How to build gcompris on Windows FIXME: tells how to associate Gcompris.ico with Gcompris.exe 1: MINGW =========== * MinGW ( is the Minimalist GNU for Windows. Unlike cygwin, apps built with MinGW don't require any middleware libraries to run. That's why I chose it over cygwin for Gcompris. * Download the "MinGW" installer exe and install into c:\mingw\ . * Download the "MSYS" and "MSYS Developer Toolkit" installer exes and install into c:\msys\ . * Copy the .profile file from the bottom of this document into c:\msys\1.0\home\yourname\.profile . * if msvcrt.dll is not in your Windows/System folder, get it from or by installing Internet Explorer 4.0 or higher 2: LIBRARY PREREQUISITES ======================== I installed each of the prerequisites in its own directory underneath c:\msys\1.0\opt\, so that (1) they're easy to blow away piece-by-piece to upgrade to newer versions, and (2) they show up as /opt/gtk, /opt/libxml, and so on from msys, which is reasonably clear. If you choose a different hierarchy make sure to tweak your .profile. 2.1 GTK ======= + gcompris needs gtk to run. * Install the latest "GTK Runtime Environment" and "GTK Development Environment" -- *IN THAT ORDER* -- from into c:\msys\1.0\opt\gtk * edit /opt/gtk/bin/glib-gettextize, replace "/target" with "/opt/gtk" * sanity check: you should now be able to run gtk-demo.exe from msys. 2.2 LIBXML2 =========== + gcompris needs libxml2 to run. * Snag a tarball from and untar it in your msys home directory. * ./configure --prefix=/opt/libxml2; make; make install * edit /opt/libxml2/lib/pkgconfig/libxml-2.0.pc: Add " -lws2_32 " to the end of the "Libs:" line. * Sanity check: "$ pkg-config --cflags libxml-2.0" should give meaningful output now. * Sanity check: "$ pkg-config --libs libxml-2.0" should also work, and include -lws2_32 2.6 PREREQUISITE SUMMARY ======================== * At this point, you must have the following subdirectories: + /opt/gtk + /opt/libxml2 * And, if you plan on building from CVS, you'll also need: + /opt/gnome-common 3: BUILDING GCOMPRIS.EXE ======================== * Get a tarball or CVS snapshot of gcompris. * run ./ from gcompris's top-level directory. This will take a long time. * copy the provided to config.h * convert all src/boards/*.c files from dynamic plugin naming to static plugin using the provided tool src/boards/ To do this: cd src/boards/ mkdir static ./ mv static/*.c . * Go back to the top-level directory * *drum roll...* make! * edit the Makefile manualy to add includes and library dependancies when missing * copy the share directory that is created at the gcompris binary installation in src/gcompris in order to have src/gcompris/share * run ./gcompris.exe APPENDIX: MY .profile ===================== # Life with MinGW export CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -mwindows -mno-cygwin -mms-bitfields" export CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS -I/c/mingw/include -DWINDOWS -DWIN32" export PATH="$PATH:/c/mingw/bin" # GTK export GTK_HOME="/opt/gtk" export CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS -I$GTK_HOME/include" export PATH="$GTK_HOME/bin:$GTK_HOME/lib:$PATH" export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$GTK_HOME/lib/pkgconfig:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH" export ACLOCAL_FLAGS="$ACLOCAL_FLAGS -I $GTK_HOME/share/aclocal" export LIBICONV="$GTK_HOME/lib/iconv.dll" # LIBXML2 export LIBXML2_HOME="/opt/libxml2" export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$LIBXML2_HOME/lib/pkgconfig:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH" echo "Loaded .profile..."