# Copyright 2007-2008 One Laptop Per Child # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA from gettext import gettext as _ import hippo import gtk import pango import logging import re import simplejson from datetime import datetime from activity import ViewSourceActivity from sugar.activity.activity import Activity, ActivityToolbox from sugar.graphics.alert import NotifyAlert from sugar.graphics.style import (Color, COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_WHITE, FONT_BOLD, FONT_NORMAL) from sugar.graphics.roundbox import CanvasRoundBox from sugar.graphics.xocolor import XoColor from sugar.graphics.palette import Palette, CanvasInvoker from sugar.graphics.menuitem import MenuItem from telepathy.client import Connection, Channel from telepathy.interfaces import ( CHANNEL_INTERFACE_GROUP, CHANNEL_TYPE_TEXT, CONN_INTERFACE_ALIASING) from telepathy.constants import ( CHANNEL_GROUP_FLAG_CHANNEL_SPECIFIC_HANDLES, CHANNEL_TEXT_MESSAGE_TYPE_NORMAL) logger = logging.getLogger('chat-activity') URL_REGEXP = re.compile('((http|ftp)s?://)?' '(([-a-zA-Z0-9]+[.])+[-a-zA-Z0-9]{2,}|([0-9]{1,3}[.]){3}[0-9]{1,3})' '(:[1-9][0-9]{0,4})?(/[-a-zA-Z0-9/%~@&_+=;:,.?#]*[a-zA-Z0-9/])?') class Chat(ViewSourceActivity): def __init__(self, handle): super(Chat, self).__init__(handle) root = self.make_root() self.set_canvas(root) root.show_all() self.entry.grab_focus() toolbox = ActivityToolbox(self) self.set_toolbox(toolbox) toolbox.show() self.owner = self._pservice.get_owner() self._chat_log = '' # Auto vs manual scrolling: self._scroll_auto = True self._scroll_value = 0.0 # Track last message, to combine several messages: self._last_msg = None self._last_msg_sender = None # Chat is room or one to one: self._chat_is_room = False self.text_channel = None if self._shared_activity: # we are joining the activity self.connect('joined', self._joined_cb) if self.get_shared(): # we have already joined self._joined_cb() elif handle.uri: # XMPP non-Sugar incoming chat, not sharable activity_toolbar = toolbox.get_activity_toolbar() activity_toolbar.share.props.visible = False self._one_to_one_connection(handle.uri) else: # we are creating the activity self._alert(_('Off-line'), _('Share, or invite someone.')) self.connect('shared', self._shared_cb) def _shared_cb(self, activity): logger.debug('Chat was shared') self._setup() def _one_to_one_connection(self, tp_channel): """Handle a private invite from a non-Sugar XMPP client.""" if self._shared_activity or self.text_channel: return bus_name, connection, channel = simplejson.loads(tp_channel) logger.debug('GOT XMPP: %s %s %s', bus_name, connection, channel) # XXX conn = Connection( bus_name, connection, ready_handler=lambda conn: \ self._one_to_one_connection_ready_cb(bus_name, channel, conn)) def _one_to_one_connection_ready_cb(self, bus_name, channel, conn): """Callback for Connection for one to one connection""" text_channel = Channel(bus_name, channel) self.text_channel = TextChannelWrapper(text_channel, conn) self.text_channel.set_received_callback(self._received_cb) self._chat_is_room = False self._alert(_('On-line'), _('Private Chat')) # XXX How do we cope with the sender leaving? # Text channel closes? handle that - show person left. self.entry.set_sensitive(True) self.entry.grab_focus() def _setup(self): self.text_channel = TextChannelWrapper( self._shared_activity.telepathy_text_chan, self._shared_activity.telepathy_conn) self.text_channel.set_received_callback(self._received_cb) self._alert(_('On-line'), _('Connected')) self._shared_activity.connect('buddy-joined', self._buddy_joined_cb) self._shared_activity.connect('buddy-left', self._buddy_left_cb) self._chat_is_room = True self.entry.set_sensitive(True) self.entry.grab_focus() def _joined_cb(self, activity): """Joined a shared activity.""" if not self._shared_activity: return logger.debug('Joined a shared chat') for buddy in self._shared_activity.get_joined_buddies(): self._buddy_already_exists(buddy) self._setup() def _received_cb(self, buddy, text): """Show message that was received.""" self.add_text(buddy, text) def _alert(self, title, text=None): alert = NotifyAlert(timeout=5) alert.props.title = title alert.props.msg = text self.add_alert(alert) alert.connect('response', self._alert_cancel_cb) alert.show() def _alert_cancel_cb(self, alert, response_id): self.remove_alert(alert) def _buddy_joined_cb (self, activity, buddy): """Show a buddy who joined""" if buddy == self.owner: return if buddy: nick = buddy.props.nick else: nick = '???' self.add_text(buddy, buddy.props.nick+' '+_('joined the chat'), status_message=True) def _buddy_left_cb (self, activity, buddy): """Show a buddy who joined""" if buddy == self.owner: return if buddy: nick = buddy.props.nick else: nick = '???' self.add_text(buddy, buddy.props.nick+' '+_('left the chat'), status_message=True) def _buddy_already_exists(self, buddy): """Show a buddy already in the chat.""" if buddy == self.owner: return if buddy: nick = buddy.props.nick else: nick = '???' self.add_text(buddy, buddy.props.nick+' '+_('is here'), status_message=True) def make_root(self): conversation = hippo.CanvasBox( spacing=0, background_color=COLOR_WHITE.get_int()) self.conversation = conversation entry = gtk.Entry() entry.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_INSENSITIVE, COLOR_WHITE.get_gdk_color()) entry.modify_base(gtk.STATE_INSENSITIVE, COLOR_WHITE.get_gdk_color()) entry.set_sensitive(False) entry.connect('activate', self.entry_activate_cb) self.entry = entry hbox = gtk.HBox() hbox.add(entry) sw = hippo.CanvasScrollbars() sw.set_policy(hippo.ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, hippo.SCROLLBAR_NEVER) sw.set_root(conversation) self.scrolled_window = sw vadj = self.scrolled_window.props.widget.get_vadjustment() vadj.connect('changed', self.rescroll) vadj.connect('value-changed', self.scroll_value_changed_cb) canvas = hippo.Canvas() canvas.set_root(sw) box = gtk.VBox(homogeneous=False) box.pack_start(canvas) box.pack_start(hbox, expand=False) return box def rescroll(self, adj, scroll=None): """Scroll the chat window to the bottom""" if self._scroll_auto: adj.set_value(adj.upper-adj.page_size) self._scroll_value = adj.get_value() def scroll_value_changed_cb(self, adj, scroll=None): """Turn auto scrolling on or off. If the user scrolled up, turn it off. If the user scrolled to the bottom, turn it back on. """ if adj.get_value() < self._scroll_value: self._scroll_auto = False elif adj.get_value() == adj.upper-adj.page_size: self._scroll_auto = True def _link_activated_cb(self, link): url = url_check_protocol(link.props.text) self._show_via_journal(url) def add_text(self, buddy, text, status_message=False): """Display text on screen, with name and colors. buddy -- buddy object or dict {nick: string, color: string} (The dict is for loading the chat log from the journal, when we don't have the buddy object any more.) text -- string, what the buddy said status_message -- boolean False: show what buddy said True: show what buddy did hippo layout: .------------- rb ---------------. | +name_vbox+ +----msg_vbox----+ | | | | | | | | | nick: | | +--msg_hbox--+ | | | | | | | text | | | | +---------+ | +------------+ | | | | | | | | +--msg_hbox--+ | | | | | text | url | | | | | +------------+ | | | +----------------+ | `--------------------------------' """ if buddy: if type(buddy) is dict: # dict required for loading chat log from journal nick = buddy['nick'] color = buddy['color'] else: nick = buddy.props.nick color = buddy.props.color try: color_stroke_html, color_fill_html = color.split(',') except ValueError: color_stroke_html, color_fill_html = ('#000000', '#888888') # Select text color based on fill color: color_fill_rgba = Color(color_fill_html).get_rgba() color_fill_gray = (color_fill_rgba[0] + color_fill_rgba[1] + color_fill_rgba[2])/3 color_stroke = Color(color_stroke_html).get_int() color_fill = Color(color_fill_html).get_int() if color_fill_gray < 0.5: text_color = COLOR_WHITE.get_int() else: text_color = COLOR_BLACK.get_int() else: nick = '???' # XXX: should be '' but leave for debugging color_stroke = COLOR_BLACK.get_int() color_fill = COLOR_WHITE.get_int() text_color = COLOR_BLACK.get_int() self._add_log(nick, color, text, status_message) # Check for Right-To-Left languages: if pango.find_base_dir(nick, -1) == pango.DIRECTION_RTL: lang_rtl = True else: lang_rtl = False # Check if new message box or add text to previous: new_msg = True if self._last_msg_sender: if not status_message: if buddy == self._last_msg_sender: # Add text to previous message new_msg = False if not new_msg: rb = self._last_msg msg_vbox = rb.get_children()[1] msg_hbox = hippo.CanvasBox( orientation=hippo.ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL) msg_vbox.append(msg_hbox) else: rb = CanvasRoundBox(background_color=color_fill, border_color=color_stroke, padding=4) rb.props.border_color = color_stroke # Bug #3742 self._last_msg = rb self._last_msg_sender = buddy if not status_message: name = hippo.CanvasText(text=nick+': ', color=text_color, font_desc=FONT_BOLD.get_pango_desc()) name_vbox = hippo.CanvasBox( orientation=hippo.ORIENTATION_VERTICAL) name_vbox.append(name) rb.append(name_vbox) msg_vbox = hippo.CanvasBox( orientation=hippo.ORIENTATION_VERTICAL) rb.append(msg_vbox) msg_hbox = hippo.CanvasBox( orientation=hippo.ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL) msg_vbox.append(msg_hbox) if status_message: self._last_msg_sender = None match = URL_REGEXP.search(text) while match: # there is a URL in the text starttext = text[:match.start()] if starttext: message = hippo.CanvasText( text=starttext, size_mode=hippo.CANVAS_SIZE_WRAP_WORD, color=text_color, font_desc=FONT_NORMAL.get_pango_desc(), xalign=hippo.ALIGNMENT_START) msg_hbox.append(message) url = text[match.start():match.end()] message = hippo.CanvasLink( text=url, color=text_color, font_desc=FONT_BOLD.get_pango_desc(), ) attrs = pango.AttrList() attrs.insert(pango.AttrUnderline(pango.UNDERLINE_SINGLE, 0, 32767)) message.set_property("attributes", attrs) message.connect('activated', self._link_activated_cb) palette = URLMenu(url) palette.props.invoker = CanvasInvoker(message) msg_hbox.append(message) text = text[match.end():] match = URL_REGEXP.search(text) if text: message = hippo.CanvasText( text=text, size_mode=hippo.CANVAS_SIZE_WRAP_WORD, color=text_color, font_desc=FONT_NORMAL.get_pango_desc(), xalign=hippo.ALIGNMENT_START) msg_hbox.append(message) # Order of boxes for RTL languages: if lang_rtl: msg_hbox.reverse() if new_msg: rb.reverse() if new_msg: box = hippo.CanvasBox(padding=2) box.append(rb) self.conversation.append(box) def entry_activate_cb(self, entry): text = entry.props.text logger.debug('Entry: %s' % text) if text: self.add_text(self.owner, text) entry.props.text = '' if self.text_channel: self.text_channel.send(text) else: logger.debug('Tried to send message but text channel ' 'not connected.') def _add_log(self, nick, color, text, status_message): """Add the text to the chat log. nick -- string, buddy nickname color -- string, buddy.props.color text -- string, body of message status_message -- boolean """ self._chat_log += '%s\t%s\t%s\t%d\t%s\n' % ( datetime.strftime(datetime.now(), '%b %d %H:%M:%S'), nick, color, status_message, text) def _get_log(self): return self._chat_log def write_file(self, file_path): """Store chat log in Journal. Handling the Journal is provided by Activity - we only need to define this method. """ logger.debug('write_file: writing %s' % file_path) f = open(file_path, 'w') try: f.write(self._get_log()) finally: f.close() def read_file(self, file_path): """Load a chat log from the Journal. Handling the Journal is provided by Activity - we only need to define this method. """ logger.debug('read_file: reading %s' % file_path) log = open(file_path).readlines() for line in log: timestamp, nick, color, status, text = line.strip().split('\t') status_message = bool(int(status)) self.add_text({'nick': nick, 'color': color}, text, status_message) def _show_via_journal(self, url): """Ask the journal to display a URL""" import os import time from sugar import profile from sugar.activity.activity import show_object_in_journal from sugar.datastore import datastore logger.debug('Create journal entry for URL: %s', url) jobject = datastore.create() metadata = { 'title': "%s: %s" % (_('URL from Chat'), url), 'title_set_by_user': '1', 'icon-color': profile.get_color().to_string(), 'mime_type': 'text/uri-list', } for k,v in metadata.items(): jobject.metadata[k] = v file_path = os.path.join(self.get_activity_root(), 'tmp', '%i_' % time.time()) open(file_path, 'w').write(url + '\r\n') os.chmod(file_path, 0755) jobject.file_path = file_path datastore.write(jobject) show_object_in_journal(jobject.object_id) jobject.destroy() os.unlink(file_path) class TextChannelWrapper(object): """Wrap a telepathy Text Channel to make usage simpler.""" def __init__(self, text_chan, conn): """Connect to the text channel""" self._activity_cb = None self._text_chan = text_chan self._conn = conn self._logger = logging.getLogger( 'chat-activity.TextChannelWrapper') def send(self, text): # XXX Implement CHANNEL_TEXT_MESSAGE_TYPE_ACTION self._text_chan[CHANNEL_TYPE_TEXT].Send( CHANNEL_TEXT_MESSAGE_TYPE_NORMAL, text) def set_received_callback(self, callback): """Connect the function callback to the signal. callback -- callback function taking buddy and text args """ self._activity_cb = callback self._text_chan[CHANNEL_TYPE_TEXT].connect_to_signal('Received', self._received_cb) # handle pending messages for id, timestamp, sender, type, flags, text in \ self._text_chan[ CHANNEL_TYPE_TEXT].ListPendingMessages(False): self._received_cb(id, timestamp, sender, type, flags, text) def _received_cb(self, id, timestamp, sender, type, flags, text): """Handle received text from the text channel. Converts sender to a Buddy. Calls self._activity_cb which is a callback to the activity. """ if self._activity_cb: try: self._text_chan[CHANNEL_INTERFACE_GROUP] except: # One to one XMPP chat nick = self._conn[ CONN_INTERFACE_ALIASING].RequestAliases([sender])[0] buddy = {'nick': nick, 'color': '#000000,#808080'} else: # Normal sugar MUC chat # XXX: cache these buddy = self._get_buddy(sender) self._activity_cb(buddy, text) self._text_chan[ CHANNEL_TYPE_TEXT].AcknowledgePendingMessages([id]) else: self._logger.debug('Throwing received message on the floor' ' since there is no callback connected. See ' 'set_received_callback') def _get_buddy(self, cs_handle): """Get a Buddy from a (possibly channel-specific) handle.""" # XXX This will be made redundant once Presence Service # provides buddy resolution from sugar.presence import presenceservice # Get the Presence Service pservice = presenceservice.get_instance() # Get the Telepathy Connection tp_name, tp_path = pservice.get_preferred_connection() conn = Connection(tp_name, tp_path) group = self._text_chan[CHANNEL_INTERFACE_GROUP] my_csh = group.GetSelfHandle() if my_csh == cs_handle: handle = conn.GetSelfHandle() elif group.GetGroupFlags() & \ CHANNEL_GROUP_FLAG_CHANNEL_SPECIFIC_HANDLES: handle = group.GetHandleOwners([cs_handle])[0] else: handle = cs_handle # XXX: deal with failure to get the handle owner assert handle != 0 return pservice.get_buddy_by_telepathy_handle( tp_name, tp_path, handle) class URLMenu(Palette): def __init__(self, url): Palette.__init__(self, url) self.url = url_check_protocol(url) menu_item = MenuItem(_('Copy to Clipboard'), 'edit-copy') menu_item.connect('activate', self._copy_to_clipboard_cb) self.menu.append(menu_item) menu_item.show() def _copy_to_clipboard_cb(self, menuitem): logger.debug('Copy %s to clipboard', self.url) clipboard = gtk.clipboard_get() targets = [("text/uri-list", 0, 0), ("UTF8_STRING", 0, 1)] if not clipboard.set_with_data(targets, self._clipboard_data_get_cb, self._clipboard_clear_cb, (self.url)): logger.error('GtkClipboard.set_with_data failed!') else: self.owns_clipboard = True def _clipboard_data_get_cb(self, clipboard, selection, info, data): logger.debug('_clipboard_data_get_cb data=%s target=%s', data, selection.target) if selection.target in ['text/uri-list']: if not selection.set_uris([data]): logger.debug('failed to set_uris') else: logger.debug('not uri') if not selection.set_text(data): logger.debug('failed to set_text') def _clipboard_clear_cb(self, clipboard, data): logger.debug('clipboard_clear_cb') self.owns_clipboard = False def url_check_protocol(url): """Check that the url has a protocol, otherwise prepend https:// url -- string Returns url -- string """ protocols = ['http://', 'https://', 'ftp://', 'ftps://'] no_protocol = True for protocol in protocols: if url.startswith(protocol): no_protocol = False if no_protocol: url = 'http://' + url return url ############# ACTIVITY META-INFORMATION ############### # this is used by Pippy to generate the Chat bundle. CHAT_ICON=\ """ ]> """ CHAT_NEWS=""" 40 #5767: Use black text on light fill colors (matthias) 39 * ACK received messages (cassidy) * Handle pending messages when setting the message handler (cassidy) 38 * Updated translations: zh_TW, de, it 37 * UI Change: Merge multiple sequential messages from same author (morgs) * Updated translation: ar (pootle) * #6561: Fix RTL message alignment (Arabic) (khaled) 36 * #5053: Reduce white space around boxes (morgs) * #6621: set entry sensitive not editable (morgs) * Add license to activity.py (morgs) * #6743: border around gtk.entry (morgs) * Reduce telepathy code based on improved PS channel creation API (morgs) * Open URLs via show_object_in_journal (morgs) * Update pippy metadata based on Pippy (morgs) * Updated translations (pootle) 35 * #6066: Make web links copied to clipboard, pasteable in Write, Browse, Terminal (morgs) * Added AUTHORS, COPYING (morgs) * Updated translations (pootle) 34 * Updated translations: ur, bn (pootle) * #2351: Scrolling fixed (marcopg) 33 32 * #5542: Repackaged as a Pippy application. (cscott) 31 * Updated translations: fa, is (pootle) * #5080: Copy to clipboard with targets (morgs) 30 * Updated translations: es, fr, ne, pt, ro, ru, ur (pootle) * #5160: Chat should not autoscroll while you scroll up (morgs) 29 * #5080: add a "copy to clipboard" palette for URL's (cassidy) * Updated translations: fr, es, el, de, ar, zh_TW, it, nl, pt_BR (pootle) 28 * use NotifyAlert from sugar.graphics.alert instead of local copy (thanks erikos!) (morgs) 27 * Use sugar.graphics.alert to show status info (morgs) * #4320: better URL handling and display (morgs) * #4331: Don't crash/ignore non-Sugar buddies (morgs) 26 * #4320 Better URL support (morgs) 25 * #3417 Resuming shows chat history (morgs) * self.set_title() considered harmful (morgs) * New UI look per Eben's mockups (morgs) 24 * #3556: Updated spanish translation (morgs) 23 * Updated spanish translation (morgs) 22 * Revert message dialog added by mistake. (marco) 21 * Add spanish translation (xavi) 20 * Update translation strings - genpot (morgs) * #3248 Make chat not shared by default (morgs) 19 * Added missing fill_color in icon (erikos) 18 * New activity icon, Fix for #2829 (erikos) 16 * Fix icon and roundbox changes in sugar (morgs) * Add greek translation (simosx) * Add arabic translation (khaled) 15 * Rename buddy icon (morgs) * Regen Chat.pot (danw) * French translation (marcopg) 14 * #2714 sugar.graphics cleanup (morgs) * #2578 German translation (morgs) 13 * Added gettext for i18n (morgs) 12 * #2347 Set initial focus on text entry (cassidy) 11 * #2356 Basic link support. (marco) 10 * Adapt to sugar API change (marco) 9 * Fix buddy handles for Salut (Link Local) channels (morgs) * Show status messages in different colour to text messages (morgs) 8 * Use room provided by PS instead of hardcoded global room (morgs) """ def pippy_activity_version(): """Returns the version number of the generated activity bundle.""" return 35 def pippy_activity_news(): """Return the NEWS file for this activity.""" return CHAT_NEWS def pippy_activity_icon(): """Return an SVG document specifying the icon for this activity.""" return CHAT_ICON def pippy_activity_class(): """Return the class which should be started to run this activity.""" return 'pippy_app.Chat' def pippy_activity_extra_info(): return "host_version = 1" if False: # only the official Chat should have this bundle_id. def pippy_activity_bundle_id(): """Return the bundle_id for the generated activity.""" return 'org.laptop.Chat' if __name__ == '__main__': print "Use 'Keep As Activity' to create a new version of Chat."