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path: root/src/olpc/datastore/model.py
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authorBenjamin Saller <bcsaller@objectrealms.net>2007-07-12 21:17:48 (GMT)
committer Benjamin Saller <bcsaller@objectrealms.net>2007-07-12 21:17:48 (GMT)
commit7aae48766ae46bd530a3c556cd4e92a0e02f7ad3 (patch)
tree62e37ba449d5d0f628af9c0f7b1401828f2a154d /src/olpc/datastore/model.py
parentf577c2c142c7648a482e0eec7ecd736c1ca716d7 (diff)
check point before prop kind/type merge
Diffstat (limited to 'src/olpc/datastore/model.py')
1 files changed, 216 insertions, 307 deletions
diff --git a/src/olpc/datastore/model.py b/src/olpc/datastore/model.py
index 8c8ab05..5c737ad 100644
--- a/src/olpc/datastore/model.py
+++ b/src/olpc/datastore/model.py
@@ -10,17 +10,11 @@ __docformat__ = 'restructuredtext'
__copyright__ = 'Copyright ObjectRealms, LLC, 2007'
__license__ = 'The GNU Public License V2+'
-from sqlalchemy import Table, Column, UniqueConstraint
-from sqlalchemy import String, Integer, Unicode
-from sqlalchemy import ForeignKey, Sequence, Index
-from sqlalchemy import mapper, relation
-from sqlalchemy import create_session
-from sqlalchemy import MapperExtension, EXT_PASS, clear_mappers
import datetime
import mimetypes
import os
import time
+import warnings
# XXX: Open issues
# list properties - Contributors (a, b, c)
@@ -28,51 +22,211 @@ import time
# content state - searches don't include content deletion flag
# - not recording if content is on other storage yet
-# we have a global thread local session factory
-context = {}
propertyTypes = {}
_marker = object()
-def get_session(backingstore):
- return context[backingstore]
+def registerPropertyType(kind, get, set, xapian_sort_type=None, defaults=None):
+ propertyTypes[kind] = PropertyImpl(get, set, xapian_sort_type, defaults)
-def registerPropertyType(kind, class_): propertyTypes[kind] = class_
def propertyByKind(kind): return propertyTypes[kind]
+class PropertyImpl(object):
+ __slots__ = ('_get', '_set', 'xapian_sort_type', 'defaults')
+ def __init__(self, get, set, xapian_sort_type=None, defaults=None):
+ self._get, self._set = get, set
+ self.xapian_sort_type = xapian_sort_type
+ self.defaults = defaults
+ def get(self, value): return self._get(value)
+ def set(self, value): return self._set(value)
+class Property(object):
+ """Light-weight property implementation.
+ Handles typed properties via a global registry of type->callbacks
+ >>> p = Property(key, value, 'string')
+ >>> b = Property(key, value, 'binary')
+ """
+ def __init__(self, key, value, kind=None):
+ self.key = key
+ self._value = value
+ self.kind = kind
+ if kind not in propertyTypes:
+ warnings.warn("Unknown property type: %s on key %s" % \
+ (kind, key), RuntimeWarning)
+ else: self._impl = propertyTypes[kind]
+ @classmethod
+ def fromstring(cls, key, value=''):
+ kind = 'string'
+ if ':' in key:
+ key, kind = key.split(':', 1)
+ # now resolve the kind to a property class
+ return cls(key, value, kind)
-class Content(object):
def __repr__(self):
- return "<Content id:%s>" % (self.id, )
+ return "<%s(%s) %s:%r>" % (self.__class__.__name__,
+ self.kind,
+ self.key, self.value)
- def get_property(self, key, default=_marker):
- # mapped to property keys
- session = get_session(self.backingstore)
- query = session.query(Property)
- p = query.get_by(content_id=self.id, key=key)
- if not p:
- if default is _marker: raise AttributeError(key)
- return default
- return p.value
- def get_properties(self, **kwargs):
- session = get_session(self.backingstore)
- query = session.query(Property)
- return query.select_by(content_id=self.id, **kwargs)
- # Backingstore dependent bindings
- def get_file(self):
- if not hasattr(self, "_file") or self._file.closed is True:
- self.backingstore.get(self.id)
- return self._file
+ def get_value(self): return self._impl.get(self._value)
+ def set_value(self, value): self._value = self._impl.set(value)
+ value = property(get_value, set_value)
+ def __str__(self): return str(self.value)
- def set_file(self, fileobj):
- self._file = fileobj
- file = property(get_file, set_file)
+def noop(value): return value
+# Xapian doesn't have real binary storage, rather these keys will get
+# indexed it its database. If the key size is too large the indexing
+# will fail
+# there are two solutions -- divert the storage to the backingstore
+# and retain a key reference to recover it (this is the correct
+# solution long term as it participates in versioning) and what I do
+# now which is to insert and remove spaces into the base64 stream
+# every fixed amount of characters
+import re
+base64hack = re.compile("(\S{212})")
+def base64enc(value): return ' '.join(base64hack.split(value.encode('base64')))
+def base64dec(value): return value.replace(' ', '').decode('base64')
+dateformat = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"
+def datedec(value, dateformat=dateformat):
+ ti = time.strptime(value, dateformat)
+ dt = datetime.datetime(*(ti[:-2]))
+ dt = dt.replace(microsecond=0)
+ return dt
+def dateenc(value, dateformat=dateformat):
+ if isinstance(value, basestring):
+ # XXX: there is an issue with microseconds not getting parsed
+ ti = time.strptime(value, dateformat)
+ value = datetime.datetime(*(ti[:-2]))
+ value = value.replace(microsecond=0)
+ # XXX: drop time for now, this is a xapian issue
+ value = value.date()
+ return value.isoformat()
+# syntactic sugar for the below
+def p(key, kind, **kwargs): return (key, kind, kwargs)
+# type, get, set, xapian sort type [string|float|date], defaults
+# defaults are the default options to addField in IndexManager
+# these can be overridden on model assignment
+registerPropertyType('string', noop, noop, 'string', {'store' : True,
+ 'exact' : True,
+ 'sortable' : True})
+registerPropertyType('text', noop, noop, 'string', {'store' : True,
+ 'exact' : False,
+ 'sortable' : False})
+registerPropertyType('binary', noop, noop, None, {'store' : True,
+ 'exact' : False,
+ 'sortable' : False})
+registerPropertyType('number', str, float, 'float', {'store' : True,
+ 'exact' : True,
+ 'sortable' : True})
+registerPropertyType('date', dateenc, datedec, 'date', {'store' : True,
+ 'exact' : True,
+ 'sortable' : True
+ })
+class Model(object):
+ """Object containing the field/property model used by the
+ system"""
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.fields = {}
+ self.fieldnames = []
+ def addField(self, key, kind, **kwargs):
+ """ Add a field to the model.
+ key -- field name
+ kind -- type by name (registered with registerPropertyType)
+ kwargs -- overrides and additional values to the default
+ arguments supplied by kind
+ """
+ if key in self.fields:
+ raise KeyError("""Another source tried to add %s field to
+ the model""" % key)
+ impl = propertyByKind(kind)
+ options = impl.defaults.copy()
+ if kwargs: options.update(kwargs)
+ if impl.xapian_sort_type:
+ if 'type' not in options:
+ options['type'] = impl.xapian_sort_type
+ self.fields[key] = (key, kind, options)
+ self.fieldnames.append(key)
+ return self
+ def addFields(self, *args):
+ """ List of arguments to addField """
+ for arg in args: self.addField(arg[0], arg[1], **arg[2])
+ return self
+ def apply(self, indexmanager):
+ addField = indexmanager.addField
+ for fn in self.fieldnames:
+ args = self.fields[fn]
+ addField(args[0], **args[2])
+defaultModel = Model().addFields(
+ p('text', 'text'),
+ # vid is version id
+ p('vid', store=True, exact=True, sortable=True, type="float"),
+ p('filename', store=True, exact=True),
+ # Title has additional weight
+ p('title', store=True, exact=False, weight=2, sortable=True),
+ p('url', store=True, exact=True, sortable=True),
+ p('mimetype', store=True, exact=True),
+ p('author', store=True, exact=True),
+ p('language', store=True, exact=True),
+ p('ctime', store=True, exact=True, sortable=True, type='date'),
+ p('mtime', store=True, exact=True, sortable=True, type='date'),
+ # this will just be a space delimited list of tags
+ # indexed with the content
+ # I give them high weight as they have user given semantic value.
+ p('tags', store=True, exact=False, weight=3, sortable=True),
+ )
+class Content(object):
+ """A light weight proxy around Xapian Documents from secore.
+ This provides additional methods which are used in the
+ backingstore to assist in storage
+ """
+ __slots__ = ('_doc', '_backingstore', '_file')
+ def __init__(self, xapdoc, backingstore=None):
+ self._doc = xapdoc
+ self._backingstore = backingstore
+ self._file = None
+ def get_property(self, key, default=_marker):
+ result = self._doc.data.get(key, default)
+ if result is _marker: raise KeyError(key)
+ if isinstance(result, list) and len(result) == 1:
+ return result[0]
+ return result
- def filename(self): return self.file.name
+ def properties(self):
+ d = {}
+ for k, v in self.data.iteritems():
+ if isinstance(v, list) and len(v) == 1:
+ v = v[0]
+ d[k] = v
+ return d
def suggestName(self):
# we look for certain known property names
@@ -89,8 +243,7 @@ class Content(object):
f, e = os.path.splitext(filename)
if e: return filename, None
if ext: return "%s.%s" % (filename, ext), None
- elif ext:
- return None, ext
+ elif ext: return None, ext
# try to get an extension from the mimetype if available
mt = self.get_property('mime_type', None)
@@ -99,279 +252,35 @@ class Content(object):
if ext: return None, ext
return None, None
- def get_data(self):
- f = self.file
- t = f.tell()
- data = f.read()
- f.seek(t)
- return data
- def set_data(self, filelike):
- self.backingstore.set(self.id, filelike)
- data = property(get_data, set_data)
-class BackingStoreContentMapping(MapperExtension):
- """This mapper extension populates Content objects with the
- binding to the backing store the files are kept on, this allow the
- file-like methods to work as expected on content
- """
- def __init__(self, backingstore):
- MapperExtension.__init__(self)
- self.backingstore = backingstore
- def populate_instance(self, mapper, selectcontext, row, instance, identitykey, isnew):
- """called right before the mapper, after creating an instance
- from a row, passes the row to its MapperProperty objects which
- are responsible for populating the object's attributes. If
- this method returns EXT_PASS, it is assumed that the mapper
- should do the appending, else if this method returns any other
- value or None, it is assumed that the append was handled by
- this method.
- """
- instance.backingstore = self.backingstore
- # allow normal population to happen
- return EXT_PASS
-class Property(object):
- """A typed key value pair associated with a content object.
- This is the objects metadata. The value side of the kv pair is
- typically encoded as a UTF-8 String. There are however cases where
- richer metadata is required by the application using the
- datastore.
- In these cases the type field is overridden to encode a reference
- to another object that must be used to satisfy this value. An
- example of this would be storing a PNG thumbnail as the a
- value. In a case such as that the value should be set to a path or
- key used to find the image on stable storage or in a database and
- the type field will be used to demarshall it through this object.
- """
- def __init__(self, key, value, type='string'):
- self.key = key
- self.value = value
- self.type = type
- def __repr__(self):
- return "<%s %s:%r>" % (self.__class__.__name__,
- self.key, self.value)
- def marshall(self):
- """Return the value marshalled as a string"""
- return str(self.value)
-class TextProperty(Property):
- """A text property is one that will also get full automatic text
- indexing when available. This is used for fields like title where
- searching in the text is more important than doing a direct match
- """
- def __init__(self, key, value, type='text'):
- Property.__init__(self, key, value, type)
- def get_value(self): return self._value
- def set_value(self, value): self._value = value
- value = property(get_value, set_value)
+ def get_file(self):
+ if not hasattr(self, "_file") or self._file.closed is True:
+ self.backingstore.get(self.id)
+ return self._file
-class DateProperty(Property):
- format = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"
- def __init__(self, key, value, type="date"):
- self._value = None
- Property.__init__(self, key, value, type)
- def get_value(self):
- # parse the value back into a datetime
- # XXX: strptime on datetime is a 2.5 thing :(
- # XXX: we lose timezone in this conversion currently
- if not self._value: return None
- ti = time.strptime(self._value, self.format)
- dt = datetime.datetime(*(ti[:-2]))
- dt = dt.replace(microsecond=0)
- return dt
- def set_value(self, value):
- if isinstance(value, basestring):
- # XXX: there is an issue with microseconds not getting parsed
- ti = time.strptime(value, self.format)
- value = datetime.datetime(*(ti[:-2]))
- value = value.replace(microsecond=0)
- self._value = value.isoformat()
+ def set_file(self, fileobj):
+ self._file = fileobj
+ file = property(get_file, set_file)
- value = property(get_value, set_value)
+ @property
+ def filename(self): return self.file.name
- def marshall(self): return self.value.isoformat()
+ @property
+ def contents(self): return self.file.read()
-class NumberProperty(Property):
- def __init__(self, key, value, type="number"):
- Property.__init__(self, key, value, type)
- def get_value(self): return float(self._value)
- def set_value(self, value): self._value = value
- value = property(get_value, set_value)
+ @property
+ def backingstore(self): return self._backingstore
+ @property
+ def id(self): return self._doc.id
-class BinaryProperty(Property):
- # base64 encode binary data
- def __init__(self, key, value, type="binary"):
- Property.__init__(self, key, value, type)
- def get_value(self): return self._value.decode('base64')
- def set_value(self, value): self._value = value.encode('base64')
- value = property(get_value, set_value)
-class Model(object):
- """ Manages the global state of the metadata model index. This is
- intended to only be consumed by an olpc.datastore.query.QueryManager
- instance for the management of its metadata.
- >>> m = Model()
- >>> m.prepare(querymanager)
- >>> m.content
- ... # Content Table
- >>> m['content']
- ... # content Mapper
- For details see the sqlalchemy documentation
- """
- def __init__(self):
- self.tables = {}
- self.mappers = {}
+ @property
+ def data(self): return self._doc.data
- def __getattr__(self, key): return self.tables[key]
- def __getitem__(self, key): return self.mappers[key]
- def prepare(self, querymanager):
- self.querymanager = querymanager
+## class Buddy(object):
+## """A co-author on content. Information is collected and managed
+## here"""
+## pass
- # a single session manages the exclusive access we keep to the
- # db.
- global context
- self.session = create_session(bind_to=self.querymanager.db)
- context[self.querymanager.backingstore] = self.session
- # content object
- content = Table('content',
- self.querymanager.metadata,
- Column('id', String, primary_key=True, nullable=False),
- Column('activity_id', Integer),
- Column('checksum', String,),
- UniqueConstraint('id', name='content_key')
- )
- Index('content_activity_id_idx', content.c.activity_id)
- # the properties of content objects
- properties = Table('properties',
- self.querymanager.metadata,
- Column('id', Integer, Sequence('property_id_seq'), primary_key=True),
- Column('content_id', Integer, ForeignKey('content.id')),
- Column('key', Unicode, ),
- Column('value', Unicode, ),
- Column('type', Unicode, ),
- # unique key to content mapping
- UniqueConstraint('content_id', 'key',
- name='property_content_key')
- )
- Index('property_key_idx', properties.c.key)
- Index('property_type_idx', properties.c.type)
- # storage
- storage = Table('storage',
- self.querymanager.metadata,
- Column('id', String, primary_key=True),
- Column('description', String, ),
- Column('uri', String, )
- )
- # storage -> * content
- # XXX: this could be a purely runtime in-memory construct
- # removing the storage table as well. Would depend in part on
- # the frequency of the garbage collection runs and the
- # frequency of connection to stable storage
- storage_content = Table('storage_content',
- self.querymanager.metadata,
- Column('storage_id', Integer, ForeignKey('storage.id')),
- Column('content_id', Integer, ForeignKey('content.id')),
- )
- Index('idx_storage_content_content_id', storage_content.c.content_id)
- # Object Mapping
- # the query manager provides a mapping extension for
- # Content <-> BackingStore binding
- # XXX gross and not what we want, we can only define mappers
- # once but we may have more than one datastore.
- # this can impact all sqla in the runtime though
- clear_mappers()
- content_mapper = mapper(Content, content,
- extension=self.querymanager.content_ext,
- properties = {
- 'properties' : relation(Property,
- cascade="all,delete-orphan",
- backref='content',
- lazy=True),
- },
- )
- # retain reference to these tables to use for queries
- self.tables['content'] = content
- self.tables['properties'] = properties
- self.tables['storage'] = storage
- self.tables['storage_content'] = storage_content
- # and the mappers (though most likely not needed)
- property_mapper = mapper(Property, properties, polymorphic_on=properties.c.type)
- self.mappers['properties'] = property_mapper
- self.mappers['content'] = content_mapper
- # default Property types are mapped to classes here
- self.addPropertyType(DateProperty, 'date')
- self.addPropertyType(NumberProperty, 'number')
- self.addPropertyType(TextProperty, 'text')
- self.addPropertyType(BinaryProperty, 'binary')
- def addPropertyType(self, PropertyClass, typename,
- map_value=True, **kwargs):
- """Register a new type of Property. PropertyClass should be a
- subclass of Property, typename is the textual
- name of the new Property type.
- The flag map_value indicates if Property.value should
- automatically be diverted to _value so that you can more
- easily manage the interfaces 'value' as a Python property
- (descriptor)
- Keyword args will be passed to the properties dictionary of
- the sqlalchemy mapper call. See sqlalchemy docs for additional
- details.
- """
- properties = {}
- properties.update(kwargs)
- if map_value is True:
- properties['_value'] = self.properties.c.value
- mapper(PropertyClass,
- inherits=self.mappers['properties'],
- polymorphic_identity=typename,
- properties=properties
- )
- registerPropertyType(typename, PropertyClass)