#!/usr/bin/env python # # Simple script to export a file from the datastore # Reinier Heeres, , 2007-12-24 # Phil Bordelon import sys import os import shutil import optparse if os.path.exists("/tmp/olpc-session-bus"): os.environ["DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS"] = "unix:path=/tmp/olpc-session-bus" from sugar.datastore import datastore import sugar.mime # Limit the number of objects returned on an ambiguous query to this number, # for quicker operation. RETURN_LIMIT = 2 def build_option_parser(): usage = "Usage: %prog [-o OBJECT_ID] [-q SEARCH_STR] [-m] OUTFILE" parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=usage) parser.add_option("-o", "--object_id", action="store", dest="object_id", help="Retrieve object with explicit ID OBJECT_ID", metavar="OBJECT_ID", default=None) parser.add_option("-q", "--query", action="store", dest="query", help="Full-text-search the metadata for SEARCH_STR", metavar="SEARCH_STR", default=None) parser.add_option("-m", "--metadata", action="store_true", dest="show_meta", help="Show all non-preview metadata [default: hide]", default=False) return parser if __name__ == "__main__": parser = build_option_parser() options, args = parser.parse_args() if len(args) < 1: parser.print_help() exit(0) dsentry = None # Get object directly if we were given an explicit object ID. if options.object_id is not None: dsentry = datastore.get(options.object_id) # Compose the query based on the options provided. if dsentry is None: query = {} if options.query is not None: query['query'] = options.query # We only want a single file at a time; limit the number of objects # returned to two, as anything more than one means the criteria were # not limited enough. objects, count = datastore.find(query, limit=RETURN_LIMIT, sorting='-mtime') print '%r' % query if count > 1: print 'WARNING: %d objects found; retrieving most recent.' % (count) for i in xrange(1, RETURN_LIMIT): objects[i].destroy() if count > 0: dsentry = objects[0] # If neither an explicit object ID nor a query gave us data, fail. if dsentry is None: print 'ERROR: unable to determine journal object to copy.' parser.print_help() exit(0) # Print metadata if that is what the user asked for. if options.show_meta: print 'Metadata:' for key, val in dsentry.metadata.get_dictionary().iteritems(): if key != 'preview': print '%20s -> %s' % (key, val) # If no file is associated with this object, we can't save it out. if dsentry.get_file_path() == "": print 'ERROR: no file associated with object, just metadata.' dsentry.destroy() exit(0) outname = args[0] outroot, outext = os.path.splitext(outname) # Do our best to determine the output file extension, based on Sugar's # MIME-type-to-extension mappings. if outext == "": mimetype = dsentry.metadata['mime_type'] outext = sugar.mime.get_primary_extension(mimetype) if outext == None: outext = "dsobject" # Lastly, actually copy the file out of the datastore and onto the # filesystem. shutil.copyfile(dsentry.get_file_path(), outroot + '.' + outext) print '%s -> %s' % (dsentry.get_file_path(), outroot + '.' + outext) # Cleanup. dsentry.destroy()