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path: root/activity.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'activity.py')
1 files changed, 430 insertions, 79 deletions
diff --git a/activity.py b/activity.py
index 928e2fd..ba9847b 100644
--- a/activity.py
+++ b/activity.py
@@ -14,87 +14,438 @@
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+import hippo
+import gtk
+import logging
+import cjson
+import math
+from gettext import gettext as _
+from telepathy.interfaces import (
+from telepathy.constants import (
+from telepathy.client import Connection, Channel
+from sugar.graphics import style
+from sugar.graphics.alert import NotifyAlert
+from sugar.graphics.palette import Palette
+from sugar.graphics.toolbarbox import ToolbarBox
from sugar.activity import activity
+from sugar.presence import presenceservice
+from sugar.activity.widgets import ActivityButton, TitleEntry, KeepButton
+from sugar.activity.widgets import StopButton, ShareButton, RadioMenuButton
+from chat import smilies
+from chat.box import ChatBox
+logger = logging.getLogger('chat-activity')
+class Chat(activity.Activity):
-class ViewSourceActivity(activity.Activity):
- """Activity subclass which handles the 'view source' key."""
def __init__(self, handle):
- super(ViewSourceActivity, self).__init__(handle)
- self.__source_object_id = None # XXX: persist this across invocations?
- self.connect('key-press-event', self._key_press_cb)
- def _key_press_cb(self, widget, event):
- import gtk
- if gtk.gdk.keyval_name(event.keyval) == 'XF86Start':
- self.view_source()
- return True
- return False
- def view_source(self):
- """Implement the 'view source' key by saving pippy_app.py to the
- datastore, and then telling the Journal to view it."""
- if self.__source_object_id is None:
- from sugar import profile
- from sugar.datastore import datastore
- from sugar.activity.activity import get_bundle_name, get_bundle_path
- from gettext import gettext as _
- import os.path
- jobject = datastore.create()
- metadata = {
- 'title': _('%s Source') % get_bundle_name(),
- 'title_set_by_user': '1',
- 'suggested_filename': 'pippy_app.py',
- 'icon-color': profile.get_color().to_string(),
- 'mime_type': 'text/x-python',
- }
- for k,v in metadata.items():
- jobject.metadata[k] = v # dict.update method is missing =(
- jobject.file_path = os.path.join(get_bundle_path(), 'pippy_app.py')
- datastore.write(jobject)
- self.__source_object_id = jobject.object_id
- jobject.destroy()
- self.journal_show_object(self.__source_object_id)
- def journal_show_object(self, object_id):
- """Invoke journal_show_object from sugar.activity.activity if it
- exists."""
+ super(Chat, self).__init__(handle)
+ smilies.init()
+ self.entry = None
+ self.chatbox = None
+ root = self.make_root()
+ self.set_canvas(root)
+ root.show_all()
+ self.entry.grab_focus()
+ toolbar_box = ToolbarBox()
+ self.set_toolbar_box(toolbar_box)
+ toolbar_box.toolbar.insert(ActivityButton(self), -1)
+ toolbar_box.toolbar.insert(TitleEntry(self), -1)
+ share_button = ShareButton(self)
+ toolbar_box.toolbar.insert(share_button, -1)
+ toolbar_box.toolbar.insert(KeepButton(self), -1)
+ separator = gtk.SeparatorToolItem()
+ toolbar_box.toolbar.insert(separator, -1)
+ self._smiley = RadioMenuButton(icon_name='smilies')
+ self._smiley.palette = Palette(_('Insert smiley'))
+ toolbar_box.toolbar.insert(self._smiley, -1)
+ table = self._create_pallete_smiley_table()
+ table.show_all()
+ self._smiley.palette.set_content(table)
+ separator = gtk.SeparatorToolItem()
+ separator.props.draw = False
+ separator.set_expand(True)
+ toolbar_box.toolbar.insert(separator, -1)
+ toolbar_box.toolbar.insert(StopButton(self), -1)
+ toolbar_box.show_all()
+ pservice = presenceservice.get_instance()
+ self.owner = pservice.get_owner()
+ # Chat is room or one to one:
+ self._chat_is_room = False
+ self.text_channel = None
+ if self.shared_activity:
+ # we are joining the activity
+ self.connect('joined', self._joined_cb)
+ if self.get_shared():
+ # we have already joined
+ self._joined_cb(self)
+ elif handle.uri:
+ # XMPP non-Sugar incoming chat, not sharable
+ share_button.props.visible = False
+ self._one_to_one_connection(handle.uri)
+ else:
+ # we are creating the activity
+ if not self.metadata or self.metadata.get('share-scope',
+ activity.SCOPE_PRIVATE) == activity.SCOPE_PRIVATE:
+ # if we are in private session
+ self._alert(_('Off-line'), _('Share, or invite someone.'))
+ self.connect('shared', self._shared_cb)
+ def handle_view_source(self):
+ pass
+ def _create_pallete_smiley_table(self):
+ row_count = int(math.ceil(len(smilies.THEME) / float(SMILIES_COLUMNS)))
+ table = gtk.Table(rows=row_count, columns=SMILIES_COLUMNS)
+ index = 0
+ for y in range(row_count):
+ for x in range(SMILIES_COLUMNS):
+ if index >= len(smilies.THEME):
+ break
+ path, hint, codes = smilies.THEME[index]
+ image = gtk.image_new_from_file(path)
+ button = gtk.ToolButton(icon_widget=image)
+ button.set_tooltip(gtk.Tooltips(), codes[0] + ' ' + hint)
+ button.connect('clicked', self._add_smiley_to_entry, codes[0])
+ table.attach(button, x, x + 1, y, y + 1)
+ button.show()
+ index = index + 1
+ return table
+ def _add_smiley_to_entry(self, button, text):
+ pos = self.entry.props.cursor_position
+ self.entry.props.buffer.insert_text(pos, text, -1)
+ self.entry.set_position(pos + len(text))
+ self._smiley.palette.popdown(True)
+ def _shared_cb(self, sender):
+ logger.debug('Chat was shared')
+ self._setup()
+ def _one_to_one_connection(self, tp_channel):
+ """Handle a private invite from a non-Sugar XMPP client."""
+ if self.shared_activity or self.text_channel:
+ return
+ bus_name, connection, channel = cjson.decode(tp_channel)
+ logger.debug('GOT XMPP: %s %s %s', bus_name, connection,
+ channel)
+ Connection(
+ bus_name, connection, ready_handler=lambda conn: \
+ self._one_to_one_connection_ready_cb(bus_name, channel, conn))
+ def _one_to_one_connection_ready_cb(self, bus_name, channel, conn):
+ """Callback for Connection for one to one connection"""
+ text_channel = Channel(bus_name, channel)
+ self.text_channel = TextChannelWrapper(text_channel, conn)
+ self.text_channel.set_received_callback(self._received_cb)
+ self.text_channel.handle_pending_messages()
+ self.text_channel.set_closed_callback(
+ self._one_to_one_connection_closed_cb)
+ self._chat_is_room = False
+ self._alert(_('On-line'), _('Private Chat'))
+ # XXX How do we detect the sender going offline?
+ self.entry.set_sensitive(True)
+ self.entry.grab_focus()
+ def _one_to_one_connection_closed_cb(self):
+ """Callback for when the text channel closes."""
+ self._alert(_('Off-line'), _('left the chat'))
+ def _setup(self):
+ self.text_channel = TextChannelWrapper(
+ self.shared_activity.telepathy_text_chan,
+ self.shared_activity.telepathy_conn)
+ self.text_channel.set_received_callback(self._received_cb)
+ self._alert(_('On-line'), _('Connected'))
+ self.shared_activity.connect('buddy-joined', self._buddy_joined_cb)
+ self.shared_activity.connect('buddy-left', self._buddy_left_cb)
+ self._chat_is_room = True
+ self.entry.set_sensitive(True)
+ self.entry.grab_focus()
+ def _joined_cb(self, sender):
+ """Joined a shared activity."""
+ if not self.shared_activity:
+ return
+ logger.debug('Joined a shared chat')
+ for buddy in self.shared_activity.get_joined_buddies():
+ self._buddy_already_exists(buddy)
+ self._setup()
+ def _received_cb(self, buddy, text):
+ """Show message that was received."""
+ if buddy:
+ if type(buddy) is dict:
+ nick = buddy['nick']
+ else:
+ nick = buddy.props.nick
+ else:
+ nick = '???'
+ logger.debug('Received message from %s: %s', nick, text)
+ self.chatbox.add_text(buddy, text)
+ def _alert(self, title, text=None):
+ alert = NotifyAlert(timeout=5)
+ alert.props.title = title
+ alert.props.msg = text
+ self.add_alert(alert)
+ alert.connect('response', self._alert_cancel_cb)
+ alert.show()
+ def _alert_cancel_cb(self, alert, response_id):
+ self.remove_alert(alert)
+ def _buddy_joined_cb(self, sender, buddy):
+ """Show a buddy who joined"""
+ if buddy == self.owner:
+ return
+ self.chatbox.add_text(buddy,
+ buddy.props.nick + ' ' + _('joined the chat'),
+ status_message=True)
+ def _buddy_left_cb(self, sender, buddy):
+ """Show a buddy who joined"""
+ if buddy == self.owner:
+ return
+ self.chatbox.add_text(buddy,
+ buddy.props.nick + ' ' + _('left the chat'),
+ status_message=True)
+ def _buddy_already_exists(self, buddy):
+ """Show a buddy already in the chat."""
+ if buddy == self.owner:
+ return
+ self.chatbox.add_text(buddy, buddy.props.nick + ' ' + _('is here'),
+ status_message=True)
+ def can_close(self):
+ """Perform cleanup before closing.
+ Close text channel of a one to one XMPP chat.
+ """
+ if self._chat_is_room is False:
+ if self.text_channel is not None:
+ self.text_channel.close()
+ return True
+ def make_root(self):
+ entry = gtk.Entry()
+ entry.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_INSENSITIVE,
+ style.COLOR_WHITE.get_gdk_color())
+ entry.modify_base(gtk.STATE_INSENSITIVE,
+ style.COLOR_WHITE.get_gdk_color())
+ entry.set_sensitive(False)
+ entry.connect('activate', self.entry_activate_cb)
+ self.entry = entry
+ self.chatbox = ChatBox()
+ canvas = hippo.Canvas()
+ canvas.set_root(self.chatbox)
+ hbox = gtk.HBox()
+ hbox.add(entry)
+ box = gtk.VBox(homogeneous=False)
+ box.pack_start(canvas)
+ box.pack_start(hbox, expand=False)
+ return box
+ def entry_activate_cb(self, entry):
+ text = entry.props.text
+ logger.debug('Entry: %s' % text)
+ if text:
+ self.chatbox.add_text(self.owner, text)
+ entry.props.text = ''
+ if self.text_channel:
+ self.text_channel.send(text)
+ else:
+ logger.debug('Tried to send message but text channel '
+ 'not connected.')
+ def write_file(self, file_path):
+ """Store chat log in Journal.
+ Handling the Journal is provided by Activity - we only need
+ to define this method.
+ """
+ logger.debug('write_file: writing %s' % file_path)
+ self.chatbox.add_log_timestamp()
+ f = open(file_path, 'w')
- from sugar.activity.activity import show_object_in_journal
- show_object_in_journal(object_id)
- except ImportError:
- pass # no love from sugar.
+ f.write(self.chatbox.get_log())
+ finally:
+ f.close()
+ self.metadata['mime_type'] = 'text/plain'
-class VteActivity(ViewSourceActivity):
- def __init__(self, handle):
- import gtk, pango, vte
- super(VteActivity, self).__init__(handle)
- toolbox = activity.ActivityToolbox(self)
- self.set_toolbox(toolbox)
- toolbox.show()
- # creates vte widget
- self._vte = vte.Terminal()
- self._vte.set_size(30,5)
- self._vte.set_size_request(200, 300)
- font = 'Monospace 10'
- self._vte.set_font(pango.FontDescription(font))
- self._vte.set_colors(gtk.gdk.color_parse ('#000000'),
- gtk.gdk.color_parse ('#E7E7E7'),
- [])
- # ...and its scrollbar
- vtebox = gtk.HBox()
- vtebox.pack_start(self._vte)
- vtesb = gtk.VScrollbar(self._vte.get_adjustment())
- vtesb.show()
- vtebox.pack_start(vtesb, False, False, 0)
- self.set_canvas(vtebox)
- self.show_all()
- # now start subprocess.
- self._vte.grab_focus()
- bundle_path = activity.get_bundle_path()
- # the 'sleep 1' works around a bug with the command dying before
- # the vte widget manages to snarf the last bits of its output
- self._pid = self._vte.fork_command \
- (command='/bin/sh',
- argv=['/bin/sh','-c',
- 'python %s/pippy_app.py; sleep 1' % bundle_path],
- envv=["PYTHONPATH=%s/library" % bundle_path],
- directory=bundle_path)
+ def read_file(self, file_path):
+ """Load a chat log from the Journal.
+ Handling the Journal is provided by Activity - we only need
+ to define this method.
+ """
+ logger.debug('read_file: reading %s' % file_path)
+ log = open(file_path).readlines()
+ last_line_was_timestamp = False
+ for line in log:
+ if line.endswith('\t\t\n'):
+ if last_line_was_timestamp is False:
+ timestamp = line.strip().split('\t')[0]
+ self.chatbox.add_separator(timestamp)
+ last_line_was_timestamp = True
+ else:
+ timestamp, nick, color, status, text = line.strip().split('\t')
+ status_message = bool(int(status))
+ self.chatbox.add_text({'nick': nick, 'color': color},
+ text, status_message)
+ last_line_was_timestamp = False
+class TextChannelWrapper(object):
+ """Wrap a telepathy Text Channel to make usage simpler."""
+ def __init__(self, text_chan, conn):
+ """Connect to the text channel"""
+ self._activity_cb = None
+ self._activity_close_cb = None
+ self._text_chan = text_chan
+ self._conn = conn
+ self._logger = logging.getLogger(
+ 'chat-activity.TextChannelWrapper')
+ self._signal_matches = []
+ m = self._text_chan[CHANNEL_INTERFACE].connect_to_signal(
+ 'Closed', self._closed_cb)
+ self._signal_matches.append(m)
+ def send(self, text):
+ """Send text over the Telepathy text channel."""
+ if self._text_chan is not None:
+ self._text_chan[CHANNEL_TYPE_TEXT].Send(
+ def close(self):
+ """Close the text channel."""
+ self._logger.debug('Closing text channel')
+ try:
+ self._text_chan[CHANNEL_INTERFACE].Close()
+ except Exception:
+ self._logger.debug('Channel disappeared!')
+ self._closed_cb()
+ def _closed_cb(self):
+ """Clean up text channel."""
+ self._logger.debug('Text channel closed.')
+ for match in self._signal_matches:
+ match.remove()
+ self._signal_matches = []
+ self._text_chan = None
+ if self._activity_close_cb is not None:
+ self._activity_close_cb()
+ def set_received_callback(self, callback):
+ """Connect the function callback to the signal.
+ callback -- callback function taking buddy and text args
+ """
+ if self._text_chan is None:
+ return
+ self._activity_cb = callback
+ m = self._text_chan[CHANNEL_TYPE_TEXT].connect_to_signal('Received',
+ self._received_cb)
+ self._signal_matches.append(m)
+ def handle_pending_messages(self):
+ """Get pending messages and show them as received."""
+ for identity, timestamp, sender, type_, flags, text in \
+ self._text_chan[
+ CHANNEL_TYPE_TEXT].ListPendingMessages(False):
+ self._received_cb(identity, timestamp, sender, type_, flags, text)
+ def _received_cb(self, identity, timestamp, sender, type_, flags, text):
+ """Handle received text from the text channel.
+ Converts sender to a Buddy.
+ Calls self._activity_cb which is a callback to the activity.
+ """
+ if self._activity_cb:
+ try:
+ self._text_chan[CHANNEL_INTERFACE_GROUP]
+ except Exception:
+ # One to one XMPP chat
+ nick = self._conn[
+ CONN_INTERFACE_ALIASING].RequestAliases([sender])[0]
+ buddy = {'nick': nick, 'color': '#000000,#808080'}
+ else:
+ # Normal sugar MUC chat
+ # XXX: cache these
+ buddy = self._get_buddy(sender)
+ self._activity_cb(buddy, text)
+ self._text_chan[
+ CHANNEL_TYPE_TEXT].AcknowledgePendingMessages([identity])
+ else:
+ self._logger.debug('Throwing received message on the floor'
+ ' since there is no callback connected. See '
+ 'set_received_callback')
+ def set_closed_callback(self, callback):
+ """Connect a callback for when the text channel is closed.
+ callback -- callback function taking no args
+ """
+ self._activity_close_cb = callback
+ def _get_buddy(self, cs_handle):
+ """Get a Buddy from a (possibly channel-specific) handle."""
+ # XXX This will be made redundant once Presence Service
+ # provides buddy resolution
+ # Get the Presence Service
+ pservice = presenceservice.get_instance()
+ # Get the Telepathy Connection
+ tp_name, tp_path = pservice.get_preferred_connection()
+ conn = Connection(tp_name, tp_path)
+ group = self._text_chan[CHANNEL_INTERFACE_GROUP]
+ my_csh = group.GetSelfHandle()
+ if my_csh == cs_handle:
+ handle = conn.GetSelfHandle()
+ elif group.GetGroupFlags() & \
+ handle = group.GetHandleOwners([cs_handle])[0]
+ else:
+ handle = cs_handle
+ # XXX: deal with failure to get the handle owner
+ assert handle != 0
+ return pservice.get_buddy_by_telepathy_handle(
+ tp_name, tp_path, handle)