#!/usr/bin/env python import pygtk pygtk.require('2.0') import gtk # List of all key properties in the keyboard layout description. # # Keyboard Layouts use a property inheritance scheme similar to CSS (cascading style sheets): # - Keys inherit properties from their groups, if not explicitly set. # - Groups inherit properties from the layout. # - The layout inherits properties from defaults values defined below. # # Therefore it is possible to set any property once in the Layout, and have # it automatically filter down to all Keys, yet still be able to override it # individually per key. KEY_PROPS = [ # Name of the layout. { 'name': 'layout-name', 'default': '' }, # Source dimensions of the layout. # This is the coordinate system that key sizes and coordinates are defined in. # It can be any units, for example inches, millimeters, percentages, etc. { 'name': 'layout-width', 'default': 100 }, { 'name': 'layout-height', 'default': 100 }, # Name of the group. { 'name': 'group-name', 'default': '' }, # Position of group in layout coordinates. { 'name': 'group-x', 'default': 0 }, { 'name': 'group-y', 'default': 0 }, # Layout algorithm for the group. # Possibilities are: 'horizontal', 'vertical', 'custom'. { 'name': 'group-layout', 'default': 'custom' }, # Position of key in layout coordinates. Used by 'custom' layout algorithm. { 'name': 'key-x', 'default': 0 }, { 'name': 'key-y', 'default': 0 }, # Dimensions of a key in the layout coordinates. { 'name': 'key-width', 'default': 0 }, { 'name': 'key-height', 'default': 0 }, # Gap between keys. Used by 'horizontal' and 'verical' layout algorithms. { 'name': 'key-gap', 'default': 0 }, # Keyboard scan code for this key. { 'name': 'key-scan', 'default': 0 }, # Text label to be displayed on keys which do not generate ASCII keys. { 'name': 'key-label', 'default': '' }, # Character generated by the key, when no modifier keys are pressed. { 'name': 'key-normal', 'default': '' }, # Character generated by the key with shift pressed. { 'name': 'key-shift', 'default': '' }, ] # This is an example keyboard layout. # # The keyboard layout is described by the following data structure. The structure # has three levels: Layout, Groups, and Keys. A Layout contains a list of Groups, # each of which contains a list of Keys. Groups are intended to be a way to collect # related keys (e.g. nearby each other on the keyboard with similar properties) # together. # # Entirely new keyboard layouts can be created just by copying this structure and # modifying the following values, without changing the code. DEFAULT_LAYOUT = { 'layout-name': "default", 'layout-width': 775, 'layout-height': 300, 'group-layout': 'horizontal', 'key-width': 45, 'key-height': 45, 'key-gap': 5, 'groups': [ { 'group-name': "row0", 'group-x': 10, 'group-y': 10, 'key-height': 35, 'keys': [ {'key-normal':"",'key-shift':""}, # Escape {'key-normal':"",'key-shift':""}, # Show Source {'key-normal':"",'key-shift':"",'key-width':182}, # Zoom {'key-normal':"",'key-shift':"",'key-width':182}, # Size {'key-normal':"",'key-shift':"",'key-width':181}, # Volume {'key-normal':"",'key-shift':""}, # Window {'key-normal':"",'key-shift':""}, # Frame ] }, { 'group-name': "row1", 'group-x': 10, 'group-y': 50, 'keys': [ {'key-scan':0x31,'key-normal':"`",'key-shift':"~",'key-width':35}, {'key-scan':0x0a,'key-normal':"1",'key-shift':"!"}, {'key-scan':0x0b,'key-normal':"2",'key-shift':"@"}, {'key-scan':0x0c,'key-normal':"3",'key-shift':"#"}, {'key-scan':0x0d,'key-normal':"4",'key-shift':"$"}, {'key-scan':0x0e,'key-normal':"5",'key-shift':"%"}, {'key-scan':0x0f,'key-normal':"6",'key-shift':"^"}, {'key-scan':0x10,'key-normal':"7",'key-shift':"&"}, {'key-scan':0x11,'key-normal':"8",'key-shift':"*"}, {'key-scan':0x12,'key-normal':"9",'key-shift':"("}, {'key-scan':0x13,'key-normal':"0",'key-shift':")"}, {'key-scan':0x14,'key-normal':"-",'key-shift':"_"}, {'key-scan':0x15,'key-normal':"=",'key-shift':"+",'key-width':65}, {'key-scan':0x16,'key-label':"erase",'key-width':95} ] }, { 'group-name': "row2", 'group-x': 10, 'group-y': 100, 'keys': [ {'key-scan':0x17,'key-label':"tab"}, {'key-scan':0x18,'key-normal':"q",'key-shift':"Q"}, {'key-scan':0x19,'key-normal':"w",'key-shift':"W"}, {'key-scan':0x1a,'key-normal':"e",'key-shift':"E"}, {'key-scan':0x1b,'key-normal':"r",'key-shift':"R"}, {'key-scan':0x1c,'key-normal':"t",'key-shift':"T"}, {'key-scan':0x1d,'key-normal':"y",'key-shift':"Y"}, {'key-scan':0x1e,'key-normal':"u",'key-shift':"U"}, {'key-scan':0x1f,'key-normal':"i",'key-shift':"I"}, {'key-scan':0x20,'key-normal':"o",'key-shift':"O"}, {'key-scan':0x21,'key-normal':"p",'key-shift':"P"}, {'key-scan':0x22,'key-normal':"[",'key-shift':"{"}, {'key-scan':0x23,'key-normal':"]",'key-shift':"}",'key-width':55}, {'key-scan':0x24,'key-label':"enter",'key-width':95,'key-height':95} ] }, { 'group-name': "row3", 'group-x': 10, 'group-y': 150, 'keys': [ {'key-scan':0x25,'key-label':"ctrl",'key-width':55}, {'key-scan':0x26,'key-normal':"a",'key-shift':"A"}, {'key-scan':0x27,'key-normal':"s",'key-shift':"S"}, {'key-scan':0x28,'key-normal':"d",'key-shift':"D"}, {'key-scan':0x29,'key-normal':"f",'key-shift':"F"}, {'key-scan':0x2a,'key-normal':"g",'key-shift':"G"}, {'key-scan':0x2b,'key-normal':"h",'key-shift':"H"}, {'key-scan':0x2c,'key-normal':"j",'key-shift':"J"}, {'key-scan':0x2d,'key-normal':"k",'key-shift':"K"}, {'key-scan':0x2e,'key-normal':"l",'key-shift':"L"}, {'key-scan':0x2f,'key-normal':";",'key-shift':":"}, {'key-scan':0x30,'key-normal':"'",'key-shift':")"}, {'key-scan':0x33,'key-normal':"\\",'key-shift':"|"} ] }, { 'group-name': "row4", 'group-x': 10, 'group-y': 200, 'keys': [ {'key-scan':0x32,'key-label':"shift",'key-width':75}, {'key-scan':0x34,'key-normal':"z",'key-shift':"Z"}, {'key-scan':0x35,'key-normal':"x",'key-shift':"X"}, {'key-scan':0x36,'key-normal':"c",'key-shift':"C"}, {'key-scan':0x37,'key-normal':"v",'key-shift':"V"}, {'key-scan':0x38,'key-normal':"b",'key-shift':"B"}, {'key-scan':0x39,'key-normal':"n",'key-shift':"N"}, {'key-scan':0x3a,'key-normal':"m",'key-shift':"M"}, {'key-scan':0x3b,'key-normal':",",'key-shift':"<"}, {'key-scan':0x3c,'key-normal':".",'key-shift':">"}, {'key-scan':0x3d,'key-normal':"/",'key-shift':"?"}, {'key-scan':0x3e,'key-label':"shift",'key-width':75}, {'key-scan':0x6f,'key-label':"",'key-shift':""}, # Up {'key-label':"",'key-shift':""}, # Multiply ] }, { 'group-name': "row5", 'group-x': 10, 'group-y': 250, 'keys': [ {'key-label':"fn",'key-width':35}, {'key-label':"",'key-width':55}, # LHand {'key-scan':0x40,'key-label':"alt",'key-width':55}, # LAlt {'key-scan':0x41,'key-normal':" ",'key-shift':" ", 'key-width':325}, {'key-scan':0x6c,'key-label':"alt",'key-width':55}, # RAlt {'key-label':"",'key-width':55}, # RHand {'key-scan':0x71,'key-label':""}, # Left {'key-scan':0x74,'key-label':""}, # Down {'key-scan':0x72,'key-label':""}, # Right ] } ] } class Key: def __init__(self, props): self.props = props self.x = 0 self.y = 0 self.width = 0 self.height = 0 self.screen_x = 0 self.screen_y = 0 self.screen_width = 0 self.screen_height = 0 self.pressed = False self.hilite = False def set_hilite(self, enabled): self.hilite = enabled class Keyboard(gtk.EventBox): """A GTK widget which implements an interactive visual keyboard, with support for custom data driven layouts.""" def __init__(self, root_window): gtk.EventBox.__init__(self) self.root_window = root_window self.area = gtk.DrawingArea() self.area.connect("expose-event", self._expose_cb) self.add(self.area) # This array contains the current keyboard layout. self.keys = None self.key_map = None self.shift_down = False # Setup keyboard event snooping in the root window. root_window.add_events(gtk.gdk.KEY_PRESS_MASK | gtk.gdk.KEY_RELEASE_MASK) root_window.connect('key-press-event', self._key_press_cb) root_window.connect('key-release-event', self._key_release_cb) def _build_key_list(self, layout): """Builds a list of Keys objects from a layout description. Also fills in derived and inherited key properties. The layout description can be discarded afterwards.""" self.keys = [] self.key_map = {} group_count = 0 for g in layout['groups']: key_count = 0 for k in g['keys']: # Create and fill out a unique property list for this key. props = k.copy() # Assign key and group index. props['key-index'] = key_count props['group-index'] = group_count # Inherit undefined properties from group, layout and # defaults, in that order. for p in KEY_PROPS: pname = p['name'] if not props.has_key(pname): if g.has_key(pname): props[pname] = g[pname] elif layout.has_key(pname): props[pname] = layout[pname] else: props[pname] = p['default'] # Add to internal list. key = Key(props) self.keys.append(key) key_count += 1 # Add to scan code mapping table. if props['key-scan']: self.key_map[props['key-scan']] = key group_count += 1 def _layout_keys(self): """Assigns positions and sizes to the individual keys.""" # Note- We know self.keys is sorted by group, and by index within the group. # The layout algorithms depend on this order. x, y = None, None cur_group = None for k in self.keys: # Reset the working coordinates with each new group. if k.props['group-index'] != cur_group: cur_group = k.props['group-index'] x = k.props['group-x'] y = k.props['group-y'] # Apply the current layout. if k.props['group-layout'] == 'horizontal': k.x = x k.y = y k.width = k.props['key-width'] k.height = k.props['key-height'] x += k.props['key-width'] x += k.props['key-gap'] elif k.props['group-layout'] == 'vertical': k.x = x k.y = y k.width = k.props['key-width'] k.height = k.props['key-height'] y += k.props['key-height'] y += k.props['key-gap'] elif k.props['group-layout'] == 'custom': k.x = x + k.props['key-x'] k.y = y + k.props['key-y'] k.width = k.props['key-width'] k.height = k.props['key-height'] else: k.x = 0 k.y = 0 k.width = 0 k.height = 0 def set_layout(self, layout): """Sets the keyboard's layout from a layout description.""" self._build_key_list(layout) self._layout_keys() def _update_screen_layout(self): """Applies the screen scaling factor for the layout given the current allocation. TODO - Preserve the layout's aspect ratio in this calculation.""" bounds = self.get_allocation() for k in self.keys: # This calculates a ratio from layout coordinates to the DrawingArea's # dimensions. This ratio allows the layout coordinates to be *anything* - # inches, millimeters, percentage, whatever. They just have to be # relative to layout-width and layout-height. ratio_x = 100 * bounds.width / k.props['layout-width'] ratio_y = 100 * bounds.height / k.props['layout-height'] # Make sure the final coordinates are integers, for the drawing routines. k.screen_x = int(k.x * ratio_x / 100) k.screen_y = int(k.y * ratio_y / 100) k.screen_width = int(k.width * ratio_x / 100) k.screen_height = int(k.height * ratio_y / 100) def _expose_cb(self, area, event): # Update layout given screen size. self._update_screen_layout() # Draw the keys. cr = self.area.window.cairo_create() cr.rectangle(event.area.x, event.area.y, event.area.width, event.area.height) cr.clip() for k in self.keys: cr.save() x1 = k.screen_x y1 = k.screen_y x2 = k.screen_x + k.screen_width y2 = k.screen_y + k.screen_height # Outline rounded box. corner = 5 cr.move_to(x1 + corner, y1) cr.line_to(x2 - corner, y1) cr.line_to(x2, y1 + corner) cr.line_to(x2, y2 - corner) cr.line_to(x2 - corner, y2) cr.line_to(x1 + corner, y2) cr.line_to(x1, y2 - corner) cr.line_to(x1, y1 + corner) cr.close_path() if k.pressed: cr.set_source_rgb(1.0, 0.6, 0.6) elif k.hilite: cr.set_source_rgb(0.6, 1.0, 0.6) else: cr.set_source_rgb(1.0, 1.0, 1.0) cr.fill_preserve() cr.set_source_rgb(0.1, 0.1, 0.1) cr.stroke_preserve() cr.clip() # Inner text. if k.props['key-label']: text = k.props['key-label'] elif self.shift_down: text = k.props['key-shift'] else: text = k.props['key-normal'] cr.set_font_size(16) x_bearing, y_bearing, width, height = cr.text_extents(text)[:4] cr.move_to(x1+8 - x_bearing, y2-8 - height - y_bearing) cr.show_text(text) cr.restore() return True def _key_press_cb(self, widget, event): # Useful line for determining what scan code matches what key. #print "HW: %x" % event.hardware_keycode if self.key_map.has_key(event.hardware_keycode): key = self.key_map[event.hardware_keycode] key.pressed = True if key.props['key-label'] == 'shift': self.shift_down = True self.queue_draw() return False def _key_release_cb(self, widget, event): if self.key_map.has_key(event.hardware_keycode): key = self.key_map[event.hardware_keycode] key.pressed = False if key.props['key-label'] == 'shift': self.shift_down = False self.queue_draw() return False def clear_hilite(self): for k in self.keys: k.hilite = False def find_key_by_letter(self, letter): for k in self.keys: if k.props['key-normal'] == letter or k.props['key-shift'] == letter: return k return None if __name__ == "__main__": window = gtk.Window(gtk.WINDOW_TOPLEVEL) window.set_title("keyboard widget") window.connect("destroy", lambda w: gtk.main_quit()) k = Keyboard() k.set_layout(DEFAULT_LAYOUT) k.show() window.add(k) window.show() gtk.main()