{"lessons": [{"name": "Welcome", "options": {"mistakes": true, "backspace": true}, "steps": [{"text": " ", "mode": "key", "instructions": "Hihowahyah! Ready to learn the secret of fast typing?\nThe secret is: Always use the correct finger to press each key!\n\nTo begin learning, place your hands on the keyboard just like the picture below."}, {"text": " ", "mode": "key", "instructions": "Good job! The space key makes a space between words."}, {"text": "\n", "mode": "key", "instructions": "Now I'll teach you the second key, enter. That's the big key near your right little finger."}, {"text": "\n", "mode": "key", "instructions": "Great! When typing, the enter key makes a new line."}], "type": "normal", "order": 0, "medals": [{"wpm": 0, "score": 3000, "name": "bronze", "accuracy": 25}, {"wpm": 0, "score": 4500, "name": "silver", "accuracy": 50}, {"wpm": 0, "score": 6000, "name": "gold", "accuracy": 100}], "description": "Click Start Lesson to begin your typing adventure."}, {"description": "This lesson teaches you the a, s, d, f, g, h, j, k and l keys \nin the middle of the keyboard.\nThese keys are called the Home Row.", "options": {"mistakes": true, "backspace": true}, "steps": [{"text": "\n", "mode": "key", "instructions": "In this lesson, you will learn the a, s, d, f, g, h, j, k and l keys."}, {"text": "asdfghjklasdfghjklasdfghjklasdfghjkl", "mode": "key", "instructions": "Let's learn the new keys."}, {"text": "ll hh hh jj kk ff ll ss kk jj dd hh dd dd dd ll gg hh aa ss kk hh ll ll ss hh jj ss jj dd ff ll kk ss ss ss ll gg ss gg kk ff ss gg ll dd gg kk kk jj kk jj ss kk ll aa ss jj aa dd", "mode": "text", "instructions": "Way to go! Practice typing the keys you just learned."}, {"text": "ag lg da fa fa ag lf sa sh sf sh ga ff ll da kg fl lf ak kl fa sh kg jj la ak ag af ff kl sk ha dj ll la hs sa ad sl ha fl ff aj sf ha lf sl sh al gl dd fa ll hh dd sl af aa ka ha", "mode": "text", "instructions": "Well done! Now put the keys together into pairs."}, {"text": "aah shahs lash shah saga flash shad dad flak alfalfa lg la lag shahs ask aka shh shag ha lad glad faff flash aah flask half ska aah fa gas saga shag half dash sass ad fa gad jag flag gall fa ssh hag sf aka ska fad ass hag ask gaga add gash la slag shall gala alga flag", "mode": "text", "instructions": "Wonderful! Time to type real words."}], "type": "normal", "order": 1, "medals": [{"wpm": 15, "score": 3000, "name": "bronze", "accuracy": 70}, {"wpm": 20, "score": 4500, "name": "silver", "accuracy": 80}, {"wpm": 25, "score": 6000, "name": "gold", "accuracy": 90}], "name": "The Home Row"}, {"description": "Practice the home row keys in this exciting game!\nDon't let any balloons get by!", "options": {"mistakes": true, "backspace": true}, "length": 60, "words": ["alga", "shall", "skald", "slag", "saga", "ah", "shh", "ad", "hash", "fall", "gad", "ala", "jag", "salsa", "ha", "falls", "dash", "flag", "half", "ask", "lash", "halala", "fa", "flak", "gag", "all", "ash", "alfalfa", "sh", "dada", "sash", "shad", "hajj", "haj", "halal", "shag", "lag", "gash", "slash", "gal", "algal", "glass", "gall", "has", "hah", "sag", "sass", "gala", "hall", "sal", "as", "flash", "hag", "dad", "flask", "gaff", "had", "shah", "dahl", "add", "ssh", "la", "lass", "gas", "ska", "gaga", "salad", "fad", "glad", "alas", "sad", "aha", "lad"], "type": "balloon", "order": 2, "medals": [{"wpm": 15, "score": 3000, "name": "bronze", "accuracy": 70}, {"wpm": 20, "score": 4500, "name": "silver", "accuracy": 80}, {"wpm": 25, "score": 6000, "name": "gold", "accuracy": 90}], "name": "Home Row Balloons"}, {"name": "The Top Row", "options": {"mistakes": true, "backspace": true}, "steps": [{"text": "\n", "mode": "key", "instructions": "In this lesson, you will learn the q, w, e, r, t, y, u, i, o and p keys."}, {"text": "qwertyuiopqwertyuiopqwertyuiopqwertyuiop", "mode": "key", "instructions": "Let's learn the new keys."}, {"text": "ee oo ii uu yy tt ii oo qq oo rr pp yy yy oo yy yy ee yy ii rr qq qq ww oo yy ee ii pp tt rr tt tt uu ii rr tt ii qq ww uu ee uu oo ee ee ii uu ee pp ee rr pp rr oo tt ii pp ii uu", "mode": "text", "instructions": "Wonderful! Practice typing the keys you just learned."}, {"text": "uy tu kr eu dp fe ej li of it tg yh ud yg aw uf ai yt wd ie yd us of fo ow rj tt rq ri ee yr ar kr eh qt yh tr os yr yk sy iu uh gu yo fw ut au so is ys wr if to es gp iq pe rl sr", "mode": "text", "instructions": "Good job. Now put the keys together into pairs."}, {"text": "dogeared paddler hut degrade ski turd fragile warlike poultry tiptop episode healthy slue risotto tide tug speedway kooky state thesis repeater stealth drift tip list pitiless trapper test for flesh spirea assay leftward hesitate attest lightly tip faille haggard shot garfish flutist wraiths steal life prop sheet fatal quarto ululate ruthless studly draper tepid holder gristle who weekly gyrate stay", "mode": "key", "instructions": "Way to go! Time to type real words."}], "type": "normal", "order": 3, "medals": [{"wpm": 15, "score": 3000, "name": "bronze", "accuracy": 70}, {"wpm": 20, "score": 4500, "name": "silver", "accuracy": 80}, {"wpm": 25, "score": 6000, "name": "gold", "accuracy": 90}], "description": "This lesson teaches you the q, w, e, r, t, y, u, i, o and p keys \non the top row of the keyboard."}, {"description": "Time to practice the home row and top row keys together.\nTry to pop all the balloons!", "length": 60, "words": ["hurl", "fortieth", "rush", "regatta", "flushed", "tragedy", "salaried", "goggle", "papoose", "wraith", "sprawl", "dug", "litre", "polyp", "toehold", "whish", "fit", "faddist", "reorder", "sateless", "thready", "populist", "lagger", "furrow", "flatware", "wildly", "graffiti", "reflow", "fell", "pulpit", "though", "welder", "platelet", "health", "pouter", "fatuity", "auditor", "surly", "deftly", "holiday", "rehire", "apathy", "tattered", "steeped", "prairie", "wild", "deflated", "foyer", "thru", "spy", "swart", "story", "dahlia", "flog", "odiously", "preterit", "purity", "defy", "warily", "ileal", "fridge", "pad", "laity", "dallier", "soiled", "total", "wellhead", "pesewa", "hail", "fright", "ashes", "twirly", "twittery", "quarter", "leprosy", "despair", "resale", "tawdrily", "pother", "flasher", "digress", "rigor", "rootlet", "aloft", "geyser", "soft", "flooded", "tolerate", "deplete", "haul", "wake", "reggae", "flakily", "worship", "soggily", "sweetly", "droop", "floppily", "pedestal", "irate", "foresee", "threader", "repute", "flowery", "guiltily", "parasol", "tow", "fire", "gulf", "data", "heiress", "wooled", "lilt", "japery", "thwart", "fugally", "wisp", "shipper", "par", "right", "raster", "leaded", "rug", "rufous", "pleased", "fetidly", "grouser", "thyroid", "flora", "equalise", "flier", "purdah", "arguer", "askew", "lessee", "fried", "prose", "duper", "rewire", "spoils", "futilely", "yodeller", "gyrate", "hist", "sweep", "striated", "gagger", "littoral", "dowse", "lustrate", "yurt", "hothead", "show", "arrester", "dowdy", "desire", "statute", "profit", "fail", "keelhaul", "allege", "upstate", "reaper", "its", "eureka", "wight", "dire", "to", "grouter", "toil", "softie", "sailor", "outsold", "weakfish", "pupil", "yapper", "hug", "prod", "torero", "hightail", "hogshead", "trek", "reap", "stoker", "idealist", "sepal", "traitor", "fretted", "still", "feaster", "lour", "fig", "floppy", "dystopia", "afield", "postdate", "portly", "drily"], "type": "balloon", "order": 4, "medals": [{"wpm": 15, "score": 3000, "name": "bronze", "accuracy": 70}, {"wpm": 20, "score": 4500, "name": "silver", "accuracy": 80}, {"wpm": 25, "score": 6000, "name": "gold", "accuracy": 90}], "name": "Top Row Balloons"}, {"name": "The Bottom Row", "options": {"mistakes": true, "backspace": true}, "steps": [{"text": "\n", "mode": "key", "instructions": "In this lesson, you will learn the z, x, c, v, b, n and m keys."}, {"text": "zxcvbnmzxcvbnmzxcvbnmzxcvbnm", "mode": "key", "instructions": "Let's learn the new keys."}, {"text": "xx bb xx cc zz cc zz xx bb vv nn cc vv xx xx cc mm zz zz nn nn mm bb zz bb vv cc bb vv xx cc xx cc mm vv mm zz mm xx nn bb vv mm mm nn zz vv vv bb zz zz nn bb mm cc vv nn cc bb xx", "mode": "text", "instructions": "You did it! Practice typing the keys you just learned."}, {"text": "hm bn ev tc sc iz dv xa yz vv tm wm ni av gn tv vn nl ct am sv za pc tn ny en np tn bh ci am lx hn rb xy cu hm bu be yn ov xi un pm tm rc be ck iz ce bb vn uc tc rc zp tv nm tz lb", "mode": "text", "instructions": "Well done! Now put the keys together into pairs."}, {"text": "sunroof hurling xcvi cup reveille bluesy striking homage synoptic heroics naturism corgi firebox hangover egomania groyne dabbed forename scrape laywomen gonad biog backspin signal bromidic pickings obviate vale concave ancient bowlful hunt sangria iceberg resolve ahchoo helping gainer tandoori virgin hank storm telnet doping emblazon prove sexpot nursing airiness judgment snooker mumps fairing condign learn swampy mine compeer perplex verboten", "mode": "text", "instructions": "Way to go! Time to type real words."}], "type": "normal", "order": 5, "medals": [{"wpm": 15, "score": 3000, "name": "bronze", "accuracy": 70}, {"wpm": 20, "score": 4500, "name": "silver", "accuracy": 80}, {"wpm": 25, "score": 6000, "name": "gold", "accuracy": 90}], "description": "This lesson teaches you the z, x, c, v, b, n and m keys \non the bottom row of the keyboard."}, {"description": "Now you know the whole alphabet, so let's practice with a new game!\nThese are big words, so get ready.", "options": {"mistakes": true, "backspace": true}, "length": 60, "words": ["needy", "bluff", "funky", "whereby", "meerkat", "biplane", "buggy", "crate", "detach", "baldric", "jussive", "itch", "opulent", "briefing", "kronor", "silkworm", "collect", "nay", "latrine", "unpriced", "nelson", "lens", "gaminess", "perfect", "assuming", "bunter", "convict", "angora", "against", "chicle", "volume", "bailee", "smooch", "stent", "oblatory", "compete", "overcool", "viva", "delimit", "alone", "precinct", "tibia", "narcotic", "lumpily", "dialect", "aviator", "bruising", "finalize", "silently", "dumfound", "cassava", "consumer", "backslap", "joinery", "oogonium", "ungodly", "unisex", "finished", "anthill", "tenably", "synopsis", "centime", "convert", "wetback", "vernal", "mandarin", "syringe", "exodus", "carhop", "circuit", "aardvark", "zither", "daimon", "saintly", "seizable", "founded", "schmeer", "behalf", "advert", "snapshot", "nous", "saponify", "permeate", "pronator", "bedouin", "rocks", "rebind", "maths", "behemoth", "peroxide", "penalty", "delver", "timbre", "marka", "depictor", "gem", "fern", "flavor", "organza", "bungler", "beneath", "systemic", "bravura", "taxying", "sedum", "tomogram", "borrow", "limpness", "ampoule", "execute", "demean", "mower", "cobra", "blading", "portably", "chicness", "diminish", "refocus", "reserve", "befell", "morphia", "entire", "caroller", "product", "unabated", "boogie", "boatel", "undated", "winded", "injurer", "autism", "moneybag", "minutia", "cion", "padlock", "milt", "nights", "unseen", "hardball", "tricorne", "bulge", "blossom", "gauzy", "basicity", "maze", "unblest", "mob", "coho", "survey", "salon", "oceanic", "flatcar", "choleric", "druidic", "pixy", "caulking", "pushcart", "wand", "uncoil", "fling", "remover", "kine", "liana", "bigoted", "satanic", "fasten", "mandala", "monition", "cable", "maraca", "card", "tenpins", "preteen", "coma", "bedevil", "raglan", "impostor", "border", "trusting", "humane", "dankness", "melodic", "burn", "marbled", "notation", "groove", "thwack", "curacy", "monodic", "sunfish", "flagon", "mansard", "tinter", "crystal", "battler", "pocked", "convent", "evilly", "iodine"], "type": "kite", "order": 6, "medals": [{"wpm": 15, "score": 3000, "name": "bronze", "accuracy": 70}, {"wpm": 20, "score": 4500, "name": "silver", "accuracy": 80}, {"wpm": 25, "score": 6000, "name": "gold", "accuracy": 90}], "name": "Alphabet Kite"}, {"name": "Left Hand Capitals", "options": {"mistakes": true, "backspace": true}, "steps": [{"text": "\n", "mode": "key", "instructions": "In this lesson, you will learn the Q, W, E, R, T, A, S, D, F, G, Z, X, C, V and B keys."}, {"text": "QWERTASDFGZXCVBQWERTASDFGZXCVBQWERTASDFGZXCVBQWERTASDFGZXCVB", "mode": "key", "instructions": "Let's learn the new keys."}, {"text": "SS FF XX RR ZZ AA DD FF CC AA AA CC BB GG BB SS WW TT GG XX BB EE QQ CC RR TT EE BB AA CC QQ DD BB VV BB RR BB AA WW QQ VV XX XX TT ZZ SS BB VV XX EE FF WW XX XX VV GG EE AA WW ZZ", "mode": "text", "instructions": "Wonderful! Practice typing the keys you just learned."}, {"text": "CV VC QE AT CD AS VC ZT BQ Ai FC BR ED RD Wi RA SR Ty DT Rn RC CZ FT FD Sk WA RA RF GT kW Du CD GS BA Wh CF Am Em Di Am BQ CF GB TC Gu QB Di RE TD VD SR SB Cm FS VD AD Ti AA Eu QB", "mode": "text", "instructions": "You did it! Now put the keys together into pairs."}, {"text": "Sun EDT TB Coy Bioko DDT Sikh Guy DAT Thimphu EDT Runyon WV SA Tim CARE GTE SAC Eu BR BBC CST RV ESE SARS CBS Bonn VCR AB RDA CBC AFB ETD WAC Simon CRT Sunni Soho FDR Cu STD BTW TA CARE VGA Fuji ER WV WC Eu GE ESE Biko Como ER EEC Ch Amy FD Son", "mode": "text", "instructions": "Well done! Time to type real words."}], "type": "normal", "order": 7, "medals": [{"wpm": 10, "score": 3000, "name": "bronze", "accuracy": 70}, {"wpm": 15, "score": 4500, "name": "silver", "accuracy": 80}, {"wpm": 20, "score": 6000, "name": "gold", "accuracy": 90}], "description": "Now that you know the whole alphabet, it's time to get started with \nCAPITAL letters. \n\nThis lesson teaches you the CAPITAL letters which are typed \nby your left hand: Q, W, E, R, T, A, S, D, F, G, Z, X, C, V and B."}, {"name": "Right Hand Capitals", "options": {"mistakes": true, "backspace": true}, "steps": [{"text": "\n", "mode": "key", "instructions": "In this lesson, you will learn the Y, U, I, O, P, H, J, K, L, N and M keys."}, {"text": "YUIOPHJKLNMYUIOPHJKLNMYUIOPHJKLNMYUIOPHJKLNM", "mode": "key", "instructions": "Let's learn the new keys."}, {"text": "LL MM PP OO NN LL PP PP UU UU HH KK HH KK NN YY MM NN JJ NN II UU HH OO MM LL KK NN PP LL UU OO UU KK LL HH MM OO HH PP YY II LL NN LL LL LL II PP JJ PP MM JJ JJ YY II MM JJ YY YY", "mode": "text", "instructions": "Awesome! Practice typing the keys you just learned."}, {"text": "Oc Mb Jr Iv Lr Pv ON HO NY Lt IN Pf Ut PN KY NH Id Ke Jr HI Ic IH Hg He Oz He Je IN PN PM ON Pe Pb NJ Lr LL NI Le Nb Mt Le Ha Ob Mg OH Ia Od Ja Ha Mc KY Lr Mt La Hz Or Id Yv IL Ya", "mode": "text", "instructions": "Way to go! Now put the keys together into pairs."}, {"text": "Lear Mae Pabst Ltd Ortega Mercer Mesa Ira Margaret Hess Lr Jarred Ob MHz Ned Navarre Lassa Ira Lester Ore Jarrett Le Madras NHL Ives Odets HM Leda Nev Lestrade Hatteras Kerr Lars Herbert IMHO Haw Lars OJ Lara Jeeves Hester Marta Mac Parr Pt Max MO Jewess Herbart Peter ON Hart IOU Leda Mex Herbart NY Herbert Hz Osbert", "mode": "text", "instructions": "Way to go! Time to type real words."}], "type": "normal", "order": 8, "medals": [{"wpm": 10, "score": 3000, "name": "bronze", "accuracy": 70}, {"wpm": 15, "score": 4500, "name": "silver", "accuracy": 80}, {"wpm": 20, "score": 6000, "name": "gold", "accuracy": 90}], "description": "This lesson adds the CAPITAL letters that are typed with the\nright hand: Y, U, I, O, P, H, J, K, L, N, and M."}, {"description": "Time to practice your CAPITAL letters by popping some balloons!\n\nThis time, try to type as quickly and steadily as you can.", "length": 60, "words": ["Heller", "Nemesis", "Hadrian", "Haiphong", "Nixon", "Lewisham", "Lorene", "Mohegan", "Latvian", "Muzak", "Hamhung", "Napoleon", "Jonathan", "Malory", "Ludhiana", "Malacca", "AWOL", "Humphrey", "Napier", "Leipzig", "Patrick", "Kitty", "Peale", "Jamie", "Malta", "Mitty", "Mexican", "Karen", "Lamb", "Host", "Pegasus", "IOU", "Punjabi", "Kibo", "Islam", "GI", "Poole", "Preston", "Madam", "Yukon", "Pueblo", "Luke", "Nilgiri", "Pepin", "Mendel", "Perkins", "PBX", "Logan", "Lyons", "Jeremy", "Mahatma", "Marietta", "Obadiah", "Perry", "Mohammed", "Nanette", "Kamet", "Procyon", "Proteus", "Judaea", "Ionian", "Plovdiv", "Main", "Pius", "Istrian", "Kim", "Picasso", "Hydra", "Peel", "Yorktown", "Potomac", "Pliny", "STOL", "Keller", "Patti", "Yangon", "Palomar", "Junior", "Mervin", "Harare", "Yokosuka", "Mason", "No", "Pisan", "Manama", "Mahican", "Melinda", "Iasi", "Minorcan", "Jersey", "Langley", "Latakia", "Oakland", "Peruvian", "Masai", "Powys", "Owen", "Jonson", "Makarios", "Lela", "Milicent", "Moselle", "Mariana", "Marcia", "Mulroney", "Permian", "Perceval", "Jacuzzi", "Hiram", "Lon", "Omagh", "Ibo", "Julia", "Mali", "Nabatea", "Menotti", "Hopkins", "Pattie", "FM", "Leonard", "GIGO", "Patmos", "Marconi", "Japanese", "Laverne", "Nikolaev", "Peshawar", "Umbrian", "Nobelist", "Haydn", "Ligurian", "Ocean", "Hogarth", "Linnaeus", "Megrez", "Mabel", "Piura", "Limavady", "Newark", "McLuhan", "Kirin", "IV", "Orpheus", "ATP", "Nannette", "June", "Hanuka", "Lily", "Lucian", "Iacocca", "Hasidic", "Lionel", "Nashua", "Odin", "Moldova", "Midas", "Heep", "Lorenzo", "Leona", "Po", "Lublin", "Metairie", "Yoruba", "Parian", "Ithaki", "Om", "Kabbalah", "Kirby", "Oneida", "Huron", "Iqaluit", "Pepysian", "Phidias", "Moore", "HUD", "Pope", "Hathaway", "Kweiyang", "Hodgkin", "Maya", "Honduras", "Mercury", "Ivorian", "Nagasaki", "Jessie", "Jute", "Lane", "Hasidim", "Langland", "Union", "Kaiserin", "Leighton", "SLR"], "type": "balloon", "order": 9, "medals": [{"wpm": 15, "score": 3000, "name": "bronze", "accuracy": 70}, {"wpm": 20, "score": 4500, "name": "silver", "accuracy": 80}, {"wpm": 25, "score": 6000, "name": "gold", "accuracy": 90}], "name": "Capital Balloons"}]}