# Copyright (C) 2007, Red Hat, Inc. # Copyright (C) 2007 Collabora Ltd. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA import logging import os import tempfile import time from gettext import gettext as _ import dbus import evince import gobject import gtk import hippo import telepathy from sugar.activity import activity from sugar import network from readtoolbar import EditToolbar, ReadToolbar, ViewToolbar _HARDWARE_MANAGER_INTERFACE = 'org.laptop.HardwareManager' _HARDWARE_MANAGER_SERVICE = 'org.laptop.HardwareManager' _HARDWARE_MANAGER_OBJECT_PATH = '/org/laptop/HardwareManager' _TOOLBAR_READ = 2 _logger = logging.getLogger('read-activity') class ReadHTTPRequestHandler(network.ChunkedGlibHTTPRequestHandler): def translate_path(self, path): return self.server._filepath class ReadHTTPServer(network.GlibTCPServer): def __init__(self, server_address, filepath): self._filepath = filepath network.GlibTCPServer.__init__(self, server_address, ReadHTTPRequestHandler) READ_STREAM_SERVICE = 'read-activity-http' class ReadActivity(activity.Activity): def __init__(self, handle): activity.Activity.__init__(self, handle) self._document = None self._filepath = None self._fileserver = None self.connect('key-press-event', self._key_press_event_cb) self.connect('key-release-event', self._key_release_event_cb) _logger.debug('Starting Read...') evince.job_queue_init() self._view = evince.View() self._view.connect('notify::has-selection', self._view_notify_has_selection_cb) toolbox = activity.ActivityToolbox(self) self._edit_toolbar = EditToolbar(self._view) self._edit_toolbar.undo.props.visible = False self._edit_toolbar.redo.props.visible = False self._edit_toolbar.separator.props.visible = False self._edit_toolbar.copy.set_sensitive(False) self._edit_toolbar.copy.connect('clicked', self._edit_toolbar_copy_cb) self._edit_toolbar.paste.props.visible = False toolbox.add_toolbar(_('Edit'), self._edit_toolbar) self._edit_toolbar.show() self._read_toolbar = ReadToolbar(self._view) toolbox.add_toolbar(_('Read'), self._read_toolbar) self._read_toolbar.show() self._view_toolbar = ViewToolbar(self._view) toolbox.add_toolbar(_('View'), self._view_toolbar) self._view_toolbar.show() self.set_toolbox(toolbox) toolbox.show() scrolled = gtk.ScrolledWindow() scrolled.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_NEVER, gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC) scrolled.props.shadow_type = gtk.SHADOW_NONE scrolled.add(self._view) self._view.show() self.set_canvas(scrolled) scrolled.show() # Set up for idle suspend self._idle_timer = 0 self._service = None # start with sleep off self._sleep_inhibit = True self.unused_download_tubes = set() self._want_document = True if os.path.exists(os.path.expanduser("~/ebook-enable-sleep")): try: bus = dbus.SystemBus() proxy = bus.get_object(_HARDWARE_MANAGER_SERVICE, _HARDWARE_MANAGER_OBJECT_PATH) self._service = dbus.Interface(proxy, _HARDWARE_MANAGER_INTERFACE) scrolled.props.vadjustment.connect("value-changed", self._user_action_cb) scrolled.props.hadjustment.connect("value-changed", self._user_action_cb) self.connect("focus-in-event", self._focus_in_event_cb) self.connect("focus-out-event", self._focus_out_event_cb) self.connect("notify::active", self._now_active_cb) except dbus.DBusException, e: _logger.info('Hardware manager service not found, no idle suspend.') self.connect("shared", self._shared_cb) h = hash(self._activity_id) self.port = 1024 + (h % 64511) if handle.uri: self._load_document(handle.uri) # start on the read toolbar self.toolbox.set_current_toolbar(_TOOLBAR_READ) if self._shared_activity: # We're joining if self.get_shared(): # Already joined for some reason, just get the document self._joined_cb(self) else: # Wait for a successful join before trying to get the document self.connect("joined", self._joined_cb) # uncomment this and adjust the path for easier testing #else: # self._load_document('file:///home/smcv/tmp/test.pdf') def _now_active_cb(self, widget, pspec): if self.props.active: # Now active, start initial suspend timeout if self._idle_timer > 0: gobject.source_remove(self._idle_timer) self._idle_timer = gobject.timeout_add(15000, self._suspend_cb) self._sleep_inhibit = False else: # Now inactive self._sleep_inhibit = True def _focus_in_event_cb(self, widget, event): self._sleep_inhibit = False self._user_action_cb(self) def _focus_out_event_cb(self, widget, event): self._sleep_inhibit = True def _user_action_cb(self, widget): if self._idle_timer > 0: gobject.source_remove(self._idle_timer) self._idle_timer = gobject.timeout_add(5000, self._suspend_cb) def _suspend_cb(self): # If the machine has been idle for 5 seconds, suspend self._idle_timer = 0 if not self._sleep_inhibit: self._service.set_kernel_suspend() return False def read_file(self, file_path): """Load a file from the datastore on activity start""" _logger.debug('ReadActivity.read_file: %s', file_path) self._load_document('file://' + file_path) def write_file(self, file_path): """We only save meta data, not the document itself. current page, view settings, search text.""" try: self.metadata['Read_current_page'] = \ str(self._document.get_page_cache().get_current_page()) self.metadata['Read_zoom'] = str(self._view.props.zoom) if self._view.props.sizing_mode == evince.SIZING_BEST_FIT: self.metadata['Read_sizing_mode'] = "best-fit" elif self._view.props.sizing_mode == evince.SIZING_FREE: self.metadata['Read_sizing_mode'] = "free" elif self._view.props.sizing_mode == evince.SIZING_FIT_WIDTH: self.metadata['Read_sizing_mode'] = "fit-width" else: logging.error("Don't know how to save sizing_mode state '%s'" % self._view.props.sizing_mode) self.metadata['Read_sizing_mode'] = "fit-width" self.metadata['Read_search'] = self._edit_toolbar._search_entry.props.text except Exception, e: logging.error('write_file(): %s', e) self.metadata['Read_search'] = self._edit_toolbar._search_entry.props.text def _download_result_cb(self, getter, tempfile, suggested_name, tube_id): del self.unused_download_tubes _logger.debug("Got document %s (%s) from tube %u", tempfile, suggested_name, tube_id) self._load_document("file://%s" % tempfile) _logger.debug("Saving %s to datastore...", tempfile) self.save() def _download_progress_cb(self, getter, bytes_downloaded, tube_id): # FIXME: signal the expected size somehow, so we can draw a progress # bar _logger.debug("Downloaded %u bytes from tube %u...", bytes_downloaded, tube_id) def _download_error_cb(self, getter, err, tube_id): _logger.debug("Error getting document from tube %u: %s", tube_id, err) self._want_document = True gobject.idle_add(self._get_document) def _download_document(self, tube_id): # FIXME: should ideally have the CM listen on a Unix socket # instead of IPv4 (might be more compatible with Rainbow) chan = self._shared_activity.telepathy_tubes_chan iface = chan[telepathy.CHANNEL_TYPE_TUBES] addr = iface.AcceptStreamTube(tube_id, telepathy.SOCKET_ADDRESS_TYPE_IPV4, telepathy.SOCKET_ACCESS_CONTROL_LOCALHOST, 0, utf8_strings=True) _logger.debug('Accepted stream tube: listening address is %r', addr) # SOCKET_ADDRESS_TYPE_IPV4 is defined to have addresses of type '(sq)' assert isinstance(addr, dbus.Struct) assert len(addr) == 2 assert isinstance(addr[0], str) assert isinstance(addr[1], (int, long)) assert addr[1] > 0 and addr[1] < 65536 port = int(addr[1]) getter = network.GlibURLDownloader("http://%s:%d/document" % (addr[0], port)) getter.connect("finished", self._download_result_cb, tube_id) getter.connect("progress", self._download_progress_cb, tube_id) getter.connect("error", self._download_error_cb, tube_id) _logger.debug("Starting download to %s...", self._jobject.file_path) # Avoid trying to download the document multiple times at once self._want_document = False getter.start(self._jobject.file_path) return False def _get_document(self): if not self._want_document: return False # Assign a file path to download if one doesn't exist yet if not self._jobject.file_path: self._jobject.file_path = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), '%i' % time.time()) self._owns_file = True next_buddy = None # Pick an arbitrary tube we can try to download the document from try: tube_id = self.unused_download_tubes.pop() except (ValueError, KeyError), e: _logger.debug('No tubes to get the document from right now: %s', e) return False gobject.idle_add(self._download_document, tube_id) return False def _joined_cb(self, also_self): self.watch_for_tubes() gobject.idle_add(self._get_document) def _load_document(self, filepath): self._document = evince.factory_get_document(filepath) self._want_document = False self._view.set_document(self._document) self._edit_toolbar.set_document(self._document) self._read_toolbar.set_document(self._document) if not self.metadata['title_set_by_user'] == '1': info = self._document.get_info() if info and info.title: self.metadata['title'] = info.title import urllib garbage, path = urllib.splittype(filepath) garbage, path = urllib.splithost(path or "") path, garbage = urllib.splitquery(path or "") path, garbage = urllib.splitattr(path or "") self._filepath = os.path.abspath(path) current_page = int(self.metadata.get('Read_current_page', '0')) self._document.get_page_cache().set_current_page(current_page) sizing_mode = self.metadata.get('Read_sizing_mode', 'fit-width') if sizing_mode == "best-fit": self._view.props.sizing_mode = evince.SIZING_BEST_FIT elif sizing_mode == "free": self._view.props.sizing_mode = evince.SIZING_FREE self._view.props.zoom = float(self.metadata.get('Read_zoom', '1.0')) elif sizing_mode == "fit-width": self._view.props.sizing_mode = evince.SIZING_FIT_WIDTH else: # this may happen when we get a document from a buddy with a later # version of Read, for example. _logger.warning("Unknown sizing_mode state '%s'", sizing_mode) if self.metadata.get('Read_zoom', None) is not None: self._view.props.zoom = float(self.metadata['Read_zoom']) self._view_toolbar._update_zoom_buttons() self._edit_toolbar._search_entry.props.text = \ self.metadata.get('Read_search', '') # We've got the document, so if we're a shared activity, offer it if self.get_shared(): self.watch_for_tubes() self._share_document() def _share_document(self): # FIXME: should ideally have the fileserver listen on a Unix socket # instead of IPv4 (might be more compatible with Rainbow) self._fileserver = ReadHTTPServer(("", self.port), self._filepath) # Make a tube for it chan = self._shared_activity.telepathy_tubes_chan iface = chan[telepathy.CHANNEL_TYPE_TUBES] self._fileserver_tube_id = iface.OfferStreamTube(READ_STREAM_SERVICE, {}, telepathy.SOCKET_ADDRESS_TYPE_IPV4, ('', dbus.UInt16(self.port)), telepathy.SOCKET_ACCESS_CONTROL_LOCALHOST, 0) def watch_for_tubes(self): tubes_chan = self._shared_activity.telepathy_tubes_chan tubes_chan[telepathy.CHANNEL_TYPE_TUBES].connect_to_signal('NewTube', self._new_tube_cb) tubes_chan[telepathy.CHANNEL_TYPE_TUBES].ListTubes( reply_handler=self._list_tubes_reply_cb, error_handler=self._list_tubes_error_cb) def _new_tube_cb(self, tube_id, initiator, tube_type, service, params, state): _logger.debug('New tube: ID=%d initator=%d type=%d service=%s ' 'params=%r state=%d', tube_id, initiator, tube_type, service, params, state) if self._document is None and service == READ_STREAM_SERVICE: _logger.debug('I could download from that tube') self.unused_download_tubes.add(tube_id) # if no download is in progress, let's fetch the document if self._want_document: gobject.idle_add(self._get_document) def _list_tubes_reply_cb(self, tubes): for tube_info in tubes: self._new_tube_cb(*tube_info) def _list_tubes_error_cb(self, e): _logger.error('ListTubes() failed: %s', e) def _shared_cb(self, activity): # We initiated this activity and have now shared it, so by # definition we have the file. _logger.debug('Activity became shared') self.watch_for_tubes() self._share_document() def _view_notify_has_selection_cb(self, view, pspec): self._edit_toolbar.copy.set_sensitive(self._view.props.has_selection) def _edit_toolbar_copy_cb(self, button): self._view.copy() def _key_press_event_cb(self, widget, event): keyname = gtk.gdk.keyval_name(event.keyval) logging.debug("Keyname Press: %s, time: %s", keyname, event.time) if keyname == 'c' and event.state & gtk.gdk.CONTROL_MASK: self._view.copy() def _key_release_event_cb(self, widget, event): keyname = gtk.gdk.keyval_name(event.keyval) logging.debug("Keyname Release: %s, time: %s", keyname, event.time)