import dbus import os import shutil import popen2 import tempfile DEFAULT_STORE = "/tmp/store1" def _create_temp(content): pt, pp = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=".txt") os.write(pt, content) os.close(pt) return pp def _create_temp_odt(content): # This just isn't working on my system # first write the contents to a temp file, then convert it pt, pp = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=".txt") os.write(pt, content) os.close(pt) f, temp_path = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.odt') del f # my abiword didn't support fd://0 cmd = 'abiword --to=odt --to-name=%s %s' % (temp_path, pp) print cmd child_stdout, child_stdin, child_stderr = popen2.popen3(cmd) child_stdin.write(content) child_stdin.close() child_stdout.close() child_stderr.close() os.unlink(pp) return temp_path def start(): if os.path.exists(DEFAULT_STORE): os.system("rm -rf %s" % DEFAULT_STORE) bus = dbus.SessionBus() bobj = bus.get_object("org.laptop.sugar.DataStore", "/org/laptop/sugar/DataStore") ds = dbus.Interface(bobj, dbus_interface='org.laptop.sugar.DataStore') mp = ds.mount("hg:%s" % DEFAULT_STORE, dict(title="Primary Storage")) return ds, mp def stop(ds): ds.stop() ds, mp = start() # Browse starts download print "Download Simulation" props = {'title': 'Downloading test.pdf from \n', 'mime_type': 'application/pdf', 'progress': '0', 'mountpoint' : mp, } uid, vid = ds.checkin(props, '') print 'Created download: %s %s' % (uid, vid) assert uid assert vid == '1' ds.complete_indexing() # Browse notifies the DS about the progress props['uid'] = uid for i in range(1, 5): props['progress'] = str(i * 20) props['vid'] = vid uid, vid = ds.checkin(props, '') print 'Updated download: %s %s %s' % (uid, vid, props['progress']) assert uid ds.complete_indexing() # Browse finishes the download # Now assume we have a file called tests/test.pdf (which there is if # this is run from the project root) # Checkin Gives the file to the datastore, it no longer owns it and # will be removed when the datastore is done with it source_path = "tests/test.pdf" dest_path = "/tmp/test.pdf" # we don't want it to kill our test file so we copy it to /tmp shutil.copy(source_path, dest_path) props['title'] = 'File test.pdf downloaded from\n' props['progress'] = '100' uid, vid = ds.checkin(props, dest_path) ds.complete_indexing() print 'Updated download with file: %s %s %s' % (uid, vid, props['progress']) assert uid #assert vid == '1' # Check the DS has removed the file. assert not os.path.exists(dest_path) # Journal displays the download objects, count = ds.find({'title': 'downloaded', 'order_by' : ['-vid']}) props = objects[0] print 'Query returned: %s' % props['uid'], count assert props['vid'] == vid, """%s != %s""" % (props['vid'], vid) # the last rev # Read resumes the entry props, file_path = ds.checkout(uid, '', '', '', '') print 'Entry checked out: %s %s\n%s' % (uid, file_path, props) assert props assert props['vid'] == vid assert file_path # Read saves position and zoom level props['position'] = '15' props['zoom_level'] = '150' props['activity'] = 'org.laptop.sugar.Read' uid, nvid = ds.checkin(props, file_path) print 'Updated Read state: %s %s' % (uid, nvid) assert uid assert nvid != "1" assert nvid > vid, "%s < %s" %(nvid, vid) ds.complete_indexing() print "DONE" #stop(ds) # test_writing #ds, mp = start() print "Writing test" # Create empty entry props = {'title': 'Write activity', 'mountpoint' : mp} uid, vid = ds.checkin(props, '') print 'Created entry: %s %s' % (uid, vid) assert uid assert vid == '1' ds.complete_indexing() # First checkout props, file_path = ds.checkout(uid, '', '', '', '') print 'Entry checked out: %s %s' % (uid, file_path) assert props assert props['vid'] == '1' assert file_path == '' # Write first contents file_path = _create_temp('blah blah 1') props['mountpoint'] = mp props['mime_type'] = 'text/plain' uid, vid = ds.checkin(props, file_path) ds.complete_indexing() print 'First checkin: %s %s %s' % (uid, vid, file_path) assert uid #assert vid == '1' assert not os.path.exists(file_path) # Second checkout props, file_path = ds.checkout(uid, '', '', '', '') print 'Entry checked out: %s %s' % (props['uid'], file_path) assert props #assert props['vid'] == '1' assert file_path # Write second contents file_path = _create_temp('blah blah 1\nbleh bleh 2') props['mime_type'] = 'text/plain' props['mountpoint'] = mp uid, vid = ds.checkin(props, file_path) ds.complete_indexing() print 'Second checkin: %s %s %s' % (uid, vid, file_path) assert uid #assert vid == '2' assert not os.path.exists(file_path) print "DONE" #stop(ds) # PREVIEW test #ds, mp = start() print "preview test" props = {'title': 'Write activity', 'preview': dbus.ByteArray('\123\456\789\000\123'), 'mountpoint' : mp} uid, vid = ds.checkin(props, '') print 'Created entry: %s %s' % (uid, vid) assert uid assert vid == '1' props, file_path = ds.checkout(uid, '', '', '', '') print props print "DONE" #stop(ds)