from xml.dom.minidom import getDOMImplementation import cStringIO import os import gtk import logging import dbus import subprocess from datetime import datetime import time import tempfile import shutil import copy from sugar.datastore import datastore from sugar import mime from sugar import env import constants from instance import Instance import recorded import utils logger = logging.getLogger('serialize') def fillMediaHash(doc, mediaHashs, activity): for key, value in constants.MEDIA_INFO.items(): recdElements = doc.documentElement.getElementsByTagName(value['name']) for el in recdElements: _loadMediaIntoHash( el, mediaHashs[key], activity ) def _loadMediaIntoHash(el, hash, activity): addToHash = True recd = recorded.Recorded(activity) recd = fillRecdFromNode(recd, el) if recd: if recd.datastoreId: #quickly check: if you have a datastoreId that the file hasn't been deleted, #cause if you do, we need to flag your removal #2904 trac recd.datastoreOb = getMediaFromDatastore( recd ) if not recd.datastoreOb: addToHash = False else: #name might have been changed in the journal, so reflect that here if recd.title != recd.datastoreOb.metadata['title']: recd.setTitle(recd.datastoreOb.metadata['title']) if recd.tags != recd.datastoreOb.metadata['tags']: recd.setTags(recd.datastoreOb.metadata['tags']) if recd.buddy: recd.downloadedFromBuddy = True recd.datastoreOb == None if addToHash: hash.append(recd ) def getMediaFromDatastore(recd): if not recd.datastoreId: return None if recd.datastoreOb: #already have the object return recd.datastoreOb mediaObject = None try: mediaObject = datastore.get(recd.datastoreId) finally: return mediaObject def removeMediaFromDatastore(recd): #before this method is called, the media are removed from the file if not recd.datastoreId or not recd.datastoreOb: return try: recd.datastoreOb.destroy() datastore.delete(recd.datastoreId) recd.datastoreId = None recd.datastoreOb = None finally: #todo: add error message here pass def fillRecdFromNode(recd, el): if el.getAttributeNode('type'): recd.type = int(el.getAttribute('type')) if el.getAttributeNode('title'): recd.title = el.getAttribute('title') if el.getAttributeNode('time'): recd.time = int(el.getAttribute('time')) if el.getAttributeNode('photographer'): recd.recorderName = el.getAttribute('photographer') if el.getAttributeNode('tags'): recd.tags = el.getAttribute('tags') else: recd.tags = "" if el.getAttributeNode('recorderHash'): recd.recorderHash = el.getAttribute('recorderHash') if el.getAttributeNode('colorStroke'): recd.colorStroke = el.getAttribute('colorStroke') if el.getAttributeNode('colorFill'): recd.colorFill = el.getAttribute('colorFill') if el.getAttributeNode('buddy'): recd.buddy = (el.getAttribute('buddy') == "True") if el.getAttributeNode('mediaMd5'): recd.mediaMd5 = el.getAttribute('mediaMd5') if el.getAttributeNode('thumbMd5'): recd.thumbMd5 = el.getAttribute('thumbMd5') if el.getAttributeNode('mediaBytes'): recd.mediaBytes = el.getAttribute('mediaBytes') if el.getAttributeNode('thumbBytes'): recd.thumbBytes = el.getAttribute('thumbBytes') bt = el.getAttributeNode('base64Thumb') if bt: try: thumbPath = os.path.join(Instance.instancePath, "datastoreThumb.jpg") thumbPath = utils.getUniqueFilepath(thumbPath, 0) thumbImg = utils.getPixbufFromString(bt.nodeValue), "jpeg", {"quality":"85"} ) recd.thumbFilename = os.path.basename(thumbPath) logger.debug("saved thumbFilename") except: logger.error("unable to getRecdBase64Thumb") ai = el.getAttributeNode('audioImage') if (not ai == None): try: audioImagePath = os.path.join(Instance.instancePath, "audioImage.png") audioImagePath = utils.getUniqueFilepath( audioImagePath, 0 ) audioImage = utils.getPixbufFromString( ai.nodeValue ), "png", {} ) recd.audioImageFilename = os.path.basename(audioImagePath) logger.debug("loaded audio image and set audioImageFilename") except: logger.error("unable to load audio image") datastoreNode = el.getAttributeNode('datastoreId') if datastoreNode: recd.datastoreId = datastoreNode.nodeValue return recd def getRecdXmlMeshString(recd): impl = getDOMImplementation() recdXml = impl.createDocument(None, 'recd', None) root = recdXml.documentElement _addRecdXmlAttrs(root, recd, True) writer = cStringIO.StringIO() recdXml.writexml(writer) return writer.getvalue() def _addRecdXmlAttrs(el, recd, forMeshTransmit): el.setAttribute('type', str(recd.type)) if (recd.type == constants.TYPE_AUDIO) and (not forMeshTransmit): aiPixbuf = recd.getAudioImagePixbuf() if aiPixbuf: aiPixbufString = str(utils.getStringEncodedFromPixbuf(aiPixbuf)) el.setAttribute('audioImage', aiPixbufString) if (recd.datastoreId != None) and (not forMeshTransmit): el.setAttribute('datastoreId', str(recd.datastoreId)) el.setAttribute('title', recd.title) el.setAttribute('time', str(recd.time)) el.setAttribute('photographer', recd.recorderName) el.setAttribute('recorderHash', str(recd.recorderHash) ) el.setAttribute('colorStroke', str(recd.colorStroke) ) el.setAttribute('colorFill', str(recd.colorFill) ) el.setAttribute('buddy', str(recd.buddy)) el.setAttribute('mediaMd5', str(recd.mediaMd5)) el.setAttribute('thumbMd5', str(recd.thumbMd5)) el.setAttribute('mediaBytes', str(recd.mediaBytes)) if recd.thumbBytes: el.setAttribute('thumbBytes', str(recd.thumbBytes)) # FIXME: can this be removed, or at least autodetected? has not been # changed for ages, should not be relevant el.setAttribute('version', '54') pixbuf = recd.getThumbPixbuf() if pixbuf: thumb64 = str(utils.getStringEncodedFromPixbuf(pixbuf)) el.setAttribute('base64Thumb', thumb64) def saveMediaHash(mediaHashs, activity): impl = getDOMImplementation() album = impl.createDocument(None, 'album', None) root = album.documentElement #flag everything for saving... atLeastOne = False for type, value in constants.MEDIA_INFO.items(): typeName = value['name'] for recd in mediaHashs[type]: recd.savedXml = False recd.savedMedia = False atLeastOne = True #and if there is anything to save, save it if atLeastOne: for type, value in constants.MEDIA_INFO.items(): typeName = value['name'] for recd in mediaHashs[type]: mediaEl = album.createElement(typeName) root.appendChild(mediaEl) _saveMedia(mediaEl, recd, activity) return album def _saveMedia(el, recd, activity): if recd.buddy == True and recd.datastoreId == None and not recd.downloadedFromBuddy: recd.savedMedia = True _saveXml(el, recd) else: recd.savedMedia = False _saveMediaToDatastore(el, recd, activity) def _saveXml(el, recd): _addRecdXmlAttrs(el, recd, False) recd.savedXml = True def _saveMediaToDatastore(el, recd, activity): #note that we update the recds that go through here to how they would #look on a fresh load from file since this won't just happen on close() if recd.datastoreId: #already saved to the datastore, don't need to re-rewrite the file since the mediums are immutable #However, they might have changed the name of the file if recd.metaChange: recd.datastoreOb = getMediaFromDatastore(recd) if recd.datastoreOb.metadata['title'] != recd.title: recd.datastoreOb.metadata['title'] = recd.title datastore.write(recd.datastoreOb) if recd.datastoreOb.metadata['tags'] != recd.tags: recd.datastoreOb.metadata['tags'] = recd.tags datastore.write(recd.datastoreOb) #reset for the next title change if not closing... recd.metaChange = False #save the title to the xml recd.savedMedia = True _saveXml(el, recd) elif recd.saveInternal: #this will remove the media from being accessed on the local disk since it puts it away into cold storage #therefore this is only called when write_file is called by the activity superclass mediaObject = datastore.create() mediaObject.metadata['title'] = recd.title mediaObject.metadata['tags'] = recd.tags datastorePreviewPixbuf = recd.getThumbPixbuf() if recd.type == constants.TYPE_AUDIO: datastorePreviewPixbuf = recd.getAudioImagePixbuf() elif recd.type == constants.TYPE_PHOTO: datastorePreviewFilepath = recd.getMediaFilepath() datastorePreviewPixbuf = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(datastorePreviewFilepath) if datastorePreviewPixbuf: datastorePreviewWidth = 300 datastorePreviewHeight = 225 if datastorePreviewPixbuf.get_width() != datastorePreviewWidth: datastorePreviewPixbuf = datastorePreviewPixbuf.scale_simple(datastorePreviewWidth, datastorePreviewHeight, gtk.gdk.INTERP_NEAREST) datastorePreview = utils.getStringFromPixbuf(datastorePreviewPixbuf) mediaObject.metadata['preview'] = dbus.ByteArray(datastorePreview) colors = str(recd.colorStroke) + "," + str(recd.colorFill) mediaObject.metadata['icon-color'] = colors try: mtype = constants.MEDIA_INFO[recd.type] mediaObject.metadata['mime_type'] = mtype['mime'] except KeyError: logger.warning("KeyError when getting the mime type!?") mediaObject.metadata['activity_id'] = activity._activity_id mediaFile = recd.getMediaFilepath() mediaObject.file_path = mediaFile mediaObject.transfer_ownership = True datastore.write(mediaObject) recd.datastoreId = mediaObject.object_id recd.savedMedia = True _saveXml(el, recd) recd.mediaFilename = None else: if recd.metaChange: oldMediaFilepath = copy.copy(recd.oldFilepath) mediaThumbFilename = utils.getUniqueFilepath(os.path.join( recd.activity.Instance.get_path(), recd.title), 0) mediaFilename = mediaThumbFilename mediaFilename = mediaFilename + "." + constants.MEDIA_INFO[recd.type]['ext'] mediaFilepath = os.path.join( recd.activity.Instance.get_path(), mediaFilename ) mediaFilepath = utils.getUniqueFilepath( mediaFilepath, 0 ) recd.mediaFilename = os.path.basename( mediaFilepath ) recd.oldFilepath = mediaFilepath shutil.move(oldMediaFilepath, mediaFilepath) if recd.thumbFilename: oldThumbFilepath = os.path.join(recd.activity.Instance.get_path(), copy.copy(recd.thumbFilename)) thumbFilepath = '.'.join(mediaFilepath.split('.')[:-1])+'_thumb.jpg' shutil.move(oldThumbFilepath, thumbFilepath) recd.thumbFilename = mediaThumbFilename+'_thumb.jpg'