unleash drenched lockup minatory warble tarnish clannish culture earphone modeling penumbra vault caraway diviner taxable carder kielbasa copier","mode":"text","instructions":"Almost finished. Try to type as quickly and accurately as you can!"},{"text":"\n","mode":"key","instructions":"$report"}],"name":"The Bottom Row","medals":[{"wpm":5,"name":"bronze","accuracy":60},{"wpm":10,"name":"silver","accuracy":75},{"wpm":20,"name":"gold","accuracy":90}],"description":"This lesson teaches you the z, x, c, v, b, n and m keys \non the bottom row of the keyboard."} \ No newline at end of file
+{"order":3,"steps":[{"text":"\n","mode":"key","instructions":"Welcome to the The Bottom Row lesson!\n\nIn this lesson, you will learn the z, x, c, v, b, n and m keys. Press the ENTER key when you are ready to begin!"},{"text":"z","mode":"key","instructions":"Press the z key with your left little finger."},{"text":"x","mode":"key","instructions":"Press the x key with your left ring finger."},{"text":"c","mode":"key","instructions":"Press the c key with your left middle finger."},{"text":"v","mode":"key","instructions":"Press the v key with your left index finger."},{"text":"b","mode":"key","instructions":"Press the b key with your left index finger."},{"text":"n","mode":"key","instructions":"Press the n key with your right index finger."},{"text":"m","mode":"key","instructions":"Press the m key with your right index finger."},{"text":"xx nn nn cc nn mm mm mm nn zz bb cc xx mm vv zz cc xx xx zz vv vv mm vv cc cc cc xx zz zz vv xx bb nn vv cc mm cc zz zz","mode":"text","instructions":"You did it! Practice typing the keys you just learned."},{"text":"mm bb vv nn cc bb zz nn nn bb vv xx vv vv mm cc vv vv mm vv nn nn bb xx mm cc nn vv mm zz mm nn nn mm cc vv xx zz zz bb","mode":"text","instructions":"Keep practicing the new keys."},{"text":"mb mb cm bv xn cc bz bc zz vv bv mv bb nc cn nx xb bm nm nm vv cz cc vv mc zv bb mm nb vv zv xn zz nc zm bb bb bz cn zv nv cm nv nv bv bm zv bv nx cn","mode":"text","instructions":"Nice work. Now put the keys together into pairs."},{"text":"cm nz nb mv cz zv bv nz mm cn bz mb cm cc nv nb nv xb vv bb xb bn zz zz bc nm nx nc mm mn bb mm bz nx cz vv mn bn cz mm nm bm nv vv bm zz bm zz bb bc","mode":"text","instructions":"Keep practicing key pairs."},{"text":"wn rc bj tm gz kb xf nf by vu dv um ic cy xg ac pm rb bb kc av wc xl be bm av xp bm cy ny nq rb nu vu im bg zv mc ib cl zp on nh yz nx bt vv gb xy ix","mode":"text","instructions":"Good job. Now practice all the keys you know."},{"text":"cr bw kv ve xc yz xw ux xh vv bj un pm sv fc bo nd bi om mp rz pc zm dv cl lm hb ub vi cs nx ub yx hm wm nq xc cu rc be iz vo bc bc xy zl xs bz xq bh","mode":"text","instructions":"Almost done. Keep practicing all the keys you know."},{"text":"kielbasi pretax toweling contrary basalt urbanity loner gasoline bite cancer unease dormant but meekness glisten tomahawk syllabus zillion cliquish disgrace refract dominate behind whereon introit craftily popgun abs elixir badger foible nitty wiz rousing creased inertia bemire divvy circus devilry derby asphyxia dedicate mutt zone buyer ecstatic politic incense posting napalm knowable lecture heading baseness pitchman winner vice pontoon corpora recesses tramper bulky lick angular link clownish unisex abscissa moccasin forgive deliver moxie granule bidder telegram byroad ceramic hooves catheter wend lived steamer giving wallaby mamma assemble bigness affix banking nowhere affect rung niece viking unhorse therm beside fatness botch","mode":"text","instructions":"You did it! Time to type real words."},{"text":"pinky town strewn gabfest resown gelding scribe humane doings prophecy mah tokenism alderman coating ordinal closing rumbling inkwell unripe bridal pippin taxicab murk keno beguiler medical coward expel reattach reengage loch engross millrace sect eggnog snore cadence tatami mache destruct alum varsity cynic searing midyear abuser frantic unpeeled braise curious abject trisect swoon fetlock prospect beating analyze broaden winery mindedly insigne helium hound infield auxin moment nutria terbium mod tonsure deafness synapse pompon gaunt trauma scrawl burning untiring mound clutter foam artisan dualism penology unblock gangway species lichee buttress misled overdose veranda punt gasbag zonal govern cowardly stormily corbel smear","mode":"text","instructions":"Keep practicing these words."},{"text":"handwork illness twosome vaunt ratline overhand volcanic invasion canopy nosegay repent bicycle news ranks nitwit need beneath tibiae melody entrance salable playboy runnel cicada unction falconry snaky specimen seatmate roomy ceramist secretly zero aquiline ounce encumber clonk dipping tubal fable misuse pixie cabaret prevent spoken bread sheikdom crummy odium refine cocoon shine monthly thatcher bluffly coulomb tonearm hellcat destined valid crack rice deficit notary coiffure bonfire endeavor marsh oatmeal misuse mitosis clan nuclei united means curtsy flatland scolding gunfire fun exciting minatory cajolery ensconce unchaste affiance snail kicker biennium blintze pen peanuts ravenous genitals tang chili inertial mechanic europium regency halcyon souvenir obese gentrify savagely diver intrigue exempt crag gent secret amenable hybrid pong uprising shimmery bloat polarize inexpert rectum missive chyme curfew chiseled castle north slipcase pilchard barrier measure boner chemical misdeed stopover pigskin nuptials reason caviare aground vogue steam linage limn grocer comity viable fiscally frenetic em snowbird kiln reunify bleed airline mourn mensch ironical futon umbel lutenist spinster kerchief prune rabidly bushed dingle belittle weakener moralize brights gimbals raging clomp sachet gardenia mistime enzyme bygones abortive dominate abyss mirage unnerve pointer amen accord uncloak faucet recall huntsman hewn loyalism veggies midrib eaves limiter dumps coed urgently canine","mode":"text","instructions":"Almost finished. Try to type as quickly and accurately as you can!"},{"text":"\n","mode":"key","instructions":"$report"}],"name":"The Bottom Row","medals":[{"wpm":5,"name":"bronze","accuracy":60},{"wpm":10,"name":"silver","accuracy":75},{"wpm":20,"name":"gold","accuracy":90}],"description":"This lesson teaches you the z, x, c, v, b, n and m keys \non the bottom row of the keyboard."} \ No newline at end of file