""" This module manages drawing of overlayed widgets. The class responsible for drawing management (Overlayer) and basic overlayable widgets are defined here. """ # Copyright (C) 2009, Tutorius.org # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA import pygtk pygtk.require('2.0') import gobject import gtk import cairo import pangocairo from math import pi from sugar import profile # for easy profile access from cairo color = profile.get_color().get_stroke_color() xo_line_color = (int(color[1:3], 16)/255.0, int(color[3:5], 16)/255.0, int(color[5:7], 16)/255.0) color = profile.get_color().get_fill_color() xo_fill_color = (int(color[1:3], 16)/255.0, int(color[3:5], 16)/255.0, int(color[5:7], 16)/255.0) del color # This is the CanvasDrawable protocol. Any widget wishing to be drawn on the # overlay must implement it. See TextBubble for a sample implementation. #class CanvasDrawable(object): # """Defines the CanvasDrawable protocol""" # no_expose = None # def draw_with_context(self, context): # """ # Draws the cairo widget with the passed cairo context. # This will be called if the widget is child of an overlayer. # """ # pass class Overlayer(gtk.Layout): """ This guy manages drawing of overlayed widgets. Those can be standard GTK widgets or special "cairoDrawable" widgets which support the defined interface (see the put method). @param overlayed widget to be overlayed. Will be resized to full size. """ _instance = None def __new__(klass, *args): """ As the overlay runs in a separate window, bound to the activity's main window, it doesn't make sense to have multiple instances. For this reason, __new__ will enforce the singleton pattern and return the same instance. @param klass: the type to instanciate @returns: the instance of Overlayer for this process. """ return Overlayer._instance or gtk.Layout.__new__(klass) def __init__(self, overlayed=None): if Overlayer._instance: return Overlayer._instance = self super(Overlayer, self).__init__() _set_wm_compositing(True) self._overlayed = overlayed self._win = gtk.Window(gtk.WINDOW_POPUP) self._win.set_property('skip-taskbar-hint', True) self._win.set_property('skip-pager-hint', True) self._win.set_accept_focus(False) self._win.set_decorated(False) self._win.set_type_hint(gtk.gdk.WINDOW_TYPE_HINT_NOTIFICATION) self._win.set_keep_above(True) self._win.set_app_paintable(True) self._win.connect("screen-changed", self.__init_realized) self._win.connect("expose-event", self.__expose_overlay) self.__visible = True gobject.timeout_add_seconds(5, self.__keep_visible) # ensure colormap is set before realization, so the window gets # realized with transparency enabled. self.__init_realized(self._win) self._win.show_all() self.__render_handle = None def __keep_visible(self, *args): """ This is a hack to ensure the overlay window is always visible. Ideally, it would be bound to the window, manager raising itself with its parent window. Right now, it still is in the same process as the activity, with the side-effect of disappearing along with any popup that pops down, including menus and tooltips. set self.__visible to false to stop this behaviour. """ # TODO: use Activity WM tracking to ensure overlayers don't "fight" # for the focus. We should also evaluate the benefit of completely # extracting the overlayer from the activities and putting it as part of # the tutorius service # standalone service. if self.__visible: self._win.present() gobject.timeout_add_seconds(5, self.__keep_visible) def put(self, child, x, y, draggable=False, position_cb=None): """ Adds a child widget to be overlayed. This can be, overlay widgets or normal GTK widgets (though normal widgets will alwas appear under cairo widgets due to the rendering chain). @param child the child to add @param x the horizontal coordinate for positionning @param y the vertical coordinate for positionning @param draggable: whether or not this widget's should have the mouse-drag functionality enabled. @param position_cb: a callback for obtaining position changes if draggable was activated. Callbacks signature should be cb(x, y). @returns: a handle, used when calling Overlayer.remove(handle) """ if hasattr(child, "draw_with_context"): # if the widget has the CanvasDrawable protocol, use it. child.no_expose = True wrapper = DragWrapper(child, draggable, position_cb) super(Overlayer, self).put(wrapper.container, x, y) self.show_all() # be sure to redraw or the overlay may not show self.queue_draw() return wrapper def remove(self, handle): """ Remove the widget with handle from the overlay. @param handle: the handle of the widget, as returned by put() """ super(Overlayer, self).remove(handle.container) def __init_realized(self, widget): """ Initializer to set once widget is realized. Since an expose event is signaled only to realized widgets, we set this callback for the first expose run. It should also be called after beign reparented to ensure the window used for drawing is set up. """ screen = widget.get_screen() colormap = screen.get_rgba_colormap() if not colormap: colormap = screen.get_rgb_colormap() widget.set_colormap(colormap) self._win.set_size_request(screen.get_width(), screen.get_height()) return True def __expose_overlay(self, widget, event): """expose event handler to draw the thing.""" screen = widget.get_screen() colormap = screen.get_rgba_colormap() widget.set_colormap(colormap) width, height = widget.get_size() ctx = widget.window.cairo_create() # clear the window ctx.set_source_rgba(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0) ctx.set_operator(cairo.OPERATOR_SOURCE) ctx.paint() ctx.set_source_rgba(1.0, 0.2, 0.2, 0.7) ctx.rectangle(10.0, 10.0, 200.0, 150.0) ctx.fill() ctx.move_to(20,20) ctx.set_source_rgba(0.0, 0.2, 0.2, 0.7) layout = ctx.create_layout() layout.set_markup(self._overlayed.get_title()) ctx.show_layout(layout) ##draw no more than our expose event intersects our child #region = gtk.gdk.region_rectangle(child.allocation) #rect = gtk.gdk.region_rectangle(event.area) #region.intersect(rect) #ctx.region (region) #ctx.clip() ctx.set_operator(cairo.OPERATOR_OVER) #draw overlay for child in self.get_children(): drawn_child = child.get_children()[0] if hasattr(drawn_child, "draw_with_context"): drawn_child.draw_with_context(ctx) # let events pass through mask = gtk.gdk.Pixmap(None, width, height, 1) mask_ctx = mask.cairo_create() mask_ctx.set_operator(cairo.OPERATOR_CLEAR) mask_ctx.paint() self._win.input_shape_combine_mask(mask, 0, 0) return False class TextBubble(gtk.Widget): """ A CanvasDrawableWidget drawing a round textbox and a tail pointing to a specified widget. """ def __init__(self, text, speaker=None, tailpos=(0,0)): """ Creates a new cairo rendered text bubble. @param text the text to render in the bubble @param speaker the widget to compute the tail position from @param tailpos (optional) position relative to the bubble to use as the tail position, if no speaker """ gtk.Widget.__init__(self) # FIXME: ensure previous call does not interfere with widget stacking, # as using a gtk.Layout and stacking widgets may reveal a screwed up # order with the cairo widget on top. self.__label = None self.label = text self.speaker = speaker self.tailpos = tailpos self.line_width = 5 self.padding = 20 self._no_expose = False self.__exposer = None self._text_layout = None def draw_with_context(self, context): """ Draw using the passed cairo context instead of creating a new cairo context. This eases blending between multiple cairo-rendered widgets. """ context.translate(self.allocation.x, self.allocation.y) width = self.allocation.width height = self.allocation.height xradius = width/2 yradius = height/2 width -= self.line_width height -= self.line_width # # TODO fetch speaker coordinates # draw bubble tail if present if self.tailpos != (0,0): context.move_to(xradius-width/4, yradius) context.line_to(self.tailpos[0], self.tailpos[1]) context.line_to(xradius+width/4, yradius) context.set_line_width(self.line_width) context.set_source_rgb(*xo_line_color) context.stroke_preserve() # bubble border context.move_to(width-self.padding, 0.0) context.line_to(self.padding, 0.0) context.arc_negative(self.padding, self.padding, self.padding, 3*pi/2, pi) context.line_to(0.0, height-self.padding) context.arc_negative(self.padding, height-self.padding, self.padding, pi, pi/2) context.line_to(width-self.padding, height) context.arc_negative(width-self.padding, height-self.padding, self.padding, pi/2, 0) context.line_to(width, self.padding) context.arc_negative(width-self.padding, self.padding, self.padding, 0.0, -pi/2) context.set_line_width(self.line_width) context.set_source_rgb(*xo_line_color) context.stroke_preserve() context.set_source_rgb(*xo_fill_color) context.fill() # bubble painting. Redrawing the inside after the tail will combine if self.tailpos != (0,0): context.move_to(xradius-width/4, yradius) context.line_to(self.tailpos[0], self.tailpos[1]) context.line_to(xradius+width/4, yradius) context.set_line_width(self.line_width) context.set_source_rgb(*xo_fill_color) context.fill() context.set_source_rgb(1.0, 1.0, 1.0) pangoctx = pangocairo.CairoContext(context) self._text_layout.set_markup(self.__label) text_size = self._text_layout.get_pixel_size() pangoctx.move_to( int((self.allocation.width-text_size[0])/2), int((self.allocation.height-text_size[1])/2)) pangoctx.show_layout(self._text_layout) # work done. Be kind to next cairo widgets and reset matrix. context.identity_matrix() def do_realize(self): """ Setup gdk window creation. """ self.set_flags(gtk.REALIZED | gtk.NO_WINDOW) self.window = self.get_parent_window() if not self._no_expose: self.__exposer = self.connect_after("expose-event", \ self.__on_expose) def __on_expose(self, widget, event): """Redraw event callback.""" ctx = self.window.cairo_create() self.draw_with_context(ctx) return True def _set_label(self, value): """Sets the label and flags the widget to be redrawn.""" self.__label = "%s"%value if not self.parent: return ctx = self.parent.window.cairo_create() pangoctx = pangocairo.CairoContext(ctx) self._text_layout = pangoctx.create_layout() self._text_layout.set_markup(value) del pangoctx, ctx#, surf def do_size_request(self, requisition): """Fill requisition with size occupied by the widget.""" ctx = self.parent.window.cairo_create() pangoctx = pangocairo.CairoContext(ctx) self._text_layout = pangoctx.create_layout() self._text_layout.set_markup(self.__label) width, height = self._text_layout.get_pixel_size() requisition.width = int(width+2*self.padding) requisition.height = int(height+2*self.padding) def do_size_allocate(self, allocation): """Save zone allocated to the widget.""" self.allocation = allocation def _get_label(self): """Getter method for the label property""" return self.__label[3:-4] def _set_no_expose(self, value): """setter for no_expose property""" self._no_expose = value if not (self.flags() and gtk.REALIZED): return if self.__exposer and value: self.parent.disconnect(self.__exposer) self.__exposer = None elif (not self.__exposer) and (not value): self.__exposer = self.parent.connect_after("expose-event", self.__on_expose) def _get_no_expose(self): """getter for no_expose property""" return self._no_expose no_expose = property(fset=_set_no_expose, fget=_get_no_expose, doc="Whether the widget should handle exposition events or not.") label = property(fget=_get_label, fset=_set_label, doc="Text label which is to be painted on the top of the widget") gobject.type_register(TextBubble) class Rectangle(gtk.Widget): """ A CanvasDrawableWidget drawing a rectangle over a specified widget. """ def __init__(self, widget, color): """ Creates a new Rectangle @param widget the widget to cover @param color the color of the rectangle, as a 4-tuple RGBA """ gtk.Widget.__init__(self) self.covered = widget self.color = color self.__exposer = self.connect("expose-event", self.__on_expose) def draw_with_context(self, context): """ Draw using the passed cairo context instead of creating a new cairo context. This eases blending between multiple cairo-rendered widgets. """ if self.covered is None: # nothing to hide, no coordinates, no drawing return mask_alloc = self.covered.get_allocation() x, y = self.covered.translate_coordinates(self.parent, 0, 0) context.rectangle(x, y, mask_alloc.width, mask_alloc.height) context.set_source_rgba(*self.color) context.fill() def do_realize(self): """ Setup gdk window creation. """ self.set_flags(gtk.REALIZED | gtk.NO_WINDOW) self.window = self.get_parent_window() if not isinstance(self.parent, Overlayer): assert False, "%s should not realize" % type(self).__name__ print "Danger, Will Robinson! Rectangle parent is not Overlayer" def __on_expose(self, widget, event): """Redraw event callback.""" assert False, "%s wasn't meant to be exposed by gtk" % \ type(self).__name__ ctx = self.window.cairo_create() self.draw_with_context(ctx) return True def do_size_request(self, requisition): """Fill requisition with size occupied by the masked widget.""" # This is a bit pointless, as this will always ignore allocation and # be rendered directly on overlay, but for sanity, let's put some values # in there. if not self.covered: requisition.width = 0 requisition.height = 0 return masked_alloc = self.covered.get_allocation() requisition.width = masked_alloc.width requisition.height = masked_alloc.height def do_size_allocate(self, allocation): """Save zone allocated to the widget.""" self.allocation = allocation def _set_no_expose(self, value): """setter for no_expose property""" if self.__exposer and value: self.disconnect(self.__exposer) self.__exposer = None elif (not self.__exposer) and (not value): self.__exposer = self.connect("expose-event", self.__on_expose) def _get_no_expose(self): """getter for no_expose property""" return not self.__exposer no_expose = property(fset=_set_no_expose, fget=_get_no_expose, doc="Whether the widget should handle exposition events or not.") gobject.type_register(Rectangle) class Mask(gtk.EventBox): """ A CanvasDrawableWidget drawing a rectangle over a specified widget. """ def __init__(self, catch_events=False, pass_thru=()): """ Creates a new Rectangle @param catch_events whether the Mask should catch events @param pass_thru the widgets that "punch holes" through this Mask. Events will pass through to those widgets. """ gtk.EventBox.__init__(self) self.no_expose = True # ignored self._catch_events = False self.catch_events = catch_events self.pass_thru = list(pass_thru) def __del__(self): for widget in self.pass_thru: widget.drag_unhighlight() def mask(self, widget): """ Remove the widget from the unmasked list. @param widget a widget to remask """ assert widget in self.pass_thru, \ "trying to mask already masked widget" self.pass_thru.remove(widget) widget.drag_unhighlight() def unmask(self, widget): """ Add to the unmasked list the widget passed. A hole will be punched through the mask at that widget's position. @param widget a widget to unmask """ if widget not in self.pass_thru: widget.drag_highlight() self.pass_thru.append(widget) def set_catch_events(self, do_catch): """Sets whether the mask catches events of widgets under it""" if bool(self._catch_events) ^ bool(do_catch): if do_catch: self._catch_events = True self.grab_add() else: self.grab_remove() self._catch_events = False def get_catch_events(self): """Gets whether the mask catches events of widgets under it""" return bool(self._catch_handle) catch_events = property(fset=set_catch_events, fget=get_catch_events) def draw_with_context(self, context): """ Draw using the passed cairo context instead of creating a new cairo context. This eases blending between multiple cairo-rendered widgets. """ # Fill parent container mask_alloc = self.parent.get_allocation() oldrule = context.get_fill_rule() context.set_fill_rule(cairo.FILL_RULE_EVEN_ODD) x, y = self.translate_coordinates(self.parent, 0, 0) context.rectangle(x, y, mask_alloc.width, mask_alloc.height) for hole in self.pass_thru: alloc = hole.get_allocation() x, y = hole.translate_coordinates(self.parent, 0, 0) context.rectangle(x, y, alloc.width, alloc.height) context.set_source_rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7) context.fill() context.set_fill_rule(oldrule) def do_size_request(self, requisition): """Fill requisition with size occupied by the masked widget.""" # This is required for the event box to span across all the parent. alloc = self.parent.get_allocation() requisition.width = alloc.width requisition.height = alloc.height def do_size_allocate(self, allocation): """Save zone allocated to the widget.""" self.allocation = allocation gobject.type_register(Mask) class DragWrapper(object): """Wrapper to allow gtk widgets to be dragged around""" def __init__(self, widget, draggable=False, callback=None): """ Creates a wrapper to allow gtk widgets to be mouse dragged, if the parent container supports the move() method, like a gtk.Layout. Note: initial position attribute is none, until the widget is moved. @param widget the widget to enhance with drag capability @param draggable wether to enable the drag functionality now @param callback: a callback for obtaining position changes if draggable was activated. Callbacks signature should be cb(x, y). """ self._widget = widget self.container = gtk.EventBox() self.container.show() self.container.set_visible_window(False) self.container.add(widget) self._drag_on = False # whether dragging is enabled self._rel_pos = (0,0) # mouse pos relative to widget self._handles = [] # event handlers self._dragging = False # whether a drag is in progress self.position = None # position of the widget self._callback = callback self.draggable = draggable def _pressed_cb(self, widget, evt): """Callback for start of drag event""" self.container.grab_add() self._dragging = True self._rel_pos = evt.get_coords() def _moved_cb(self, widget, evt): """Callback for mouse drag events""" if not self._dragging: return # Focus on a widget before dragging another would # create addititonal move event, making the widget jump unexpectedly. # Solution found was to process those focus events before dragging. if gtk.events_pending(): return xrel, yrel = self._rel_pos xparent, yparent = evt.get_coords() xparent, yparent = widget.translate_coordinates(widget.parent, xparent, yparent) self.position = (xparent-xrel, yparent-yrel) self._widget.parent.move(self.container, *self.position) self._widget.parent.queue_draw() def _released_cb(self, *args): """Callback for end of drag (mouse release).""" self.container.grab_remove() self._dragging = False if self._callback: callback(*self.position) def _drag_end(self, *args): """Callback for end of drag (stolen focus).""" self._dragging = False def set_draggable(self, value): """Setter for the draggable property""" if bool(value) ^ bool(self._drag_on): if value: size = self._widget.size_request() self.container.set_size_request(*size) self._handles.append(self.container.connect( "button-press-event", self._pressed_cb)) self._handles.append(self.container.connect( "button-release-event", self._released_cb)) self._handles.append(self.container.connect( "motion-notify-event", self._moved_cb)) self._handles.append(self.container.connect( "grab-broken-event", self._drag_end)) else: while self._handles: handle = self._handles.pop() self.container.disconnect(handle) self._drag_on = value def get_draggable(self): """Getter for the draggable property""" return self._drag_on draggable = property(fset=set_draggable, fget=get_draggable, \ doc="Property to enable the draggable behaviour of the widget") def set_widget(self, widget): """Setter for the widget property""" if self._dragging or self._drag_on: raise Exception("Can't change widget while dragging is enabled.") assert hasattr(widget, "parent"), "wrapped widget should have a parent" parent = widget.parent assert hasattr(parent, "move"), "container of widget need move method" self._widget = widget def get_widget(self): """Getter for the widget property""" return self._widget widget = property(fset=set_widget, fget=get_widget) GCONF_COMPOSITING_KEY = '/apps/metacity/general/compositing_manager' def _set_wm_compositing(compositing): """ Utility method to reset metacity's compostiting. Compositing allows windows to blend together and avoids flickers when widgets redraw (like the frame animation). @type compositing: bool @param compositing: Whether to enable metacity compositing feature. @returns: the new value for compositing """ import gconf client = gconf.client_get_default() if not client.get_bool(GCONF_COMPOSITING_KEY): client.set_bool(GCONF_COMPOSITING_KEY, compositing) return client.get_bool(GCONF_COMPOSITING_KEY) # vim:set ts=4 sts=4 sw=4 et: