
Help document the world of free software! Contribute to manuals about your favorite free software here. Click on a manual below to view chapters and start writing. editing, or cleaning up the images and layout.

If you would like to try editing pages to learn the tools without doing so on a 'real' manual you can use the Testing trial manual.

When writing the material there are a few things to remember:
* only use one Heading One (h1) for the chapter, at the top of the page
* bold technical terms when first used
* explain every step, and include clear screen shots for every step
* explain all jargon 'inline'
* make no references to chapters before or after

More information about using FLOSS Manuals (including editing tips) can be found here:

If you would like to create a new manual about a free software please write to

Free software Manuals
Manuals about free softwares

Alchemy, Anaphraseus, Audacity, Avidemux, Azureus, Blender, DarwinStreamingServer, DVDAuthorGUI, Etoys, FFMPEG, FFmpeg2Theora, Firefox, Gimp, GTranscode, Handbrake, Icecast, Inkscape, Inkscape_Basic, Jubler, Kino, Linphone, Linux, M3W, Miro, MPlayer, MuSE, NewsReader, NodeKit, NvU, OpenMovieEditor, OpenOffice, OSXX11, OurMedia, PureData, Scribus, Songbird, TheoraCookbook, Tubix, Ubuntu, VLC, WordPress, XChat

Doing things with Free Software Series
Manuals about doing something -- with free software

Podcasting, Book Sprints,

Free Culture Services
These are manuals about free culture services that use or support free software and formats.

FLOSSManuals, BlipTV,, Wikimedia Commons

Manual about the Sugar OS and the XO laptop created by the One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) project

Operating System and Hardware
XO*, Sugar*
Activity Tutorials
Acoustic Tape Measure, Analyze, Browse*, Calculate, Chat*, Log Viewer, Measure, Memorize, Paint, Pippy, Record*, TamTamEdit, TamTamJam, TamTamMini, TamTamSynthLab, Terminal*, TurtleArt, Write*

'Glossary' is a collection of short explanations of technological terms. They contain 'h2' titles so you can use them in a chapter or in a glossary at the end of the manual. Use an include syntax (see FLOSS Manuals manual) within a chapter. Please add more chapters to the Glossary!

Snippets are generally useful but not specific to any particular software. Snippets have 'h2' headings so you can nest them within chapters. You can use an include syntax (see FLOSS Manuals manual) within a chapter. Please add more chapters to Snippets!

What is?
'What is' chapters describe technological concepts. These are longer 'chapter length' explanations that start with a 'h1'. You can use an include syntax such as (see FLOSS Manuals manual) within a chapter. Please add more chapters to 'What is'!

What is

Author : WebHome
© thoeny 1999
adam hyde 2006, 2007, 2008
Anne Gentle 2008
Derek Holzer 2008
Mike Mannix 2001
Peter Thoeny 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003
TWikiContributor 2006

License : General Public License