The initial requirements are as follows: * Get the unique ids of all the objects in the store. * Get an object from the store given his uid. * Get the object metadata. * Get the object file. * Push the changes made to the file back to the store. * Update the metadata of an object. Below I enumerate each point showing how this is performed on a local datastore. First, create and connect the store. >>> import os >>> assert os.system('rm -rf /tmp/test_ds') == 0 >>> from olpc.datastore import DataStore >>> from olpc.datastore import backingstore >>> ds = DataStore() >>> ds.registerBackend(backingstore.FileBackingStore) >>> assert ds.mount("/tmp/test_ds") Because there is newly created we are going to quickly populate the datastore with some content. >>> from testutils import tmpData >>> assert ds.create(dict(title="Document 1"), tmpData("""this is the first document""")) >>> assert ds.create(dict(title="Document 2"), tmpData("""this is the second document""")) We can also create an object w/o any associated file data >>> assert ds.create(dict(title="Web Session", url="")) Note that we retain no reference to the created documents. Now we should be able to test the first requirement. * Get the unique ids of all the objects in the store. >>> ds.complete_indexing() >>> results, count = ds.find() A find command with out any parameters will return everything in the store. * Get an object from the store given its uid. Here we manually cycle through the results looking for the title we want. >>> for item in results: ... if item['title'] == 'Document 1': ... first_uid = item['uid'] ... break >>> c1 = ds.get(first_uid) * Get the object metadata. >>> {...} * Get the object file. >>> c1.filename '/tmp/...' >>> c1.contents 'this is the first document' >>> c1.file Now we can modify that file and then * Push the changes made to the file back to the store. * Update the metadata of an object. >>> fn = c1.filename >>> fp = open(fn, 'a') >>> print >>fp, "more content" >>> fp.close() >>> ds.update(first_uid, dict(title="Newish Content"), fn) We can also remove the file from the repository. >>> ds.delete(first_uid) This is the basis of milestone 1. >>> ds.stop() >>> assert os.system('rm -rf /tmp/test_ds') == 0