#!/usr/bin/env python # vi: sw=4 et # Copyright 2008 by Kate Scheppke and Wade Brainerd. # This file is part of Typing Turtle. # # Typing Turtle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Typing Turtle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Typing Turtle. If not, see . # Import standard Python modules. import logging, os, math, time, copy, locale, datetime, random, re from gettext import gettext as _ # Import PyGTK. import gobject, pygtk, gtk, pango # Import Sugar UI modules. import sugar.activity.activity import sugar.graphics.style # Import activity modules. import editlessonscreen class EditLessonListScreen(gtk.VBox): def __init__(self, activity, lessons): gtk.VBox.__init__(self) self.activity = activity self.lessons = lessons # Add the header. title = gtk.Label() title.set_markup("" + _("Edit Lessons") + "") title.set_alignment(1.0, 0.0) stoplabel = gtk.Label(_('Go Back')) stopbtn = gtk.Button() stopbtn.add(stoplabel) stopbtn.connect('clicked', self.stop_clicked_cb) titlebox = gtk.HBox() titlebox.pack_start(stopbtn, False, False, 10) titlebox.pack_end(title, False, False, 10) # Add the lesson list. self.treeview = gtk.TreeView() self.treeview.set_rules_hint(True) self.treeview.set_enable_search(False) self.treeview.connect('cursor-changed', self.lesson_selected_cb) self.treeview.connect('row-activated', self.lesson_activated_cb) # Note that the only thing we store in our liststore is the lesson id. # All the actual data is in the lessons list. self.liststore = gtk.ListStore(gobject.TYPE_INT) self.treeview.set_model(self.liststore) # Construct the columns. renderer = gtk.CellRendererText() col = gtk.TreeViewColumn(_('Name'), renderer) col.set_cell_data_func(renderer, self.name_render_cb) self.treeview.append_column(col) renderer = gtk.CellRendererText() col = gtk.TreeViewColumn(_('Description'), renderer) col.set_cell_data_func(renderer, self.description_render_cb) col.set_expand(True) self.treeview.append_column(col) renderer = gtk.CellRendererText() col = gtk.TreeViewColumn(_('Type'), renderer) col.set_cell_data_func(renderer, self.type_render_cb) col.set_expand(False) self.treeview.append_column(col) scroll = gtk.ScrolledWindow() scroll.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC, gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC) scroll.add(self.treeview) self.addbtn = gtk.Button() self.addbtn.add(sugar.graphics.icon.Icon(icon_name='list-add')) self.addbtn.connect('clicked', self.add_lesson_clicked_cb) self.delbtn = gtk.Button() self.delbtn.add(sugar.graphics.icon.Icon(icon_name='list-remove')) self.delbtn.connect('clicked', self.del_lesson_clicked_cb) self.delbtn.set_sensitive(False) self.moveupbtn = gtk.Button() self.moveupbtn.add(sugar.graphics.icon.Icon(icon_name='go-up')) self.moveupbtn.connect('clicked', self.move_lesson_up_clicked_cb) self.moveupbtn.set_sensitive(False) self.movedownbtn = gtk.Button() self.movedownbtn.add(sugar.graphics.icon.Icon(icon_name='go-down')) self.movedownbtn.connect('clicked', self.move_lesson_down_clicked_cb) self.movedownbtn.set_sensitive(False) btnbox = gtk.HBox() btnbox.pack_end(self.addbtn, False, False) btnbox.pack_end(self.delbtn, False, False) btnbox.pack_end(self.moveupbtn, False, False) btnbox.pack_end(self.movedownbtn, False, False) self.pack_start(titlebox, False, False, 10) self.pack_start(gtk.HSeparator(), False, False, 0) self.pack_start(scroll, True, True, 10) self.pack_start(btnbox, False, False, 10) self.build() self.show_all() def build(self): # Fill the lesson list. self.liststore.clear() for t in range(0, len(self.lessons)): self.liststore.append((0,)) def name_render_cb(self, column, cell_renderer, model, iter): id = model.get_path(iter)[0] t = self.lessons[id] cell_renderer.set_property('text', t['name']) def description_render_cb(self, column, cell_renderer, model, iter): id = model.get_path(iter)[0] t = self.lessons[id] cell_renderer.set_property('text', t['description']) def type_render_cb(self, column, cell_renderer, model, iter): id = model.get_path(iter)[0] t = self.lessons[id] if t['type'] == 'normal': cell_renderer.set_property('text', _('Text')) if t['type'] == 'balloon': cell_renderer.set_property('text', _('Balloon Game')) def stop_clicked_cb(self, btn): # Assign lesson order. num = 0 for l in self.lessons: l['order'] = num num = num + 1 # Refresh the main screen given the new lesson data. if self.activity.mainscreen.lesson_index >= len(self.lessons): self.activity.mainscreen.lesson_index = len(self.lessons) - 1 self.activity.mainscreen.show_lesson(self.activity.mainscreen.lesson_index) self.activity.pop_screen() def add_lesson_clicked_cb(self, btn): lesson = {} lesson['name'] = '' lesson['description'] = '' lesson['type'] = 'normal' lesson['steps'] = [ { 'instructions':'', 'text':'' } ] lesson['medals'] = [ { 'name': 'bronze', 'wpm': 15, 'accuracy': 70, 'score': 3000 }, { 'name': 'silver', 'wpm': 20, 'accuracy': 80, 'score': 4500 }, { 'name': 'gold', 'wpm': 25, 'accuracy': 90, 'score': 6000 }, ] self.lessons.append(lesson) self.activity.push_screen(editlessonscreen.EditLessonScreen(self.activity, lesson)) self.liststore.append() def del_lesson_clicked_cb(self, btn): if len(self.lessons) > 1: path = self.treeview.get_cursor()[0] if path: id = path[0] self.lessons.pop(id) del self.liststore[id] self.treeview.get_selection().select_path(id) self.treeview.grab_focus() self.update_sensitivity() def move_lesson_up_clicked_cb(self, btn): path = self.treeview.get_cursor()[0] if path: id = path[0] if id > 0: lesson = self.lessons.pop(id) self.lessons.insert(id - 1, lesson) self.liststore.swap(self.liststore.get_iter(id), self.liststore.get_iter(id - 1)) self.treeview.get_selection().select_path(id - 1) self.treeview.grab_focus() self.update_sensitivity() def move_lesson_down_clicked_cb(self, btn): path = self.treeview.get_cursor()[0] if path: id = path[0] if id < len(self.lessons) - 1: lesson = self.lessons.pop(id) self.lessons.insert(id + 1, lesson) self.liststore.swap(self.liststore.get_iter(id), self.liststore.get_iter(id + 1)) self.treeview.get_selection().select_path(id + 1) self.treeview.grab_focus() self.update_sensitivity() def lesson_selected_cb(self, treeview): self.update_sensitivity() def lesson_activated_cb(self, treeview, path, column): id = path[0] lesson = self.lessons[id] self.activity.push_screen(editlessonscreen.EditLessonScreen(self.activity, lesson)) def enter(self): self.update_sensitivity() def update_sensitivity(self): path = self.treeview.get_cursor()[0] if path: self.delbtn.set_sensitive(True) if path[0] > 0: self.moveupbtn.set_sensitive(True) else: self.moveupbtn.set_sensitive(False) if path[0] < len(self.lessons) - 1: self.movedownbtn.set_sensitive(True) else: self.movedownbtn.set_sensitive(False) else: self.delbtn.set_sensitive(False) self.moveupbtn.set_sensitive(False) self.movedownbtn.set_sensitive(False)