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authorGonzalo Odiard <godiard@gmail.com>2013-01-28 13:17:40 (GMT)
committer Gonzalo Odiard <godiard@gmail.com>2013-04-23 13:35:16 (GMT)
commitd5c8199152031c2ae1d09c38a823d083e48b0791 (patch)
parent2dcce41911f60eb153d70d8d74b4bd60035e979b (diff)
Improve draw of loops and drums
Use cairo to draw to border around the loop, the drums path is modified to contain better the instrument images Signed-off-by: Gonzalo Odiard <gonzalo@laptop.org>
4 files changed, 63 insertions, 176 deletions
diff --git a/Jam/Block.py b/Jam/Block.py
index 97a95a2..d5f706b 100644
--- a/Jam/Block.py
+++ b/Jam/Block.py
@@ -793,118 +793,38 @@ class Loop(Block):
Block.button_release( self, event )
def _doDraw( self, startX, startY, stopX, stopY, ctx):
- y = max( startY, self.y )
- endY = min( stopY, self.endY )
- height = endY - y
+ x = max(startX, self.x)
+ y = max(startY, self.y)
+ loop = self.img[self.active]
+ width = loop.get_width()
+ height = loop.get_height()
- loop = self.img[ self.active ]
- # TODO: we have all this logic here again?
- # is not the same than in Picker.py line 330 ?
+ CairoUtil.draw_loop_mask(ctx, x, y, width, height)
+ ctx.set_line_width(3)
+ if self.active:
+ ctx.set_source_rgb(*CairoUtil.gdk_color_to_cairo(
+ self.owner.colors["Bg_Active"]))
+ else:
+ ctx.set_source_rgb(*CairoUtil.gdk_color_to_cairo(
+ self.owner.colors["Bg_Inactive"]))
+ ctx.fill_preserve()
if self.active:
+ ctx.stroke()
- #-- draw head -----------------------------------------
- if self.x + Loop.HEAD > startX:
- x = max( startX, self.x )
- endX = min( stopX, self.x + Loop.HEAD )
- width = endX - x
- ctx.save()
- # draw border
- # self.gc.set_clip_origin( self.x-Loop.MASK_START, self.y )
- ctx.rectangle(x, y, width, height)
- ctx.fill()
- # draw block
- #self.gc.set_clip_origin( self.x-Loop.MASK_START, self.y-self.height )
- ctx.translate(x, y)
- ctx.set_source_surface(loop)
- ctx.paint()
- ctx.restore()
- #-- draw beats ----------------------------------------
- beats = self.owner.noteDB.getPage(self.data["id"]).beats - 1 # last beat is drawn with the tail
- curx = self.x + Loop.HEAD
- while beats > 3:
- if curx >= stopX:
- break
- elif curx + Loop.BEAT_MUL3 > startX:
- x = max( startX, curx )
- endX = min( stopX, curx + Loop.BEAT_MUL3 )
- width = endX - x
- ctx.save()
- # draw border
- #self.gc.set_clip_origin( curx-Loop.MASK_BEAT, self.y )
- ctx.rectangle(x, y, width, height)
- ctx.fill()
- # draw block
- #self.gc.set_clip_origin( curx-Loop.MASK_BEAT, self.y-self.height )
- ctx.translate(x, y)
- ctx.set_source_surface(loop)
- ctx.paint()
- #pixmap.draw_drawable( self.gc, loop, x-self.x, y-self.y, x,
- # y, width, height )
- ctx.restore()
- curx += Loop.BEAT_MUL3
- beats -= 3
- if beats and curx < stopX:
- endX = curx + Loop.BEAT*beats
- if endX > startX:
- x = max( startX, curx )
- endX = min( stopX, endX )
- width = endX - x
- ctx.save()
- # draw border
- #self.gc.set_clip_origin( curx-Loop.MASK_BEAT, self.y )
- ctx.rectangle(x, y, width, height)
- ctx.fill()
- # draw block
- #self.gc.set_clip_origin( curx-Loop.MASK_BEAT, self.y-self.height )
- ctx.translate(x, y)
- ctx.set_source_surface(loop)
- ctx.paint()
- ctx.restore()
- curx += Loop.BEAT*beats
- #-- draw tail -----------------------------------------
- if curx < stopX:
- x = max( startX, curx )
- endX = min( stopX, self.endX )
- width = endX - x
- ctx.save()
- # draw border
- #self.gc.set_clip_origin( curx-Loop.MASK_TAIL, self.y )
- ctx.rectangle(x, y, width, height)
- ctx.fill()
- # draw block
- #self.gc.set_clip_origin( curx-Loop.MASK_TAIL, self.y-self.height )
- ctx.translate(x, y)
- ctx.set_source_surface(loop)
- ctx.paint()
- ctx.restore()
- #-- draw key ------------------------------------------
- if self.keyActive:
- #self.gc.set_clip_origin( self.x+Loop.KEYRECT[0]-
- # Block.KEYMASK_START, self.y+Loop.KEYRECT[1] )
- ctx.save()
- ctx.translate(self.x + Loop.KEYRECT[0], self.y + Loop.KEYRECT[1])
- ctx.set_source_surface(self.keyImage[ self.active ])
- ctx.paint()
- ctx.restore()
+ ctx.save()
+ # draw block
+ ctx.translate(x, y)
+ ctx.set_source_surface(loop)
+ ctx.paint()
def drawHighlight( self, startX, startY, stopX, stopY, pixmap ):
diff --git a/Jam/JamMain.py b/Jam/JamMain.py
index ec295cb..1246710 100644
--- a/Jam/JamMain.py
+++ b/Jam/JamMain.py
@@ -1071,11 +1071,12 @@ class JamMain(Gtk.EventBox):
height = Block.Loop.HEIGHT
surface = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, width, height)
ctx = cairo.Context(surface)
+ """
ctx.rectangle(0, 0, width, height)
+ """
self._drawNotes(ctx, page.beats, self.noteDB.getNotesByTrack(id, 0),
self.loopImage[id] = surface
diff --git a/Jam/Picker.py b/Jam/Picker.py
index 3d1288e..3b208da 100644
--- a/Jam/Picker.py
+++ b/Jam/Picker.py
@@ -330,7 +330,7 @@ class Loop( Picker ):
self.owner.updateLoopImage( data["id"] )
loop = self.owner.getLoopImage( data["id"] )
- page = self.owner.noteDB.getPage( id )
+ page = self.owner.noteDB.getPage(id)
width = Block.Loop.WIDTH[page.beats]
height = Block.Loop.HEIGHT
@@ -339,80 +339,22 @@ class Loop( Picker ):
ctx = cairo.Context(surface)
# draw bg
+ ctx.save()
+ ctx.set_line_width(3)
- self.colors["Picker_Bg"]))
- ctx.rectangle(0, 0, width, height)
- ctx.fill()
+ self.colors["Bg_Inactive"]))
+ CairoUtil.draw_loop_mask(ctx, 0, 0, width, height)
+ ctx.fill_preserve()
- #self.gc.set_clip_mask( self.blockMask )
- #-- draw head -----------------------------------------
- # draw border
- #self.gc.set_clip_origin( -Block.Loop.MASK_START, 0 )
- ctx.rectangle(0, 0, Block.Loop.HEAD, height)
- ctx.fill()
+ ctx.stroke()
+ ctx.restore()
# draw block
- #self.gc.set_clip_origin( -Block.Loop.MASK_START, -height )
- #-- draw beats ----------------------------------------
- beats = page.beats - 1 # last beat is drawn with the tail
- curx = Block.Loop.HEAD
- while beats > 3:
- # draw border
- #self.gc.set_clip_origin( curx-Block.Loop.MASK_BEAT, 0 )
- ctx.rectangle(curx, 0, Block.Loop.BEAT_MUL3, height)
- ctx.fill()
- # draw block
- #self.gc.set_clip_origin( curx-Block.Loop.MASK_BEAT, -height )
- ctx.save()
- ctx.translate(curx, 0)
- ctx.set_source_surface(loop)
- ctx.paint()
- ctx.restore()
- curx += Block.Loop.BEAT_MUL3
- beats -= 3
- if beats:
- w = Block.Loop.BEAT*beats
- # draw border
- #self.gc.set_clip_origin( curx-Block.Loop.MASK_BEAT, 0 )
- ctx.rectangle(curx, 0, w, height)
- ctx.fill()
- # draw block
- #self.gc.set_clip_origin( curx-Block.Loop.MASK_BEAT, -height )
- ctx.set_source_surface(loop)
- ctx.save()
- ctx.translate(curx, 0)
- ctx.set_source_surface(loop)
- ctx.paint()
- #pixmap.draw_drawable( self.gc, loop, curx, 0, curx, 0, w, height )
- ctx.restore()
- curx += w
- #-- draw tail -----------------------------------------
- # draw border
- """
- self.gc.set_clip_origin( curx-Block.Loop.MASK_TAIL, 0 )
- pixmap.draw_rectangle( self.gc, True, curx, 0, Block.Loop.TAIL, height )
- # draw block
- self.gc.set_clip_origin( curx-Block.Loop.MASK_TAIL, -height )
- pixmap.draw_drawable( self.gc, loop, curx, 0, curx, 0, Block.Loop.TAIL, height )
- """
# may be there are a better way to put the content of the surface in
# a GtkImage
pixbuf_data = StringIO.StringIO()
diff --git a/common/Util/CairoUtil.py b/common/Util/CairoUtil.py
index 7918210..57a05ce 100644
--- a/common/Util/CairoUtil.py
+++ b/common/Util/CairoUtil.py
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ def get_gdk_color(str_color):
result, color = Gdk.Color.parse(str_color)
return color
-def draw_round_rect(ctx, x, y, width, height, radio=10):
+def draw_round_rect(ctx, x, y, width, height, radio=20):
# Move to A
ctx.move_to(x + radio, y)
# Straight line to B
@@ -30,15 +30,39 @@ def draw_round_rect(ctx, x, y, width, height, radio=10):
ctx.curve_to(x, y, x, y, x + radio, y)
def draw_drum_mask(ctx, x, y, size):
- side = size / 3
+ side = size / 4
ctx.move_to(x + side, y)
- ctx.line_to(x + side * 2, y)
+ ctx.line_to(x + size - side, y)
ctx.line_to(x + size, y + side)
- ctx.line_to(x + size, y + side * 2)
- ctx.line_to(x + side * 2, y + size)
+ ctx.line_to(x + size, y + size - side)
+ ctx.line_to(x + size - side, y + size)
ctx.line_to(x + side, y + size)
- ctx.line_to(x, y + side * 2)
+ ctx.line_to(x, y + size - side)
ctx.line_to(x, y + side)
ctx.line_to(x + side, y)
+def draw_loop_mask(ctx, x, y, width, height, radio=20):
+ # Move to A
+ ctx.move_to(x, y)
+ # Straight line to B
+ ctx.line_to(x + width - radio, y)
+ # Curve to C, Control points are both at Q
+ ctx.curve_to(x + width, y, x + width, y, x + width, y + radio)
+ # Move to D
+ ctx.line_to(x + width, y + height - radio)
+ # Curve to E
+ ctx.curve_to(x + width, y + height, x + width, y + height,
+ x + width - radio, y + height)
+ # Line to F
+ ctx.line_to(x, y + height)
+ radio = radio / 3
+ # Curve to G
+ ctx.curve_to(x - radio, y + height,
+ x + radio, y + height,
+ x + radio, y + height - radio)
+ # Line to H
+ ctx.line_to(x + radio, y + radio)
+ # Curve to A
+ ctx.curve_to(x + radio, y, x, y, x - radio, y)